Sanban Puren Pai

Sanban puren pai (三班仆人派 Three Grades of Servant Church) is a Christian doomsday sect in China. The group was founded in Henan by Xu Wenku (徐文库 also known as Xu Shuangfu 徐双富, 1946-2006) who claimed to be the "Great Servant" 大仆人 in the 1990s.[1][2][3]

Chinese official sources credited the movement in 2000 with at least half a million members. The name “Three Grades or Servants” came from Xu’s teaching that God operates in history through triumvirates: rulers of fifties, of hundreds and of thousands in the Old Testament, teachers, prophets and apostles in the New Testament, and evangelists, handmaids, and servants today.

В 2006 году Китайская антикультовая ассоциация (中国反邪教协会) осудила три класса слуг в фильме под названием警惕冒用宗教名义的非法组织(«Остерегайтесь незаконных организаций, использующих название религии»). [4]