Waveney Bushell

Waveney Bushell (born 1928) is a Guyanese-born teacher, activist and "arguably the first Black educational psychologist in the UK".[1] She is most notable for her role in exposing racism and inequality in the British educational system.

Waveney Bushell was born in 1928 in Buxton, Demerara, British Guiana. Her mother died when she was six and she was brought up by her aunt.[2]

Bushell trained as a teacher after leaving school.[2] In the 1950s, she travelled to Britain to teach, after applying for teaching work through the London County Council.[2]

While working as a teacher in London, Bushell trained and then qualified as an educational psychologist,[3] earning a psychology degree from Bedford College, London, before earning a postgraduate qualification in educational psychology from the Child Guidance Training Centre (the sister school to the Tavistock Clinic).[4] Bushell was "the first black female psychologist to be admitted to the Child Guidance Training Centre" and graduated in 1965.[4] From 1965 to 1967, she worked as an educational psychologist for Surrey local education authority.[4] In 1967, she began work for the School Psychological Services in Croydon, where she stayed for the next twenty two years.[1]

As a psychologist in Croydon, Bushell found it odd that large numbers of Black children were being classified as "educationally subnormal" and then sent to Educationally Subnormal (ESN) schools.[5] Bushell argued that the IQ tests given - such as the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale tests - were not fair assessments as they were built upon European cultural specificities.[6] As such, the tests "were stacked against Black Caribbean children".[7]

Along with fellow campaigners such as Jessica Huntley and John La Rose, Bushell was a founding member of the Caribbean Education and Community Workers Association (CECWA).[3] Bushell was also the first Chair of CECWA.[8]