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Корона Королевства Польского ( польский : Korona Królestwa Polskiego , Latin : Corona Regni Poloniae ), известная также как польская корона , является общим названием для исторического позднего средневековья территориальных владений короля Польши , в том числе Королевства Собственно Польша . Польская корона была у руля Речи Посполитой с 1569 по 1795 год.

Основные политические события [ править ]

Знамя Королевства Польского до 15 века

Королевство Польское традиционно датируется ок. 966 год, когда Мешко I и его языческое славянское царство присоединились к христианской Европе ( Крещение Польши ), создав государство Польша, процесс, начатый его предками из династии Полан Пястов . Его старший сын и преемник , князь Болеслав I Хробрый , герцог Польши , стал первым коронованным королем Польши в 1025 году.

Союз Крево [ править ]

Кревский союз ( польский : unia w Krewie ; литовский : Krėvos sutartis ) представлял собой набор брачных соглашений, заключенных в Кревском замке 13 августа 1385 года. После того, как Йогайла подтвердил брачные соглашения 14 августа 1385 года, Польша и Литва сформировали личный союз . Соглашения включали принятие христианства, репатриацию земель, «украденных» у Польши ее соседями, и terras suas Lithuaniae et Russiae Coronae Regni Poloniae perpetuo Applicare , пункт, который сформировал личную унию. После крещения в Вавельском соборе в Кракове15 февраля 1386 г. Ягайла официально стала использовать имя Владислав. Через три дня после его крещения состоялась свадьба Ядвиги и Владислава II Ягелло.

Люблинская уния [ править ]

Люблинская уния ( польский : unia lubelska ; литовский : Liublino unija ) создала единое государство Речи Посполитой 1 июля 1569 года с реальным союзом между Короной и Великим княжеством Литовским . До этого Корона Польского Королевства и Великого княжества Литовского состояла только в личном союзе . Люблинская уния также сделала корону выборной монархией; это положило конец династии Ягеллонов, когда 16 мая 1573 года Генрих де Валуа был избран монархом.

30 мая 1574 года, через два месяца после того, как 22 февраля 1574 года Генрих де Валуа был коронован королем Польши и великим князем Литовским, он стал королем Франции , а 13 февраля 1575 года - королем Франции. трон короны 12 мая 1575 года, через два месяца после того, как он был коронован королем Франции. После него была избрана Анна Ягеллон .

Конституция 1791 г. [ править ]

Первая страница оригинальной Конституции

Конституция 3 мая 1791 является второй по старшинству, кодифицированы национальная конституция в истории, и самая старая кодифицированы национальная конституция в Европе; самая старая из них - Конституция Соединенных Штатов . Он назывался Правительственным актом ( Ustawa Rządowa ). Его разработка началась 6 октября 1788 года и длилась 32 месяца. Станислав II Август был основным автором Конституции, и он хотел, чтобы корона была конституционной монархией, подобной той, что была в Великобритании. 3 мая 1791 года собрался Большой сейм , который прочитал и принял новую конституцию. Он предоставил права буржуазии, разделил правительство на три ветви, отменил liberum veto., и прекратил злоупотребления Репнинского сейма .

Это сделало Польшу конституционной монархией с королем в качестве главы исполнительной власти со своим кабинетом министров , называемым Хранителями законов . Законодательная власть была двухпалатной с избираемым Сеймом и назначенным Сенатом ; Королю было дано право разрывать связи в Сенате, а главой Сейма был Маршал Сейма . Краун суд , высший апелляционный суд в короне, был реформирован. Сейм избирал своих судей в Сеймский суд (парламентский суд Короны) из их заместителей ( пословье ).

Постановление правительства возмутило Екатерину II, которая считала, что Польше необходимо разрешение Российской империи для любых политических реформ; она утверждала, что Польша пала, молитесь радикальному якобинству, которое было заметно во Франции в то время. Россия вторглась в Содружество в 1792 году. [2] [3] Конституция действовала менее 19 месяцев; он был отменен Гродненским сеймом . [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Политика [ править ]

Корона Королевства Польского, 1635 г.
Административная карта высокого уровня Речи Посполитой и его вотчин 1619 г. (наложена на современную карту Центральной и Восточной Европы ).
  Владения польской короны
  Великое княжество Литовское .
  Герцогство Пруссия (полунезависимая польская вотчина ).
  Герцогство Курляндское и Земгальское , Литовское феодальное владение.
  Герцогство Ливония .

The creation of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland was a milestone in the evolution of Polish statehood and the European identity. It represented the concept of the Polish kingdom (nation) as distinctly separate from the person of the monarch.[12] The introduction of the concept marked the transformation of the Polish government from a patrimonial monarchy (a hereditary monarchy) to a "quasi-constitutional monarchy" (monarchia stanowa)[12] in which power resided in the nobility, the clergy and (to some extent) the working class, also referred to as an "elective monarchy".

Связанная с этим концепция, которая возникла вскоре после этого, была концепция Rzeczpospolita («Содружество»), которая была альтернативой Короне в качестве названия польского государства после Люблинского мирного договора в 1569 году. [12] Корона Королевства Польского была также связаны с другими символами Польши , такими как столица ( Краков ), польский герб и флаг Польши . [12]

География [ править ]

The concept of the Crown also had geographical aspects, particularly related to the indivisibility of the Polish Crown's territory.[12] It can be also seen as a unit of administrative division, the territories under direct administration of the Polish state from the Middle Ages to the late 18th century (currently part of Poland, Ukraine and some border counties of Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Slovakia, and Romania, among others). Parts formed part at the early Kingdom of Poland, then, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth until its final collapse in 1795.

At the same time, the Crown also referred to all lands that the Polish state (not the monarch) could claim to have the right to rule over, including those that were not within Polish borders.[12]

The term distinguishes those territories federated with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (     ) from various fiefdom territories (which enjoyed varying degrees of autonomy or semi-independence from the King), such as the Duchy of Prussia (     ) and the Duchy of Courland (     ).

Prior to the 1569 Union of Lublin, Crown territories may be understood as those of the Kingdom of Poland proper, inhabited by Poles, or other areas under the sovereignty of the Polish king (such as Royal Prussia) or the szlachta. With the Union of Lublin, however, most of the present-day Ukraine (which had a negligible Polish population and had until then been governed by the Lithuania), passed onto Polish administration, thus becoming Crown territory.

During that period, a term for a Pole from the Crown territory was koroniarz (plural: koroniarze) - or Crownlander(s) in English - derived from Korona - the Crown.

Depending on context, the Polish "Crown" may also refer to "The Crown", a term used to distinguish the personal influence and private assets of the Commonwealth's current monarch from government authority and property. It often meant a distinction between persons loyal to the elected king (royalists) and persons loyal to Polish magnates (confederates).


After the Union of Lublin (1569) Crown lands were divided into two provinces: Lesser Poland (Polish: Małopolska) and Greater Poland (Polish: Wielkopolska). These were further divided into administrative units known as voivodeships (the Polish names of the voivodships and towns are shown below in brackets).

Greater Poland Province[edit]

(in Polish) Voivodeships of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations
(in Polish and English) Map showing voivodeships of the Commonwealth of the Two Nations
  • Brześć Kujawski Voivodeship (województwo brzesko-kujawskie, Brześć Kujawski)
  • Gniezno Voivodeship (województwo gnieźnieńskie, Gniezno) from 1768
  • Inowrocław Voivodeship (województwo inowrocławskie, Inowrocław)
  • Kalisz Voivodeship (województwo kaliskie, Kalisz)
  • Łęczyca Voivodeship (województwo łęczyckie, Łęczyca)
  • Mazovian Voivodeship (województwo mazowieckie, of Mazowsze, Warsaw)
  • Poznań Voivodeship (województwo poznańskie, Poznań)
  • Płock Voivodeship (województwo płockie, Płock)
  • Podlaskie Voivodeship (województwo podlaskie, Drohiczyn)
  • Rawa Voivodeship (województwo rawskie, Rawa)
  • Sieradz Voivodeship (województwo sieradzkie, Sieradz)
  • Prince-Bishopric of Warmia

Lesser Poland Province[edit]

  • Bełz Voivodeship (województwo bełzkie, Bełz)
  • Bracław Voivodeship (województwo bracławskie, Bracław)
  • Czernihów Voivodeship (województwo czernihowskie, Czernihów)
  • Kijów Voivodeship (województwo kijowskie, Kijów)
  • Kraków Voivodeship (województwo krakowskie, Kraków)
  • Lublin Voivodeship (województwo lubelskie, Lublin)
  • Podole Voivodeship (województwo podolskie, Kamieniec Podolski)
  • Ruś Voivodeship (województwo ruskie, Lwów)
  • Sandomierz Voivodeship (województwo sandomierskie, Sandomierz)
  • Wołyń Voivodeship (województwo wołyńskie, Łuck)
  • Duchy of Siewierz (Siewierz)

Royal Prussia Province (1569–1772)[edit]

Royal Prussia (Polish: Prusy Królewskie) was a semi-autonomous province of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1569 to 1772. Royal Prussia included Pomerelia, Chełmno Land (Kulmerland), Malbork Voivodeship (Marienburg), Gdańsk (Danzig), Toruń (Thorn), and Elbląg (Elbing). Polish historian Henryk Wisner writes that Royal Prussia belonged to the Province of Greater Poland.[13]

Other holdings or fiefs[edit]

The Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1386–1434

Principality of Moldavia (1387-1497)[edit]

The history of Moldavia has long been intertwined with that of Poland. The Polish chronicler Jan Długosz mentioned Moldavians (under the name Wallachians) as having joined a military expedition in 1342, under King Władysław I, against the Margraviate of Brandenburg.[14] The Polish state was powerful enough to counter the Hungarian Kingdom which was consistently interested in bringing the area that would become Moldavia into its political orbit.

Ties between Poland and Moldavia expanded after the Polish annexation of Galicia in the aftermath of the Galicia–Volhynia Wars and the founding of the Moldavian state by Bogdan of Cuhea. Bogdan, a Vlach voivode from Maramureș who had fallen out with the Hungarian king, crossed the Carpathian mountains in 1359, took control of Moldavia, and succeeded in transforming it into an independent political entity. Despite being disfavored by the brief union of Angevin Poland and Hungary (the latter was still the country's overlord), Bogdan's successor Lațcu, the Moldavian ruler also likely allied himself with the Poles. Lațcu also accepted conversion to Roman Catholicism around 1370, but his gesture was to remain without lasting consequences.

Petru I profited from the end of the Hungarian-Polish union and moved the country closer to the Jagiellon realm, becoming a vassal of Władysław II on September 26, 1387. This gesture was to have unexpected consequences: Petru supplied the Polish ruler with funds needed in the war against the Teutonic Knights, and was granted control over Pokuttya until the debt was to be repaid; as this is not recorded to have been carried out, the region became disputed by the two states, until it was lost by Moldavia in the Battle of Obertyn (1531). Prince Petru also expanded his rule southwards to the Danube Delta. His brother Roman I conquered the Hungarian-ruled Cetatea Albă in 1392, giving Moldavia an outlet to the Black Sea, before being toppled from the throne for supporting Fyodor Koriatovych in his conflict with Vytautas the Great of Lithuania. Under Stephen I, growing Polish influence was challenged by Sigismund of Hungary, whose expedition was defeated at Ghindăoani in 1385; however, Stephen disappeared in mysterious circumstances.

Although Alexander I was brought to the throne in 1400 by the Hungarians (with assistance from Mircea I of Wallachia), this ruler shifted his allegiances towards Poland (notably engaging Moldavian forces on the Polish side in the Battle of Grunwald and the Siege of Marienburg), and placed his own choice of rulers in Wallachia. His reign was one of the most successful in Moldavia's history, but also saw the very first confrontation with the Ottoman Turks at Cetatea Albă in 1420, and later even a conflict with the Poles. A deep crisis was to follow Alexandru's long reign, with his successors battling each other in a succession of wars that divided the country until the murder of Bogdan II and the ascension of Peter III Aaron in 1451. Nevertheless, Moldavia was subject to further Hungarian interventions after that moment, as Matthias Corvinus deposed Aron and backed Alexăndrel to the throne in Suceava. Petru Aron's rule also signified the beginning of Moldavia's Ottoman Empire allegiance, as the ruler agreed to pay tribute to Sultan Mehmed II.

The principality of Moldavia covered the entire geographic region of Moldavia. In various periods, various other territories were politically connected with the Moldavian principality. This is the case of the province of Pokuttya, the fiefdoms of Cetatea de Baltă and Ciceu (both in Transylvania) or, at a later date, the territories between the Dniester and the Bug rivers.

Towns in Spisz (Szepes) County (1412–1795)[edit]

The Spiš (Zips) region. Light blue and green areas show the pawned territories, red line shows current borders, yellow former border between then Hungary and Poland and the black borders between counties

As one of the terms of the Treaty of Lubowla, the Hungarian crown exchanged, for a loan of sixty times the amount of 37,000 Prague groschen (approximately seven tonnes of pure silver), 16 rich salt-producing towns in the area of Spisz (Zips), as well as a right to incorporate them into Poland until the debt was repaid. The towns affected were: Biała, Lubica, Wierzbów, Spiska Sobota, Poprad, Straże, Spiskie Włochy, Nowa Wieś, Spiska Nowa Wieś, Ruszkinowce, Wielka, Spiskie Podgrodzie, Maciejowce, Twarożne.

Duchy of Siewierz (1443–1795)[edit]

Wenceslaus I sold the Duchy of Siewierz to the Archbishop of Kraków, Zbigniew Cardinal Oleśnicki, for 6,000 silver groats in 1443.[15] After that point it was considered to be associated with the Lesser Poland Province[16] and was the only ecclesiastical duchy in Lesser Poland. The junction of the duchy with the Lesser Poland Province was concluded in 1790 when the Great Sejm formally incorporated the Duchy, as part of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, into the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Prince-Bishopric of Warmia (1466–1772)[edit]

The Prince-Bishopric of Warmia[17] (Polish: Biskupie Księstwo Warmińskie,[18]) was a semi independent ecclesiastical state, ruled by the incumbent ordinary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Warmia, and a protectorate of Kingdom of Poland, later part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth after the Peace of Thorn (1466-1772)[19]

Lauenburg and Bütow Land[edit]

After the childless death of the last of the House of Pomerania, Bogislaw XIV in 1637, Lauenburg and Bütow Land again became a terra (land, ziemia) of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland. In 1641 it became part of the Pomeranian Voivodeship of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. After the 1657 Treaty of Bydgoszcz, which amended the Treaty of Wehlau, it was granted to the Hohenzollern dynasty of Brandenburg-Prussia in return for her help against Sweden in the Swedish-Polish War under the same favorable conditions the House of Pomerania had enjoyed before. Lauenburg and Bütow Land was officially a Polish fiefdom until the First Partition of Poland in 1772 when King Frederick II of Prussia incorporated the territory into Prussia and the subsequent Treaty of Warsaw in 1773[20] made the former conditions obsolete.

Duchy of Courland and Semigallia (Courland) (1562–1791)[edit]

The Duchy of Courland and Semigallia is a duchy in the Baltic region that existed from 1562 to 1791 as a vassal state of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and later the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1791 it gained full independence, but on 28 March 1795, it was annexed by the Russian Empire in the Third Partition of Poland. The duchy also had colonies in Tobago and Gambia

Duchy of Prussia (1569–1657)[edit]

The Duchy of Prussia was a duchy in the eastern part of Prussia from 1525 to 1701. In 1525 during the Protestant Reformation, the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, Albert of Hohenzollern, secularized the Prussian State of the Teutonic Order, becoming Albert, Duke in Prussia. His duchy, which had its capital in Königsberg (Kaliningrad), was established as a fief of the Crown of Poland, as had been Teutonic Prussia since the Second Peace of Thorn in October 1466. This treaty had ended the War of the Cities or Thirteen Years' War and provided for the Order's cession of its rights over the western half of its territories to the Polish crown, which became the province of Royal Prussia, while the remaining part of the Order's land became a fief of the Kingdom of Poland (1385–1569). In the 17th century King John II Casimir of Poland submitted Frederick William to regain Prussian suzerainty in return for supporting Poland against Sweden. On July 29, 1657, they signed the Treaty of Wehlau in Wehlau (Polish: Welawa; now Znamensk), whereby Frederick William renounced a previous Swedish-Prussian alliance and John Casimir recognised Frederick William's full sovereignty over the Duchy of Prussia.[21] Full sovereignty was a necessary prerequisite for upgrading the Duchy to Kingdom of Prussia in 1701.

Duchy of Livonia (Inflanty) (1569–1772)[edit]

The Duchy of Livonia[22] was a territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – and later a joint domain (Condominium) of the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.



In 1462, during the expansion of the Ottoman Empire and the Crimean Tatars, Caffa placed itself under the protection of King Casimir IV of Poland. The proposition of protection was accepted by the Polish king but when the real danger came, help for Caffa never arrived.[23]

See also[edit]

  • Administrative division of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen
  • Lands of the Crown of Saint Wenceslaus


  1. ^ "Gaude Mater Polonia Creation and History". Retrieved 14 November 2017.
  2. ^ Henry Smith Williams (1904). The Historians' History of the World: Poland, The Balkans, Turkey, Minor eastern states, China, Japan. Outlook Company. pp. 88–91. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
  3. ^ Jerzy Lukowski; W. H. Zawadzki (2001). A Concise History of Poland: Jerzy Lukowski and Hubert Zawadzki. Cambridge University Press. pp. 101–103. ISBN 978-0-521-55917-1. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
  4. ^ Bill Moyers (5 May 2009). Moyers on Democracy. Random House Digital, Inc. p. 68. ISBN 978-0-307-38773-8. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
  5. ^ Sandra Lapointe; Jan Wolenski; Mathieu Marion (2009). The Golden Age of Polish Philosophy: Kazimierz Twardowski's Philosophical Legacy. Springer. p. 4. ISBN 978-90-481-2400-8. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
  6. ^ Norman Davies (1996). Europe: A History. Oxford University Press. p. 699. ISBN 0-19-820171-0.
  7. ^ Dorothy Carrington (July 1973). "The Corsican constitution of Pasquale Paoli (1755–1769)". The English Historical Review. 88 (348): 481–503. doi:10.1093/ehr/lxxxviii.cccxlviii.481. JSTOR 564654.
  8. ^ Jacek Jędruch (1998). Constitutions, elections, and legislatures of Poland, 1493–1977: a guide to their history. EJJ Books. p. 175. ISBN 978-0-7818-0637-4. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
  9. ^ Jerzy Lukowski (3 August 2010). Disorderly liberty: the political culture of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in the eighteenth century. Continuum International Publishing Group. pp. 227–228. ISBN 978-1-4411-4812-4. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
  10. ^ Jacek Jędruch (1998). Constitutions, elections, and legislatures of Poland, 1493–1977: a guide to their history. EJJ Books. pp. 181–182. ISBN 978-0-7818-0637-4. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
  11. ^ Joseph Kasparek-Obst (1 June 1980). The constitutions of Poland and of the United States: kinships and genealogy. American Institute of Polish Culture. p. 51. ISBN 978-1-881284-09-3.
  12. ^ a b c d e f Juliusz Bardach, Boguslaw Lesnodorski, and Michal Pietrzak, Historia panstwa i prawa polskiego (Warsaw: Paristwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1987, p.85-86
  13. ^ Henryk Wisner, Rzeczpospolita Wazów. Czasy Zygmunta III i Władysława IV. Wydawnictwo Neriton, Instytut Historii PAN, Warszawa 2002, page 26
  14. ^ The Annals of Jan Długosz, p. 273
  15. ^ Davies, Norman (2005). God's Playground: A History of Poland. Columbia University Press. pp. 174. ISBN 978-0-231-12817-9.
  16. ^ Zygmunt Gloger Geografia historyczna ziem dawnej Polski "Właściwą Małopolskę stanowiły województwa: Krakowskie, Sandomierskie i Lubelskie, oraz kupione (w wieku XV) przez Zbigniewa Oleśnickiego, biskupa krakowskiego, u książąt śląskich księstwo Siewierskie"
  17. ^ Lubieniecki, Stanisław; George Huntston Williams (1995). History of the Polish Reformation. Fortress Press. ISBN 978-0-8006-7085-6.
  18. ^ Biskupie Księstwo Warmińskie @ Google books
  19. ^ Lukowski, Jerzy; Hubert Zawadzki (2006). A Concise History of Poland. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-85332-3.
  20. ^ Translation of a treaty between the King of Prussia and the King and Republic of Poland. In: The Scots Magazine, vol. XXXV, Edinburgh 1773, pp. 687–691.
  21. ^ Henryk Rutkowski, 'Rivalität der Magnaten und Bedrohung der Souveränität', in: Polen. Ein geschichtliches Panorama, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Interpress, 1983, pp. 81-91, here p. 83. ISBN 83-223-1984-3
  22. ^ Trade, Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange: Continuity and Change in the North ISBN 90-6550-881-3, p 17
  23. ^ Historia Polski Średniowiecze, Stanisław Szczur, Kraków 2002, s. 537.


  • Henryk Litwin, Central European Superpower, BUM Magazine, October 2016.
  • Jan Herburt, Statuta Regni Poloniae: in ordinem alphabeti digesta, Cracoviae (Kraków) 1563.
  • Jan Dąbrowski, Korona Królestwa Polskiego w XIV wieku:studium z dziejów rozwoju polskiej monarchii stanowej, Zakład im. Ossolińskich, 1956.
  • Stanisław Szczur, Historia Polski Średniowiecze (History of Poland - Middle Ages), Wydawnictwo Literackie 2002, ISBN 83-08-03272-9