Список бензиновых двигателей Volkswagen Group

Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
  (Перенаправлено с EA888 )
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Двигатель Volkswagen TSI

В искровым зажиганием бензиновые двигатели перечислены ниже действуют на четырехтактного цикла , и , если не указано иное, использовать мокрый картер смазки системы, а также с водяным охлаждением . [1]

Поскольку концерн Volkswagen Group является немецким, официальные рейтинги производительности двигателей внутреннего сгорания публикуются с использованием Международной системы единиц (обычно сокращенно «SI»), современной формы метрической системы цифр. Автомобильные двигатели будут проверены аккредитованным испытательным центром Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) в соответствии с исходными стандартами 80/1269 / EEC или более поздними стандартами 1999/99 / EC . [ необходима цитата ] Стандартной начальной единицей измерения для установления номинальной выходной мощности двигателя является киловатт (кВт); [необходимая ссылка ]и в их официальной литературе номинальная мощность может быть опубликована либо в киловаттах, либо вметрических лошадиных силах(часто сокращенно «PS» от немецкого словаPferdestärke), либо в обоих, и может также включать преобразование в имперские единицы, такие каклошадиных сил(л.с.) илитормозная мощность(л.с.). (Преобразования: один PS ~ 735,5 Вт(Вт), ~ 0,98632 л.с. (SAE)). В случае противоречия, метрическое значение мощности в киловаттах (кВт) будет указано в качестве основного справочного значения. Длякрутящего момента,создаваемого двигателем,ньютон-метр(Нм) будет эталонным показателемкрутящего момента.. Кроме того, в соответствии с европейскими автомобильными традициями, двигатели должны быть перечислены в следующем порядке возрастания предпочтения: [ необходима ссылка ]

  1. Количество цилиндров,
  2. Объем двигателя (в литрах ),
  3. Конфигурация двигателя и
  4. Номинальная выходная тяговая мощность (в киловаттах).

Бензиновые двигатели, которые Volkswagen Group ранее производил и устанавливал, входят в список снятых с производства бензиновых двигателей Volkswagen Group .


В EA111 серии двигателей внутреннего сгорания был первоначально разработан Audi под руководством Людвига Крауса и введена в 1974 году Audi 50 и вскоре после этого , в оригинальной Volkswagen Polo . Это серия рядных трех- и рядных четырехцилиндровых бензиновых и дизельных двигателей с водяным охлаждением различного рабочего объема. Этот двигатель с верхним распределительным валом имеет головку блока цилиндров с поперечным потоком.дизайн. Распределительный вал приводится в движение зубчатым ремнем от коленчатого вала, этот ремень также обеспечивает привод для промежуточного вала, который внутренне приводит в действие масляный насос, распределитель зажигания и насос охлаждающей жидкости. Другими дополнительными принадлежностями с клиноременным приводом являются генератор переменного тока и (если установлен) гидроусилитель рулевого управления, а также насос системы кондиционирования воздуха. В конфигурации поперечного крепления сторона выхлопа направлена ​​к брандмауэру транспортного средства, в продольной конфигурации сторона выпуска находится справа, когда вы смотрите вперед в автомобилях с левым или правым рулем.


Двигатели EA211 - это полностью новые четырехцилиндровые двигатели TSI с турбонаддувом и прямым впрыском. По сравнению со своим предшественником EA211серия значительно компактнее, с установочной длиной на 50 мм (2,0 дюйма) короче, что обеспечивает больше внутреннего пространства. Положение установки двигателей также было оптимизировано. Как и в дизелях, бензиновые двигатели теперь устанавливаются выхлопной стороной назад и наклонены под углом 12 градусов. Вес этих бензиновых двигателей, изготовленных из литого под давлением алюминия, составляет всего 97 кг (214 фунтов) для 1,2 TSI и 106 кг (234 фунтов) для 1,4 TSI. Один только коленчатый вал стал легче на 20 процентов; шатуны потеряли 30% своего веса. Кроме того, шейки шатунных подшипников теперь имеют полые отверстия, а поршни теперь имеют плоские днища, все они оптимизированы для меньшего веса. Что касается терморегулирования, EA211бензиновый двигатель оснащен современной двухконтурной системой охлаждения. Это означает, что высокотемпературный контур с охлаждающим насосом с механическим приводом охлаждает основной двигатель, а низкотемпературный контур протекает через промежуточный охладитель и корпус турбонагнетателя. Контур ГБЦ нагревает салон. Выпускной коллектор встроен в головку блока цилиндров, что позволяет двигателю быстрее прогреваться, что, в свою очередь, обеспечивает быстрое распространение тепла в пассажирском салоне. При высоких нагрузках выхлоп охлаждается охлаждающей жидкостью, что снижает расход топлива.

EA 824, EA 825

EA 824 и EA 825 - это семейства двигателей V8 с двойным турбонаддувом с искровым зажиганием, 90 градусов.

Audi использует EA 824, а Porsche использует EA 825 для Panamera Turbo. [2]

EA 825 использует два турбонагнетателя с двойной спиралью, железное покрытие гильз цилиндров, топливную форсунку 250 бар (3626 фунтов на кв. Дюйм) в центре камеры сгорания, отключение цилиндра при 950-3500 об / мин с ограничением крутящего момента 250 Нм (184 фунт-фут). . [3]

EA 839

EA 839 - это семейство двигателей V6 с турбонаддувом и искровым зажиганием с углом 90 градусов. Он включает в себя стальные гильзы цилиндров, балансирный вал, расположенный внутри клиновидного патрубка, максимальную степень сжатия 11,2: 1, внутренний диаметр и ход 84,5 мм × 89 мм (3,33 дюйма × 3,50 дюйма). [4]


Двигатели EA888 - это семейство трех- и четырехцилиндровых двигателей, которые в настоящее время используются в концерне Volkswagen. Семейство EA888 - это блок, разработанный Audi, в котором используются некоторые из новейших технологий двигателей, такие как прямой впрыск топлива, спеченные кулачки распределительного вала, тонкостенный блок цилиндров, регулируемые фазы газораспределения и подъем для впускных и выпускных клапанов, нижние кислородные датчики, выпускной коллектор. встроена в головку блока цилиндров, рециркуляция выхлопных газови охлаждение, катушка зажигания распределителя на свече, облегченные внутренние детали двигателя, термостат золотникового клапана (некоторые варианты) и добавление впрыска топлива через порт для снижения расхода топлива при нагрузке и выбросов при холодном запуске. Портовый впрыск топлива также помогает снизить потенциальные отложения углерода, которые могут возникнуть в двигателях с прямым впрыском. По состоянию на 2016 год система «двойного впрыска» не предлагалась на рынках Северной Америки. Тем не менее, Volkswagen внес ряд улучшений в конструкцию своих двигателей, таких как принудительная вентиляция картера, изменение положения форсунок и многое другое, чтобы уменьшить вероятность накопления нагара на впускных клапанах. В настоящее время двигатель EA888 доступен в двух размерах: 1.8T и 2.0T. Мощность двигателя варьируется от 111 кВт (151 л.с., 149 л.с.) до более 223 кВт (303 л.с., 299 л.с.). Концепт-кар на основе Volkswagen Golf R,получивший название R400, выдавал 395 л.с. при 2 литрах рабочего объема. Кроме того, R400 сможет разгоняться с 0 до 100 всего за 3,8 секунды благодарясистема полного привода Haldex и 6-ступенчатая коробка передач DSG.

Трехцилиндровые бензиновые

1.0 R3 12 В (EA211)

Новый топливосберегающий двигатель, представленный на Женевском автосалоне 2012 г.

префикс кода детали: 04E, идентификационный код: CHYA, CHYB, CHZD, CSEB, DHSB
объем двигателя и конфигурация двигателя
1,0 л (999 куб. См) рядный трехцилиндровый двигатель (R3 / I3); диаметр цилиндра x ход поршня: 74,5 мм × 76,4 мм (2,93 дюйма × 3,01 дюйма), расстояние между отверстиями: 82 мм (3,2 дюйма ), передаточное число [5] : 0,99: 1 - « квадратный двигатель », 333,1 куб. см (20,33 куб. дюйма) цилиндр , степень сжатия: 10,5: 1
блок цилиндров и картер
литой алюминиевый сплав; четыре коренных подшипника, коленчатый вал из штампованной стали
головка блока цилиндров и клапанный механизм
литой алюминиевый сплав; четыре клапана на цилиндр, всего 12 клапанов, двойной верхний распределительный вал (DOHC)
натуральный и с турбонаддувом
топливная система
многоточечный электронный непрямой впрыск топлива с тремя топливными форсунками, расположенными во впускном коллекторе
Движущая сила и крутящий момент по стандарту DIN
44 кВт (60 л.с., 59 л.с.) при 5000–6000 об / мин; 95 Нм (70 lb⋅ft) при 3000–4300 об / мин (CHYA)
55 кВт (75 л.с., 74 л.с.) при 6200 оборотах в минуту; 95 Нм (70 lb⋅ft) при 3000–4300 об / мин (CHYB)
62 кВт (84 л.с., 83 л.с.) при 6350 оборотах в минуту; 102 Нм (75 lb⋅ft) при 3000 об / мин с этанолом (CSEB)
70 кВт (95 л.с., 94 л.с.) при 5000–5 500 оборотах в минуту; 160 Нм (118 lb⋅ft) при 1500–3 500 об / мин (CHZB)
85 кВт (116 л.с., 114 л.с.) при 5000–5 500 оборотах в минуту; 200 Нм (148 lb⋅ft) при 2000–3 500 об / мин (CHZD)
94 кВт (128 л.с., 126 л.с.) при 5500 оборотах в минуту; 200 Нм (148 lb⋅ft) при 2000–3500 об / мин с этанолом (DHSB)
Volkswagen up! , Skoda Citigo , Skoda Fabia III, Seat Mii , Seat Ibiza, Seat Arona, Volkswagen Golf VII , Volkswagen Polo , Volkswagen T-Roc , Volkswagen T-Cross , Audi A1 (Великобритания) , SEAT León (4-е поколение)

1.2 R3 (EA111)

Этот двигатель из алюминиевого сплава производится на заводе Škoda Auto в Млада-Болеславе .

префикс кода детали
объем двигателя и конфигурация двигателя
1198 куб.см (73,1 куб. Дюймов) рядный трехцилиндровый двигатель (R3 / I3); диаметр цилиндра x ход поршня: 76,5 мм × 86,9 мм (3,01 дюйма × 3,42 дюйма), передаточное число: 0,88: 1 - под квадратный / длинноходный, 399,4 куб. см на цилиндр
блок цилиндров и картер
литой алюминиевый сплав; четыре основных подшипника, коленчатый вал из кованой стали с крестообразным шлицем, шатунный вал 120 градусов, балансирный вал встречного вращения с шестеренчатым приводом, масляный насос с односторонним цепным приводом
головка блока цилиндров и клапанный механизм
литой алюминиевый сплав; роликовые кулачковые толкатели с низким коэффициентом трения с автоматической компенсацией зазора в гидрораспределителях, верхний распределительный вал с односторонним цепным приводом
6v : два клапана на цилиндр, всего 6 клапанов, один верхний распредвал (SOHC), степень сжатия: 10,3: 1
12v : четыре клапана на цилиндр, всего 12 клапанов, двойной верхний распределительный вал (DOHC), степень сжатия: 10,5: 1
пластиковый впускной коллектор
топливная система, система зажигания и управление
многоточечный электронный последовательный непрямой впрыск (MPI) Common Rail с тремя топливными форсунками, расположенными во впускном коллекторе; три отдельные искровые катушки; Электронный блок управления двигателем (ЭБУ) Siemens SIMOS 91 , соответствует стандарту EU4
Движущая сила и крутящий момент с рейтингом DIN, идентификационные коды - 6 В
40 кВт (54 л.с., 54 л.с.) при 4750 оборотах в минуту; 108 Нм (80 lbf⋅ft) при 3000 об / мин - AWY, BMD
44 кВт (60 л.с., 59 л.с.) при 5000 оборотах в минуту; 108 Нм (80 lbf⋅ft) при 3000 об / мин - BBM
Движущая сила и крутящий момент по стандарту DIN, идентификационные коды - 12 В
44 кВт (60 л.с., 59 л.с.) при 5200 оборотах в минуту; 108 Нм (80 lbf⋅ft) при 3000 об / мин - CGPB
47 кВт (64 л.с., 63 л.с.) при 5400 оборотах в минуту; 112 Нм (83 lbf⋅ft) при 3000 оборотах в минуту - AZQ, BME
51 кВт (69 л.с., 68 л.с.) при 5400 оборотах в минуту; 112 Нм (83 lbf⋅ft) при 3000 об / мин - BZG, CEV, CGPA
55 кВт (75 л.с., 74 л.с.) при 5400 оборотах в минуту; 112 Нм (83 lbf⋅ft) при 3750 оборотах в минуту - CGPC
Volkswagen Fox (BMD: 04 / 05->), Volkswagen Polo Mk4 (9N, PQ24 - AZQ: 11 / 01-05 / 04, AWY: 01 / 02-05 / 04, BMD: 05 / 04-05 / 07, BME: 11 / 04-07 / 07, BBM / BZG: 05 / 07->), Škoda Fabia (AWY: 07 / 01-05 / 04, BMD: 05 / 04-12 / 07, BME: 12 / 04- 12/07, BBM: 12 / 06-05 / 09, BZG: 01 / 07-05 / 09, CEV: 01 / 08->), Škoda Roomster (BME: 05 / 06-01 / 07, BZG: 01 / 07-03 / 09, CGPA: 03 / 09->), SEAT Ibiza (BBM: 06 / 07-05 / 08, AZQ: 01 / 02->, BME: 11 / 04->, BZG: 03 / 08- >), SEAT Cordoba (AZQ: 10 / 02->, BME: 11 / 04->), Volkswagen Jetta Konig

Четырехцилиндровые бензиновые модели EA827 / EA113 / EA111 / EA211

The EA827 family of internal combustion engines was initially developed by Audi under Ludwig Kraus leadership and introduced in 1972 in the Audi 80, and was eventually superseded by the EA113 evolution introduced in 1993. Both share the same 88 mm (3.46 in) cylinder spacing. The latter EA113 was updated with Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) direct injection, to be topped by the 200 kW (272 PS; 268 bhp) 2.0 TFSI used in the Audi TTS. Forty million engines have been produced. This range will eventually be superseded by the all new EA888 project, introduced with the 1.8 TSI/TFSI below, but the EA113 still remains in production.

1.2 TSI/TFSI (EA111)

This engine is manufactured at the Škoda Auto plant in Mladá Boleslav

parts code prefix: 03F, ID codes: CBZA, CBZB, CBZC
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,197 cc (73.0 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 71.0 mm × 75.6 mm (2.80 in × 2.98 in), stroke ratio: 0.94:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 299.3 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.5:1, 130 bar (1,890 psi) peak pressures
cylinder block & crankcase
cast aluminium alloy, five main bearings, die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation
two valves per cylinder, 8 valves total, roller chain-driven single overhead camshaft (SOHC)
hot-film air mass meter, cast alloy throttle body with electronically controlled Bosch "E-Gas" throttle valve; turbocharger with maximum pressure 1.6 bar (23.2 psi), water-cooled intercooler integrated into intake manifold
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless; – fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pump; Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): camshaft-driven single-piston high-pressure injection pump supplying up to 150 bar (2,180 psi) fuel pressure in common rail fuel rail, four combustion chamber sited direct injection sequential fuel injectors, mounted on the intake side between the intake port and cylinder head gasket level, homogeneous mixing, stratified lean-burn operation with excess air at part load; 95 RON ultra-low sulphur unleaded petrol (ULSP)
ignition system & engine management
centrally positioned longlife spark plugs, mapped direct ignition with four individual direct-acting single spark coils; electronic engine control unit (ECU), knock control via a single knock sensor, permanent lambda control, EU5 compliant
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs
63 kW (86 PS; 84 bhp) at 4,800 rpm; 160 N⋅m (118 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–3,500 rpm — CBZA; Volkswagen Golf Mk6 (05/10->), Audi A1
66 kW (90 PS; 89 bhp) at 4,500 rpm; 160 N⋅m (118 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–3,500 rpm — CBZC; Volkswagen Polo (05/11->)
77 kW (105 PS; 103 bhp) at 5,000 rpm; 175 N⋅m (129 lbf⋅ft) at 1,550–4,100 rpm — CBZB; SEAT Ibiza
Volkswagen Beetle (A5), Volkswagen Polo Mk5, Volkswagen Golf Mk6, Volkswagen Caddy (05/09->), SEAT Ibiza, SEAT León (1P), SEAT Altea, SEAT Altea XL, SEAT Toledo (2012) (KG) Škoda Octavia (02/10->), Škoda Yeti, Škoda Fabia (02/10->), Audi A1, Škoda Rapid (2012) (NH)
auto-motor-sport.de and the Volkswagen press releases to the new Polo 2009
"VW presents new 1.2 litre TSI and 1.6 litre TDI engines for Golf and Polo". WorldCarFans.com. Volkswagen AG. 13 May 2009. Retrieved 28 December 2009.
"New engines 1.2 TSI for Leon and Altea". SEAT.com. SEAT. 5 March 2010. Archived from the original on 16 July 2011. Retrieved 5 March 2010.
"New engine 1.2 TSI for Octavia". skoda-auto.com. Škoda Auto. 25 January 2010. Archived from the original on 28 July 2011. Retrieved 26 January 2010.

1.2 TSI (EA211)

Main article - Volkswagen_EA211_engine These newly developed generation of modern petrol engines are manufactured at the Škoda Auto plant in Mladá Boleslav.

EA211 engine family. Turbocharged and direct-injection TSI engines with a four-cylinder, four-valve layout and belt driven camshafts.
1.2 TSI 66 kW
The entry-level petrol engine. Turbocharging produces a maximum torque of 160 Nm (at 1,400 to 3,500 rpm).
1.2 TSI 77 kW
The improved performance version of the 1.2 TSI Green tec, which includes a start/stop system and brake energy recuperation, manages an output of 77 kW (105 hp). This TSI engine provides a maximum torque of 175 Nm at between 1,400 and 4,000 rpm.

1.4 R4 16v TSI/TFSI

Based on the EA111, this new engine was announced at the 2005 Frankfurt Motor Show, to be first used in the Mk5 Golf GT, the 125 kW 1.4-litre TSI engine is a "Twincharger", and uses both a turbocharger and a supercharger. Its displacement downsizing leads to improved fuel economy, with 14% more power than the 2.0 FSI, but consuming 5% less fuel. The mechanical supercharger compressor, driven at 5 times the speed of the crankshaft, mainly operates at low engine speeds from idle up to 2,400 revolutions per minute (rpm) to increase low-end torque. At engine speeds just above idle, the belt-driven supercharger provides a boost pressure of 1.75 bar (25.4 psi). The turbocharger assumes full effectiveness at middle revs, and the engine map disengages the clutch-controlled supercharger at a maximum upper limit of 3,500 rpm; the supercharger will then be bypassed once the turbocharger spools up and reaches sufficient speed to provide adequate boost in the upper rev-ranges. This engine is made at Volkswagen-Motorenfertigung, Chemnitz.

In 2007, Volkswagen announced the 90 kW model which will replace the 1.6 FSI 85 kW (116 PS; 114 bhp) engine. This engine differs from the 103 kW and 125 kW models in several ways. It uses only one method of forced induction – a turbocharger (and not a supercharger), and has water-cooled intercooler. The engine has reduced frictional losses, optimised camshafts, new intake ports, and new high-pressure injector valves. It is also 14 kg (31 lb) lighter than the 125 kW model, in order to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions.

parts code prefix: 03C, ID codes: BLG, BMY, CAXC
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,390 cc (84.8 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 76.5 mm × 75.6 mm (3.01 in × 2.98 in), stroke ratio: 1.01:1 – 'square engine', 347.5 cc per cylinder, 120 bar (1,740 psi) peak pressures, compression ratio: 10.0:1
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; 82 mm (3.23 in) cylinder spacing, five main bearings, die-forged steel crankshaft, roller chain-driven oil pump
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 16 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, roller chain driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC), continuous adjusting variable intake valve timing
hot-film air mass meter, cast alloy throttle body with electronically controlled Bosch "E-Gas" throttle valve
90 to 96 kW variants — two-part plastic intake manifold, turbocharger incorporated in exhaust manifold with maximum boost pressure 1.8 bar (26.1 psi), water-cooled intercooler integrated into intake manifold
103 to 125 kW variants — multi-ribbed belt-driven fifth-generation Eaton Roots-type positive displacement supercharger operated by a magnetic clutch integrated in a module inside the water pump, internal step-down ratio on the input end of the synchronisation gear pair, and KKK turbocharger with integrated wastegate connected in series, administrated by a control flap, 2.5 bar (36.3 psi) pressure at 1,500 rpm, front-mounted intercooler (FMIC)
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless; – fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pump; Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): camshaft-driven single-piston high-pressure injection pump supplying up to 150 bar (2,180 psi) fuel pressure in common rail fuel rail integrated into the inlet manifold, four combustion chamber sited direct injection sequential solenoid-controlled six-hole fuel injectors, mounted on the intake side between the intake port and cylinder head seal level, homogeneous mixing, stratified lean-burn operation with excess air at part load,
90 to 103 kW variants — 95 RON ultra-low sulphur unleaded petrol (ULSP)
110 to 125 kW variants — 98 RON 'Super Unleaded' ultra-low sulphur unleaded petrol (ULSP) – 95 RON may be used, but will result in lower power output
ignition system & engine management
centrally positioned NGK longlife spark plugs, mapped direct ignition with four individual direct-acting single spark coils; Bosch Motronic ME electronic engine control unit (ECU), knock control via a single knock sensor, permanent lambda control
exhaust system
cast iron exhaust manifold (with integrated turbocharger), one catalytic converter, two heated oxygen sensors monitoring pre- and post catalyst exhaust gases
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
90 kW (122 PS; 121 bhp); 210 N⋅m (155 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,000 rpm — Passat (2009 on)
90 kW (122 PS; 121 bhp); 200 N⋅m (148 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–3,500 rpm — CAXA; Golf Mk5 (2007 on), Tiguan (08/10->), Škoda Octavia Mk2, Scirocco Mk3, Audi A1, Audi A3 Mk3
92 kW (125 PS; 123 bhp); 200 N⋅m (148 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,000 rpm — CAXC; Audi A3, SEAT Leon
96 kW (131 PS; 129 bhp); 220 N⋅m (160 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750–3,500 rpm — CFBA; Golf Mk6, VW Jetta V, Passat B6, Škoda Octavia Mk2, LAVIDA(SAIC-VW), Bora
103 kW (140 PS; 138 bhp); 220 N⋅m (162 lbf⋅ft) — BMY; Touran from early 2006, Golf Mk5, Jetta
110 kW (150 PS; 148 bhp) at 5,800 rpm; 220 N⋅m (162 lbf⋅ft) at 1,250–4,500 rpm — CAVF/CTHF; SEAT Ibiza FR
110 kW (150 PS; 148 bhp) at 5,800 rpm; 240 N⋅m (177 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750–4,000 rpm — BWK/CAVA; VW Tiguan; VW Sharan Mk2
110 kW (150 PS; 148 bhp) at 5,800 rpm; 240 N⋅m (177 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750–4,000 rpm — CDGA; Touran, Passat B7 EcoFuel
118 kW (160 PS; 158 bhp) at 5,800 rpm; 240 N⋅m (177 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750–4,500 rpm — CAVD/CTHD; Golf Mk5, Golf Mk6, Scirocco Mk3, VW Jetta TSI Sport
125 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 240 N⋅m (177 lbf⋅ft) (MEP 21.7 bar) at 1,750–4,500 rpm (200 N⋅m (148 lbf⋅ft) at 1,250–6,000 rpm), rev limit: 7,000 rpm — BLG; Golf Mk5 GT, Jetta, Golf Plus, Touran
132 kW (179 PS; 177 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 2,000 – 4,500 rpm — CAVE/CTHE; SEAT Ibiza Cupra, Polo GTI, Fabia RS
136 kW (185 PS; 182 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 2,000 – 4,500 rpm — CAVG/CTHG; Audi A1
2005 VW Golf Mk5, 2006 VW Touran, 2008 Audi A3, 2008 VW Scirocco, possibly in the 2008 VW Concept R, 2007 SEAT León, 2008 Škoda Octavia, 2009 VW Tiguan, 2009 VW Golf Mk6
"Volkswagen Golf GT TSI – Supercharged and Turbocharged 1.4L". VWVortex.com. Volkswagen AG. 29 August 2005. Archived from the original on 25 February 2008. Retrieved 6 September 2009.
"In a nutshell: Engine Technology 2006". Volkswagen-Media-Services.com (Press release). Volkswagen AG. 16 March 2006. Archived from the original on 1 November 2007. Retrieved 7 September 2009.
"To the Point: TSI Offensive" (Press release). Volkswagen AG. 29 May 2007. Archived from the original on 3 July 2007.
"New VW 122 PS TSI Engine in detail". WorldCarFans.com. Volkswagen AG. 29 May 2007. Retrieved 7 September 2009.
Parks, Jim (10 July 2009). "Eaton Supercharger Boosts VW Green Engine Of The Year". Eaton.com. Eaton Corporation. Retrieved 24 July 2009. The highly regarded engine was named International Engine of the Year, Best Engine in the 1-litre to 1.4-litre category, and Green Engine of the Year, ahead of state-of-the-art hybrid and twin-turbo diesel competition.


Was winner of the "Best New Engine" category in the 2006 annual competition for International Engine of the Year.
Was winner of the "1.0-litre 1.4-litre" category for six consecutive years in the 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 annual competition for International Engine of the Year.
Was winner of the "Green Engine of the Year" category in the 2009 annual competition for International Engine of the Year.
Was outright overall winner of the 2009 and 2010 International Engine of the Year annual competition.

1.4 TSI (EA211)

For 2012, these newly developed generation of modern petrol engines are manufactured at the Škoda Auto plant in Mladá Boleslav.

parts code prefix: 04E
1.4 TFSI Green tec engine with 110 kW (140 hp). This engine achieves its maximum torque of 250 Nm at 1,500 to 3,500 rpm.

In North American market it is referred to as CZTA type engine (150 hp). In Chilean market it is referred to as CHPA type engine (140 hp) or CZDA type engine (150 hp).

New lightweight aluminum construction, an integrated (into the head) exhaust manifold, and a toothed-belt drive for its double overhead camshaft valvetrain that incorporates variable intake and exhaust timing. The only aspect to be carried over from the EA111 engine that preceded it is the 82 mm cylinder spacing. The cylinder bore was decreased by 2 mm (to 74.5mm) while the stroke was increased to 80mm, a change which helps compactness, increases torque, and is ideal for adding boost.

DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
90 kW (122 PS; 121 bhp) at 5,000 rpm; 200 N⋅m (148 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500-4,000 rpm — CMBA, CPVA
92 kW (125 PS; 123 bhp) at 5,000 rpm; 200 N⋅m (148 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500-4,000 rpm — CZCA, CPVB
103 kW (140 PS; 138 bhp) at 5,000 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500-4,000 rpm — CHPA, CPTA (CPTA engine is a CHPA engine with automatic #2 and #3 cylinders deactivation system known as ACT - Active Cylinder Technology)
110 kW (150 PS; 148 bhp) at 5,000 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500-4,000 rpm — CZDA, CZEA, CZTA

1.5 TSI (EA211 Evo)

parts code prefix: 05E
1.5 TFSI Green tece engine
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
96 kW (131 PS; 129 bhp) at 5,000 rpm; 200 N⋅m (148 lbf⋅ft) at 1,400-3,500 rpm — DACA
110 kW (150 PS; 148 bhp) at 5,000 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500-3,500 rpm — DADA, DPCA

1.6 R4 16v

parts code prefix: 036
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,598 cc (97.5 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 76.5 mm × 86.9 mm (3.01 in × 3.42 in), stroke ratio: 0.88:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 399.4 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.5:1 (China), 12.1:1 (AUS)
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; five main bearings, die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 16 valves total, double overhead camshaft (DOHC)
fuel system & engine management
electronic multipoint injection; Bosch MD 7; Magneti Marelli 7GV
electronic injection Total Flex gasoline or ethanol (Brazil)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
77 kW (105 PS; 103 bhp) at 5,700 rpm; 148 N⋅m (109 lbf⋅ft) at 4,500 rpm — AUS, AZD, ATN, BCB (discontinued)
77 kW (105 PS; 103 bhp) at 5,600 rpm; 153 N⋅m (113 lbf⋅ft) at 3,800 rpm — BTS, CFNA, CLSA
63 kW (86 PS; 84 bhp) at 5,200 rpm; 145 N⋅m (107 lbf⋅ft) at 3,750 rpm — CFNB
80 kW (109 PS; 107 bhp) at 5,800 rpm; 150 N⋅m (111 lbf⋅ft) at 4,200 rpm — (China)
SEAT Ibiza Mk3, Mk4 & Mk5, SEAT Córdoba Mk2, SEAT León Mk1, SEAT Toledo Mk2, Mk4, Škoda Fabia Mk2, Škoda Rapid, Škoda Roomster (BTS: 05/06->), Škoda Octavia, Volkswagen Cross Polo Mk4, Volkswagen Golf Mk4, Volkswagen Bora, VW Jetta Mk4 (China), Volkswagen Polo sedan

1.8 R4

parts code prefix: ???, ID code: ADF
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,781 cc (108.7 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 81.0 mm × 86.4 mm (3.19 in × 3.40 in), stroke ratio: 0.94:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 445.2 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 9.0:1
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; five main bearings, die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; two valves per cylinder, 8 valves total, hydraulic bucket tappets, timing belt-driven single overhead camshaft (SOHC)
fuel system
Pierburg 1B3 downdraft carburettor
length: 502 mm (19.8 in), width 656 mm (25.8 in), height 593 mm (23.3 in), dry mass: 111 kg (245 lb)
EWG-rated motive power & torque output
50 kW (68 PS; 67 bhp) at 4,000 rpm; 144 N⋅m (106 lbf⋅ft) at 2,100 rpm
Volkswagen Industrial Motor (04/94->)
ADF 1.8 ltr [sic] Carburettor engine (PDF). mi-uk.com. Volkswagen AG. September 1993. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 July 2013. Retrieved 12 November 2009.

1.8 R4

parts code prefix: ???, ID codes: HT, RD, RV, PB, GZ, GX, PF, FP, ABS, ADZ, ACC
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,781 cc (108.7 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 81.0 mm × 86.4 mm (3.19 in × 3.40 in), stroke ratio: 0.94:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 445.2 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 8.5–10.8:1
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; five main bearings, die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; two valves per cylinder, 8 valves total, single overhead camshaft (SOHC)
fuel system & engine management
Bosch CIS continuous single-point fuel injection system, with or without knock control and electronic timing advance
multi-point electronic indirect fuel injection with four intake manifold-sited fuel injectors; Magneti Marelli, Bosch Motronic or Digifant
electronic injection Total Flex, Gasoline or Ethanol (BR)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes, applications
55 kW (75 PS; 74 bhp) at 5,000 rpm; 140 N⋅m (103 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500 rpm — AAM, ANN (discontinued)
66 kW (90 PS; 89 bhp) at 5,200 rpm; 142 N⋅m (105 lbf⋅ft) at 3,000 rpm — RP (discontinued)
66 kW (90 PS; 89 bhp) at 5,500 rpm; 145 N⋅m (107 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500 rpm — ABS, ADZ, ANP: VW Gol, VW Golf Mk3, VW Pointer, SEAT Ibiza Mk2
72 kW (98 PS; 97 bhp) at 5,400 rpm; 143 N⋅m (105 lbf⋅ft) at 3,000 rpm — 1P (discontinued)
76 kW (103 PS; 102 bhp) at 5,400 rpm; 155 N⋅m (114 lbf⋅ft) at 3,000 rpm — VW Gol, Volkswagen Santana, VW Golf Mk1, VW Golf Mk2, VW Saveiro
Audi 80, Audi 100, SEAT Ibiza Mk2, SEAT Córdoba Mk1, SEAT Toledo Mk1, Volkswagen Golf Mk2, Volkswagen Golf Mk3, Volkswagen Golf Mk3 Cabriolet, Volkswagen Golf Mk3 Variant, Volkswagen Vento, Volkswagen Jetta Mk2, Volkswagen Jetta Mk3, Volkswagen Passat B2, Volkswagen Passat B3, Volkswagen Passat B4

1.8 R4 16v

parts code prefix: PL, 9A, KR (1.8 & 2.0 versions)
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,781 cc (108.7 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 81.0 mm × 86.4 mm (3.19 in × 3.40 in), stroke ratio: 0.94:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 445.2 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.0:1, longitudinally mounted
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; five main bearings, die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 16 valves total, double overhead camshaft (DOHC)
fuel system & engine management
multi-point electronic sequential indirect fuel injection with four intake manifold-sited fuel injectors; Bosch Motronic electronic engine control unit (ECU)
DIN-rated motive power & torque output
95 kW (129 PS; 127 bhp) at ?,??? rpm; 146 N⋅m (108 lbf⋅ft) at ?,??? rpm: SEAT Ibiza GTI

1.8 R4 20vT (EA113/EA827)

Wholly created and developed by AUDI AG, this version is a 1.8-litre 20-valve turbocharged engine built in Wolfsburg, Germany; Győr, Hungary; and Puebla, Mexico. Output varies based on internal component selection, turbocharger, and engine control unit (ECU) software. This ubiquitous power plant has been extensively used in all four mainstream Volkswagen Group marques, along with Volkswagen Industrial Motor applications.

This engine is also used in a very high state of tune in the one-make Formula Palmer Audi (FPA) open-wheeled auto racing series. It develops 300 bhp (224 kW; 304 PS), with an extra 60 bhp (45 kW; 61 PS) available from a driver operated 'push-to-pass' turbo boost button. Based entirely on road-car production engines and prepared and built by Mountune Racing, it only differs by utilising a Pi Research Pectel electronic fuel injection and a water-cooled Garrett T34 turbocharger with closed-loop boost control.

Furthermore, an even higher 'step up' version of this engine is used in the later European-based FIA Formula Two Championship. Developed as a pure race engine and again built by Mountune Racing, this variant includes many all-new lightweight components, and has been converted to a dry sump lubrication system. For its initial 2009 season, it produced a continuous maximum power of 400 bhp (298 kW; 406 PS) at 8,250 revolutions per minute (rpm), and includes a limited duration 'overboost' to 450 bhp (336 kW; 456 PS), aided by an all-new Garrett GT35 turbocharger and a Pi Research Pectel MQ12 ECU. From the 2010 season, base power is increased to 425 bhp (317 kW; 431 PS), and with overboost to 480 bhp (358 kW; 487 PS).

parts code prefix: 058, 06A, 06B
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,781 cc (108.7 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 81.0 mm × 86.4 mm (3.19 in × 3.40 in), stroke ratio: 0.94:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 445.2 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 9.0–9.5:1
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; five main bearings, die-forged steel crankshaft, fracture-split forged steel connecting rods, Mahle forged aluminium alloy pistons
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; five valves per cylinder, 20 valves total, hydraulic bucket tappets, timing belt-driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC) with variable inlet valve timing
cast aluminium alloy intake manifold, turbocharger, intercooler
fuel system, ignition system & engine management
multi-point electronic sequential indirect fuel injection with four intake manifold-sited fuel injectors; mapped direct ignition with four individual direct-acting single spark coils; Bosch Motronic ME 7.5 (MBE 975F on Industrial variants) electronic engine control unit (ECU), red line: 6,500 rpm, rev limit 6,800 rpm

149 kg ('BAM' engine, dry)

DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes, applications
110 kW (150 PS; 148 bhp) at 5,800 rpm; 210 N⋅m (155 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750–4,600 rpm — AEB, AGU, AJH, APH, ARX, ARZ, ATW, AUM, AWC, AWD, AWL, AWT, AWW, BJX, BKF, BKV
VW Polo GTI, VW Golf Mk4 GTI, VW Bora, VW New Beetle, VW Passat B5 and VW Sagitar.VW Sharan . Also on the Audi TT Mk1 (8N), Audi A3 (first gen.), Audi A4, Audi A6, Škoda Octavia, Škoda Superb (first gen.) and SEAT Ibiza.
110 kW (150 PS; 148 bhp) at 5,700 rpm; 220 N⋅m (162 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800 rpm — EU5 rated: CFMA
SEAT Exeo (CFMA: 12/08-on)
115 kW (156 PS; 154 bhp) — AQX, AYP
SEAT Ibiza Mk3 Cupra, Cupra R, SEAT Cordoba Cupra
120 kW (163 PS; 161 bhp) at 5,700 rpm; 225 N⋅m (166 lbf⋅ft) at 1,950–4,700 rpm — BFB, BKB, BVP
replaced the 110 kW version in 2003 on most models; Audi A4, Audi TT
125 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) at 5,900 rpm; 225 N⋅m (166 lbf⋅ft) at 1,950–5,000 rpm — AMB, AWM
Audi A4, VW Passat. This version only exists in North American and emerging markets.
132 kW (180 PS; 178 bhp) at 5,500 rpm; 235 N⋅m (173 lbf⋅ft) at 1,950–5,000 rpm — AJQ, APP, ARY, ATC, AUQ, AWP, BEK, BNU (North America only), AJL, BBU (UK)
Volkswagen Golf Mk4 GTI, VW Bora/Jetta, New Beetle, Audi A3, Audi A4 Quattro Sport, Audi TT Mk1 (8N), Škoda Octavia vRS, SEAT León, SEAT Toledo, VW Polo GTI.
140 kW (190 PS; 188 bhp) at 5,700 rpm; 240 N⋅m (177 lbf⋅ft) at 1,950–4,700 rpm — BEX, BVR
Audi A4 (BEX: 11/02-12/04), Audi TT Mk1 (8N) (BVR: 09/05-06/06)
154 kW (210 PS; 207 bhp); 270 N⋅m (199 lbf⋅ft) — APY, AUL, AMK
Audi S3 (8L) (APY: 11/98-08/00, AUL: 09/99-04/01, AMK: 09/00-04/02), SEAT León Mk1 (1M) Cupra R (05/02-05/03)
165 kW (225 PS; 222 bhp) at 5,900 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 2,200–5,500 rpm — AMU, BEA (North America only), APX, BAM
Audi TT Mk1 (8N), Audi S3 (8L), SEAT León Mk1 (1M) Cupra R (05/03-06/06). This version is built in Győr.
177 kW (240 PS; 237 bhp) at 5,700 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 2,300–5,000 rpm —
2005 Audi TT quattro Sport, (9:1 compression ratio) — BFV
EWG-rated motive power & torque outputs, applications
147 kW (200 PS; 197 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 260 N⋅m (192 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5,500 rpm — Volkswagen Industrial Motor, Stage1
184 kW (250 PS; 247 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 300 N⋅m (221 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5,500 rpm — Volkswagen Industrial Motor, Stage2
221 kW (300 PS; 296 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 360 N⋅m (266 lbf⋅ft) at 4,000–5,500 rpm — Volkswagen Industrial Motor, Stage3
"Audi TT quattro Sport revealed". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG. 22 February 2005. Archived from the original on 23 October 2010. Retrieved 4 January 2010.
The 1.8 Turbo Gasoline (PDF). mi-uk.com. Volkswagen AG. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 12 November 2009.
"Formula Palmer Audi Championship – The FPA Car". FormulaPalmerAudi.com. MotorSport Vision. Archived from the original on 11 July 2011. Retrieved 6 January 2010.
"The Williams JPH1 FIA Formula Two car". FormulaTwo.com. MotorSport Vision. 6 January 2010. Archived from the original on 19 May 2009. Retrieved 6 January 2010.


Was placed in the 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003 annual list of Ward's 10 Best Engines

2.0 R4 (EA827)

parts code prefix: ???
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,984 cc (121.1 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 82.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.25 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.89:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 496.1 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.0–10.5:1
cylinder block & crankcase
CG25 grey cast iron; five main bearings; die-forged steel crankshaft, forged steel connecting rods
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; two valves per cylinder, 8 valves total, hydraulic bucket tappets, timing belt-driven one-piece cast single overhead camshaft (SOHC)
cast aluminium alloy intake manifold
engine management
Bosch Motronic or Siemens Simos electronic engine control unit (ECU)
EWG-rated motive power & torque outputs, application, ID codes
37 kW (50 PS; 50 bhp) at 2,800 rpm; 140 N⋅m (103 lbf⋅ft) at 2,100–2,400 rpm — Volkswagen Industrial Motor multi-fuel (petrol / LPG / CNG) – CBS (08/06->)
43 kW (58 PS; 58 bhp) at 2,800 rpm; 143 N⋅m (105 lbf⋅ft) at 2,100–2,400 rpm — Volkswagen Industrial Motor multi-fuel (petrol / LPG / CNG) – BEF (04/02->)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
80 kW (109 PS; 107 bhp) at 5,400 rpm; 160 N⋅m (118 lbf⋅ft) at 3,500 rpm — Ecofuel (bivalent) at 2,600 rpm — ATM
85 kW (115 PS; 113 bhp) at 5,400 rpm; 172 N⋅m (127 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200 rpm — AZH, AZJ
85 kW (115 PS; 113 bhp) at 5,400 rpm; 172 N⋅m (127 lbf⋅ft) at 3,500 rpm — AZM
85 kW (115 PS; 113 bhp) at 5,200 rpm; 170 N⋅m (125 lbf⋅ft) at 2,700-4,700 rpm — AXA
88 kW (120 PS; 118 bhp) at 5,600 rpm; 174 N⋅m (128 lbf⋅ft) at 2,400 rpm — ATF
88 kW (120 PS; 118 bhp) at 5,600 rpm; 175 N⋅m (129 lbf⋅ft) at 2,600 rpm — AUZ, ASU, AVA
SEAT Ibiza Mk2 & Mk3, SEAT Córdoba, SEAT Toledo Mk1, SEAT Alhambra, Škoda Fabia Mk1 (6Y), Škoda Octavia Mk1 (1U), Škoda Superb Mk1 (3U), Volkswagen Santana, Volkswagen Polo Mk4, Volkswagen Golf Mk3, Volkswagen Golf Mk4, Volkswagen Vento, Volkswagen Bora, Volkswagen Jetta, Volkswagen New Beetle, VW Passat B3, VW Passat B4, VW Passat B5, Volkswagen Transporter (T5), Volkswagen Industrial Motor
Volkswagen Industrial – Technical specifications EST gaseous fuel engine (PDF). mi-uk.com. Volkswagen AG. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 12 November 2009.

2.0 R4 16v "Turbo FSI"/TSI/TFSI (EA113)

This turbocharged EA113 engine is based on the naturally aspirated 110kW 2.0 FSI.

parts code prefix/variant: 06F.C, 06F.D
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,984 cc (121.1 cu in) inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 82.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.25 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.89:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 496.1 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.5:1
cylinder block & crankcase
CG25 grey cast iron with liquid-blasted cylinder bore honing; 88 mm (3.46 in) cylinder spacing, five main bearings, die-forged steel crankshaft, two simplex-roller chain driven balance shafts
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; modified inlet duct geometry for high tumble values providing superior knock resistance, four valves per cylinder (exhaust valves sodium filled for increased cooling), 16 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, belt and roller-chain driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC), continuous intake camshaft adjustment (42° variance from crankshaft)
hot-film air mass meter incorporated into air filter housing, cast alloy throttle body with electronically controlled throttle valve, plastic variable length controlled intake manifold with charge movement flaps adjusted by a continuous-action pilot motor, 0.9 bar (13.1 psi) boost water-cooled BorgWarner K03 turbocharger (K04 on 169 kW upwards) incorporated in exhaust manifold, sandwiched central front-mounted intercooler (FMIC)
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless; – fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pump, Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): inlet camshaft double-cam driven Hitachi single-piston high-pressure injection pump maintaining a pressure between 30 to 110 bar (440 to 1,600 psi) in the stainless steel common rail fuel rail, four combustion chamber sited direct injection sequential solenoid-controlled fuel injectors, air-guided combustion process, multi-pulse injection with homogeneous mixing, stratified lean-burn operation with excess air at part load
ignition system & engine management
centrally positioned Bosch longlife spark plugs, mapped direct ignition with four individual direct-acting single spark coils; Bosch Motronic MED 9.1 electronic engine control unit (ECU), cylinder-selective knock control via two knock sensors, permanent lambda control
exhaust system
secondary air injection pump for direct injection into exhaust ports to assist cold start operation, cast iron exhaust manifold (with integrated turbocharger), one primary and one main ceramic catalytic converters, four heated oxygen sensors monitoring pre- and post catalyst exhaust gases
length: 652 mm (25.7 in), width: 648 mm (25.5 in), height: 666 mm (26.2 in), mass: 152 kg (335 lb)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes & applications
125 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) at 4,300 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800–4,200 rpm — BPJ — Audi A6 (C6), VW Tiguan
136 kW (185 PS; 182 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 270 N⋅m (199 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800–5,000 rpm — BWA — 2005 SEAT León
147 kW (200 PS; 197 bhp) at 5,100–6,000 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,700–5,000 rpm — AXX, BWA, BWE, BPY (North America) — Audi A4 (B7), Audi A3 (8P), 2006 Audi TT, VW Passat (B6), VW Golf Mk5 GTI, VW Jetta Mk5 GLI, SEAT León FR Mk2, SEAT Altea, SEAT Toledo Mk3, SEAT Exeo, Škoda Octavia (1Z) vRS
162 kW (220 PS; 217 bhp) at 5,900 rpm; 300 N⋅m (221 lbf⋅ft) at 2,200–4,800 rpm — BUL — 2005 Audi A4 (B7) DTM Edition
162 kW (220 PS; 217 bhp) at 4,500–6,300 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–4,400 rpm — CDL — Volkswagen Polo R WRC
141 kW (192 PS; 189 bhp) at 4,200–6,000 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,450–4,200 rpm — CDL — Audi A5 (B9; 40 TFSI)
169 kW (230 PS; 227 bhp) at 5,500 rpm; 300 N⋅m (221 lbf⋅ft) at 2,250–5,200 rpm — BYD — VW Golf Mk5 GTI Edition 30, Pirelli Edition
173 kW (235 PS; 232 bhp) at 5,500 rpm; 300 N⋅m (221 lbf⋅ft) at 2,200–5,200 rpm — CDL — Volkswagen Golf MKVI GTI Edition 35
177 kW (241 PS; 237 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 300 N⋅m (221 lbf⋅ft) at 2,200–5,500 rpm — BWJ — SEAT León Cupra, SEAT León Cupra Mk2 facelift
186 kW (253 PS; 249 bhp) at 5,000–6,000 rpm; 370 N⋅m (273 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–4,500 rpm — CDLA — Audi A5 (B9; 45 TFSI)
188 kW (256 PS; 252 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 330 N⋅m (243 lbf⋅ft) at 2,400–5,200 rpm — CDL — Audi S3 (8P), Golf R (Australia, Japan, Middle-East and North America)
195 kW (265 PS; 261 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5,000 rpm — BHZ — Audi S3 (8P)
195 kW (265 PS; 261 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5,000 rpm — CDL — Scirocco R
195 kW (265 PS; 261 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,300–5,200 rpm — CDLA — Audi S3 (8P), Audi TTS, SEAT León Cupra R Mk2 facelift, VW Scirocco R
199 kW (271 PS; 267 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5,000 rpm — CDLF — Golf R (Europe)
200 kW (272 PS; 268 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5,000 rpm — CDLB — Audi TTS (Europe)
the 162 kW (only Polo R WRC) and higher versions have stronger pistons and gudgeon pins, new rings, reinforced connecting rods, new bearings, reinforced cylinder block at the main bearing pedestals and cap, new lightweight aluminium-silicon alloy cylinder head for high temperature resistance and strength, adjusted exhaust camshaft timing, increased cross-section high-pressure injectors, 1.2 bar (17.4 psi) (value only valid for Audi S3(8P)) boost pressure K04 turbocharger with larger turbine and compression rotor (S3, Cupra, GTI Edition 30), of which some components are NOT shared with the lower output variants
The 2.0L FSI Turbocharged Engine – Design and Function. Self-Study Program (Course Number 821503 ed.). Auburn Hills, MI: Volkswagen of America, Inc. August 2005.
"Audi A3 Sportback – in depth". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG. 19 July 2004. Archived from the original on 30 July 2013. Retrieved 2 September 2009.


Was winner of the "1.8-litre 2.0-litre" category for four consecutive years in the 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 annual competition for International Engine of the Year,
Was placed for four consecutive years in the 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 annual list of Ward's 10 Best Engines

Four-cylinder EA888 petrols

This latest EA888 family of internal combustion engines is anticipated to be an eventual complete replacement of the EA113 range. It was wholly designed and developed by AUDI AG. The only common feature with its predecessors is the sharing of the same 88 mm (3.46 in) cylinder spacing – which keeps the engine length relatively short, meaning it can be installed either transversely or longitudinally. Grey cast iron (GJL 250) remains the choice material for the cylinder block and crankcase, due to its inherent good acoustic dampening properties. This all-new EA888 range is notable for utilising simplex roller chains to drive the two overhead camshafts, instead of the former engines' toothed-rubber timing belt. Like the final developments of the former EA113 engine generation, all EA888s only use the Audi-created Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) direct injection. Furthermore, EA888 engines are also able to utilise the Audi-developed 'valvelift' technology, which complements the existing variable valve timing. This new family of engines is scheduled to be universally available for all markets on five continents, within all marques of the Volkswagen Group. The former EA113 range still remains in production.

Grainger & Worrall was reported to have cast 50 CGI cylinder blocks for over 12 months as of October 2013, based on the EA888 gasoline engine.[6]

1.8 R4 16v TSI/TFSI (EA888)

parts code prefix: 06H, 06J; ID codes: BYT
engine displacement & engine configuration
1,798 cc (109.7 cu in) EA888 inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 82.5 mm × 84.1 mm (3.25 in × 3.31 in), stroke ratio: 0.98:1 – 'square engine', 449.6 cc per cylinder; compression ratio: 9.6:1, 88 mm (3.46 in) cylinder spacing
cylinder block & crankcase
GJL 250 grey cast iron; 33 kg (73 lb), die-forged steel crankshaft with five 58 mm (2.28 in) diameter main bearings, two toothed chain-driven counter-rotating balance shafts suppressing second degree free inertial forces and oil pump, horizontal-baffled oil sump
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 16 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, toothed chain-driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC), continuous vane-adjustable variable intake valve timing
hot-film air mass meter, cast alloy throttle body with electronically controlled Bosch E-Gas throttle valve, plastic variable length controlled intake manifold with charge movement flaps controlling combustion chamber air movement, BorgWarner K03 water-cooled turbocharger incorporated into cast iron exhaust manifold, sandwiched central front-mounted intercooler (FMIC)
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless; – fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pump; Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): single-piston high-pressure injection pump driven by a four-lobe cam on the exhaust camshaft supplying up to 150 bar (2,180 psi) fuel pressure in the stainless steel common rail fuel rail, four combustion chamber sited direct injection sequential solenoid-controlled six-hole fuel injectors, air-guided combustion process, multi-pulse dual-stage injection during the induction and compression stroke with homogeneous mixing, stratified lean-burn operation with excess air at part load, 95 RON unleaded ultra-low sulphur petrol
ignition system & engine management
centrally positioned longlife spark plugs, mapped direct ignition with four individual direct-acting single spark coils; Bosch Motronic MED electronic engine control unit (ECU), cylinder-selective knock control via two knock sensors, permanent lambda control
exhaust system
cast iron exhaust manifold (with integrated turbocharger), close-coupled and main catalytic converters – both ceramic
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
88 kW (120 PS; 118 bhp) at 4,000–6,200 rpm; 230 N⋅m (170 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–3,650rpm — longitudinal — Audi A4 (B8), SEAT Exeo
118 kW (160 PS; 158 bhp) at 4,500–6,200 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,500 rpm, 165 N⋅m (122 lbf⋅ft) from 1,000 rpm — transversal — CDAA Škoda Yeti, SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P)
112 kW (152 PS; 150 bhp) at 4,300–6,200 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,200 rpm, 165 N⋅m (122 lbf⋅ft) from 1,000 rpm — transversal — CDAB Škoda Yeti
118 kW (160 PS; 158 bhp) at 4,500–6,200 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,500 rpm — longitudinal — Audi A4 (B8), Audi A3 Mk2 (8P), Audi TT Mk2 (8J), SEAT Exeo — CDHB Audi A4 (B8)
125 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) at 4,800–6,200 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750–4,750 rpm — transverse — VW USA-Passat B7 (NMS) — CPKA, CPRA (born 2014)
125 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) at 4,800–6,200 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,800 rpm — longitudinal — Audi A5
125 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) at 3,800–6,200 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,400–3,700 rpm — longitudinal — Audi A4 (B8) (2012–), Audi A5 — CJEB
132 kW (179 PS; 177 bhp) at 5,100–6,200 rpm; 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft) at 1,250–5,000 rpm — transverse — Audi TT (FV/8S) (2014–) — CJSA (EA888-Gen3)
Audi TT Mk2 (8J), Audi 8P A3, Audi B7 A4, Audi A4 (B8), Audi A5, SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Altea XL, Škoda Yeti, Škoda Octavia Mk2 (1Z, Ming Rui), Škoda Superb Mk2 (3T), VW Jetta Mk5/Sagitar, VW Passat B6, VW Passat CC
of the German technical engine publication mtz, press release 11/2006: "Der neue Audi 1.8 TFSI-Motor"Owners Manual, Passat, U.S. Edition, Model Year 2015. p. 44.
"Sporty Dynamism, Superb Comfort: The Audi 1.8 TFSI". AudiWorld.com. AUDI AG – press release. 27 September 2006. Retrieved 4 September 2009.
"Audi TT Roadster slims down for Summer". Audi.co.uk. Audi UK. 23 March 2009. Archived from the original on 19 May 2011. Retrieved 4 January 2010.
"SEAT Exeo with new engines". Auto-motor-und-sport.de. 3 May 2008. Retrieved 5 May 2010.
"Audi Unveils New 1.8 TFSI: 170 HP, 41 MPG". www.motorauthority.com. 4 August 2011. Retrieved 8 August 2011.
"Audi ETKA Engine Code" (PDF). vag-codes.info. 3 August 2015. Retrieved 4 February 2016.

2.0 R4 16v TSI/TFSI (EA888)

Manufacturing commenced March 2008.

engine displacement & engine configuration
1,984 cc (121.1 cu in) EA888 inline-four engine (R4/I4); bore x stroke: 82.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.25 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.89:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 496.1 cc per cylinder; compression ratio: 9.6:1 (10.3:1 A3 Cabrio 2009), 88 mm (3.46 in) cylinder spacing
cylinder block & crankcase
GJL 250 grey cast iron; 33 kg (73 lb), die-forged steel crankshaft with five 58 mm (2.28 in) diameter main bearings, two chain-driven counter-rotating balance shafts suppressing second degree free inertial forces and oil pump, horizontal-baffled oil sump. The water pump bolts to the side of the block, under the intake manifold, and is driven by a toothed belt and a pulley on the back of the intake-side balance shaft.
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 16 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, toothed chain-driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC), continuous vane-adjustable variable intake valve timing, Audi variants have two-stage "valvelift" inlet valve lift variable control
hot-film air mass meter, cast alloy throttle body with electronically controlled Bosch E-Gas throttle valve, plastic variable length controlled intake manifold with charge movement flaps controlling combustion chamber air movement, IHI water-cooled turbocharger incorporated in exhaust manifold, sandwiched central front-mounted intercooler (FMIC)
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless; – fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pump; Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): single-piston high-pressure injection pump driven by a four-lobe cam on the exhaust camshaft supplying up to 190 bar (2,760 psi) fuel pressure in the stainless steel common rail fuel rail, four combustion chamber sited direct injection sequential solenoid-controlled six-hole fuel injectors, air-guided combustion process, multi-pulse dual-stage injection during the induction and compression stroke with homogeneous mixing, stratified lean-burn operation with excess air at part load, 95 RON ultra-low sulphur unleaded petrol
ignition system & engine management
centrally positioned longlife spark plugs, mapped direct ignition with four individual direct-acting single spark coils; Bosch Motronic MED 17 electronic engine control unit (ECU), cylinder-selective knock control via two knock sensors, permanent lambda control
exhaust system
cast iron exhaust manifold (with integrated turbocharger), close-coupled and main catalytic converters – both ceramic
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs and applications – Non-valvelift variants
125 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) at 4,300–6,000 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,700–5,000 rpm — CAWA: VW Tiguan
125 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) at 4,300–6,200 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,700–4,200 rpm — CCZC: Audi Q3, engine is installed transversely, VW Tiguan
132 kW (179 PS; 177 bhp) at 4,500–6,200 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,700–4,500 rpm — CCZD: VW Tiguan
147 kW (200 PS; 197 bhp) at 5,100–6,000 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800–5,000 rpm — CCTA/CBFA: 2009 VW Golf Mk5 GTI (US only), VW Golf Mk6 GTI (US only), Audi Q3 (US Only), VW Jetta Mk5, VW Jetta Mk6, VW Passat B6, VW CC, Audi A3 (8P)
147 kW (200 PS; 197 bhp) at 5,100–6,000 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,700–5,000 rpm — CAWB: Audi A3 Cabriolet, VW Scirocco, VW Tiguan, CCZA: Audi TT, Škoda Superb Mk2 (3T), Škoda Octavia
147 kW (200 PS; 197 bhp) at 5,000–6,000 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800–5,000 rpm — CGMA: China market only; VW Golf Mk6 GTI, VW Tiguan, VW Magotan (Passat)
155 kW (211 PS; 208 bhp) at 5,000–6,200 rpm; 300 N⋅m (221 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800–4,900 rpm — CPSA: Audi Q3, engine is installed transversely
155 kW (211 PS; 208 bhp) at 5,300–6,200 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 1,700–5,200 rpm — CCZB: VW Golf Mk6 GTI, has larger front-mounted intercooler as found in 2010+ Audi S3/VW Mk6 Golf R CDL EA113, VW Scirocco, VW Tiguan, VW CC, VW Tiguan, SEAT Altea Freetrack, SEAT Leon FR
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs and applications – EA888 evo2 and EA888 Gen3 with Valvelift at exhaust side[7].
132 kW (179 PS; 177 bhp) at 4,200–6,000 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,000 rpm — CAEA/CDNB: Audi A4 (B8), Audi Q5, Škoda Kodiaq
155 kW (211 PS; 208 bhp) at 4,300–6,000 rpm; 350 N⋅m (260 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,200 rpm — CAEA/CAEB/CDNC: Audi A4 (B8), Audi A5, Audi Q5, SEAT Exeo
155 kW (211 PS; 208 bhp) at 4,300–6,000 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–4,200 rpm — CESA: Audi TT Mk2 (8J), engine is installed transversely
162 kW (220 PS; 217 bhp) at 4,500–6,200 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,400 rpm — CHHB: Audi A3, Skoda Superb, VW Golf Mk7 GTI, Škoda Octavia RS, VW Tiguan CULC: VW Scirocco GTS
165 kW (224 PS; 221 bhp) at 4,500–6,250 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,500 rpm — CNCD: Audi Q5, Audi A4 (B8)
165 kW (224 PS; 221 bhp) at 4,500–6,250 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,500 rpm — CUHA: China 5 emission standard Volkswagen Phideon, Audi A6L C7
165 kW (224 PS; 221 bhp) at 4,500–6,250 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,650–4,500 rpm — DMJA: China 6b(PN 11 without RDE) emission standard, Volkswagen Phideon[8]
165 kW (224 PS; 221 bhp) at 4,500–6,250 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,650–4,500 rpm — DKWB: China 6b(PN 11 without RDE) emission standard, Audi A6L C8, Audi Q5L
169 kW (230 PS; 227 bhp) at 4,700–6,200 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,600 rpm — CHHA/DKFA: VW Golf Mk7 GTI Performance, Škoda Octavia RS230, VW Jetta Mk7 GLI
180 kW (245 PS; 241 bhp) at 4,700–6,200 rpm; 370 N⋅m (273 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–4,300 rpm — DLBA: Škoda Octavia RS245
185 kW (224 PS; 221 bhp) at 4,500–6,250 rpm; 370 N⋅m (273 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,500 rpm — DKWA: China 6b(PN 11 without RDE) emission standard, Audi A4L, Audi Q5L
195 kW (265 PS; 261 bhp) at 5,350–6,600 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750–5,300 rpm — CJXE: Volkswagen Golf MK7 GTI Clubsport, SEAT Leon Cupra
206 kW (280 PS; 276 bhp) at 5,100–6,500 rpm; 380 N⋅m (280 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800–5,500 rpm — CJXA/CJXB: SEAT Leon Cupra, Skoda Superb. (Audi S3 and VW Golf Mk7 R in some foreign markets)
213 kW (290 PS; 286 bhp) at 5,900–6,400 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 1,700–5,800 rpm — CJXD: SEAT Leon Cupra
215 kW (292 PS; 288 bhp) at 5,400 rpm; 380 N⋅m (280 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800 rpm — CYFB: VW Golf Mk7 R, Audi S3 in North America (lacks MPI)
221 kW (300 PS; 296 bhp) at 5,500–6,200 rpm; 380 N⋅m (280 lbf⋅ft) at 1,800–5,500 rpm — CJXC/CJXA: Audi S3, VW Golf Mk7 R (Europe), SEAT Leon Cupra
228 kW (310 PS; 306 bhp); 380 N⋅m (280 lbf⋅ft) — CJXG: Audi TTS
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs and applications – EA888 Gen3 with Valvelift at intake side known as EA888 Gen3 Bz.[7][9]
137 kW (186 PS; 184 bhp) at 4,100–6,000 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–4,000 rpm — DBFA: China 5 emission standard, Volkswagen Magotan
137 kW (186 PS; 184 bhp) at 4,100–6,000 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,000 rpm — DKVA: China 6b(without PN 11) emission standard, Volkswagen Magotan
137 kW (186 PS; 184 bhp) at 4,100–6,000 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–4,000 rpm — DPLA: China 6b(PN 11 without RDE) emission standard, Volkswagen Magotan
140 kW (190 PS; 188 bhp) at 4,200–6,000 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,450–4,200 rpm — CWNA: China 5 emission standard Audi A4L
140 kW (190 PS; 188 bhp) at 4,200–6,000 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,450–4,200 rpm — DKUA: China 6b(without PN 11) emission standard Audi A4L
140 kW (190 PS; 188 bhp) at 4,200–6,000 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 1,450–4,200 rpm — DTAA: China 6b(PN 11 without RDE) emission standard Audi A4L
"Audi adds 2.0 TFSI with Valvelift to A5 Coupé". PaulTan.org. 25 June 2008. Retrieved 4 September 2009.
"SEAT Exeo with new engines". Auto-motor-und-sport.de. 3 May 2008. Retrieved 5 May 2010.
:"Volkswagen Magotan". autohome.com.cn. Retrieved 22 July 2020.
"Audi A4L". autohome.com.cn. Retrieved 22 July 2020.


Winner of the "1.8-litre 2.0-litre" category in the 2009 annual competition for International Engine of the Year.

Known problems

The Generation 1 EA888 suffered from higher than usual / favorable engine oil consumption in both 1.8 and 2.0 litre forms. Mainly affecting the Longitudinal Audi applications between 2008 and 2012 (most commonly the 8K / B8 A4 8T / 8F B8 A5 & 8R Q5). In rare occurrences it affects the Transverse applications in the 8P Audi A3, 8J Audi TT and in even rarer occasions would affect the MK6 Volkswagen Golf GTI and lower powered Sciroccos etc. that were not fitted with the EA113 family of engines. In even more extreme cases it would affect the Generation 3 from 2013 to present day. The rectification for this is performed after a two part oil consumption test is carried out by a main dealer, The vehicle will need to be burning more than approximately a metric litre per 1,000 KM or 600 miles, or if the top up oil warning illuminates on the instrument cluster. Only after this test is carried out and an agreement of payment by the manufacturer & customer contribution is agreed the repair can be carried out only by main dealers and manufacturer approved repairers. The rectification that is carried out is to remove the engine, replace the Piston & Connecting Rod assemblies in all four cylinders with modified units, head gasket and so forth. From late 2012, the modified internal engine components were fitted to new replacement engines and new vehicle units by the Volkswagen group engine plants.

Another common issue is camshaft timing chain tensioner failure, again in earlier generation 1 models. This was due to the design of the retaining element that after higher mileages and / or premature wear stopped the tensioner from holding the tension in the timing chain. If in the case of this component failing, the chain would jump, allowing the pistons and valves to potentially hit each other, causing expensive and possibly terminal engine damage. Along with the earlier mentioned oil consumption issues, this was eventually addressed by the Volkswagen Group engine plants, Who fitted a modified (internally known as Version 2) tensioner that is retained by a much more reliable spring retainer instead.

The final mainstream common issue affects all EA888 generations. The cooling system is mainly a problem free system, with the exception of the plastic thermostat unit, these are very commonly known to be prone to leaks, with no specific part of the housing known to leak. On the EA888, the thermostat unit also includes the coolant pump, on the Generation 3 & 4 the coolant pump is still part of the thermostat, however is available separately. The coolant pump / thermostat unit is located under the intake manifold regardless of generation, model year or application. The thermostat side is joined by a plastic union directly to the engine oil cooler, which in turn is mounted to and is an integral part of the ancillary / alternator bracket (also includes the oil filter housing in all generations and applications). The coolant pump is driven by the intake side balance shaft, on the flywheel side of the engine. The rectification is to renew the thermostat unit with a modified unit, and if needed in later models, the coolant pump if necessary. However these newer units are still known to leak. There have currently been no further modifications to the design of this to combat the issues by Volkswagen Group.


The MQB platform suffers from early turbocharger failure. This affects models like the Audi S3, Golf 7 R/GTI and the Seat Cupra models. More so: models built prior to 2015 are more prone to failure. This can be caused because there is shaft play due to an imbalanced input shaft which can cause the turbine to collide with the teflon coating of the turbocharger, or because of the manifold sealing surface.

List of turbos[11]

IHI IS20 - Transverse - Mid output engines, like 2.0T A3

  • 06K 145 702 K
  • 06K 145 702 Q
  • 06K 145 702 R
  • 06K 145 702 T
  • 06K 145 722 G
  • 06K 145 722 K
  • 06K 145 722 L

IHI IHI IS20 - Longitudinal - Mid output engines, like 2.0T A4

  • 06L 145 702
  • 06L 145 702 D
  • 06L 145 702 F
  • 06L 145 702 M
  • 06L 145 702 P
  • 06L 145 702 Q
  • 06L 145 702 R
  • 06L 145 722 B
  • 06L 145 722 C
  • 06L 145 722 D
  • 06L 145 722 E
  • 06L 145 722 F
  • 06L 145 722 G
  • 06L 145 722 L
  • 06L 145 722 M

IHI IS38 - Transverse - High output engine, like 2.0T S3, Golf R

  • 06K 145 702 J
  • 06K 145 702 M
  • 06K 145 702 N
  • 06K 145 722 A
  • 06K 145 722 H
  • 06K 145 722 N
  • 06K 145 722 P
  • 06K 145 722 S
  • 06K 145 722 T
  • 06K 145 874 F
  • 06K 145 874 N

A lot[clarification needed] of people driving a Golf 7 R/GTI have been reporting failing thermostat housings. Most of them are being replaced under warranty by VW. This is most likely due to the plastic housing[citation needed], it's recommended to install an uprated aluminium one.[by whom?]

Five-cylinder petrols

2.5 R5 20v TFSI [Audi TTRS, RS3, RSQ3 & quattro Concept] (EA855 and EA855 evo)

An all-new engine designed by AUDI AGs high-performance subsidiary Audi Sport GmbH (formerly quattro GmbH), harking back to the original turbocharged five cylinder Audi engines in the "Ur-" Audi Quattro of the 1980s. A world first for a petrol engine, its cylinder block is constructed from compacted vermicular graphite cast iron (GJV/CGI) – first used in Audi's large displacement, high-performance Turbocharged Direct Injection (TDI) diesel engines.

parts code prefix/variant: 07K3; ID code: CEPA, CEPB, CTSA, CZGA, CZGB, DAZA, DNWA
engine displacement & engine configuration
2,480 cc (151.3 cu in) inline five engine (R5/I5); bore x stroke: 82.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.25 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.89:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 496.1 cc per cylinder; 88 mm (3.46 in) cylinder spacing, 144 degree firing interval, firing order: 1-2-4-5-3, compression ratio: 10.0:1
cylinder block & crankcase
GJV-450 compacted vermicular graphite cast iron (GJV/CGI); six main bearings, two-part cast aluminium alloy horizontal-baffled oil sump, simplex roller chain-driven oil pump, die-forged steel crankshaft, forged steel connecting rods, cast aluminium alloy pistons (weight, each, including rings and gudgeon pin: 492 g (17.4 oz))
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast high hot-strength aluminium alloy, modified inlet duct geometry for high tumble values providing superior knock resistance, four valves per cylinder (exhaust valves sodium filled for increased cooling), 20 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, simplex roller chain-driven (relay method) lightweight double overhead camshafts (DOHC), variable valve timing with continuous adjusting intake and exhaust camshaft timing of up to 42 degrees from the crankshaft, two-stage 'valvelift' variable lift control for inlet valves, siamesed inlet ports, Audi "RS" 'red' plastic cam cover
twin charge pressure sensors; one pre-throttle plate, one intake manifold mounted, no air flow meter, cast alloy throttle body with electronically controlled throttle valve, two piece intake manifold with charge movement flaps adjusted by a continuous-action pilot motor, water-cooled turbocharger incorporated in exhaust manifold with 64 mm (2.5 in) diameter outlet, generating up to 1.2 bar (17.4 psi) boost, separated central lower front-mounted intercooler (FMIC)
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless: fuel tank-mounted low-pressure fuel lift pump; Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): single-piston high-pressure injection pump supplying up to 122 bar (1,770 psi) fuel pressure in the stainless steel common rail fuel rail, five combustion chamber sited direct injection sequential solenoid-controlled fuel injectors, air-guided combustion process, multi-pulse injection with homogeneous mixing, stratified lean-burn operation with excess air at part load, ultra-low sulfur unleaded petrol (ULSP)
ignition system & engine management
Beru longlife spark plugs centrally positioned in combustion chamber, mapped direct ignition with five individual direct-acting single spark coils; Bosch Motronic MED electronic engine control unit (ECU), cylinder-selective knock control via two knock sensors, permanent lambda control
exhaust system
secondary air injection pump for direct injection into exhaust ports to assist cold start operation, cast iron exhaust manifold (with integrated turbocharger), one primary and two secondary high-flow sports catalytic converters, two heated oxygen sensors monitoring pre- and post-primary catalyst exhaust gases (secondary catalysts unmonitored), vacuum-operated map-controlled flap-valve mounted in one rear exhaust silencer tail pipe
length: 494 mm (19.4 in), mass: 185 kg (408 lb)
DIN-rated motive power & torque output
228 kW (310 PS; 306 bhp) at 5,400–6,500 rpm (specific power of 91.2 kW (124.0 PS; 122.3 bhp) per litre); 465 N⋅m (343 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–5,300 rpm; redline: 7,100 rpm – RS Q3
250 kW (340 PS; 335 bhp) at 5,400–6,500 rpm (specific power of 100.8 kW (137.0 PS; 135.2 bhp) per litre); 450 N⋅m (332 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–5,300 rpm; redline: 7,100 rpm – RS 3, TT RS, RS Q3 (facelift)
265 kW (360 PS; 355 bhp) at 5,400–6,500 rpm (specific power of 106.0 kW (144.1 PS; 142.1 bhp) per litre); 465 N⋅m (343 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–5,300 rpm; redline: 7,100 rpm – TT RS plus
270 kW (367 PS; 362 bhp) at 5,400–6,500 rpm (specific power of 108.0 kW (146.8 PS; 144.8 bhp) per litre); 465 N⋅m (343 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–5,300 rpm; redline: 7,100 rpm – RS Q3 performance, RS 3 (2015–)
294 kW (400 PS; 394 bhp) at 5,400–6,500 rpm; (specific power of 117.6 kW (159.9 PS; 157.7 bhp) per litre); 480 N⋅m (354 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–5,300 rpm; redline: 7,100 rpm – TT RS, RS 3 (2017–), RS Q3 (2019–)
Audi quattro concept (2010), Audi RS3 (2010–2013), Audi TT RS (07/2009 –>), Audi RS Q3 (2013 ->), Audi RS3 (2015 ->), KTM X-Bow GTX (2020 ->), KTM X-Bow GT2 Concept (2020 ->)
"Potent new Audi TT RS takes five in Geneva". Audi.co.uk. Audi UK. 3 March 2009. Archived from the original on 19 May 2011. Retrieved 4 January 2010.
"Audi TT RS World Debut in Geneva". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG. 3 March 2009. Retrieved 2 September 2009.
"Audi TT RS in Depth – priced at 55,800 euros". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG. 29 May 2009. Retrieved 2 September 2009.


was winner of the "2.0-litre 2.5-litre" category in the 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 annual competition for International Engine of the Year.

Six-cylinder petrols

2.5 VR6 24v TSI (EA390)

This 2.5 VR6 engine is only available for Chinese market on Volkswagen Teramont. It is derived from now retired 3.0 VR6 engine, which also was available in China only[citation needed].

parts code prefix: 03H, ID Code: DDKA, DPKA
engine displacement & engine configuration
2,492 cc (152.1 cu in) 10.6° VR6; bore x stroke: 81.0 mm × 80.6 mm (3.19 in × 3.17 in), stroke ratio: 1:1 – square-stroke, 415.3 cc per cylinder, compression ratio is not disclosed at the moment.
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; die-forged steel crankshaft;
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four unequal-length valves per cylinder, 24 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, simplex roller chain-driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC – one camshaft for all exhaust valves, and one for all intake valves), continuous timing adjustment variable valve timing (52 degrees on the inlet, 22 degrees on the exhaust)
single turbo charger from MHI (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries), hot-film air mass meter, electronic drive by wire throttle valve, two-piece cast aluminium alloy intake manifold, two cast iron exhaust manifolds
fuel system
Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) high-pressure direct injection with two common rails
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
220 kW (299 PS; 295 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 500 N⋅m (369 lbf⋅ft) at 2,750-3,500 rpm - DDKA, DPKA
Volkswagen Salzgitter Plant
DDKA: Volkswagen Teramont, chinese market only, China 5 emission standard.[13]
DPKA: Volkswagen Teramont X, Volkswagen Teramont, chinese market only, China 6b(stage of PN11 without RDE) emission standard.[13]

2.8 V6 30v

parts code prefix: 078, ID codes: ACK, AGE, AHA, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD, ATQ, ATX, BBG
engine displacement & engine configuration
2,771 cc (169.1 cu in) 90° V6 engine; bore x stroke: 82.5 mm × 86.4 mm (3.25 in × 3.40 in), stroke ratio: 0.95:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 461.9 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.1:1 (AGE, ATX, BBG); 10.3:1 (ALG, AMX), 10.6:1 (ACK, AHA, APR, AQD, ATQ)
cylinder block & crankcase
cast steel; die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; five valves per cylinder, 30 valves total, hydraulic bucket tappets with automatic valve clearance compensation, belt-driven double overhead camshafts (exhaust cams are belt driven, intake cams are driven by the exhaust cams using short chains), continuously adjusting variable valve timing for intake camshafts
engine management
Bosch Motronic electronic engine control unit (ECU); regular premium unleaded (98 octane normally or 95 with "lower power output", according to manual)
DIN-rated motive power & torque output, ID codes
137 kW (186 PS; 184 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 260 N⋅m (192 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200 rpm — AGE
140 kW (190 PS; 188 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 260 N⋅m (192 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200 rpm — ATX, BBG
142 kW (193 PS; 190 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200 rpm — ALG, AMX
142 kW (193 PS; 190 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200 rpm — ACK, AHA, APR, AQD, ATQ
Volkswagen Passat (1997–2005) including the Variant and Chinese Škoda Superb; Audi A4, Audi A6 and Audi A8

2.8 V6 24v FSI

The 2.8 V6 is a stroke-reduced version of the 3.2 V6 FSI introducing the Audi valvelift variable control of inlet valve lift.

parts code prefix: ???, ID code: BDX
engine displacement & engine configuration
2,773 cc (169.2 cu in) 90° V6 engine, 18.5 mm (0.73 in) cylinders banks offset; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 82.4 mm (3.33 in × 3.24 in), stroke ratio: 1.03:1 – oversquare/short-stroke, 462.1 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 12.0:1
cylinder block & crankcase
homogeneous monoblock low-pressure gravity die cast hypereutectic 'Alusil' aluminium-silicon alloy (AlSi17Cu4Mg) with a closed-deck design, mechanically stripped hard silicon crystal integral liners, honed under simulated mechanical stress; 360 mm (14.2 in) long, 430 mm (16.9 in) wide, 228 mm (9.0 in) high, 33 kg (73 lb); die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 24 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, chain-driven double overhead camshaft, continuous adjusting variable valve timing for intake and exhaust camshafts, two-stage valvelift inlet valve lift variable control
fuel system
common rail Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) high-pressure direct injection
165 kg (364 lb)
DIN-rated motive power & torque output
140 kW (190 PS; 188 bhp) at 5,500 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 3,000–5,000 rpm
150 kW (204 PS; 201 bhp) at 5,250 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 3,000–5,000 rpm
154 kW (209 PS; 207 bhp) at 5,500 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 3,000–5,000 rpm; 6,800 rpm max
162 kW (220 PS; 217 bhp) at 5,750 rpm; 280 N⋅m (207 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200–5,000 rpm
C6/C7 Audi A6, C7 Audi A7, D3 Audi A8
"KS Aluminium-Technologie: engine blocks for the new Audi A6". Rheinmetall.de. Rheinmetall AG. August 2004. Archived from the original on 5 October 2012. Retrieved 13 January 2010.
"ALUSIL – Cylinder Blocks for the new Audi V6 and V8 SI engines" (PDF). KSPG-AG.com. KS Aluminium-Technologie AG. Retrieved 1 February 2010.[permanent dead link]
"The new 2.8 FSI with Audi Valvelift system" (Press release). Audi AG. 27 September 2006.

3.0 V6 30v

This engine unveiled in 2000 is an all-aluminium alloy, longer stroke version of the 2.8 V6.

parts code prefix: 06C
engine displacement & engine configuration
2,976 cc (181.6 cu in) 90° V6 engine; bore x stroke: 82.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.25 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.89:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 496.1 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.5:1
cylinder block & crankcase
cast aluminium alloy; die-forged steel crankshaft; light pistons, balancer shaft
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; five valves per cylinder, 30 valves total, hydraulic bucket tappets with automatic valve clearance compensation, belt-driven double overhead camshaft, continuous adjusting variable valve timing for intake and exhaust camshafts
two-position variable length intake manifold
engine management
Bosch Motronic ME 7.1.1 with electronic throttle control, EU4 compliant
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
BBJ: 160 kW (218 PS; 215 bhp) for the C6 A6
AVK: 162 kW (220 PS; 217 bhp) at 6,300 rpm; 300 N⋅m (221 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200 rpm
2002–2005 Audi A4, 2002–2004 Audi A6, 2005 Audi A6 (some Far East markets)
"The New Audi A4" (Press release). Audi AG. 10 October 2000.

3.0 V6 24v TFSI (EA837)

parts code prefix: 06E, ID codes: CAJA, CAKA, CCBA, CMUA
engine displacement & engine configuration
2,995 cc (182.8 cu in) 90° V6 engine; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 89 mm (3.33 in × 3.50 in), stroke ratio: 0.95:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 499.7 cc per cylinder, 90 mm (3.54 in) cylinder spacing, compression ratio: 10.3:1[14]
cylinder block & crankcase
cast aluminium alloy; die-forged steel crossplane crankshaft
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 24 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, chain-driven double overhead camshaft, continuous adjusting variable valve timing for intake and exhaust camshafts
Eaton 'Twin Vortices Series' (TVS) Roots-type positive displacement supercharger compressor with 160-degree axial twist twin four-lobe rotors and two integrated water-cooled charge air coolers (one per cylinder bank), mounted within the Vee pumping charged air directly into the inlet manifold
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless; fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pump; Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): two inlet camshaft double-cam driven single-piston high-pressure injection pumps maintaining a pressure of 30 to 100 bar (435 to 1,450 psi) in the two stainless steel common rail fuel distributor rails (one rail per cylinder bank), six combustion chamber sited direct injection solenoid-controlled sequential fuel injectors, homogenous mixing, stratified-charge combustion (lean-burn) at partial load
ignition system and engine management
mapped direct ignition with centrally mounted spark plugs and six individual direct-acting single spark coils; Siemens Simos 8.xx electronic engine control unit (ECU)
exhaust system
two ceramic catalytic converters
length: 360 mm (14.2 in), width: 430 mm (16.9 in), mass: 189 kg (417 lb)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs
200 kW (272 PS; 268 bhp) at 4,780–6,500 rpm; 400 N⋅m (295 lbf⋅ft) at 2,150–4,780 rpm — CMUA: Audi A4, Audi A5, Audi Q5
213 kW (290 PS; 286 bhp) at 4,850–6,500 rpm; 420 N⋅m (310 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–4,800 rpm — CAJA: Audi A6 (C6)
245 kW (333 PS; 329 bhp) at 5,500–7,000 rpm; 440 N⋅m (325 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5,000 rpm — CAKA/CCBA: Audi S4 (B8), Audi S5, Audi Q7 (4M)
260 kW (354 PS; 349 bhp) at 6,000–6,500 rpm; 470 N⋅m (347 lbf⋅ft) at 4,000–4,500 rpm — CTXA: Audi SQ5#B8(8R),
2009 Audi A8 (D3), Audi A6 (C6), Audi A6 (C7), Audi A7 (C7), Audi A4 (B8), Audi S5, Audi S4 (B8), 2010 VW Touareg Hybrid (anticipated), 2011 Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid, 2015-2019 Audi Q7 (4M), 2013 Audi SQ5#(8R/B8), 2016 Volkswagen Phideon
Parks, Jim (17 July 2008). "Audi Selects Eaton TVS Supercharger To Power Fuel Efficient V6". Eaton.com. Eaton Corporation – press release. Retrieved 24 July 2009. when paired with direct injection and enhanced transmission ratio, the TVS supercharger helps the engine achieve 290 hp with an average fuel economy of nearly 24 miles per gallon
Parks, Jim (6 November 2008). "Eaton TVS Supercharger Featured On 2010 Audi S4/S4 Avant". Eaton.com. Eaton Corporation – press release. Retrieved 24 July 2009. When combined with direct injection, the TVS surpasses twin turbochargers in packaging, starting performance and responsiveness
Parks, Jim (4 March 2009). "First Hybrid Application Of TVS Supercharger To Appear On 2010 Volkswagen Touareg; Fuel Economy Improved 17- 25 Percent". Eaton.com. Eaton Corporation – press release. Retrieved 24 July 2009.

3.0/2.9 V6 24v TFSI (EA839)

The base engine is the 260 kW (354 PS; 349 bhp) 3.0 TFSI, available on Audi S4/S5/SQ5 models and a slightly detuned version (250 kW (340 PS; 335 bhp)) with 48V mild hybrid system on various Audi models such as the A6, A7, A8, Q7 and Q8. The 2.9 TFSI engine is a shorter stroke variant with much higher output.

parts code prefix:???, ID codes: CWGD, CZSE/DR, DECA
engine displacement & engine configuration
3.0 TFSI variant: 2,995 cc (182.8 cu in) 90° V6; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 89 mm (3.33 in × 3.50 in), stroke ratio: 0.94:1 - undersquare/long-stroke, compression ratio: 11.2:1
2.9 TFSI variant: 2,894 cc (176.6 cu in) 90° V6; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 86 mm (3.33 in × 3.39 in), stroke ratio: 0.98:1 - undersquare/long-stroke, compression ratio: 10.0:1 to 10.5:1 depending on models
cylinder block & crankcase
sand-cast Alusil aluminium-silicon alloy; atmospheric plasma sprayed coating on cylinder walls
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 24 valves total, DOHC, continuous timing adjustment on both intake and exhaust camshaft(from 130 degrees up to 180 degrees), 2-stage(6mm and 10mm) Audi Valvelift System(AVS) on the intake sides
all variants feature both Otto and Miller cycles, achieved from valve timing; hot-film air mass meter; electronic drive by wire throttle valve; exhaust manifold integrated into cylinder head; hot-V configuration
3.0 TFSI: twin-scroll single-turbo charged
2.9 TFSI: twin-turbo charged
fuel system
common rail Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) high-pressure direct injection
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
3.0 TFSI variants
243 kW (330 PS; 326 bhp) at 5,400-6,400 rpm; 450 N⋅m (332 lbf⋅ft) at 1,340-4,900 rpm - unknown/Porsche variant
250 kW (340 PS; 335 bhp) at 5,000-6,400 rpm; 500 N⋅m (369 lbf⋅ft) at 1,370-4,500 rpm - CZSE(2017-2018)/DR(2019-)
260 kW (354 PS; 349 bhp) at 5,400-6,400 rpm; 500 N⋅m (369 lbf⋅ft) at 1,370-4,500 rpm - CWGD
2.9 TFSI variants
243 kW (330 PS; 326 bhp) at 5,250-6,500 rpm; 450 N⋅m (332 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750-5,000 rpm - unknown/Porsche variant
324 kW (441 PS; 434 bhp) at 5,650-6,600 rpm; 550 N⋅m (406 lbf⋅ft) at 1,750-5,500 rpm - unknown/Porsche variant
331 kW (450 PS; 444 bhp) at 5,700-6,700 rpm; 600 N⋅m (443 lbf⋅ft) at 1,900-5,000 rpm - DECA
Audi Hungaria Zrt. in Győr
3.0 TFSI(243 kW (330 PS; 326 bhp)): Porsche Panamera/Panamera 4 (2nd gen)
2.9 TFSI(243 kW (330 PS; 326 bhp)): Porsche Panamera 4 E-Hybrid (2nd gen)
CZSE/DR: Audi A6 (C8), Audi A7 (C8/4K8), Audi A8 (D5), Audi Q8, Porsche Cayenne/Cayenne E-Hybrid (3rd gen), Volkswagen Touareg (3rd gen)
CWGD: Audi S4 (B9, B9.5 excluding European models), Audi S5 (B9/F5, B9.5 excluding European models), Audi SQ5 (FY, excluding European facelited models)
2.9 TFSI(324 kW (441 PS; 434 bhp)): Porsche Panemera 4S (2nd gen), Porsche Cayenne S (3rd gen)
DECA: Audi RS4 (B9), Audi RS5 (B9/F5), Audi S6 (C8, excluding European models), Audi S7 (C8/4K8, excluding European models)

3.2 VR6 24v (EA390)

This VR6 engine was often badged as a "V6" in Audi models

parts code prefix: 022, ID codes: CBRA
engine displacement & engine configuration
3,189 cc (194.6 cu in) 15° VR6 engine; bore x stroke: 84.0 mm × 95.9 mm (3.31 in × 3.78 in), stroke ratio: 0.88:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 531.5 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 11.3:1
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; seven main bearings; die-forged steel crankshaft, cast aluminium alloy oil sump
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four unequal-length valves per cylinder, 24 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, simplex roller chain-driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC – one camshaft for all exhaust valves, and one for all intake valves), continuous timing adjustment variable valve timing (52 degrees on the inlet, 22 degrees on the exhaust)
hot-film air mass meter, electronic drive by wire throttle valve, one piece plastic with variable runner length switching by way of an ecu controlled valve intake manifold, two cast iron exhaust manifolds
fuel system, ignition system, engine management
common rail multi-point electronic sequential indirect fuel injection with six intake manifold-sited fuel injectors; mapped direct ignition with six NGK longlife spark plugs and six individual single spark coils; electronic engine control unit (ECU)
EWG-rated motive power, ID code & application
54 kW (73 PS; 72 bhp) — BMF — Volkswagen Industrial Motor (LPG) (05/04->)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes & applications
170 kW (231 PS; 228 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 315 N⋅m (232 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200 rpm — BDL — Volkswagen Transporter (T5)
173 kW (235 PS; 232 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 315 N⋅m (232 lbf⋅ft) at 2,950 rpm — BKK — Volkswagen Transporter (T5)
177 kW (241 PS; 237 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–3,000 rpm — BFH — VW Golf Mk4 R32 (US)
177 kW (241 PS; 237 bhp) at 6,250 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 2,800–3,200 rpm — BML — VW Golf Mk4 R32 (Australia)
184 kW (250 PS; 247 bhp) at 6,300 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–3,000 rpm — BDB, BHE, BMJ, BPF, BUB — Audi A3 (BDB: 07/03-08/04, BMJ: 09/04-10/05, BUB: 11/05-05/09), Audi TT (BHE: 07/03-06/06, BPF: 05/04-05/06, BUB: 08/06-06/10), VW Golf Mk5 R32
"VW Golf R32 (Mk4) – in depth". WorldCarFans.com. Volkswagen AG. 7 August 2002. Archived from the original on 5 August 2009. Retrieved 2 August 2009.
"The New Volkswagen Golf R32 (Mk4)". BillsWebSpace.com. Volkswagen Group Australia. February 2003. Retrieved 5 September 2011.
"New Volkswagen Golf R32 (Mk5)". WorldCarFans.com. Volkswagen AG. 23 September 2005. Archived from the original on 11 July 2009. Retrieved 2 August 2009.

3.2 VR6 24v FSI (EA390)

parts code prefix: 03H, ID code: AXZ
engine displacement & engine configuration
3,168 cc (193.3 cu in) 10.6° VR6 engine; bore: 86.0 mm (3.39 in) x stroke: 90.9mm, stroke ratio: 0.95:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 531.5 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 12:1[citation needed]
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; seven main bearings; die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four unequal-length valves per cylinder, 24 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, simplex roller chain-driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC – one camshaft for all exhaust valves, and one for all intake valves), continuous timing adjustment variable valve timing (52 degrees on the inlet, 22 degrees on the exhaust)
hot-film air mass meter, electronic drive by wire throttle valve, one-piece cast aluminium alloy intake manifold, two cast iron exhaust manifolds
fuel system
Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) high-pressure direct injection with two common rails
ignition system
mapped direct ignition with six individual ignition coils
DIN-rated motive power & torque output
184 kW (250 PS; 247 bhp)
VW Passat B6 3.2 FSI (09/05->), VW Phaeton

3.2 V6 24v FSI

parts code prefix: ???, ID codes: AUK, BKH, BYU, (191 kW – BPK)
engine configuration
90° V6 engine; 90 mm (3.54 in) cylinder spacing, compression ratio: 12.5:1 (184 kW: 11.3:1)
engine displacement etc.
3,123 cc (190.6 cu in); bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.33 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.91:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 520.4 cc per cylinder
3,197 cc (195.1 cu in); bore x stroke: 85.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.37 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.92:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 532.8 cc per cylinder
cylinder block & crankcase
homogeneous monoblock low-pressure chill gravity die cast hypereutectic 'Alusil' aluminium-silicon alloy (AlSi17Cu4Mg) with a closed-deck design, mechanically stripped hard silicon crystal integral liners, honed under simulated mechanical stress; die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 24 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, chain-driven double overhead camshaft, continuous adjusting variable valve timing for intake and exhaust camshafts
fuel system
common rail Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) high-pressure direct injection between 30 to 100 bar (435 to 1,450 psi)
aspiration & exhaust system
variable intake manifold, two ceramic catalytic converters
length: 360 mm (14.2 in), width: 430 mm (16.9 in), mass: 169.5 kg (374 lb)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs
184 kW (250 PS; 247 bhp) at 6,300 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–3,000 rpm
188 kW (256 PS; 252 bhp) at 6,500 rpm; 330 N⋅m (243 lbf⋅ft) at 3,250 rpm, 90% available between 1,900–5,900 rpm, 7,200 rpm max — Audi A6
191 kW (260 PS; 256 bhp) at 6,500 rpm — Audi A8
195 kW (265 PS; 261 bhp) at 6,500 rpm; 320 N⋅m (236 lbf⋅ft) at 3,200–5,000 rpm — Audi A4, Audi A5
2005 Audi A8, Audi A6, Audi A4, Audi A5
"New Audi A6 in depth". WorldCarFans.com. Audi AG. 8 April 2004. Archived from the original on 29 July 2013. Retrieved 31 July 2009.
"KS Aluminium-Technologie: engine blocks for the new Audi A6". Rheinmetall.de. Rheinmetall AG. August 2004. Archived from the original on 5 October 2012. Retrieved 13 January 2010.
"ALUSIL – Cylinder Blocks for the new Audi V6 and V8 SI engines" (PDF). KSPG-AG.com. KS Aluminium-Technologie AG. Retrieved 1 February 2010.[permanent dead link]

3.6 VR6 24v FSI (EA390)

parts code prefix: 03H
engine displacement & engine configuration
3,598 cc (219.6 cu in) 10.6° VR6 engine; bore x stroke: 89.0 mm × 96.4 mm (3.50 in × 3.80 in), stroke ratio: 0.92:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 599.7 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 11.4–12.0:1[clarification needed]
cylinder block & crankcase
grey cast iron; die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder head & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four unequal-length valves per cylinder, 24 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, simplex roller chain-driven double overhead camshaft (DOHC – one camshaft for all exhaust valves, and one for all intake valves), continuous timing adjustment variable valve timing (52 degrees on the inlet, 22 degrees on the exhaust)
hot-film air mass meter, electronic drive by wire throttle valve, two-piece cast aluminium alloy intake manifold, two cast iron exhaust manifolds
fuel system
Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) high-pressure direct injection with two common rails
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
191 kW (260 PS; 256 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5000 rpm; Compression Ratio: 11.4:1 — CDVA — Škoda Superb 4x4 DSG and Volkswagen Eos 3.6
206 kW (280 PS; 276 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 360 N⋅m (266 lbf⋅ft) at 2,750 rpm; — BLV — Volkswagen Passat (B6 and B7) (North America and Middle-East only)
206 kW (280 PS; 276 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5000 rpm; — CDVB — Volkswagen Passat (NMS) (North America and Middle-East only)
206 kW (280 PS; 276 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,500–5000 rpm; — CDVC/CDVD — Volkswagen Atlas (North America, Russia and Middle-East)
206 kW (280 PS; 276 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 370 N⋅m (273 lbf⋅ft) at 3,500 rpm; — CHNA/CMVA — Volkswagen Phaeton
206 kW (280 PS; 276 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 370 N⋅m (273 lbf⋅ft) at 3,500 rpm; — CGRA/CMTA — Volkswagen Touareg
220 kW (299 PS; 295 bhp) at 6,600 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,400–5,300 rpm — BWS — Volkswagen Passat R36 (B6) (Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Middle-East)
220 kW (299 PS; 295 bhp) at 6,600 rpm; 350 N⋅m (258 lbf⋅ft) at 2,400–5300 rpm; — CNNA — Volkswagen CC (North America, Russia and Middle-East)
VW Passat B6 3.6 FSI (BLV: 09/05->, BWS: 04/07-05/07), VW Passat CC (BLV: 06/08->, BWS: 05/08->, CNNA: 01/12->), VW Phaeton, VW Touareg, Porsche Cayenne, Audi Q7
"Volkswagen Passat 3.6". Car and Driver. December 2005. Archived from the original on 29 September 2007.
"Volkswagen Passat R36 technical specifications". Car Enthusiast.

Eight-cylinder petrols

Of their eight-cylinder petrol engines, all Volkswagen Group V8 engines are primarily constructed from a lightweight cast aluminium alloy cylinder block (crankcase) and cylinder heads. They all use multi-valve technology, with the valves being operated by two overhead camshafts per cylinder bank (sometimes referred to as 'quad cam'). All functions of engine control are carried out by varying types of Robert Bosch GmbH Motronic electronic engine control units.

These V8 petrol engines initially were only used in cars bearing the Audi marque, but are now also installed in Volkswagen Passenger Cars 'premium models'. They are all longitudinally orientated, and with the exception of the Audi R8, are front-mounted.

4.2 V8 FSI 32v

The 4.2 FSI V8 as installed in the Audi R8

Based on the existing Audi 40 valve V8, this new engine is heavily revised over its predecessor, with all-new components including: crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons, cylinder heads and valvetrain, oil and cooling system, intake and exhaust system, and engine management system. It is available in two versions; a basic or 'comfort' version, first used in the Audi Q7; and a sports-focussed high-revving version, with features borrowed from motorsport, for the B7 RS 4 quattro and the R8. This is the first eight-cylinder road car engine to use Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI), which was successfully developed by Audi in their Le Mans winning R8 racing car. The 5.2 V10 FSI was developed directly from this V8 engine.

parts code prefix/variant: 079.D
displacement & configuration
4,163 cc (254.0 cu in) 90° V8 engine; 18.5 mm (0.73 in) cylinder bank offset; 90 mm (3.54 in) cylinder spacing; bore and stroke: 84.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.33 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.91:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 520.4 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 12.5:1, firing order: 1–5–4–8–6–3–7–2; water:oil lubricant cooler (RS 4/R8 utilises an additional thermostatically controlled air:oil cooler); Q7 and RS 4 utilise a wet sump system (RS 4 with additional longitudinal axis flapped baffles controlled by lateral g-force), R8 uses dry sump
cylinder block & crankcase
homogeneous monoblock low-pressure chill gravity die casting hypereutectic 'Alusil' aluminium-silicon alloy (AlSi17Cu4Mg) with a closed-deck design, mechanically stripped hard silicon crystal integral liners, honed under simulated mechanical stress; reinforced by a cast lower crankcase alloy bedplate (AlSi17Cu4Mg) mimicking a ladder-frame design, and including five GGG50 nodular cast iron press-fit main bearing caps each attached by four bolts; 464 mm (18.3 in) overall length, 228 mm (9.0 in) cylinder block height; two-stage 3/8" simplex roller chain and gear driven 'accessory drive' which includes the oil pump, water pump, power steering pump, and air conditioning compressor; baffle-plate sump
crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons
die-forged and tempered high alloy steel (42CrMoS4) 90° crankshaft with 65 mm (2.6 in) diameter and 18.5 mm (0.73 in) width main bearing journals and 54 mm (2.1 in) diameter and 15.25 mm (0.60 in) width big end bearing journals; 154 mm (6.1 in) long high strength forged cracked trapezoidal connecting rods (36MnVS4 in basic engine, ultra high strength 34CrNiMo8 in RS 4/R8 with more restrictive geometry tolerances); forged 290 g (10.2 oz) aluminium pistons with shaped piston crowns designed to impart charged volume tumbling effect for fully homogeneous air/fuel charge
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy, partition-plate horizontally divided intake ports producing a tumble effect (larger cross-section on RS 4/R8); four valves per cylinder: chrome-plated solid-stem (hollow-stem on RS 4/R8) intake valves, and chrome-plated sodium-filled hollow-stem exhaust valves, both with 11 mm (0.43 in) valve lift (longer valve lift on RS 4/R8), 32 valves total; lightweight low-friction roller finger cam followers (uprated with peened rollers on RS 4/R8) with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, double overhead camshafts (each a hollow tube composite) on each cylinder bank, driven from the flywheel side via a two-stage chain drive using three 3/8" simplex roller chains (sleeve-type on RS 4/R8), valve opening (in crank angle degrees) 200 intake (230 for RS 4/R8) and 210 e exhaust (230 for RS 4/R8); valve overlap facilitates integral exhaust gas recirculation; continuous hydraulic vane-adjustable variable valve timing for intake and exhaust camshafts with up to 42 degrees adjustment, each controlled via information from Hall sensors, Audi "RS" 'red' plastic cam covers on RS 4, 'anthracite' plastic on R8
two single-entry air filters each with hot-film air mass flow meters (Q7), or triple-entry single air filter with single hot-film air mass meter (RS 4), or double-entry dual-element single air filter with two hot-film air mass flow meters (R8); single (Q7 & RS 4) or twin (R8) cast alloy throttle body electronically controlled Bosch E-Gas throttle valves (Bosch 82 mm (3.2 in) diameter on Q7, Pierburg 90 mm (3.5 in) diameter on RS4), two-stage four-piece gravity die-cast (Q7) (sand-cast on RS 4/R8) magnesium-aluminium alloy variable length intake manifold with electronically map-controlled silicon tipped tract-length flaps along with tumble flaps inducing a swirling movement in the drawn air (RS 4 & R8 do not use a variable tract-length intake manifold)
fuel system
fully demand-controlled, (Q7 returnless, RS 4 return to tank); fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pump; Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): two inlet camshaft double-cam driven single-piston high-pressure injection pumps maintaining a pressure between 30 to 100 bar (435 to 1,450 psi) in the two stainless steel common rail fuel distributor rails, eight combustion chamber sited direct injection solenoid-controlled 65 volt single-hole sequential fuel injectors with integrated swirl plates; 98 RON/ROZ (93 AKI) EuroSuperPlus (premium) unleaded recommended for maximum performance and fuel economy (95 RON (91 AKI) may be used, but will reduce performance and worsen fuel economy)
ignition system & engine management
mapped direct ignition with centrally mounted longlife spark plugs and eight individual direct-acting single spark coils; Bosch Motronic MED 9.1.1 electronic engine control unit (ECU) (two MED 9.1 ECUs in the RS 4 and R8, working on the 'master and slave' concept due to the high revving nature of the engine), four knock sensors, EU4 emissions standard, map-controlled coolant thermostat (Q7 only), additional electric after-run coolant pump with two additional side-mounted radiators (RS 4/R8), water-cooled alternator, two map-controlled radiator fans
exhaust system
vacuum-controlled secondary air injection to assist cold start operation; air-gap insulated exhaust manifold per cylinder bank (Q7), or 4-into-2-into-1 fan-branch exhaust manifold per cylinder bank to minimise reverse pulsation of expelled exhaust gases (RS 4), or fan branch manifold with integrated catalytic converter per cylinder bank; two close-coupled and two main underfloor catalytic converters – ceramic on Q7, high-flow metallic on RS 4, or main catalytic converter integrated into transverse main rear silencer with quad outlets; four heated oxygen (lambda) sensors (broadband upstream, nonlinear downstream) monitoring pre- and post-catalyst exhaust gases; siamesed absorption-type middle silencer (Q7 with crossover) and siamesed rear silencer, separate rear silencers on RS 4 with vacuum-operated flap valves
Q7 (for auto transmission with plate-type flywheel): approx. 198 kg (437 lb), RS4 (for 6-speed manual with dual-mass flywheel): approx. 212 kg (467 lb)
DIN-rated power & torque outputs, ID codes, applications
257 kW (349 PS; 345 bhp) at 6,800 rpm; 440 N⋅m (325 lbf⋅ft) at 3,500 rpm, 85% available from 2,000 rpm — BAR: Audi Q7 (03/06-05/10), Volkswagen Touareg (06/06-05/10); BVJ: Audi C6 A6 (05/06-08/11), Audi D3 A8 (06/06-07/10)
260 kW (354 PS; 349 bhp) at 7,000 rpm — CAU: Audi S5 (06/07-03/12)
309 kW (420 PS; 414 bhp) at 7,800 rpm; 430 N⋅m (317 lbf⋅ft) at 5,500 rpm, 90% available between 2,250 and 7,600 rpm, 8,250 rpm rev limiter — BNS: Audi RS 4 (B7) (09/05-06/08); BYH: Audi R8 (04/07-09/10)
"KS Aluminium-Technologie: engine blocks for the new Audi A6". Rheinmetall.de. Rheinmetall AG. August 2004. Archived from the original on 5 October 2012. Retrieved 27 January 2010.
"ALUSIL – Cylinder Blocks for the new Audi V6 and V8 SI engines" (PDF). KSPG-AG.com. KS Aluminium-Technologie AG. Retrieved 1 February 2010.[permanent dead link]
Audi 4.2-liter V8 FSI Engine – Self-Study Programme 921603. Auburn Hills, Michigan: Audi of America, Inc., Service Training. July 2006.
"Audi RS4 Saloon – Technical Data" (MS Word document). AUDI AG. February 2005. Retrieved 14 September 2009.
"Geneva Motor Show: Audi RS4 – The Sports Car for 365 Days a Year". VWvortex.com – Audi News. AUDI AG. 1 March 2005. Archived from the original on 16 July 2011. Retrieved 14 September 2009.
"New Audi RS4". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG – press release. 5 September 2005. Archived from the original on 29 February 2012. Retrieved 16 September 2009.
"Audi Q7 in depth". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG – press release. 31 January 2006. Archived from the original on 3 October 2009. Retrieved 16 September 2009.


was placed in the 2005 and 2006 annual list of Ward's 10 Best Engines

4.2 V8 40v

parts code prefix: 079
engine displacement & engine configuration
4,163 cc (254.0 cu in) 90° V8 engine; 90 mm (3.54 in) cylinder spacing; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.33 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.91:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 520.4 cc per cylinder
cylinder block & crankcase
homogeneous monobloc low-pressure gravity die cast hypereutectic 'Alusil' aluminium-silicon alloy (AlSi17Cu4Mg) with a closed-deck design, mechanically stripped hard silicon crystal integral liners, honed under simulated mechanical stress; five main bearings; die-forged steel crankshaft
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy, five valves per cylinder, 40 valves total; lightweight low-friction roller cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, roller chain-driven double overhead camshafts
synthetic material two-stage variable intake manifold
fuel system & engine management
two linked common rail fuel distributor rails, multi-point electronic sequential indirect fuel injection with eight intake manifold-sited fuel injectors; Bosch Motronic ME 7.1.1. electronic engine control unit (ECU); 98 RON/ROZ (93 AKI) EuroSuperPlus (premium) unleaded recommended for maximum performance and fuel economy
exhaust system
two multi-stage catalytic converters
length: 464 mm (18.27 in), mass: 195 kg (430 lb)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes
246 kW (334 PS; 330 bhp) at 6,600 rpm; 420 N⋅m (310 lbf⋅ft) at 3,500 rpm, 6,800 rpm max — Audi A6, BAT, A8: BFM (BFM engine is belt driven)
221 kW (300 PS; 296 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 380 N⋅m (280 lbf⋅ft) at 2,700–4,600 rpm, 6,500 rpm max — Audi A6 allroad: BAS
253 kW (344 PS; 339 bhp) at 7,000 rpm; 410 N⋅m (302 lbf⋅ft) at 3,500 rpm — Audi S4: BBK (03/03-03/09)
253 kW (344 PS; 339 bhp) at 7,200 rpm; 420 N⋅m (310 lbf⋅ft) at 3,000 rpm — Audi S4: BHF (03/03-03/09 – US/Korea only)
246 kW (334 PS; 330 bhp) at 6,500 rpm; 435 N⋅m (321 lbf⋅ft) at 2,800-3,700 rpm — Volkswagen Phaeton: BGH, BGJ (Belt driven)
Audi B6 S4, Audi B7 S4, Audi C5 A6 allroad (BAS: 07/02-08/05), Audi C6 A6 (BAT: 05/04-05/06), Audi A8 (BFM: 10/02-07/10), Volkswagen Phaeton (BGJ: 05/03-07/03, BGH: 08/03-05/10)
"KS Aluminium-Technologie: engine blocks for the new Audi A6". Rheinmetall.de. Rheinmetall AG. August 2004. Archived from the original on 5 October 2012. Retrieved 27 January 2010.
"ALUSIL – Cylinder Blocks for the new Audi V6 and V8 SI engines" (PDF). KSPG-AG.com. KS Aluminium-Technologie AG. Retrieved 1 February 2010.[permanent dead link]
"New Audi A6 in depth". WorldCarFans.com. Audi AG. 8 April 2004. Archived from the original on 22 April 2012. Retrieved 9 September 2009.


was placed in the 2004 annual list of Ward's 10 Best Engines

4.0 TFSI

This engine is part of Audi’s modular 90° V6/V8 engine family. It shares its bore and stroke, 90° V-angle, and 90mm cylinder spacing with the Audi V6. The earlier V6 engines (EA837) used an Eaton TVS Supercharger instead of turbocharger(s). In 2016, Audi and Porsche released a new turbocharged V6 engine they dubbed EA839. These 2.9L (biturbo) & 3.0L (single turbo) V6 engines share the 4.0T TFSI V8’s “hot vee” design, meaning the turbo(s) are placed in the Vee of the engine (between each bank of cylinders) instead of on the outside of each cylinder bank. This allows the turbocharger(s) to produce boost pressure more quickly as the path the exhaust gases travel is much reduced. It also aids in getting the engine’s emissions hardware up to temperature more quickly. As with the V6, the V8 is used in various Audi and Porsche models, but the V8 also finds use in Bentley and Lamborghini vehicles.

engine displacement & engine configuration
3,993 cc (243.7 cu in) 90° V8 engine; 90 mm (3.54 in) cylinder spacing; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 89.0 mm (3.33 in × 3.50 in), stroke ratio: 0.95:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 499.1 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.5:1
fuel system; Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI)
Central-Overhead Injectors
exhaust system
two twin-scroll turbo chargers and twin air- and water-cooled intercoolers
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID codes, applications
309 kW (420 PS; 414 bhp) at 5,500 rpm; 550 N⋅m (406 lbf⋅ft) from 1,400 rpm to 5,400 rpm— CEUC: Audi S6 C7, S7, CEUA: A8 D4
320 kW (435 PS; 429 bhp) at 5,800 rpm; 600 N⋅m (443 lbf⋅ft) from 1,400 rpm to 5,300 rpm— CTGA: A8 D4, A8 D5
445 kW (605 PS; 597 bhp) at 6,200 rpm; 700 N⋅m (516 lbf⋅ft) from 1,700 rpm to 5,500 rpm— DDTA: Audi S8 D4 (overboost to 750 Nm), CWUC: Audi RS7, Audi RS6 C7
412 kW (560 PS; 553 bhp) at 5,700 rpm; 700 N⋅m (516 lbf⋅ft) from 1,750 rpm to 5,500 rpm— CRDB, CWUB: Audi RS6 C7 and RS7
338 kW (460 PS; 453 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 620 N⋅m (457 lbf⋅ft) from 1,700 rpm in Porsche Panamera GTS
405 kW (551 PS; 543 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 770 N⋅m (568 lbf⋅ft) from 1,700 rpm in Porsche Panamera Turbo
463 kW (630 PS; 621 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 820 N⋅m (605 lbf⋅ft) from 1,700 rpm in Porsche Panamera Turbo S
505 kW (687 PS; 677 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 850 N⋅m (627 lbf⋅ft) from 1,700 rpm in Porsche Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid
373 kW (507 PS; 500 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 660 N⋅m (487 lbf⋅ft) from 1,700 rpm in Bentley Continental GT V8 and Flying Spur V8
388 kW (528 PS; 520 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 680 N⋅m (502 lbf⋅ft) from 1,700 rpm in Bentley Continental GT V8 S
405 kW (551 PS; 543 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 770 N⋅m (568 lbf⋅ft) in Bentley Continental GT V8 (2019–)

478 kW (650 PS; 641 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 850 N⋅m (627 lbf⋅ft) in Lamborghini Urus

471 kW (640 PS; 631 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 850 N⋅m (627 lbf⋅ft) in Porsche Cayenne Coupé Turbo GT

Audi version of the engine includes electronic monitoring of the oil level, while Bentley engine includes a dipstick for oil check. In addition, the Bentley engine uses switchable hydraulic mounts instead of Audi's active electrohydraulic engine mounts. The Bentley engine does not include a stop-start system.[15]

6.75 V8 biturbo (Bentley)

This 6.75 litre V8 is a legacy engine, developed by Rolls-Royce Limited before the takeover of Bentley Motors Limited by the German Volkswagen Group, but still used during their ownership.

engine displacement & engine configuration
6,748 cc (411.8 cu in) 90° V8 engine; bore x stroke: 104.1 mm × 99.1 mm (4.10 in × 3.90 in), stroke ratio: 1.05:1 – oversquare/short-stroke, 843.5 cc per cylinder
cylinder block & crankcase
cast aluminium alloy, single central camshaft
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy, two valves per cylinder, 16 valves total, overhead valve (OHV) with pushrods
biturbo – one turbocharger per cylinder bank
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs
335 kW (455 PS; 449 bhp) at 4,100 rpm; 875 N⋅m (645 lbf⋅ft) at 3,250 rpm
375 kW (510 PS; 503 bhp) at 4,200 rpm; 1,050 N⋅m (774 lbf⋅ft) at 3,300 rpm — R
395 kW (537 PS; 530 bhp) at ?,??? rpm; 1,050 N⋅m (774 lbf⋅ft) — Bentley Brooklands, Bentley Mulsanne Speed
2005 Bentley Arnage, 2006 Bentley Azure, 2008 Bentley Brooklands, 2010 Bentley Mulsanne
German press release: auto katalog 2006; auto, motor und sport
"2008 Bentley Brooklands Coupe". LeftLaneNews.com. LeftLane. Archived from the original on 26 September 2010. Retrieved 2 January 2010.

Ten-cylinder petrols

5.0 V10 40v TFSI (Audi C6 RS6)

This 'Audi V10 TFSI' – a 5.0 litre V10 'biturbo' petrol engine is one of the most powerful engines fitted into any Volkswagen Group automobile. From its DIN-rated maximum power output of 426 kW (579 PS; 571 bhp), this engine generates a specific power output of 85.4 kW (116.1 PS; 114.5 bhp) per litre displacement.

parts code prefix/variant: 07L.B, ID code: BUH
engine displacement & engine configuration
4,991 cc (304.6 cu in) 90° V10 engine; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 89.0 mm (3.33 in × 3.50 in), stroke ratio: 0.95:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 499.1 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.5:1; dry sump lubrication system, simplex roller chain and gear-driven external ancillaries including combined oil pump and centrifugal coolant pump, two oil coolers – oil:water and thermostatically controlled oil:air, water-cooled alternator
cylinder block & crankcase
homogeneous monoblock low-pressure chill die cast hypereutectic 'Alusil' aluminium-silicon alloy (AlSi17Cu4Mg); reinforced by a cast alloy bedplate with six integral GGG50 grey cast iron main bearing caps each affixed by four bolts, web-reinforced inner vee; inner-vee balance shaft eliminating first degree inertial forces, 90 mm (3.54 in) cylinder bore spacing, 18.5 mm (0.73 in) cylinder bank offset; die-forged steel crossplane crankshaft with pins shared by opposing pistons (contrary to the 5.2 V10 from the S6), cast aluminium alloy oil sump
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; partition-plate horizontally divided intake ports designed to induce swirl-effect during induction stroke, four valves per cylinder, 40 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, double overhead camshaft driven from the rear flywheel end in a relay method using four roller chains, continuous adjusting variable valve timing for intake and exhaust camshafts, plastic-composite cam covers
two air filters, two hot-film air mass meters, two cast alloy throttle bodies each with electronically controlled Bosch "E-Gas" throttle valves, three-part sand-cast magnesium alloy fixed tract-length intake manifold incorporating electronically controlled vacuum-actuated two-stage tumble flaps inducing a swirling movement in the drawn air, 'biturbo': two parallel water-cooled (with reverse flow electric after-run pump) turbochargers integrated into exhaust manifold with electronically controlled vacuum-actuated excess pressure regulation giving a maximum boost of 1.6 bar (23.2 psi), two side-mounted intercoolers (SMICs)
fuel system
fully demand-controlled; two fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel lift pumps, Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): two returnless single-piston high-pressure FSI injection pumps driven via roller tappet from a double cam lobe on the inlet camshaft – maintaining a maximum pressure of 120 bar (1,740 psi) in the two separate stainless steel common rail fuel distributor rails (one rail per cylinder bank), ten combustion chamber sited direct injection solenoid-controlled sequential fuel injectors
ignition system & engine management
mapped direct ignition with centrally mounted spark plugs and ten individual direct-acting single spark coils; two Bosch Motronic ME 9.1.2 electronic engine control units (ECUs) working on the master/slave concept due to the high rev limit
exhaust system
two close-coupled and two main underfloor catalytic converters, eight lambda sensors
DIN-rated motive power & torque output
BUH: 426 kW (579 PS; 571 bhp) at 6,250–6,700 rpm; 650 N⋅m (480 lbf⋅ft) at 1,500–6,250 rpm
Audi C6 RS6 5.0 TFSI quattro (04/08-08/10)
"Audi RS6 Sedan unleashed ahead of Paris debut". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG. 12 August 2008. Retrieved 16 February 2010., "Self-Study Programme (SSP 431)" (PDF). AUDI AG.

5.2 V10 40v FSI (C6 S6/D3 S8)

A first in Audi's history, this new generation high-performance V10 engine is based on Audi's V8 FSI engines, and retains the same fundamental design principals of the V8 FSI, including the crankcase, cylinder heads, valvetrain, fuel system and intake manifold. However, an all new crankshaft, balance shaft, double-chambered intake manifold with dual throttle valves, exhaust manifold, and ECU—are all unique to the V10. As part of the new V10 engine development, specific emphasis was placed on 'refinement', 'comfort' and 'sportiness' – as required for installation in Audi high-performance luxury cars. As well as gaining two additional cylinders compared to the V8, it has been bored by an extra two millimetres, and also shares the 90 degree (°) cylinder bank angle of the recent Audi V engines. Audi continue to use the Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) technology, originally developed in the Audi R8 LMP endurance race cars.

This engine is often, but incorrectly, referred to as a derivative of the Gallardo's original 5.0-litre Lamborghini V10, which was also developed under the Volkswagen Group ownership. However, the subsequent 5.2 V10 FSI installed in the Gallardo LP560 and Audi R8 V10 is fundamentally identical to this Audi unit, save for a stronger crankshaft with solid main pin design, forged pistons, dry sump oiling system, different intake and exhaust valves, and engine management systems.[16]

parts code prefix: 07L
engine displacement & engine configuration
5,204 cc (317.6 cu in) 90° V10 engine; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.33 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.91:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 520.4 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 12.5:1
cylinder block & crankcase
homogeneous monoblock low-pressure chill die cast hypereutectic 'Alusil' aluminium-silicon alloy (AlSi17Cu4Mg); reinforced by a cast alloy bedplate (AlSi12Cu1) with six integral GGG50 grey cast iron main bearing caps each affixed by four bolts, 685 mm (27.0 in) long, 80 mm (3.1 in) wide, approx. 47 kg (104 lb) in weight, inner-vee sited chain-driven contra-rotating spheroidal cast iron balance shaft eliminating first degree inertial forces, 90 mm (3.54 in) cylinder bore spacing, 18.5 mm (0.73 in) cylinder bank offset
crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons
die-forged steel crankshaft, with 18 degree crankpin offset to achieve a 72° crank angle even firing interval; high strength cracked trapezoidal connecting rods (36MnVS4); Kolbenschmidt cast aluminium pistons with shaped piston crowns designed to impart charged volume tumbling effect for fully homogenous air/fuel charge, skirt with iron liner
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; partition-plate horizontally divided intake ports, four valves per cylinder, 32.5 mm (1.28 in) intake valves and 28.0 mm (1.10 in) sodium-filled exhaust valves, 40 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, hollow tube composite double overhead camshafts driven from the flywheel side via a two-stage chain drive utilising three 3/8" simplex roller chains, continuous vane-adjustable variable valve timing for intake and exhaust camshafts with up to 42 degrees adjustment
two air filters, two hot-film air mass meters, two cast alloy throttle bodies each with electronically controlled 68 mm (2.68 in) throttle valves, two-stage four-piece die cast magnesium alloy variable tract-length intake manifold utilising electronically map controlled silicon tipped tract length flaps along with tumble flaps inducing a swirling movement in the drawn air
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless; two fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pumps, Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): two inlet camshaft double-cam driven single-piston high-pressure injection pumps maintaining a pressure between 30 to 100 bar (435 to 1,450 psi) in the two stainless steel common rail fuel distributor rails with an over-pressure release valve set to 136 bar (1,973 psi), ten combustion chamber sited direct injection solenoid-controlled 65 volt single-hole sequential fuel injectors with integrated swirl plates
ignition system & engine management
mapped direct ignition with centrally mounted spark plugs and ten individual direct-acting single spark coils; two Bosch Motronic MED 9.1 electronic engine control units (ECUs) working on the 'master and slave' concept due to the high revving nature of the engine, four knock sensors, EU4 emissions standard
exhaust system
vacuum-controlled secondary air injection into exhaust ports to assist cold start operation, 2-1-2 branch exhaust manifold per cylinder bank (650 mm (25.6 in) nominal length) to minimise reverse pulsation of expelled exhaust gases, four close-coupled 600-cell ceramic catalytic converters, eight heated oxygen (lambda) sensors monitoring pre- and post-catalyst exhaust gases
approx. 220 kg (485 lb) (20 kg (44 lb) less than the BMW S85 with its 98 mm (3.9 in) bore spacing); length: 685 mm (27.0 in), width: 801 mm (31.5 in), height: 713 mm (28.1 in) with all components
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, applications, ID codes
Audi S6 — BXA: 320 kW (435 PS; 429 bhp) at 6,800 rpm; 540 N⋅m (398 lbf⋅ft) at 3,000–4,000 rpm, (over 500 N⋅m (369 lbf⋅ft) between 2,500 and 5,500 rpm)
Audi S8 — BSM: 331 kW (450 PS; 444 bhp) at 7,000 rpm; 540 N⋅m (398 lbf⋅ft) at 3,500 rpm (90% available from 2,300 rpm), 21.7 m/s maximum piston speed, 13.04 bar (189.13 psi) maximum MEP
Audi C6 S6 (03/06-08/11), Audi D3 S8 (06/06-07/10)
"KS Aluminium-Technologie: engine blocks for the new Audi A6". Rheinmetall.de. Rheinmetall AG. August 2004. Archived from the original on 5 October 2012. Retrieved 27 January 2010.
Audi 5.2 litre V10 FSI engine. Service Training – Self-Study Programme (SSP 376 ed.). Neckarsulm, Germany: AUDI AG. June 2006. The (Audi) V10 belongs to the next generation of Audi V-engines, all of which have a 90-degree included angle and a spacing of 90 millimetres between cylinder centres. Compared to the engine in the Lamborghini Gallardo, which has a spacing of 88 millimetres between cylinder centres, the Audi engine has several new features in key areas.
"New Audi S8". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG. 19 October 2005. Archived from the original on 29 February 2012. Retrieved 25 August 2009.
"New Audi S8 in depth". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG. 2 December 2005. Archived from the original on 30 July 2013. Retrieved 25 August 2009.
"New Audi S6 in depth". WorldCarFans.com. AUDI AG. 20 March 2006. Archived from the original on 29 February 2012. Retrieved 25 August 2009.

5.2 V10 40v FSI (Gallardo LP560-4/Huracán LP610-4/R8)

This is the second Lamborghini engine developed by AUDI AG, who became owners of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. following the takeover of Lamborghini by the German Volkswagen Group. It is a development of Audi's fundamentally identical 5.2 V10 40v FSI engine as used in the Audi C6 S6 and Audi D3 S8. This variant has been de-tuned for the Audi R8 V10.

parts code prefix: 07L.Y
engine displacement & engine configuration
5,204 cc (317.6 cu in) 90° V10 engine; bore x stroke: 84.5 mm × 92.8 mm (3.33 in × 3.65 in), stroke ratio: 0.91:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 520.4 cc per cylinder; compression ratio: 12.5:1; dry sump lubrication system
cylinder block & crankcase
cast aluminium alloy; 90 mm (3.54 in) cylinder bore spacing; die-forged steel crankshaft with shared crankpins (creating an uneven firing interval of either 54 deg or 90 deg separation)
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 40 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, chain driven double overhead camshafts, continuously variable valve timing system both for intake and exhaust
two air filters, two hot-film air mass meters, two cast alloy throttle bodies each with electronically controlled throttle valves, cast magnesium alloy variable geometry and resonance intake manifold
fuel system
fully demand-controlled and returnless; fuel tank–mounted low-pressure fuel pump, Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI): two inlet camshaft double-cam driven single-piston high-pressure injection pumps maintaining pressure in the two stainless steel common rail fuel distributor rails, ten combustion chamber sited direct injection solenoid-controlled sequential fuel injectors
ignition system & engine management
mapped direct ignition with centrally mounted spark plugs and ten individual direct-acting single spark coils; two Bosch Motronic MED 9.1 or Lamborghini LIE electronic engine control units (ECUs) working on the 'master and slave' concept due to the high revving nature of the engine
exhaust system
2-1-2 branch exhaust manifold per cylinder bank to minimise reverse pulsation of expelled exhaust gases
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs, ID,
Audi — BUJ: 386 kW (525 PS; 518 bhp) at 8,000 rpm; 530 N⋅m (391 lbf⋅ft) at 6,500 rpm — Audi R8 V10 (04/09-07/15)
LP560: 412 kW (560 PS; 553 bhp) at 8,000 rpm; 540 N⋅m (398 lbf⋅ft) at 6,500 rpm — Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4
LP610: 449 kW (610 PS; 602 bhp) at 8,250 rpm; 560 N⋅m (413 lbf⋅ft) at 6,500 rpm — Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4, Audi R8 V10 Plus
LP640: 471 kW (640 PS; 632 bhp) at 8,000 rpm; 601 N⋅m (443 lbf⋅ft) at 6,500 rpm — Lamborghini Huracán LP 640-4 Performante
"Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 – New Gallardo V10 bends design rules – Secrets behind Lamborghini's latest projectile, the LP560-4". evo.co.uk. Dennis Publishing. 7 March 2008. Retrieved 30 August 2009.
"2012 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performante". topspeed.com. 7 November 2011. Retrieved 14 November 2014.
"2010 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggera". supercars.net. Retrieved 14 November 2014.
"Lamborghini gives Gallardo bigger engine, new name". AutoWeek.com. Crain Communications. 26 February 2008. Archived from the original on 28 June 2011. Retrieved 9 January 2010.[unreliable source?]
"Automobil Revue". pp. catalogue edition 2008, p.316 and 2006, p.285.
"The Lamborghini Huracan LP610-4 Is The Most Advanced Lambo Ever". jalopnik.com. Jalopnik. 20 December 2013. Retrieved 13 January 2015.

Twelve-cylinder petrols

6.0 WR12 48v

Volkswagen Group W12 engine from the Volkswagen Phaeton

This W12 badged W12 engine is twelve cylinder W engine of four rows of three cylinders, formed by joining two imaginary 15° VR6 engine cylinder blocks, placed on a single crankshaft, with each cylinder 'double-bank' now at a 72° angle. This specific configuration is more appropriately described as a WR12 engine.

This Volkswagen Group engine is also used with slight modification, and with the addition of two turbochargers in the Bentley Continental GT and Bentley Continental Flying Spur. It has also been used in a 600 hp (450 kW; 610 PS) form aboard the Volkswagen W12 prototype sports car to establish a 24-hour record of 323 km/h (200.7 mph) in 2002 at the Nardò Ring in Italy.

parts code prefix: 07C
engine displacement & engine configuration
5,998 cc (366.0 cu in) 72° W12 engine; bore x stroke: 84.0 mm × 90.2 mm (3.31 in × 3.55 in), stroke ratio: 0.93:1 – undersquare/long-stroke, 499.9 cc per cylinder, compression ratio: 10.7:1
cylinder block & crankcase
homogeneous monoblock low-pressure chill die cast hypereutectic 'Alusil' aluminium-silicon alloy (AlSi17Cu4Mg); torsionally stiff aluminium alloy crankcase with high-resistance cylinder liners, simplex roller chain driven oil pump; die-forged steel 21.2 kg crankshaft, seven main bearings, crankpins offset to achieve a constant firing order as on a V6 engine
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 48 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, double overhead camshaft driven from the flywheel side via a two-stage chain drive utilising three 3/8" simplex roller chains, continuous vane-adjustable variable valve timing for intake and exhaust camshafts with up to 52 degrees timing range for the flow-optimised inlet ports, 22 degrees on the exhaust camshafts
two air filters, two hot-film air mass meters, two throttle bodies each with electronically controlled Bosch 'E-Gas' throttle valves, four-part two-channel cast magnesium alloy intake manifold; Bentley versions also use twin-turbos – one turbocharger per VR cylinder bank
fuel system, ignition system, engine management
two linked common rail fuel distributor rails, multi-point electronic sequential indirect fuel injection with twelve intake manifold-sited fuel injectors; centrally positioned NGK longlife spark plugs, mapped direct ignition with 12 individual direct-acting single spark coils; Bosch Motronic ME 7.1.1 electronic engine control unit (ECU), cylinder-selective knock control via four knock sensors, permanent lambda control, water-cooled alternator
exhaust system
two vacuum-controlled secondary air injection pumps for direct injection into exhaust ports to assist cold start operation, four exhaust manifolds with four integrated ceramic catalytic converters, eight heated oxygen sensors monitoring pre- and post catalyst exhaust gases
length: 513 mm (20.2 in), height: 715 mm (28.1 in), width: 710 mm (28.0 in) then 690 mm (27.2 in)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs – Audi / Volkswagen, ID codes
309 kW (420 PS; 414 bhp); 550 N⋅m (406 lbf⋅ft) — Audi A8: AZC (01/01-09/02), VW Phaeton: BAN (04/02-05/05)
331 kW (450 PS; 444 bhp) at 6,200 rpm, 580 N⋅m (430 lbf⋅ft) at 4,000 rpm, 560 N⋅m (413 lbf⋅ft) at 2,300–5,300 rpm — Audi A8: BHT, BSB, BTE (12/03-07/10)
331 kW (450 PS; 444 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 560 N⋅m (413 lbf⋅ft) at 2,750–5,000 rpm — Phaeton: BRN, BTT (05/05-03/16)
331 kW (450 PS; 444 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 600 N⋅m (443 lbf⋅ft) at 3,300 rpm — Touareg: BJN, CFRA (08/04-05/10)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs – Bentley twin turbo
412 kW (560 PS; 553 bhp) at 6,100 rpm; 650 N⋅m (479 lbf⋅ft) at 1,600–6,100 rpm — standard models: BWR, BEB, MTBHT
449 kW (610 PS; 602 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 750 N⋅m (553 lbf⋅ft) at 1,700–5,600 rpm — "Speed" models: CKHC, BWRA
Audi A8 (AZC: 03/01-09/02, BHT: 02/04-, BSB: 10/04-, BTE: 02/05-), Volkswagen Phaeton (BAN: 05/02-05/05, BRN: 05/05-10/08, BTT: 05/05-10/08), Volkswagen Touareg sport (BJN: 08/04-, CFRA: 02/08-), Bentley Continental GT, Bentley Continental Flying Spur
"Volkswagen Phaeton – in depth". WorldCarFans.com. Volkswagen AG. 1 March 2002. Archived from the original on 23 April 2013. Retrieved 26 August 2009.
"KS Aluminium-Technologie: engine blocks for the new Audi A6". Rheinmetall.de. Rheinmetall AG. August 2004. Archived from the original on 5 October 2012. Retrieved 27 January 2010.
"Audi A8L details". WorldCarFans.com. Audi of America. 12 January 2004. Archived from the original on 30 July 2013. Retrieved 26 August 2009.
"Continental Flying Spur specification". BentleyMotors.com. Bentley Motors Limited. Retrieved 2 September 2009.
"Continental Flying Spur Speed specification". BentleyMotors.com. Bentley Motors Limited. Retrieved 2 September 2009.

6.0 WR12 48v TFSI

This engine produces 430 kW (585 PS; 577 bhp) of power and 800 N⋅m (590 lbf⋅ft) of torque. It would mostly share the same technical specifications with its turbocharged 6.0-liter predecessor, other than the fact that it was modified to meet new WLTP emission standards. This new engine was promised to be made available on the fourth generation A8, following S8 and 60 TFSI/TDI models. However, as of August 2020, only examples of the W12 variant were press cars. It is rumoured that the W12 variant is only available as special orders in selected European dealerships.

"2018 A8 W12".

6.3 WR12 48v FSI (CEJA)

This engine produces 500 PS (368 kW; 493 bhp) of power and 625 N⋅m (461 lbf⋅ft) of torque. This new engine was promised to be made available on the 3rd generation A8 More compact dimensions than a comparable V8 engine FSI direct injection with twin high-pressure fuel pumps, twin fuel rails and six-port high pressure injectors.

A8 L W12 6.3 FSI quattro (CEJA)

6.5 V12 48v (L539) (Lamborghini)

This is a new V12 engine developed for Lamborghini. The company's fourth in-house engine and their first new V12 since its founding, it made its first appearance in the Lamborghini Aventador.

engine configuration
60° V12 engine; dry sump lubrication system
engine displacement etc.
6.5: 6,498 cc (396.5 cu in); bore x stroke: 95.0 mm × 76.4 mm (3.74 in × 3.01 in), compression ratio: 11.8:1
cylinder block & crankcase
cast aluminium alloy
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 48 valves total, double overhead camshaft
two air filters, four cast alloy throttle bodies each with Magneti Marelli electronically controlled throttle valves, cast magnesium alloy intake manifold
fuel system & ignition system
two linked common rail fuel distributor rails, multi-point electronic sequential indirect fuel injection with twelve intake manifold-sited fuel injectors; centrally positioned spark plugs, mapped direct ignition with 12 individual direct-acting single spark coils
exhaust system
two 3-branch exhaust manifolds per cylinder bank, connected to dual-inlet catalytic converters, heated oxygen (lambda) sensors monitoring pre- and post-catalyst exhaust gases
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs
LP 700: 515 kW (700 PS; 691 bhp) at 8,250 rpm; and 690 N⋅m (509 lbf⋅ft) at 5,500 rpm
LP 720: 530 kW (721 PS; 711 bhp) at 8,250 rpm; and 690 N⋅m (509 lbf⋅ft) at 5,500 rpm
LP 740: 544 kW (740 PS; 730 bhp) at 8,400 rpm; and 690 N⋅m (509 lbf⋅ft) at 5,500 rpm
LP 750: 552 kW (751 PS; 740 bhp) at 8,400 rpm; and 690 N⋅m (509 lbf⋅ft) at 5,500 rpm
LP 770: 566 kW (770 PS; 759 bhp) at 8,500 rpm; and 720 N⋅m (531 lbf⋅ft) at 6,750 rpm
Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 (2011–)
Lamborghini Aventador LP 720-4 50th Anniversario (2013–)
Lamborghini Veneno LP 750-4 (2013–2014)
Lamborghini Centenario LP 770-4 (2016–2017)
"Lamborghini Aventador Technical Specifications". Lamborghini. Retrieved 6 November 2014.
"Lamborghini Aventador 50th Anniversario Technical Specifications". Lamborghini. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
"Lamborghini Veneno Roadster Technical Specifications". Lamborghini. Archived from the original on 10 February 2015. Retrieved 13 January 2015.

Sixteen-cylinder petrol

8.0 WR16 64v4T (Bugatti)

W16 engine of the Chiron

This W16 badged engine is the first and so far the only production W16 engine in the world. It is a sixteen-cylinder W engine, of four rows of four cylinders, and is created by joining two VR8-engined 15° cylinder banks at the crankcase, and placed on a single crankshaft, with each cylinder 'double-bank' now at a 90° V-angle. This specific configuration method means it is more appropriately described as a WR16 engine.

engine displacement & engine configuration
7,993 cc (487.8 cu in) 90° W16 engine; bore x stroke: 86.0 mm × 86.0 mm (3.39 in × 3.39 in), stroke ratio: 1.00:1 – 'square engine', 499.56 cc per cylinder
cylinder block & crankcase
forged aluminium alloy; plasma-coated cylinder bores, dry sump lubrication system featuring an eight-stage aluminium-geared oil pump, die-forged steel crankshaft, lightweight titanium connecting rods
cylinder heads & valvetrain
cast aluminium alloy; four valves per cylinder, 64 valves total, low-friction roller finger cam followers with automatic hydraulic valve clearance compensation, double overhead camshaft
engine cooling
two separate water cooling circuits: one of 40 l (8.8 imp gal; 10.6 US gal) capacity utilising three front-mounted radiators, the second of 15 l (3.3 imp gal; 4.0 US gal) for cooling the charged induction air in the two intercoolers
lightweight cast magnesium alloy intake manifold with twin 'drive by wire' electronically controlled throttle valves in separate throttle bodies, four parallel turbochargers with integrated excess pressure regulation valves, two water-cooled top-mounted intercoolers
fuel system, ignition system & engine management
two linked common rail fuel distributor rails, multi-point electronic sequential indirect fuel injection with sixteen intake manifold-sited fuel injectors; mapped direct ignition with 16 individual direct-acting single spark coils; two digital electronic engine control units (ECUs), ion-current knock control and misfire cylinder-selective detection system
dimensions & mass
length: 710 mm (28.0 in), mass: ˜400 kg (882 lb)
DIN-rated motive power & torque outputs
736 kW (1,001 PS; 987 bhp) at 6,000 rpm; 1,250 N⋅m (922 lbf⋅ft) at 2,200–5,500 rpm; achieving a top speed of 406 km/h (252.3 mph)
882 kW (1,199 PS; 1,183 bhp); 1,500 N⋅m (1,106 lbf⋅ft) – in the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport; achieving a top speed of 430 km/h (267.2 mph)
"Photograph of the Bugatti W16 cylinder block" (jpg image). Retrieved 30 December 2009.
"2006 Bugatti Veyron W16 Engine". SuperCarNews.net. Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. Archived from the original on 15 June 2008. Retrieved 30 December 2009.
"Bugatti Veyron 16.4 powerplant". WorldCarFans.com. Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. 2 February 2006. Archived from the original on 30 July 2013. Retrieved 25 August 2009.
"Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport revealed". WorldCarFans.com. Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. Retrieved 19 December 2010.

Petrol engines data table

The following table contains a very brief selection of current and historical Volkswagen Group spark-ignition petrol engines for comparison of performance and operating characteristics:

See also

  • List of Volkswagen Group diesel engines
  • Wasserboxer
  • VR6 engine
  • G-Lader
  • G60 – for detailed development info and progression of forced induction in Volkswagen Group engines


  1. ^ ETKA official factory data[clarification needed]
  2. ^ "Efficiency and driving pleasure: innovative V engines at Audi". Archived from the original on 10 February 2018. Retrieved 10 February 2018.
  3. ^ "Inside Porsche's new V8 and V6 powertrains". Archived from the original on 10 February 2018. Retrieved 10 February 2018.
  4. ^ "New 90-degree turbo V6 leads Audi's hybridization blitz". Archived from the original on 10 February 2018. Retrieved 10 February 2018.
  5. ^ Hauri, Stephan (21 May 2014). "Drei für einen Liter" [Three for a liter] (PDF). Automobil Revue (in German). Bern, Switzerland: MoMedia AG (21). Archived (PDF) from the original on 26 May 2015. Retrieved 26 May 2015.
  6. ^ "SCOOP: CGI set for four-cylinder engine blocks". Archived from the original on 24 December 2013. Retrieved 21 December 2013.
  7. ^ a b "Audi Third Generation 2.0l Engines" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 22 July 2020. Retrieved 22 July 2020.
  8. ^ "上汽大众官网 | 大众辉昂(Phideon)车型参数,新款配置报价,车型图片". phideon.svw-volkswagen.com. Archived from the original on 22 July 2020. Retrieved 22 July 2020.
  9. ^ "Behind Audi's new "rightsized" efficient EA888 Gen.3B family". Green Car Congress. Archived from the original on 22 July 2020. Retrieved 22 July 2020.
  10. ^ Radu, Mihnea (4 August 2014). "2014 Audi S3, Golf R and Leon Cupra Developing Turbo Problems". autoevolution. Archived from the original on 23 October 2019. Retrieved 23 October 2019.
  11. ^ "Got a bad turbo? Let's track the issue... - GOLFMK7 - VW GTI MKVII Forum / VW Golf R Forum / VW Golf MKVII Forum". www.golfmk7.com. Archived from the original on 9 September 2016. Retrieved 23 October 2019.
  12. ^ "Volkswagen GTI Water Pump Problems". www.carproblemzoo.com. Archived from the original on 23 October 2019. Retrieved 23 October 2019.
  13. ^ a b "车系排放控制系统信息-上汽大众售后服务(Techcare)官网". techcare.svw-volkswagen.com. Archived from the original on 22 July 2020. Retrieved 22 July 2020.
  14. ^ "CAKA/CCBA/CGWC V6 TFSI engine: Audi B8 S4 and 8T S5". Archived from the original on 11 November 2016. Retrieved 11 November 2016.
  15. ^ Bentley Continental GT V8 Archived 22 December 2013 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 July 2014. Retrieved 26 April 2015.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  • "Volkswagen engines ID code". AutoShoppingCenter.com. n.d. Archived from the original on 6 December 2009. Retrieved 30 July 2009.
  • "Audi engine ID code". AutoShoppingCenter.com. n.d. Archived from the original on 30 August 2009. Retrieved 30 July 2009.

External links

  • VolkswagenAG.com – Volkswagen Group corporate website
    • Chemnitz (Germany) – engine plant Mobility and Sustainability
    • Kassel (Germany) – engine plant Mobility and Sustainability
    • Salzgitter (Germany) – engine plant Mobility and Sustainability
    • Polkowice (Poland) – engine plant Mobility and Sustainability
    • São Carlos (Brazil) – engine plant Mobility and Sustainability
    • Shanghai (China) – engine plant Mobility and Sustainability
    • Audi at a glance – includes information on the Győr engine plant

Golf R400 (EA888)

    • [1]
Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Volkswagen_Group_petrol_engines&oldid=1041479530#EA888"