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Восточное побережье автострада E8 является межгосударственным контролируемым доступом шоссе работает параллельно северо - восточное побережье полуостровной Малайзии . В настоящее время действующий 433-километровый (269-мильный) участок скоростной автомагистрали проходит между Караком , Пахангом и Куала-Нерус , Теренггану .

Скоростная автомагистраль Восточного побережья служит высокоскоростной альтернативой существующим федеральным маршрутам 2 и 3 , которые проходят параллельно.

Фон маршрута [ править ]

Скоростная автомагистраль Восточного побережья начинается с восточного конца скоростной автомагистрали Куала-Лумпур-Карак в Карак , Паханг , затем проходит через Ланчанг , Ментакаб , Темерлох , Ченор , Маран , Шри-Джая , Гамбанг , Куантан , Джабур , Чених , Чукай , Киджал , Кертех , Пак , Дунгун , Букит Besi , Ajil и Telemong, заканчиваясь в Кампунге Gemuruh рядомКуала-Нерус в Теренггану .

История [ править ]

Плата Karak Toll Plaza на скоростной автомагистрали восточного побережья, ведущей к хребту Титивангса , Паханг .
Мост Султана Ахмад Шаха II (мост Семантан) пересекает реку Паханг .

Ранняя разработка (1994–2001) [ править ]

О строительстве скоростной автомагистрали из Карака в Куала-Теренггану было впервые объявлено в 1994 году, когда скоростная автомагистраль Куала-Лумпур-Карак была модернизирована с бывшей двухполосной автомагистрали до полноценной скоростной автомагистрали. [1] В то время компания-концессионер проекта скоростной автомагистрали была консорциумом, созданным MMC Corporation Berhad (через ее дочернюю компанию Projek Lebuhraya Timur Sdn. Bhd. (Pelita)), MTD Group и Malaysian Resource Corporation Berhad ( MRCB). ). [2] Скоростная автомагистраль протяженностью 338 км планировалась как другой маршрут, чем скоростная автомагистраль Куала-Лумпур-Карак, даже несмотря на то, что первая будет начинаться в конечной точке второй. [1]В то время предполагаемая стоимость строительства скоростной автомагистрали составляла 4,6 миллиарда ринггитов, а затем была снижена до 4,26 миллиарда ринггитов для всего участка от Карака до Куала-Теренггану. Из-за очень высокой стоимости MTD Group и MRCB вышли из консорциума, оставив Pelita делать работу в одиночку. [1] [3] Концессионный договор между Пелитой и правительством был подписан 9 сентября 1998 г .; однако не было никаких признаков каких-либо строительных работ со стороны первоначального концессионера из-за последствий азиатского финансового кризиса 1997 года , что привело к аннулированию прежнего концессионного соглашения. [4]

Первая задержка проекта вызвала споры по всей стране. Тогдашний премьер-министр Тун д-р Махатхир Мохамад объявил, что все проекты скоростных автомагистралей в то время будут отложены, заявив, что малайзийцы не готовы платить дорожные сборы, чтобы пользоваться дорогами более высокого качества. [5] После того, как правительства штатов Паханг, Теренггану и Джохор обратились к федеральному правительству с просьбой не откладывать строительство скоростной автомагистрали, федеральное правительство согласилось продолжить проект скоростной автомагистрали Восточного побережья. [3] [5]

Фаза 1 (Карак – Джабор, 2001–2004 гг.) [ Править ]

Чтобы возобновить проект скоростной автомагистрали, федеральное правительство решило сами профинансировать проект скоростной автомагистрали и снова обратилось к MTD Group как к новому концессионеру для автомагистрали Восточного побережья. Письмо о намерениях было направлено федеральным правительством MTD Group 1 марта 2000 года, а новый концессионный договор был подписан 17 января 2001 года. [4] MTD Group была выбрана в качестве нового концессионера за возможность предложить самые дешевые строительные работы. стоимость проекта скоростной дороги. [2] Вскоре после этого началось строительство Скоростной автомагистрали Восточного побережья.

Однако строительство скоростной автомагистрали было ограничено только первым этапом от Карака до Куантана, поскольку новое правительство штата Теренггану во главе с Панмалайзийской исламской партией (PAS), перешедшей в штат у Барисана Насионаля во время всеобщих выборов 1999 года. решительно выступал против взимания платы за проезд со скоростной автомагистрали и настаивал на строительстве собственной версии автомагистрали Восточного побережья без взимания платы за проезд. [4] Отмена взимания платы за проезд в Теренггану стала основным манифестом PAS во время выборов. С другой стороны, тогдашний министр труда Датук Сери Сами Веллу insisted that toll collection was needed, claiming that the federal government could not afford to fully fund the East Coast Expressway without toll collection.[6] In the end, the construction of the Terengganu section by PAS state government ultimately did not materialise at all.

The East Coast Expressway Phase 1 from Karak to Kuantan was opened to motorists on 1 August 2004, with the total cost of RM1.3 billion, which was translated to RM7.5 million per kilometre.[7] The expressway was gazetted with the route number of E8, as a continuation of the Kuala Lumpur–Karak Expressway E8/FT2. The second part of Phase 1, the Sri Jaya and Jabur was opened in on July 2007.

Phase 2 (Jabor–Kuala Terengganu, 2003–2015)[edit]

The East Coast Expressway Phase 2 extends the expressway to Kuala Terengganu, serving as the alternative for both Federal Route 3 and Jerangau–Jabor Highway FT14. The construction of the second phase of the East Coast Expressway E8 began in 2006 as a result of the Barisan Nasional takeover of Terengganu state government from PAS during the 2004 general election.[2][8] Unlike the first phase of the expressway where MTD Group became the only contractor (and concessionaire company), MTD was only allocated about 30% of the construction job for the second phase, from Bukit Besi to Telemung (Package 10), with the total length of 64 km.[9] The remaining 70% of the construction job was awarded to Bumiputra contractors, where 30% of the construction job was allocated to Terengganuan contractors and the remainder was allocated to non-Terengganuan contractors.[2] As a result, the section built by MTD Group was monitored by the Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM), while the remaining section was monitored by the Malaysian Public Works Department (JKR).

Unlike the first phase of the expressway where MTD Group managed to complete it on time despite of the huge flood in Pahang during the construction period, the second phase of the expressway had sparked a controversy due to numerous delays during the construction. The deadline was set for May 2011;[10] however, the final deadline of the project completion was pushed to September 2014.[11] The price hike of construction materials such as bitumen and steel was primarily blamed for the delay, as the price hike had caused several contractors to withdraw from the project due to their inability to afford the increasing construction costs.[2][10][12] In addition, the Malaysian Public Accounts Committee (PAC) also claimed that the delay and the increase of construction costs was attributed to the change of the construction model from being a toll-free federal highway to a toll expressway.[12] Meanwhile, MTD Group claimed that the huge flood in Terengganu in 2009 that submerged some sections of the expressway had forced them to redesign the expressway, including the construction of higher viaducts in flood-prone areas, adding the construction costs further.[2]

On 7 April 2011, MTD Group's toll road divisions, MTD Prime Sdn. Bhd. and Metramac Corporation Sdn. Bhd., were spun off to form ANIH Berhad after taking over the operations of Toll Concession from the concessionaire companies who respectively owned the concessions for Kuala Lumpur–Karak Expressway, East Coast Expressway Phase 1, and Kuala Lumpur–Seremban Expressway (including East–West Link Expressway), with effect from 6 December 2011.[13]

The second phase of the East Coast Expressway was opened in stages. The sections from Telemung to Kuala Terengganu and Ajil–Bukit Besi were the earliest sections being opened to motorists on 22 August 2011,[14] followed by Ajil–Telemung section on 18 May 2012,[15] Bukit Besi–Paka section on 25 January 2014,[16] and Jabor–Cheneh section on 22 July 2014.[17] When completed, the East Coast Expressway E8 Phase 2 will become a toll expressway that enjoys the longest toll-free period in Malaysia for 3 years.[18]

On 31 January 2015, all sections of the Jabur–Kuala Terengganu of the East Coast Expressway has now opened to traffic.[19] During toll free period at ECE2 (Terengganu section), motorists coming from Kuala Lumpur must exit the expressway at Jabor interchange, make a U-turn after paying toll and collect a transit card at Jabor toll plaza, which will be returned at the Jabor temporary toll plaza, in order to proceed to Kuala Terengganu. On the other hand, the ticket from the Jabor temporary toll plaza can be used within the entire length of the ECE1 E8.[20] On 20 April 2015, it was announced that PLUS Malaysia Berhad, the operator of the North–South Expressway, will be operating the second phase of the East Coast Expressway E8 starting from August 2015, making the East Coast Expressway E8 as the first expressway route in Malaysia to be operated by two different concessionaire. The toll rate of the second phase of the expressway will be pegged to the rate of the first phase.[21] On 7 July 2015, the Jabor temporary toll plaza was demolished to make way for the non-stop toll operation along the ECE2 E8 to avoid congestion caused by the temporary toll plaza.[22][23] The operation of the toll plazas along the ECE2 E8 is conducted temporarily by Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) themselves before being handed to PLUS Malaysia Berhad in August 2015.[23]

Major events[edit]

  • 14 December 2007 and 4 January 2021 – The East Coast Expressway section from Karak to Lanchang was flooded.
  • 17 September 2009 – Motorists using the Kuala Lumpur–Karak Expressway and the East Coast Expressway can drive toll free on September 18 and 24 from midnight to 5am during Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
  • 2 September 2010 – The Kuala Lumpur–Karak Expressway and the East Coast Expressway become toll-free from 9pm till 6am on September 7, 8, 15 and 16 during Hari Raya Aidilfitri holidays.
  • 23 December 2014 – The Temerloh–Chenor section of the East Coast Expressway was flooded.
  • 3 January 2021 – The Sri Jaya–Gambang section of the East Coast Expressway was flooded.


Phase 1 (Pahang): Karak–Jabur[edit]

The length of this segment is 174 km (108 mi) and runs from Kuala Lumpur–Karak Expressway through Lanchang, Mentakab, Temerloh, Chenor, Maran, Kuantan and ends at the Pahang–Terengganu border near Jabur. The turnkey contract was awarded to MTD Capital Bhd.

Administratively, the Gombak–Karak stretch is part of LPT Phase 1, being managed by the same concessionaire and sharing the same route number, E8. The Gombak–Karak stretch also forms part of Highway 2.

Though the expressway begins in Gombak, the zeroth kilometer is not there; instead it is located at the intersection of Jalan Pahang (part of Highway 2) and Jalan Tun Razak, near the Kuala Lumpur Hospital, and counted along Jalan Pahang and Jalan Gombak. The Gombak toll plaza is located at the 19th kilometer, close to the International Islamic University Malaysia. The Karak Expressway is almost parallel to the old Gombak–Bentong road 68, crossing some villages in the Gombak constituency, before crossing the Selangor–Pahang border at the Genting Sempah Tunnel. Exits to Genting Highlands are built at both ends of the tunnel. There is a rest stop with a McDonald's outlet just after the eastern end of the tunnel.

The ECE continues its parallel arrangement with Route 68 until the Bentong West toll plaza, where Route 68 veers towards north, merging into Highway 8 in Bentong town. The Karak Expressway continues for another 50 km until the Karak toll plaza, where it ceases to be concurrent with Highway 2. Highway 9 also begins near there, connecting Karak all the way to Kuala Pilah and Tampin in Negeri Sembilan.

While the Gombak–Karak stretch uses an open toll collection system, with toll plazas at Gombak and Bentong, the Karak toll plaza is the beginning of the closed access system. Motorists are required to sign-in using Touch 'n Go cards or SmartTAG (transit tickets for cash transactions are no longer accepted starting August 2017). Motorists which leave the expressway sign out at the desired toll plaza and will be charged according to distance and type of vehicle.

Just after the Temerloh exit, spanning the Pahang River is a bridge, designed with elephant tusk motifs, in a nod to the emblem of Pahang. The expressway continues to Maran, Gambang and then the state capital Kuantan. The Sungai Lembing road 231 connects Exit 833 of the expressway to downtown Kuantan. Further north, just after crossing the border into Terengganu, there is the Gebeng Bypass 101 which serves as a shortcut to Kuantan Port. The first phase of the expressway ends at Jabur, at the Pahang–Terengganu border, which also serves as the Limit of Maintenance Responsibility for ANIH Berhad. Beyond Jabor, PLUS takes over.

Phase 2 (Terengganu): Jabur–Kuala Nerus[edit]

Fully operational by January 2015, the second phase of the ECE begins in Jabur, crossing Chenih, Chukai, Kijal, Kerteh, Paka, Dungun, Bukit Besi, Ajil, and Telemong before terminating at an interchange with Highway 3 at Kampung Gemuruh near Kuala Terengganu. The Jabor–Kuala Terengganu stretch is operated by PLUS, which also operates the North–South Expressway, as opposed to the Gombak–Jabor stretch, which is the responsibility of ANIH Berhad. Despite the different concessionaires, the Jabor–Kuala Terengganu stretch is administratively the same expressway as the Gombak–Jabor stretch, having the same route number, E8.

LPT2 is almost parallel to Highway 14, save for the stretch between Kijal and Bukit Besi, where the expressway veered closer to the coast. Since opening, LPT2 has seen a number of fatal accidents, and a case involving a pregnant female tiger.[24] The spate of accidents had prompted certain quarters to allege that LPT2 had uneven roads, putting motorists at risk.[25]

For the first few months in operation, motorists had to sign out at the Jabor toll plaza to pay the toll fare up until Jabor, before making a loop and entering the LPT2. Since July 2015 though, the Malaysian Highway Authority had taken responsibility for toll collection of LPT2 until the concession agreement was finalised. Following this, motorists are no longer required to sign out at Jabor, and they can pay the toll fare at the LPT2 toll plazas. Pending the finalization of the concession agreement, the toll fare was calculated until Jabor for the time being, effectively making the Jabor–Kuala Terengganu stretch free of charge. The concession agreement was signed with PLUS in April 2016, and Lebuhraya Pantai Timur 2 Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of PLUS, was reportedly appointed to manage the highway. The Terengganu state government had reportedly requested that toll collection be postponed until after the 2016 Hari Raya celebrations in July 2016.[26] Toll collections by LPT2 Sdn. Bhd. formally began on 15 July, when the new toll rates were announced. For example, a trip from Gombak to Kuala Terengganu now costs RM 52.80.[27]

Future sections[edit]

Phase 3 (Kelantan): Kuala Nerus–Kota Bharu[edit]

Phase 3 will connect from Kampung Gemuruh (near Kuala Terengganu) to Kota Bharu and Tumpat, just before the border with Thailand. Phase 3 will cover 124 kilometers. Two routes, one taking the coastal route and the other passing through Gua Musang constituency in southern Kelantan will be explored. The project had been included in the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11, RMK 11).[28]

Phase 4 (Pahang and Johor): Gambang–Johor Bahru[edit]

Phase 4 will connect from Gambang to Johor Bahru via Federal Road 3. Phase 4 will cover 250 kilometers. The construction of this section is not started yet for various reasons.


Accident prone area along Phase 2 (Jabor–Kuala Terengganu)[edit]

Since it was opened to traffic on 2015, many traffic accidents have occurred along this segment of this expressway. The majority of accidents and fatalities on the new stretches of the expressway was attributed to reckless or exhausted drivers, trespassing animals and damaged and water-logged roads.[29]

Junction list[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Malaysian Expressway System
  • Kuala Lumpur–Karak Expressway


  1. ^ a b c "Lebuh raya: Kempunankah rakyat pantai timur?" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 1998-04-13. Retrieved 2014-09-14.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Ahmad Farizal Hajat (2013-12-13). "Tambahan kerja, banjir besar punca LPT tak ikut jadual" (in Malay). Berita Harian.
  3. ^ a b Amir Sarifudin; Yahaya Ahmad; Radhuan Hussain (1999-07-31). "LPT akan dibina secepat mungkin" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  4. ^ a b c Samsor Junet (2001-02-22). "LPT bakal merubah Pantai Timur" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  5. ^ a b Amir Sharifuddin; Zulkiflee Bakar (1999-01-30). "Johor, Terengganu rayu terus bina lebuh raya" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  6. ^ "Kertas kerja status projek LPT ke kabinet Januari" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 1999-12-13. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  7. ^ Azman Ismail; Zabry Mohamad (2004-08-01). "Pembukaan LPT hari ini dekatkan KL - Kuantan" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  8. ^ "LPT2 siap September 2014" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 2013-07-23. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  9. ^ "Fasa 10 LPT 2 siap ikut jadual - AlloyMtd" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 2013-12-13. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  10. ^ a b "LPT Fasa 2 lewat siap" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 2009-06-18. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  11. ^ "LPT2 siap September 2014" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 2013-07-23. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  12. ^ a b "LPT2 lewat akibat perubahan struktur pembinaan" (in Malay). Sinar Harian. 2014-06-17. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  13. ^ "Corporate Profile". Anih Berhad. Retrieved 2014-09-09.
  14. ^ "Pembukaan Jajaran Pakej 10, Pakej 11 & Pakej 12". JKR. 2011-08-18. Archived from the original on 2011-10-07. Retrieved 2011-08-23.
  15. ^ "Sebahagian LPT 2 dibuka esok - LLM" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 2012-05-17. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  16. ^ "LPT2 Bukit Besi-Paka mula beroperasi" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 2014-01-26. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  17. ^ "Jajaran Jabor-persimpangan Ceneh dibuka" (in Malay). Utusan Malaysia. 2014-07-23. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  18. ^ "Sejarah lengkap Lebuhraya Pantai Timur E8" (in Malay). Blog Jalan Raya Malaysia. 2014-09-08. Retrieved 2014-09-08.
  19. ^ "LPT2 officially open to public today". New Straits Times. 2015-01-31. Retrieved 2015-02-03.
  20. ^ "XPDC Teganu Kita 2015 Part 1: Lebuhraya Pantai Timur Fasa 2 E8" (in Malay). Blog Jalan Raya Malaysia. 2015-02-16. Retrieved 2015-05-20.
  21. ^ "LPT2 kenakan tol bermula Ogos depan" (in Malay). Sinar Harian. 2015-04-28. Retrieved 2015-05-20.
  22. ^ Media statement from Malaysian Highway Authority - Accessed on 2015-07-09.
  23. ^ a b "FAQ mengenai kutipan tol di LPT2 E8" (in Malay). Blog Jalan Raya Malaysia. 2015-07-09. Retrieved 2015-07-09.
  24. ^ "LPT2 ragut nyawa lagi, kali ini harimau belang dirempuh MPV". Astro Awani. Retrieved 22 June 2016.
  25. ^ "Menteri: Jalan beralun bukan punca kemalangan di LPT2". Malaysiakini. Retrieved 22 June 2016.
  26. ^ "Morning Edition - Terengganu Propose Toll Collection Only After Hari Raya At LPT 2". Retrieved 22 June 2016.
  27. ^ "Toll Fare sticker Plaza Tol K.TERENGGANU". Retrieved 23 August 2016.
  28. ^ "Pembinaan projek LPT3 akan bermula". Sinar Harian. Sinar Harian. Retrieved 16 June 2016.
  29. ^ Human factor main cause of accidents on East Coast Expressway P2, says LLM - Accessed on 2015-06-22.

External links[edit]

  • ANIH Berhad - concessions of East Coast Expressway Phase 1
  • East Coast Expressway Project Phase 2 Project Page
  • Lebuhraya Pantai Timur (LPT2) Sdn Bhd - concessions of East Coast Expressway Phase 2
  • East Coast Expressway Phase 3 and 4 Proposal Page in ECER site