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Карта с изображением линий чартеров и грантов для связанных с Массачусетсом колоний и провинций

Территория Содружества Массачусетса , одного из пятидесяти Соединенных Штатов, была заселена в 17 веке несколькими различными английскими колониями. Территории, на которые претендовали или управлялись этими колониями, охватывали гораздо большую территорию, чем территория современного государства, и иногда включали территории, которые сейчас находятся в юрисдикции других штатов Новой Англии или канадских провинций Нью-Брансуик и Новая Шотландия . Некоторые колониальные притязания на землю простирались до Тихого океана .

Первым постоянным поселением была колония Плимут (1620 г.), а вторым крупным поселением - колония Массачусетского залива в Салеме в 1629 г. Поселения, которые потерпели неудачу или были объединены с другими колониями, включали несостоявшуюся колонию Пофам (1607 г.) на побережье штата Мэн, и колония Вессагуссет (1622–1623 гг.) в Уэймуте, штат Массачусетс , остатки которой были объединены в колонию Плимут. Колонии Плимута и Массачусетского залива сосуществовали до 1686 года, каждая из которых ежегодно избирала своего губернатора. В управлении обеих колоний доминировала относительно небольшая группа магистратов, некоторые из которых управляли в течение многих лет. Доминион Новой Англиибыла основана в 1686 году и охватывала территорию этих колоний, а также Нью-Гэмпшира , Коннектикута и Род-Айленда . В 1688 году он был расширен за счет включения Нью-Йорка и Восточного и Западного Джерси . Доминион был крайне непопулярен в колониях и был распущен, когда его назначенный королевой губернатор сэр Эдмунд Андрос был арестован и отправлен обратно в Англию после Великой революции 1688 года .

После ареста Андроса каждая из колоний вернулась к своей прежней форме управления. Король Вильгельм III , однако, реорганизовал территорию колоний Плимута и Массачусетского залива в провинцию Массачусетский залив и назначил сэра Уильяма Фипса своим королевским губернатором в 1692 году. Провинция Массачусетского залива управлялась назначенными гражданскими губернаторами до 1774 года, когда Томас Хатчинсона сменил генерал-лейтенант Томас Гейдж на фоне растущей напряженности между Тринадцатью колониями и британским парламентом. Гейдж был последним королевским губернатором провинции. Он был фактически бессилен за пределами Бостона и был отозван после июньского 1775 года.Битва при Банкер-Хилле . К тому времени провинция уже де-факто управлялась Конгрессом провинции Массачусетс ; после принятия конституции штата в 1779 году вновь образованное Содружество Массачусетса избрало Джона Хэнкока своим первым губернатором.

Колония Пофэма: 1607–1608 [ править ]

Колония Пофэма была основана на побережье Фиппсбурга, штат Мэн, в 1607 году как попытка колонизации Плимутской компанией Вирджинии . Колония просуществовала около года, прежде чем была оставлена. Одним из ее основных покровителей был сэр Джон Попэм ; его племянник Джордж Пофэм был губернатором колонии на протяжении большей части ее недолгого существования. [1] Джордж Пофэм умер в колонии в 1608 году и был заменен Рэли Гилбертом. Он и оставшиеся колонисты покинули его после того, как стало известно, что Джон Пофэм и старший брат Гилберта сэр Джон Гилберт умер. [2]

Плимутская колония: 1620–1686, 1689–1692 [ править ]

The Plymouth Colony originated as a land grant issued by the London Virginia Company to a group of English separatist Puritans who had fled to Holland to avoid religious persecution. Their migration to the New World in 1620 aboard the Mayflower was funded by the Merchant Adventurers, who sent additional settlers to engage in profit-making activities in the colony.[3] The settlers had intended to establish a colony near the mouth of the Hudson River, within the bounds of the London Virginia Company's territory, but weather conditions on their arrival led them to establish it instead on the shores of Cape Cod Bay at Plymouth, Massachusetts.[4] The colonists acquired a land grant from the Plymouth Council for New England in 1621,[5] but its early governance took place under the terms of the Mayflower Compact, a document which the colonists drafted and signed aboard the Mayflower before they landed.[4] In 1630, the colony acquired a formal charter with authority to govern from the Plymouth Council, but it was unsuccessful in attempts to acquire a royal charter that would guarantee its territory against other claimants.[6]

The colony held annual elections for its offices.[7] Between 1620 and 1680, it was ruled by a governor who appointed a temporary replacement if he left the colony. In 1681, they began also electing a deputy governor who would serve in the governor's absence.[8] The leadership was dominated by William Bradford, who served more than 30 terms as governor.[5] The colony was incorporated into the Dominion of New England in 1686,[9] but the dominion was dissolved in 1689 and all the New England colonies temporarily reverted to their previous governmental structures. Plymouth finally received a royal charter in 1691, but it was not the one which they had sought for 70 years. Instead of protecting the colony's autonomy, the charter incorporated Plymouth into the Province of Massachusetts Bay, which took effect in 1692 with the arrival of royal governor Sir William Phips.[10][11]

Edward Winslow
Josiah Winslow

Wessagusset Colony: 1622–1623[edit]

The Wessagusset Colony (sometimes called the Weston Colony or Weymouth Colony) was a short-lived trading colony located in Weymouth, Massachusetts. It was settled in August 1622 by approximately 55 colonists who were ill-prepared for colonial life and lacking adequate provisions.[14] The colony was dissolved in late March 1623, and the surviving colonists either joined the Plymouth Colony or returned to England.[15]

Governor-General of New England: 1623–1624[edit]

In 1623, Robert Gorges was commissioned as Governor-General of New England by King Charles I to oversee Plymouth, Wessagusset, and future New England colonies.[16] Gorges established a small colony on the site of the recently failed Wessagusset Colony; his effort was abandoned after one year for financial reasons.[17][18] Some of his settlers remained in the area without formal governance, moving to occupy the Shawmut Peninsula (site of Boston, Massachusetts) among other places.[19]

Massachusetts Bay Colony: 1629–1686, 1689–1692[edit]

The Massachusetts Bay Company was established in 1628 and was funded in part by investors in the failed Dorchester Company. In that year, the company elected Matthew Cradock as its governor and received a grant from the Plymouth Council for New England for land roughly between the Charles and Merrimack Rivers.[20] The company dispatched John Endecott and a small company of settlers to Massachusetts Bay not long after acquiring the grant.[21] In 1629, the company received a royal charter as a means to guarantee its grant against other claims, and elected Endecott as the first colonial governor, while Cradock continued to govern the company in London.[22] In August 1629, the shareholders reorganized the company so that the charter could be removed to the colony, merging corporate and colonial administration.[23] John Winthrop was elected governor in October, but did not formally take charge of the colony until he arrived in 1630.[24] Colonial officials (governor, deputy governor, and the council of assistants) were elected annually from then on by the freemen of the colony. The governorship was dominated by a small group of early settlers who sought to ensure that the vision of a Puritan settlement was maintained; Richard Bellingham, John Leverett, and Simon Bradstreet all served extended terms, in addition to Winthrop and Endecott, and Thomas Dudley served 4 1-year terms. All these men also served in positions of importance when they were not serving as governor.[25]

The colony's governance and religious attitudes came under greater scrutiny following the restoration of Charles II to the throne in 1660, which led to the revocation of its charter in 1684.[26][27] King James II then established the Dominion of New England, an appointed regime which was strongly against the will of the American colonists.[28] It took effect in 1686 and lasted until 1689, when the Glorious Revolution toppled James, and colonists in Massachusetts immediately arrested the Dominion's governor Sir Edmund Andros.[29] The colony reverted to its previous rule on a provisional basis, because it then lacked any sort of legal charter.[30] In 1691, King William III merged the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay along with the territory of Maine, the islands south of Cape Cod (including Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, and the Elizabeth Islands), and Nova Scotia (which included New Brunswick) to form the Province of Massachusetts Bay.[10] This new governmental structure took effect in 1692, with the arrival of the new royal governor Sir William Phips.[11]

Dominion of New England: 1686–1689[edit]

The Dominion of New England was established by King James II in order to bring the colonies of New England more firmly under united crown control, and to streamline the costs associated with colonial administration.[36] All of the New England colonies eventually came under its authority, as well as the provinces of New York, East Jersey, and West Jersey.[37] Sir Edmund Andros governed the Dominion for most of its brief existence, but he alienated New Englanders by forcing the Church of England into Puritan Boston and vacating land titles issued under the old charter.[38] After the Glorious Revolution of 1688 deposed James, Massachusetts political operatives arrested Andros and shipped him back to England.[39][40] All of the affected colonies reverted to their previous forms of rule, although Massachusetts did so without constitutional authority because its charter had been revoked.[41] William III and Mary II eventually issued new charters, but in the process they combined the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth Colony, and other territories into the Province of Massachusetts Bay.[10]

Plans to establish the dominion had started under King Charles II early in the 1680s. He initially selected Colonel Percy Kirke as the dominion's governor in 1684. Kirke's commission was approved by James, but was then withdrawn after Kirke's controversially harsh actions in putting down Monmouth's Rebellion in 1685. Joseph Dudley, son of Thomas Dudley, was given a commission as "President of the Council of New England" with limited powers as an interim measure before Andros' commission could be finalized.[42]

Province of Massachusetts Bay: 1692–1775[edit]

The royal charter for the Province of Massachusetts Bay was issued in 1691. The territory that it encompassed included the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Plymouth Colony, the territories of Maine and Nova Scotia (which then included New Brunswick), and the proprietary plantation holdings of Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and other islands off the southern coast of Cape Cod.[10] The government did not formally begin operating until royally appointed governor Sir William Phips arrived in 1692.[11] The province was governed by civilian governors until 1774, when Thomas Hutchinson was replaced by Lieutenant General Thomas Gage amid rising tensions between the Thirteen Colonies and the British Parliament.[47] Gage was the province's last royal governor. He was effectively powerless beyond Boston,[48][49] and was recalled after the June 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill.[50] By then, the province was already being run de facto by the Massachusetts Provincial Congress, which continued to govern until 1780. The Massachusetts Constitution was adopted in 1779, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts elected John Hancock as its first governor.[51]

Under the terms of the royal charter, both the governor and lieutenant governor were appointed by the crown. The charter contained a provision that the governor's council would assume the duties of the governor should both governor and lieutenant governor be absent from the colony.[52] This occurred three times:

  1. Acting governor William Stoughton died in 1701, and the council governed until the arrival of Joseph Dudley.[53]
  2. Queen Anne died in 1714 and the commissions that she had issued expired six months later. Her successor King George I issued an order continuing all commissions, but this order did not reach Massachusetts before the six months expired. The council asserted its authority, claiming that the commissions had expired of Joseph Dudley and William Tailer, and the council ruled from February 4 until March 21, 1715 when the king's order arrived.[54]
  3. Acting governor Spencer Phips died in 1757, and the council governed until the arrival of Thomas Pownall.[53]

See also[edit]

  • List of colonial governors of New Hampshire
  • List of colonial governors of Maine
  • List of lieutenant governors of Nova Scotia
  • List of governors of Acadia
  • List of members of the colonial Massachusetts House of Representatives


  1. ^ This is the de facto end of Gage's tenure, when he departed Boston for the last time.[55]
  2. ^ This is the de facto end of Oliver's tenure, when he departed Boston for the last time.[56]
  1. ^ Grizzard and Smith, p. 189
  2. ^ Vaughan, p. 64
  3. ^ Hart, p. 1:67
  4. ^ a b Hart, p. 1:69
  5. ^ a b Hart, p. 1:72
  6. ^ Hart, p. 1:78
  7. ^ Hart, p. 1:83
  8. ^ Hart, p. 1:607
  9. ^ Hart, pp. 1:569–572
  10. ^ a b c d Barnes, pp. 267–269
  11. ^ a b c Capen, p. 54
  12. ^ Moore, p. 46
  13. ^ Moore, p. 79
  14. ^ Thomas, G.E. (March 1975). "Puritans, Indians, and the Concept of Race". New England Quarterly. The New England Quarterly, Inc. 48 (1): 12. doi:10.2307/364910. JSTOR 364910.
  15. ^ Adams and Nash, pp. 25–29
  16. ^ Adams and Nash, pp. 29–30
  17. ^ Adams and Nash, pp. 30–31
  18. ^ Levermore, p. 603
  19. ^ Adams and Nash, pp. 31–34
  20. ^ Hart, pp. 1:96–99
  21. ^ Moore, pp. 240, 348
  22. ^ Moore, pp. 348–349
  23. ^ Hart, pp. 1:99–101
  24. ^ Moore, pp. 242,350
  25. ^ Hart, pp. 1:112, 1:607
  26. ^ Barnes, pp. 6–32
  27. ^ Hart, p. 1:566
  28. ^ Barnes, pp. 46–69
  29. ^ Hart, pp. 1:600–601
  30. ^ Hart, p. 1:602
  31. ^ Moore, p. 244
  32. ^ Capen (p. 54) incorrectly lists Dudley as deputy; it was in fact Endecott. Davis, p. 163
  33. ^ a b Moore, p. 393
  34. ^ a b c Moore, p. 385
  35. ^ Moore, p. 226
  36. ^ Barnes, pp. 29–30
  37. ^ Barnes, pp. 32–39
  38. ^ Barnes, pp. 128–130, 187–201
  39. ^ Barnes, pp. 234–250
  40. ^ Hart, pp. 1:602–603
  41. ^ Barnes, pp. 247–249
  42. ^ Barnes, pp. 45–49
  43. ^ Barnes, p. 54
  44. ^ a b Barnes, p. 69
  45. ^ Barnes, p. 55
  46. ^ Barnes, p. 72
  47. ^ Hart, pp. 2:514–523, 2:591
  48. ^ Hart, p. 2:562
  49. ^ French, p. 130
  50. ^ French, p. 355
  51. ^ Peters, pp. 16–18
  52. ^ Kimball, pp. 77, 193
  53. ^ a b Massachusetts Royal Commissions, p. xxxiv
  54. ^ Kimball, pp. 193–197
  55. ^ Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, p. 17:87
  56. ^ Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, p. 17:96


  • Adams, Charles; Nash, Gilbert (1905). Wessagusset and Weymouth. Weymouth, MA: Weymouth Historical Society. OCLC 1066255.
  • Barnes, Viola Florence (1960) [1923]. The Dominion of New England: A Study in British Colonial Policy. New York: Frederick Ungar. ISBN 978-0-8044-1065-6. OCLC 395292.
  • Capen, Nahum (ed) (1851). The Massachusetts State Record, Volume 5. Boston: James French. OCLC 1770853.CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
  • Davis, William Thomas (1895). Bench and Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Volume 1. Boston, MA: The Boston History Company. OCLC 15711603.
  • French, Allen (1911). The Siege of Boston. New York: McMillan. OCLC 3927532.
  • Gifford, Stephen Nye; Marden, George Augustus; McLaughlin, Edward A.; Clapp, E. Herbert; Robinson, William Stevens; Sleeper, George T.; Coolidge, Henry D.; Kimball, James W.; Stowe, William; Taylor, Charles Henry (1880). A Manual for the Use of the General Court. Boston. OCLC 1251790.
  • Grizzard, Frank; Smith, D. Boyd (2007). Jamestown Colony: a Political, Social, and Cultural History. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC–CLIO. ISBN 978-1-85109-642-8. OCLC 123965653.
  • Hart, Albert Bushnell (ed) (1927). Commonwealth History of Massachusetts. New York: The States History Company. OCLC 1543273.CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link) A multi-volume history of Massachusetts, structured as a series of essays on many topics.
  • Kimball, Everett (1911). The Public Life of Joseph Dudley. New York: Longmans, Green. OCLC 1876620.
  • Levermore, Charles (ed) (1912). Forerunners and Competitors of the Pilgrims and Puritan, Volume 2. Brooklyn, NY: New England Society of Brooklyn. OCLC 1728802.CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
  • Massachusetts Royal Commissions, 1681–1774. Boston, MA: Colonial Society of Massachusetts. 1913. OCLC 1564125.
  • Moore, Jacob Bailey (1851). Lives of the Governors of New Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. Boston: C. D. Strong. p. 273. OCLC 11362972.
  • Peters, Ronald M (1978). The Massachusetts Constitution of 1780: a Social Compact. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 978-0-87023-143-8. OCLC 3516166.
  • Vaughan, Alden (2007). Transatlantic Encounters: American Indians in Britain, 1500–1776. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-86594-4. OCLC 243513137.
  • Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Volume 17. Boston, MA: Colonial Society of Massachusetts. 1915. p. 96. OCLC 1564125.