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Координаты : 32 ° 51′2 ″ с.ш. 117 ° 16′20 ″ з.д. / 32.85056°N 117.27222°W / 32.85056; -117.27222

Вид на бухту Ла-Хойя, декабрь 2018 г.

Бухта Ла-Хойя - это небольшая живописная бухта и пляж, окруженный скалами в Ла-Хойе , Сан-Диего , Калифорния . Бухта охраняется как часть морского заповедника; Под водой он очень богат морской жизнью и популярен среди любителей сноркелинга, плавания и подводного плавания.

В набухает , что часто обвалять в из открытого океана здесь может быть достаточно большим и сильным, и поэтому , находясь в воде в бухте не всегда подходит для людей , которые не имеют хорошие навыки в воде. Температура воды также часто немного ниже, чем на среднем пляже Сан-Диего, и у пляжа есть недостаток, заключающийся в том, что площадь сухого песка очень мала во время прилива. Напротив, во время очень низких приливов в бухте обнаруживается множество интересных приливных бассейнов.

Калифорнийских морских львов можно встретить в водах бухты и выловить их , временно покинув воду, чтобы отдохнуть на ее пляжах, скалах и обрывах. Как и в случае с тихоокеанскими морскими котиками на пляже у Детского бассейна , их присутствие вызывает разногласия .

Доступ [ редактировать ]

Чайки в бухте Ла-Холья ассоциируются с неприятным запахом и небезопасными условиями для купания.

Количество бесплатных общественных парковок крайне ограничено, и все они находятся на улице. Также на территории есть платные гаражи. От парка наверху бухты есть несколько ступенек с каждой стороны к зоне «галереи» с множеством скамеек. Эта галерея включает в себя вход на станцию ​​спасателей, где на доске спасателей отображается полезная информация, обновляемая в течение дня. С уровня галереи есть две крутые бетонные ступени, ведущие к самому пляжу, хотя посетителям часто приходится наступать на камни, чтобы спуститься к песку.

Ядовитые запахи [ править ]

Предполагаемые посетители должны знать, что воздух в районе бухты Ла-Холья наполнен запахом морских львов и птичьих экскрементов. Зловоние может быть особенно неприятным в самые теплые дни лета. [1] [2] [3] Обширное фекальное загрязнение также привело к небезопасным условиям плавания. [4]

Описание [ править ]

«7 пещер» Ла Холья, к северу от бухты.
Часть пляжа и мелководье в бухте
Морские львы в бухте Ла-Холья, глядя на берега Ла-Хойи

The beach at the Cove is very small, and the sand is gritty. Lifeguards are present at the Cove every day of the year from 9 am until the sun sets. The Cove is a very popular spot for swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving. During summer, there are two swim buoys placed at 1/4mile and 1/2 mile distances from the Cove. More adventurous swimmers will attempt to swim to Scripps Pier and back, totaling 3 miles round trip. The cove is home to many open water swimming events year round including the Rough Water Swim[5] and the 10 Mile Relay swim.[6]

Because La Jolla Cove is within the San Diego-La Jolla Underwater Park (a marine refuge area),[7] swimming devices such as surfboards, boogie boards, and even inflatable mattresses, are not permitted, and kayakers are not allowed into the Cove; these rules are carefully enforced by the lifeguards on duty. Also because the Cove is an ecological reserve, no fishing is allowed. In addition, no collecting of marine invertebrates, (even taking dead specimens or seashells) is allowed in this area. All sea animals in this area are protected by law, including the orange Garibaldi fish, which are unusually common in the Cove. There are hundreds of морские львы, которые называют бухту Ла-Хойя своим домом, иногда их можно увидеть в более глубоких частях бухты или нежиться на камнях. [8]

Как и на других пляжах, на доске спасателя указывается время следующего прилива или отлива, а также температура воды. Температура воды в бухте иногда ниже, чем в некоторых других районах побережья Сан-Диего, потому что бухта выходит на гораздо более глубокую и холодную воду. Погода на суше типична для погоды в Ла-Хойя, где температура круглый год редко превышает диапазон от 50 до 90 градусов. [9]

Услуги [ править ]

Прямо на вершине бухты есть группа открытых душевых и большие общественные туалеты, в которых есть один внутренний душ и крытая зона со скамейками и крючками для переодевания и снятия купальных костюмов. [10]

Морские львы и споры [ править ]

Популяции калифорнийских морских львов быстро восстановились, прежде всего в результате их общенациональной защиты в соответствии с Законом о защите морских млекопитающих (MMPA) 1972 года . [11] В частности, население Нормандских островов значительно увеличилось и теперь населяет части центральной и южной Калифорнии. Поскольку морские львы все больше заселяют бухту Ла-Хойя, их взаимодействие с людьми и имуществом значительно увеличилось, что имеет как положительные, так и отрицательные результаты. [12] Крупные дикие животные в городских пространствах вызывают озабоченность в отношении здоровья населения и безопасности людей и диких животных, находящихся в непосредственной близости друг от друга. [12] These circumstances pose challenging management efforts for the City of San Diego as it seeks to protect the ecological integrity of the area while also ensuring opportunities for public use of the beaches.[13]

Wildlife conservation and land use policy[edit]

According to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), while there is no explicitly defined distance in feet to stay away from pinnipeds,[14] including California sea lions, harassing pinnipeds is illegal, and the MMPA defines harassment in two ways:

  • any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance that has the potential to injure a marine mammal; or
  • acts that have the potential to disturb but not injure a marine mammal by disrupting certain behaviors, including migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering.[14]

Furthermore, the Cove is a public beach as defined by the California Coastal Act and overseen by the California Coastal Commission.[15] Therefore, there is disagreement about who can use the beach and to what extent.[16][17] Currently the City is pursuing a shared-use policy with educational signs, interpretive docents, and law enforcement by park rangers, lifeguards, and policemen to ensure respect for the wildlife while permitting full use of the beaches.[13][17][18]

History of controversy[edit]

Самые ранние упоминания о морских львах, выбегающих в бухте или временно покидающих воду для отдыха в значительном количестве, относятся к 2013 году. В то время владельцы бизнеса в Ла-Хойе организовали некоммерческую организацию Citizens for Odor Nuisance Abatement , чтобы подать гражданский иск. против городских властей из-за «неприятного запаха», вызванного фекалиями куликов и морских львов в бухте, который, по их утверждениям, был нарушением общественного порядка . [19] [20] [21] Городские власти заключили контракт с компанией Blue Eagle, производящей чистящие средства, на разработку и применение нетоксичного бактериального раствора для растворения фекалий, не загрязняя океан и не нанося вред дикой природе. [22][23][24] The City additionally installed a public-access gate into a fence along the bluffs east of the Cove in hopes that increased foot traffic would disperse the sea lions and reduce the smell.[25]

In 2015, the City contracted the marine and environmental consulting services of Hanan & Associates to study both the seals and sea lions in La Jolla and provide management options.[12] Over the course of the year, they performed a research study on the populations and behaviors of Pacific harbor seals and California sea lions in and around La Jolla and offered several options and management strategies for deterring the pinnipeds from hauling out, as well as increasing public education.[12] In the final report, published the following year, Hanan & Associates additionally noted the overall increase in pinniped populations along the entire coastline and suggested that more research would be necessary to better inform policy decisions.[13]  

In 2016 the La Jolla Town Council created the Community Task Force on California Sea Lions, which included representatives from the La Jolla Cove Swim Club, the San Diego Council of Divers, and other members of the La Jolla community, to “gather community input and develop a consensus opinion” through public hearings to provide recommendations for the City.[26]

In 2017 the City increased educational signage around the Cove and formally adopted the Marine Coastal Management Plan.[27][13] The Management Plan, put together by Hanan & Associates, described the nature of the pinniped situation in La Jolla and provided management options. These included options to pursue shared-use, such as introducing an educational docent program, and options to deter the sea lions, specifically “harassment techniques” approved by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), which were noted as potentially temporary and objectionable by animals rights groups.[13] Following the release of the Management Plan, the Task Force released a position statement in which its members expressed discontent with some of the recommendations of the Management Plan and their lack of involvement in the process.[28] It concludes by noting that the City continues to pursue “the same beach-sharing approach used to deal with the [seals]” and argues that, due to behavioral differences between the species, this will ultimately be “impractical”.[28]

In a response to this position statement, and following a meeting with a member of the Task Force, the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department wrote that the City’s approach “will remain first and foremost education ... but prioritize having the beach available to visitors”.[29] The following summer, the Shoreline Parks Division of the Parks and Recreation Department hired its first pair of student interns to work as educators and policy-interpreters for 1 year at the Cove.[18] The internship program continued in 2019 with the second pair of student interns.

Surrounding area[edit]

Up on the bluffs above the beach, and stretching south to other nearby beaches, including Shell Beach and Children's Pool Beach, is Scripps Park, a well-maintained grassy area with trees and other plantings. Scripps Park is used for picnicking and relaxing.[30]

The La Jolla sea caves, or "The 7 caves of La Jolla",[31] are just north of the cove. The best known of these is "Sunny Jim Cave", a short walking distance from the Cove and from the local businesses that are situated up above the shoreline. The cave is accessible through The Cave Store, which charges a nominal fee to go down a staircase leading to the cave itself.[32]


The La Jolla Cove is home to the annual "La Jolla Cove Rough Water Swim" in September[33] which is one of the oldest ocean swims in the world. It is also home to the Annual Concours d’Elegance held at the Scripps Park every spring.[34]

See also[edit]

  • San Diego Historical Landmarks in La Jolla, California
  • List of beaches in San Diego County
  • List of California state parks


  1. ^ "San Diego Stumped on How to Stop the Stink".
  2. ^ "La Jolla Finally Has a Plan to End Its Persistent Odor of Sea Lion Poop".
  3. ^ "La Jolla Poop Problem Lingers as New Solutions Are Flushed Out".
  4. ^ "Beachgoers undaunted by contamination at the cove". 5 May 2016.
  5. ^ "La Jolla Rough Water Swim". www.ljrws.com. Retrieved 24 September 2015. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  6. ^ "Home". Celebrate.Swim.Give. Retrieved 24 September 2015. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  7. ^ San Diego Fire-Rescue Department; Lifeguard Services, La Jolla Cove, at sandiego.gov [1] accessed 27 April 2013
  8. ^ "Harbor Seal Facts | Seal Conservancy".
  9. ^ "La Jolla".
  10. ^ La Jolla Cove, at a-zsandiegobeaches.com [2] accessed 27 April 2013
  11. ^ McClatchie, S., Field, J., Thompson, A. R., Gerrodette, T., Lowry, M., Fiedler, P. C., Watson, W., Nieto, K. M., & Vetter, R. D. (2016). Food limitation of sea lion pups and the decline of forage off central and southern California. Royal Society Open Science, 3. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.150628
  12. ^ a b c d Hanan, D. A. (2016). California Sea Lion Observations at La Jolla Cove Initial Investigation of Abundance and Behavior with Recommendations/Options Final Report. Hanan & Associates, Inc. Submitted to City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department. P.O. #4500062579 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvsq7ade69fwbnz/AKBCopyHananReport.pdf?dl=0
  13. ^ a b c d e Hanan, D. A. (2017). Marine Coastal Management Plan – La Jolla. Hanan & Associates, Inc. Submitted to City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department. https://e275257f-745f-4a56-a0e1-3870a6825caf.filesusr.com/ugd/03bec0_5d849b125ec64fc6a2f09c1dcc2ee1c2.pdf
  14. ^ a b Public Law 92-522. (1972). AN ACT To protect marine mammals; to establish a Marine Mammal Commission; and for other purposes. 1027-1046. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-86/pdf/STATUTE-86-Pg1027.pdf
  15. ^ Constitution of the State of California. (1976). Article X Water, Section 4. Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 5, 1976. Accessed from State of California Legislative Counsel Bureau.
  16. ^ Strege, D. (2018, April 24). Tourists are ‘loving sea lions to death’ in La Jolla. For The Win. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2018/04/tourists-are-loving-sea-lions-to-death-in-la-jolla
  17. ^ a b Mackin-Solomon, A. (2017, August 3). Sea Lion Summer: Both humans and pinnipeds compete for La Jolla Cove waters at this time of year. La Jolla Light. https://www.lajollalight.com/news/sd-summer-months-important-humans-sea-lions-la-jolla-cove-20170801-story.html
  18. ^ a b Mackin-Solomon, A. (2018, August 22). City sets up information tent at La Jolla Cove. La Jolla Light. https://www.lajollalight.com/news/sd-city-information-tent-la-jolla-cove-20180817-story.html
  19. ^ Citizens for Odor Nuisance Abatement v. City of San Diego. Cal. Ct. App., Fourth District, Division 1, decided February 9, 2017. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/ca-court-of-appeal/1777141.html
  20. ^ Trageser, C. (2013, December 27). San Diego Sued Over 'Foul Odor' Of Sea Lion And Bird Poop At La Jolla Cove. Patch. https://patch.com/california/lajolla/san-diego-sued-over-foul-odor-of-sea-lion-and-bird-poop-at-la-jolla-cove
  21. ^ Trageser, C. (2016, January 10). San Diego Stumped On How To Stop The Stink. NPR.org. https://www.npr.org/2016/01/10/462555677/san-diego-stumped-on-how-to-stop-the-stink
  22. ^ Phan, H. T. (2013, December 26). SD sued over sea lion stench. The San Diego Union-Tribune. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/environment/sdut-la-jolla-cove-stench-sea-lions-lawsuit-2013dec26-story.html
  23. ^ Trageser, C. (2013, May 31). How Poop-Eating Bacteria Could Clean La Jolla Cove. KPBS. https://www.kpbs.org/news/2013/may/31/how-poop-eating-bacteria-could-clean-la-jolla-cove/
  24. ^ Trageser, C. (2015, December 15). La Jolla Poop Problem Lingers As New Solutions Are Flushed Out. KPBS. https://www.kpbs.org/news/2015/dec/15/la-jolla-poop-case-continues-new-solutions-are-dig/
  25. ^ Garske, M. (2014, January 1). City Installs Gate in Response to La Jolla Cove Odor Lawsuit. NBC San Diego. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/city-installs-gate-in-response-to-la-jolla-cove-odor-lawsuit/122454/
  26. ^ Bache, A. K., Beachman, D., Simonelli, D., Tracey, J., Burleigh, D., Haskins, S., Lebeouf, N., Preisdorfer, A., Minick, P., Valentine, D., Marengo, C. A., King, E., & Coakley, M. (2016). Crisis in the Cove: A Call for Action. La Jolla Community Task Force on California Sea Lions. http://media.wix.com/ugd/03bec0_8837d84466e24079956be73c4264fd9f.pdf
  27. ^ Mackin-Solomon, A. (2017, March 29). Safe conduct: City of San Diego hopes shoreside sign at La Jolla Cove solves seal, sea lion saga. La Jolla Light. https://www.lajollalight.com/news/sd-city-posts-sea-lion-sign-la-jolla-cove-20170329-story.html
  28. ^ a b Bache, A. K., Beachman, D., Simonelli, D., Tracey, J., Burleigh, D., Haskins, S., Lebeouf, N., Preisdorfer, A., Minick, P., Valentine, D., Marengo, C. A., King, E., & Coakley, M. (2017). LJTC Community Task Force ~ California Sea Lion Occupation of LJ Beaches Position Statement on Recent City Decisions and Actions and La Jolla Town Council “Call for Action” Update Summary. La Jolla Community Task Force on California Sea Lions. https://e275257f-745f-4a56-a0e1-3870a6825caf.filesusr.com/ugd/03bec0_5bf5cb35fea14336b42b427061119d88.pdf
  29. ^ Parker, H. D. (2017). Re: La Jolla Community Task Force on California Sea Lions Meeting. Email correspondence. Park and Recreation Department, City of San Diego. https://e275257f-745f-4a56-a0e1-3870a6825caf.filesusr.com/ugd/03bec0_1ba25b295807464ba59fdbee818e1f35.pdf
  30. ^ La Jolla Cove, at lajollabythesea.com [3] accessed 27 April 2013
  31. ^ "7 Things You Didn't Know About Sunny Jim Cave". www.lajolla.com. 14 June 2017. Retrieved 26 September 2017.
  32. ^ Sunny Jim Cave, at lajollabluebook.com [4] accessed 14 August 2013
  33. ^ La Jolla Rough Water Swim sandiego.org, 2015-09-15, retrieved 2018-12-15.
  34. ^ "5 Reasons To Check Out La Jolla Concours d'Elegance This Year". www.lajolla.com. Retrieved 26 September 2017.

External links[edit]

  • La Jolla Cove website
  • La Jolla Town Council Joint Task Force on California Sea Lions
  • The 7 caves of La Jolla