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Чемпионат по мотокроссу

Мотокросс - это разновидность мотогонок по бездорожью, проводимых на закрытых внедорожных трассах. Этот вид спорта возник на основе соревнований по мототриалу, проводимых в Соединенном Королевстве. [1] [2]

История [ править ]

Мотокросс впервые возник в Великобритании из соревнований по мототриалу , таких как первое ежеквартальное испытание Auto-Cycle Clubs в 1909 году и Шотландское шестидневное испытание , начавшееся в 1912 году. [1] [2] Когда организаторы отказались от деликатного баланса и строгого подсчета очков. Из испытаний в пользу гонки, чтобы стать самым быстрым гонщиком до финиша, это мероприятие стало известно как « заячьи схватки », что, как говорят, произошло от фразы «редкая старая схватка», описывающей одну из таких ранних гонок. [1]Хотя в Соединенном Королевстве этот вид спорта известен как скрембл-рейсинг, популярность этого вида спорта росла, и соревнования стали известны во всем мире как «мотокросс», благодаря сочетанию французского слова «мотоцикл», « мотоцикл» или, для краткости, мото , в сумку с «кросс-кантри». . [1]

Первая известная борьба гонка состоялась в Кемберли , Суррей в 1924 году [3] В 1930 - е годы спорт вырос в популярности, особенно в Великобритании , где команды из Бирмингема Small Arms Company (BSA), Нортон , Matchless , Радж и AJS конкурировал в событиях. Внедорожники той эпохи мало чем отличались от уличных. Жесткая конкуренция на пересеченной местности привела к техническим усовершенствованиям мотоциклов. К началу 1930-х годов жесткие рамы уступили место подвескам , а задняя подвеска с качающейся вилкой. появился к началу 1950-х, за несколько лет до того, как производители включили его в большинство выпускаемых уличных велосипедов. [4] В период после Второй мировой войны доминировала компания BSA , которая стала крупнейшей мотоциклетной компанией в мире. [4] Всадники BSA доминировали на международных соревнованиях на протяжении 1940-х годов. [4]

Maico 360 куб.см с воздушным охлаждением двигателя и двумя амортизаторами на задней подвеске

В 1952 году FIM , международный руководящий орган по мотоспорту, учредил индивидуальный чемпионат Европы с использованием формулы рабочего объема двигателя 500 куб. [4] В 1957 году он был повышен до статуса чемпионата мира. [4] В 1962 году был учрежден чемпионат мира объемом 250 куб. См. [4] В более мелкой категории 250 куб.см компании, выпускающие двухтактные мотоциклы, проявили себя. Такие компании, как Husqvarna из Швеции, CZ из бывшей Чехословакии, Bultaco из Испании и Greeves из Англии, стали популярными благодаря своей легкости и маневренности. [4]Среди звезд этого дня были гонщики из BSA Джефф Смит и Артур Лэмпкин, а также Дэйв Бикерс, Джо Джонсон и Норман Браун на Greeves.

К 1960-м годам достижения в технологии двухтактных двигателей привели к тому, что более тяжелые четырехтактные машины были отнесены к нишевым соревнованиям. [4] Всадники из Бельгии и Швеции начали доминировать в спорте в этот период. [2] [5] Мотокросс прибыл в Соединенные Штаты в 1966 году, когда чемпион Швеции Торстен Холлман участвовал в показательных соревнованиях против лучших американских гонщиков TT на ранчо Corriganville Movie Ranch, также известном как Hopetown в Сими-Вэлли, Калифорния . В следующем году к Холлману присоединились другие звезды мотокросса, в том числе Роджер ДеКостер , Джоэль Роберт и Дэйв Бикерс.. Они доминировали в соревнованиях, поместив свои легкие двухтактные удары в шесть лучших финишных позиций. [6] [7] Бум продаж мотоциклов в Соединенных Штатах, вызванный поколением бэби-бумеров , спровоцировал рост популярности мотокросса среди молодых американцев. [8]

К концу 1960-х японские производители мотоциклов начали бросать вызов европейским заводам за превосходство в мире мотокросса. Suzuki претендовал на первое место в мировом чемпионате для японской фабрики, когда Жоэль Роберт выиграл в 1970 году 250-кубовую корону. [9] Первое соревнование по мотокроссу на стадионе состоялось в 1972 году в Колизее Лос-Анджелеса , и его продвигали Майк Гудвин и Терри Тирнан, тогдашний президент AMA. Событие выиграл 16-летний Марти Трипес . [10] Это событие проложило путь для соревнований по мотокроссу на стадионах, известных как Supercross . В 1975 году был объявлен чемпионат мира объемом 125 куб. См. [2]Европейские гонщики продолжали доминировать в мотокроссе на протяжении 1970-х, но к 1980-м американские гонщики догнали и начали выигрывать международные соревнования. [11]

С конца 1970-х до начала 1990-х годов японские производители мотоциклов пережили период бума в технологии мотокросса. Типичные двухтактные двигатели с воздушным охлаждением, задней подвеской с двумя амортизаторами и телескопической передней вилкой уступили место машинам с водяным охлаждением, оснащенным задней подвеской с одним амортизатором и «перевернутой» (или перевернутой) передней вилкой. Хотя продвижение технологии двухколесных двигателей было в центре внимания основных японских производителей мотоциклов вплоть до середины 1990-х годов, возродился интерес к созданию конкурентоспособного, легкого четырехтактного гоночного мотоцикла для мотокросса среди нескольких брендов, включая Yamaha Motor Corporation. .

To further inspire the research and development of four-stroke motocross racing technology, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), America's leading motorcycle sport governing body, increased the allowable displacement limit for four-stroke powered machines in the 125 and 250 AMA Supercross and Motocross championships. Due to the low relative power output of a four-stroke engine compared to the then-dominating two-stroke design, the displacement limit of a four-stroke power motocross bike was raised to 250cc in the 125 class and 550cc in the 250 class. [12]

The new regulations resulted in competitors aboard four-strokes made by smaller European manufacturers, with Husqvarna, Husaberg, and KTM winning world championships on four-stroke machinery. In 1997, Yamaha unveiled a prototype 400cc four-stroke motorcycle, the YZM 400, which was debuted in the FIM Motocross World Championship. The motorcycle made its U.S. debut in 1997, where Yamaha Factory Racing rider Doug Henry led every lap of the main event at the 1997 AMA Supercross Finale and became the first person to win an AMA Supercross race on a four-stroke powered motorcycle. [13] Following Yamaha’s release of the production model YZ400F in 1998, Henry won the 250 AMA Motocross Championship and became the first person to win a major AMA Motocross title on a four-stroke powered motorcycle. This success motivated the remaining major manufacturers, Honda, Kawasaki, and Suzuki, to develop their own four-stroke motocross race bikes. By 2006, every manufacturer had begun competing with four-stroke machines in the AMA 125 (FIM MX2) and 250 (MX1) classes.

The sport has further evolved into a sub-discipline similar to supercross known as arenacross, which is held in small indoor arenas. Classes were also formed for all-terrain vehicles. Freestyle motocross (FMX) events where riders are judged on their jumping and aerial acrobatic skills have gained popularity, as has supermoto, where motocross machines race both on tarmac and off-road. Vintage motocross (VMX) events take place – usually[quantify] for motorcycles predating the 1975 model year.[14]Many VMX races also include a "Post Vintage" portion, which usually includes bikes dating until 1983.

Major competitions[edit]

FIM Motocross World Championship[edit]

FIM Motocross World Championship

The FIM Grand Prix Motocross World Championship is predominantly held in Europe, but also includes events in North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Africa.[15] It is the major Motocross series worldwide. There are three classes: MXGP for 450cc machines, MX2 for 250cc machines, and Women's MX. Competitions consist of two races which are called motos with a duration of 30 minutes plus two laps.

AMA Motocross Championship[edit]

The AMA Motocross Championship begins in mid May and continues until late August. The championship consists of twelve rounds at twelve major tracks all over the continental United States. There are three classes:[16] the 250cc Motocross Class for 150–250 cc 4-stroke machines, the 450cc Motocross Class for 251–450 cc 4-stroke machines and a 250cc Women's Class, using the same rules as men's 250cc.

Motocross des Nations[edit]

Motocross des Nations

The annual Motocross des Nations is held at the end of the year when National and World Championship series have ended.[4] The competition involves teams of three riders representing their nations.[2] Each rider competes in a different class (MX1, MX2, and "Open"). There are three motos with two classes competing per moto. The location of the event changes from year to year. The United States, Belgium and Great Britain have had the greatest success.[11]

British Motocross Championship[edit]

Th British Motocross Championship is the main UK off-road competition and organised into classes of MX1 and MX2. MX1 is for 250  cc to 450 cc (fourstroke) and MX2 for 175 cc to 250 cc fourstroke motorcycles.[17] In 2007 an additional youth class, the MXY2 class, was added to the programme at selected rounds.[18]

A "Veterans" series was introduced in 2009 with just two rounds but the demand for places was so high that from 2011 the Veterans series will have three rounds, held over six races.[19]

Sports derived from motocross[edit]

A number of other types of motorcycle sport have been derived from Motocross.


"superman seat-grab"

Freestyle Motocross (FMX), a relatively new variation of supercross started by the South African champion, Marco Urzi, does not involve racing and instead it concentrates on performing acrobatic stunts while jumping motocross bikes. The winner is chosen by a group of judges. The riders are scored on style, level of trick difficulty, best use of the course, and frequently, crowd reactions. FMX was introduced to the X Games and mainstream audiences in 1999.


A Supermoto rider on the road

Supermoto uses motocross bikes converted for racing on tracks consisting of three sections: flat dirt, dirt obstacles, and paved road. The bikes have special road-racing tires with grooved tread to grip both the pavement and dirt. Some tracks for these race events have jumps, berms, and whoops like motocross tracks. For special events, the Supermoto track may incorporate metal ramps for jumps that can be disassembled and taken to other locations. Supermoto races may take place at modified go-kart tracks, road racing tracks, or even street racing tracks. There are also classes for children, such as the 85 cc class.

Supermoto began in the US the late 1970s when TV journalist Gavin Trippe envisioned a racing event that would prove who the best motorcycle racer was. From 1980 to 1985, he organized a yearly event called "The Superbikers", which pitted the top riders from three disciplines, flat track, road racing, and motocross against one another on modified bikes raced on special tracks on the television show. Its first exposure to a wide audience came on the American television program ABC's Wide World of Sports in 1979. After 1985, the sport declined and received little exposure in the US, but in Europe, it started gaining popularity, and in 2003 it was revived in the US, when the name became Supermoto.

ATV/Quad Motocross[edit]

Professional ATV racer Tim Farr at the 2006 Glen Helen MX national.

Throughout the United States and the United Kingdom there are many quad racing clubs with enduro and quadcross sections. GNCC Racing began around 1980 and includes hare scramble and enduro type races. To date, events are mainly held in the eastern part of the United States. GNCC racing features many types of obstacles such as, hill climbing, creek and log crossings, dirt roads and wooded trails.

The ATV National Motocross Championship was formed around 1985.[20] ATVMX events are hosted at motocross racetracks throughout the United States. ATVMX consists of several groups, including the Pro (AMA Pro) and Amateur (ATVA) series. Championship mud racing (CMR)[21] saw its infancy in 2006 as leaders of the ATV industry recognized a need for uniformity of classes and rules of various local mud bog events. Providing standardized rules created the need for a governing body that both racers and event promoters could turn to and CMR was born. Once unified, a true points series was established and lead to a national championship for what was once nothing more than a hobby for most. In 2007 the finalized board of directors was established and the first races were held in 2008. Currently, the CMR schedule includes eight competition dates spanning from March to November. Points are awarded throughout the season in several different competition classes of ATV and SxS Mud Racing. The 2008 year included Mud Bog and Mudda-Cross competitions, but the 2009 and future seasons will only have Mudda-Cross competitions. Classes range from 0 to 499 cc, to a Super-Modified class which will allow any size ATV in competition.


Supercross is a cycle racing sport involving specialized high-performance off-road motorcycles on constructed dirt tracks with steep jumps and obstacles. Compared to regular motocross, supercross tracks generally have much shorter straights and tighter turns. Professional supercross contest races are held almost exclusively in professional baseball and football stadiums.

The supercross season takes place during the winter and spring months, with races in a different city every weekend. There are 17 races in the AMA Supercross Championship schedule, normally beginning in Anaheim, California, and ending in Las Vegas, Nevada. The 250 cc class is split into two series, east and west. The 450 cc class has one large series with events across the US and Canada.


A Zabel-engined sidecar outfit.

Sidecar racing, known as Sidecarcross has been around since the 1950s but has declined in popularity since the mid‑1980s. This variant is common in Europe, with a few followers in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia. The premier competition, the Sidecarcross World Championship, is contested on European tracks only and almost exclusively by Europeans.

Motocross sidecars are purpose built frames that resemble an ordinary motocross-cycle with a flat platform to stand on attached to either side and a handlebar at waist height to hold on to. The side of the "chair" (slang for the platform) usually follows the side of the road the nation in question drives upon, but not always. The passenger balances the bike by being a counterweight, especially in corners and on jumps. It is driven on ordinary crosstracks.

It is very physically demanding, especially for the passenger. This is reflected in most in the Swedish term for passenger, burkslav, roughly translated as trunk/barrel-slave. This name comes from the early sidecars which resembled road motorcycle sidecars and not today's platform.

The major frame builders today are VMC, BSU, AYR, EML and Woodenleg. Ordinary engines can be used, but size matters and two engines purpose built for sidecars exist, Zabel (Germany) and MTH (Austria) are most common. Four-strokes are becoming more common, usually KTM (Austria).

Pit bikes and mini-motocross[edit]

Two riders go into a corner at a mini-motocross event in West Virginia.

Pit bikes are small motorbikes that participants in powersports events use to ride around the pits, which are the staging areas where team support vehicles are located. More recently, they have been used in races held on either supercross or motocross tracks. Numerous performance and aesthetic upgrades are often applied to pit bikes.

Originally, there was only one way to acquire a pit bike. A rider would buy a child's minibike, usually a Honda CRF 50 or Kawasaki KLX110, and apply all the necessary upgrades and modifications to build a competitive pit bike. Of course, a rider could also buy a used bike. Since 2004, manufacturers like Thumpstar have begun designing, manufacturing, importing, and selling already complete pit bikes. These bikes are less expensive, and require less time to complete.[22]

Pit bikes are powered by 4-stroke, horizontal, single-cylinder engines ranging anywhere in displacement from 49 cc to 195 cc. A typical pit bike is usually a small dirt bike, but it has become common to be able to buy pit bikes with street-style wheels and tires. Pit bikes with street tires, as opposed to knobby tires, are used in Mini Supermoto Racing.

Pit bikes are frequently heavily customized with decorative add-ons and performance-enhancing parts. Many riders and mechanics bore-out or replace engines in order to increase displacement and therefore power output. Heavy duty suspension systems, are often a necessary addition, since the stock mini-bike suspension was designed for a small child. Wheel, brake, and tire upgrades are sometimes performed to improve handling.

Pit bikes also have their own separate competitions held with classes generally corresponding to wheel size. This is a notable difference from Motocross and Supercross competition, where classes are separated by engine displacement. Pit bike racing is a relatively new niche of motocross, and as such, there is no official governing body similar to the AMA.


Motocross motorcycle[edit]

Major manufactures
  • TM (Italy), TM holds the largest market share for motocross bikes, outside the major six.
Niche market manufactures
Chinese manufacturers

Manufacturers that have ceased production

Governing bodies[edit]

Motocross is governed worldwide by the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM), with federations in many nations.

  • Australia – Motorcycling Australia (MA)
  • Austria – Osterreichische Automobil, Motorrad und Touring Club (OAMTC)
  • Belgium – Federation Motocycliste de Belgique (FMB)
  • Brazil – Confederação Brasileira de Motociclismo (CBM)
  • Canada – Canadian Motorsport Racing Corp.(CMRC) and Canadian Motorcycle Association (CMA)
  • Czech Republic – Autoklub České republiky (ACCR)
  • Denmark – Danmarks Motor Union (DMU)
  • Estonia – Eesti Motorrattaspordi Föderatsioon (EMF)
  • Finland – Suomen Moottoriliitto (SML)
  • France – Fédération Française de Motocyclisme (FFM)
  • Germany – Deutscher Motor Sport Bund (DMSB)
  • India – Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India (FMSCI)
  • Ireland – Motorcycle Union of Ireland (MCUI) – NB covers the whole island
  • Italy – Federazione Motociclistica Italiana (FMI)
  • Latvia – Latvijas Motosporta Federācija[23] (LaMSF)
  • Lithuania – Lietuvos Motociklų Sporto Federacija (LMSF)
  • The Netherlands – Koninklijke Nederlandse Motorrijdersvereniging (KNMV), Motorsport Organisatie Nederland (MON)
  • New Zealand – Motorcycling New Zealand (MNZ) and New Zealand Dirt Bike Federation
  • Norway – Norges Motorsportforbund (NMF)
  • Poland – Polski Związek Motorowy (PZM)
  • Portugal – Federação Motociclismo Portugal (FMP)
  • Russia – Motorcycle Federation of Russia (MFR)
  • South Africa – Motorsport South Africa (MSA)
  • Spain – Real Federación Motociclista Española (RFME)
  • Slovenia – Auto-Cycle Union of Slovenia (AMZS)
  • Sweden – SVEMO
  • Switzerland – Federation Motocycliste Suisse (FMS)
  • Thailand – Federation of Motor Sport Clubs of Thailand (FMSCT)
  • United Kingdom – Auto-Cycle Union (ACU), with other separate bodies like the Amateur Motorcycling Association (AMCA), ORPA, BSMA, and YSMA.
  • United States – American Motorcyclist Association (AMA)

See also[edit]

  • Outline of motorcycles and motorcycling
  • FIM Motocross World Championship
  • List of AMA Motocross Champions
  • Beach racing
  • Wonder Warthog Racing
  • Bicycle Motocross (BMX)


  1. ^ a b c d Setright, L. J. K. (1979), The Guinness book of motorcycling facts and feats, Guinness Superlatives, pp. 202, 211, ISBN 0-85112-200-0
  2. ^ a b c d e "History of Individual supercross World Championships" (PDF). Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 11 October 2011.
  3. ^ "The birth of motocross: 1924 through 1939". pigtailpals.com. Retrieved 18 October 2019.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Motocross goes International 1947 through 1965". pigtailpals.com. Retrieved 19 October 2019.
  5. ^ Bryan Stealey (2008). The Powerhouse MX Nations: USA, Belgium, UK, Netherlands, France, and Germany. Crabtree Publishing Company. p. 14. ISBN 978-0-7787-3990-6.
  6. ^ "Edison Dye and his Flying Circus". pigtailpals.com. Retrieved 19 October 2019.
  7. ^ "Corriganville/Hopetown Motorcycle Races". employees.oxy.edu. Archived from the original on 27 September 2011. Retrieved 12 October 2011.
  8. ^ "Boom Time: American Motocross in the 1970s". pigtailpals.com. Retrieved 18 October 2019.
  9. ^ "Joël Robert at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame". motorcyclemuseum.org. Retrieved 12 October 2011.
  10. ^ "The First Supercross". motorcyclistonline.com. Retrieved 12 October 2011.
  11. ^ a b "The young Americans". pigtailpals.com. Retrieved 18 October 2019.
  12. ^ Bill Wood (June 1997). "Counting Strokes". American Motorcyclist. American Motorcyclist Assoc. p. 28.
  13. ^ Brett Smith (May 2017). "First shot in the four-stroke revolution: Doug Henry's SX win 20 years ago in Vegas". revzilla.com.
  14. ^ "Vintage Motocross". American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association. Archived from the original on 24 September 2011. Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  15. ^ "2016 MXGP Race Schedule".
  16. ^ "Motocross Rule Book" (PDF). AMA. Retrieved 15 March 2010.
  17. ^ "ACU Handbook 2010" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 September 2011. Retrieved 9 October 2010.
  18. ^ Paetow, Stefan (10 March 2008). "Sun Shines on Maxxis British Motocross Championship Opener". Archived from the original on 2 December 2010. Retrieved 9 October 2010.
  19. ^ "Veterans Class as hot as MX1 and MX2!". 27 September 2010. Retrieved 9 October 2010.
  20. ^ "ATV Motocross". ATV Motocross. 1 January 2013. Retrieved 6 February 2013.
  21. ^ "Championship Mud Racing". Championship Mud Racing. 29 October 2012. Retrieved 6 February 2013.
  22. ^ "Thumpstar Australia". thumpstar.com.au.
  23. ^ "Jaunumi". LaMSF.lv.

External links[edit]

  • Off-Road racing at Curlie
  • Official FIM World Motocross Championship
  • Visual Interpretation of the Dirt Bike Evolution Timeline