Squaxin Island Tribe

The Squaxin Island Tribe are the descendants of several Lushootseed clans organized under the Squaxin Island Indian Reservation, a Native American tribal government in western Washington state.

Historically, the ancestors of the Squaxin Island Tribe inhabited several inlets of the South Puget Sound. The Reservation was created in 1854 by the Treaty of Medicine Creek, comprising the entirety of Squaxin Island. Today, the reservation also includes several small parcels in the nearby area. Tribal members no longer reside on Squaxin Island itself, but 509 residents live on other Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land. Total tribal membership was at 1,022 as of 2010.

The Coast Salish clans that became the Squaxin Island Tribe were historically settled along the seven inlets of the South Puget Sound. These were known as the S'hotl-Ma-Mish (Carr Inlet), Noo-Seh-Chatl (Henderson Inlet), Steh-Chass (Budd Inlet, around modern-day Olympia), Squi-Aitl (Eld Inlet), T'Peeksin (Totten Inlet), Sa-Heh-Wa-Mish (Hammersley Inlet), and Squaksin (Case Inlet; which gave the reservation its name).[1] They were speakers of a dialect continuum in the Salishan language family known as Lushootseed. Together with the Twana and Suquamish, they numbered about 1,000 in 1780.[2] Unlike other peoples of the region, the Squaxin tribes were not dependent on a river system, as the Tumwater Falls blocked salmon from migrating far upstream. Instead, they were oriented towards the saltwater sound and the smaller watersheds directly adjacent to the seven inlets.[3] Extended families lived together in longhouses laid out in villages, and were connected by family ties into a wide system of alliances. The Qwu?gwes site was used as a food processing camp by a nearby Squi-Aitl village for around 700 years. The site shows evidence of the large-scale harvesting of salmon and shellfish. Squaxin traded along routes stretching overland to the Columbia Basin and by sea throughout the Puget Sound.[3]

После десятилетий торговли и периодических контактов серьезное поселение белых в Южном Пьюджет-Саунде началось в 1840-х и 50-х годах. В 1853 году была создана территория Вашингтона , в которую вошли земли скваксинов. В 1854 году недавно назначенный губернатор территории Исаак Стивенс начал оказывать давление на племена, заключив договоры о передаче их земель Соединенным Штатам. Племена скваксинов были одними из первых, подвергшихся нападению, и 26 декабря подписали Договор Медисин-Крик. По договору отказывались от всех претензий на материковую часть скваксинов в обмен на остров Скваксин , двадцать лет денежных выплат и признание традиционных прав коренных жителей на рыбалку и охоту . [4] [2] Резервации оказались гораздо менее ценными, чем земля, которая сдалась. Когда нисквалли осознали, насколько плоха сделка, которую им дали, их вождь Леши начал войну в Пьюджет-Саунде , пытаясь отменить договор. [4] Несмотря на то, что племя скваксинов не взялось в руки, во время войны они были насильно интернированы в своей резервации. Маленький лесной остров плохо кормил 375 членов племени скваксинов. [2] [1] После войны большинство семей покинули остров и вернулись жить в районе Южного Пьюджет-Саунда, но без прав на землю.