The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep

The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep is a 2018 dungeon crawler video game developed by inXile Entertainment as a late fourth installment to the Bard's Tale trilogy from the 1980s.

Some two centuries after the now-legendary events from the original trilogy, one Bishop Henred of the Church of the Swordfather (a church militant and now the predominant religion in the land of Caith in which the games are set) has moved the faith to a more extreme and radically xenophobic outlook. Magic-users and non-humans such as dwarves, elves, and the goblinoid trow are now persecuted even though some still live among humans.

The game begins with the execution on the gallows of six people for being magic users, adventureres, or non-humans in the town of Skara Brae as witnessed by the initial player character, Melody the bard. She meets another bard, Rabbie, who escorts her to the Adventurer's Guild which, however, is stormed by paladins shortly afterwards. The player has the option to build another character at this point and continue with that character instead of Melody.

As the Adventurer's Guild is overrun, Rabbie leads the player through an escape tunnel to Skara Brae Below, the ruins of the old Skara Brae (destroyed just before the events of Bard's Tale III) that exist in a giant cave below the new town of the same name. There, the persecuted non-humans and adventurers have set up refugee camps around the old Adventurer's Guild building while paladins scour the subterranean ruins.

The initial mission is to check up on friends and allies up in Skara Brae and elsewhere. Over the course of these missions it is found that an unknown agency is committing crimes and blaming them on the non-humans in an apparent attempt to discredit them and sow civil unrest. As it turns out, the religions of other people and realms have similarly developed, and then been subverted by, malevolent militant sub-cults (much like the Church of the Swordfather, which is portrayed as an originally benevolent religion that underwent a dramatic shift towards malevolence only recently).

Over the course of these quests, the party size gradually grows to six members. (It grows from two character slots to six; some characters have to join the party at least temporarily to achieve certain short term goals, typically adding a character slot in the process, and can be exchanged for other characters after the specific quest revolving around their character is resolved. It is thus possible to create a party entirely made up of custom characters.)