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Мельница на Уимблдон Коммон в феврале 2005 года
Карта Уимблдон-Коммон 1944 года.

Wimbledon Common - большое открытое пространство в Уимблдоне , на юго-западе Лондона. Есть три названных области: Wimbledon Common, Putney Heath и Putney Lower Common , которые вместе управляются под названием Wimbledon and Putney Commons общей площадью 460 гектаров (1140 акров). [1] [2] Путни-Лоуэр-Коммон отделен от остальной части города не менее чем в 1 миле (1,6 км) от застроенной западной оконечности Путни .

Уимблдон и Патни Коммонс [ править ]

Уимблдон-Коммон, вместе с Патни-Хит и Патни-Лоуэр-Коммон, защищен законом Уимблдона и Патни Коммонс 1871 года от ограждения или застройки. Общие предназначены для неформального отдыха и для сохранения естественной флоры и фауны. Это самая большая вересковая пустошь в районе Лондона. Есть участок болота с уникальной [ цитата ] флорой. Западные склоны, лежащие на лондонской глине , поддерживают зрелые смешанные леса . Коммонс также является важным местом обитания жука-оленя .

Большая часть Коммон является Участком особого научного интереса , [3] [4] и специальная область охраны [5] под ЕС местообитания Директивы . [6] English Nature работает с консерваторами над планом управления этим районом. Уимблдон-Коммон и Патни-Хит также являются важными местами для сохранения природы . [7]

Палатой общин управляют восемь консерваторов . Пятеро из них избираются раз в три года, а остальные трое назначаются тремя правительственными ведомствами: Департаментом окружающей среды , Министерством обороны и Министерством внутренних дел . Коммонс управляется клерком и рейнджером при поддержке заместителя, сотрудника по охране дикой природы и охраны природы и личного помощника. Есть семь конных хранителей (которые занимаются общественной безопасностью), два садовода (для игровых полей), шесть рабочих по обслуживанию и один рабочий по обслуживанию собственности - всего около 23 сотрудников. [1] По крайней мере четыре лошади используются Хранителями для конного патрулирования.

Консерваторы несут ответственность за годовой бюджет в размере около 1 миллиона фунтов стерлингов. Большая часть доходов поступает от ежегодных сборов с домов в пределах 34 мили (1,2 км) от общин. Плательщики сбора имеют право голосовать за пятерых избранных Консерваторов. Плательщики сборов относятся к трем районам Лондона: Мертон , Уондсворт (включая Патни ) и Кингстон .

В 1864 году помещик , граф Спенсер , который владел Уимблдон усадьбу , попытался пройти частный парламентский законопроект [8] , чтобы приложить общий для создания нового парка с домом и садом , и продать часть для строительства. В знаковом решении для английских общинных земель после расследования было отказано в разрешении, и в 1871 г. [9] [10] был учрежден совет консерваторов, который должен был взять землю в собственность и сохранить ее в естественном состоянии.

Мельница стоит недалеко от центра Уимблдон Коммон , как обычно понимается; фактически, немаркированная граница округа с Путни Коммон проходит прямо за ней (линия, отмеченная --- на карте). Здесь Роберт Баден-Пауэлл написал отрывки из книги « Скаутинг для мальчиков» , которая была опубликована в 1908 году.

Остатки рва между двумя основными валами городища железного века

В 19 веке ветряная мельница была штаб-квартирой Национальной стрелковой ассоциации и каждый июль собирала большие толпы людей на Императорское собрание - национальный чемпионат ассоциации. "Эти ежегодные собрания посещает элита моды и всегда включает большое количество женщин, которые, как правило, проявляют величайший интерес к стрельбе по мишеням различных участников, будь то за честь унести щит Эльчо, Приз королевы или принца Уэльского, или щит, за который стреляют наши великие государственные школы, или ежегодный матч по стрельбе между палатами лордов и общин ». [11] Ассоциация покинула Уимблдон в 1889 году, когда Собрание переросло свои полигоны, переехав к Собранию 1890 года в новый комплекс недалеко от Бисли., Суррей. [12]

Два широких неглубоких водоема, Кингсмир и Рашмир, лежат возле дорог в более высоких частях Уимблдон-Коммон и, кажется, являются результатом добычи гравия. Более удаленный Квинсмир находится несколько глубже и заключен в небольшой долине. Их часто называли «Пруды с загонами».

Беверли-Брук проходит вдоль западной окраины Уимблдон-Коммон. Водоток был исторической границей юго-запада Лондона. [13]

Недалеко от Беверли Брук и Ферма Уоррена находятся два местных заповедника, которыми управляет Лондонский фонд охраны дикой природы : Болото фермы, Лес рыбного пруда и Мидс Беверли . [7] [14]

В южном конце обыкновенной части, используемой гольф-клубом Royal Wimbledon , но с общественной пешеходной дорожкой, проходящей через середину, находятся остатки городища железного века, известного (фактически только с 19 века) как лагерь Цезаря. . Хотя основным периодом использования в качестве оппидума, по- видимому, был VI-IV вв. До н.э., есть некоторые свидетельства того, что его действительно штурмовали римляне, вероятно, во время вторжения Клавдия в Британию . Возможно, он был захвачен Легио II Августа под командованием Веспасиана в их продвижении на запад в 44 году нашей эры. [15] Возможно, это место было заселено еще в бронзовом веке., но он и окружающие курганы были намеренно разрушены Джоном Эрле-Драксом в 1875 году [16].

Во время Первой мировой войны местность, известная как Равнина, использовалась как одна из десяти авиабаз, защищавших Лондон. В 1914 году и ранее здесь летали авиамодели. [17]

Путни Хит [ править ]

Верховая езда - это туннель через деревья (маршрут, нависающий над деревьями) на западной стороне Уимблдон-Коммон.

Карл II пересмотрел свои силы на Путни Хит в 1684 году; в мае 1767 года Георг III посетил гвардию и добровольцев Суррея на том же месте в 1799 году. [18] 300-летие Королевского королевского полка Суррея было отмечено в 1961 году, когда на вересковой пустоши был открыт и освящен трехсотлетний памятник. [19] По словам Сэмюэля Пеписа , Карла II и его брата, герцог Йоркский использовал лошадей в пустоши.

Обелиск из камня и кирпича был возведен на Путни-Хит в 1770 году, в ознаменование 110-й годовщины Великого лондонского пожара , одновременно с изобретением Дэвидом Хартли огневых плит Хартли , недалеко от места, где был построен его огнестойкий дом. Обелиск с богато украшенным камнем в основании до сих пор стоит, и попасть в него можно через автостоянку, примыкающую к трактиру Telegraph, у Вайлдкрофт-роуд, SW15. Нижняя часть этого дома неоднократно поджигалась в присутствии, среди прочего, Георга III и королевы Шарлотты , членов парламента, лорд-мэра и олдерменов. [20] С 1955 года обелиск является памятником архитектуры II степени. [21] The adjacent Wildcroft Manor was formerly in the ownership of publishing magnate George Newnes, builder of Putney Library. In 1895 he was created a baronet "of Wildcroft, in the parish of Putney, in the county of London".[22]

Many duels were fought on Putney Heath. In May 1652, a duel between George, the third Lord Chandos, and Colonel Henry Compton ended with Compton being killed. On a Sunday afternoon in May 1798 William Pitt, the then Prime Minister, who lived in Bowling-Green House on the heath, fought a bloodless battle with William Tierney, MP. The house derived its name from the bowling-green formerly attached to it, and for more than sixty years (1690–1750) was the most famous green in the neighbourhood of London. "In the early days of George III's reign it was celebrated for its public breakfasts and evening assemblies during the summer season. It was occupied for some time by Archbishop Cornwallis previous to Pitt taking up his residence there. During Pitt's ownership the house had large rooms for public breakfasts and assemblies, was a fashionable place of entertainment". Nearly a century earlier the property was noted for "deep play".[11] Pitt died in the house in 1806 from typhus. It was later owned by Henry Lewis Doulton, son of Henry Doulton of pottery fame. It was demolished and an art deco style residence rebuilt on the site in 1933. Nearby stands Bristol House, which owes its name to the Bristol family. James Macpherson, the translator and author of the Ossian's Poems, had a villa on Putney Heath.[11]The heath near the Telegraph pub was also the venue for the September 1809 duel between Cabinet ministers George Canning and Lord Castlereagh.[23]

Scio House was the last villa on Portsmouth Road abutting the heath: it eventually became a hospital and was known as Scio House Hospital for Officers, Putney.[24] It has since been redeveloped as a gated community of 70 neo-Georgian homes divided into two streets.[25]

Putney Heath is around 160 hectares (400 acres) in size and sits at approximately 45 metres (148 feet) above sea level. Because of its elevation, from 1796 to 1816 Putney Heath hosted a station in the shutter telegraph chain, which connected the Admiralty in London to its naval ships in Portsmouth. This was replaced by a semaphore station, which was part of a semaphore line that operated between 1822 and 1847.[26]

Thomas Cromwell, 1st Earl of Essex, was born on the north side of the heath circa 1485. He became a statesman who served as chief minister of Henry VIII and an agent of Cardinal Wolsey. In the 19th century his birthplace was still a place of note. "The site of Cromwell's birthplace is still pointed out by tradition, and is in some measure confirmed by the survey of Wimbledon Manor... for it describes on that spot 'an ancient cottage called the smith's shop, lying west of the highway from Richmond to Wandsworth, being the sign of the Anchor.' The plot of ground here referred to is now covered by the Green Man public house."[11]

The wilderness was for many years a noted rendezvous for highwaymen. In 1795, the notorious highwayman Jeremiah Abershaw – also known as Jerry Avershaw – was caught in the pub (now owned by Wandsworth brewery Young's,[27]) on the north side of the heath where Putney Hill meets Tibbet's Ride. After Abershaw's execution at Kennington, his body was hung in a chain gibbet on the heath, as a warning to others.[citation needed] The location on the heath is known as Jerry's Hill. It is viewable from the A3 near Putney Vale, slightly uphill from Putney Vale Cemetery where a number of famous people have since been buried or cremated. Abershaw frequented the Bald Face Stag Inn.[28] The inn was later knocked down and became the KLG factory, founded by Kenelm Lee Guinness, part of the famous brewing dynasty and a noted early motor racer before developing highly reliable auto and aero spark plugs. The factory site is now occupied by an Asda supermarket.


Above the hill peak of the A3 at Tibbet's Corner – on the A219 towards Putney – stands an ancient wood fence cattle pound opposite the Green Man, adjacent to two huge plane trees near the bus terminus. This simple wood fence structure, used historically to contain lost livestock, has been listed as a Grade II listed structure since 1983.[29] A number of fine homes lined Putney Hill and the north face of the heath, west of the Green Man. All had semi-circular carriageway entrances and exits.[30] These included Grantham House, the residence of Lady Grantham; Ripon House; Ashburton House; and Exeter House, occupied by the second Marquis of Exeter. Grantham House had a large fountain in its grounds between road and residence, while across the road on the heath was a large, shallow rectangular pond used for ice skating. Grantham House stood east of both Exeter and Ashburton houses, on the site of the present-day Hayward Gardens.[30] The skating pond was filled in post-WWII. George Cokayne, author of peerage and baronetage publications, died at Exeter House in 1911.[31] Nearby Gifford House was owned by J. D. Charrington of brewing fame; and Dover House was the seat originally of Lord Dover, afterwards of Lord Clifden.

With the development of transport routes for the growing financial sector, Putney Heath became highly desirable for City gentlemen in the 1890s, and they were initially known as "outsiders".[32] Dover House was owned at the turn of the 20th century by the famous US financier J. P. Morgan.[33] Social researcher Charles Booth classified the whole area of Putney Hill and West Hill, leading into Putney Heath, as wealthy or well-to-do. Despite a full array of places of worship, he said the area was noted for low church attendance with all denominations "struggling for the souls of pleasure-seeking Putney ... the middle class here are as indifferent as the poor elsewhere."[30]

At the top of Putney Hill, the road taking that name veers off Tibbet's Ride at Putney Heath Lane (which was formerly known as Cut-Through Lane). Seven grand homes once lined the east side of this part of Putney Hill.[30] It is now a no-through-road leading to Tibbet's Corner. Several of the mansions remain. The most southern of the homes was named Bath House, which included a keeper's lodge and large grounds. In 1926 it was opened as the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases by the then Prince of Wales, the future Edward VIII.[34] The hospital was founded by malariologist Ronald Ross, who discovered that malaria was transmitted by mosquitoes. He won the 1902 Nobel Prize for his discovery. After his death and burial at nearby Putney Vale Cemetery in 1932, the financially strapped hospital was incorporated into the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in Keppel Street, central London. Bath House was later demolished and mansion flats built on the property. In memory of its history the block was named Ross Court. Within the grounds remains an older dwelling named Ross Cottage.

The village green at the corner of Wildcroft and Telegraph roads is still used by Roehampton Cricket Club, established in 1842. The club has played there continuously since 1859 when the lord of the manor, Earl Spencer, suggested it as a new site.[35] It has two teams in the highly competitive Fullers Surrey County League and a Sunday side that plays on a more social level. In 1900, a decade after the death of his multimillionaire father Junius Morgan, J. P. Morgan had already gained a fondness for the sport and was made an honorary member.[36] Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, who presided at the club dinner in 1910, allowed his two young children – Raymond and Cecily[37] – to play cowboys and Indians on the cricket green during the week. This groundkeeper's transgression was later believed to have been a privilege of him being an honorary member.[38]

The Chelsea Water Company originally owned the reservoir site and allowed construction of the club pavilion on its property.[39] The covered reservoir is now owned by Thames Water. Cricket matches continued during the war although some games started late or were drawn due to late starts or air raid sirens. Four German V-1 flying bombs struck the area in World War II.[40] One destroyed the club's pavilion, opposite the Telegraph pub, in July 1944, near the reservoir. Wildcroft Road, turning into Portsmouth Road and further along into the future A3, was the main thoroughfare into SW London and became a stop-off point for American serviceman who alighted from their jeeps to "taste this crazy cricket game".[41]

On the south side of the reservoir, in the triangle of land between Wildcroft Road, Tibbet's Ride and the Green Man, is a large clearing of land. A funfair is set up on the grounds each October, lasting for one week. Ground rent is paid by the touring company to the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators, as part of the income of the charity.[42]

Sports and recreation[edit]

Cannizaro House, now a hotel opposite Wimbledon Common

In August 1730 a cricket match between Putney and Fulham was played, reportedly for "50 guineas per side". It is the only known instance of a team called Putney and of a match at this venue.[43][44]

Old Central School, situated in the south west of Wimbledon Common, provided a former pupils football team in the late 19th century which played on the common and used the "Fox and Grapes" public house as a changing room. At first called "The Old Centrals", this club later became Wimbledon F.C..

Putney Lower Common hosted Fulham F.C.'s home games in the 1885–1886 season.

The Richardson Evans Memorial Playing Fields, which form part of the Commons and are situated in Kingston Vale, provide football and rugby pitches for local schools and clubs. The grounds are currently home to London Cornish RFC, and was the training ground for Harlequins RL. It also hosts the annual National Schools Sevens rugby tournament. The grounds can also accommodate many different sports such as Australian Rules Football and Ultimate Frisbee.

Hampton and Richmond Borough Juniors FC (Colts section of Hampton & Richmond Borough of the Conference League) play their home matches at the Richmond Park entrance/Robin Hood roundabout corner of the common on Sunday mornings.

A Parkrun is held on the common every Saturday morning which usually sees in excess of 300 runners complete 5 kilometres. The course starts and finishes at the Windmill.

Today, as well as being a popular place for cycling, jogging and walking, the Common is home to The Wimbledon Common Golf Club and London Scottish Golf Club. The first University Golf Match was played on Wimbledon Common in 1878, courtesy of the LSGC. It also is the base for Thames Hare and Hounds, the oldest cross country running club in the world. Annually Thames Hare and Hounds host the 1st team (Blues) Varsity cross-country match between Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

The Commons also provide some 16 miles of horse rides.[citation needed]

Legal disputes[edit]

In early 2012 the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators agreed to sell the access rights across Putney Common to Wandsworth Council, having been threatened with a Compulsory Purchase Order if they refused. Without public consultation the Conservators entered into legal agreements, in return for a payment of £350,000. Some local residents who objected to the sale of the access and loss of common to facilitate what they saw as an unattractive and over-intensive development challenged the sale in the High Court, which ruled that the Conservators had not acted beyond their powers. As at December 2013, the residents continue to pursue the case, which is likely to be heard in the Court of Appeal sometime in 2014.

Some local residents also objected to Wandsworth's planning permissions for the site, (where Wandsworth were both the applicant and planning authority) and two permissions were quashed by the High Court in early 2013 over technicalities. The technicalities were corrected and the planning permission subsequently re-obtained. The residents made a public appeal to fund their legal challenge, raising £25,000 from a few dozen donors. The Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators joined forces legally with Wandsworth, appointing Wandsworth to build the roads.

The land sold by the Conservators to the council will be tarmacked for some 110 metres (120 yards), and lined with bollards, in addition to street lighting, tarmacked footpaths and electronic barriers, which objectors say will suburbanise and alter the natural state of the Common. The Conservators refused the sustainable transport charity Sustrans permission to upgrade an adjacent path to a cycle path on the grounds that it would "alter the natural state of the commons". The Open Spaces Society gave financial support to the residents in taking the case to the Court of Appeal, saying in December 2013: "This is a unique green lung, which the society helped to save back in the 1870s. We are not prepared to stand by and see it destroyed now."[45]

In August 2016 the Charity Commission announced a Statutory Inquiry into the potential loss due to granting of an easement for access rights to Putney Lower Common.[46]

In July 2020, nearly four years after the Inquiry commenced, the Charity Commission published the results of their Statutory Inquiry, concluding that the easement may have been transferred at an undervalue. Charity Commission Statutory Inquiry Conclusion

On 4 August 2020, The Times newspaper published an article suggesting that the Charity Commission’s Statutory Inquiry was a whitewash, as criticism of the deal and trustees was removed when the report was challenged by lawyers acting for Sir Ian Andrews. In the article the Labour MP Dame Margaret Hodge questioned whether the Commission was 'fit for purpose', due to the changes. Putney's MP, Fleur Anderson described the report as a 'whitewash'.[47]


The Wimbledon and Putney Commons Act 1871 contains a provision to allow the Conservators to have Officers attested as constables[48] for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of the Act and all bylaws made there under.

There was resistance at the time to a similar provision in the draft Bill that preceded the Act, whereby an article in The Spectator in January 1865 objected to the creation of 'Spencerian Police'.[49] The article refers to draft Bill as it was published in draft in 1864, whereby the article suggests that the Bill contained a provision for the appointment of Special Constables with full police powers. It would seem that this provision was removed in favour of the provision that allowed the attestation of constables just for the purposes of enforcing the Act itself and the byelaws made there under.

In addition to the ability to swear in constables, the Act creates a power of arrest for any officer of the Conservators or a constable when the details of a person suspected of committing a byelaws offences cannot be obtained (e.g. details refused or suspected of being false).[50] Whilst it is unlikely that this power would be used by anyone other than a Keeper in modern times, a theoretical power of arrest exists for any staff and for any member or the public that they call upon for assistance.

The historic role of the Keeper was captured in a 1959 British Pathé film, which showed them dressed in bowler hats and tweeds being inspected by the Warden (a former Lieutenant Colonel) before going about their daily routine of tackling summer fires and challenging golfers who were not in appropriate attire.[51]

Popular culture[edit]

The Wimbledon Common is known as the fictional home to The Wombles, a series of furry characters that was created by Elizabeth Beresford, who stated as children's novels, their own stop motion television series, and later a pop musical group.

It is also featured in the novel The Wimbledon Poisoner by Nigel Williams, the climax of which occurs in the windmill.

The TARDIS briefly stops there at the end of the Doctor Who serial The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve, whereupon Dodo Chaplet enters the TARDIS, believing it to be a police box, and becomes a companion for the next five serials. Iris Wildthyme – a character from the BBC Doctor Who book series – travels in a TARDIS which is disguised as the Number 22 bus to Putney Common.

The Common is one setting of H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds.

Parkside, running alongside Wimbledon Common is the setting for The Desolate Tree series of novels by Raphael Sangorski.

Wimbledon Common features in J. R. Ackerley's memoir of his life with his Alsatian, My Dog Tulip.

In the 2014 BBC 4 television series Detectorists, the protagonists Andy and Lance argue about whether the common is real or simply the fictional home of The Wombles.

Local geography[edit]

Photo gallery[edit]

  • Windmill & Ranger's Office

  • An athlete from Belgrave Harriers trains near Rushmere

  • Bluegate Pond

  • Seven Post Pond

See also[edit]

  • Wimbledon Manor House
  • List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Greater London


  1. ^ a b "Wimbledon and Putney Commons – The Commons". Wpcc.org.uk. 1 April 1991. Archived from the original on 28 August 2013. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  2. ^ Drakeford, Tony; Sutcliffe, Una (2000). Wimbledon Common & Putney Heath: A Natural History. London: Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators. ISBN 0-9501887-5-1.
  3. ^ "Natural England, Wimbledon Common citation" (PDF). Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  4. ^ "Map of Wimbledon Common SSSI". Natural England.
  5. ^ "Wimbledon Common". UK Special Areas of Conservation site list. DEFRA Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Retrieved 20 October 2014.
  6. ^ "DEFRA, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Special Areas of Conservation". Jncc.defra.gov.uk. 26 September 2013. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  7. ^ a b "Wimbledon Common and Putney Heath". Greenspace Information for Greater London. 2006. Archived from the original on 23 April 2013.
  8. ^ "No. 22915". The London Gazette. 25 November 1864. pp. 5834–5835.
  9. ^ "No. 23682". The London Gazette. 25 November 1870. pp. 5244–5245.
  10. ^ "No. 23768". The London Gazette. 18 August 1871. p. 3643.
  11. ^ a b c d "Putney | Old and New London: Volume 6 (pp. 489–503)". british-history.ac.uk. Retrieved 25 January 2014.
  12. ^ "About Bisley". National Rifle Association. National Rifle Association of the UK. Archived from the original on 27 August 2020. Retrieved 27 August 2020.
  13. ^ "AIM25 collection description". Aim25.ac.uk. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  14. ^ "Fishpond Wood & Beverley Meads Local Nature Reserve, Merton" (PDF). London Wildlife Trust. 2001. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 December 2013. Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  15. ^ "Wimbledon Museum". Wimbledon Museum. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  16. ^ "Wimbledon's worst vandalism". Wimbledon Guardian. Retrieved 4 April 2018.
  17. ^ "Wimbledon Common Airfield". Wimbledon And Putney Commons. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  18. ^ Geikie, J. C. (1903). The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney. London: A & C Black, p.85.
  19. ^ "National Archives, The Queen'S Royal Surrey Regiment and the Queen'S Regiment: Records". Nationalarchives.gov.uk. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  20. ^ Geikie, J. C. (1903). The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney. London: A & C Black, p.84.
  21. ^ Good Stuff IT Services. "Hartley Memorial Obelisk (North East of Wildcroft Manor), Putney". Britishlistedbuildings.co.uk. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  22. ^ "No. 26598". The London Gazette. 15 February 1895. p. 911.
  23. ^ Geikie, J. C. (1903). The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney. London: A & C Black, pp.84–86.
  24. ^ "Voluntary Hospitals, London". UK Parliament. 25 March 1948. Retrieved 1 August 2012.
  25. ^ "Welcome". Lynden Gate. Retrieved 1 August 2012.
  26. ^ "History – The Telegraph country pub in London". Thetelegraphputney.co.uk. Archived from the original on 27 December 2013. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  27. ^ "Green Man". youngs.co.uk.
  28. ^ "The Tale of Jerry Abershawe, Highwayman". 8 February 2011.
  29. ^ Good Stuff IT Services. "Village Pound, Putney". Britishlistedbuildings.co.uk. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  30. ^ a b c d Bailey, Keith. Old Ordnance Survey Maps, Putney 1913. South Shields: Godfrey Maps
  31. ^ "George E Cokayne Complete Baronetage Vol 1 (1900)". 10 March 2001. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  32. ^ Roehampton Cricket Club Towards the Second Century (1951), p.6
  33. ^ Geikie, J. C. (1903). The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney. London: A & C Black, p83.
  34. ^ "1920 History Timeline | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine". Timeline.lshtm.ac.uk. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  35. ^ Kent, Stephen. "Roehampton Cricket Club". Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  36. ^ Roehampton Cricket Club Towards the Second Century (1951), p.11
  37. ^ "Shackleton news". Jamescairdsociety.com. Archived from the original on 27 December 2013. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  38. ^ Roehampton Cricket Club Towards the Second Century (1951), p.4
  39. ^ Geikie, J. C. (1903). The Fascination of London: Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney. London: A & C Black, p84.
  40. ^ Wandsworth Council (2008). Putney Heath Appraisal & Management Strategy
  41. ^ Roehampton Cricket Club Towards the Second Century (1951), p.16
  42. ^ "Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators". Archived from the original on 5 February 2009. Retrieved 14 November 2011.
  43. ^ Waghorn HT (1899) Cricket Scores, Notes, etc. (1730–1773), p.3. Blackwood.
  44. ^ Maun I (2009) From Commons to Lord's, Volume One: 1700 to 1750, p.45. Roger Heavens. ISBN 978 1 900592 52 9
  45. ^ "We back Friends of Putney Common's court action". oss.org.uk.
  46. ^ "New charity investigation: Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators". The Charity Commission. Retrieved 29 April 2017.
  47. ^ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/charity-commission-whitewashed-land-sale-inquiry-after-legal-threats-xxvhvbdgm?shareToken=fe6e315188ab3395e4d7dc3605300bf2
  48. ^ Section 90 http://www.ledr.com/acts/wpca/1871024.htm#90
  49. ^ "THE PROPOSED". The Spectator Archive.
  50. ^ Section 93- Arrest of Transient Offenders "Any constable or any officer of the Conservators, and all persons called by such constable or officer to his assistance, may without any other warrant than this Act, seize and detain any person offending or having offended against this Act, or any byelaw of the Conservators, whose name or address is unknown to such constable or officer, and convey him with all convenient despatch before a justice, to be dealt with according to law." http://www.ledr.com/acts/wpca/1871024.htm#93
  51. ^ British Pathé. "Park Rangers". britishpathe.com.

External links[edit]

  • Wimbledon & Putney Commons Conservators
  • Thames Hare and Hounds Cross Country Club
  • Wimbledon Common Time Trial
  • The Wimbledon and Putney Commons Act 1871
  • Wimbledon Common on the VisitWoods website
  • Putney Lower Common on the VisitWoods website
  • References in WWII diary Archived 7 July 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  • London’s Iron Age Forts & Fortifications - LiDAR maps

Coordinates: 51°25′47″N 0°14′18″W / 51.42972°N 0.23833°W / 51.42972; -0.23833