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AMA Компьютер университета , используя торговое название просто как АМА университета , является информационно-коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ) университет в Кесон - Сити , Филиппины и первый такой университет на Филиппинах и в Азии. [4] Университет служит флагманом образовательной системы AMA (AMAES). Он специализируется на электронных, информационных и коммуникационных технологиях.

История [ править ]

Институт компьютерных исследований AMA [ править ]

AMA университет и его сестра школа AMA Computer College (AMACC) были основаны Amable Р. Aguiluz V, который назвал их после инициалов имени отца, А янных М endoza guiluz старшего Aguiluz увидел спрос на полностью обученные компьютерные профессионал страна. Однако в то время ни одно учебное заведение в стране не предлагало специалистам компьютерного образования. Поэтому 20 октября 1980 года Агилуз основал Институт компьютерных исследований AMA с первой компьютерной школой, расположенной на бульваре Шоу. В то время Институт компьютерных исследований AMA предлагал только краткосрочные курсы по электронной обработке данных.Основы, основы программирования и технологическая карьера. Трое студентов поступили в Институт компьютерных исследований AMA в течение первого семестра.

Компьютерный колледж AMA, филиалы и сестринские школы [ править ]

Входные ворота в университет в Кесон-Сити

Компьютерный колледж AMA был основан в июне 1981 года. Он расширил свои услуги, получив четырехлетнюю степень бакалавра компьютерных наук . В первый год работы AMACC обучается всего несколько человек, а количество студентов в AMACC резко выросло с 600 в 1983 году до 2000 в 1985 году в его первом официальном кампусе в Макати . Вскоре после этого он основал свой главный кампус в Кесон-Сити . Затем были основаны два провинциальных кампуса в Себу и Давао .

С принятием Закона о Филиппинской Республике № 7722 или Закона о высшем образовании 1994 года плата за обучение в частных учебных заведениях была отменена. AMA увеличила плату за обучение, а затем решила проблему низкой численности студентов, начав маркетинговую, рекламную и информационную кампанию.

Появление AMACC привело к рождению AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC) в 1987 году и AMA Telecommunication & Electronic Learning Center в 1996 году. Первый предлагает краткосрочные программы для профессионалов и двухлетние технические / профессиональные курсы для тех, кто хочет приобрести навыки трудоустройства. Последняя является одной из первых школ на Филиппинах, специализирующихся на телекоммуникациях , электронике и связанных с ними технологиях. Это была первая школа в стране, которая полностью интегрировала Интернет в свою учебную программу. С 1987 года все основные колледжи AMA были связаны через локальную сеть (LAN), которая превратила их в единую общенациональную школьную систему.

В 1991 году Агилуз получил аккредитацию компьютерного колледжа AMA в Американской лиге колледжей и университетов (ALOCU), что сделало AMA первой филиппинской и неамериканской школой, которая сделала это. AMACC стал официальным членом Образовательного института Джона Ф. Кеннеди в Японии. AMACC также аккредитован Национальным вычислительным центром Соединенного Королевства .

Повышение до университета [ править ]

AMA Компьютер Колледж Кесон - Сити стал AMA Компьютер университета после присвоению статуса университета филиппинской правительственной комиссии по высшему образованию (КВО) по 20 августа 2001 года [ править ] Филиппинская комиссия по высшему образованию не аккредитовать другие AMA кампусы в использовании название «университет» и разрешено использовать только название « колледж » или « институт », поскольку эти кампусы не соответствуют требованиям, предъявляемым филиппинским академическим регулирующим органом. [ необходима цитата ]

В 2003 году AMA Компьютер университет подписал партнерство с Carnegie Mellon University «s iCarnegie использовать свой учебный план и курсы с помощью электронного обучения. Ранее iCarnegie обращалась к STI за соглашением, но вместо этого предпочла остаться с AMACU. Как заявил президент и главный исполнительный директор iCarnegie Аллан Фишер, «академические отношения между STI и iCarnegie складывались хорошо, деловая сторона соглашения шла не так, как планировалось». [5]

Спустя двенадцать лет после того, как он стал университетом, AMA привлекла Hewlett-Packard Philippines к разработке и внедрению академических предметов по тестированию программного обеспечения в рамках своего курса информационных технологий. [6]

Заграничные кампусы компьютерного колледжа AMA [ править ]

В 2003 году система AMA Education в рамках партнерства с правительством Бахрейна основала Международный университет AMA в Манаме .

Спортивные программы [ править ]

В 2001 году AMA присоединилась к недавно созданной Национальной спортивной ассоциации школ, колледжей и университетов (NAASCU). У AMACU Titans был тяжелый старт, но в 2006 году они победили своих корпоративных конкурентов, олимпийцев STI, и стали чемпионами NAASCU 2006 года. Она участвует в Университетской Лиге чемпионов , [7] , состоящие из верхних занимают университетские команды на Филиппины внешней стороны UAAP и Национальный Совет .

Dataline [ править ]

Dataline, официальное студенческое издание университета, имеет офис на 2-м этаже здания колледжа, выпускающий выпуск каждого семестра. Это одна из двух официальных студенческих организаций университета, другая - Студенческий совет (SC).

Политическая принадлежность [ править ]

Амабл Агилуз V был политическим сторонником Джозефа Эстрады на президентских выборах 1998 года . [8] Агилуз ушел из Комиссии в ноябре 1999 года из-за спорной покупки оборудования комиссией у дочерней компании группы компаний AMA .

Отец Агилуза, Амабл Агилуз-старший, был другом Диосдадо Макапагала , а Агилуз-старший был председателем и генеральным аудитором Комиссии по аудиту в 1960-х годах. [9] Глория Макапагал Арройо была приглашена на политические митинги, спонсируемые AMA. В 1995 году Арройо присутствовала на политическом митинге в AMA, когда баллотировалась на переизбрание в качестве сенатора. Арройо присутствовал на всех выпускных церемониях AMA с 2002 по 2005 годы. [10] Арройо сослался на AMA за то, что они не участвовали в группах ориентированных на конкретные дела и студенческих активистских группах. [11] Арройо назначил Агилуза советником президента по Ближнему Востоку. [12]

Академические единицы [ править ]

Церемония первого выпуска из университета в Кесон-Сити, май 2002 г.

Undergraduate programs[edit]

  • College of Computer Studies
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Business Administration and Accountancy
  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Education

Basic education programs[edit]

AMA Computer University also has pre-school, elementary, and high school programs under the brand St. Augustine International School (now AMA Basic Education).


AMA Computer College has 41 campuses nationwide under the AMA University and Colleges umbrella. Only the main campus of AMA in Project 8 is accredited with a University status; all else are under study for proper accreditation. Student population mainly determine the longevity of the campuses.

AMA Computer University Town[edit]

The AMA Group of Companies is planning a campus named University Town. Expected to be completed in celebration of its 45th year, the AMA Computer University Town is a 50-hectare property in Ara Vista Village in General Trias, Cavite[13] It draws its inspiration from old universities in the western world that spurred rapid development in the Host Township.[14][15]

The University Town will serve as another type of multi-use development, a primary institutional complex in a park-like setting. A network of open space and walkable distances from once destination to the other is laid out to encourage users to walk instead of using vehicles.

Sister schools[edit]

The AMA Education System, whose head office located in Panay Avenue, Quezon City, has various member schools. Unlike the AMA University in Project 8, Quezon City, whose land is wholly owned, some of the schools are on rented real estate. The schools are overseen and monitored by government departments, such as Department of Education (DepEd), Technical Skills and Development Authority (TESDA), Commission on Higher Education and the Philippine Maritime and Naval Agency (MARINA), for Norwegian Maritime Institute.

Pursuant to TESDA compliance, the schools offers ladderized education as well, a program that allows vocational students to pursue college easily, having their previous vocational course merits credited into their college curriculum.

  • AMA Computer College are educational institutions across the Philippines that offer the same programs as AMACU. The campuses in Caloocan, East Rizal, Makati, Las Piñas, Malolos, Biñan, Pasig, Bacolod, Dumaguete, Iloilo, Fairview, Cebu, Tacloban, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Cotabato City, and General Santos are among these.
  • AMA International University is a partnership between the Kingdom of Bahrain and AMA Education System serving AMA's ICT programs in the Arab Region.
  • AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC College) are educational institutions across the Philippines that has a similar structure as AMA Computer College but only offered short Information Technology-related programs before. These programs range from Certificate (3-month), Diploma (1 year) to Associate (2-years). It uses a semestral (5-month) academic calendar. However, they are now offering 4 year courses as well.
  • ABE International Business College are educational institutions across the Philippines that has a similar structure as AMA Computer Learning Center. Offers courses like Business Administration, HRM, Tourism and Information Technology since it is a part of the AMA Education System. Its Main Campus is located in Legarda in Manila.
  • St. Augustine School of Nursing are educational institutions across the Philippines that has a similar structure as AMA Computer Learning Center but only offer short Medical-related programs like caregiver course.
  • AMA International Institute of Technology (CLOSED) are educational institutions that have a similar structure as AMA Computer Learning Center but only offers short technology-related programs like radio technician course. Formerly AMA Telecommunication & Electronic Learning Center, it is located on EDSA, Cubao, Quezon City.
  • Norwegian Maritime Academy are educational institutions across the Philippines that offer the same programs as AMACU. It focuses only in Maritime-related courses like Marine Engineering.
  • AMA School of Medicine is an educational institution in the Philippines that offers the same programs as AMACU but is under study for accreditation or recognition by the Commission on Higher Education. It focuses in Medical-related courses like Nursing. The Doctor of Medicine or MD course is offered in the Makati Campus of AMA. This is an intensive 4-year course which has been operational since 2008.
  • AMA Basic Education (formerly St. Augustine International School) are educational institutions across the Philippines that offer pre-school, elementary, and high school programs but is housed outside AMACU. The institution also claims utilization of the GEMS program for their Math curriculum.
  • Delta Air International Aviation Academy is an educational institution that offer studies in aviation. Its campus is located in the Old MIA Road in Parañaque and flight training area is located in Plaridel, Bulacan.


Like other educational institutions, AMA has its share of controversies. Primarily, an incident in the educational institution became the main cause of the country's upgraded cybercrime laws, as explained below.

I Love You Virus[edit]

In 1999, AMA Computer College Makati student Onel de Guzman submitted a thesis proposal for the creation of a computer program that will hack into computer systems and extract vital information, particularly Internet Service accounts.[16] The proposal was unanimously rejected by the College of Computer Studies' academic board. De Guzman was scheduled to complete his studies in 2000 and an academic subject called "Thesis A" was one of his final requirements before graduation.

After commencement day on 3 May 2000, an e-mail trojan called "ILOVEYOU" spread internationally and caused delays in several online transactions. The ILOVEYOU virus unleashed a flood of e-mail that affected at least 45 million users in at least 20 countries according to one estimate. The virus started with an email containing the text string "ILOVEYOU" in the subject line, but several variations appeared soon afterward, including one masquerading as an e-mail joke and another as a receipt for a Mother's Day gift. The virus both replicates itself and steals the user names and passwords of unsuspecting victims. The e-mail replies from angry virus recipients to the creator passed through the United States e-mail address "[email protected]", which then forwarded them to the two Access.Net (Philippine Internet Service Provider) e-mail accounts used by the virus creator - "[email protected]" and "[email protected]".[17]

According to Guinness World Records, the ILOVEYOU virus was the fastest-spreading computer worm until the release of Mydoom in 2004.[18] The virus was traced to an apartment room in downtown Manila where De Guzman was residing. De Guzman was invited by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for questioning, and in an interview, admitted spreading the virus "by accident".[19] In response, AMA expelled de Guzman from AMA Makati and considered him a "drop out" for life. The NBI charged De Guzman for violation of Republic Act 8484 or the Access Devices Regulation Act of 1998.[20] However, due to lack of sufficiency, the justice ministry dropped the charges as there was no clear legislation regulating the Internet. As a result of the incident, President Joseph Ejercito Estrada signed into law Republic Act 8792, known as the Philippine Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 on 14 June 2000.

School principal case resolution[edit]

On 23 January 2007, the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the NLRC regarding the dismissal of a high school principal.[21]

A high school principal was promoted on 13 May 1996 but an incident four days later led to her dismissal. A cashier at the company, carried a brown envelope containing PhP 47,299.34 to the comfort room of the school. While inside, she placed the envelope on top of the (toilet bowl) tank. After she left the room, she realized the envelope was left behind, hence she returned to the comfort room, but the envelope was already gone. The incident was reported to the area director, who told that the only person she recalled entering the comfort room after her was the school principal. Investigation of the school principal was ordered. Thereafter, she was brought to the barangay office and the incident was entered in its blotter. On 20 May 1996, she was suspended.

School officials served the principal several notices to appear during the hearings and to submit her written explanation, but the hearings were always cancelled. On 19 June 1996, AMA dismissed the principal on the ground of loss of trust and confidence. On 21 June 1996, school officials sent her another notice directing her to appear on 27 June 1996 hearing and to submit a written explanation. The hearing was, again, cancelled. On 1 July 1996, AMA finally terminated her employment.

On 14 August 1996, Garay filed a complaint for her dismissal and on 14 September 1998, NLRC Labor Arbiter Eduardo Carpio rendered judgment. He ruled that there was no material and direct evidence to show that the employee took the collections. NLRC ordered AMA to immediately reinstate her to her former or substantially equal position and pay her backwages computed in the amount of P300,000.00 (1 July 1996 to 31 December 1998 = 30 months. P10,000.00 x 30 months = P300,000.00), moral damages of PhP 100,000.00 and exemplary damages of PhP 50,000.00.

Student case resolution[edit]

On 10 November 2004 the Regional Trial Court dismissed the case against 48 students and granted the students' motion to discontinue the proceedings after getting assurance from the school administration that they can continue with their studies. The students were ordered dismissed by school management 4 October 2004 for holding a protest rally in front of the school.

The students were dismissed from the school by the area director, school director and the school's disciplinary board after they held a protest rally in front of the school campus without the necessary permit. They said that the dismissal of the students was based on a resolution dated 9 October issued by Student Disciplinary Tribunal, which states that holding of rallies or any related activities without the necessary permit from an authorized school officer is a major offense that merits dismissal as provided for in the student handbook.

The students filed a 13-page civil suit with damages against the school for dismissing them. They also claimed their dismissal was null and void and violates their freedom of expression as enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. They said they held the rally to show support for the preventive suspension of several regular teachers, the implementation of the webcast teaching system and other unresolved issues regarding miscellaneous fees.

The students were accompanied by police authorities in going back to school.[22]

Daniel Padilla PBA D-League issue[edit]

Daniel Padilla, a local actor, signed as AMA University's fifth advertisement endorser. AMA then joined as an expansion basketball team to the 2014–2015 season of the PBA Developmental League and Padilla was selected by AMA as its final round draft pick.[23] Many spectators in the draft event at the PBA head office in Libis, Quezon City were surprised with the selection as Padilla was not part of the 153 players who submitted their application for the draft. AMA invoked its right as a school-based team to sign a player who hasn't applied for the draft.[24]

Padilla's professional handler, ABS-CBN's Star Magic denied reports Padilla was allowed to join the league and it was done without their prior knowledge.[25] AMA claimed that Padilla was enrolled by the university as a freshman for the course Information Technology. Padilla responded to news reporters and stated that it was much of his surprise that he was drafted without his prior knowledge and declined to join the basketball league.[26]

Notable alumni[edit]

  • Mujiv Hataman – Governor of Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, 2011–present (Computer Engineering Batch 1994)[27]
  • Chito Jaime – PBA Player - San Miguel Beermen
  • Getulio Napeñas - former head of the Philippine National Police Special Action Force (Master of Science in Public Administration)
  • Rainier Castillo – as freshman before joining Starstruck
  • Teddy Corpuz – Rocksteddy's vocalist
  • Onel de Guzman – computer programmer and hacker
  • Jolina Magdangal – actress
  • Ryza Cenon – actress, dancer, and model

See also[edit]

  • Asian Institute of Computer Studies

External links[edit]

  • AMA University and Colleges
  • AMA Education System
  • AMA Education System Alumni Association Inc.
  • AMA Basic Education (formerly St. Augustine International School / AMA Elementary and High School)
  • AMA Delta Air International Aviation Academy
  • ACLC College
  • St. Augustine School of Nursing
  • ABE International Business College
  • AMA School of Medicine


  1. ^ http://www.amaes.edu.ph/official-executive-profile-dr-amable-r-aguiluz-v/
  2. ^ "The Quest for Quality". Archived from the original on 2 October 2009.
  3. ^ http://www.amaes.edu.ph/official-executive-profile-dr-amable-r-aguiluz-v/
  4. ^ "Amaes.edu". Amaes.edu.ph. Archived from the original on 14 February 2012. Retrieved 17 January 2012.[third-party source needed]
  5. ^ Oliva, Erwin and Joel Pinaroc. STI sues AMA over iCarnegie row. From INQ7.net, via Philippine Science and Technology Portal. 15 May 2003. Retrieved on 6 August 2007.
  6. ^ "AMA hooks up with HP to include software testing in IT courses".
  7. ^ CCL 4th Collegiate Champions League Archived 26 November 2006 at the Wayback Machine. (Commercial website). Retrieved on 6 July 2007.
  8. ^ Suh, Sangwon and Antonio Lopez. "Hail to the New Chief: President-elect Joseph "Erap" Ejercito Estrada is already beginning to put his own stamp on the nation. Most are pleased about it - but not all". Archived from the original on 14 October 2006.. Asiaweek.com, 26 June 1998. Retrieved on 6 July 2007.
  9. ^ PGMA's Speech during the 23rd AMA Computer University Foundation Day and Education Computer College Celebration: AMA Computer University Gymnasium Villa Arca, Project 8, Quezon City (12 Nov. 2003) Archived 9 October 2006 at the Wayback Machine. (Speech transcript). Office of the Press Secretary, Republic of the Philippines, 12 November 2003. Retrieved on 6 July 2007.
  10. ^ GMA lauds AMA education system's role in moulding 'Filipinos of the future' Archived 30 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine. (Press release). Office of the Press Secretary, Republic of the Philippines, 4 May 2004. Retrieved on 6 July 2007.
  11. ^ PGMA's Speech during the First Commencement Exercises of AMA Computer University' Archived 14 March 2008 at the Wayback Machine. (Press release). Office of the Press Secretary, Republic of the Philippines, 3 May 2002. Retrieved on 7 February 2008.
  12. ^ "Office of the Special Envoy - Republic of the Philippines". Gcc-envoy.gov.ph. Archived from the original on 18 January 2012. Retrieved 17 January 2012.
  13. ^ "Page B7, March 14, 2003, Philippine Daily Inquirer". Makati, Philippines: Philippine Daily Inquirer. 14 March 2003. Retrieved 23 September 2013.
  14. ^ AMA Computer University Commencement Exercises programme, May 2002
  15. ^ AMA Computer University Archived 27 November 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^ Onel de Guzman's rejected thesis proposal at AMA Computer College Archived 2010-04-26 at the Wayback Machine. (Personal website, Richard M. Smith). Computerbytesman.com. Retrieved on 6 July 2007.
  17. ^ Internet Security News: [ISN] FBI investigates e-mails sent to virus author Archived 27 December 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  18. ^ Guinness World Records Ltd. (2000). Guinness World Records, 2001. London, United Kingdom: Mint Publishers Inc. p. 119. ISBN 1-892051-01-X.
  19. ^ "Hacking Takes a Holiday: The Love Bug suspect is talking but not confessing". Archived from the original on 16 May 2006.. Asiaweek.com, 2000-10-13, Vol. 26, No. 40. Retrieved on 6 July 2007.
  20. ^ Cohen, Adam. School for Hackers. Time, 14 May 2000. Retrieved on 6 July 2007.
  21. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2018-05-18. Retrieved 2018-05-26.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  22. ^ "Sun.Star Davao - Court dismisses case against AMA students". Sunstar.com.ph. Archived from the original on 11 February 2009. Retrieved 17 January 2012.
  23. ^ "Teen hearttrob Daiel Padilla drafted into PBA D-league". GMA News. 15 September 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2016.
  24. ^ Terrado, Reuben (15 September 2014). "Popular teen actor Daniel Padilla named to AMA Titans lineup in PBA D-league". Spin. Retrieved 31 January 2016.
  25. ^ Sancon, Allan (15 September 2014). "Daniel Padilla named to AMA Titans lineup in PBA D-league". PEP. Retrieved 31 January 2016.
  26. ^ Terrado, Reuben (15 September 2014). "Teen actor Daniel Padilla denies plan to play for AMA Titans in PBA D-league". Spin. Retrieved 31 January 2016.
  27. ^ "i-Site.ph". Manila, Philippines: iSite.ph. 1 July 2004. Retrieved 23 September 2013.