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Это список символов в полиции процедурной британского телесериала , The Bill . Отображаемые здесь вымышленные персонажи отсортированы в алфавитном порядке по фамилии персонажа. Полный список текущих персонажей, отсортированных по рангу , см. В списке персонажей The Bill . Все персонажи - полицейские или гражданский вспомогательный персонал, работающий из вымышленного полицейского участка Сан-Хилл в лондонском районе Кэнли, Лондон .

A [ править ]

Timothy Able[edit]

Police Constable Timothy Able never settled into life at Sun Hill. Born in Bromley, he was the youngest of three brothers, and had an ambition to be a car mechanic. His mother worked in a sportswear shop, and his father as a train driver. While at Sun Hill, Able excelled at the physical side of the job, but struggled when the situation required him to take statements and conduct interviews. This was noticed by Inspector Christine Frazer, who later sent him to undergo additional training in both. At the recommendation of Sergeant Bob Cryer, who felt Able had no sense of purpose, Able felt he had little choice other than to resign.

June Ackland[edit]

Police Constable later Police Sergeant June Ackland was already part of the furniture at Sun Hill when she took probationary constable Jim Carver under her wing on his first day. Although it has never been revealed how long Ackland had been at Sun Hill before the arrival of PC Carver, it appears that she had been posted there for some considerable time. She reveals in Episode 486 that she was at Sun Hill for half her life so it would be around 30 years.

Wray Affair and Promotion[edit]

In 1990, Ackland had an affair with DCI Gordon Wray. When Wray's wife found out, she told DAC Hicks and Wray was hastily transferred. Ackland soon developed into a steadfast and dependable officer, who was firm in her belief that there is little difference between a male and female officer. She was an instinctive police officer and was rewarded for being able to get on easily with people from different walks of life. She was regarded by Chief Supt. Brownlow as a natural leader.

In 1995, Ackland finds herself at the centre of a murder attempt on her life. Her flat is broken into, set on fire and her cat killed, while an investigation into her own actions leads to some in the police station ostracising her. In the end, she no longer knows exactly who are her friends and who are merely pretending to be. She was nearly the victim of a crazed gunman (played by Bill Ward) who was attempting to exact revenge – but DS Jo Morgan became the victim instead. Ackland is promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 1996 after being a constable for many years. A party thrown in her honour by PC Dave Quinnanиспорчена из-за того, что ее сумочка украдена изворотливым таксистом, и она пропускает трапезу в ее честь. В Sun Hill мало кто не считает, что ее продвижение по службе полностью оправдано. Ее время в качестве сержанта все больше и больше связывается с Джимом Карвером. Карвер проработал детективом в полиции в течение многих лет, но обнаружил, что вернулся к униформе в соответствии с правилами, регулирующими срок пребывания в должности в то время, когда никому не разрешается оставаться на одной должности более десяти лет, не получив одобрения на этот срок. продвижение. Карвер принимает это решение лично, и Экленд, как его сержант, должен напомнить ему, что он больше не был частью CID. Униформа требует командного подхода, и попытки Карвера оставаться «одиноким рейнджером» неприемлемы. Экленд напоминает ему о своем первом дне в 1983 году.когда она спросила его, захочет ли он когда-нибудь присоединиться к детективному отделу: он ответил, как она напоминает ему, что он не проявляет никакого интереса и это подразделение по униформе было там, где он хотел быть.

C.S.U and First Carver Relationship[edit]

Despite her attempts, Carver begins drinking heavily. After a stint in rehab he returns to the station sober, but shaky. Ackland finds herself becoming Jim's guiding light, the one thing that keeps him on the straight and narrow. One day during a riot situation he recklessly and against orders charges into a warehouse where June is being held hostage by a group of youths. The thought that she may come to harm leads him to nearly throttle the young offender. June and Jim continue to grow closer. Sharing a kiss, they chose not to follow up after the tragic events of the 2002 station fire. When June becomes the operational head of the new Community Safety Unit at Sun Hill, Jim is quick to be transferred over. Although they keep their feelings bottled up, they support each other. June is officially Jim's lifeline, but she is shattered when he marries Marie Graham in 2003, confirming their engagement while June was on holiday. All her feelings explode to the surface, and when she pushes a domestic abuse victim too far, the woman hangs herself. After an official complaint by the victim's husband, and feeling she is losing respect in C.S.U, June transfers back to uniform.

Насилие Мари и Габриэля, отношения второго резчика [ править ]

В день свадьбы с Джимом Мари арестовывают за нападение на подростка, осквернившего могилу ее покойной дочери Сони, и Джун обнаруживает, что Мари была разделена на секции, что ей не удалось рассказать Джиму. Несмотря на попытки скрыть это от Джима, события меняются, когда Джим и констебль Полли Пейдж расследуют внезапную смерть и запираются в старом бомбоубежище испуганным внуком жертвы. Когда Джун и ПК Тони Стэмп go to rescue Jim and Polly, they are also locked in with their old friends. Tensions rise over past indiscretions such as Tony's frustration over how Jim handled an allegation against him of child abuse, and June's anger that Jim said he couldn't marry anyone then got engaged to Marie while June was away. Jim learns all on Marie's past from an angry June, and Marie holds a grudge against her husband's ex-girlfriend, when (after the group are rescued) Jim confronts Marie on her past. When Marie becomes an alcoholic, she starts verbally and physically trying to attack June on multiple occasions. After a harsh dispute with Marie and the jailing of close friend Polly for murder, June seeks solace in mature probationary PC Gabriel Kent. When she confides in Gabriel that Marie has been causing trouble, Gabriel demands Jim ends it. Encountering the Carvers in the midst of a domestic dispute, Gabriel knocks out Marie in a struggle before smacking Jim with a vodka bottle. Despite Marie launching a counter-allegation against Gabriel, Jim finally admits to his colleagues that Marie has abusing him and divorces her, however June ignores his apologies and starts a relationship with Gabriel. When Inspector Gina Gold and Sergeant Dale Smithрасследуйте Габриэля на предмет нападения на Джима, они раскрывают его свидетельство о рождении, показывающее, что он родился как Роберт Экленд. Джун не знает об этом в течение нескольких недель, пока Джим не находит свидетельство о рождении и не сталкивается с ней; когда Джун требует объяснений от Габриэля, он признается, что он ее сын и совершил инцест, чтобы наказать ее, но позже он признает, что на самом деле он брат Габриэля Давид. Раскрывая, что он украл личность своего приемного брата, Кент говорит, что он присоединился к нему, чтобы отомстить за то, что она «навредила» Габриэлю его семье, но он покупает ее молчание, дав ей настоящий адрес Габриэля. В середине 2004 года Джун серьезно ранена, когда ее случайно сбил Тони, когда он ехал на автомобиле Area. В ужасе, что он может потерять Джун навсегда, Джим говорит ей, что, несмотря ни на что, он любит ее. Несмотря на первоначальный отказ от него,когда Джим официально делает предложение, она принимает его и выходит за него замуж 21 год до дня их первой совместной смены. Когда брак улаживается, Джун решает уйти на пенсию ... до тех пор, пока Джим не роняет бомбу, что у него 63000 фунтов стерлингов в долгах. Согласившись погасить долги, Джун покидает Джима и уходит на пенсию. Несколько месяцев спустя Джун вынуждена вернуться к работе после финансовой борьбы за помощь Карверу. Она потрясена, узнав по возвращении, что Мари умерла несколькими днями ранее, и эмоциональный Джим срывается, когда снова встречается лицом к лицу с Джун. Устав от попыток Джима вернуть ее, Джун начинает отношения с ПК.Джун покидает Джима и уходит на пенсию. Несколько месяцев спустя Джун вынуждена вернуться к работе после финансовой борьбы за помощь Карверу. Она потрясена, узнав по возвращении, что Мари умерла несколькими днями ранее, и эмоциональный Джим срывается, когда снова встречается лицом к лицу с Джун. Устав от попыток Джима вернуть ее, Джун начинает отношения с ПК.Джун покидает Джима и уходит на пенсию. Несколько месяцев спустя Джун вынуждена вернуться к работе после финансовой борьбы за помощь Карверу. Она потрясена, узнав по возвращении, что Мари умерла несколькими днями ранее, и эмоциональный Джим срывается, когда снова встречается лицом к лицу с Джун. Устав от попыток Джима вернуть ее, Джун начинает отношения с ПК.Roger Valentine. When a van crashes into the station and explodes, killing three including Jim's best friend Ken, he receives a further blow when he catches June and Roger in an embrace. After a blazing row, June comes around to the idea of making up with Jim, but he leaves her heartbroken when he tells her she's better off without him. After working constantly for 21 years and being close friends & lovers for a majority of that time, Jim walks out of a devastated June's life.

Gabriel Exposure, Second Engagement and Retirement[edit]

After the exit of Jim, June tries to focus on her career and rebuilding morale after the station fire. Whilst investigating a vandalism call, June is raped by a 14-year-old boy, Ross Trescott. She later admits to PC Sheelagh Murphyчто ее также изнасиловали в подростковом возрасте, что привело к ее беременности. Желая увидеть справедливость, Джун остается подавленной, когда Трескотт признает себя виновным, а это означает, что дело не будет передано в суд. В день 50-летия Sun Hill человек, называющий себя Габриэлем Кентом, появляется на станции и просит о встрече с Джун, но приемный брат Дэвид (и его альтер-эго) приходит первым, чтобы отговорить его. Понимая, что его брат украл его личность, настоящий Габриэль пытается его разоблачить, но его догоняют, а затем застреливают во время осады станции. Несмотря на предупреждение брата держать язык за зубами, Джун спрашивает констебля Лору Брайантпроверить видеонаблюдение и сфотографировать «неопознанную жертву стрельбы». Чувствуя себя виноватым, узнав, что он назвал себя Габриэлем Кентом, Лаура идет к сержанту Дейлу Смиту, который говорит ей, что настоящее имя Габриэля Кента - Роберт Экленд. Когда они говорят Джун, что жертвой стрельбы может быть ее сын, она точно опознает его и подтверждает, что П.С. Кент - самозванец. Когда констебль Кент пытается выключить настоящую машину жизнеобеспечения Габриэля, Смит организовывает команду для ареста, надеясь, что сможет пригвоздить своего противника к покушению на убийство. Взяв Джун в заложники на крыше многоквартирного дома, Кент раскрывает все Джун, прежде чем одолеть Смити. Некуда бежать, Кент спрыгивает с крыши и насмерть. При расследовании коронером смерти Кента Джун не удается убедить настоящего Габриэля дать ей еще один шанс.но позже он сетует, и они исправляют. Джун уходит в отпуск и присоединяется к нему в Америке со своей семьей.

В начале 2006 года Джун оказалась втянутой в вспышку антиобщественного поведения и начала проект по оказанию помощи директору местной школы Роду Джессопу. Когда пара работала вместе, Джун и Род сблизились и начали отношения. После первого переезда к Роду он делает предложение, но она сопротивляется. После того, как Род тяжело ранен в результате побега, Джун понимает, что он для нее значит, и принимает его предложение. После совместной работы над тяжелым делом о раздирании и сбежавшем преступнике, подозреваемом в нанесении ножевого ранения школьному хулигану, сбежавший мошенник, друг покойного отца мальчика, Джун понимает, что она не может сделать достаточно, и предлагает ей и Роду досрочно уйти на пенсию. Вместо того, чтобы тихо уйти в отставку, Джун расследует обвинения в коррупции при продаже Олдборн, поместья местного совета.Когда кажется, что обвинения могут иметь какое-то основание, Джун находит важные улики, но ее убегают с дороги и забирают обратно на станцию. Дело принимает еще больший поворот, когда Джун находит электронное письмо от DAC.Georgia Hobbs promising the estate developer the land below Sun Hill, despite rumors of a station closure not being confirmed. Taking the allegations to Superintendent John Heaton, June is furious when he refuses to take action, knowing that he and Hobbs are in a relationship. Just as she gets the evidence to arrest the crooked developer, she threatens Heaton in front of Hobbs that she'll go to the DPS herself if need be, only for them to show up and arrest her after Heaton forced a taped confession from Hobbs without her realizing. As they conclude, Heaton informs June that he has a meeting with an ex-Sun Hill officer on secondment from Manchester: now-DS Jim Carver. Stunned that he just happened to show up on her last day, she is even less impressed when she finds out that not only did he tell Tony he was coming and not her, but that they will be paired together to trap a drug dealer. When they conduct a failed raid to nail him, June and Jim find themselves abducted and caught up in a drug deal shootout that ends up with a buyer being shot dead. During their captivity, Jim tells June he has the money to repay his debt to her, and that he still loves her. While emotions run high in the warehouse where they're being held, June eventually decides to go with Rod and leaves Jim heartbroken.

When she departed, actress Trudie Goodwin was the last original character to leave, after 23 years in the show.[1][2]

Sally Armstrong[edit]

Police Constable Sally Armstrong arrived at Sun Hill in July 2007 after completing her probationary period and being transferred from Harringay. She previously had a desk job at a telemarketing firm but realised it was not for her. She joined the police force because she wanted a physically demanding job that would also give her a challenge in life and a good salary. She soon realised that being a police officer was her ideal job.

Sally arrives at Sun Hill on the same day as probationer PC Billy Rowan. Whilst investigating a break-in with Billy, Sergeant Nikki Wright and PC Emma Keane, Armstrong and Keane worry that they cannot contact Rowan or Wright, so they call for backup. After backup arrives it is discovered that Rowan's throat had been slashed, and while Armstrong is left traumatised, she assures Inspector Gina Gold that she will be back at work the next day and fights to nail Rowan's killer. This case led to Armstrong and Keane becoming best friends.

In early 2008, Armstrong became part of a clique of herself, Sergeant Callum Stone and PCs Benjamin Gayle & Will Fletcher. When justice wasn't served, they found alternative ways, one instance of which was having a rapist assaulted after he got off the charge by providing evidence in another case. When Keane tried to get in with the group, she ended up falling out with Armstrong. On what proved to be her last day at Sun Hill, Keane attended a double bombing, along with Armstrong, that killed eight people on a busy street. During the incident, a man claimed to be a doctor to grope victims, and Stone told Armstrong & Keane that he wanted to deal with the suspect. Clashing over insinuations that Stone was bent, Keane split from Armstrong to conduct her own search, tracking the suspect down with Stone. When he attempted to force a confession, Keane told Stone she thought he was bent, storming off. Finding a building on fire, she received a call from DCI Jack Meadows, stating that another bomb was due to go off. Evacuating the surrounding buildings, a bomb went off. Armstrong and Stone race to the scene, but Keane was already dead, devastating both. Stone blamed himself for Keane being alone, while Armstrong regretted their argument before Keane died.

Soon after the bombings, Armstrong became too attached to victims of crime. The first instance was a mother who lost a son then had an argument with her long-lost daughter. When the woman thinks she has lost her daughter again, she drives her car into the River Thames. Diving in against the wishes of Inspector Gold, Armstrong and Stone rescued the woman, but Armstrong received a reprimand from Gold. A few weeks later, she became too close to a woman who claimed to have been raped, and she went as far stopping the demolition of a block of flats. When the woman ran at the building as the charges were set, Armstrong tried to stop her, and both were caught in part of the rubble. Despite surviving, Armstrong received another reprimand from Gold. After clashing with DCs Stevie Moss and Jo Masters over the interview of the rape suspect, Armstrong was sent home by Gold, but elected to go clubbing with Gayle instead. After drunkenly kissing him, she runs away embarrassed, but gets into her car and crashes it. The clique of Stone, Gayle and Fletcher link up one last time to save her career and cover the crash up, and Stone warns her that he won't bail her out again.

Armstrong left Sun Hill without explanation in December 2009.

Luke Ashton[edit]

Police Constable Luke Ashton first arrived at Sun Hill in December 1997, fresh out of Hendon and being puppy walked by PC Tony Stamp. As a probationer, he was a likeable lad, excited about starting work but with little idea of what he'd let himself in for. He found his feet eventually but along the way took several dents to his confidence and began to doubt his suitability for the job. On one of his first shifts, he tried in vain to tempt a suicidal man down from a roof, but felt devastated when he failed to prevent him from jumping to his death. After his initially bumpy ride, Ashton rediscovered his enthusiasm for the job but further mistakes and miscalculations led to his puppy walking period being extended. Despite this, he settled in and became an accepted and likeable member of the relief - although never really being allowed to forget he was the baby of the team. Luke's first tenure only lasted two years, after he left Sun Hill in 1999 after clashing immediately with new PC Dale Smith on his arrival at the station in 1999. Relations between the two became strained when Smith was attacked and Ashton arrived on the scene, too late to assist and with Smith accusing Ashton of cowardice. Ashton became determined to salvage his reputation, but after failing to prevent an ex-crack addict kill his daughter and himself, he left the Police Force, having decided he was not cut out for it.

It was revealed in 2002 that he went on backpacking experience to Sudan when he resigned from the force, but returned to prove he could succeed where he failed before. He came back a more mature, stronger personality with greater self-esteem and confidence in his own abilities and judgement. His colleagues found him far less susceptible to wind-ups and able to take dangerous situations in his stride. In many ways, he saw his return to Sun Hill as a chance to wipe the slate clean. He soon fell for fellow officer, Kerry Young, but was left conflicted after sharing a kiss with Sergeant Craig Gilmore. Determined to hide his homosexual tendancies, he rushed his relationship with Kerry, eventually proposing to push Craig away. Despite his insistence he couldn't go ahead with the wedding, and Craig's obsessive boyfriend Carl breaking into Kerry's and stealing her ring, Luke refused to back down. On the night of Luke's stag do, Craig took Luke back to his hotel whilst drunk, and they ended up sleeping together. The following morning, Inspector Gina Gold caught the pair together but decided not to tell Kerry. Luke and Kerry married, and she soon fell pregnant. When an obsessed witness in a case began stalking Luke, Kerry confronted him and he said he thought Luke was gay. Having seen Luke getting emotional with Craig after he was attacked and decided to leave Sun Hill, the comments by Craig's now ex-boyfriend Carl and Luke's stalker, she decided the signs were all there and booked an abortion. Luke tracked her down and persuaded her otherwise, and she agreed to keep the marriage going for the sake of the baby, but she tragically miscarried, causing her to end the relationship with Luke. He continued to ask Kerry to reopen their relationship, but she demanded a divorce. When Luke told people at Jim Carver's wedding that the breakup was due to the miscarriage, Kerry angrily outed Luke to the whole relief. She also began flirting with Dale Smith, now back at Sun Hill as a Sergeant, and the pair slept together. When Luke discovered this he went off the rails, confronting an armed gunman intent on getting killed. Kerry was taken away from the incident by PC Cameron Tait, and she admitted she still loved him. The gun backfired on Luke's captor, and he was put on leave by Inspector Gold. He decided before going on leave that he would apply for a transfer while he was away, leaving Kerry heartbroken.

Nick Austin[edit]

Nick Austin arrived on The Bill in early 2005 as a potential love interest for PC Yvonne Hemmingway. A nurse at St. Hugh's hospital, Austin was first seen assisting uniform police during a protest at the hospital. He chose the middle of the incident to ask Hemmingway out, however he was quickly called away before she could answer. The pair eventually found a chance to get out on a few dates, however the job continued getting in the way. Austin was the first on scene when bipolar station cleaner Margaret Barnes was admitted to hospital with self-inflicted stab wounds. Austin caught on to the amount of blood Barnes had on her couldn't have been enough to be her own, alerting the Sun Hill team she had stabbed someone else, later revealed to be DC Terry Perkins. Austin was on hand yet again when Hemmingway came into hospital with young theft suspect Lee Thomas, who had been hit on the head with an ASP whilst trying to assault Hemmingway. When Thomas later died, Austin was stunned by the events and tried to keep Hemmingway away from Thomas' grieving mother, however Hemmingway tried to apologise and ended up shouting at her. Austin began avoiding Hemmingway, however the pair came into contact when Hemmingway attended a shooting involving a friend of Austin's. Austin admitted the death of Thomas made him think differently of her, having seen a friend beaten savagely by police whilst he was in college, claiming it was institutional racism against a black suspect. Things took another twist when Austin was seen on CCTV stealing evidence from the shooting victim's clothing, later revealed to be bullet shell-casings. Austin was arrested by his former lover for perverting the course of justice. When he helped Hemmingway and DS Samantha Nixon to get the shooting victim to confess to her part in her own shooting and a conspiracy to murder, Nixon told Austin that she'd recommend the charges against him are dropped. Despite recent events, and a pending inquiry by his bosses, Austin asks Hemmingway to make a go of their relationship again; Hemmingway decided not to pursue the relationship and Austin was not seen from again. It is unknown if he kept his job as a nurse after his arrest for tampering with evidence.


Tom Baker[edit]

Detective Constable Tom Baker was one of the show's longest running non-prominent detectives. Although only having ten speaking appearances in ten episodes over the course of eleven years, Baker was often seen in the CID office and was good friends with Jim Carver, Danny Glaze and Mickey Webb. Baker arrived at Sun Hill after transferring in the midst of a corruption scandal from Barton Street. He was part of the CID team that was suspended in 2000 in the midst of the Don Beech scandal. He was reinstated, alongside DCs Mickey Webb, Danny Glaze and Duncan Lennox, along with DCI Jack Meadows. Although his last official credited appearance was in February 2001, Baker continued to appear in the series until late 2002. It is unknown when or how he left Sun Hill.

Jacob Banks[edit]

Detective Constable Jacob Banks, also known as Banksy, arrives at Sun Hill in April 2008, and upon his arrival, Banks states that he is a cop on a mission. After working as a teacher, he changed careers in his mid-30s, realising that he has a lot of ground to cover, starting so late in the police service. After training at Hendon and serving two years on the beat as a PC, he spent his first tenure as a DC at Barton Street. Although not highly motivated by his job, Banks shows that he is a good copper, with great interpersonal skills. He is often tipped to go far in the Met. Banks is married to Naomi Woods, a high-flying barrister, who often provides him with information that he shouldn't always know about. Naomi is very ambitious in her career, and as a consequence, doesn't spend much time at home. Using his skills he gained as a teacher, Banks claims that he knows how to handle people. Detective Inspector Samantha Nixon once described him as being "just as comfortable talking to a bank manager as talking to a kid on the street". Banks claimed that the years he spent in the classroom as a teacher made him an expert on body language, and that it has become easy for him to sniff out a liar or a bully from a mile off. He was a close friend of DC Mickey Webb and had a strong degree of respect for DI Nixon, however they did clash over a dislike between Nixon and Naomi. Banksy remained on The Bill until the finale.

Ian Barratt[edit]

Chief Superintendent Ian Barratt became the Borough Commander of Canley in July 2005, taking over from Louise Campbell. A friend of Superintendent Adam Okaro, he was mentioned as the Superintendent of Spicer St Station, where he was PC Dan Casper's boss. It was there that Casper began an affair with Barratt's wife Rochelle. Casper was close to being busted and became victim of an anonymous blackmailer, later revealed to be Ian. Barratt ruffled feathers when he made Okaro 'resign', however Inspector Gina Gold discovered he was actually undercover to catch an old friend out as a drug kingpin. Barratt arranged a replacement for Okaro, Acting Super Amanda Prosser, who proved to be highly unpopular. The pair's reputation plummeted when Gold is suspended after Prosser messed up on an armed raid, Prosser framing Gold as an alcoholic to make her a scapegoat. Barratt went out on the street with Casper and tried to persuade him to transfer to TSG. When Casper declined, Barratt revealed he had arranged it so he would stay away from Rochelle, identifying himself as Casper's blackmailer. When an operation went pear-shaped, Barratt left Casper to be held hostage. While Casper escaped unharmed, Barratt punched him when confronted, however he made up with Rochelle before she transferred to another Borough with her husband.

Rochelle Barratt[edit]

Drugs Referral Officer Rochelle Barratt arrived at Sun Hill in June 2005, transferring from Spicer St Station. It was revealed she had been having an affair with PC Dan Casper whilst at Spicer St, which resumed when she transferred to Sun Hill. Soon after, Casper began being blackmailed. Barratt's husband Ian, formerly Casper's superintendent at Spicer St, was promoted to Borough Commander and started appearing at Sun Hill more often, but Barratt and Casper continued their affair. After a secondment to TSG, Casper was paired with Ian on an armed robbery case. When the raid goes pear-shaped, Casper was held hostage, while Ian abandoned him. Rochelle becomes concerned about both, but as she opens up to Ian, Casper returns to have it out with Ian. Despite punching Casper in the face, Rochelle decides to give Ian another chance for the sake of their son, Alex. After a final goodbye with Casper, Rochelle left Sun Hill with Ian.

Margaret Barnes[edit]

Margaret Barnes first appeared on The Bill as a mother with mental health issues, who despite being reformed by the efforts of DS Ramani DeCosta, became increasingly unstable when she joined Sun Hill as a cleaner and became obsessed with DeCosta. Her first appearance came when her delusions saw her accuse her husband Chris of attacking her. As DeCosta investigated further, she discovered Barnes was becoming unstable and had her sectioned. Despite this, Barnes showed up at Sun Hill at the end of 2004 to thank DeCosta for it, stating it had turned her life around and improved her relationship with her husband and children.

In January 2005, Barnes became employed as a contract cleaner and was assigned to Sun Hill. She quickly became friends with many of the Sun Hill team, always willing to offer a hand or bribe the team with baked goods or treats to improve her reputation. She then began hiding evidence so that she could act heroic when she 'found it'. When a van crashed into Sun Hill and exploded, DeCosta aided a terrified Barnes out via a rooftop fire escape. Barnes began a form of hero-worshiping towards DeCosta and began stalking her, stealing personal items and answered her phone when DeCosta was out of sight to learn more about her.

Barnes became increasingly unstable when DeCosta tried to pull away, and took things too far when she called DeCosta's ex-husband, Brian Yorke, and told him DeCosta had been killed. Barnes ended up injured when she got into a scuffle with DeCosta, Barnes falling down the station stairs when DeCosta tried physically pulling away from her. After some convincing by PC Roger Valentine, Barnes dropped suggestions of a GBH charge. When DeCosta returned from leave and told Barnes to see a doctor, she had a DI from Barton Street station arrest DeCosta for harassment, taking photos of DeCosta near her house and smashing up her own car. DCI Jack Meadows arranged for her to be transferred to another station, while DC Terry Perkins tried to clear DeCosta's name, but Perkins was stabbed in the stomach when he found Barnes having a psychotic break inside DeCosta's house. Showing up at Sun Hill covered in blood, DeCosta accompanied Barnes to hospital, where a nurse told her that Barnes had more than her own blood on her. Tracking down Barnes' husband Chris, DeCosta worked out Perkins was stabbed and rushed to her house to find him. Perkins eventually pulled through and Barnes was sectioned a second time, before being admitted to a long-term psychiatric facility, making her last appearance in May 2005. The character made 20 appearances on The Bill.

Juliet Becker[edit]

Detective Constable Juliet Becker arrives at Sun Hill in June 2003, and soon sets a precedent with the rest of the force, after she reveals that she is openly bisexual. She is hard-working but off the job she has a passion for martial arts and riding motorbikes. She catches the attention of Superintendent Adam Okaro on her first day when she finds the location of four missing officers who had become trapped in a cellar investigating a suspicious death. Her sexual preferences were discovered by DS Phil Hunter when his wife accuses him of cheating on her with a firefighter's wife, not realising that it was actually Juliet sleeping with the woman. Her husband Gavin flips out and abducts Juliet, but she is rescued by DS Debbie McAllister. Whilst escorting Gavin back to custody, a suspect being chased by Sergeant Dale Smith and PC Kerry Young collided with their car, causing the prisoner transporter to rear end them. Gavin feigned unconsciousness and escaped as Debbie checked on him. Escaping to a derelict building, Gavin slipped whilst being pursued; while Juliet tried to pull him back up, Gavin tried pulling her down, but Debbie managed to loosen Gavin's grip and he fell to his death. Gavin and Juliet agreed to cover up the death and an investigation ruled it as accidental death. In the aftermath, Debbie and Juliet shared a kiss. While Juliet resisted Debbie's intentions, she lamented and they became close. When the pair found out both had been sleeping with DS Hunter on the side, they both humiliated him in a hotel bar by throwing their drinks over him. They later arranged a humiliating prank, but Hunter sent a stripper to their hotel room in his place. After only five months at Sun Hill, Juliet is taken hostage after she arrested a male for criminal damage. She was held at knife point in the yard of the station and she was bundled into the back of the police van. As the arrest team zoned in, Becker was stabbed while the team tried to get her out. Despite the best efforts of the Sun Hill team to rescue her, she later died in hospital.

Don Beech[edit]

Detective Sergeant Don Beech was the longest running villain officer in the show's history, his five year reign of terror prompting his own scandal that concluded when he killed a colleague. Beech first arrived at Sun Hill in 1995, and from the off, began his dodgy dealings and harsh methods of catching criminals. Despite his questionable methods, he was a very effective detective, and he often used his numerous contacts in the underworld to solve crimes and gather evidence that no other detective could. He constantly clashed with DS Geoff Daly, who almost caught him out in early 1999. CIB discovered Beech's methods sometime prior to the autumn of 1999 and put DS Claire Stanton undercover in Sun Hill CID, feeding info to her Detective Superintendent, Steve Hodges.

A year later, Beech became close to a local businessman and criminal, Howard Fallon. When one of his associates killed an escort, Beech managed to cover it up. Stanton, along with her then fiancée DS John Boulton, did further digging. When Boulton refused to back down, Fallon ordered Beech to buy Boulton's silence. When Boulton argued with Beech, they ended up in a fight, with Beech accidentally killing Boulton when he smashed Boulton's head onto concrete. When Stanton suspected Beech he tried to elope, only to spot the Area Major Incident Pool at the airport. He instead went to Stanton, telling her to surpass AMIP and take him to CIB. Beech offered to confess all and turn super-grass against Fallon and two officers from the Drugs Squad in his pocket, DI Tasker and DS Garrard. Det. Supt. Hodges agreed to the sting, set to be staged after Boulton's funeral. When Stanton caught Beech with a mobile phone trying to arrange guns for the sting, Hodges threatened to pull the deal, until Beech falsely put forward the Drugs Squad DCI as part of the sting. With Hodges giddy at the thought of nailing such a big fish, he agreed to put the deal back on. Fallon rumbled Beech when he confessed to handing him over to AMIP for Boulton’s murder and threatened to shoot Beech, but Tasker and Garrard showed up to stop the shooting. After Beech, Tasker and Garrard tied up Fallon and his associates, Beech turned on Tasker and Garrard. Shooting an electronic tag put on him by CIB, Beech escaped via the River Thames as CIB arrested everyone inside the warehouse. Hodges was left furious and went to his commander to have the entire Sun Hill CID team suspended. Borough Commander Guy Mannion demanded Chief Superintendent Charles Brownlow resign in the midst of the scandal, while Commander Ford of CIB told Mannion that DI Chris Deakin and DS Daly should be transferred out, while DC Kerry Holmes voluntarily transferred. Beech managed to escape, emigrating to Australia, however his girlfriend Maggie lamented on a promise to go with him.

In 2001, Claire, now a DI, went to Australia to track Beech down. A local detective revealed Beech linked up with Frankie Nguyen, a well known criminal of Asian descent. Their crimes in Oz drew them close together, however Beech's decision to rip off a Triad gang led to Frankie's pregnant sister being held at gunpoint by the gang leader Joey. When the local police wanted to nail Beech for a drugs smuggling job, Claire feared Beech would not be extradited for Boulton’s murder and tried to warn Frankie. She trailed Beech to a boatyard, as did triad leader Joey, who tried to shoot him. When Claire and the local officer she was accompanied by arrive, Joey was distracted, allowing Beech to get his gun out and shoot Joey dead. Beech attacked Claire's chaperone and made a break for it, and jumped on his boat to escape. Warning him to stop, Beech mocked Claire as he escaped, and she shot at the boat, causing it to explode. Thinking Beech was dead, Claire resigned from the police upon her return to London. Back in London, a very much alive Beech snuck back into the country to resume his criminal empire in his hometown, thinking his fake death would avoid suspicion. When Beech arranged a multi-million pound robbery in a series of bank vaults, Stanton was assigned to recover stolen documents from a vault, in her new role as a private investigator. Beech was horrified when one of his oldest friends, Tommy, the person holding onto the take from the heist, was killed. Discovering Frankie was in London, Stanton realised that Beech was still alive, causing her to hunt him down. Finding Beech with an anonymous tipoff, Stanton was abducted by her nemesis. When her former police colleagues tracked her down to a bunker where she was being held, Beech put propane tanks near the entrance as steel cutters tried to break in, causing an explosion. Beech escaped and set about recovering, however he was in turn abducted by one of his old associates looking for his share of the money. The associate revealed Frankie was the person who killed Tommy, but when he made a harsh comment about Tommy, Beech lunged at him and beat him to death. In the scuffle, a gun went off and killed Frankie, leaving Beech heartbroken. Tommy's niece Rachel helped an ailing Beech in his efforts to escape, unbeknownst to him that she was helping a victim from the heist and tried to get Stanton to catch Beech. Luring him to a rooftop with the promise of a helicopter to escape, Stanton caught Beech and Rachel. Beech begged Stanton to kill him, but she swore she would see him jailed, and he was sentenced to life in prison at trial.

In 2004, Beech called Sun Hill DI Neil Manson to his prison, where he offered information on an upcoming armed robbery. Manson, revealed he was a DC under Beech at Stafford Row, when an Australian DI, Peter Cavanagh, rumbled his visits to Beech. When the raid went wrong, DCI Jack Meadows told Manson that Beech was likely responsible. When Manson discovers Beech was assaulted in prison, he suspected Cavanagh. A second raid went ahead on information from Cavanagh, supplied through DS Samantha Nixon to avoid suspicion from Manson. Cavanagh forced his way onto the team, and when a police launch showed before the arrival of the heist crew, Manson was even more suspicious. Sending DS Phil Hunter to disrupt the crew, Cavanagh became spooked, but SO19 stormed in and broke up the raid before anyone could be hurt. Manson took his suspicions of Cavanagh to Beech, who promised to provide the info to nail him. Discovering Cavanagh was working alongside gang leader, Trevor Little, Manson arranged for Beech to be transferred to an open prison under escort of TSG. Meeting with his ex-girlfriend Maggie, sister of heist gang member Jason Black, Manson was given tapes of Cavanagh talking about the heist with gang leader Little. Beech guilt tripped Manson into giving him time alone with Maggie; however, when Manson went to disrupt them, Beech was armed and tied up Manson before assaulting DS Hunter, who accompanied Manson and Beech, before escaping. Beech was not seen again after his escape from prison.[3]

Gary Best[edit]

Police Constable later Detective Constable Gary Best is portrayed as making up for in enthusiasm and eagerness to learn what he lacks in intelligence. A cocky lad from Manchester, there are a variety of reasons which inspired Gary to join the police force, mainly the fact that if he was not in uniform, he would most likely be on remand. Gary also had a troubled upbringing, consisting of domestic violence from his father, something that only stopped when he reached the physical maturity to be able to hit his dad back. In his late teen years, Gary made the decision to report his dad to the police, a decision which ultimately divided his family and rendered Gary an outcast.[4] Shortly afterwards, he decided to join the Metropolitan Police.

Best arrived at Sun Hill shortly after the events of The 2002 Sun Hill Fire. At the time he is a probationary police constable, being puppy-walked by the veteran PC Tony Stamp. Best is a popular recruit to Sun Hill, and he has no problems fitting in or making friends. His weakness is thinking with his heart, never having been one to stand back and assess a situation, and has a tendency to rush into things. He learned on his first day that a kind word goes further than a harsh one after trying to come across as a tough guy. His fast track potential was spotted when he went undercover at a club, leading to a second at a department store about to be raided. He ended up on a third undercover op a little over a year after arriving at Sun Hill when he was tasked with tracking down a man suspected of manipulating teenage runaways into prostitution. When he was drugged and passed out watching an older man undress, Best feared he had been raped; however, a medical examination cleared him.

Best's family life was explored early on when it was revealed he had his father jailed for abusing his mother. His sister Karen was the first to appear, in mid 2002 until early 2003, and it was eventually revealed that she was assaulting her son Ryan. Best sold her out to social services and she cut all ties with him, moving back to Manchester. The next family member was his father Alan, who PC Honey Harman unwittingly invited to Best's 21st birthday party. In an attempt to get close to Gary, Alan liaised with Inspector Gina Gold to provide information on a drug-dealing garage owner; however, Gary was furious about his meddling and beat him up. Going back to apologise, Best wanders into the middle of an OBBO and blows it, causing the target to kidnap Alan at gunpoint. Alan isn't found when the target, Jules Ellis, is arrested after a showdown with SO19. Ellis later confesses to murdering Alan, with Best overhearing the news whilst in the bathroom. Whilst Ellis is escorted to his cell, Best attacks him and Ellis escapes to the station roof, where Best throws him off onto a passing van. Ellis is killed as a result, while Best is seriously injured, however he faces no criminal charges for the death.

In mid-2004, Best is thrown into another case involving his family when the Organized Crime Group ask him to go undercover with his brother Joe. His brother is implicated in a murder, however Best clears his name, but discovers that a corrupt DI leaked info to two kingpins to try and have the dealers killed as revenge for a drug addiction that ruined his son's life. Despite Best's disgust, the DI arranges for Best to be transferred to CID, which he accepts. Keen to impress, Best distances himself from uniform and takes unnecessary risks. When DC Suzie Sim arrives as his new trainer, she treats him like a child and Best begins resenting her, with her frequently referring to him as "pocket cop". Eventually pushed too far by Sim's constant put-downs, he blasts her in front of the whole of CID and accuses her of bullying, damaging his popularity. In the summer of 2005, Best is given what looks like a low level crime involving a theft of lamps from a production company, but Stamp discovers a link to drugs. Warning DCI Jack Meadows, CID try to warn Best, however he walks into an armed ambush with Sim and close friend, DC Jo Masters. As Sim tries to assault the gunman, he turns the gun on her, but Best pushes her aside and takes the bullet. Despite fears he may be paralysed, Best recovers and reunites with his mum in hospital, where he decides to return to Manchester and transfers to Greater Manchester Police CID.

Jamila Blake[edit]

Police Constable Jamila Blake was born to middle-class parents – her father was of Bengali origin and a solicitor, her mother was a secretary in the practice where he launched his career. Jamila was a 're-join', returning to the Met after an absence of three years. She was an exceptional WPC with a very promising career, but disappointed her superiors by leaving the Met after four years' service to enter a potentially lucrative telephone sales business with her husband. She returned to the force and joined the Sun Hill relief in 1996. Because Jamila hadn't been away from police work that long, she didn't undergo a retraining programme, but although fully versed in PACE, she found modern policing had changed somewhat in the short time she had been away. She left Sun Hill in early 1999.

Adam Bostock[edit]

Police Constable Adam Bostock transferred from Area Drugs after falling out with his previous governor. Although only three years out of probation, Bostock thought he knew it all and intended to enjoy life to the max. He had a glib sense of humour and sharp tongue. He could also lack a certain tact and diplomacy, but was keen to get the job done. He did not last long at Sun Hill, leaving after only nine months service.

John Boulton[edit]

Detective Sergeant John Boulton was neither a cold officer nor a strictly honest one; he was not averse to cutting corners in order to get a result and arrest a criminal, as first seen in his guest appearance in 1994 where a prisoner made a complaint of assault on a run in with DC Jim Carver's obbo. He was uncaring with his colleagues due to his arrogant attitude and constant desire for promotion. Prior to his time at Sun Hill, he was a DC at Barton Street and was previously stationed at Stafford Row and Romford. He transferred to Sun Hill in 1995, promoted to Detective Sergeant.

He was especially disliked around the time of Police Constable Dave Quinnan's stabbing as many officers held John responsible for putting Dave in that position. John was also suspected of killing a suspect while chasing him; he was cleared of this but then told one of his colleagues "there's no smoke without fire". A more sympathetic side of John was shown when he had an HIV scare after being spiked by a suspect's needle. DCI Jack Meadows supported John through this ordeal. John embarked on a relationship with Detective Sergeant Claire Stanton, unaware that she was an anti-corruption officer investigating the officers at Sun Hill. Her main target was John's best friend DS Don Beech. After being backed into a corner by Claire, Don decided to come clean to John after arranging to meet him one night. However, John did not take the news of Don's corruption well and attacked him. Don then killed John in the ensuing fight.[5] John's body was discovered by Jim Carver and Dave Quinnan, however only Claire seemed upset about his death. Claire eventually managed to convict Don for John's murder and was seen sitting by John's grave in her final episode. John was known, affectionately, as "the little ginger short arse" to colleagues due to a suspect once calling him this in an interview.[citation needed]

Matthew "Matt" Boyden[edit]

Sergeant Matthew "Matt" Boyden is an extremely disciplined, charismatic and competent officer, known for his dry London wit, who is elevated to the position of Sergeant at the age of 30.[6] He is "a bit of a womaniser".[7]

Boyden initially arrives at Sun Hill in 1991 after an indiscretion with a WDS. Despite nearly losing his job, his extra-marital affairs continue, ultimately costing him his marriage. Having spent most of his time at Sun Hill as a womaniser, he was subject to an official complaint when he slept with a teenage girl after she gave him the wrong age. Discovering she was an abuse victim, Matt tries to find her when she goes missing, but she turns up dead after overdosing. While most of the relief thought he was relieved to be cleared from the complaint by the girl's death, he ended up emotional and lashed out at PC Eddie Santini when he made a cruel comment about the girl.

Matt's daughter Amy proved to be a constant hassle in his life. She first appeared in 1999 when she told Matt he was a grandfather. She reveals that Philip Cooper, her boyfriend and the father of her daughter, Sophie, was witness to a murder. Put into witness protection, Cooper gives the location of the safehouse to a dealer, causing Sophie to be abducted. Matt secured her safety, but his relationship with Amy ended up distancing. When Matt discovered she was dealing for a local loan shark, he tried to get him off their back, but it backfired and Amy's flat was subject to an arson attack. Matt persisted, but his girlfriend and flatmate Vicky Hagen caught Amy stealing from her and scared her off. When Hagen and PC Jim Carver caught Amy dealing she was arrested. She agreed to give evidence against the loan shark and an operation was launched to arrest him. Despite this, she drifted further apart from her father.

Following the death of Inspector Andrew Monroe in the first Sun Hill fire, Boyden is promoted to the role of Acting Inspector. During his reign, he belittled fellow Sergeant Craig Gilmore over his homosexuality. Gilmore was ready to make an official complaint until Sergeant June Ackland convinced him otherwise, instead encouraging him to fight fire with fire. After harassing Boyden into submission, Gilmore relished in telling Boyden his reign as Acting Inspector was about to end as Inspector Gina Gold was being appointed in his place.

In 2003, Matt became close with Abigail Nixon, daughter of Sun Hill's Acting DI Samantha Nixon, unaware that she was underage. When he was caught twice by PC Reg Hollis, he reported Matt to Superintendent Adam Okaro. A devastated and furious Samantha vowed to have Matt kicked out of the force, regardless of the fact that Abigail did not want to press charges, after being told of his past encounter with an underage girl by Sergeant June Ackland. Despite breaking off contact with her, Matt was asked by Abigail to find out if Glenn Weston, an old lover of Samantha's, is her father. Taking the info to a journalist friend, Douggie Pritchard, Pritchard revealed to Matt that Glenn Weston was the new name for a convicted child killer, Iain McCarthy. Matt went to confront Nixon and told her he'd reveal Weston's identity to Abigail by the end of the day if she didn't. However, the re-emergence of daughter Amy derailed his plans. Arrested twice in the space of a few weeks, Matt told her to grow up, and despite a brief reconciliation, he turned his back on her. Sent to check a suspicious package call, Nixon called to take him off the streets following the murder of a fellow witness to a murder Matt attended. Thinking she was trying to get him off the streets to avoid him talking to Abi, Matt hung up, and was subsequently gunned down and killed. An M.I.T. investigation revealed Matt's daughter Amy arranged for her boyfriend, Dexter Ryan, to kill Matt for her inheritence and his police insurance payout, due to outstanding debts.

In the aftermath of his death, Matt haunted Sam Nixon from beyond the grave when Douggie Pritchard revealed he knew about Abigail's father. After Pritchard splashed the news all over the press, Sam was sent on enforced leave in the aftermath of the revelation, as well as going missing during a major robbery at a police warehouse that led to four deaths and an officer being shot.

Cathy Bradford[edit]

PC Cathy Bradford was one of Sun Hill's most unstable officers, and was undiagnosed chronic liar. Posted as a probationer in Leeds, she moved to Hong Kong and shot through the ranks to become Inspector. Due to promotion differences between Hong Kong and London, Cathy was demoted back to a PC when she returned to the U.K, and moved to London to enroll with the Metropolitan Police. She had plans to rise through the ranks, and would happily step all over her colleagues to get to where she wanted. On her first day, she impressed her new colleagues when she was attacked by a prisoner that ran away from custody Sergeant Craig Gilmore, but she overpowered the man and detained him. Her self-centred attitude was called upon by PC Dave Quinnan when she jeopardised his work with a local youth group in an attempt to get an arrest. After impressing whilst undercover at a pole-dancing club, Cathy made an application for the newly introduced Community Safety Unit at Sun Hill, set to be built in the revamped Sun Hill following the fire at the station. CSU’s supervising Sergeant June Ackland agreed to bring her in, despite concerns from PC Jim Carver.

Cathy began working alongside recent transfer Brandon Kane, a trainee detective brought in as a likely rival to her and Carver's targets of getting into CID. After they disagreed on an operation, she sabotaged his attempts to keep a vulnerable girl away from her parents, intent on the girl entering a forced marriage. After Cathy called the girl's mother, she was abducted in front of the station and Brandon was savagely assaulted. Cathy again got on the wrong side of Brandon when she revealed to DS Phil Hunter that Brandon's ex Tanya is a lesbian, causing Phil to tell the relief. Desperate to make amends, Cathy stepped in when Brandon's daughter Zoe was injured whilst being cared for Brandon at work. Tanya told Brandon she was taking Zoe and her brother Jordan to Scotland against Brandon's wishes, but Cathy persuaded a barman to spike Cathy's drink, and she was arrested for drink-driving. When she was found guilty at trial and banned from driving, her job offer in Scotland was rescinded. Brandon was delighted until Tanya swore to deny him full custody of the children. When Cathy discovered Zoe was assaulting Brandon, she manipulated a teacher into stating Tanya's girlfriend Roz was responsible. Tanya broke up with Roz and agreed to give Brandon a chance with the kids.

When Cathy was attacked by a drug addict with a needle, she was accompanied by a concerned Brandon to hospital. She faked having HIV and Brandon took her on a pity date, and the pair slept together. Cathy started becoming increasingly obsessed with Brandon and faked having HIV to get close to him, but he rebuffed her. She was left even more furious when the man who sticked her with the needle was released without charge, as Superintendent Adam Okaro decided not to arrest users, as he’d rather target the dealers. As it was not approved by Borough Commander Jane Fitzwilliam, Cathy went over Okaro's head to complain after he refused to field her concerns, and he was forced to backtrack on the policy. When FDO Roberta Cryer became suspicious over Cathy's HIV claims, Cathy claimed it was misdiagnosed and she had been "given the all clear", leaving Robbie even more suspicious of Cathy. Brandon later began a relationship with a nurse at St. Hugh's, but Cathy managed to break them up when she framed her for hoax calls about the missing daughter of DC Eva Sharpe, having earlier concocted a story for attention.

When Brandon helped Tanya with hate mail, later revealed to be sent by ex-girlfriend Roz, Tanya told Robbie she wanted to get back together with Brandon. Asking what Cathy and Brandon had, Robbie told them that not only was nothing going on, but that Cathy was obsessed with Brandon. Tanya called Cathy to meet and Cathy spun lies about her relationship with Brandon. When Tanya backed Cathy into a corner and unraveled her lies, she went off to tell Brandon everything. Confronting Tanya in a stairwell, an argument led to Cathy pushing Tanya down the stairs. Initially planning to run away, when Cathy found out Brandon was named prime suspect by DS Debbie McAllister, she came in and gave him a false alibi, stating she was pregnant and they were arguing about it when Tanya fell down the stairs. When Tanya died, Cathy offered to be there for Brandon, but he again rebuffed her by telling her he had to be there for his kids.

Robbie remained suspicious of Cathy after she nearly confessed to Tanya’s killing. On top of the allegations against the nurse dating Brandon, the HIV scare and an assault allegation by a prisoner, Robbie was pessimistic about Cathy supposedly miscarrying the baby, having created the lie to alibi Brandon for Tanya’s death. When Robbie was transferred to CAD, she discovered that Cathy was absent without leave when a domestic abuse victim was viciously attacked, falsely claiming she was with the victim as the woman called 999 for help. Robbie told Cathy she had to resign, but Cathy refused. When she was backed into a corner, Cathy called CAD, feigned being stalked and put in a false call for help which an angry Robbie hung up on. When Cathy was found savagely assaulted, Robbie was suspended. Despite an unofficial investigation with her uncle, retired Sergeant Bob Cryer, Robbie failed to overturn her suspension and was dismissed. When Cathy confronted her outside the station, she confessed she beat herself up to get Robbie fired.

When PC Polly Page came back after a year's leave, she was assigned to CSU after Brandon transferred to CID, and she became Cathy's new regular partner. Befriending a victim of crime, Owen Preston, Polly was devastated when he revealed he was dying due to a brain tumour. When he asked her to help him commit suicide, she was reluctant, but later agreed to it. Calling Cathy for help after the death, she told Polly not to tell the truth and say she found Owen dead. When Polly got a generous inheritance from Owen, Cathy convinced her it was a blessing. When Owen's nephew Josh turned up, Polly let slip during an argument about the inheritance that she was there when Owen committed suicide. When Polly's fingerprints were found on the syringe used to administer Owen's fatal overdose, she was arrested by DCI Andrew Ross of MIT. Cathy remained adamant that Polly should stick to her story, but decided to manipulate her boyfriend Max Wyatt, due to the fact that he is older than Polly and rich, saying that defense barristers would use it against Polly. Max and Cathy became close and got engaged, something that came out during the trial. Cathy betrayed Polly by lying about what happened on the night of Owen's death. As a result of Cathy's "performance", Polly was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. Cathy's reputation nosedived further when she went on national TV with Lorraine Kelly to slate Polly. A furious Supt. Okaro sent Cathy on enforced leave and told her to consider her future at Sun Hill.

When she returned from leave she was furious to discover Brandon was getting close with PC Honey Harman, who moved into Brandon's house. When Cathy was kicked out of CSU for her horrendous handling of a rape victim, she unleashed her anger by torching Brandon's home and framing Honey. She convinced Brandon to move in with her, but this proved to be her downfall. When Max tried to find a place for Brandon, Cathy planned to get rid of Max to stop Brandon moving out. Having accidentally killed Tanya, her second murder was pre-meditated and violent, striking Max repeatedly with an ASP before stuffing his body in the freezer at the chip shop he owned. As Brandon waited for Cathy to return home after being told of Max's death, his kids Zoe and Jordan found CCTV of Tanya the night she died. Fleeing before Cathy returned, Brandon took his evidence to Honey. He tracked down Robbie Cryer and got further info, before hunting for the ASP in her house. Retrieving it, he took the tape and ASP to DCI Jack Meadows, and an investigation was launched. Despite findings proving she was guilty, Cathy absconded and abducted Brandon's kids. Eventually tracked down to the basement of Sun Hill, Cathy got Brandon to enter in place of his children, and she told all on her crimes, explaining that all of them were down to getting close to him. When he tried to escape, she started a fire intent on killing them both, but TSG stormed the boiler room and arrested Cathy.

In the aftermath, Cathy was found not guilty of the double murder, due to insanity, and was sent to a state hospital of the criminally insane. Brandon opted to resign after realising he wasn't up to the job, instead focusing on his children. Polly was later released from jail, but was unable to return to her role as a PC. After a brief stint as a CAD officer, Polly found she was unable to enjoy her job, so she resigned after visiting Cathy, who continued her delusions. She was not seen again after her visit from Polly.

Claire Brind[edit]

Police Constable Claire Brind was a Londoner, from south of the river. She was bright and forthright but slightly accident-prone. The daughter of a former Detective Inspector, who retired on medical grounds following injuries sustained in an off-duty road accident, and still a serving District Nurse, Claire joined the station as a probationer. The butt of jokes both in the station and on the streets, she struggled to assert her authority and disliked certain aspects of the job. Although she occasionally showed commendable initiative, her moaning and poor timekeeping did not exactly endear her to her sergeants – but Claire was one of Detective Inspector Frank Burnside's favourite PCs to use for plain clothes operations – she was on hand in the hospital when DI Burnside's goddaughter died and he appreciated her tactful handling of the situation. Claire left Sun Hill without explanation at the end of 1989.

Millie Brown[edit]

Police Constable Millie Brown comes across as a bit of a scatter-brain. She assembles order to her life and the whirl of thoughts in her mind with lists and meticulous note taking. Chaos makes her anxious, so Millie always strives to be organised. With four years' experience under her belt, she enjoys the structure of the police service. If she wasn't a federation representative in the Met, Millie would have been a health and safety advisor. No rule is too big to be ignored. She will always proceed with caution. Millie is at times, too self-conscious to speak up. When she does, however, her views are usually well thought out and helpful in solving cases. She was close with Arun Ghir and Mel Ryder, having joined Sun Hill around the same time as them, but also frequently sought guidance from experienced PC Roger Valentine. She was teased about a friendship with DS Max Carter, however she saw his true colours when they clashed over a suspect in an armed robbery. When the woman and Millie were kidnapped, Max went all out to secure her safe release, and later apologised for his harsh words against her judgement. Millie left Sun Hill without explanation in December 2009.

Charles Brownlow[edit]

Chief Superintendent Charles Brownlow is considered the most passive of the bosses Sun Hill has ever seen. He preferred to leave responsibility and most of the decisions in the hands of his fellow senior officers Police Chief Inspector Derek Conway and Detective Chief Inspector Jack Meadows. He prefers spin over substance. One of his most noted empty gestures is when he decides to eat with the other officers to prove he is on the same level as them. This embarrasses most of the force but he refuses to accept it as a disaster. He hides behind his secretary and the rules and regulations of the job. He is heavily involved in the Masonic Lodge. This is a recurring theme in the series with Conway benefiting from membership of the Lodge.[8] For all his faults though, Brownlow is a fundamentally decent man with a conscience and he earns a lot of sympathy when he feels obliged to resign from his post in the wake of the Don Beech Scandal. He later returns for the funeral of the six officers killed in the station fire, which also included a tribute to his old friend and long-term ally Conway. He was succeeded by Superintendent. Tom Chandler.

Laura Bryant[edit]

PCSO later PC Laura Bryant was a hard working mother of two who joined the police to make a difference in her community, the Cole Lane estate. Her first appearance came in 2004 when she was a community leader on the Cole Lane, which was being manned by PC Gabriel Kent, asking about suspected paedophile Roy Stafford. Riling the estate residents, Bryant led efforts to have him run off the estate, but Stafford was stubborn, despite a near-riot outside his home. When Kent failed in his efforts to intimidate Stafford, he inflicted a savage beating; horrified when he sees Bryant watching him assault Stafford, he is concerned she will tell all, but is left stunned when she offers an alibi. Stafford packs up in the aftermath, and a grateful Bryant asks him to deal with loan shark, Mickey Turner, in return for her silence. When Kent can't convince Turner to leave the estate, he recruits a group of masked thugs and has him assaulted. Bryant is delighted by the results, but she then decides enough is enough when Kent has two youths, Lee Sandford and Drew Collins, assaulted for mugging a pensioner. When Kent's thugs rob the victim's son, Bryant goes to DC Rob Thatcher and tells all. Before Thatcher can take things any further, DC Ken Drummond spots crime boss Irene Radford operating on the estate, DCI Jack Meadows has Kent taken off the estate for his own safety. Kent has a final showdown with Bryant and tells her she's on her own.

In early 2005, Bryant arrives at Sun Hill as a Police Community Support Officer. When PC Andrea Dunbar joins forces with Sergeant Dale Smith to bring down Kent, Dunbar goes to Bryant and finds out what he did on the Cole Lane. While she eventually got her evidence, Dunbar was killed in the station fire. In the aftermath, Bryant found herself a victim of abuse from the local community after exposure of killer Colin Fairfax, a fellow PCSO. She began a close relationship with PCs Sheelagh Murphy and Lance Powell, and her instincts led to Sergeant Smith recommending her for training as a PC. Soon after her return and the completion of her training, Bryant was stunned when a member of the public came to see Sergeant June Ackland, calling himself Gabriel Kent. While PC Kent tried to persuade him he wasn't mentally sane, but Smith enlightened her that Ackland gave away her son Robert and he was adopted as Gabriel Kent. Realizing PC Kent was an impostor, Bryant lets it slip to Murphy, now fiancee of Kent. Discovering his false identity, Murphy is tied up as Kent goes to silence his brother, in intensive care after being shot during a siege at the station. Smith decides to tell DS Samantha Nixon and they arrange an arrest squad for Kent, but he takes Ackland hostage on a rooftop before jumping to his death as the arrest team closed in.

Bryant saw both her closest friends left Sun Hill in the space of a few weeks in late 2005; Murphy resigned in the aftermath of the Kent's suicide, while Powell was tragically murdered by a serial killer after breaking up with his husband Marc Rollins. Bryant was devastated at the death of her close friend, and things only got harder when her son Liam got into trouble. When he accused her of caring more about the job than him, she hands in her resignation. Inspector Gina Gold tries to convince her to keep her job, and fed rep Leela Kapoor manages to persuade her to transfer from Sun Hill to Barton Street's Safer Neighbourhoods Unit, in order to get better hours. She left Sun Hill in the spring of 2006.

Scott Burnett[edit]

Scott Burnett was a series regular on The Bill during the first half of its 21st series. Scott was a concerned husband who reported his wife missing, giving PC Honey Harman her first role as a Family Liaison Officer. Scott quickly grew close to Honey, who couldn’t help but falling for him, and they ended up kissing when Honey broke the news that his wife Karen had been found dead, and that his best friend Greg Campbell had been charged with her murder. As Honey tried to end their relationship, as she was in one with PC Steve Hunter at the time, she ended up in bed with Scott. She then proceeded to dump Steve in favour of a relationship with Scott, however she stood down from her role as FLO. In the wake of the 2005 station fire, Scott stunned Honey with a sudden proposal. While she was reluctant to marry so soon into their relationship, a comment by DC Terry Perkins about PC Reg Hollis losing his fiancé to be, Marilyn Chambers, led Honey to decide life is too short and accepted the proposal. The news infuriated Steve, and soon drove a wedge between Honey and her best friend, PC Yvonne Hemmingway. When Greg Campbell was alibied for the murder of Karen Burnett, Scott viciously assaulted him and was arrested. Having seen former best friend Kerry Young embark on a dangerous relationship before her death, Yvonne did not want to see Honey make the same mistake. After objecting to the wedding in the weeks leading up to it, Yvonne attended as Honey’s bridesmaid and accepted Honey’s decision.

After returning from honeymoon, Honey discovered Scott had rented a storage locker the day after Karen died, and visited it with Yvonne. Honey decided against looking and all Yvonne found was love letters, but while Honey was relieved, Yvonne found a glove of Karen’s that had been missing since her death and gave it to the Murder Investigation Team without Honey knowing. Devastated by the betrayal, Honey resigned and eloped to Dover with Scott, in an attempt to get to France. However, as he confessed to the crime, Honey attempted to convince Scott to turn himself in. Refusing to, Scott decided to leave Honey and tried committing suicide by jumping in the English Channel, however she pulled him out and saved his life. Being arrested for Karen’s murder, Scott confessed and was sent to jail. Honey got her job back and went to visit Scott the day before her return to work. During their visit, Scott told Honey he loved her and asked her not to visit him again. The following day, Honey was left devastated when Inspector Gina Gold told her that Scott hung himself in prison the night before and had died as a result.

Frank Burnside[edit]

Detective Inspector later Detective Chief Inspector, Frank Burnside (known originally as Tom Burnside) is the true main antagonist of the TV series, first arriving at Sun Hill in 1984, as a DS then working with the Flying Squad. He is a former colleague of Sergeant Bob Cryer, who makes no secret of his dislike of Burnside. Burnside is thought to have slipped through the net of Operation Countryman, the Met's anti-corruption drive in the 1970s, and revels in his notoriety. When PC Jim Carver arrests a small-time car thief, Burnside arrives at Sun Hill to appeal for the man's release. Cryer is appalled at the suggestion, and urges Detective Inspector Roy Galloway to block the request. However, Burnside explains that the prisoner is a valuable police informant, and manages to persuade DI Galloway to secure his release. The incident creates much ill-feeling within the station, particularly among Sergeant Cryer and PC Carver. Burnside reappears twice more as a DS. By this time, his apparent villainy is an open secret at the station, and few are less pleased to see him, least of all Sergeant Cryer and DI Galloway. However, Burnside is bitter, uncaring and evil and sets his sights on WPC June Ackland. Burnside is too sick-minded to sense her obvious repulsion towards him, and June takes great delight in stringing him along. However, other Sun Hill officers take exception to his pursuit of her, prompting DC Mike Dashwood to intervene. He informs Burnside that June is Galloway's mistress, forcing the rogue detective to switch his sights elsewhere.

Burnside arrived at Sun Hill full-time in 1988, where Galloway's departure creates a vacancy for a new Detective Inspector. DS Ted Roach has his own sights set on the job, and is appalled to learn that Burnside is a rival candidate. When Burnside takes the post, Roach and Sgt Cryer are outspoken in their views on the appointment of an apparently corrupt officer. It soon becomes clear that Burnside is far from his previous incarnation. Besides a new rank and Christian name, Burnside acquires a new outlook. The sneering and sinister loner divorced man is replaced with a darker and more devious side of himself. His apparent corruption is explained away by Inspector Christine Frazer as a result of Burnside having worked undercover on Operation Countryman, forcing Sgt Bob Cryer to swallow his pride and welcome Burnside to Sun Hill. However, Roach is far harder to win round. Despite their similarities, both having maverick tendencies, but ultimately on the right side of the law, Burnside and Roach have an uneasy working relationship. Roach's increasing frustration at having been passed over for promotion, coupled with a thinly-disguised drink problem, make him almost unmanageable for his senior officers. When matched with Burnside's explosive personality, the two officers physically come to blows. However, their similar policing styles and views lead to them developing a mutual respect. As the police force becomes more politically correct, maverick officers such as Burnside and Roach are increasingly seen as a dying breed. As such, their working relationship becomes one of mutual dependency, each watching the other's back when either of them sail too close to the wind. When Roach walks out of the job following an assault on Inspector Monroe, Detective Chief Inspector Jack Meadows caustically remarks that it is the end of an era for Burnside. Meadows' prophecy is proven right later when Burnside mysteriously fails to show for work. It is explained that Burnside has been taken out on a "special operation", prompting his colleagues to speculate that he is working undercover. As the years go by, a succession of DIs take Burnside's office.

In 1998, Burnside returned during an investigation led by Detective Sergeant John Boulton and Detective Constable Jim Carver into a protection racket, which leads them to Manchester. Carver is shocked to discover that his former boss is one of the main players in the operation, and he and Boulton are forced to take Burnside back to Sun Hill in handcuffs. Meadows is openly disliking towards his former colleague but, reminiscent of Sgt Bob Cryer ten years earlier, he is forced to backtrack when it emerges that Burnside is working undercover. Furthermore, Burnside had been promoted to the rank of DCI within the field, and is now on an equal footing with Meadows. Burnside then appears as the head of the elite Crime Operational Command Unit, and his work frequently brings him into contact with Sun Hill officers, investigating high-profile cases. One such investigation leads to him arresting DC Jim Carver on suspicion of murder. Despite their rocky start, Burnside took the impressionable young DC Carver under his wing during his reign as DI, and is sorry to see his friend's sad fall from grace. Carver begins drinking heavily following his enforced move back to uniform, marking a steep decline into alcoholism. When he wakes from a drunken stupor to find a murdered prostitute beside him, it seems Carver's career is over. However, Burnside helps Carver to seek help for his addiction. Burnside left Sun Hill permanently on 13 January 2000.

His own series debuted in 2000.[9] Burnside is the antagonist principal character in the episodes in which he appears, and the popularity of these episodes paved the way for a spin-off series, Burnside. The six-part series, three consecutive two-part stories, follows Burnside's new role as a DCI with the National Crime Squad, described in the show's publicity as the British equivalent of the FBI. The series is much grittier than The Bill, as its post-watershed timeslot enabled stronger language and more violent scenes. Although each two-part story focuses on a different crime, the series is underpinned by a story arc, which explores Burnside's pursuit of gangland boss Ronnie Buchan. Buchan had murdered Burnside's best friend years earlier, and Burnside is determined to use his newfound influence as head of a team within the NCS to bring Buchan to justice. The series ended with Burnside vowing to nail Buchan by whatever means necessary. Despite the popularity of the Burnside character in The Bill, his spin-off failed to take off, and was axed after just one series.

Ruby Buxton[edit]

Police Constable Ruby Buxton was born and bred in Canley. Always popular and bright at school, she left at the age of 18 choosing to go out into the world and earn some money, rather than go on to further education. Her first job was at the local store, but she soon found it mundane and unchallenging. She was then attracted to the police by the Met's recruitment drive package – £26,000 after paid training and free travel too. It never even occurred to her that she might be cop material, but she still applied. Ruby went into the force with a blasé attitude; she'd only been out of Hendon for nine months when she arrived at Sun Hill. She was genuinely pleased to have got into the force though, and couldn't believe her luck in gaining entry. Easygoing, vivacious and bubbly, Ruby eased into Sun Hill life from the start. She loved being a copper and got on well with the likes of Tony and Reg. She wasn't so bothered about the other girls. Ruby was down to earth; she kept her feet on the ground and was a great judge of character. Her ex-schoolmates laughed at her decision to join up – some of whom she came into contact with some of them on the beat – but she laughed with them, and any jibes were like water off a duck's back. Ruby was uncomplicated, without baggage and not susceptible to moral dilemmas. She took everything in her stride and was ready to embrace her job to the full. PC Gabriel Kent forced her into perjury to cover up her purchase of stolen property from a suspect. When Ruby couldn't cope with the guilt, she made a confession to Inspector Gina Gold and resigned.


Louise Campbell[edit]

Chief Superintendent Louise Campbell was the Borough Commander of Canley from 2003 to 2005. She replaced Chief Superintendent Jane Fitzwilliam, some time after her last appearance in the summer of 2003. She first appeared when she had a meeting with Sun Hill's Federation Rep Nick Klein, following up a complaint from PC Tony Stamp, who thought Superintendent Adam Okaro had accused him of being a racist after stopping and searching a black teenager. Whilst meeting with Klein, Campbell was assaulted by a smash and grab gang targeting the restaurant they were in. Okaro was not only concerned that he would be blamed if the gang weren't arrested quickly, but that his team's fed rep was having a private conversation with his superior. Campbell told Okaro to go back on the beat to connect with his team, and he paired with Stamp. They bonded whilst on shift and morale improved in uniform, with Okaro regaining the respect of his team.

In the aftermath of PC Cathy Bradford holding DC Brandon Kane hostage and sneaking back into the station, Okaro came under fire after discovering he failed to deactivate her access card. Campbell told him on the phone that she was furious and discipline was likely for the person responsible. However, when Campbell was told face to face by Okaro that he was responsible, she lost interest and stated that "these things happen". Having resented Campbell's predecessor Fitzwilliam for demanding more because of his skin colour, Okaro complained to old friend Gina Gold that Campbell was reluctant to give him discipline; while Gina told him it was not a bad thing, Okaro was frustrated again about his skin colour defining how his management dealt with him.

Campbell was last seen in the aftermath of the 2005 station fire, Okaro furious with the Daily News for their reporting on the station fire and the subsequent death of their undercover journalist, PC Andrea Dunbar. Campbell told Okaro it was not in the public interest to sue the Daily News, despite his insistence that they should be for impeding on the respect of the family of the two other officers killed in the blast. In mid 2005, Campbell was replaced by Chief Superintendent Ian Barratt.

Max Carter[edit]

Detective Sergeant Max Carter transferred from CO19 after being involved in two separate lethal shootings of suspects. One of the shootings was Thomas Jankowski. Although both were justified killings, it was deemed sensible to transfer him out given media attention at the time to armed response incidents. As the move was accompanied by a promotion to DS, the career-minded Max was happy with the change of scene. Max arrived at Sun Hill much to the dismay of Detective Inspector Samantha Nixon, as Max was parachuted into her department at short notice. Born English with a Polish mother, Max offered a side to the job that was not previously seen in CID, able to translate when necessary. Max often had run-ins with DC Terry Perkins and DC Grace Dasari, but was strong in his decision to pave his own way. After an undercover operation with DC Mickey Webb in 2010, where the pair were forced to take cocaine to keep their cover, Max became a drug addict, frequently taking heroin and cocaine and handing over large amounts of money to cocaine dealers. His addiction was discovered by Mickey, who informed Sergeant Jo Masters and Terry. Terry then gave Max an ultimatum: turn himself in to DI Neil Manson, or allow him to arrest him for possession, thus ending his career. Max chose neither, and managed to manipulate the situation to continue his career. He remained at Sun Hill until the series finale, however DI Manson worked out what he was like around the time the series concluded and grilled him after the team felt he was bullying them, and Manson stopped giving him free reign from then onwards.

Jim Carver[edit]

Police Constable later Detective Constable Jim Carver began his career as a probationer at Sun Hill, appearing in the opening scenes of the pilot episode, Woodentop. He had already made up his mind that he was going to remain a uniformed police officer for the remainder of his career, and was adamant that he was not destined for CID.[10] Despite his vow not to transfer to CID, Jim later becomes a Detective Constable,[3] where Detective Inspector Frank Burnside becomes a mentor for him. He remains in CID for ten years, but the controversial tenure system saw him move back to uniform, having never been recommended for promotion.

Jim's career then goes into decline, due mainly to his increased dependency on alcohol. His alcoholism almost costs him his job, but he is able to return after rehabilitation, where he begins to rebuild his reputation. Carver's efforts in the two years following his rehab earns him a transfer to the Community Safety Unit, however he blackmailed friend June Ackland to put a good word in with DI Alex Cullen, after she refused to answer a distress call from a woman obsessed with Jim. After initially deciding against a relationship with June due to the station fire, tensions between the two turned to passion as CSU settled down. When June proposed Jim said he couldn't marry anyone, and June went on a cruise to mull things over. While June was away, Jim got close to a woman he was Family Liaison Officer for, Marie Graham, after the shooting death of her daughter Sonia. June is happy when she returns to Sun Hill and finds a ring in Jim's desk, but she is shattered when Jim reveals he is marrying Marie. On the day of his wedding, Marie is arrested when she assaults a boy vandalising the grave of her daughter Sonia. When Jim and PC Polly Page are locked in a cellar by a frightened child upon the discovery of his recently deceased grandfather. June and PC Tony Stamp tracked them down, only to also get locked in the cellar. With the group trapped, tensions boil to the surface between Jim and June over his betrayal, June calling on his comments that he couldn't marry anyone, not that he couldn't marry June. Tony also had plenty to say over Jim's lack of support when he was FLO to a boy who accused Tony of sexual grooming. Eventually rescued, Jim decided to continue his wedding with Marie, despite finding out about her past whilst in the cellar. Marie confronted June about the comments, starting a long-term resentment.

After Polly was jailed for assisting the suicide of a close friend and went on trial for murder, June was confronted by Marie in court and accused her of cheating with Jim. When she found Jim in hospital after being assaulted by Marie, June deduced he was being domestically abused. When they mourned the murder of a colleague in hospital, DC Juliet Becker, as she succumbed to her wounds, Marie showed her true colours, nearly threatening June and blowing Jim's story about how he was injured. When Marie threatened June outside the station, she confided in PC Gabriel Kent, who warned Jim that Marie had to stop. Leading to another domestic, Jim was hospitalised and decided enough was enough, filing for divorce. Unbeknownst to Jim, the serious blow that injured him was delivered by Kent.

Jim was resentful when he noticed that Kent was getting close to June, and was stunned when he found Kent's birth certificate, identifying him as Robert Ackland. Confronting June, she was horrified to learn the truth about her new beau. While she discovered Gabriel was actually an imposter, she kept it quiet from Jim after getting to see her real son. When June was seriously injured after being hit by the Area Car during a chase, Jim realised his true feelings for June. When she recovered, she initially rejected his marriage proposal, but lamented and agreed to marry him. Despite being seen as the standout couple of the station, Jim became addicted to gambling and accrued £63,000 in debts. When June suggested retirement, Jim had to confess all. June was left furious and left him, and while she paid his debts, she refused to get in touch. Jim was further devastated when Marie was found dead from alcohol poisoning and exposure. When he returned from Marie's funeral, he found out June had come out of retirement. Desperate to reconnect with June, she was driven to the arms of PC Roger Valentine. When Sun Hill was attacked by disgrunted PCSO Colin Fairfax driving a van into the front office, Jim's best friend, DC Ken Drummond, was killed. His devastation was compounded by finding June and Roger in an embrace, and after falling off the wagon, he attacked Roger. June and Jim discussed their differences, but while June decided it was best to resume the marriage, Jim decided he couldn't drag her down and left.

Jim later returns to Sun Hill as a DS on attachment from the Greater Manchester Police to track down and arrest a suspect that had come to Sun Hill to escape the law. Carver reveals he earned promotion after becoming a workaholic, later revealed so that he could pay off his debt to June. Whilst tracking the suspect down, both June and Jim are kidnapped. Jim told June he still loved her and told her that if they escaped he wanted them back together, however she was so relieved to see her new fiancee Rod after being rescued that she chose him over a heartbroken Jim.[11]

Marie Carver[edit]

Marie Graham was a series regular on The Bill in 2003. Marie was a divorced mother of two who was introduced when her daughter, schoolteacher Sonia, was fatally gunned down amidst rumours she was sleeping with her pupils. Marie was assigned a Family Liaison Officer by Sun Hill, PC Jim Carver. Jim took Marie to Sonia’s home, but Marie broke down when she saw where her daughter had died. When she returned to her home with Jim, they cooked together, and soon found themselves quickly bonding. Jim and Marie later ended up sleeping together, leaving both feeling awkward and guilty. While Jim tried to end the relationship out of professional courtesy, his intervention when her son Ben was bullied drew them closer together. When Jim accompanied Marie to the home of Ben’s girlfriend, who Marie believed was distracting Ben from his schoolwork, Marie decided to propose. Jim was left conflicted, due to his estranged girlfriend, Sergeant June Ackland, returning from a holiday. After talking to PC Honey Harman, he decided to accept Marie’s proposal.

There was suggestions Marie was violent when she was arrested for assault on her wedding day, smacking a teenager who vandalised the grave of her daughter Sonia. June’s check on Marie’s record revealed she was sectioned, and also arrested for vandalising her ex-husband’s car, having been a victim of domestic abuse. When Jim, June and PCs Tony Stamp & Polly Page attended a sudden death call, they found themselves locked in a basement by a scared child whose grandfather was the sudden death victim. With no way out, the long-term friends turned enemies ended up in a series of heated rows as tensions boiling to the surface, and Jim was nearly swayed into stopping the wedding. However, as soon as they were rescued, Jim reunited with an emotional Marie and went ahead with the ceremony. At the wedding reception, Jim questioned Marie over June’s revelations, however she convinced him there was nothing to worry about.

After Marie and Jim returned from their honeymoon, she began getting jealous over his working relationship with June, however June’s anger towards Jim led her to make several bad judgement calls, causing her to resign from her post as head of the Community Safety Unit, returning to uniform. It soon became apparent that Marie was domestically abusing Jim, and June made the realisation when Jim was admitted to hospital on Halloween night with a facial injury; Marie confirming the suspicions when she said he walked into a cupboard door, with Jim stating earlier he was putting up a shelf that fell onto him. DC Eva Sharpe became suspicious when Marie was arrested for being drunk and disorderly, witnessing Jim pinning Marie against the wall of an interview room to calm her down. When Jim was hospitalised after being assaulted by PC Gabriel Kent, who manipulated the situation to make it look as if Marie was responsible, Eva accused Jim of being an abuser. She was soon disappointed to learn she had misjudged her colleague and he admitted the extent of his abuse, taking Marie to court. Marie showed up at Sun Hill the day before her trial, determined to stop Jim with going ahead. When he refused to back down, she was arrested again for drunkenly throwing a traffic cone through the window of the station reception. At trial, she decided to turn the screw and blame Jim, claiming she was acting in self defence. However, testimony from her own son Ben led her to change her plea, and Jim was delighted as she avoided a custodial sentence. After parting on good terms with Marie, he hoped she was in a better place, but he soon learned she had been sectioned again.

Marie made her last on-screen appearance when she discovered Jim and June were getting married, showing up drunk and crashing the ceremony, claiming Jim’s “lies” led to Ben being taken into foster care. She was then admitted to hospital after falling down a flight of stairs. In January 2005, Marie was identified as the body of a woman found on a patch of wasteland. DC Ken Drummond told Jim that Marie had likely drunk herself unconscious, and that she died of exposure. Despite the way their relationship ended, Jim was left devastated by her death, but his appearance at her funeral angered her son Ben. Soon after, Jim discovered now-estranged wife June was cheating on him, and the deaths of Marie and then Ken in the station fire led Jim to leave London.

Dan Casper[edit]

PC Dan Casper, prior to joining the police service, was a ticket inspector on the London Underground. He is an active and energetic character who views the world in black and white, good versus bad. Casper was first seen prior to the events of the 2005 station fire as a PC from Spicer Street Station on an Incident Response course at Hendon with PCs Amber Johannsen and Leela Kapoor. He was seen as cocky, arrogant and a ladies man, receiving a harsh warning from his instructor that he'll only pass if he stops thinking he's better than he actually is. Soon after passing his course he was involved in a traffic collision whilst responding to a call, an incident that would come back to haunt him when applying to be an Area Car driver in early 2006. Casper transferred to Sun Hill in the aftermath of the station fire, replacing the recently deceased PC Andrea Dunbar. His confidence showed on day one, but he took a risk when he pulled a deaf girl away from a speeding lorry as she tried to commit suicide. It was revealed she was an Au pair who was abused by her host family, and had become pregnant. Torn between the man who raped her and his son, she was forced into a termination; however, she ran away from the clinic. As Casper tried to talk her down, she ran into traffic and was killed being hit by a car, causing Casper to lash out at her alleged rapist. It soon emerged that Casper was involved in an affair with the station's new Drugs Referral Officer Rochelle Barratt when based at Spicer Street, and while he tried to break it off because her husband Ian was the Superintendent there, it quickly resumed when Rochelle joined Sun Hill. Casper began receiving blackmail letters but continued the affair with Rochelle, despite Ian being promoted to Borough Commander, which led to him appearing at Sun Hill more often. Casper put in for a secondment to TSG and joined them for an intensive training programme, with his impressed trainers offering him a transfer. Upon returning to Sun Hill, he was awkwardly paired with Ian after the Borough Commander told Superintendent Adam Okaro he wanted a day out on patrol. It was during this shift that Ian confronted Casper by telling him he knew about the affair and was the one blackmailing him, Ian reacting furiously when Casper said he didn't want to leave Sun Hill. When the two were caught up in an armed siege as a robbery suspect escaped into their OBBO building, Ian fled and left Casper to be held at gunpoint for the second time in the space of a few months, having been shot during the recent station siege. Casper was freed as the suspect was arrested and immediately confronted Ian, who responded by punching Casper in the face. After a heart-to-heart with wife Rochelle, the Barratts left Sun Hill.

Soon after the break-up of his relationship with Rochelle, Casper befriended new PC Will Fletcher. The pair bonded after being paired together on several cases, and Fletcher moved in with Casper when he became homeless. Their budding friendship was quickly extinguished when they both went head to head applying for an Area Car training programme. After Casper failed to inspect an IRV driven by Fletcher to fill his application form, Fletcher was deducted three points by Acting Sergeant Yvonne Hemmingway. When they both caught the attention of an attractive female, Fletcher won a coin toss to ask her out; however, Casper saw her at a petrol station as Fletcher looked for her and asked her out. Furious at a double betrayal, Fletcher tampered with the petrol pumps and sabotaged the IRV, causing Casper to also be deducted three points. When Fletcher stated they were even, Casper told him of the crash he had whilst at Spicer Street, meaning he actually had six points and was no longer eligible. When Fletcher confessed to the sabotage and apologised, Casper chucked him out of their flat. Fletcher flirted with PC Honey Harman to get a place to stay; however, Casper told Harman that Fletcher was using her, causing her to pour a beer over him at the pub and humiliate him in front of the relief. To rub salt in Casper's wounds, Fletcher was paired with him after returning from a passing mark on the Area Car course. They ended up resurrecting their friendship when Fletcher suggested Casper take up boxing, and Inspector Gina Gold gave them approval to join a local competition. Casper discovered he had a knack for it; however, when he injured his shoulder, he began taking steroids. When Fletcher discovered this, he demanded Casper confess all to Gold; however, Casper continued and won the boxing tournament. Despite worries of being found out, Casper used a rigged urine sample to pass a drugs test, but confessed to Gold when "roid-rage" causes him to seriously injure an opponent. Despite it being down to a medical condition that meant his opponent shouldn't have been fighting, Casper stopped his days in the ring.

In his later days at Sun Hill, Casper clashed with new Sergeant Callum Stone over his methods. As Stone favoured officers such as Fletcher for big jobs and training courses, Casper tried to re-apply to the Area Car course; however, Stone rejected it. Clashing with Stone over judging him too soon, Stone told him he didn't need to give Casper a chance because he'd already made his mind up. After receiving a job offer as head of security in a club in San Antonio, Ibiza that a friend was opening, he decided to resign and accept the offer.

Philip Cato[edit]

Chief Inspector Philip Cato, the man they called 'the bald-headed bastard from Barton Street', is one officer that nobody forgets. He didn't suffer fools, especially those who he perceived as being unsympathetic to his methods. His strokes were legendary – as were the grudges against police officers he thought had worked against him. When Cato transferred to Sun Hill from Barton Street, he thought he'd have some allies there. But Sergeant Ray Steele distanced himself – he angered Cato by posting on the notice-boards a meeting-report including an off-the-record remark. Similarly, PC Jarvis, who was also at Barton Street, showed he was no Cato poodle. Initially, Brownlow welcomed Cato as someone even less popular than himself with the troops, but soon he realised that the new man's radical approach was having an adverse effect on station morale. Cato didn't think he was abrasive. He described himself as a no-nonsense person who had little patience with bureaucracy or sociological theorising. But he was clever enough to disguise it in the company of his superiors sometimes. With others he didn't put on an act. He was confrontational both on the street with suspects and in the station with Sun Hill officers. And what's wrong with that? Cato applied for the post of Acting Superintendent in 1994, but lost it to Chief Inspector Conway. He later applied for the post of Area Welfare Chief, but was again unsuccessful. Frustrated with lack of appreciation and being continually passed over for promotion, he decided to leave the job.

Marilyn Chambers[edit]

Station Reception Officer Marilyn Chambers was a born and bred Liverpudlian, who had worked as a civilian for the MET since she moved to London at the age of 22. Uptight and meticulous, Marilyn is anally retentive and a slave to routine. She was clipped and officious in the workplace but under her prickly exterior there was a passionate heart. When Marilyn had a drink her inhibitions go right out of the window and she tended to let her hormones get the better of her. She moved down from Liverpool with her older boyfriend, Neil, when his job took him to London. Marilyn doted on Neil and was devastated when he ended the relationship a couple of years later. She has been single ever since although there has been a couple of drunken one-night stands which she is deeply ashamed of, including with DC Rob Thatcher on her first day at Sun Hill. She rented a room in a shared house with a couple of twenty-something professionals but keeps herself to herself. Her idea of a top night out would be a trip to see the latest West End musical with her best friend, or maybe something starring Michael Ball.

During her time at the station, she began a relationship with PC Reg Hollis after they shared a love of train-spotting and Tears for Fears. After almost a year together, Reg planned to propose to Marilyn on the platform of the train station where they went train spotting together. When Marilyn was caught up in The Sun Hill Fire of 2005, Reg returned to the burnt out station and found Marilyn was in hospital. He sat by her side fantasising over their future together, but as he put the ring on her finger, she went into cardiac arrest and died.

Tom Chandler[edit]

Personally recommended by Chief Superintendent Guy Mannion, Tom Chandler epitomized everything Mannion stood for and was the polar opposite of predecessor Charles Brownlow; a hotshot, fast-track young go-getter, willing to be best friends with his relief as well as come down on them like a tonne of bricks if need be. His time at Sun Hill saw him recruit several people similar to him, ambitious young coppers who he hoped would rise through the ranks quickly such as Sergeant Craig Gilmore, DCs Brandon Kane & Eva Sharpe and PCs Kerry Young and Gary Best, among others.

He arrived at Sun Hill in late 2000 in the aftermath of the Don Beech corruption scandal. With a wave of new officers to CID, Chandler brought a new DI, two DSs and two DCs in as a "new broom" to clean away the corruption and speculation. He wasn't keen on DCI Jack Meadows but helped him through a disciplinary proceeding and proceeded to undermine him on several cases, clicking his fingers and expecting Meadows to act. It was clear from the off that his new DI Alex Cullen was his right-hand man and would do his bidding due to a hold on the DI related to Chandler's cover-up of a death in custody. When Chandler got settled he decided to phase out officers he didn't like, the first two being Sergeant Bob Cryer and PC Dale Smith. When Smith and PC Nick Klein attended a shooting, the suspect suggested Smith encouraged him to take the law into his own hands, and when Klein told Chandler this, Smith assaulted him. Suspended by Chandler, Smith cleared his name and Chandler decided to agree for Smith to get a requested transfer to S019, telling Cullen that it was the best way to get rid of him. Chandler had two birds killed with one stone when Smith's first assignment saw him accidentally gun Cryer down, leaving Cryer forced to retire early.

Chandler made an enemy of DC Mickey Webb in mid 2001 when his handling of an undercover job led to a friend of Webb's being murdered by the prime suspect. Webb was further infuriated by Chandler's affair with Webb's best friend DC Kate Spears. In early 2002, Chandler made arrangements to renovate the station top to bottom, and he suggested to DCI Jack Meadows that personnel should also be changed; Webb and PCs Des Taviner and Di Worrell all on his hit-list. The station had an officer clear-out, but not in the way anyone could imagine. Racial tensions began rising after DS Vik Singh assaulted a local racist, Jeff Simpson, and Chandler sent Chief Inspector Derek Conway to a community meeting so he could sleep with Spears. While the meeting went well, a biker sped past a horrified Webb and lobbed a petrol bomb into Conway's car, which exploded and killed him. In the aftermath, Chandler tries to rally his troops, but then chose to stand them down after an incident at an abandoned factory. Whilst they debriefed, a group of rioters pulled up outside the station and started throwing petrol bombs at the station. Taviner, who had put a false £50 note in a charity fund for Conway, seized his opportunity to get rid of them, detaining a petrol bomber and his bag. Taviner throws the bomb into the station, but a gas canister used for the renovation caught alight, causing a massive explosion. With six officers killed, Chandler was left needing to replace a large chunk of the relief.

In the aftermath of the station fire, Chandler was delighted to discover that not only could he bring in more people that he chose, but that Sun Hill was getting a Community Safety Unit. His work commitments were soon disrupted when DS Debbie McAllister began seducing him, and while Chandler tried to break it off, she fell pregnant. He tried to force her into having a termination, but he decided to keep her sweet and quiet under the advice of Cullen. When he forced a transfer to MIT, Cullen warned Chandler his downfall wasn't far away. Meadows & Webb both started a campaign to bring him down for his involvement in the deaths of their respective best friends Conway & Spears and discovered Chandler raped a new recruit at Hendon, Louise Marsden, who later killed herself. After discovering a possible witness, Anne Merrick, Chandler visited her and sparked a nervous breakdown. After falsely accusing Chandler of rape, Merrick committed suicide, and McAllister saved his skin by finding a man to alibi him. Agreeing to marry Chandler, McAllister was unaware Chandler was only doing it to stop Meadows bringing him down. Despite this, Webb took a statement from Chandler's brother James to CIB, causing Chandler to hold himself and McAllister at gunpoint. Chandler corners Meadows in his office and threatens to shoot him, but he ends up taking his own life instead.

Roz Clarke[edit]

PC Roz Clarke was from a deprived background – quite unlike fellow probationer Ben Hayward's. Her father left her mother when she was six. Mrs. Clarke never remarried, but worked hard, and did her best to bring up Roz herself. Roz's exam years coincided with a wild time for her, so though bright, she only scraped the minimum educational requirements. At first she was blasé about this, masking any inadequacy with a couldn't care less attitude, taking numerous mundane jobs, and getting what fun she could out of her various relationships. The Met's new recruitment policy then caught her eye – and seemed to offer an easy way to live and work in London. At Hendon, Roz worked hard to try and correct her educational shortcomings. She showed outstanding commitment, but was initially Section 15'd for her poor performance in exams. Her faltering literacy was always a source of anxiety: her worst nightmare was standing up in court and having her testimony exposed by some snot-nosed defence lawyer. Roz often found herself having to run the gamut of male attitudes to establish herself as the effective and instinctive officer she ultimately could have been. Unfortunately Roz struggled to make ends meet financially. Unable to secure enough overtime to pay her debts, she moonlighted in telesales, as a result of which her police work suffered. When she failed her exams, she considered leaving the force, but got a second chance to prove her worth in CID. However, Roz soon realised that she was not cut out to be a policewoman. Traumatised from being attacked by a rapist when posing as a prostitute, and angered by the possibility that her attacker could press charges against her for using unnecessary force, Roz decided to leave the job.

Derek Conway[edit]

Chief Inspector Derek Conway arrived at Sun Hill in 1988 as Chief Inspector of Operations at Sun Hill, acting as Chief Superintendent Brownlow's right-hand man. He was an old-fashioned copper who thought real police work was on the streets and not behind the desk. As a career focussed police officer, he was always determined for promotion, despite constantly being blocked for promotion by his superior Charles Brownlow. In his attempt for promotion, he transferred to the position of Community Liaison Officer (CLO) also based at Sun Hill in 1993, before being promoted to acting Superintendent in 1994. He was later demoted back to Chief Inspector of Operations in 1996.

As Sun Hill's trained hostage negotiator, his superb negotiating skills were used in many situations, in particular when he was able to persuade a mentally unhinged man not to torch a house belonging to his wife Sandra.

Initially a somewhat abrasive and short-tempered character, after a relatively short period at Sun Hill, he became respected for his firm but fair approach to dealing with colleagues and the community alike. As time wore on, his dry sense of humour and world-weariness became a regular feature of his character and of his interaction with colleagues of all ranks.

His exit saw him killed in a car-bomb attack as part of a cast revamp by new producer Paul Marquess. On-screen Conway was ambushed by a biker whose pillion passenger threw a petrol bomb into his panda car, causing it to explode.[12] After his death, the station organised a memorial fund for him, but it didn't go as planned. PC Des Taviner gave Inspector Andrew Monroe £50 notes, but later realised they were counterfeit. He attempted to retrieve them, but Monroe had locked his door where they were kept. Taviner had another plan however – when Sun Hill was faced with a powercut, a petrol-bomb riot escalated at the station and Taviner threw one himself inside the Inspector's office, not knowing gas cylinders were there. As a result, the station went up in flames, killing Inspector Andrew Monroe, PC Ben Hayward, PC Di Worrell, PC Sam Harker, DC Kate Spears and DC Paul Riley.

Joseph Corrie[edit]

Sergeant Joseph Corrie was drafted into Sun Hill in 1990 when Tom Penny was in court facing charges of drink-driving. He worked alongside Sergeants Maitland and Peters on the A-Relief whilst Cryer was Duty Sergeant, and was a cop of the 'old school'. He was a quiet sort of bloke – genial and friendly, if a little absent minded. Corrie was only at the station for a few months, being later replaced by Sergeant Boyden. It is unknown what happened to Corrie, as he was never mentioned again.

Suzi Croft[edit]

DC Suzi Croft arrived at Sun Hill in March 1993 as a WPC seconded to CID as a Trainee Investigator. Initially seen by her new colleagues as little more than a work experience girl, Suzi was undeterred, proved herself to be an insightful and gutsy officer, and gradually became an integral part of the CID team. Her rank changed to Detective Constable from uniform in the summer of 1994. She was never afraid of being confronted by something different, whether it was Burnside's unique policing methods, or the latest technology in the fight against crime. She spent most of her time at Sun Hill working on Operation Bumblebee under the supervision of DS Alistair Greig, whom she saw as something of a mentor. Caring, well-liked, yet also forthright, her no-nonsense attitude and spiky temper occasionally brought Suzi into conflict with other members of CID – the results of which sometimes earned her a mild rebuke from the DI. Her most notable adversary was DC Rod Skase, and working with him on a case almost always guaranteed fireworks. Yet despite this, there was never any real loathing between the two of them – indeed, Suzi's announcement of her departure distressed the notoriously macho Skase enough for him to attempt a genuine apology for his behaviour towards her. Suzi had the opportunity of a transfer to High Barnet CID in February 1998. Because they needed someone urgently, she had only a day in which to make up her mind. Discussing the matter with her best friend, DC Liz Rawton, she realised that although she would miss Sun Hill, the move would give her new career challenges, and so she decided to accept the offer.

Bob Cryer[edit]

Sgt Bob Cryer joined the Metropolitan Police in 1970, and arrived at Sun Hill sometime in late 1983, possibly as a result of a recent promotion to Sergeant. Until the station introduced the rank of Inspector, he was the second highest ranking uniform officer. He had previously seen some sort of army service, unfortunately most of it leaving him with unpleasant memories. Cryer is a model officer. He cares passionately about his job and hates what he considers the "touchy-feely" approach of modern policing arguing that the role of the police is to "uphold and enforce the law". His trademark calm served him well when dealing with the harder edged visitors to the cells at Sun Hill. For many years he was a uniform sergeant. In 1991, he was briefly promoted to Duty Sergeant, but quickly found that he had no passion for it and that it was driving his former colleagues away from him, leading to him making the swift decision to return to uniform. His experience in all things policing led to him being in many ways the archetypal uniform officer, firm but fair to criminal and civilian alike. He was considered to be the father figure of the sergeants on the relief and a lot of the younger officers would come to him for advice on matters both professional and personal. Along the way he still discovered that you can never know everything – such as the time he shot and killed a suspect despite the suspect's gun later turning out to be unloaded. In his own private life he had a wife and two sons, one of whom was arrested and charged in relation to a driving offence which resulted in the death of the other occupant of the car. This led to an enforced sense of separation between him and his son, a topic which Cryer would still refuse to talk about when it was raised in later years.

Cryer played a pivotal role in the majority of episodes during the early series of The Bill. However, during the 1990s, his character, while still present in many episodes, was a less central figure. Typically, he would be seen carrying out his duties as Custody Sergeant. As the 1990s drew on, he was a central figure of storylines only from time to time.

As time drew on, many of Cryer's contemporaries such as Sergeant Tom Penny, Sergeant Alec Peters, and even DI Burnside, moved on to other jobs, or retired. He increasingly found himself as something of an anachronism, and became somewhat less indulging of what he saw as the stupid mistakes of newer officers.

One exception to this was PC Dale Smith. 'Smithy' had a similar background to Cryer, with both men having served in the army. Cryer developed something of a fatherly relationship with the younger officer, and was eventually the one who encouraged Smith to apply for the firearms squad. This came back to haunt him when, during a hostage situation, PC Smith accidentally shot his friend and mentor, which led to his forced retirement in 2001. New young Superintendent Tom Chandler did not like Bob Cryer. Everything that Cryer stood for was everything that this new broom wished to sweep away, and Cryer's injuries acted as a catalyst for this move. Typically, Cryer went out of his way to console PC Smith, and held no recrimination in his heart for the young officer. When Dale Smith came back to Sun Hill as a sergeant in 2003, there was more than a little bit of Bob Cryer's personality about him and the way he dealt with friends and foes alike. He had learned well from his mentor. Cryer returned to Sun Hill for the memorial service of six officers in a station fire, having worked with all of them, including closely with Chief Insp. Derek Conway and Inspector Andrew Monroe. He also attended the funeral of Sgt Boyden, with whom he worked with for ten years. He later came back to help his niece Roberta, who was the station's front desk officer, unsuccessfully get her job back after she was set up by a colleague for neglect of duty. His last appearance came in 2004, when he attend the funeral of DS Ted Roach, along with DCI Jack Meadows and ex-Sgt. Alex Peters. When they discovered he was murdered, they teamed up to investigate Roach's death. Before disappearing off screen for the last time, Cryer told Meadows he was going to take his motorbike around Europe and enjoy retirement.

In the opening title sequence from the early 1990s, Cryer is famously seen shouting vociferously in double take at a standing colleague whilst sat at his desk.

Roberta Cryer[edit]

Station Reception Officer Roberta Cryer became the first permanent SRO since 1999 when she arrived after the station fire in 2002. On her first day, she tricked Sergeant Matt Boyden and PCs Tony Stamp & Reg Hollis that she was psychic, however they discovered her info came from her uncle Bob, a Sergeant at Sun Hill for over 20 years. She was part of a drinking clique established with the female members of the relief, namely Inspector Gina Gold and PCs Cass Rickman, Gemma Osbourne and Kerry Young. When Rickman died, Osbourne resigned and Gold fell out with Young, the group disbanded.

Robbie started becoming suspicious of PC Cathy Bradford when she claimed to be HIV positive, then Cathy quickly said she was misdiagnosed when Robbie started asking awkward questions. When DC Brandon Kane's ex-wife Tanya asked Robbie if there was anything between Cathy and Brandon, and Robbie told her Cathy was obsessed with Brandon. When Tanya confronted Cathy, she pushed Tanya down a flight of stairs. Robbie became suspicious of Cathy when she broke down due to the guilt, but Cathy managed to stop herself before confessing. Robbie then tried to tell the relief, and when she blurted out to the relief that she thought Cathy was responsible, Cathy appeared and feigned being upset, leading Robbie to be disciplined.

Continuing her mission to bring Cathy down, Robbie caught her lying on her first day in CAD when she received a distress call from a domestic violence victim being attacked, and Cathy lied by saying she was with the woman at the time. Robbie caught her out and told her to resign or she'd report her to Superintendent Adam Okaro. Backed into a corner, Cathy lied and said she was being tailed by a stalker, and an angry Robbie hung up. When Cathy was found seriously assaulted, Robbie was suspended. Calling on her uncle Bob, she looked for people who could prove Cathy was unstable. The first was a nurse she framed for making prank calls about the missing daughter of DC Eva Sharpe, but the nurse resigned and moved to Australia. The second was a woman assaulted by Cathy in an interview room, but when she showed up at Sun Hill to make an official complaint, Robbie was told to back down. After being confronted by Cathy, Robbie discovered her injuries were self inflicted. After being ousted from the Met, Robbie got a job as a cleaner at a local pool. Tracked down by DC Brandon Kane when he was trying to prove Cathy was responsible for a double murder, she told Brandon that Cathy was obsessed with him. Cathy confronted Robbie after finding Brandon spoke to her, causing Robbie to be savagely assaulted. She told all to DCI Jack Meadows and PC Tony Stamp. While she was not seen again, Tony promised to look in on her and apologised for not being there for her after her sacking.

Alex Cullen[edit]

DI Alex Cullen arrived at Sun Hill looking to earn his own reputation, seen as new Superintendent Tom Chandler's right hand man. Having been the only direct appointment that Chandler had made, Cullen knew he would be frowned upon by his new colleagues. The reason for this was Cullen having a death in custody whilst working alongside Chandler, who covered it up to save Cullen. Cullen's persistence and commitment to the job meant that he earned the respect of the C.I.D officers. Throughout his reign supervising Sun Hill, he proved to be a match for his disruptive team as four new officers had to gel with those left behind in the wake of the Don Beech scandal, while he often clashed with DCI Jack Meadows, particularly when Meadows clashed with Chandler. Cullen eventually forced a transfer away when Chandler took control of CID away from him, particularly the murder of a local teenage runaway. Despite Chandler adamant he was going nowhere, Cullen threatened to blow Chandler's affair with the recently deceased DC Kate Spears, having been with Spears when his right-hand man, Chief Inspector Derek Conway, was killed on duty. Chandler reluctantly gave Cullen a glowing reference, and he transferred to the Murder Investigation Team, convincing DC Duncan Lennox to join him.


Geoff Daly[edit]

DS Geoff Daly was an enthusiastic Yorkshireman with a wry sense of humour. He was a sensitive operator who thought cases through. His sensitivity could be very useful when it came to eliciting information from people, but he could also be tough when he needed to, and was not easily ruffled. Daly spent two years at the Area Training Unit and had been Sergeant for ten years. At forty-three he'd acquired a wealth of information useful for CID. Deakin hand-picked him for his team partly to use him as a sounding board. The others turned to him for the latest, up-to-date knowledge in all areas of crime. He specialised in Child Protection, having spent several years on the squad. He learnt how to be politically correct but may, in private, have had a different view of the world. Keane and Slater knew him from their probationers' crime tuition. He was enthusiastic, steady and no nonsense; more 'knowing' then wise. As a practical and capable officer he dealt with everyone from the same neutral distance. He had the measure of Boulton, Beech and Skase. As a family man he transferred to Training so he could spend more time with his children, but came to Sun Hill keen to get back on the job. Daly shared a tempestuous relationship with fellow DS Don Beech. He was often infuriated by the way Don used his charm to get results – chancing it, not playing it by the rules. Always wary of Don's methods, Daly became aware that he was corrupt, taking bribes and interfering with investigations. Though he came close to exposing Beech in early 1999, he never gathered enough substantial evidence to present to his senior officers. When Beech's corruption was uncovered by CIB, Daly had to be transferred away from the station in the 'clean sweep' of CID that proceeded.

Grace Dasari[edit]

DC Grace Dasari arrived in Sun Hill in June 2007 on a temporary secondment from the Specialist Crime Directorate where she worked long term on Eastern European organised crime. After completing her doctoral thesis on Criminology at the University of Oxford's Centre for Criminology, Grace joins the police to put her academic experience into practice. Grace does not like comforting victims of crime, she is logical and joins the police force to put criminals behind bars, not to do social work. Grace analyses the evidence before her and makes logical deductions given the facts. Despite her disdain, Grace is a team player. She will play to her and the team's strengths. If she thinks a colleague can do a better job than her, she is a big enough person to pass it on. Grace won't be seen down the pub with the team at the end of the day. She didn't come to Sun Hill for a social life. She decided at the end of her secondment to stay at Sun Hill.

In 2008, Grace meets an old flame from her study days – Sunil Davdra – who turns out to be the defence barrister for Dwayne Fox and Tito Morientes, two suspects in a murder case. Grace attempts to distance herself from Sunil, and it is obvious that they didn't part on the best of terms. Grace later developed a relationship with DI Neil Manson. She was upset that he did not tell her about his son's illness and felt betrayed by him. However, they soon make up and he asks her out on a date. They try to keep their romance quiet, but it is later discovered by DS Max Carter, who informs the whole team, but Carter is slammed by Manson after bullying the entire team. Neil tells Grace that he loves her and their relationship blossoms. Grace remained at Sun Hill until the series finale.

Mike Dashwood[edit]

DC Mike Dashwood's eight-year stint in Sun Hill CID marked a stable period for the department. His first DI, Roy Galloway left in 1988, and some years later, DCI Gordon Wray transferred from the station, as did his replacement DCI Kim Reid. Mike was taken hostage twice. Once by a madman called Bailey, who held Dashwood responsible for placing him in prison. Bailey made Dashwood stand on the roof, and wave to the officers down below. A shot was then heard, although it turned out that Bailey had turned the gun on himself. Shortly before he left, Dashwood was again taken hostage, this time by two young people who were robbing a magistrate, when Dashwood walked in on them. After he persuaded them to give the gun up, he revealed to the surprise of DS Roach, that he would speak up for them in court. Mike got on well with all his team. He was probably most like DS Alistair Greig in terms of personality. He also enjoyed working with the maverick DI Frank Burnside. Although intelligent, Dashwood seemed happy to stay at the rank of DC, it was not until 1992 that he finally decided to move on, transferring to the Art and Antiques Department in Scotland Yard. His last appearance was in 1996, by then a DS, when he was called in by his former colleague DC Carver to help on a local antique theft case.

Norika Datta[edit]

WPC Norika Datta, the cop with the super smile, was a favourite since she joined Sun Hill. During her sexual assault ordeal with PC Young, Norika's nerve held, just as it did during all the sticky moments she encountered during her stint at the station. Perhaps that was because she learned to listen and be tactful – she worked in a hairdresser's before she decided to become a police officer. It was a challenge to duck the occasional racist remarks from colleagues as well as to field abuse on the streets. She wasn't a flirt – that was why Young's approach came as such a surprise. And if she ever knew that Carver had a crush on her she didn't let on. But, then, she was a confident woman whose home life with her parents, Kenyan Asians who ran a newsagent's shop in Uxbridge, had always been secure. She had a white boyfriend, Peter, who was a sports teacher. When they went out in his sports-car, the thieves, vandals, non-coppers and no-hopers of the streets of Sun Hill seemed a long way away. At the start of 1993, Norika began working with the Domestic Violence Unit at Stafford Row and did extremely valuable work, especially where Asian women were involved. She learned to gain the trust of victims of abuse by never seeming to judge them – something which her boss Cato couldn't master. Her male colleagues took her for granted sometimes – offloading matters they suspected would be tedious on the grounds that if they involved women they must be domestic violence. Norika found the work so rewarding though that when she left Sun Hill it was to join the Crime Police Unit, developing guidelines on domestic violence.

Chris Deakin[edit]

Detective Inspector Chris Deakin arrived at Sun Hill police station as a Detective Sergeant, having been thrown out of the Flying Squad and forced to suffer the indignity of being disciplined by demotion because of his affair with a senior officer's wife. Deakin sought to resurrect his career at Sun Hill, but he found his path blocked by Detective Inspector Sally Johnson. Never keen on women superiors, Deakin succeeded in undermining her and quickly stepped into her shoes when she left. Deakin was adept and streetwise and had the confidence of a man who had done it all – he had nothing to prove. He presented a clean, quiet exterior which masked threat. If violence was needed, he'd use it, but he'd find the right time, the right place. He was a policeman of the old school and would never break the rules, though he was prepared to take chances if he thought he would get a result. Dedicated to his job, he was by no stretch of the imagination a 'bent' copper, but greatly resented the paperwork that tied up all the loose ends. His superior, Detective Chief Inspector Jack Meadows, had time for him and actively interceded when he was in the soup. After six years at Sun Hill, Deakin was forcibly transferred by Borough Commander Guy Mannion in the wake of the Don Beech scandal, Mannion feeling Deakin was responsible for Beech's five years of corruption not being noticed as Beech's direct supervisor. When Deakin found out Meadows was staying, despite running the fiasco that had become of CID, he was furious. Realising Meadows used his contacts at New Scotland Yard to survive the cull, Deakin stormed out of CID for the last time, uttering the words "Up yours, Jack!".

Ramani De Costa[edit]

DS Ramani De Costa, came to Sun Hill in 2003. A British native of Sri Lankan descent, Ramani comes across as warm, engaging, extremely bright, and very good at her job. Her witty, sarcastic sense of humour sometimes gets her into trouble with her colleagues, but she is incredibly sensitive with those she deals with. With fifteen years' experience behind her, Ramani was widely tipped for great things. She passed her sergeant's exams with ease and certainly ruffles a few feathers in CSU with her far more informed approach to sex offences. She is a specially trained expert in the field. Her enthusiasm and knowledge are a breath of fresh air in the department. However, she also has the contradictory mix of computer-like brainpower and scattiness. She is the sort of person who will pile up files on the floor because there is no room on her desk, and who breezes past in a whirl of Post-its. However she insists that she can tell you where everything is, maintaining order in apparent chaos. Ramani is often running late, but she is incredibly effective as a copper and has a real instinct, which serves her well and makes up for her lack of organisation most of the time. Ramani arrives quite rightly confident of her own abilities and soon finds herself running the show with some brilliant suggestions for the Unit. Some of her colleagues are initially jealous, but Ramani is not into putting anyone else down; she likes to be liked.

DC De Costa joined the Community Safety Unit to replace Brandon Kane after his transfer to CID, immediately throwing herself at a rape case. Her early work impressed senior officers including Adam Okaro, who made her a DS within weeks of joining, replacing June Ackland after she transferred back to uniform in the aftermath of a domestic abuse victim's death. When she went undercover as a counselor in a prison to assist friend Terry Perkins, undercover as a peadophile, a prison officer shared his suspicions that Terry was himself a victim of child abuse. She persuaded him to open up, however she became concerned when he went to confront his abuser, Malcolm Willard. While Terry didn't harm him, his brother Ben went after Willard and tried to drown him. When a sniper killed Willard, Ramani was horrified to think Terry could've been involved. In late 2004, Ramani encountered a bipolar mother called Margaret Barnes, who quickly grew obsessed with her. Barnes later became a cleaner at Sun Hill and was caught up in the 2005 station fire, but her Ramani's help guiding Barnes out of the burning building only worsened her obsession. After initially getting her transferred to another station, an argument outside CID saw Barnes fall down the stairs, and Ramani went on leave. When Ramani returned, she told Barnes to go see her doctor, which made her more unstable. She had Ramani arrested for harassment, yet Barnes acted as if all was normal when Ramani was bailed. When Ramani secured a transfer for Barnes, she went to Ramani's house and slit her wrists. When Terry showed up to try and help her he was stabbed in the stomach, however Barnes showed up to the station covered in blood and went to hospital. When a nurse noticed the blood wasn't just her own, Ramani raced to rescue Terry. Later in 2005, she was made into Acting DI to cover Neil Manson, who was covering for Jack Meadows (who in turn was filling in for Supt. Okaro). During her spell as Acting DI she and MIT's DI Morrell investigated the death of several nurses, but when she tracked down the suspect he abducted her, however she was rescued in time. Her relationship with Terry took a hit in mid-2005 when he began a relationship with his brother Ben's wife, however he eventually broke it off when her son disappeared. In early 2006, she became jaded in CSU after several exciting jobs assisting CID; investigating the abuse of a young girl, the DCI from the Child Abuse Investigation Team offered her a job after impressing him, which she accepted. She left Sun Hill after a heart to heart with Terry about why he'd be better off focusing on his children rather than a relationship with her.

Susan Devlin[edit]

Detective Superintendent Susan Devlin was an officer with the Murder Investigation Team introduced to investigate the fatal fire at Sun Hill police station in 2002 which killed six police officers, as well as the death of Chief Inspector Derek Conway weeks prior to the fire. Devlin was convinced she was investigating an inside job, and her reputation plummeted when she tried to question Taviner during the funeral for the murdered officers. The biggest development in the case came at the funeral when station decorator Harry Fullerton falsely confessed to the firebombing. Taviner, the real culprit, was determined to clear Fullerton and tried to dissuade him from confessing, however he decided to confess to murdering Conway as well. When Taviner went to Fullerton's to dig around for evidence of his innocence, he was caught by DC Danny Glaze. The pair agreed to join forces to prove local racist Jeff Simpson was responsible, as retaliation for an attack by DS Vik Singh. Both Devlin and Hayes were suspicious when Taviner uncovered the bike used in the petrol bomb drive-by that led to Conway's death, and then again when Glaze found evidence to implicate Simpson for the station firebombing. When Taviner concocted a confession by Simpson whilst he and Glaze escorted him to Sun Hill, Devlin and Hayes were cynical. Despite this, a reluctant Glaze backed up Taviner for the sake of justice for his murdered colleagues and friends.

Ken Drummond[edit]

DC Ken Drummond arrives at Sun Hill, shortly after the events of the first Sun Hill fire. Ken's trademark attire usually included a tropical-themed Hawaiian shirt. Ken is the man who you would always see with his feet up on the desk; while some might have called his style of policing "relaxed", a more appropriate term would be "lazy". His domestic life exhausted him; Ken has children spanning almost a generation, with the youngest eight months and the oldest nineteen years old, with all of them making equal demands of him, whether it be financial or emotional. Somewhere along the line, Ken found himself in a second relationship, and he did not have the heart to end his relationship with either woman. When more kids arrived on the scene, Ken found it harder to secretly play the family man to both families. This explains why Ken saw work as a refuge from his home life. Upon his arrival at Sun Hill, Ken's unreliable police officer attitude made its presence felt. Food was always higher on his agenda than policing, and he would often be seen befriending the canteen staff, from whom he used to get preferential treatment. Ken can still bring in a collar with the best of them.

When Ken made the mistake of spoiling himself when a large sum of unaccounted money mysteriously turns up in his bank account, he was held over a barrel when he found out it had been planted there by DS Phil Hunter, who was using it to keep Ken under his thumb. Forcing him to pay it back, Ken is forced to carry out deeds for him in the meantime, such as trashing the flat of a paedophile. When Ken started moonlighting as a security guard, he was sent undercover twice because of this, with him being shot after a robbery. When he woke in hospital he found out his son Alex was kidnapped by one of the gang members, Ken immediately goes after Hunter. Desperate to make amends, Hunter went all out to get Ken's son rescued, and they eventually became close friends. After his second marriage was rumbled a few months before the incident, his first wife agreed to take him back after her relief at seeing both Ken and Alex return safely. Having been chaperoned by PC Gary Best during the ordeal, he helped Gary out when his father was abducted and killed.

Ken's son Alex again came to the fore when a prostitute he was tricked into seeing on his birthday died suddenly. Alex was found attempting to jump off a rooftop but Ken talked him down, however Alex was remanded in custody. A day later however, a post-mortem revealed the woman's death was caused by a medical condition, and Alex was bailed. Ken became close to Jim Carver after he transferred back to CID, and supported him when his wife, Sergeant June Ackland left him due to Jim's gambling debts. Ken was devastated when a close friend, DC Rob Thatcher, was shot dead after killing a crime boss who murdered his father in the 1980s. Ken didn't seem to recover from the loss of his close friend, and it was playing on his mind when he met a tragic end. Having clashed with dismissed PCSO Colin Fairfax as he stormed out of Sun Hill after being fired for spitting at PC Leela Kapoor. After setting of the fire alarm and storming off, Ken was ordered to bring Fairfax back in to see Superintendent Adam Okaro. In a drunken stupor, Fairfax stole a van before assaulting Ken as he tried to arrest him. Waking up handcuffed in the back of the van, now loaded with petrol, Fairfax drove to Sun Hill before crashing into the front office, causing an explosion and fire; Ken was killed instantly.

Andrea Dunbar[edit]

PC Andrea Dunbar arrives at Sun Hill, seemingly the ideal mould for a probationer with a zest for the job and a willingness to learn. This, and the fact that she finds herself surprisingly good at the job, compromises Andrea's position as a journalist. It is later revealed that Andrea is a journalist, placed undercover at Sun Hill by her editor. She had undergone training at Hendon, in order to go undercover in the police force and write an investigative piece on whether or not the Metropolitan Police Service had become too soft on criminals after the Stephen Lawrence affair. It is her most challenging job to date, a story which is guaranteed to make her name, and she is determined to do it well. Initially, Andrea is very popular among the relief, serving as a close friend and confidant to PC Kerry Young among others. There are many times when she obtains inside scoops, providing stories to her editor such as details about Kerry's rape and the Sun Hill Serial Sniper. When Inspector Gina Gold asks her if she has anything to do with the stories, she points the finger at her much distrusted colleague PC Gabriel Kent, who is sent onto the Cole Lane Estate indefinitely.

After getting close to DI Neil Manson whilst investigating a rape case, Manson was terrified when Andrea became trapped in the wreckage of an explosion at a pub where they were having their summer party. Andrea pulled through, and Manson became close to Andrea. Their budding relationship hit several stumbling blocks when Andrea first obtained an illegal sample to get Superintendent Adam Okaro cleared after being wrongfully found in possession of cannabis. A second stumbling block followed immediately after when Manson failed to acknowledge Andrea's part in Okaro's name being cleared. When Kerry discovered the affair, Manson told Andrea they couldn't go further, but Kerry's untimely death stopped the relationship being exposed. DS Phil Hunter also rumbled the relationship, but while he kept quiet, Andrea ended up kissing Sergeant Dale Smith at the relief's Christmas party. When Andrea was assaulted on duty, she ended up choosing Smithy after he and Manson showed to hospital. When she returned from leave due to the injury, Manson told Andrea he would leave his wife for her.

As her deadline gets closer and closer, she finds that she has become attached to her position as a copper, and she is now unsure whether she should run with the article she had set out to write. Sensing her uncertainty, her editor blows the whistle on her and her position to Superintendent Okaro. With her role now out in the open, her past work comes back to haunt her when she gives evidence at the trial of serial rapist Alan Kennedy. The revelations that she is not a real police officer are disclosed, her evidence is discredited, and the case against Kennedy ultimately collapses. She then faced the wrath of DS Samantha Nixon, who had spent months building up the case against Kennedy. Desperate for a chance to redeem herself, she makes one last effort to gather incriminating evidence against Gabriel, investigating his link with the serial sniper and attempting to tie him to the events. In the end she discovers he not only liaised with the sniper, but that he was using a false identiy. Despite this, he ended up being held hostage by him in a store room. When disgraced PSCO Colin Fairfax drives a van into the station front office, causing an explosion and fire. With Andrea trapped by debris, a troubled Gabriel struggled to rescue her; after failing to save her, he left her to perish. Andrea's body was found in the remains after Manson reported her missing, leaving him devastated.


  1. ^ "In Pictures | In pictures: The Bill's June Ackland". BBC News. 2007-03-09. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
  2. ^ "The Bill". 2005-03-05. Archived from the original on March 5, 2005. Retrieved 2014-08-13.
  3. ^ a b DS Don Beech, The Bill Biographies Archived January 6, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ Acting DC Gary Best, The Bill Biographies Archived January 6, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ James, Scott (Aug 1, 2000). "Brutal exit of TV Bill heartthrob". The Mirror (London, England).
  6. ^ "Sgt. Matt Boyden". The Bill Bios. The Bill Bios. Archived from the original on January 6, 2009. Retrieved 20 June 2010.
  7. ^ "UK | Writing for the box". BBC News. 2001-04-12. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
  8. ^ "Derek Conway Biography". TheBillBios.co.uk. Archived from the original on February 11, 2005. Retrieved 3 February 2007.
  9. ^ Ed Waller (2000-07-05). "King of the hill | From". The Guardian. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
  10. ^ DS Jim Carver, The Bill Biographies
  11. ^ "The Bill". 2005-05-25. Archived from the original on May 16, 2006. Retrieved 2014-08-13.
  12. ^ "LAST NIGHT'S VIEW: Fiery exit that will fit The Bill". The Mirror (London, England). Mar 29, 2002.