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Аспирантура ( послевузовское образование в Северной Америке ) включает в себя обучение и изучение для академических или профессиональных степеней , академических или профессиональных сертификатов, академических или профессиональных дипломов или других квалификаций , для которых первого , или степени бакалавра требуется , как правило, и это , как правило , считается часть высшего образования . В Северной Америке этот уровень обычно называют аспирантурой (и часто в просторечии - аспирантурой ).

Организация и структура последипломного образования различаются в разных странах, а также в разных учреждениях внутри страны. [1] В этой статье описаны основные типы курсов, а также методы преподавания и экзаменов с некоторым объяснением их истории.

Типы послевузовской квалификации [ править ]

На последипломном уровне изучаются два основных типа ученых степеней: академические и профессиональные.

Градусы [ править ]

Термин « степень» в этом контексте означает переход с одной стадии или уровня на другой (от французского degré , от латинского dē- + gradus ) и впервые появился в 13 веке.

История [ править ]

Зачисление некоторых студентов в Болонский университет .

Хотя системы высшего образования восходят к Древней Греции , Древнему Риму и Древнему Китаю , концепция последипломного образования зависит от системы присуждения степеней на разных уровнях обучения и может быть прослежена до работы европейских средневековых университетов , в основном итальянцев. [2] [3] Учеба в университете занимала шесть лет для получения степени бакалавра и до двенадцати дополнительных лет для получения степени магистра или доктора. Первые шесть лет преподавал на факультете искусств, который изучал семь гуманитарных наук : арифметику, геометрию, астрономию, теорию музыки, грамматику, логику и риторику. Основной упор был сделан на логику. Один разПосле получения степени бакалавра гуманитарных наук студент мог выбрать один из трех факультетов - юриспруденции , медицины или теологии - для получения степени магистра или доктора.

Степени магистра (от латинского magister ) и доктора (от латинского doctor ) были в течение некоторого времени эквивалентными, «первая была более популярна в Париже и университетах, смоделированных после нее, а вторая - в Болонье [4] и производных от нее университетах. В этом отношении в Оксфорде и Кембридже было проведено различие между факультетами права, медицины и теологии и факультетом искусств, причем для первого использовалось звание доктора, а для второго - звание магистра ». [5] Поскольку богословие считалось высшим из предметов, степень доктора считалась более высокой, чем степень магистра. [примечание 1]

Основное значение высших, постдипломных степеней заключалось в том, что они давали право преподавателю [6] («доктор» происходит от латинского docere , «учить»).

Определение [ править ]

В большинстве стран иерархия ученых степеней выглядит следующим образом:

Степени магистра . Иногда их помещают в более высокую иерархию, начиная с таких степеней, как степень магистра искусств (от латинского Magister artium ; MA) и степень магистра наук (от латинского Magister scientiæ ; M.Sc.), затем степень магистра философии ( от Latin Magister Философ ; M.Phil.), и, наконец, степень магистра литературы (от Latin Magister litterarum ; M.Litt.) (все ранее известные во Франции как DEAили DESS до 2005 года, а теперь Masters тоже). В Великобритании степени магистра можно преподавать или проводить исследования: преподаваемые степени магистра включают степени магистра наук и магистра гуманитарных наук, которые длятся один год и стоят 180 кредитов CATS (что эквивалентно 90 европейским кредитам ECTS [7] ), тогда как Степени магистра по исследованиям включают в себя степень магистра исследований (M.Res.), которая также длится один год и стоит 180 CATS или 90 кредитов ECTS (разница по сравнению со степенями магистра наук и магистра гуманитарных наук в том, что исследование требует значительных усилий. более обширный) и степень магистра философии, которая длится два года. В шотландских университетах степень магистра философии обычно присваивается исследовательской или высшей степени магистра, аСтепень магистра литературы, как правило, является преподаваемой или более низкой степенью магистра. Во многих областях, таких как клиническая социальная работа или библиотечное дело в Северной Америке , степень магистра является окончательной . Профессиональные степени, такие как степень магистра архитектуры (M.Arch.), Могут длиться до трех с половиной лет, чтобы удовлетворить профессиональные требования к архитектору. Профессиональные степени, такие как степень магистра делового администрирования (MBA), могут длиться до двух лет, чтобы удовлетворить требование, чтобы стать знающим бизнес-лидером. [8]

Докторантуры . Они часто делятся на академические и профессиональные докторские степени. Академическая докторская степень может быть присуждена как степень доктора философии (от латинского доктор философия ; доктор философии или доктор философии) или как степень доктора наук (от латинского Doctor scientiæ ; доктор наук). Степень доктора наук также может быть присуждена в определенных областях, например, степень доктора наук по математике (от латинского Doctor scientiarum mathematic arum; доктор математических наук), степень доктора сельскохозяйственных наук (от латинского Doctor scientiarum agrariarum ; D.Sc.Agr.), Доктор делового администрированиястепень (DBA) и т. д. В некоторых частях Европы докторские степени делятся на степень доктора философии или "младшую докторскую степень" и "высшие докторские степени", такие как степень доктора наук, которая обычно присуждается высокопоставленным профессорам. . Докторантура - это высшая степень во многих областях. В Соединенных Штатах нет большой разницы между степенью доктора философии и степенью доктора наук. В Великобритании степени доктора философии часто эквивалентны 540 зачетным единицам CATS или 270 европейским зачетным единицам ECTS , но это не всегда так, поскольку структура зачетных единиц докторских степеней официально не определена.

В некоторых странах, таких как Финляндия и Швеция, существует степень лиценциата , которая выше, чем степень магистра, но меньше, чем степень доктора. Требуемые кредиты составляют примерно половину от суммы, необходимой для получения докторской степени. [9] Требования к курсовой работе такие же, как и для докторской степени, но объем требуемых оригинальных исследований не так высок, как для докторской степени. [10] [11] Например, врачи обычно имеют лицензию, а не врачи.

В Великобритании и странах, чьи системы образования были основаны на британской модели, таких как США, степень магистра долгое время была единственной обычно присуждаемой степенью последипломного образования, в то время как в большинстве европейских стран, за исключением Великобритании, степень магистра практически исчезла. [ необходима цитата ] . Однако во второй половине XIX века университеты США начали следовать европейской модели, присуждая докторские степени, и эта практика распространилась на Великобританию. И наоборот, большинство европейских университетов теперь предлагают степени магистра параллельно или заменяя их обычную систему, чтобы предложить своим студентам больше шансов конкурировать на международном рынке, где доминирует американская модель. [12]

In the UK, an equivalent formation to doctorate is the NVQ 5 or QCF 8.[13]

Honorary degrees[edit]

Most universities award honorary degrees,[14] usually at the postgraduate level. These are awarded to a wide variety of people, such as artists, musicians, writers, politicians, businesspeople, etc., in recognition of their achievements in their various fields. (Recipients of such degrees do not normally use the associated titles or letters, such as "Dr.")

Non-degree qualifications[edit]

Postgraduate education can involve studying for qualifications such as postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas. They are sometimes used as steps on the route to a degree, as part of the training for a specific career, or as a qualification in an area of study too narrow to warrant a full degree course.



In Argentina, the admission to a Postgraduate program at an Argentine University requires the full completion of any undergraduate course, called in Argentina "carrera de grado" (v.gr. Licenciado, Ingeniero or Lawyer degree). The qualifications of 'Licenciado', 'Ingeniero', or the equivalent qualification in Law degrees (a graduate from a "carrera de grado") are similar in content, length and skill-set to a joint first and second cycles in the qualification framework of the Bologna Process (that is, Bachelor and Master qualifications).


While a significant portion of postgraduate students finance their tuition and living costs with teaching or research work at private and state-run institutions, international institutions, such as the Fulbright Program and the Organization of American States (OAS), have been known to grant full scholarships for tuition with apportions for housing.[15]

Degree requirements[edit]

Upon completion of at least two years' research and coursework as a postgraduate student, a candidate must demonstrate truthful and original contributions to his or her specific field of knowledge within a frame of academic excellence.[16] The Master and Doctoral candidate's work should be presented in a dissertation or thesis prepared under the supervision of a tutor or director, and reviewed by a postgraduate committee. This committee should be composed of examiners external to the program, and at least one of them should also be external to the institution.[17]


Types of postgraduate degrees[edit]

Programmes are divided into coursework-based and research-based degrees. Coursework programs typically include qualifications such as [18]

  • Graduate Certificate, six month full-time coursework[19]
  • Graduate Diploma, twelve month full-time coursework[20]
  • Masters (of Arts, Science or other discipline), twelve to 24 months coursework sometimes including a six-month dissertation like the Australian undergraduate honours degree[21]
  • Professional Doctorates, which are usually more strenuous and of a longer duration than a master's degree, e.g. 36 months in duration.

Research degrees generally consist of either Masters or Doctorate programs. In some disciplines it is acceptable to go straight from the undergraduate degree into a Ph.D. program if one achieves a very good Honors degree (see Admissions below), and in others, it may be encouraged or expected or simply advantageous in varying amounts for the student to first undertake a research Masters before applying to Ph.D. programs. Research master's degrees may be still called an M.A. or M.Sc., like a course work Masters, or may have a special appellation, e.g. M.Phil. Doctorate programs may lead to the award of a Ph.D. or a D.Phil. depending on the university or faculty.

The D.Litt is a higher research degree for exemplary achievement.


Generally, the Australian higher education system[22] follows that of its British counterpart (with some notable exceptions). Entrance is decided by merit, entrance to coursework-based programmes is usually not as strict; most universities usually require a "Credit" average as entry to their taught programmes in a field related to their previous undergraduate. On average, however, a strong "Credit" or "Distinction" average is the norm for accepted students. Not all coursework programs require the student to already possess the relevant undergraduate degree, they are intended as "conversion" or professional qualification programs, and merely any relevant undergraduate degree with good grades is required.

Ph.D. entrance requirements in the higher ranked schools typically require a student to have postgraduate research honours or a master's degree by research, or a master's with a significant research component. Entry requirements depend on the subject studied and the individual university. The minimum duration of a Ph.D. programme is two years, but completing within this time span is unusual, with Ph.D.s usually taking an average of three to four years to be completed.

Most of the confusion with Australian postgraduate programmes occurs with the research-based programmes, particularly scientific programmes. Research degrees generally require candidates to have a minimum of a second-class four-year honours undergraduate degree to be considered for admission to a Ph.D. programme (M.Phil. are an uncommon route[23]). In science, a British first class honours (3 years) is not equivalent to an Australian first class honours (1 year research postgraduate programme that requires a completed undergraduate (pass) degree with a high grade-point average).[24] In scientific research, it is commonly accepted that an Australian postgraduate honours is equivalent to a British master's degree (in research). There has been some debate over the acceptance of a three-year honours degree (as in the case of graduates from British universities) as the equivalent entry requirement to graduate research programmes (M.Phil., Ph.D.) in Australian universities.[25] The letters of Honours programmes also added to the confusion. For example: B.Sc. (Hons) are the letters gained for postgraduate research honours at the University of Queensland. B.Sc. (Hons) does not indicate that this honours are postgraduate qualification. The difficulty also arises between different universities in Australia—some universities have followed the UK system.

Professional programs[edit]

There are many professional programs such as medical and dental school require a previous bachelors for admission and are considered graduate or Graduate Entry programs even though they culminate in a bachelor's degree. Example, the Bachelor of Medicine (MBBS) or Bachelor of Dentistry (BDent).

There has also been some confusion over the conversion of the different marking schemes between British, US, and Australian systems for the purpose of assessment for entry to graduate programmes. The Australian grades are divided into four categories: High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, and Pass (though many institutions have idiosyncratic grading systems). Assessment and evaluation based on the Australian system is not equivalent to British or US schemes because of the "low-marking" scheme used by Australian universities. For example, a British student who achieves 70+ will receive an A grade, whereas an Australian student with 70+ will receive a Distinction which is not the highest grade in the marking scheme.


The Australian government usually offer full funding (fees and a monthly stipend) to its citizens and permanent residents who are pursuing research-based higher degrees. There are also highly competitive scholarships for international candidates who intend to pursue research-based programmes. Taught-degree scholarships (certain master's degrees, Grad. Dip., Grad. Cert., D.Eng., D.B.A.) are almost non-existent for international students, so they are usually required to be self-funded.

Degree requirements[edit]

Requirements for the successful completion of a taught master's programme are that the student pass all the required modules. Some universities require eight taught modules for a one-year programme, twelve modules for a one-and-a-half-year programme, and twelve taught modules plus a thesis or dissertation for a two-year programme. The academic year for an Australian postgraduate programme is typically two semesters (eight months of study).

Requirements for research-based programmes vary among universities. Generally, however, a student is not required to take taught modules as part of their candidacy. It is now common that first-year Ph.D. candidates are not regarded as permanent Ph.D. students for fear that they may not be sufficiently prepared to undertake independent research. In such cases, an alternative degree will be awarded for their previous work, usually an M.Phil. or M.Sc. by research.



In Brazil, a Bachelor's, Licenciate or Technologist degree is required in order to enter a graduate program, called pós-graduação. Generally, in order to be accepted, the candidate must have above average grades and it is highly recommended to be initiated on scientific research through government programs on undergraduate areas, as a complement to usual coursework.


The competition for public universities is very large, as they are the most prestigious and respected universities in Brazil. Public universities do not charge fees for undergraduate level/course. Funding, similar to wages, is available but is usually granted by public agencies linked to the university in question (i.e. FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq, etc.), given to the students previously ranked based on internal criteria.

Degree requirements[edit]

There are two types of postgraduate; lato sensu (Latin for "in broad sense"), which generally means a specialization course in one area of study, mostly addressed to professional practice, and stricto sensu (Latin for "in narrow sense"), which means a Master of Science or Doctorate, encompassing broader and profound activities of scientific research.[26]


Types of programs[edit]

  • Graduate certificates (sometimes called "postgraduate certificates")
  • Master's degree (course-based, thesis-based and available in part-time and full-time formats)
  • Doctoral degree (available in part-time and full-time formats)


Admission to a graduate certificate program requires a university degree (or in some cases, a diploma with years of related experience). English speaking colleges require proof of English language proficiency such as IELTS. Some colleges may provide English language upgrading to students prior to the start of their graduate certificate program.

Admission to a master's (course-based, also called "non-thesis") program generally requires a bachelor's degree in a related field, with sufficiently high grades usually ranging from B+ and higher (note that different schools have different letter grade conventions, and this requirement may be significantly higher in some faculties), and recommendations from professors. Admission to a high-quality thesis-type master's program generally requires an honours bachelor or Canadian bachelor with honours, samples of the student's writing as well as a research thesis proposal. Some programs require Graduate Record Exams (GRE) in both the general examination and the examination for its specific discipline, with minimum scores for admittance. At English-speaking universities, applicants from countries where English is not the primary language are required to submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Nevertheless, some French speaking universities, like HEC Montreal, also require candidates to submit TOEFL score or to pass their own English test.

Admission to a doctoral program generally requires a thesis-type master's degree in a related field, sufficiently high grades, recommendations, samples of writing, a research proposal, and typically an interview with a prospective supervisor. Requirements are often set higher than those for a master's program. In exceptional cases, a student holding an honours bachelor or Canadian bachelor with honours with sufficiently high grades and proven writing and research abilities may be admitted directly to a Ph.D. program without the requirement to first complete a master's. Many Canadian graduate programs allow students who start in a master's to "reclassify" into a Ph.D. program after satisfactory performance in the first year, bypassing the master's degree. High-performing students may be admitted to the "Ph.D.2" (2nd Ph.D. year) of a five-year Ph.D. program if they are holders of one of the rare thesis-type M.A. degrees which require a combined "M.A./Ph.D.1" program.[27]

Graduate students must usually declare their research goal or submit a research proposal upon entering grad school; in the case of master's degrees, there will be some flexibility (that is, one is not held to one's research proposal, although major changes, for example from premodern to modern history, are discouraged). In the case of Ph.D.s, the research direction is usually known as it will typically follow the direction of the master's research.

Master's degrees can possibly be completed in one year but normally take at least two, or in the case of a required research-based thesis a maximum of three; they typically do not exceed five years. Doctoral degrees require a minimum of three years but frequently take much longer, not usually exceeding six years.


Graduate students may take out student loans, but instead they often work as teaching or research assistants. Students often agree, as a condition of acceptance to a programme, not to devote more than twelve hours per week to work or outside interests.

Funding is available to first-year masters students whose transcripts reflect exceptionally high grades; this funding is normally given in the second year.

Funding for Ph.D. students comes from a variety of sources, and many universities waive tuition fees for doctoral candidates.[citation needed]

Funding is available in the form of scholarships, bursaries and other awards, both private and public.

Degree requirements[edit]

Graduate certificates require between eight and sixteen months of study. The length of study depends on the program. Graduate certificates primarily involve coursework. However, some may require a research project or a work placement.

Both master's and doctoral programs may be done by coursework or research or a combination of the two, depending on the subject and faculty. Most faculties require both, with the emphasis on research, and with coursework being directly related to the field of research.

Master's and doctoral programs may also be completed on a part-time basis. Part-time graduate programs will usually require that students take one to two courses per semester, and the part-time graduate programs may be offered in online formats, evening formats, or a combination of both.

Master's candidates undertaking research are typically required to complete a thesis comprising some original research and ranging from seventy to two-hundred pages. Some fields may require candidates to study at least one foreign language if they have not already earned sufficient foreign-language credits. Some faculties require candidates to defend their thesis, but many do not. Those that do not, often have a requirement of taking two additional courses, at minimum, in lieu of preparing a thesis.

Ph.D. candidates undertaking research must typically complete a thesis, or dissertation, consisting of original research representing a significant contribution to their field, and ranging from two-hundred to five-hundred pages. Most Ph.D. candidates will be required to sit comprehensive examinations—examinations testing general knowledge in their field of specialization—in their second or third year as a prerequisite to continuing their studies, and must defend their thesis as a final requirement. Some faculties require candidates to earn sufficient credits in a third or fourth foreign language; for example, most candidates in modern Japanese topics must demonstrate ability in English, Japanese, and Mandarin, while candidates in pre-modern Japanese topics must demonstrate ability in English, Japanese, Classical Chinese, and Classical Japanese.

At English-speaking Canadian universities, both master's and Ph.D. theses may be presented in English or in the language of the subject (German for German literature, for example), but if this is the case an extensive abstract must be also presented in English. In exceptional circumstances[citation needed], a thesis may be presented in French.[citation needed] One exception to this rule is McGill University, where all work can be submitted in either English or French, unless the purpose of the course of study is acquisition of a language.[28]

French-speaking universities have varying sets of rules; some (e.g. HEC Montreal[29]) will accept students with little knowledge of French if they can communicate with their supervisors (usually in English).

The Royal Military College of Canada is a bilingual University, and allows a thesis to be in either English or French, but requires the abstract to be in both official languages.[30]


Specific context[edit]

Prior to 2004, when the European system of LMD Bologna process was founded, the French equivalent of a Post Graduate degree was called a "Maitrise." For historical reasons dating back to the French Revolution of 1789, France has a dual education system, with Grandes Écoles on one side, and universities on the other hand, with the Grandes Écoles being considered as much more prestigious[citation needed]. Some Grandes écoles deliver the French diplôme d'ingénieur, which is ranked as a master's degree.

Note that France ranks a professional doctorate in health sciences (i.e. physician, surgeon, pharmacist, dentist, veterinarian diplomas) as equivalent to a master's degree in any other discipline,[31] to account for the difficulty gap between getting a medical degree and getting non health related doctoral degrees, the latter requiring original research.


There are 87 public universities in France, and also some private universities, and they are based upon the European education ladder including bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D.s. Students gain each degree though the successful completion of a predetermined number of years in education, gaining credits via the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). There are over 300 doctoral programs that collaborate with 1200 research laboratories and centers. Each degree has a certain set of national diplomas that are all of equal value, irrespective of where they were issued. There are also other diplomas that are exclusive to France and are very hard to attain.

Germany and the Netherlands[edit]

Germany and the Netherlands introduced the Bologna process with a separation between Bachelor and Master programmes in many fields, except for education studies, law and other specially regulated subjects.


In the Republic of Ireland higher education is operated by the Higher Education Authority.


Admission to a postgraduate degree programme in Nigeria requires a bachelor's degree with at least a Second Class Lower Division (not less than 2.75/5). Admission to Doctoral programmes requires an Academic master's degree with a minimum weighted average of 60% (B average or 4.00/5). In addition to this, applicants may be subjected to written and oral examinations depending on the school. Most universities with high numbers of applicants have more stringent admission processes.[32]

Postgraduate degrees in Nigeria include M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Eng., LL.M, M.Arch., M.Agric., M.Phil., PhD. The master's degree typically take 18–36 months with students undertaking coursework and presenting seminars and a dissertation. The doctoral degree is for a minimum of 36 months and may involve coursework alongside the presentation of seminars and a research thesis. Award of postgraduate degrees requires a defence of the completed research before a panel of examiners comprising external and internal examiners, Head of Department, Departmental Postgraduate Coordinator, Representative(s) of Faculty and Postgraduate School, and any other member of staff with a PhD in the department/faculty.

United Kingdom[edit]


Admission to undertake a research degree in the UK typically requires a strong bachelor's degree or Scottish M.A. (at least lower second, but usually an upper second or first class). In some institutions, doctoral candidates are initially admitted to a Masters in Research Philosophy (M.Phil. or M.Res.), then later transfer to a Ph.D./D.Phil. if they can show satisfactory progress in their first 8–12 months of study.[33] Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Education (Ed.D) are typically required to hold a good bachelor's degree as well as an appropriate master's degree before being admitted.


Funding for postgraduate study in the UK is awarded competitively, and usually is disseminated by institution (in the form of a certain allocation of studentships for a given year) rather than directly to individuals. There are a number of scholarships for master's courses, but these are relatively rare and dependent on the course and class of undergraduate degree obtained (usually requiring at least a lower second). Most master's students are self-funded.

Funding is available for some Ph.D./D.Phil. courses. As at the master's level, there is more funding available to those in the sciences than in other disciplines. Such funding generally comes from Research Councils such as the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Medical Research Council (MRC) and others. Masters students may also have the option of a Postgraduate loan introduced by the UK Government in 2016.

For overseas students, most major funding applications are due as early as twelve months or more before the intended graduate course will begin. This funding is also often highly competitive. The most widely available, and thus important, award for overseas students is the Overseas Research Student (ORS) Award, which pays the difference in university fees between an overseas student and a British or EU resident. However, a student can only for one university apply for the ORS Award, often before he or she knows whether they have been accepted. As of the 2009/2010 academic year, the HEFCE has cancelled the Overseas Research Student Award scheme for English and Welsh universities.[34] The state of the scheme for Scottish and Northern Irish universities is currently unclear.

Students studying part-time for a master's degree can apply for income-based Jobseeker's Allowance provided their timetabled hours are fewer than 16 hours per week. This also entitles the student to housing benefit provided by their local council.[citation needed] Full-time students (of any type) are not normally eligible for state benefits, including during vacation time.[35]

United States[edit]

Degree requirements[edit]

Additionally, doctoral students who have advanced to candidacy but not filed a dissertation ("ABD," for "all but dissertation") often receive master's degrees and an additional master's called a Master of Philosophy, or M.Phil., or C.Phil. "Candidate in Philosophy" degree. The master's component of a doctorate program often requires one or two years, and some students, because doctoral programs are sometimes better-funded, apply for doctoral programs while only intending to earn a master's degree. This is generally not acceptable and, if a student's advisor learns of the student's plans, can result in early termination.

Many graduate programs require students to pass one or several examinations in order to demonstrate their competence as scholars.[36] In some departments, a comprehensive examination is often required in the first year of doctoral study, and is designed to test a student's background undergraduate-level knowledge. Examinations of this type are more common in the sciences and some social sciences, and relatively unknown in most humanities disciplines.

Some graduate students perform teaching duties, often serving as graders, tutors, or teaching assistants. In some departments, they can be promoted to Lecturer status, a position that comes with more responsibilities.

Doctoral students generally spend roughly their first two to three years doing coursework, and begin research by their second year if not before. Many master's and all specialist students will perform research culminating in a paper, presentation, and defense of their research. This is called the master's thesis (or, for Educational Specialist students, the specialist paper). However, many US master's degree programs do not require a master's thesis, focusing instead primarily on course work or on "practicals" or "workshops." Such "real-world" experience may typically require a candidate work on a project alone or in a team as a consultant, or consultants, for an outside entity approved or selected by the academic institution, and under faculty supervision.

In the second and third years of study, doctoral programs often require students to pass more examinations.[36] Programs often require a Qualifying Examination ("Quals"), a Ph.D. Candidacy Examination ("Candidacy"), or a General Examination ("Generals") designed to test the students' grasp of a broad sample of their discipline, or one or several Special Field Examinations ("Specials") which test students in their narrower selected areas of specialty within the discipline. If these examinations are held orally, they may be known colloquially as "orals." For some social science and many humanities disciplines, where graduate students may or may not have studied the discipline at the undergraduate level, these exams will be the first set, and be based either on graduate coursework or specific preparatory reading (sometimes up to a year's work in reading). In all cases, comprehensive exams are normally both stressful and time-consuming and must be passed to be allowed to proceed on to the thesis. Passing such examinations allows the student to stay, begin doctoral research, and rise to the status of a doctoral candidate while failing usually results in the student leaving the program or re-taking the test after some time has passed (usually a semester or a year). Some schools have an intermediate category, passing at the master's level, which allows the student to leave with a master's without having completed a master's thesis.

For the next several years, the doctoral candidate primarily performs his or her research. Usually this lasts three to eight years, though a few finish more quickly and some take substantially longer. In total, the typical doctoral degree takes between four and eight years from entering the program to completion though this time varies depending upon the department, thesis topic, and many other factors.

For example, astronomy degrees take five to six years on average, but observational astronomy degrees take six to seven due to limiting factors of weather, while theoretical astronomy degrees take five. Though there is substantial variation among universities, departments, and individuals, humanities and social science doctorates on average take somewhat longer to complete than natural science doctorates. These differences are due to the differing nature of research between the humanities and some social sciences and the natural sciences, and to the differing expectations of the discipline in coursework, languages and length of thesis. However, time required to complete a doctorate also varies according to the candidate's abilities and choice of research. Some students may also choose to remain in a program if they fail to win an academic position, particularly in disciplines with a tight job market; by remaining a student, they can retain access to libraries and university facilities, while also retaining an academic affiliation, which can be essential for conferences and job-searches.

Traditionally, doctoral programs were only intended to last three to four years and, in some disciplines (primarily the natural sciences), with a helpful advisor, and a light teaching load, it is possible for the degree to be completed in that amount of time. However, increasingly many disciplines, including most humanities, set their requirements for coursework, languages and the expected extent of thesis research by the assumption that students will take five years minimum or six to seven years on average; competition for jobs within these fields also raises expectations on the length and quality of theses considerably.

In some disciplines, doctoral programs can average seven to ten years. Archaeology, which requires long periods of research, tends towards the longer end of this spectrum. The increase in length of degree is a matter of great concern for both students and universities, though there is much disagreement on potential solutions to this problem.

There are also discipline-specific differences. A person applying for a doctoral program in Biblical studies or theology from a seminary or theological school must already hold a first professional degree in the field, known as the Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.). The M.Div. is a three-year master's program, however, a thesis is usually not required before completion. The M.Div. is the entry degree for the Doctor of Ministry degree (D.Min.) or the Ph.D.

The D.Min. degree is a second professional degree, which includes two years of study and one to two years of research and a project in the candidates local area of work. The Ph.D. degree in this area follows other Ph.D. programs with two years of seminars, comprehensive exams (usually not oral), and then if a person passes the exam, a dissertation. An alternative terminal degree after the M.Div. is a Master's of Theology (Th.M). a Th.M is one year of seminary study followed by a shorter thesis (usually around one hundred pages) that does not necessarily have to be a unique contribution to the field (unlike a dissertation). A person who fails the comprehensive exam in this discipline may also be awarded a Th.M.


Many departments, especially those in which students have research or teaching responsibilities, offer tuition-forgiveness and a stipend that pays for most expenses. At some elite universities, there may be a minimum stipend established for all Ph.D. students, as well as a tuition waiver. The terms of these stipends vary greatly, and may consist of a scholarship or fellowship, followed by teaching responsibilities. At many elite universities, these stipends have been increasing, in response both to student pressure and, especially, to competition among the elite universities for graduate students.

In some fields, research positions are more coveted than teaching positions because student researchers are typically paid to work on the dissertation they are required to complete anyway, while teaching is generally considered a distraction from one's work. Research positions are more typical of science disciplines; they are relatively uncommon in humanities disciplines, and where they exist, they rarely allow the student to work on their own research.

Departments often have money for limited discretionary funding to supplement minor expenses such as research trips and travel to conferences.

A few students can attain outside fellowships such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Physical Science Consortium (NPSC). Funding differs greatly by departments and universities; some universities give five years of full funding to all Ph.D. students, though often with a teaching requirement attached; other universities do not.

Foreign students are typically funded the same way as domestic (US) students, although federally subsidized student and parent loans and work-study assistance are generally limited to US citizens and nationals, permanent residents, and approved refugees.[37] Moreover, some funding sources (such as many NSF fellowships) may only be awarded to domestic students. Other factors contributing to possible financial difficulties include high costs to visit their families back home, supporting one's family who is not allowed to work due to immigration laws, tuition that is steep by world standards, and large fees: visa fees by US Citizenship and Immigration Services, surveillance fees (such as Student and Exchange Visitor Information Systems, or SEVIS[38]) by the United States Congress and the United States Department of Homeland Security.

See also[edit]

  • Undergraduate education
  • Bologna Process#Qualifications framework
  • List of fields of doctoral studies
  • Postdoctoral researcher


  1. ^ Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin continue to award Master of Arts (M.A.) degrees to undergraduates without any further study seven years after matriculation. These universities also award Bachelor's degrees for some forms of postgraduate study (e.g., see BCL)



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  33. ^ Fiona Cownie (2010). Stakeholders in the Law School. Hart Publishing. p. 267. ISBN 978-1841137216.
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  • J.A. Burns. "Master of Arts" Archived 2021-03-21 at the Wayback Machine (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1909)
  • E.A. Pace. "Doctor" Archived 2017-08-04 at the Wayback Machine (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1909)
  • William G. Bowen & Neil L. Rudenstine, In Pursuit of the Ph.D. (Princeton UP, 1992; ISBN 0-691-04294-2).
  • Growth of the Ph.D., Discusses innovations in doctoral training.