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Трилогия приквелов « Звездных войн » , в просторечии называемая приквелами , представляет собой серию эпических космических оперных фильмов, написанных и снятых Джорджем Лукасом . Его производила компания Lucasfilm Ltd. и распространяла компания 20th Century Fox . Трилогия выпускалась с 1999 по 2005 год и разворачивается до оригинальной трилогии « Звездных войн » (1977–83), что делает ее первым актом саги о Скайуокере , несмотря на то, что она была выпущена вторым. Лукас планировал трилогию приквелов (а также трилогию сиквелов ) до выхода оригинального фильма , но остановил основныеФильмы « Звездные войны», выходящие за рамки оригинальной трилогии к 1981 году. С последующим развитием компьютерных изображений Лукас возродил планы относительно приквелов к началу 1990-х годов. Трилогия ознаменовала возвращение Лукаса к режиссуре после 22-летнего перерыва после оригинальных « Звездных войн» 1977 года.

Трилогия состоит из Эпизода I - Призрачная угроза (1999), Эпизода II - Атака клонов (2002) и Эпизода III - Месть ситхов (2005). В фильмах рассказывается о том, как могущественный юноша Энакин Скайуокер (отец главных героев оригинальной трилогии Люк Скайуокер и Лея Органа ) учился в качестве джедая под опекой мастеров - джедаев Оби-Вана Кеноби и Йоды , его падение на темную сторону Силы. и рождение как Дарт Вейдер. Трилогия также изображает разложение Галактической Республики , уничтожение Ордена джедаев и подъемИмперия под властью тайного лорда ситхов и будущего галактического императора Палпатина . Первые два фильма получили неоднозначные отзывы, а третий - более положительный.

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По словам продюсера оригинальной трилогии Гэри Курца , свободные планы касательно трилогии-приквела были разработаны во время обрисовки двух оригинальных фильмов. [1] В 1980 году Лукас подтвердил, что у него был план из девяти фильмов, [2] но из-за стресса, связанного с продюсированием оригинальной трилогии, и давления со стороны его жены, чтобы она остепенилась, он решил отменить дальнейшие продолжения к 1981 году. [3] Однако технический прогресс в конце 1980-х - начале 1990-х годов, в том числе возможность создавать компьютерные изображения (CGI), вдохновил Лукаса на мысль о возможности вернуться к его саге. В 1989 году Лукас заявил, что трилогия-приквел будет «невероятно дорогой».[4] После просмотра раннего CGI-теста, созданного Industrial Light & Magic для Парка Юрского периода , Лукас сказал:

Мы сделали тест для Стивена Спилберга ; и когда мы выставили их на экран, у меня на глазах стояли слезы. Это было как один из тех моментов в истории, как изобретение лампочки или первый телефонный звонок. Был преодолен большой разрыв, и все никогда не будет по-прежнему. [5]

In 1992, Lucas acknowledged that he had plans to create the prequel trilogy in the Lucasfilm Fan Club magazine, and announced this to Variety in late 1993.[6] Producer Rick McCallum reached out to Frank Darabont, who had previously written The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles and The Shawshank Redemption, for possible future writing duties.[7] He was considered until at least 1995, but as time went on, Lucas continued writing the screenplays himself.[8] Before Lucas chose to direct the prequels, Return of the Jedi director Richard Marquand expressed interest on directing one of the prequel films, up until his death in 1987.[9] The popularity of the franchise had been prolonged by the Star Wars Expanded Universe, so that it still had a large audience. A theatrical rerelease of the original trilogy in 1997 'updated' the 20-year-old films with the style of CGI envisioned for the new episodes.


Having been significantly anticipated by fans, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace was released on May 19, 1999. It sees the Jedi coming into contact with the young Anakin Skywalker and the corruption of the Galactic Senate by Palpatine (Darth Sidious). Episode II – Attack of the Clones was released on May 16, 2002. The story jumps ahead 10 years and finds Anakin—now a Jedi apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi—pursuing a forbidden romance, as well as the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, the first PG-13 film in the franchise, was released on May 19, 2005.[10] It depicts Anakin's fall to the dark side of the Force and his rebirth as Darth Vader.[11]

Episode I – The Phantom Menace[edit]

32 years before the events of the original film, two Jedi Knights—Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi—discover that the corrupt Trade Federation has formed a blockade around the planet Naboo. Naboo's senator Palpatine—who is secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—has covertly engineered the blockade as a pretext to become Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. With the help of Naboo's queen, Padmé Amidala, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escape the blockade. They land on Tatooine to repair their starship, and meet a nine-year-old slave named Anakin Skywalker. Believing him to be the prophesied "Chosen One", Qui-Gon takes Anakin to be trained as a Jedi.[12]

The prequels were originally planned to fill in history tangential to the original trilogy, but Lucas realized that they could form the first half of one long story focusing on Anakin.[13] This would shape the film series into a self-contained saga. In 1994, Lucas began writing the screenplay for the first prequel, initially titled Episode I: The Beginning. Following the film's release, Lucas announced that he would be directing the next two.[14]

Episode II – Attack of the Clones[edit]

The central trio of the prequel trilogy was played by Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker, Episodes II & III), Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), and Natalie Portman (Padmé Amidala), respectively.

10 years later, an assassination attempt is made on Padmé Amidala, who is now serving as Naboo's senator. Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin, are assigned to protect her; Obi-Wan tracks the assassin, while Anakin and Padmé secretly fall in love. Meanwhile, Chancellor Palpatine schemes to draw the galaxy into the Clone Wars between the Republic army of clone troopers led by the Jedi, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems led by Palpatine's Sith apprentice, Count Dooku.[15]

The first draft of Episode II was completed just weeks before principal photography, and Lucas hired Jonathan Hales, a writer from The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, to polish it.[16] Unsure of a title, Lucas had jokingly called the film "Jar Jar's Great Adventure".[17] In writing The Empire Strikes Back, Lucas initially considered that Lando Calrissian was a clone from a planet of clones which caused the Clone Wars mentioned in A New Hope.[18][19] He later came up with the concept of an army of clone shock troopers from a remote planet which attacked the Republic and were resisted by the Jedi.[20]

Episode III – Revenge of the Sith[edit]

Three years into the Clone Wars, Anakin becomes disillusioned with the Jedi Council and begins to have visions of Padmé dying in childbirth. Palpatine convinces Anakin that the dark side of the Force holds the power to save Padmé's life. Desperate, Anakin submits to Palpatine and assumes the Sith moniker Darth Vader. Palpatine reveals himself as Darth Sidious to the Jedi and orders their extermination while declaring the former Republic an Empire. Vader engages in a lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan on the volcanic planet Mustafar, while Padmé dies after giving birth to twins.[11]

Work on Episode III began before Episode II was released, with one scene shot during the earlier film's production. Lucas originally told concept artists that the film would open with a montage of the Clone Wars,[21] and included a scene of Palpatine revealing to Anakin that he had willed his conception through the Force.[22] Lucas reviewed and radically reorganized the plot,[23] having Anakin execute Dooku in the first act to foreshadow his fall to the dark side.[24] After principal photography was completed in 2003, Lucas made more changes, rewriting Anakin's arc. He would now primarily turn to the dark side in a quest to save Padmé, rather than just believing that the Jedi are plotting to take over the Republic. The rewrite was accomplished both through editing principal footage, and filming new and revised scenes during pick-ups in 2004.[25]


Lucas made a conscious effort to parallel scenes and dialogue between the prequel and original trilogy, especially concerning the journey of Anakin Skywalker in the prequels and that of his son Luke in the older films. Together with the original trilogy, Lucas has collectively referred to the first six episodic films of the franchise as "the tragedy of Darth Vader".[26] According to Lucas, the correct order to watch the films is by episode order.[27]

There are many references to Christianity in the prequel trilogy, such as the appearance of Darth Maul, whose design draws heavily from traditional depictions of the devil, complete with red skin and horns.[28] The Star Wars film cycle features a similar Christian narrative involving Anakin Skywalker; he is the "Chosen One"—the individual prophesied to bring balance to the Force—who was conceived of a virgin birth. However, unlike Jesus, Anakin falls from grace and seemingly fails to fulfill his destiny (until the prophecy comes true in Return of the Jedi). The saga draws heavily from the hero's journey, an archetypical template developed by comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell.[28]

Political science has been an important element of Star Wars since the franchise launched in 1977, focusing on a struggle between democracy and dictatorship. Palpatine being a chancellor before becoming the Emperor in the prequel trilogy alludes to Adolf Hitler's role as chancellor before appointing himself Führer.[29] Lucas has also drawn parallels between Palpatine and historical dictators such as Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte, as well as former president of the United States Richard Nixon.[30][31][b] The Great Jedi Purge depicted in Revenge of the Sith mirrors the events of the Night of the Long Knives.[34] The corruption of the Galactic Republic is modeled after the fall of the Roman Republic and the formation of an empire.[35][36]


In 2011, box sets of the original and prequel trilogy were released on Blu-ray, all including alterations. 3D releases were planned for the then-six-film franchise, but after the financially unsuccessful 2012 3D release of The Phantom Menace, the rest were cancelled to focus on the sequels.[37]The trilogy was made available for streaming on Disney+ upon the service's launch in late 2019.[38]


The prequel trilogy received mixed reviews, generally transitioning from negative to positive with each installment. Common criticisms surrounded the over-reliance on computer-generated imagery and green screens, melodramatic and wooden dialogue including scenes of romance between Anakin and Padmé, slow-paced political scenes, and the comic relief character of Jar Jar Binks.[39][c] Director of the first and third film of the Star Wars sequel trilogy J. J. Abrams criticized Darth Maul's quick death.[41]

Many expressed their disappointment with the trilogy's portrayal of Anakin Skywalker, particularly calling the writing weak and the dialogue wooden, although Hayden Christensen's performance in the third film was more well-received.[42] Contrarily, Ewan McGregor's portrayal of Obi-Wan Kenobi, following in the footsteps of Sir Alec Guinness, has been generally praised.[43] Natalie Portman has expressed her disappointment with the trilogy's negative reception, saying that "When something has that much anticipation it can almost only disappoint." She also acknowledged that "With the perspective of time, it's been re-evaluated by a lot of people who actually really love them now."[44]

The trilogy has also received some criticism for clashing aesthetically with the original trilogy. While the older films feature rough and aged technology, the prequels depict relatively sleek and new industrial designs.[45] Some have criticized this design choice by saying that it makes the earlier time period appear to depict a more advanced civilization, although Revenge of the Sith brings the design closer to that of the original trilogy.[46] Lucas has called the choice clever, as it illustrates the halt of technological innovation in a time period of civil war.[47]

Conversely, some argue for the prequel trilogy's positive elements, including its handling of political issues, especially involving the rise of fascism. This includes Star Wars: The Last Jedi director and writer Rian Johnson, who also praised its visual effects innovations. Jar Jar Binks has been regarded as the first fully CGI character in a live-action film, and perceived as paving the way for Gollum in The Lord of the Rings.[48][49] J. J. Abrams praised the acting of Ian McDiarmid as Darth Sidious, saying the scene where he tells the tragedy of Darth Plagueis is the best scene of the trilogy.[41] In 2020, Screen Rant compared the way the prequel trilogy ended the saga compared to Disney's sequel trilogy, writing, "Amidst the bad execution of the story, the fact of the matter is, the prequel movies tell one coherent narrative, with a clear through-line between movies – this is something sorely lacking in the sequel trilogy."[50]

George Lucas has responded to the negative criticism by saying that, like the original films, they were intended "for 12-year-olds"—while acknowledging that fans who saw the originals when they were young had different expectations as adults.[51] The prequels have been noted as retaining a dedicated fanbase, primarily composed of millennials who were children at the time of their release.[52] Additionally, the animated The Clone Wars series, which Lucas made with animation artist Dave Filoni, has been noted to have retroactively improved the perception of the prequel trilogy among fans.[53]

Critical response[edit]

Academy Awards[edit]

Box office performance[edit]

  1. ^ Adjusting for inflation is complicated by the fact that the first four films have had multiple releases in different years, so their earnings cannot be simply adjusted by the initial year of release. Inflation adjusted figures for 2005 can be found inBlock, Alex Ben; Wilson, Lucy Autrey, eds. (2010). George Lucas's Blockbusting: A Decade-By-Decade Survey of Timeless Movies Including Untold Secrets of Their Financial and Cultural Success. HarperCollins. p. 519. ISBN 978-0061778896. Adjustment to constant dollars is undertaken in conjunction with the United States Consumer Price Index provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, using 2005 as the base year.[61]



  1. ^ Physical distribution rights were set to move to Disney in 2020 according to the 2012 deal, but eventually moved to Disney in 2019 as a result of the acquisition of Fox.
  2. ^ In his early drafts, Lucas used the plot point of a dictator staying in power with the support of the military. In his comment (made in the prequel trilogy era) Lucas attributed this to Nixon's supposed intention to defy the 22nd Amendment,[32] but the president was actually impeached and never ran for a third term. Fellow Republican President Ronald Reagan sought to repeal the amendment after leaving the office.[33]
  3. ^ The character was so disliked, even by fans, that actor Ahmed Best said he contemplated suicide.[40]


  1. ^ "Gary Kurtz Reveals Original Plans for Episodes 1-9". TheForce.net. May 26, 1999. Retrieved September 22, 2018.
  2. ^ Lucas, George (1980). "Interview: George Lucas" (PDF). Bantha Tracks (8).
  3. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 494.
  4. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 303.
  5. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 311.
  6. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 312.
  7. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 315.
  8. ^ Kaminski 2008, pp. 338-39.
  9. ^ "Richard Marquand interview: Return Of The Jedi, Star Wars". Den of Geek. June 25, 2013. Retrieved January 26, 2019.
  10. ^ "Episode III Release Dates Announced". StarWars.com. April 5, 2004. Archived from the original on April 15, 2008. Retrieved March 27, 2008.
  11. ^ a b Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (DVD). 20th Century Fox. 2005.
  12. ^ Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (DVD). 20th Century Fox. 2001.
  13. ^ Kaminski 2008, pp. 299–300.
  14. ^ "Star Wars Insider". Star Wars Insider (45): 19.
  15. ^ Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (DVD). 20th Century Fox. 2002.
  16. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 371.
  17. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 374.
  18. ^ Bouzereau 1997, p. 196.
  19. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 158.
  20. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 162.
  21. ^ Rinzler 2005, pp. 13–15.
  22. ^ Rinzler 2005, p. 42.
  23. ^ Rinzler 2005, p. 36.
  24. ^ Kaminski 2008, pp. 380–84.
  25. ^ Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith documentary "Within a Minute" (DVD documentary). 2005.
  26. ^ Wakeman, Gregory (December 4, 2014). "George Lucas Was Terrible At Predicting The Future Of Star Wars". CinemaBlend. Retrieved February 28, 2019.
  27. ^ Vargas, Alani (March 16, 2020). "So You Want to Have a 'Star Wars' Marathon? George Lucas Has the Correct Order to Do That In". Showbiz Cheat Sheet. Retrieved March 19, 2020.
  28. ^ a b Moyers, Bill (April 26, 1999). "Of Myth And Men". Time. Retrieved April 20, 2009.
  29. ^ Reagin, Nancy R.; Liedl, Janice (October 15, 2012). Star Wars and History. p. 144. ISBN 9781118285251. Retrieved August 30, 2013.
  30. ^ "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones". Time. April 21, 2002. Archived from the original on June 5, 2002. Retrieved December 13, 2009. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it's Julius Caesar or Napoleon or Adolf Hitler. Ultimately, the general population goes along with the idea ... That's the issue I've been exploring: how did the Republic turn into the Empire?
  31. ^ Reagin, Nancy R.; Liedl, Janice (October 15, 2012). Star Wars and History. p. 32. ISBN 9781118285251.
  32. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 95.
  33. ^ Molotsky, Irvin (November 29, 1987). "Reagan Wants End of Two-Term Limit". The New York Times. New York City: New York Times Company.
  34. ^ Reagin, Nancy R.; Liedl, Janice (October 15, 2012). Star Wars and History. p. 341. ISBN 9781118285251.
  35. ^ Reagin, Nancy R.; Liedl, Janice (October 15, 2012). Star Wars and History. pp. 130–33. ISBN 9781118285251.
  36. ^ ""Star Wars" offers perspective into ancient history". University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. November 5, 2012. Archived from the original on November 23, 2015. Retrieved November 12, 2018.
  37. ^ Nast, Condé (February 10, 2017). "The 'Star Wars' We'll Never See". GQ. Retrieved August 20, 2019.
  38. ^ Whitbrook, James (April 11, 2019). "The Mandalorian Will Premiere on Disney+ November 12". io9. Retrieved April 11, 2019.
  39. ^ Keith, Tamara (December 15, 2015). "Why The Politics Of The 'Star Wars' Universe Makes No Sense". NPR. Retrieved August 10, 2019.
  40. ^ Newbold, Mark (January 5, 2019). "Ahmed Best: That Moment I Opened Up About Suicide". Fantha Tracks. Retrieved June 1, 2019.
  41. ^ a b https://ew.com/movies/2019/11/26/jj-abrams-favorite-star-wars-prequels-scene/
  42. ^ Dixon, Chris (January 14, 2017). "Reevaluating the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy". Medium. Retrieved August 10, 2019.
  43. ^ Mangione, Nick (May 4, 2017). "Defending the Star Wars Prequels: Were They Really That Bad?". Geek.com. Retrieved August 10, 2019.
  44. ^ Travis, Ben (May 3, 2019). "Natalie Portman: Star Wars Prequels Backlash Was 'A Bummer'". Empire. Retrieved August 10, 2019.
  45. ^ Lawler, Kelly (December 11, 2017). "Why I love the 'Star Wars' prequels (and you should too)". King. Retrieved August 9, 2019.
  46. ^ Asher-Perrin, Emmet (January 16, 2013). "Watching the Star Wars Prequels on Mute: An Experiment". TOR. Retrieved August 9, 2019.
  47. ^ Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace DVD featurette
  48. ^ Agar, Chris (June 29, 2020). "Rian Johnson Explains Why George Lucas' Star Wars Prequels Are Great". ScreenRant. Retrieved August 13, 2020.
  49. ^ Placido, Dani Di (December 15, 2016). "Looking Back At The 'Star Wars' Prequel Trilogy". Forbes. Retrieved May 31, 2019.
  50. ^ Dumaraog, Ana (August 7, 2020). "Rise of Skywalker Gave Star Wars Sequels A Worse Ending Than The Prequels". ScreenRant. Retrieved August 8, 2020.
  51. ^ Mancuso, Vinnie (April 13, 2017). "George Lucas: 'Star Wars' Is a 'Film for 12-Year-Olds'". Observer. Retrieved May 31, 2019.
  52. ^ Leadbeater, Alex (June 8, 2017). "When Did The Star Wars Prequels Become Cool?". ScreenRant. Retrieved June 1, 2019.
  53. ^ O'Neill, Shane (January 28, 2020). "How The Clone Wars Fixes Anakin's Star Wars Prequel Arc". ScreenRant. Retrieved August 13, 2020.
  54. ^ "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved November 18, 2019.
  55. ^ "Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace : Reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved December 16, 2015.
  56. ^ a b c "CinemaScore". cinemascore.com. Retrieved December 16, 2015.
  57. ^ "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved November 18, 2019.
  58. ^ "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones: Reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved December 16, 2015.
  59. ^ "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved November 18, 2019.
  60. ^ "Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith: Reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved December 16, 2015.
  61. ^ Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. "Consumer Price Index (estimate) 1800–". Retrieved January 1, 2020.
  62. ^ "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) - Box Office Mojo". www.boxofficemojo.com.
  63. ^ "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved April 29, 2017.
  64. ^ "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) - Box Office Mojo". www.boxofficemojo.com.
  65. ^ "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved February 24, 2018.
  66. ^ "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) - Box Office Mojo". www.boxofficemojo.com.
  67. ^ "Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved January 21, 2018.


  • Bouzereau, Laurent (1997). The Annotated Screenplays. Del Rey. ISBN 978-0-345-40981-2.
  • Kaminski, Michael (2008) [2007]. The Secret History of Star Wars. Legacy Books Press. ISBN 978-0-9784652-3-0.
  • Rinzler, Jonathan W. (2005). The Making of Star Wars, Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. Del Rey. ISBN 978-0-345-43139-4.