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Это список монстров Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2-го издания , важный элемент этой ролевой игры . [1] [2] [3] В этот список входят только монстры из официальных дополнений Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition, опубликованных TSR, Inc. или Wizards of the Coast , а не лицензированные или нелицензированные сторонние продукты, такие как видеоигры или нелицензированные Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition.

Монстры во 2-м издании Advanced Dungeons & Dragons [ править ]

Второе издание игры Dungeons & Dragons содержало как большее количество книг о монстрах [4], так и более подробные описания монстров, чем в более ранних [1] и последующих изданиях, обычно длиной в одну страницу. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] : 106–107 Рядом с описанием записи о монстрах в этом издании содержали стандартизированные разделы, посвященные сражениям, их привычкам и обществу, а также их роли в экосистеме. [5] [6]

2 - е издание также используется уникальный формат в виде чудовищных сборников рыхлых листов , которые могут быть собраны в папке, и позволил сочетание книг монстра вместе с отдельными страницами монстров из коробочных наборов. [5] [9] : 106–107 [1] В 1993 году от этого формата снова отказались в пользу переплетенных книг. [6] [10] Параллельно с этим изменением во 2-м издании были представлены цветные изображения для каждого монстра, которые стали стандартными в более поздних выпусках игры. [6] [8] [11]

Созданные для 2-го издания монстры были основаны на мифах разных культур, фантастической литературе и оригинальных изобретениях. [1] Они часто обновлялись по сравнению с более ранними выпусками. 2-е издание также представило большое количество новых существ. [6] [7]

Некоторые виды, такие , как черти и демоны , первоначально были удалены TSR в ответ на моральную панику продвигаемой Патрисия Тяговая «s пропагандистской группы беспокоили О Подземелья и Драконы (BADD). [12] [13] [14] Позже они были повторно введены, иногда с другими названиями, чтобы избежать жалоб. [15]

TSR 2102 - MC1 - Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989) [ править ]

TSR 2103 - MC2 - Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989) [ править ]

TSR 2104 - MC3 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Forgotten Realms (1989) [ править ]

TSR 2105 - MC4 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Dragonlance (1990) [ править ]

TSR 2107 - MC5 - Компендиум Monstrous - Приложение Greyhawk (1990) [ править ]

TSR 2116 - MC6 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Kara-Tur (1990) [ править ]

TSR 2109 - MC7 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Spelljammer (1990) [ править ]

TSR 2118 - MC8 - Компендиум Monstrous - Приложение Outer Planes (1991) [ править ]

TSR 2119 - MC9 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Spelljammer (1991) [ править ]

TSR 2122 - MC10 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Ravenloft (1991) [ править ]

TSR 2125 - MC11 - Сборник чудовищ - Забытые королевства, Приложение II (1991) [ править ]

TSR 2405 - MC12 - Компендиум Monstrous - Приложение Dark Sun: Ужасы пустыни (1992) [ править ]

TSR 2129 - MC13 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Аль-Кадим (1992) [ править ]

TSR 2132 - MC14 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Fiend Folio (1992) [ править ]

TSR 2139 - MC15 - Monstrous Compendium - Ravenloft Приложение II: Дети ночи (1993) [ править ]

TSR 2140 - Руководство чудовищ (1993) [ править ]

TSR 2602 - Приложение к компендиуму Planescape Monstrous (1994) [ править ]

TSR 2501 - Monstrous Compendium - Приложение Mystara (1994) [ править ]

TSR 2153 - Monstrous Compendium - Ravenloft Приложение III: Существа тьмы (1994) [ править ]

Чудовищные однолетники из компендиума [ править ]

TSR 2433 - Чудовищный компендиум Темного Солнца, Приложение II: Ужасы за пределами Тира (1995) [ править ]

TSR 2613 - Приложение II к сборнику Planescape Monstrous (1995) [ править ]

TSR 2162 - Приложения I и II Компендиума Ravenloft Monstrous (1996) [ править ]

TSR 2524 - Приложение к сборнику монстров Savage Coast Monstrous (1996) [ править ]

TSR 2635 - Planescape Monstrous Compendium Приложение III (1998) [ править ]

TSR 3140 - Первородство - Blood Spawn: Creatures of Light and Shadow (2000) [ править ]

Other sources[edit]

This section lists fictional creatures for AD&D 2nd Edition from various sources not explicitly dedicated to presenting monsters. Primarily, these are the separate sourcebooks and expansions for the Forgotten Realms, Al-Qadim and other campaign settings produced by TSR.


Forgotten Realms[edit]

TSR1060 – Ruins of Undermountain (1991)[edit]

The Forgotten Realms Ruins of Undermountain boxed set included 8 unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages of creature descriptions in Monstrous Compendium format.

ISBN 1-56076-061-3

TSR1066 – Maztica Campaign Set (1991)[edit]

The Maztica Campaign Set boxed set contained 4 new creatures in the standard Monstrous Compendium format, on pages 59–62 of the Maztica Alive booklet.

ISBN 1-56076-084-2

TSR9326 – The Drow of the Underdark (1991)[edit]

This 128-page softbound book provided additional details on the history, culture and society of the dark elves, and included 9 additional creature descriptions in Monstrous Compendium format on pages 113–127.

ISBN 1-56076-132-6

TSR1083 – Menzoberranzan (1992)[edit]

The Forgotten Realms Menzoberranzan boxed set included 7 pages of creature descriptions in Monstrous Compendium format, bound into the first book of the set (The City) on pages 88–94.

ISBN 1-56076-460-0

TSR1084 – Ruins of Myth Drannor (1993)[edit]

The Forgotten Realms The Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set included 8 unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages of creature descriptions in Monstrous Compendium format.

ISBN 1-56076-569-0

TSR1085 – Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (1993)[edit]

The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (2nd edition) boxed set included 8 unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages of creature descriptions in Monstrous Compendium format.

ISBN 1560766174

TSR1109 – City of Splendors (1994)[edit]

The Forgotten Realms City of Splendors boxed set included unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages of creature descriptions in Monstrous Compendium format.

ISBN 1-56076-868-1

TSR9563 – Powers and Pantheons (1997)[edit]

The Forgotten Realms campaign expansion Powers & Pantheons by Eric L. Boyd contained next to the description of many deities also new creatures.

ISBN 0-7869-0657-X


TSR9294 – Dragon's Rest (1990)[edit]

The Dragonlance adventure Dragon's Rest by Rick Swan contained three new fictional creatures.

ISBN 0-88038-869-2

TSR9334 – Wild Elves (1991)[edit]

The Dragonlance adventure Wild Elves by Scott Bennie contained six new fictional creatures.

ISBN 1-56076-140-7

TSR9344 – Taladas: The Minotaurs (1991)[edit]

The Dragonlance game accessory Taladas: The Minotaurs by Colin McComb contained several new creatures.

ISBN 1-56076-150-4

TSR9382 – Flint's Axe (1992)[edit]

The Dragonlance adventure Flint's Axe by Tim Beach contained a new creature.

ISBN 1-56076-422-8


TSR1077 – Land of Fate (1992)[edit]

The Al-Qadim Land of Fate boxed set contained 8 unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages in Monstrous Compendium format.

ISBN 1-56076-329-9

TSR9366 – Golden Voyages (1992)[edit]

The Al-Qadim Golden Voyages boxed set, by David "Zeb" Cook, contained 4 unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages in Monstrous Compendium format, each with a full-page image of the creature described on the back.

ISBN 1-56076-331-0

TSR1091 – City of Delights (1993)[edit]

The Al-Qadim City of Delights boxed set contained 8 unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages in Monstrous Compendium format.

ISBN 1-56076-589-5

TSR9431 – Assassin Mountain (1993)[edit]

The Al-Qadim Assassin Mountain boxed set contained 4 unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages in Monstrous Compendium format.ISBN 1-56076-564-X All of the fictional creatures described in this accessory are included in the Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One, above, and are not reproduced here.

TSR9433 – Secrets of the Lamp (1993)[edit]

The Al-Qadim Secrets of the Lamp boxed set contained 4 unnumbered 5-hole punched loose-leaf pages in Monstrous Compendium format.ISBN 1-56076-647-6 All of the fictional creatures described in this set are included in either the Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One or the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix, above, and are not reproduced here.

TSR9440 – Ruined Kingdoms (1994)[edit]

The Al-Qadim Ruined Kingdoms boxed set, by Steven Kurtz, contained an 8-page booklet with non-player characters and monsters.

ISBN 1-56076-815-0

TSR9449 – Corsairs of the Great Sea (1994)[edit]

The Al-Qadim Corsairs of the Great Sea boxed set, by Nicky Rea, contained an 8-page booklet with monsters.ISBN 1-56076-867-3 All of the fictional creatures described in this set are included in the Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two, above, and are not reproduced here.


TSR2600 – Planescape Campaign Setting (1994)[edit]

The Planescape Campaign Setting boxed set contained a 32-page Monstrous Supplement booklet.

ISBN 1-56076-834-7

TSR2603 – Planes of Chaos (1994)[edit]

The Planescape Planes of Chaos boxed set contained a 32-page Monstrous Supplement booklet.

ISBN 1-56076-874-6

TSR2607 – Planes of Law (1995)[edit]

The Planescape Planes of Law boxed set contained a 32-page Monstrous Supplement booklet.

ISBN 0-7869-0093-8

TSR2615 – Planes of Conflict (1995)[edit]

The Planescape Planes of Conflict boxed set contained a 32-page Monstrous Supplement booklet.

ISBN 0-7869-0309-0

Dark Sun[edit]

TSR2400 – Dark Sun Campaign Setting (1991)[edit]

The original Dark Sun Boxed Set for the Dark Sun campaign setting contains several pages of monster description in The Wanderer's Journal book, as well as in the A Little Knowledge adventure booklet.

ISBN 0-7869-0162-4

TSR2432 – City by the Silt Sea (1994)[edit]

The City by the Silt Sea campaign expansion box for the Dark Sun campaign setting by Shane Lacy Hensley contains a 32-page Monstrous Supplement.

ISBN 1-56076-882-7

TSR2437 – Thri-Kreen of Athas (1995)[edit]

The Dark Sun campaign setting accessory Thri-Kreen of Athas by Tim Beach and Dori Hein contained three monster descriptions.

ISBN 0-7869-0125-X

TSR2438 – Dark Sun Campaign Setting (1995)[edit]

The expanded and revised Campaign setting boxed set for Dark Sun contained several pages of monster description in The Wanderer's Chronicle booklet.

ISBN 0-7869-0162-4

TSR2444 – The Wanderer's Chronicle: Mind Lords of the Last Sea (1996)[edit]

The Wanderer's Chronicle: Mind Lords of the Last Sea by Matt Forbeck contained ten pages of descriptions of NPCs and monsters.

ISBN 0-7869-0367-8


TSR3100 – Birthright Campaign Setting (1995)[edit]

Within the Birthright Campaign Setting box were a set of cardsheets, separate from the books. Beyond rules summaries and handy charts, several unique monsters were presented.


TSR11374 – The Scarlet Brotherhood (1999)[edit]

The Greyhawk campaign setting accessory The Scarlet Brotherhood, by Sean Reynolds, contained the descriptions of seven monsters.

Other sources[edit]

TSR9506 – Chronomancer (1995)[edit]

The Chronomancer game accessory, by Loren Coleman, contained 7 pages of monsters living on Temporal Prime, a fictitious dimension that allows time travel.

ISBN 0-7869-0325-2

All of the fictional creatures described in this accessory were included in the Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three, above, and are not reproduced here.

TSR9569 – The Illithiad (1998)[edit]

The Illithiad game accessory by Bruce R. Cordell, in the Monstrous Arcana series, contained 7 pages of monsters linked to the illithids.

ISBN 0-7869-1206-5


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj Forest, Richard W. (2014). "Dungeons & Dragons, Monsters in". In Weinstock, Jeffrey (ed.). The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Wienecke-Janz, Detlef, ed. (2002). Lexikon der Zauberwelten – Gandalf & Co. Wissen Media Verlag. p. 12. ISBN 3-577-13505-0.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Bornet, Philippe (2011). Religions in play: games, rituals, and virtual worlds. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. pp. 282–283. ISBN 978-3-290-22010-5. Retrieved December 5, 2019.
  4. ^ The individual books are listed below.
  5. ^ a b c David "Zeb" Cook; Steve Winter; Jon Pickens; et al. (1989). Monstrous Compendium Volume One. TSR, Inc. ISBN 0-8803-8738-6.
  6. ^ a b c d e Doug Stewart, ed. (June 1993). Monstrous Manual. TSR, Inc. ISBN 1-5607-6619-0.
  7. ^ a b Gary Gygax (December 1977). Monster Manual. TSR, Inc. ISBN 0-9356-9600-8.
  8. ^ a b Skip Williams, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook (July 2003). Monster Manual. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2893-X.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Prometheus Books. ISBN 0-87975-653-5.
  10. ^ "The History of TSR". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on October 4, 2008. Retrieved October 19, 2019.
  11. ^ William W. Connors (1993). Monstrous Compendium Ravenloft Appendix II: Children of the Night. TSR, Inc. ISBN 1-56076-586-0.
  12. ^ Laycock, Joseph P. (2015). Dangerous Games: What the Moral Panic over Role-Playing Games Says about Play, Religion, and Imagined Worlds. Univ of California Press. pp. 129–130. ISBN 9780520960565. Retrieved November 3, 2019.
  13. ^ Ward, James M (February 9, 1990). "The Games Wizards: Angry Mothers From Heck (And what we do about them)". Dragon (154).
  14. ^ Witwer, Michael; Newman, Kyle; Peterson, Jonathan; Witwer, Sam; Manganiello, Joe TSR, Inc. (October 2018). Dungeons & Dragons art & arcana : a visual history. California. p. 223. ISBN 9780399580949. OCLC 1033548473.
  15. ^ a b c d e f Appelcline, Shannon (November 17, 2014). "Monster Mythology". Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved October 23, 2019.
  16. ^ a b Hagerty, Chris (November 6, 2011). Allison, Tavis (ed.). Panel Discussion. D&D in Contemporary Art. New York.
  17. ^ a b c d e f Bogdanski, Stefan (February 2003). "D&D: Monster Set 3te Edition". Envoyer. FZ Werbung Hannover (76): 15–16. ISSN 1433-2892.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Clements, Philip J. (December 2019). Dungeons & Discourse: Intersectional Identities in Dungeons & Dragons (PhD). Retrieved September 22, 2020.
  19. ^ a b c d e f g h Theurer, Mark (December 2002). "D20 Product Review: Monster Manual II" (PDF). Fictional Reality. No. 10. p. 52. Archived from the original (PDF) on August 13, 2007. Retrieved September 3, 2020.
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Duffy, William S. (2018). 20-sided monsters: The Adaptation of Greek Mythology to Dungeons and Dragons (PDF). Casting Die: Classical Reception in Gaming. CAMWS. Retrieved August 4, 2020.
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o DeVarque, Aardy. "Literary Sources of D&D". Retrieved December 12, 2019.
  22. ^ Babb, Ruth (2014). "Dragons in Contemporary Fantasy Novels". In Weinstock, Jeffrey (ed.). The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing. p. 186.
  23. ^ a b c Mizer, Nicholas J. (November 22, 2019). Tabletop role-playing games and the experience of imagined worlds. Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-29127-3. OCLC 1129162802.
  24. ^ Peterson, Jon (2012). Playing at the World: A History of Simulating Wars, People and Fantatsic Adventures, from Chess to Role-Playing Games. San Diege, CA: Unreason Press. ISBN 978-0615642048.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t DeKirk, Ash; Oberon Zell (2006). Dragonlore: From the Archives of the Grey School of Wizardry (1 ed.). New Page Books. p. 224. ISBN 978-1-56414-868-1.
  26. ^ a b Laycock, Joseph P. (2015). Dangerous Games: What the Moral Panic over Role-Playing Games Says about Play, Religion, and Imagined Worlds. Univ of California Press. p. xii. ISBN 9780520960565. Retrieved November 17, 2019.
  27. ^ a b Dant; Feldman; Lutters (1990). "Dungeons for Science: Mapping Belief Places and Spaces". arXiv:1904.05216 [cs.CY].
  28. ^ a b Bornet, Philippe (2011). Religions in play: games, rituals, and virtual worlds. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. p. 278. ISBN 978-3-290-22010-5. Retrieved September 15, 2020.
  29. ^ Ammann, Keith (2019). The Monsters Know What They're Doing. Saga Press. p. 8. ISBN 978-1982122669.
  30. ^ Searsmith, Kelly (2014). "Goblin". In Weinstock, Jeffrey (ed.). The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing. p. 289.
  31. ^ a b c d Stang, Sarah; Trammel, Aaron (2019). "The Ludic Bestiary: Misogynistic Tropes of Female Monstrosity in Dungeons & Dragons". Games and Culture. 15 (6): 730–747. doi:10.1177/1555412019850059. S2CID 181779195.
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  35. ^ Moore, Roger E. and Brown, Michael. "Lizardmen as Player Characters". White Dwarf No. 26 (Games Workshop, Aug/Sept 1981). p. 16.
  36. ^ Rolston, Ken (February 1990). "Role-playing Reviews". Dragon. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR (#154): 59–63.
  37. ^ Gigoux, Chris (December 25, 2010). "Top 10 D&D Modules I Found in Storage This Weekend #4 (GeekDad Wayback Machine)". Wired. Retrieved October 12, 2020.
  38. ^ a b Slavicsek, Bill; Baker, Rich; Grubb, Jeff (2006). Dungeons & Dragons For Dummies. For Dummies. p. 373. ISBN 978-0-7645-8459-6. Retrieved February 12, 2009.
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  42. ^ a b c Woodard, Ben (2012). Slime Dynamics. Winchester, Washington: Zero Books. p. 32. ISBN 978-1-78099-248-8.
  43. ^ a b Slavicsek, Bill; Baker, Richard; Mearls, Mike (January 2009). "31: The Ten Best Mid-Level Monsters". Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470406397. Retrieved July 17, 2012.
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  49. ^ Ewalt, David M. (2013). Of Dice and Men: The Story of Dungeons & Dragons and the People Who Play It. Scribner. p. 138. ISBN 978-1-4516-4052-6.
  50. ^ Higgins, David M. (2014). "Troglodyte". In Weinstock, Jeffrey (ed.). The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing. pp. 543–544.
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  52. ^ a b c d e Smith, Casey Jex (November 6, 2011). Allison, Tavis (ed.). Panel Discussion. D&D in Contemporary Art. New York.
  53. ^ a b c d e Barton, Matt; Stacks, Shane (2019). Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games (Second ed.). CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-138-57464-9.
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  55. ^ Robert A. Collins; Robert Latham (eds.). Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review Annual 1991. Meckler Corporation. p. 414. ISBN 9780313283260.
  56. ^ Muires, Stephen (October 13, 2018). The Game of Thinking: A Book for the Free Mind. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. p. 4. ISBN 978-1721963041.
  57. ^ Mullen, Michael (January 1988). "Ah, So Desu Ka? – Oriental Adventures for the AD&D Game". Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer. Diverse Talents, Incorporated (81): 28–30.
  58. ^ a b c d e Lucard, Alex (May 27, 2013). "The Top Ten Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Second Edition Releases I'd Like To See on DNDClassics.com". Diehard GameFAN. Retrieved December 30, 2020.
  59. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Strik, Odile (November 6, 2014). "Walking The Planes 2: A History of the Planes in Dungeons & Dragons". The Ontological Geek. Retrieved August 10, 2020.
  60. ^ a b c Webb, Trenton (January 1997). "Games Reviews". Arcane. Future Publishing (15): 68.
  61. ^ a b c Interview with Charles Stross
  62. ^ a b c Turnbull, Don (April–May 1979). "Fiend Factory". White Dwarf. Games Workshop (12): 8–10. ISSN 0265-8712.
  63. ^ McCarthy, Sean (November 6, 2011). Allison, Tavis (ed.). Panel Discussion. D&D in Contemporary Art. New York.
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  65. ^ Elliott, Charles (2011). "Imaginary Plants". Why Every Man Needs a Tractor. London: Frances Lincoln. ISBN 978-0711232396.
  66. ^ Arrowsmith, Nancy (2009). Field Guide to the Little People. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications. pp. 34–36. ISBN 978-0738715490.
  67. ^ a b Webb, Trenton (January 1996). "Games Reviews". Arcane. Future Publishing (2): 71.
  68. ^ Knode, Mordicai (November 27, 2012). "If I Ruled the Multiverse!". Tor.com. Macmillan Publishers. Retrieved August 10, 2020.
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