
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Hello, I'm Sarah, and I'm a32 year old editor from Leeds, England. My username comes from the Tintin book King Ottokar's Sceptre, a series of which I was a fan during my childhood. I'm a native speaker of British English, which is regrettably the only language I can speak with any degree of understanding. I know an odd smattering of French and German. I currently hold a Master's degree in Mathematics.

I'm interested in all forms of media, and can appreciate most forms of them, from nearly all genres of music to most genres of literature, film, and television. As of recently, I have become increasingly involved in progressive political activism, mostly transgender, LGB and feminist activism as a lesbian trans person. My editing tends to fall into one of two areas, and I'm particularly interested in expanding Wikipedia's poor coverage of transgender issues and helping to reduce the amount of cisgender, heterosexual and male systemic bias on the encyclopedia. However, I do understand the importance of not letting my queer politics getting in the way and compromising the neutrality of our queer coverage.

I contribute mostly using Safari on macOS 10.15 Catalina, but may use other browsers in public locations. I also have a blog, but I update it rarely and I'm more active on Twitter.

From January 2006 to August 2006, I was an administrator of Wikipedia. I currently possess the auto-patrolled, page mover, pending changes reviewer, rollback and template editor rights, which allow me to undertake specific technical tasks. I also have contribute to Wikiquote and the Wikimedia Commons sporadically. You are free to look at my logs of my tenure as an editor and administrator.

I value the quality of Wikipedia articles over the quantity. I support merging related articles that aren't particularly well-written or not notable and deleting articles that cannot be improved. I feel that Wikipedia is sometimes too optimistic with regards to article quality and keep some articles that have little chance of improvement. I often do what I think is best for the encyclopedia. I also attempt to be neutral, but in favour of countering systemic bias, with any topic I edit on Wikipedia, despite my political leanings; I feel this is the only way to contribute in areas full of institutional bias.