Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
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Универсальный носитель , также известный как Брен Gun Carrier , а иногда и просто Брен Carrier из легкого пулемета вооружения, [3] это общее название , описывающее семейство легких бронированных гусеничных транспортных средств , построенных Vickers-Armstrongs и других компаний.

Первые авианосцы - Bren Carrier и Scout Carrier с особыми ролями - поступили на вооружение еще до войны, но в 1940 году была представлена ​​единственная улучшенная конструкция, способная заменить их - Universal.

Автомобиль широко использовался силами Британского Содружества во время Второй мировой войны . Универсальные носители обычно использовались для перевозки личного состава и оборудования, в основном вспомогательного оружия, или в качестве пулеметных платформ. К 1960 году в Соединенном Королевстве и за рубежом было построено около 113 000 единиц этой боевой бронированной машины. [ необходима цитата ]

Дизайн и разработка [ править ]

Происхождение семейства Universal Carrier в целом можно проследить до семейства танкеток Carden Loyd , которое было разработано в 1920-х годах, и в частности танкетки Mk VI. [4]

В 1934 году компания Vickers-Armstrongs произвела в качестве коммерческого предприятия легкую гусеничную машину, которую можно было использовать как для перевозки пулемета, так и для буксировки легкого полевого орудия. VA.D50 имел спереди бронированный бокс для водителя и наводчика, а сзади скамейку для расстановки артиллерийских орудий. Военное министерство рассматривало его как возможную замену артиллерийским тягачам Vickers "Light Dragon" и приняло 69 как "Light Dragon Mark III". [5]Один был построен как «Экспериментальный пулеметный (бронированный) авианосец» с пулеметом и его экипажем. Было принято решение отказаться от пулемета и его бригады, и в следующей конструкции экипаж из трех человек - водитель и стрелок - спереди, третий член экипажа - слева сзади и правая задняя часть - открытая для хранения. Небольшое количество машин этой конструкции, таких как «Carrier, Machine-Gun № 1 Mark 1», было построено и поступило на вооружение в 1936 году. Некоторые из них были переоборудованы в пилотные модели для Machine Gun Carrier, Cavalry Carrier и Scout Carrier - другие использовались для обучения .

Sidevalve Форд двигатель был в центре транспортного средства с приводом на заключительном заднем.

Авианосец разместил водителя и командира впереди, сидя рядом; водитель справа. Двигатель Ford Flathead V8, который приводил его в действие, был размещен в центре автомобиля, а главная передача - сзади. Подвеска и ходовая часть были основаны на том , что используется на легкий танк Vickers серии с использованием HORSTMANN пружины . [6] Управление по направлению осуществлялось посредством вертикального рулевого колеса, которое вращалось вокруг горизонтальной оси. Небольшие повороты смещали переднее опорное колесо в сборе в сторону, искривляя гусеницу, так что транспортное средство смещалось в эту сторону. Дальнейшее движение колеса тормозят соответствующей гусеницей, чтобы дать поворот.

Корпус перед местом командира выступал вперед, давая место для пушки Брена (или другого вооружения) через простую щель. По обе стороны от двигателя была зона, в которой могли ехать пассажиры или перевозить товары. Изначально было несколько типов Carrier, которые немного различались по конструкции в зависимости от их назначения: «Medium Machine Gun Carrier» ( пулемет Vickers ), «Bren Gun Carrier», «Scout Carrier» и «Cavalry Carrier». Однако предпочтение было отдано производству единственной модели, и в 1940 году появился универсальный дизайн; это был самый массово производимый авианосец. От предыдущих моделей он отличался тем, что задняя часть корпуса имела прямоугольную форму, с большим пространством для экипажа.

Производство [ править ]

Построенный в Австралии пулеметный транспортер представлен в клубе Returned & Services League в Риме, Квинсленд.
Серийный номер оператора связи отображается на Roma (Qld) RSL

Производство Carrier началось в 1934 году и закончилось в 1960 году. [2] До того, как был представлен универсальный дизайн, автомобили производились Aveling and Porter , Bedford Vehicles , британским филиалом Ford Motor Company , Morris Motors Limited , Sentinel Waggon Works. , и компания Thornycroft . С выпуском Universal производство в Великобритании взяли на себя Aveling-Barford , Ford, Sentinel, Thornycroft и Wolseley Motors . К 1945 году производство составило около 57000 всех моделей, в том числе около 2400 ранних.

Универсальные носители в различных вариантах также производились в союзных странах. Канадская компания Ford Motor произвела около 29 000 автомобилей, известных как Ford C01UC Universal Carrier. Меньшее количество их было также произведено в Австралии (около 5000), где корпуса производились в нескольких местах в Виктории и на мастерских Южно-Австралийских железных дорог в Аделаиде, Южная Австралия. Около 1300 экземпляров были произведены в Новой Зеландии.

Соединенные Штаты Америки производили универсальные носители для совместного использования с двигателями GAE и GAEA V-8 Ford. [7] Было произведено около 20 000 экземпляров.

История операций [ править ]

Универсальный авианосец был вездесущ на всех театрах военных действий во время Второй мировой войны с армиями Британии и Содружества [8] от войны на Востоке до оккупации Исландии. [9] Хотя теория и политика заключались в том, что авианосец был «транспортным средством огневой мощи» и экипаж спешился, чтобы сражаться, практика различалась. Он мог нести пулеметы, противотанковые ружья, минометы, пехотинцев, припасы, артиллерию и наблюдательное оборудование. [8]

Соединенное Королевство [ править ]

Универсальный авианосец 52-го разведывательного полка ловит воздух на маневрах, Шотландия, 10 ноября 1942 года.

The seven mechanized divisional cavalry regiments in the BEF during 1939–1940 were equipped with Scout Carriers – 44 carriers and 28 light tanks in each regiment. There were 10 Bren Carriers in each infantry battalion in the same period.[10]

The reconnaissance corps regiments – which replaced the cavalry regiments in supporting Infantry divisions after 1940 – were each equipped with 63 carriers, along with 28 Humber Scout Cars.

Universal Carriers were issued to the support companies in infantry rifle battalions for carrying support weapons (initially 10,[11] 21 by 1941,[12] and up to 33 per battalion by 1943[13]). A British armoured division of 1940–41 had 109 carriers; each motor battalion had 44.[14]

British troops leap from their Universal Carrier during an exercise.

A British Carrier platoon originally had ten Universal Carriers with three carrier sections of three Universal Carriers each plus another Universal Carrier in the platoon HQ. Each Universal Carrier had a non-commissioned officer (NCO), a rifleman and a driver-mechanic. One Universal Carrier in each section was commanded by a sergeant, the other two by corporals.

All the Universal Carriers were armed with a Bren gun and one carrier in each carrier section also had a Boys anti-tank rifle. By 1941, the carrier platoon had increased in strength to contain four carrier sections; one carrier in each carrier section also carried a 2-inch mortar.

By 1943, each Universal Carrier had a crew of four, an NCO, driver-mechanic and two riflemen. The Boys anti-tank rifle was also replaced by the PIAT anti-tank weapon. The Universal Carrier's weapons could be fired from in or outside of the carrier. A carrier platoon had a higher number of light support weapons than a rifle company.

To allow the Universal to function as an artillery tractor in emergencies, a towing attachment that could allow it to haul the Ordnance QF 6 pounder anti-tank gun was added from 1943. Normally the Loyd Carrier – which was also used as a general utility carrier – acted as the tractor for the 6-pdr.[1]

In Motorised Infantry Battalions in BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) in the early 1950s the Universal was issued one per platoon carrying the Platoon Commander, driver, signaller and the 2” Mortar group Nos 1 & 2.


Universal and the earlier Bren carriers were used by Australian Army units in the Western Desert campaign.[15]


Captured Universal Carriers were used in a number of roles by German forces.

A total of around sixty Bren No.2 Carriers and Belgian army Vickers Utility Tractors were converted into demolition vehicles. Carrying a large explosive charge, these would be driven up to enemy positions under remote control and detonated, destroying both themselves and the target. Twenty-nine of both kinds were deployed in 1942 during the Siege of Sevastopol. They achieved some success in destroying Soviet trenches and bunkers, but a significant number were destroyed by artillery. Others were disabled by land mines before reaching their target or were lost because of mechanical breakdowns. A difficulty for the Germans using these foreign-built vehicles was the lack of spare parts.[16]


The widespread production of the Carrier allowed for several variants to be developed, manufactured and/or used by different countries.

Argentine variants[edit]

  • An attempted conversion to self-propelled artillery consisting of a single T16 carrier fitted with a six-Model 1968 recoilless gun mount was developed in the late 1960s or early 1970s.[citation needed]

British variants[edit]

Bren Carrier No.2. Note a single rear compartment for one soldier with a sloping rear plate.
Universal Carrier Mk II
Flamethrower-equipped universal carrier at the Israeli Armored Corps museum in Latrun
Praying Mantis prototype at The Tank Museum
  • Pre-Universal:[10]
    • Carrier, Machine-Gun No. 2 – 1937
    • Carrier, Bren No.2
    • Carrier, Scout Mk 1
    • Carrier, Cavalry Mk 1 – 50 built by Nuffield, discontinued with reorganization of cavalry light tank regiments of Mobile Division[10]
    • Carrier, Armoured Observation Post
    • Carrier, Armoured, 2-pounder (40 mm)
    • Carrier, Armoured 6-pounder (57 mm)
  • Mk. I (the original model)
  • Mk. II (updated stowage and layout, battery moved behind the divisional plate, towing hitch)
  • Mk.III (welded hull, modified engine covers)
  • Wasp: A flamethrower-equipped variant, using the "Flame-thrower, Transportable, No 2". The Mark I had a fixed flamethrower on the front of the vehicle fed from two fuel tanks with a combined capacity of 100 imperial gallons (450 l). 1000 produced.[15] The Mk II had the projector in the co-driver's position. The Mk IIC (C for Canadian) had a single 75 imperial gallons (340 l) fuel tank on the rear of the vehicle outside the armour protection, allowing a third crew member to be carried.
  • Praying Mantis: An attempt to produce a low-silhouette vehicle that could still fire over obstacles. A one-man design based on Carden Loyd suspension was not adopted, but the inventor was encouraged to design a two-man version. This version appeared in 1943 and was based upon the Universal Carrier. The hull was replaced with an enclosed metal-box structure with enough room for a driver and a gunner lying prone. This box, pivoting from the rear, could be elevated. At the top end was a machine-gun turret (with two Bren guns). The intention was to drive the Mantis up to a wall or hedgerow, elevate the gun, and fire over the obstacle from a position of safety. It was rejected after trials in 1944.[17] A Mantis survives in The Tank Museum.

Australian variants[edit]

An Australian 3 inch mortar carrier
Windsor carrier, Overloon Museum
T16 carrier
  • Carrier, Machine Gun, Local Pattern, No. 1: Also known as "LP1 Carrier (Aust)". Australian production similar to Bren carrier but welded and some minor differences.[18]
  • Universal Carrier MG, Local Pattern No. 2: Also known as "LP2 Carrier (Aust)". Australian-built variant of the Universal Carrier. Also produced in New Zealand. Used 1938–1939 Ford commercial axles; the 2A had 1940 Ford truck axles.
  • 2-pounder Anti-tank Gun Carrier (Aust) or Carrier, 2-pdr Tank Attack: A heavily modified and lengthened LP2 carrier with a fully traversable QF 2 pounder (40 mm) anti-tank gun mounted on a platform at the rear and the engine moved to the front left of the vehicle. Stowage was provided for 112 rounds of 2pdr ammunition. 200 were produced and used for training.[19]
  • 3 inch Mortar Carrier (Aust): A design based on the 2 Pounder Carrier with a 3-inch (76 mm) mortar mounted in place of the 2 pounder. Designed to enable the mortar to have 360 degree traverse and to be fired either from the vehicle, or dismounted. 400 were produced and were ultimately sent as military aid to the Nationalist Chinese Army.[19]

Canadian variants[edit]

  • Mk.I* (certain differences, otherwise similar to British model)
  • Mk.II* (certain differences, otherwise similar to British model)
  • Carrier, 2-pdr Equipped: Canadian modification to mount 2-pdr gun. 213 used for training.[18]
  • Wasp Mk II*: Canadian version of the Wasp flamethrower variant.
  • Windsor Carrier: Canadian development with a longer chassis extended 76 cm and an additional wheel in the aft bogie.

United States variants[edit]

  • T-16: The Carrier, Universal, T16, Mark I. was a significantly improved vehicle based upon those built by Ford of Canada, manufactured under Lend Lease by Ford in the United States from March 1943 to 1945. It was longer than the Universal with an extra road wheel on the rear bogie; making for a pair of full Horstmann dual-wheel suspension units per side, the engine was a Mercury-division 3.9 litre displacement Ford flathead V8 delivering the same power. Instead of the steering wheel controlling the combination brake/warp mechanism, the T-16 had track-brake steering operated by levers (two for each side). During the war, it was chiefly used by Canadian forces as an artillery tractor. After the war, was used by Argentine, Swiss (300) and Netherlands forces.

German variants[edit]

  • 2 cm Flak 38 auf Fahrgestell Bren(e): Single barrel German 2 cm Flak 38 cannon mounted over the engine compartment of a captured Bren carrier.
  • 3.7 cm Pak auf Fahrgestell Bren(e): Captured carrier of 1940, reused by the Germans and fitted with a 3.7 cm Pak 36 anti-tank gun.
  • Panzerjäger Bren 731(e): Bren carriers captured by the Germans and fitted with a transport rack for three Panzerschreck anti-tank rocket launchers; the weapons were not fired from the Bren gun carrier, only transported.[20]

Italian variants[edit]

  • Fiat 2800: In 1942, at the request of the Italian Army (Regio Esercito), Fiat produced a prototype carrier copied from a captured Universal Carrier; it was known as the Fiat 2800 or CVP-4. It is uncertain whether production vehicles were manufactured.[citation needed] Bren carriers captured by the Italians in the field were often fitted with Breda M37 machine guns.[21]


Many variants of the British Universal Carrier have been fielded and used by the armed forces of the following countries, amongst many others:

Soviet Red Army soldiers travelling on a British Universal Carrier received from the UK under the Lend-Lease programme near Boulevard of Carol I in the Romanian capital of Bucharest in August 1944.

Pre-war/Second World War period[edit]

  •  Australia[14]
  •  Belgium (used by in-exile Belgian forces in the Middle Eastern regions during the war, after the country was invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany in 1940)[citation needed]
  •  Canada[22]
  •  China: 1500 UCs supplied by Australia during the war,[14] with a sizeable number of these (about 400) being 3-inch mortar-carrier versions.[citation needed] The pro-Japanese Collaborationist Chinese Army also received carriers captured in Singapore by the Japanese.[23]
  •  Czechoslovakia Mk.Is used by Czechoslovak battalion 11 in the Middle East, Mk.Is, Mk.IIs, Mk.IIIs, Mortars used by Czechoslovak Independent Armoured Brigade in UK and Western Europe, 15 UCs Mk.II received from the USSR - served in I Corps of the Czechoslovak Army-in-exile on the Eastern Front)[citation needed]
  •  France: used by Free French Forces[24]
  •  Nazi Germany (by the German Wehrmacht, which operated a small number of seized UC vehicles captured mainly from the UK)
  •  Japan Used captured vehicles, many of them seized after the capture of Singapore.
  •  Greece (fielded by Free Greek troops following the country's fall to Nazi German occupation in the Middle East, like the exiled Belgian military forces)[9]
  • Azad Hind: The Indian National Army received carriers captured by Japan after the fall of Singapore.[23]
  •  Ireland: 26 Mk. I carriers received in 1940 and 200 Mk. II carriers from 1943 to 1945.[25] Still in service in the 1960s.[26]
  •  Kingdom of Italy: a few captured UCs used by the Regio Esercito unit of the Italian Army[27] and one locally produced copy (the Fiat 2800 [it])
  • Nederlandse regering in ballingschap: used by the Royal Netherlands Motorized Infantry Brigade.[28]
  •  Poland: operated by the in-exile Polish Armed Forces in the West[29]
  •  Portugal: the Portuguese Army received more than 178 universal carriers from 1942.
  •  United Kingdom (the main operator in WWII)
  •  United States (57 UCs en route for Canadian troop units in Hong Kong were in the Philippines when the Japanese invaded both Hong Kong and the Philippines, with 40 UCs taken over and operated by the US 1st Provisional Tank Group[30])
  •  Soviet Union (received 200[14] before the end of 1941 and 2,560 Universal Carriers and similar Lloyd Carriers starting from then until the end of WWII in 1945[31])
  •  Thailand (118 UCs operated in 1944, possibly supplied (covertly) by the UK)[citation needed]
  • Yugoslav Partisans[32]
  •  New Zealand[33]

Post-war period[edit]

  •  Afghanistan[34]
  •  Argentina (250, including T-16s, supplied by the UK between 1946 and 1950)[35]
  •  Biafra (very likely obtained from a French trader, with some converted and modified locally with extra armour)[36]
  •  Ceylon (former British stocks, which were retired from frontline service in the 1960s)
  •  Costa Rica
  •  Egypt[26] (possibly provided by departing British forces from the Middle East)
  •  France (small numbers used by the French expeditionary corps, the CEFEO, fighting in Indochina[37])
  •  Israel[26] (received many from withdrawing British troops in Palestine, aside from buying them from the scrapyards of various European countries after WWII and capturing them from Egypt between their conflicts)
  •  Kuwait (former British stocks, which were retired from frontline service in 1961)[citation needed]
  •  Federal Republic of Germany (the Bundeswehr received 100 ex-British UCs in 1956)[26]
  •  The Netherlands: a number operated following WWII (possibly ex-British UCs), especially in the independence war in their former colony of Indonesia (the Dutch East Indies) between 1945 and 1949, as part of the Indonesian National Revolution. A small number were lost and subsequently taken over by the new Indonesian Republic's military. Some were armed with a M40 recoilless rifle (Danish army).[26]
  •   Switzerland (used and fielded predominantly US-built T16 versions of the Universal Carrier up until possibly the early 1960s)[citation needed]


  • A Wasp flamethrower tank on display in the Canadian War Museum

  • An Australian 2-pounder anti-tank gun UC variant

  • A British Indian soldier guarding a captured significantly-modified Universal Carrier, used by Indonesian nationalist militia during the Battle of Surabaya in the Indonesian National Revolution

  • A British Army Universal Carrier leads some German prisoners-of-war into a Belgian town.

  • Australians driving Bren Carriers towards Bardia, Libya, January 1941

See also[edit]

  • C2P
  • Kettenkrad – German motorcycle-based half-track
  • Komsomolets armored tractor
  • Lorraine 37L
  • Loyd Carrier
  • M29 Weasel
  • Raupenschlepper Ost
  • TKS


  1. ^ a b c d e Chamberlain & Crow 1970, p. 124
  2. ^ a b c d e McNab 2003, p. 142
  3. ^ Fletcher 2005, p. 5.
  4. ^ Fletcher 2005, p. 3.
  5. ^ A larger Vickers Medium Dragon was used for guns up to 0-pounder
  6. ^ "Britain's Bren Gun Carrier". WWIIvehicles.com. 10 May 1940. Retrieved 11 March 2010.
  7. ^ Chamberlain & Crow 1970, p. 119-120.
  8. ^ a b Chamberlain & Crow 1970, p. 105
  9. ^ a b Chamberlain & Crow 1970, p. 113.
  10. ^ a b c Chamberlain & Crow 1970, p. [page needed].
  11. ^ An Infantry (Rifle) Battalion, ref II/1931/12B/3, notified in Army Council Instructions 6 April 1938
  12. ^ An Infantry Battalion (Higher Establishment), ref II/1931/12F/2, notified in Army Council Instructions 4 June 1941.
  13. ^ An Infantry Battalion, ref II/233/2, notified in Army Council Instructions 19 May 1943, effective date 30 April 1943.
  14. ^ a b c d Chamberlain & Crow 1970, p. 119.
  15. ^ a b Chamberlain & Crow 1970, p. 118.
  16. ^ H. R. Everett; Michael Toscano (13 November 2015). Unmanned Systems of World Wars I and II. MIT Press. p. 474. ISBN 978-0-262-33176-0.
  17. ^ Fletcher, p47
  18. ^ a b Chamberlain & Crow 1970, p. 120
  19. ^ a b Cecil 1992, p. [page needed]
  20. ^ WW II German Infantry Anti-Tank Weapons: Page 3: Panzerschreck
  21. ^ Pier Paolo Battistelli, Piero Crociani. Italian Soldier in North Africa 1941–1943 (Warrior). Osprey. p. 62.
  22. ^ Fletcher 2005, p. 41.
  23. ^ a b Jowett, Philip S. (2004). Rays of the Rising Sun: Armed Forces of Japan's Asian Allies 1931-45: Volume 1: China and Manchukuo. Helion & Company Limited. p. 76. ISBN 9781906033781.
  24. ^ "La bataille de Bir Hakeim". cheminsdememoire.gouv.fr (in French). Ministère de la défense. Retrieved 28 August 2018.
  25. ^ Tracol, Xavier (October 2010). "Le Blindorama : L'Irlande, 1919 - 1938". Batailles & Blindés (in French). No. 39. Caraktère. pp. 4–5. ISSN 1765-0828.
  26. ^ a b c d e Fletcher 2005, p. 42
  27. ^ Battistelli, Pier Paolo (2013). Italian Soldier in North Africa, 1941-43. London: Osprey. p. 62. ISBN 978-1-7809-6855-1.
  28. ^ Mahé, Yann (June 2011). "Le Blindorama : Les Pays-Bas, 1939 - 1945". Batailles & Blindés (in French). No. 43. Caraktère. pp. 4–7. ISSN 1765-0828.
  29. ^ Fletcher 2005, p. 38.
  30. ^ Fletcher 2005, p. 37.
  31. ^ Russia (British Empire War Assistance) HC Deb 16 April 1946 vol 421 cc2513-9
  32. ^ Thers, Alexandre (February 2013). "Le Blindorama: La Yougoslavie, 1930 - 1945". Batailles & Blindés (in French). No. 53. Caraktère. pp. 4–7. ISSN 1765-0828.
  33. ^ Fletcher 2005, p. 17.
  34. ^ Zaloga, Steven; Luczak, Wojciech; Beldam, Barry (1992). Armor of the Afghanistan War. Armor 2009. Concord Publications. p. 3. ISBN 978-9623619097.
  35. ^ Tracol, Xavier (October 2011). "Blindorama : L'Argentine 1926-1945". Batailles et Blindés (in French). No. 45. Caraktère. pp. 4–7. ISSN 1765-0828.
  36. ^ Jowett, Philip (2016). Modern African Wars (5): The Nigerian-Biafran War 1967-70. Oxford: Osprey Publishing Press. p. 24. ISBN 978-1472816092.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  37. ^ B L M E O – IMG 11-0 à 11-111 (in French)


  • Bishop, Chris (2002). The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II: The Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,500 Weapons Systems, Including Tanks, Small Arms, Warplanes, Artillery, Ships and Submarines. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 1-58663-762-2.
  • Cecil, Michael K. (1992). Australian Military Equipment Profiles, vol 2, Local Pattern Carriers 1939 to 1945. Australian Military Equipment Profiles. ISBN 0-646-12600-8.
  • Chamberlain, Peter; Crow, Duncan (1970). No. 14 Carriers. AFV Profile. Profile Publishing.CS1 maint: ref duplicates default (link)
  • Chamberlain, Peter; Ellis, Chris (2001). British and American Tanks of World War Two: The complete illustrated history of British, American, and Commonwealth tanks 1933–1945. Cassell & Company. ISBN 0-7110-2898-2.
  • Fletcher, David (1989). The Great Tank Scandal: British Armour in the Second World War - Part 1. HMSO. ISBN 978-0-11-290460-1.
  • Fletcher, David; Bryan, Tony (2005). Universal Carrier 1936–48: The 'Bren Gun Carrier' Story. Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84176-813-7.
  • Harris, J.P. (1995). Men, Ideas, and Tanks: British Military Thought and Armoured Forces, 1903–1939. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-4814-2.
  • McNab, Chris (2003). Military Vehicles: 300 of the World's Most Effective Military Vehicles. Grange Books. ISBN 1-84013-539-5.
  • Tucker, Spencer (2004). Tanks: An Illustrated History of Their Impact. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1-57607-995-3.

Further reading[edit]

  • Watson, Nigel (2007). Universal Carriers Volume 1: Dragon – Armoured MG – Cavalry – Scout – AOP – Bren – Lloyd – Universal. Watson Books. ISBN 978-0955600906.
  • Watson, Nigel (2008). Universal Carriers Volume 2: Universal – Mortar – Medium Machine Gun – T16 – Windsor – Local Pattern – Oxford – Cambridge – Flamethrowers – Armoured Snowmobile – Variants. Watson Books. ISBN 978-0955600913.
  • Watson, Nigel (2011). Universal Carriers Volume 3 (Drawing Archive): Variants – Parts – Hull Details – Restored, Project Vehicles & Wrecks – Veteran Experiences. Watson Books. ISBN 978-0-9556009-2-0.

External links[edit]

  • Universal Carrier production and technical data
  • mapleleafup.net "The Ford Universal Carrier"
  • diggerhistory.info "Bren Carrier"
  • Britain's Carriers at wwiivehicles.com
  • Eighth Army Bren Gun carrier in the Middle East, 1941 (photo)
  • Bren Gun carrier with German Machine Gun in Gazala, Middle East, 1941 (photo)
  • Assembling Bren Gun carriers in New Zealand (photo)
  • Restored Bren Gun carrier being driven by a collector in Australia (video)
  • Images of ex-Argentinean T16 carriers for sale (retrieved 2014-04-05)