Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
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Сити, Лондонский университет (сокращенно CUL ), является государственным исследовательским университетом в Лондоне , Соединенное Королевство , и учреждением-членом Федерального Лондонского университета . Он был основан в 1894 году как Нортхемптонском институт , и стал университетом , когда Городской университет был создан королевской грамотой в 1966 году [3] В Инне суд школа права , который слился с городом в 2001 году, была создана в 1852 году, что делаешь это старейшая составная часть университета. [4]Сити присоединился к Лондонскому федеральному университету 1 сентября 2016 года, став частью восемнадцати колледжей и десяти исследовательских институтов, которые тогда составляли этот университет. [5]

Город имеет прочные связи с лондонским Сити , и лорд-мэр Лондона является ректором университета. [6] [7] Главный кампус университета расположен в центре Лондона в лондонском районе Ислингтон , а также есть дополнительные кампусы в Ислингтоне, городе, Вест-Энде и Ист-Энде . Годовой доход учреждения за 2019–2020 годы составил 245,0 млн фунтов стерлингов, из которых 11,1 млн фунтов были получены от грантов и контрактов на исследования, а расходы составили 218,4 млн фунтов стерлингов. [1] Он состоит из пяти школ, в которых есть около сорока академических отделов и центров [8], включаяДепартамент журналистики , Бизнес-школа и Городская юридическая школа, в состав которой входит юридическая школа Inns of Court. [9]

City является одним из основателей сети университетов WC2, которая была разработана для сотрудничества между ведущими университетами в сердце крупных городов мира, в частности, для решения культурных, экологических и политических проблем, представляющих общий интерес для городов мира и их университетов. [10] Университет является членом Ассоциации MBA , EQUIS и университетов Великобритании . Среди выпускников City - отец-основатель , члены парламента Соединенного Королевства , премьер-министры Соединенного Королевства , губернаторы , политики и генеральные директора.

История [ править ]

Истоки [ править ]

Нортгемптон-сквер перед главным зданием университета

Город ведет свое происхождение от Нортгемптонского института, основанного в 1852 году и названного в честь маркиза Нортгемптона , пожертвовавшего землю, на которой был построен институт, между Нортгемптон-сквер и Сент-Джон-стрит в Ислингтоне . Институт создан для обеспечения образования и благополучия местного населения. Он был учрежден в соответствии с Законом о местных благотворительных организациях Лондонского Сити (1883 г.) с целью «поощрения производственных навыков, общих знаний, здоровья и благополучия молодых мужчин и женщин, принадлежащих к более бедным классам». [11]

Нортгемптонский политехнический институт - технологический институт в Клеркенвелле , Лондон, основанный в 1894 году. Его первым директором был Роберт Маллине Уолмсли . [12]

Среди выпускников - Колин Черри , Стюарт Дэвис и Энтони Хант . [13] Артур Джордж Кокседж , британский гимнаст, который участвовал в летних Олимпийских играх 1920 года , был членом Гимнастического клуба Нортгемптонского политехнического института и чемпионом Соединенного Королевства в 1920 году. В 1937 году Морис Деннис (Northampton Polytechnic ABC) был 1937 года чемпион ABA в среднем весе . Фредерик Хэндли Пейдж был преподавателем воздухоплавания в институте. Хэндли Page Type A, первый спроектированный и построенный им самолет с двигателем, стал учебным планером в школе. Писатель Эрик Эмблер изучал инженерное дело в институте.

Шесть первоначальных отделов института были прикладной физикой и электротехникой; Художественные промыслы; Внутренняя экономика и женские промыслы; Электрохимия; Часовое дело (наука о времени и искусство изготовления часов); и Машиностроение и Металлы.

20 век [ править ]

В 1903–04 было создано отдельное отделение технической оптики . В 1909 году первые студенты получили степень бакалавра инженерных наук Лондонского университета в качестве внутренних студентов. [11] Институт был вовлечен в образование в области воздухоплавания с того года, а Школа инженерных и математических наук отметила столетие воздухоплавания в Сити в 2009 году. [14] Институт использовался для проведения Олимпийских игр 1908 года ; [11] бокс проходил там. [15]

В 1957 году институт получил статус « Колледж передовых технологий ». [11]

Работа института в области информатики началась в 1961 году с введения курса «Сбор и передача научных знаний». Город получил свою королевскую хартию в 1966 году, став «Городским университетом», чтобы отразить тесные связи учреждения с лондонским Сити. [16] Астронавты « Аполлона-15» посетили Сити в 1971 году и подарили вице-канцлеру Тейту кусок теплозащитного экрана от ракеты «Аполлон-15 » . [17]

В октябре 1995 года было объявлено, что Городской университет объединится со Школой сестринского дела и акушерства Святого Варфоломея и Колледжем рентгенографии Чартерхауса, в результате чего число студентов Городского института медицинских наук увеличится примерно до 2500 человек. [18]

21 век [ править ]

В апреле 2001 г. университет заключил стратегический альянс с Лондонским университетом королевы Марии [19]. В мае 2001 г. пожар в здании колледжа разрушил офисы и крышу четвертого этажа. [20] В августе 2001 года юридический факультет City и Inn of Court согласился слиться. [21] После пожертвования Фонда сэра Джона Касса на Банхилл Роу, 106, для бизнес-школы было построено многомиллионное здание. [22]

Здание колледжа, внесенное в список II степени

Новое здание стоимостью 23 миллиона фунтов стерлингов для Школы социальных наук и факультета языков и коммуникативных наук было открыто в 2004 году. Реконструкция и реконструкция здания колледжа, внесенного в список II степени (после пожара в 2001 году), были завершены в июле 2006 года. .

В 2007 году в Школе искусств был произведен ремонт здания на сумму 10 миллионов фунтов стерлингов. В октябре 2008 года открылось новое здание студенческого союза под названием «ДЕСЯТЬ в квадрате», которое предоставляет студентам центр общения в течение дня и предлагает широкий спектр вечерних развлечений, включая клубные вечера, светские мероприятия и вечера викторин.

В январе 2010 года помещения были разделены с Лондонским университетом Восточной Англии (UEA) после партнерства Сити с INTO University Partnerships . С тех пор Сити возобновил свою собственную программу International Foundation Programme для подготовки студентов к предуниверситетскому году. Город вошел в число 30 лучших высших учебных заведений Великобритании согласно таблице Times Higher Education Table of Tables . [23]

В апреле 2011 года было объявлено, что нынешние общежития и спортивный центр Saddler's Sports Center будут закрыты и снесены для восстановления в июне 2011 года. Новые студенческие общежития и спортивный комплекс, теперь известный как CitySport, открылись в 2015 году.

In September 2016 The City University became a member institution of the federal University of London[5] and changed its name to City, University of London.


City, University of London
A map showing the location of the main campus of City, University of London, in central London

City has sites throughout London,[24] with the main campus located at Northampton Square in the Finsbury area of Islington. The Rhind Building which houses the School of Arts and Social Sciences is directly west of Northampton Square. A few buildings of the main campus are located in nearby Goswell Road in Clerkenwell.

Other academic sites are:

  • The City Law School (incorporating the former Inns of Court School of Law) in Holborn, Camden
  • The Business School (formerly Cass) in St Luke's, Islington, and at 200 Aldersgate in Smithfield, City of London
  • INTO City in Spitalfields, Tower Hamlets

Organisation and administration[edit]

The main entrance of City, University of London, in Northampton Square. The entrance was substantially remodelled in 2017 and opened by the Rector, The Princess Royal

The rector of City, University of London, is ex officio the Lord Mayor of the City of London. The day-to-day running of the university is the responsibility of the president. The current president is Professor Sir Paul Curran.


City, University of London, is organised into five schools:

  • The City Law School, incorporating The Centre for Legal Studies and the Inns of Court School of Law
  • School of Health Sciences, incorporating St Bartholomew School of Nursing & Midwifery
  • School of Arts and Social Science, including the Department of Journalism
  • School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
  • The Business School (formerly Cass)


In the financial year ended 31 July 2011, City had a total income (including share of joint ventures) of £178.6 million (2008/09 – £174.4 million) and total expenditure of £183.62 million (2008/09 – £178.82 million).[25] Key sources of income included £39.58 million from Funding Council grants (2008/09 – £39.52 million), £116.91 million from tuition fees and education contracts (2008/09 – £104.39 million), £7.86 million from research grants and contracts (2008/09 – £9.29 million), £1.04 from endowment and investment income (2008/09 – £1.83 million) and £15.05 million from other income (2008/09 – £19.37 million).[25]

During the 2010/11 financial year, City had a capital expenditure of £9.77 million (2008/09 – £16.13 million).[25]

At year end, City had reserves and endowments of £112.89 million (2009/10 – £110.05 million) and total net assets of £147.64 million (2008/09 – £147.27 million).[25]

Academic profile[edit]

Courses and rankings[edit]

City, University of London, offers Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees as well as certificates and diplomas at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. More than two-thirds of City's programmes are recognised by the appropriate professional bodies such as the BCS, BPS, CILIP, ICE, RICS, HPC etc. in recognition of the high standards of relevance to the professions. The University also has an online careers network where over 2,000 former students offer practical help to current students.[34]

The City Law School offers courses for undergraduates, postgraduates, master graduates and professional courses leading to qualification as a solicitor or barrister, as well as continuing professional development. Its Legal Practice Course has the highest quality rating from the Solicitors Regulation Authority.[35]

The Department of Radiography (part of the School of Community and Health Sciences) offers two radiography degrees, the BSc (Hons) Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) and BSc (Hons) Radiography (Radiotherapy and Oncology), both of which are recognised by the Health Professions Council (HPC).

Partnerships and collaborations[edit]


Queen Mary, University of London, and City, University of London, were jointly awarded Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) status by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) in recognition of their work in skills training for 3,000 students across six healthcare professions.[36]

City of London[edit]

City, University of London, has links with businesses in the City of London.[37] City has also joined forces with other universities such as Queen Mary and the Institute of Education (both part of the University of London) with which it jointly delivers several leading degree programmes.


London Centre for Arts and Cultural Exchange is a consortium of nine universities. It was established in 2004 to foster collaboration and to promote and support the exchange of knowledge between the consortium's partners and London's arts and cultural sectors. The nine institutions involved are: University of the Arts London; Birkbeck, University of London; City, University of London; The Courtauld Institute of Art; Goldsmiths, University of London; Guildhall School of Music & Drama; King's College London; Queen Mary, University of London, and Royal Holloway, University of London.

WC2 University Network[edit]

City is a founding member of the WC2 University Network, a network of universities developed with the goal of bringing together leading universities located in the heart of major world cities in order to address cultural, environmental and political issues of common interest to world cities and their universities.[10] In addition to City, University of London, the founding members of WC2 members are: City University of New York, Technische Universität Berlin, Universidade de São Paulo, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Politecnico di Milano, University of Delhi, Northeastern University Boston and Tongji University.

Erasmus Mundus MULTI[edit]

City was selected as the sole British university to take part in the selective Erasmus Mundus MULTI programme, funded by the European Commission to promote scientific exchange between Europe and the industrialised countries of South-East Asia. It is the first Erasmus program to involve universities outside of Europe. In addition to City, the partner universities are: Aix-Marseille University (France), Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Czech Republic), Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), Universität des Saarlandes (Germany), Università di Pisa (Italy), Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong, SAR China), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei), University of Macau (Macau, SAR China), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and National Taiwan University (Taiwan).

UCL Partners[edit]

City has joined the executive group of UCL Partners, one of five accredited academic health science groups in the UK. City was invited to join the partnership in recognition of its expertise in nursing, allied health, health services research and evaluation and health management.[38]

Student life[edit]

Students' Union[edit]

The City Students' Union is run primarily by students through three elected sabbatical officers, an executive committee and a union council, with oversight by a trustee board. The Students' Union provides support, representation, facilities, services, entertainment and activities for its members. It is run for students, by students.[39]

Student media[edit]

City currently has two student-run media outlets, including Carrot Radio, which was co-founded by journalism postgraduates Jordan Gass-Poore' and Winston Lo in the autumn of 2018.[40] Carrot Radio currently records weekday podcasts. The second is the student-led online magazine, Carrot Magazine. They recently released their first print magazine in December 2017.


For a number of years, City students have taken part in the annual Lord Mayor's Show, representing the university in one of the country's largest and liveliest parades.

Sustainability ranking[edit]

City ranked joint 5th out of the 168 universities surveyed in the 2019 People & Planet league table of the most sustainable UK universities[41] having climbed from 7th place in the 2016 league. In both the 2016 and 2019 rankings, it was the highest ranking University of London institution, and one of only four London institutions in the top twenty.

The league table's Fossil Free Scorecard report, drawn from Freedom of Information requests, found that £800,000 (6.4%) of City's £12.5m endowment was invested in fossil fuels, and that the institution had not made a public commitment to fossil fuel divestment. It also noted nearly £1m of research funding into renewables since 2001 with just £64k of total funding from fossil fuel companies; and no honorary degrees or board positions held by fossil fuel executives.[42]

Notable people[edit]

Notable alumni[edit]

Government, politics and society[edit]

Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Clement Attlee
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah – founder of Pakistan, first Governor-General of Pakistan graduated from the Inns of Court school of Law (now part of The City Law School)
  • Margaret Thatcher – Conservative Party Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990, graduated from the Inns of Court School of Law (now part of The City Law School)
  • Clement Attlee – Labour Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1945 to 1951
  • H. H. Asquith – Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1908 to 1916
  • Tony Blair – Labour Party Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007, graduated from the Inns of Court School of Law (now part of The City Law School)
  • Christos Staikouras – Finance Minister of Greece from 2019 to present
  • Roderic Bowen – Welsh Liberal Party politician
  • Robert Chote – chief of the Office for Budget Responsibility; former director of Institute for Fiscal Studies
  • Ali Dizaei – former police commander
  • Jody Dunn – Liberal Democrat politician, and a barrister specialising in family law
  • Sir James Dutton – Royal Marine general and former deputy commander of the International Security Assistance Force
  • Chloë Fox – Australian politician, former Labor MP for the South Australian electoral district of Bright
  • Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada – Noted Pakistani lawyer & Politician. Also served as 5th secretary general of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
  • Mahatma Gandhi – Leader of the Indian Independence Movement, graduated 1891 from the Inns of Court School of Law (now part of The City Law School)
  • James Hart – Commissioner of the City of London Police
  • David Heath – Politician and Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Somerton and Frome
  • Syed Kamall – Conservative Party politician and Member of the European Parliament for the London European Parliament constituency
  • David Lammy – Labour MP for Tottenham
  • Barbara Mensah, judge[43]
  • Liu Mingkang – Chinese Politician and Businessman, current Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, former Vice-Governor of the China Development Bank
  • Jawaharlal Nehru – First Prime Minister of the Republic of India
  • Houda Nonoo – Bahraini Ambassador to the United States
  • Patrick O'Flynn – UK Independence Party MEP
  • Stav Shaffir – Youngest member of the Israeli Knesset, leader of the social justice movement
  • Aris Spiliotopoulos – Minister of Greek Tourism
  • Ivy Williams – First woman to be called to the English bar

Arts, science and academia[edit]

Muhammad Iqbal
  • L. Bruce Archer – British mechanical engineer and Professor of Design Research at the Royal College of Art
  • John Brignell – former professor of Industrial Instrumentation, science author
  • George Daniels – Horologist, regarded as the greatest watchmaker of modern times and inventor of the coaxial escapement
  • Jerry Fishenden – technologist, former Microsoft National Technology Officer for the UK[44]
  • Julia Gomelskaya – Ukrainian contemporary music composer, professor of Odessa State Music Academy in Ukraine
  • Norman Gowar – Professor of Mathematics at the Open University and Principal of Royal Holloway College, University of London
  • Clare Hammond – Concert pianist
  • David Hirsh – Academic and sociologist
  • Muhammad Iqbal – Muslim poet, philosopher and politician, born in present-day Pakistan, graduated from the Inns of Court School of Law and University of Cambridge
  • John Loder – sound engineer, record producer and founder of Southern Studios, as well as a former member of EXIT
  • Sharon Maguire – director of Bridget Jones's Diary
  • Rhodri Marsden – Journalist, musician and blogger; columnist for The Independent
  • Robin Milner – computer scientist and recipient of the 1991 ACM Turing Award
  • John Palmer – instrumental and electroacoustic music composer
  • Sebastian Payne – journalist[45]
  • Ziauddin Sardar – Academic and scholar of Islamic issues, Commissioner of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
  • Theresa Wallach – pioneer female engineer, motorcycle adventurer, author, educator and entrepreneur, holder of Brooklands Gold Star.

Business and finance[edit]

Muhtar Kent
  • Winston Set Aung – Politician, Economist and Management Consultant, incumbent Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar
  • Brendan Barber – General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress[46]
  • Jonathan Breeze – Founder and CEO of Jet Republic, private jet airline company in Europe[47]
  • Michael Boulos – associate director of Callian Capital Group, and partner of Tiffany Trump[48]
  • William Castell – former Chairman of the Wellcome Trust and a Director of General Electric and BP, former CEO of Amersham plc[47]
  • Peter Cullum – British entrepreneur
  • James J. Greco – former CEO and President of Sbarro
  • Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou – Founder of easyGroup
  • Bob Kelly – former CEO of Bank of New York Mellon and CFO of Mellon Financial Corporation and Wachovia Corporation
  • Muhtar Kent – current Chairman and former CEO The Coca-Cola Company
  • William Lewis – CEO Dow Jones Publisher, The Wall Street Journal[49]
  • Ian Livingstone – Chairman and co-owner, London & Regional Properties[50]
  • Liu Mingkang – former Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission[51]
  • Dick Olver – former Chairman of BAE Systems, member of the Board of Directors at Reuters
  • Syed Ali Raza – former president and Chairman of the National Bank of Pakistan
  • Martin Wheatley – former CEO of the Financial Conduct Authority
  • Brian Wynter – Governor of the Bank of Jamaica[47]
  • Durmuş Yılmaz – Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey

Media and entertainment[edit]

Sophie Raworth
  • Samira Ahmed – Channel 4 News presenter, BBC News presenter, writer and journalist
  • Decca Aitkenhead – journalist[52]
  • Joanna Blythman – Non-fiction writer, Britain's leading investigative food journalist[47]
  • Emily Buchanan – BBC World Affairs correspondent
  • Sally Bundock – BBC Presenter
  • Ellie Crisell – BBC Presenter[47]
  • Imogen Edwards-Jones[citation needed] – Novelist
  • Gamal Fahnbulleh – Sky News Presenter and journalist
  • Michael Fish – BBC weatherman
  • Adam Fleming – CBBC Reporter
  • Lourdes Garcia-Navarro – Journalist, Jerusalem foreign correspondent for National Public Radio (NPR)
  • Alex Graham – Chairman of PACT and the Scott Trust
  • Michael Grothaus – Novelist and journalist; author of Epiphany Jones
  • Rachel Horne – BBC and Virgin Radio presenter and journalist
  • Faisal Islam – BBC News Economics Editor
  • Gillian Joseph – Sky News Presenter
  • Kirsty Lang – BBC Presenter and journalist
  • Ellie Levenson – Freelance Journalist and Author
  • William Lewis – Journalist and editor of The Daily Telegraph
  • Donal MacIntyre – Investigative journalist
  • Sharon Maguire – Writer and Director, directed Bridget Jones's Diary
  • Rhodri Marsden – Journalist, musician and blogger; columnist for The Independent
  • Sharon Mascall – Journalist, broadcaster and writer; lecturer at the University of South Australia
  • Lucrezia Millarini – Freelance Journalist and ITV Newsreader
  • Dermot Murnaghan – Presenter on Sky News
  • Tiff Needell – Grand Prix driver, Presenter of Fifth Gear on Five
  • Maryam Nemazee – Presenter for Al Jazeera London
  • Linda Papadopoulos – Psychologist, appearing occasionally on TV
  • Catherine Pepinster – journalist, religion writer
  • Raj Persaud – British consultant psychiatrist, broadcaster, and author on psychiatry
  • Richard Preston – Novelist
  • Gavin Ramjaun – Television presenter and journalist
  • Sophie Raworth – Newsreader, presenter on BBC One O'Clock News
  • Apsara Reddy – journalist
  • Joel Rubin – World-renowned klezmer clarinetist[47]
  • Ian Saville – British magician[47]
  • Barbara Serra – Presenter for Al Jazeera London[47]
  • Sarah Walker – BBC Radio 3 presenter
  • Mark Worthington – BBC Correspondent

Notable faculty and staff[edit]

David Willets
  • Rosemary Crompton – Professor of Sociology
  • Roy Greenslade – Journalist
  • Steven Haberman – Professor of Actuarial Science at City, University of London
  • Rosemary Hollis – Professor of International Politics at City, University of London
  • Jamal Nazrul Islam – Physicist, Mathematician, Cosmologist, Astronomer
  • Ernest Krausz (1931-2018) - Israeli professor of sociology and President at Bar Ilan University
  • David Leigh – Journalist
  • David Marks – Psychologist
  • Penny Marshall – Journalist
  • Stewart Purvis – Broadcaster
  • Denis Smalley – Composer
  • Bill Thompson – Journalist
  • David Willets – Conservative Member of Parliament for Havant; Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Skills


  • 1966–1974: Sir James Sharp Tait
  • 1974–1978: Sir Edward W. Parkes
  • 1978–1998: Raoul Franklin
  • 1998–2007: David William Rhind
  • 2007–2009: Malcolm Gillies
  • 2009–2010: Julius Weinberg (acting)
  • 2010–present: Sir Paul Curran

In popular culture[edit]

City University's Bastwick Street Halls of Residence in Islington was the first home of MasterChef following its 2005 revival.[53][54]


  1. ^ a b c "Financial Statements for the Year to 31 July 2020" (PDF). City, University of London. Retrieved 15 March 2021.
  2. ^ a b c "Where do HE students study?". Higher Education Statistics Agency. Retrieved 1 March 2020.
  3. ^ "Royal Charter" (PDF). Retrieved 21 January 2013.
  4. ^ "A History of City University London". City University London. Archived from the original on 18 January 2013. Retrieved 1 October 2012.
  5. ^ a b Grove, Jack (16 July 2015). "City University London to join University of London". Times Higher Education. Retrieved 16 July 2015.
  6. ^ "City, University of London". www.FindAMasters.com. Retrieved 20 November 2017.
  7. ^ "The City of London and City, University of London". City, University of London. Retrieved 20 November 2017.
  8. ^ "Academic Schools and departments". City, University of London. Retrieved 7 January 2019.
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External links[edit]

  • City, University of London
  • City, University of London, Students Union
  • Lists of Northampton Polytechnic Institute students
  • List of Northampton Polytechnic Institute military personnel, 1914–1918