Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
  (Перенаправлено с Сенбэя Норимаки )
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Персонажи доктора Слампа из первого аниме.

В манге « Доктор Слэмп » представлен обширный набор персонажей, созданных Акирой Торияма . Он рассказывает о юмористических приключениях маленькой девочки-робота Арале Норимаки , ее создателя Сенбэя Норимаки и других жителей причудливой деревни пингвинов.

Хотя многие персонажи - люди, в актерский состав также входят антропоморфные животные и объекты, роботы , внеземные формы жизни и боги . Персонажи, являющиеся пародиями на исторических личностей , сказок , популярных вестернов и реальных людей, которых знает автор Торияма, также встречаются часто. Многие из этих персонажей незначительно появляются в более известном сериале Ториямы «Жемчуг дракона» .

Создание и зачатие [ править ]

Торияма нарисовал несколько коротких омакэ манги, включенных в тома танкобана доктора Слампа, которые якобы изображают реальные события того, как он придумал персонажей, хотя, поскольку они часто юмористические, степень их правдивости сомнительна. В одном из них он утверждал, что когда он сказал своему редактору Кадзухико Торишима , что хочет сделать мангу о докторе, Торишима сказал ему добавить робота. [1] Торияма изначально хотел очень большого робота, но, поскольку он не помещался в панелях, вместо этого сделал его маленьким. [1] Когда Торишима отверг эту идею, он сделал робота девушкой, зная, что Торишима найдет ее «милой». [1]Другой изображает его, который хотел подарить Норимакису домашнего монстра и отверг его своим редактором, поскольку это было неприятно, придумав идею Гаттана после того, как его сестра привела своего ребенка, чтобы увидеть его. [2] Гаттян был основан на главном герое одной из отвергнутых манги Ториямы, названной Агеха-тё Канзацу Никки (ア ゲ ハ 町 観 察 日記) . [3] Автор заявил, что Торишима наслаждается романтикой и что отношения Арале и Обочамана , Аканэ и Цукуцуна , а также Таро и Цурурин в « Докторе Слампе» были его идеями. [4]

Редактор Ториямы Торишима был моделью для злого персонажа доктора Маширито . [5] Позже Торишима объяснил, что, когда Торияма решил создать «безумного ученого», он сказал ему, что первоначальный замысел персонажа был «слишком слабым», и что нужно было придумать кого-то «противного», чтобы иметь большое влияние и представить себе человек, которого он ненавидит больше всего в мире. Не получив рукопись до истечения крайнего срока, Торишима не успел ее изменить: Торияма дал персонажу лицо Торишимы и изменил имя на свое с перевернутыми слогами. Редактор надеялся, что персонаж будет непопулярным и, следовательно, одноразовым, но всем он понравился, потому что Торияма ранее писал о своем редакторе, и аудитория знала, на ком он основан.[6]

Персонаж Никочан , инопланетный вид с ягодицами на голове, был поспешно создан после того, как Торияма был ограничен во времени, играя в слишком много видеоигр, и изначально был отвергнут как "мерзость", и ему дали еще одну ночь, чтобы переделать его. [7] Продолжив вместо этого играть в игры, Торияма отправил ту же рукопись на следующий день, и Торишима принял ее, очевидно не заметив, что это было то же самое. [7] Однако в более позднем томе Торияма сказал, что Торишима считал Никочан отвратительным, но согласился, потому что это было слишком близко к крайнему сроку, чтобы его можно было изменить. [8]

Подумав, что Арале слишком силен во время еды, Торияма вздрогнул, съев умэбоши, и придумал Суппаман . [7] Однако, поскольку ему не нравился кислый вкус, он решил вместо этого сделать Суппамана слабаком. Похожая сцена дается для Бубибинмана ; когда муха влетела в его рис с карри , он из-за гнева сделал его слабым персонажем. [7] В более позднем томе Торияма рассказал, что создал Суппамана для предыдущей манги, которая была отклонена Торишимой, и добавил его в Доктора Слампа из жалости к персонажу. [8]Автор сказал, что он создал младшего брата персонажа, Сёппамана, как тип «элегантного принца», который является полной противоположностью Суппамана. [9] Привычка Писукэ просить автографы у людей исходит от самого Ториямы, который собирал автографы известных художников манги. [10]

Главные герои [ править ]

Арале Норимаки [ править ]

Арале Норимаки (則 巻 ア ラ レ, Norimaki Arare ) - маленькая девочка-робот, созданная Сенбэем Норимаки. Несмотря на свой размер, она невероятно сильная и быстрая. [ гл. 1 ] Она очень наивна и лишена здравого смысла, что часто доставляет неприятности жителям Penguin Village.

Сэнбэй Норимаки [ править ]

Сенбэй Норимаки (則 巻 千 兵衛, Norimaki Senbee ) - глупый и развратный гениальный изобретатель Деревни пингвинов, способный изобрести самые блестящие и нелепые изобретения. Когда он настроен серьезно, его внешность превращается в более красивую и высокую версию самого себя. Ему 28 лет, и он использует необычное приветствие «N'Cha», [ гл. 1 ], который принимает Арале. После создания Арале он альтернативно говорит жителям деревни, что она либо его младшая сестра, либо его дочь, в зависимости от случая. [ гл. 1 ]

Имя Сэнбэй - это игра слов, обозначающая рисовый крекер ( сэнбэй ), а с его фамилией, Норимаки Сэнбэй, оно относится к рисовому крекеру, обернутому в водоросли нори . Его озвучивает Кендзи Утсуми [11] в первом аниме и Юсаку Яра во втором и Dragon Ball Super . [12] В Dragon Ball он пытается исправить Радар Дракона Сон Гоку . Сенбэй также играет короткую молчаливую роль в фильме « Жемчуг дракона» «Великое мистическое приключение» . В английских дублированных версиях Dragon Ball и Dragon Ball Super от Funimationего озвучивают Брайс Армстронг и Р. Брюс Эллиот соответственно.

Аканэ Кимидори [ править ]

Аканэ Кимидори (木 緑 あ か ね, Кимидори Аканэ , «Желто-зеленый темно-красный») - мятежная 13-летняя девочка, которая быстро становится лучшей подругой Арале. [ гл. 2 , 9 ]. Она часто шутит над Сенбэем, который считает, что она плохо влияет на Арале. Она начинает встречаться с Цукуцун Цун в конце сериала [ гл. 215 ], а взгляд на десять лет в будущее показывает, что они поженились. [ гл. 200 ] Аканэ озвучивает Кадзуко Сугияма [13] в первом аниме и Хироко Кониси во втором. Она ненадолго появляется в Dragon Ballряд. В английском дубляже Dragon Ball от Funimation ее озвучивает Лаура Бейли .

Таро Сорамаме [ править ]

Таро Сорамаме (空 豆 タ ロ ウ, Soramame Tarram , «Широкая фасоль» + обычное мужское имя « Таро ») - старший школьный друг Арале «плохой мальчик». Обычно видно, как 15-летний подросток курит сигареты и пытается вести себя «круто». [ гл. 2 , 9 ]. После окончания средней школы он становится полицейским. [ гл. 223 ] Он начинает встречаться с Цурурин Цун, [ гл. 127 ], на которой он женится на десять лет в будущем. [ гл. 200 ] Таро озвучивает Тосио Фурукава в первом аниме и Шиничиро Отта.В секунду. [14] [15] Он ненадолго появляется в Dragon Ball , показанном на свидании с Цурурин. В английском дубляже Dragon Ball от Funimation его озвучивает Эрик Вейл .

Писуке Сорамам [ править ]

Писуке Сорамаме (空 豆 ピ ー ス ケ, Soramame Piisuke , « Бобовый горошек» + обычное мужское окончание имени) - одноклассник Арале и Аканэ и младший брат Таро, который всегда носит шапку в виде животного . Он развивает давку на более молодую , но высокую девушке по имени Hiyoko , [ ч. 63 ], на которой он в конечном итоге женится и имеет ребенка, которому в будущем будет десять лет. [ гл. 200 ] Его озвучивает Наоми Дзинбо в первом аниме и Мегуми Урава [16] во втором. Он ненадолго появляется в Dragon Ball . В английском дубляже FunimationDragon Ball он озвучивает Сонни Стрейт .

Гатчан [ править ]

Гаттян (ガ ッ ち ゃ ん) , полное имя Гаджира Норимаки (則 巻 ガ ジ ラ, Норимаки Гаджира ) , зеленоволосое, похожее на херувима существо с крыльями, вылупившееся из яйца, принесенного Сенбэем домой из путешествия во времени в каменный век . [ гл. 11 ] Гатчан ест почти все, за исключением резины, и особенно, похоже, любит металл. [ гл. 101 ] Он также может испускать лучи из своих антенн. [ гл. 27 ]Гатчан говорит на своем собственном языке, который состоит в основном из звуков типа «ку-пи-пи», которые Арале (а позже и Турбо) каким-то образом, кажется, понимают. Однажды, после того, как Гатчан начал переедать, он закручивает вокруг себя кокон, и когда он появляется через две недели, он раскалывается на две части. [ гл. 138 ] В конце концов выясняется, что Гаттян на самом деле ангел, посланный Ками-сама, чтобы уничтожить коррумпированную человеческую цивилизацию. [ гл. 206 ]

Арале назвал Гаджира из комбинации имен Гамера и Годжира , последний известен на Западе как Годзилла, поэтому Гатчан известен как «Гадзилла» в английской версии манги (хотя иногда его называют Гаджира или «Газира»). "). [ гл. 12 ] Гаттана озвучивает Сейко Накано в первом аниме, Чие Савагути во втором, [17] и Кумико Нишихара в Dragon Ball Super . [12] Оба Гатчана появляются в «Жемчуге дракона» и в фильме « Жемчуг дракона », «Великое мистическое приключение», где они помогают Аралу сражаться.Таопайпай . В английском дубляже Dragon Ball от Funimation их озвучивает Мередит Маккой .

Мидори Ямабуки [ править ]

Мидори Ямабуки (山 吹 み ど り, Ямабуки Мидори , «Оранжево-желтый зеленый») - красивая учительница Арале и девушка мечты Сенбэя. [ гл. 2 ] После долгого периода безответной любви и нервных недоразумений Сенбэй делает ей предложение, думая, что она находится вне пределов слышимости. Удивительно, но она сразу же соглашается, и на следующей панели манги они поженятся, став миссис Мидори Норимаки. [ гл. 104 ] Несмотря на то, что Сенбэй не знает, как рождаются дети, она беременеет и рожает Турбо . [ гл. 177 , 179 ]. В начале сериала ей 23 года. Ее озвучиваетMariko Mukai in the first anime and by Yuko Minaguchi in the second.[18][19] She also appears in Dragon Ball. In the Funimation English dub of Dragon Ball she is voiced by Meredith McCoy.

Tsukutsun Tsun[edit]

Tsukutsun Tsun (摘突詰, Tsun Tsukutsun, The sound of poking something (such as feces)) is the son of the Chinese Tsun family, who practices kung fu. Although normally not as strong as the powerful Arale or Gatchan, when extremely angry he becomes more powerful than both. Whenever he is touched by a girl he turns into a tiger and cannot change back unless touched by a guy.[ch. 124] He starts dating Akane Kimidori late in the series,[ch. 215] and a look ten years into the future shows they got married.[ch. 200] He is voiced by Shigeru Chiba in the first anime and Ryōtarō Okiayu[20] in the second. He has a brief appearance in the Dragon Ball series. In the Funimation English dub of Dragon Ball he is voiced by Justin Cook.

Tsururin Tsun[edit]

Tsururin Tsun (摘鶴燐, Tsun Tsururin, The sound of something shiny and smooth (such as a bald head)) is the daughter of the family. She has various super powers, such as telekinesis and teleportation.[ch. 117] She starts dating Taro Soramame,[ch. 127] and a look ten years into the future shows that they eventually marry.[ch. 200] She is voiced by Yūko Mita in the first anime and Houko Kuwashima in the second.[21][22] She briefly appears in Dragon Ball, shown on a date with Taro.


Obotchaman (オボッチャマン, "Well-mannered boy raised in a good environment" + man) is a humanoid robot based on Arale's design, with certain "annoying" qualities removed, that was built by Dr. Mashirito to destroy Arale.[ch. 153] Initially named Caramel Man 004 (キャラメルマン4号), he is both extremely polite and well-mannered so Mashirito tells him that Arale and Senbei are trying to take over the world, when that is actually his goal.[ch. 153, 155] However, Obotchaman falls in love with Arale and learns that his creator is the evil one. He ends up moving close to the Norimakis, stealing Suppaman's house for his own,[ch. 158] and befriending Arale and the rest of the cast. Ten years in the future, Obotchaman and Arale eventually marry and have a robotic baby made by Senbei.[ch. 199] He is voiced by Mitsuko Horie in the first anime and by Motoko Kumai in the second.[23][24] He makes a brief appearance in Dragon Ball but has a slightly larger part in its anime adaptation, where he tries to help General Blue fix his car (unaware that Blue is a bad guy). In the Funimation English dub of Dragon Ball he is voiced by Kent Williams.

Turbo Norimaki[edit]

Turbo Norimaki (則巻ターボ, Norimaki Tābo, "Seaweed-wrapped" Turbo) is Senbei and Midori's infant son, who is nearly killed by aliens and then revived by them, in the process accidentally imbuing him with many super powers including teleportation, flight, and telekinesis.[ch. 179, 180, 181] Consequently, he can also speak and is a genius, the likes of which surpasses even his own father.[ch. 182, 183] In the seventh through ninth Dr. Slump films an older version of him is seen. His name comes from Toriyama's dog at the time, "Turbomaru". He is voiced by Yūko Mita in both anime adaptations and by Mami Matsui in the Dr. Slump films. He appears in Dragon Ball, where he fixes Son Goku's Dragon Radar after Senbei was unable to figure it out. Once Arale defeats General Blue who had taken the Radar, Turbo creates a new Dragon Radar using parts from Senbei's plane. In the Funimation English dub of Dragon Ball he is voiced by Monika Antonelli.

Supporting characters[edit]

Aoi Kimidori[edit]

Aoi Kimidori (木緑 葵, Kimidori Aoi, "Tree-green Blue") is Akane's older sister, who works at the local coffee shop, the Coffee Pot. Unlike her younger sister, she is nice and behaved. She is shown to be good friends with Senbei in the beginning of the series, though she always gets his last name wrong. She is also a terrible car driver.[ch. 99] She is 19 at the beginning of the series. She is voiced by Naomi Jinbo in the first anime and by Hiroko Emori in the second. She makes a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball. In the Funimation English dub of Dragon Ball she is voiced by Linda Chambers-Young.

Kurikinton Soramame[edit]

Kurikinton Soramame (空豆クリキントン, Soramame Kurikinton, "Broad bean Sweet chestnut paste") is the father of the Soramame family and the town barber. He is somewhat perverted – much like Senbei and Tsuruten – but does a much better job of hiding it a majority of the time. He is skilled with a gun and looks similar to Clint Eastwood.[5] He is voiced by Kouji Totani[25] in the first anime and Nobuaki Kanemitsu in the second. He makes a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball.

Mame Soramame[edit]

Mame Soramame (空豆まめ, Soramame Mame, "Broad bean Bean") is Taro and Peasuke's short mother, who wears an animal cap like Peasuke does.[ch. 50] She is also Murasaki Kimidori's older sister.[ch. 119] She is voiced by Yumi Nakatani in the first anime.

Tsuruten Tsun[edit]

Tsuruten Tsun (摘鶴天, Tsun Tsuruten) is the father of the Tsun family from the Chinese village Plub Pah-Tui (鍔北弊(つばぺっぺい)). He built their spaceship, the Reh Tsu Goh (烈津號(れっつごう), a play on the phrase "let's go") which acts as their house, to take them to the moon, but it is shot down by Arale and crashes right next to the Norimakis' home.[ch. 117] A fellow inventor and an even bigger pervert,[ch. 119] he and Senbei become friends. He is voiced by Hiroshi Ohtake in the first anime and by Kōji Yada in the second. He makes a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball.

Tsuntsunodanoteiyugoh Tsun[edit]

Tsuntsunodanoteiyugoh Tsun (摘詰角田野廷遊豪, Tsun Tsuntsunodanoteiyūgō) is the mother of the family, who also practices kung fu like her son. She tends to beat up her husband when she catches him in acts (or even thoughts) of perversion.[ch. 117, 118] Her name comes from an old marketing jingle of the Japanese bicycle manufacturer Tsunoda. She is voiced by Seiko Nakano in the first anime and by Michie Tomizawa in the second. She makes a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball.


Suppaman (スッパマン, "Sourman") is a Superman parody from the planet Okakaumeboshi (オカカウメ星, "Planet of Bonito and Umeboshi"), who has no real super powers or sense of justice. He typically "flies around" with his belly on a skateboard, throws grenades, and changes his clothes in a phone booth, eating an umeboshi to transform.[ch. 37] Suppaman works as a TV reporter when in disguise as Kenta Kuraaku (暗悪 健太, Kuraaku Kenta),[ch. 23] which is a Japanese pun on the name Clark Kent. He also has a younger brother, Syoppaman (ショッパマン, lit. "Saltyman"), who eats shiokara to transform.[ch. 174] In the first anime Suppaman is voiced by Tesshō Genda and by Toru Furuya in the second.[26][27]

He first appeared in Akira Toriyama's one-shot Tomato, Girl Detective as his secret identity Kenta Kuraaku. Coincidentally, Suppaman was originally created to star in a manga of his own but was rejected by Toriyama's editor, Kazuhiko Torishima. Toriyama felt sorry for the character and subsequently resurrected him as a supporting character for Dr. Slump. In Dragon Ball, he attempts to stop General Blue until he sees that Blue can easily destroy a phone booth. Suppaman then gives General Blue directions to Senbei's house and even lets Blue take his car. In the Funimation English dub of Dragon Ball, his name is "Sour Man" and he is voiced by Dameon Clarke.

King Nikochan[edit]

King Nikochan (ニコチャン大王, Nikochan Daiō) is the king of an alien race that is always accompanied by his unnamed glasses-wearing servant. His race have their buttocks on their heads, their nostrils on the tips of their antennae,[ch. 29] and their ears on their feet.[ch. 144] Originally planning to destroy Earth, they become stranded on the planet after Gatchan eats their spaceship.[ch. 29] They continue to appear performing odd jobs for money, while forever longing to acquire a spaceship to return home.[ch. 89, 112, 126] When they finally do reach their small scarcely populated home planet, they find that everyone is forced into farming radishes for an evil crab-like alien, including the King's wife and two sons.[ch. 144] However, thanks to Arale the Nikochans are saved.[ch. 145] King Nikochan speaks in a Central Nagoya dialect, in which a native speaker of the dialect will find distinct from the author's Northern Nagoya dialect. In the anime, he speaks in a false Nagoya dialect. Unlike King Nikochan, his servant seems to be much smarter/sensible than the King and does not speak in Nagoya dialect.

King Nikochan is voiced by Hiroshi Ohtake in the first anime and by Bin Shimada[28] in the second. His servant is voiced by Shigeru Chiba in the first anime and by Ryo Horikawa in the second. King Nikochan and his servant appear in Pola & Roid attacking the title characters until Roid, having read Dr. Slump, disguises Pola as Arale and scares them off. King Nikochan also makes a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball. In its anime adaptation, he has a larger role where he and his servant collect trash on the streets (which he thinks is treasure) and before getting their ship shot down by the police (being mistaken for the Red Ribbon Army). In Funimation's English dub of Dragon Ball, he is voiced by Justin Cook and his servant by Christopher Sabat.

Penguin Village Police Force[edit]

Gala (ガラ, Gara) and Pagos (パゴス, Pagosu) are two patrolmen that constantly have their car destroyed (accidentally) by an excited running Arale. Gala is short and dark skinned and Pagos is tall with a thicker mustache. They first appeared in the second half of Akira Toriyama's 1979 one-shot Wonder Island, also as policemen, though the setting was entirely different. Gala and Pagos' names appear on a banner attached to a motor scooter they ride together early in the series.[ch. 15] Gala and Pagos were named after the Galápagos Islands. In the first anime Gala is voiced by Isamu Tanonaka and Pagos is voiced by Masaharu Sato.[29][30] In the second Gala is voiced by Nobuhiko Kazama[31] and Pagos is voiced by Michio Nakao.

Gyaos (ギャオス, Gyaosu) is the short, balding police chief with thick sideburns connecting to his mustache. Like Gala and Pagos, his first appearance was in the one-shot Wonder Island. He is voiced by Kouji Totani in the first anime and by Bin Shimada in the second. Polly Buckets (ポリー·バケッツ, Porī Bakettsu) is the uzi-toting female cop. She is considered the most dangerous because of her tendency to be trigger-happy. Despite this, her male co-workers always forgive her because she is beautiful.[ch. 22] Her name was only given as an answer to one of the special bonus quizzes found in one of the manga's tankōbon edition. Her name is derived from the Japanese abbreviation "poribaketsu" (lit. "polyethylene bucket"). She is voiced by Toshiko Fujita in the first anime and by Masako Katsuki in the second. In the Funimation English dub of Dragon Ball she is voiced by Laurie Steele. Drop-kun (ドロップくん, Doroppu-kun) is an officer that is never seen without a slingshot or his Stormtrooper helmet on. His name was only given in the fanbook Dr. Slump Special 1981. Charmy Yamada (チャーミー山田, Chāmī Yamada) is an overly dedicated Metropolis Island cop who joins the force late in the series. He suffers from mysophobia and is very skilled at riding his dirtbike.[ch. 228, 229] He is voiced by Ryō Horikawa in the first anime.

Kinoko Sarada[edit]

Kinoko Sarada (皿田きのこ, Sarada Kinoko, "Salad Mushroom") is a toddler who spends her days riding her tricycle and laughing at others for not keeping up with fashion.[ch. 27] She lives in a mushroom-shaped house, has a buzz cut bob haircut with two bows in her hair, and wears sunglasses.[ch. 57] In the first anime series she is voiced by Kazuko Sugiyama[13] and by Noriko Uemura in the second. She makes a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball. In The Brief Return of Dr. Slump, she has a younger sister named Lettuce Sarada (皿田レタス, Sarada Retasu).

Dr. Mashirito[edit]

Dr. Mashirito (Dr.マシリト, Dokutā Mashirito) is Senbei's evil mad scientist rival. He attempts to take over the world various times and defeat Arale with his robots he calls Caramel Men (キャラメルマン). Due to constant failed attempts at world domination, he is forced to convert himself into a cyborg; eventually becoming several of his own Caramel Men.[ch. 103, 168, 203] He was modeled after Toriyama's editor at the time, Kazuhiko Torishima, and takes his name from his spelled in reverse.

Dr. Mashirito was voiced by Akio Nojima for the first 37 episodes of the first anime, by Yasuo Yamada in the second film, by Nachi Nozawa from episode 71 to 164 and in the third film, and later by Keiichi Noda from episode 198 to 236. He is voiced by Akira Kamiya in the seventh and ninth movies. In the second anime and Dragon Ball Super he is voiced by Ryōtarō Okiayu.[20][12] In Dragon Ball Super episode 69, Dr. Mashirito appears as a ghost and reveals that he has used a chemical to gain control over Arale, before later being obliterated by Beerus. In the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Super he is voiced by Barry Yandell. Dr. Mashirito is a playable character in the video games Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars.


Karte (カルテ, Karute, "Chart" or "medical records") is a boy from a wealthy family that moves from Metropolis Island to Penguin Village in The Brief Return of Dr. Slump. He plays football, and had done work as a model when living on Metropolis Island. He admires Arale's strength, and eventually falls in love with her.

Other characters[edit]


Bubibinman (ブビビンマン, "Sound of a fly buzzing" + man) is a superhero-wannabe from Suppaman's planet, who goes to Earth after hearing that Suppaman (whom he perceives as a weakling) had become a hero there due to his flight and superhuman strength.[ch. 16] However, he encounters Arale and Gatchan and feels inferior, and is side-tracked by his fly tendencies and diet. He is voiced by Mugihito in the first anime series. He makes cameo appearances in the Dragon Ball anime and Dragon Ball Super episode 70, voiced by Phil Parsons in the English dub of the latter.


Chivil (チビル, Chibiru) is a small imp from Hell that travels to Penguin Village through the volcano in Mount Flap-Flap (パタパタ山, Patapatayama) to obtain souls, for which he gets paid for.[ch. 69, 72] He eventually finds that he would much rather play with people than kill them (due in no small part to Arale's persistence), though he still takes a shot at it every once in a while. He has a pet dragon named Taxi Dragon (タクシードラゴン) which he rides on to get places. He also has an older witch sister named Morasu (モラス, Morasu, "Witchpee" in Viz's English translation) who flies on a broom and quickly develops crushes on many male members of the main cast one after the other.[ch. 77] Chivil is voiced by Reiko Katsura in the first anime and by Mika Kanai in the second.


Dodongadon (ドドンガドン) is a one-eyed alligator-like monster that has two mouths. Dodongadon appears destroying Penguin Village, but gets scared off by Arale. He can shoot a rocket out of its back mouth and is not affected by bullets.[ch. 41] In the sixth film, Dodongadon is revealed to have a mother named Mamandagon who is significantly bigger. He is voiced by Keiko Yamamoto in the sixth film.


Donbe (ドンベ) is an anthropomorphic kitsune who likes to use his shape-shifting abilities to transform into things to scare people and cause mischief, although he becomes friends with Arale after she saves him.[ch. 26] In the anime, he gets a love interest in the female fox named Kitsuneko. He is voiced by Shigeru Chiba in the first anime and by Kappei Yamaguchi in the second. He makes a minor appearance in the Dragon Ball anime.

Fly Milk gang[edit]

The Fly Milk (フライミルク) gang are a trio of bikers. They are led by their overweight boss who tells them to be tough manly men, although their job is to deliver milk.[ch. 64] When his minions displease him, he punishes them by picking his nose and sticking his boogers on their foreheads. Their rivals are the Mosquito Milk (モスキートミルク) trio.[ch. 64] When the milk business goes under, they become "real bikers", although they can only afford a tractor and not motorcycles.[ch. 130] They end up using the tractor to plow fields and start a successful vegetable selling business.


Goronbo (カミナリ・ゴロンボ, Kaminari Goronbo, "Lightning Goronbo") is the thunder god ogre who lives in the clouds and controls the weather as well as being the weather man.[ch. 13] He has a girlfriend named Pikako. In the first anime he is voiced by Kouji Totani.


Hiyoko (ヒヨコ) is Peasuke's much taller girlfriend. She lives in a house that is made out of a giant tree stump and has a little sister named Sparrow (スズメ, Suzume) who rides a magic carpet.[ch. 63] She gets saved by Peasuke from a bug after she was hit by Senbei's Big-Small Ray Gun.[ch. 63] She marries him in the future and they have a child named Poosuke (プースケ).[ch. 200] She is voiced by Saeko Shimazu in the first anime and by Houko Kuwashima in the second.

Joe Dunn[edit]

Joe Dunn (ジョー・ダン) is a bank robber who makes his first appearance running into Arale and Gatchan, while fleeing from police after he mistakenly tried to rob the police station instead of the bank. After witnessing her super strength and Gatchan eats his gun, he runs from them trying to find the police to save himself.[ch. 18] He reappears holding up in the Soramame barbershop using Senbei and Kurikinton as hostages. When Arale shows up he tries to surrender to the police, however, they force him back in because they never get "fun cases like this."[ch. 22] Joe Dunn later hires the Shiverman (びびるマン, Bibiruman) to kill her, but the assassin fails and is trapped in a book by Senbei's Fairy Tale Machine.[ch. 62] The bank robber's name is only given in the anime. He is voiced by Shōzō Iizuka, Masaharu Satō, and Yasuo Tanaka at various points.


Kami-sama (神様, "God") is the deity who rules over the galaxy surrounding the Earth and the creator of Gatchan. He is a bald elderly man with a Van Dyke beard and a small star symbol on his forehead. Seeing that Gatchan failed in its mission to destroy the corrupt human civilization (due to Senbei's accidental intervention), Kami-sama resolves to destroy humanity himself.[ch. 207] However, after seeing the life of Penguin Village and how consequently happy his little angels are, he relinquishes both Gatchan and the Earth to their own fates.[ch. 208] Kami-sama was the inspiration for the character of Kame-Sennin from Toriyama's subsequent series Dragon Ball,[32] and both characters were voiced by Kōhei Miyauchi.

Kon Kimidori[edit]

Kon Kimidori (木緑 紺, Kimidori Kon, "Yellow-green Navy-blue") is Akane and Aoi's bespectacled father. During his first appearance he is shown coming to school with Akane cross-dressing due to a prank Akane pulled on him.[ch. 40] He is voiced by Banjou Ginga in the first anime and Hideyuki Tanaka in the second.

Murasaki Kimidori[edit]

Murasaki Kimidori (木緑 紫, Kimidori Murasaki, "Yellow-green Purple") is Akane and Aoi's mother, who is always wiggling her butt and acting bubbly. She is the younger sister of Taro and Peasuke's mother, Mame Soramame.[ch. 119]

Daigoro Kurigashira[edit]

Daigoro Kurigashira (栗頭大五郎, Kurigashira Daigorō, "Chestnut-head Daigoro") is Arale's eighth grade teacher; he starts teaching at Penguin Village High School on her first day there.[ch. 116] He has a huge head which is shaped like a chestnut. (The "kuri" in his name means "chestnut" and "gashira" (kashira) means "head". "Dai" is "big", and "Daigorou" is also the Japanese given name of Takamiyama, a popular former Sumo wrestler from Hawaii.) Initially he is surprised at the odd and stupid characters in the school, but takes teaching them on as a challenge, often giving them "Headbutts of Love" (愛の頭突き, Ai no Zutzuki).[ch. 116] He is voiced by Tetsuo Mizutori in the first anime series and by Nobuo Tobita in the second. He makes a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball and was used as the model of Ryokan Kurita from Eyeshield 21.


Momotaro (桃太郎), based on the character from Japanese folklore of the same name, is seen occasionally around Penguin Village. Momotaro ends up in Penguin Village after Arale uses Senbei's invention the Fairy Tale Machine to transport her into the story "Momotaro the Peach Boy" where she messes up the story and brings him back into the real world.[ch. 34] He was seen many times before this incident, in non-speaking background roles. In the first anime he is voiced by Naomi Jinbo.

Nitro Norimaki[edit]

Nitro Norimaki (ニトロ則巻) is Senbei and Midori's second child. She is only seen in the original manga briefly during Obotchaman's trip 10 years into the future, between Turbo and an unnamed younger brother, but is featured in the sequel manga series, The Brief Return of Dr. Slump.[ch. 199] She has more recurring appearances in the second anime series and in the seventh, eighth and ninth Dr. Slump films.

Koita Ojo[edit]

Koita Ojo (王城恋太, Ōjō Koita, a slang expression for "[I was] totally perplexed.") is a member of the Ulteeny Force who is called upon for help when the dreadful Dodongadon shows up and starts terrorizing Penguin Village.[ch. 41] He also transforms into the superhero Kintaman (キンタマン).[ch. 42] He belongs to the Uruchora Police Force (ウルチョラ警察隊員, Uruchora Keisatsutai), a parody of the Urutora Keibitai of Ultra Seven.


Parzan (パーザン, Pāzan, "Fool" + zan) is a Tarzan hero wannabe with almost exactly the same face as Suppaman and Bubibinman, who claims to be the king of the jungle. He and Suppaman dislike each other and play tricks on one another.[ch. 49] Parzan originally has a sidekick monkey named Cheeta (のチーター), but fires him for having a bigger penis than himself and replaces him with a large frog whom he gives the same name.[ch. 49] He is voiced by Kouji Totani in the first anime and by Minori Matsushima in the second. He makes a minor appearance in the Dragon Ball anime.


Poop-Boy (うんち君, Unchi-kun) is one of several coiled feces (which look much like soft ice cream) that appears occasionally. He tends to have a sense of justice in general, has feet to run around with (in Japanese children's books, a similar character with the same name appears to teach children potty training). He was the first born when Senbei had to go to the bathroom on the side of the road because there was no bathroom around.[ch. 178] He goes on a journey to find where he belongs and makes friends with two other colored poos named Bird-Poop-Boy (すずめのうんちくん, "Sparrow Poop-boy") and Manure-Boy (牛のうんちくん, "Cattle Poop-boy").[ch. 178] He is voiced by Keiko Yamamoto in the original anime and by Chika Sakamoto in the second series. All three of the poos briefly appear in the Dragon Ball anime.


Skop (スコップくん, Sukoppu-kun) is an exchange student from Big City Island. At first he is introduced as an extremely smart and serious student that looked down on everyone as idiots, but after seeing that Arale was able to do his homework, he becomes goofy like everyone else in Penguin Village.[ch. 60] Skop has the appearance of Spock from Star Trek and lives in a house which is shaped like the Starship Enterprise. He is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka in the first anime series.

The Sun[edit]

The Sun (太陽, Taiyō) that sometimes oversleeps for unknown reasons and thus delays dawn, wears sunglasses, eats ice cream and complains about heat. He is voiced by Toshio Furukawa in the first anime and by Shinichirō Ōta in the second. In the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Super The Sun is voiced by Phil Parsons.


Drampire (ドランパイア, Doranpaia, "Dracula" + "Vampire"), "Trampire" in Viz's English translation, is a sexy vampire that loves blood and money.[ch. 54] She breaks into houses to suck the residents' blood and steal their money. Despite being a monster herself, she is very put off by the strange creatures around Penguin Village. Trampire is later seen working as a part-time grim reaper for Enma and is sent to reap Senbei's soul but ends up getting fired due to Arale's interference.[ch. 194, 195] She is accompanied by a Frankenstein who transforms into a wolfman when he sees the moon. She is voiced by Keiko Han in the first anime. She makes a brief background appearance in the Dragon Ball anime.


Komattachan (コマッタチャン, Komattachan) is an alien that took over King Nikochan's planet while he was away on Earth. He forced the inhabitants of Planet Nikochan to farm radishes for him, demanding one thousand radishes each month, and punishing them if they were not to his satisfaction. He was defeated by Arale.

Dr. Ope[edit]

Dr. Ope (Dr.オペ, Dokutā Ope, From "operation") is Karute's father who appears in The Brief Return of Dr. Slump. He is extremely wealthy, and is known as the best doctor in the world.


Gaze (ガーゼ, Gāze, "Gauze") is Karute's mother who appears in The Brief Return of Dr. Slump. She is a nurse, and is able to wrap a bandage quicker than any other person in the world.


Chinki (チンキ, Chinki, "Tincture") is Karute's younger sister who appears in The Brief Return of Dr. Slump. She has an IQ of 200, and entered junior high school at the age of three.

Akira Toriyama[edit]

Toriyama (トリヤマ) is a self-caricature of the manga's author Akira Toriyama, who is depicted as a mountain-like bird (the name Toriyama means bird mountain), a robot, or a man wearing a surgical mask. As a bird or robot he is voiced by Isamu Tanonaka, and as a human he is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka.

Kazuhiko Torishima (鳥嶋和彦)
Toriyama's editor. He is voiced by Nachi Nozawa, Shigeru Chiba, and Kōji Totani at various points.
Hiswashi (ひすゎし)
Toriyama's first assistant. He is voiced by Shigeru Chiba.
Matsuyama (松山)
Toriyama's second assistant. He is voiced by Shigeru Chiba.
Makusa (マクサ)
A cook at a takoyaki stall.[ch. 87] The model of this character is Akira Sakuma, a notable game designer and the co-author of Toriyama's book Hetappi Manga Kenkyūjo. He is voiced by Shingo Kanemoto in the first anime.


Dr. Slump manga[edit]

Entire series

  • Toriyama, Akira. Dr. スランプ [Dr. Slump] (in Japanese). 18 vols. Tokyo: Shueisha, 1980–1985.
  • Toriyama, Akira. Dr. Slump. 18 vols. San Francisco: Viz Media, 2005–2009.

Individual volumes

  • Vol. 1 (ch. 1–12): The Birth of Arale. May 2005. ISBN 978-1-59116-950-5. and アラレ誕生! (in Japanese). August 1980. ISBN 4-08-851181-6.
  • Vol. 2 (ch. 13–25): Arale on the Loose. July 2005. ISBN 978-1-59116-951-2. and とつげきアラレちゃん (in Japanese). October 1980. ISBN 4-08-851182-4.
  • Vol. 3 (ch. 26–38): Earth S.O.S.!. September 2005. ISBN 978-1-59116-991-8. and 地球SOS! (in Japanese). December 1980. ISBN 4-08-851183-2.
  • Vol. 4 (ch. 39–51): The Happy Doctor. November 2005. ISBN 978-1-4215-0165-9. and ごきげんセンちゃん (in Japanese). April 1981. ISBN 4-08-851184-0.
  • Vol. 5 (ch. 52–63): Monsters' Night. January 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0173-4. and モンスターズ・ナイト (in Japanese). August 1981. ISBN 4-08-851185-9.
  • Vol. 6 (ch. 64–76): Dr. Mashirito's Ambition. March 2006. ISBN 1-4215-0174-0. and (in Japanese). December 1981. ISBN 4-08-851186-7.
  • Vol. 7 (ch. 77–90): My Toilet Paper. May 2006. ISBN 1-4215-0631-9. and (in Japanese). May 1982. ISBN 4-08-851187-5.
  • Vol. 8 (ch. 91–103): Penguin Grand Prix. July 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0632-6. and (in Japanese). August 1982. ISBN 4-08-851188-3.
  • Vol. 9 (ch. 104–116): The Crazy Honeymoon. September 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0633-3. and (in Japanese). December 1982. ISBN 4-08-851189-1.
  • Vol. 10 (ch. 117–128): Here Comes the Tsun. November 2006. ISBN 978-1-4215-0634-0. and (in Japanese). May 1983. ISBN 4-08-851190-5.
  • Vol. 11 (ch. 129–140): Gatchan - Gatchan. January 2007. ISBN 978-14215-0635-7. and (in Japanese). September 1983. ISBN 4-08-851191-3.
  • Vol. 12 (ch. 141–152): Go! Go! Nikochan!. May 2007. ISBN 978-1-4215-1056-9. and (in Japanese). December 1983. ISBN 4-08-851192-1.
  • Vol. 13 (ch. 153–165): I am Obotchaman. September 2007. ISBN 978-1-4215-1057-6. and (in Japanese). March 1984. ISBN 4-08-851193-X.
  • Vol. 14 (ch. 166–178): The Indestructible Caramel Man 007!. January 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1058-3. and (in Japanese). June 1984. ISBN 4-08-851194-8.
  • Vol. 15 (ch. 179–191): Happy Birthday, Turbo!. May 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1059-0. and (in Japanese). October 1984. ISBN 4-08-851195-6.
  • Vol. 16 (ch. 192–205): Who's the Strongest in the World. September 2008. ISBN 978-1-4215-1060-6. and (in Japanese). January 1984. ISBN 4-08-851196-4.
  • Vol. 17 (ch. 206–220): God Gets Even!. January 2009. ISBN 978-1-4215-1999-9. and (in Japanese). March 1985. ISBN 4-08-851197-2.
  • Vol. 18 (ch. 221–236): Grand Finale! Invention Explosion!. May 2009. ISBN 1-4215-2000-1. and (in Japanese). May 1985. ISBN 4-08-851198-0.

Other sources[edit]

  1. ^ a b c Toriyama, Akira (2006) [1982]. Dr. Slump. 9. Viz Media. p. 118. ISBN 978-1-4215-0633-3.
  2. ^ Toriyama, Akira (2006) [1982]. Dr. Slump. 9. Viz Media. p. 146. ISBN 978-1-4215-0633-3.
  3. ^ "[鳥山明ほぼ全仕事] 平日更新24時間限定公開!". Dragon Ball Official Site (in Japanese). Shueisha. Archived from the original on 2018-02-02.
  4. ^ Toriyama, Akira (2008) [1984]. Dr. Slump. 16. Viz Media. pp. 130. ISBN 978-1-4215-1060-6.
  5. ^ a b "Jason Thompson's House of 1000 Manga - Dragon Ball". Anime News Network. 2011-03-10. Retrieved 2013-08-11.
  6. ^ "Kazuhiko Torishima On Shaping The Success Of 'Dragon Ball' And The Origins Of 'Dragon Quest'". Forbes. 2016-10-15. Retrieved 2016-10-22.
  7. ^ a b c d Toriyama, Akira (2006) [1982]. Dr. Slump. 9. Viz Media. p. 160. ISBN 978-1-4215-0633-3.
  8. ^ a b Toriyama, Akira (2008) [1984]. Dr. Slump. 16. Viz Media. pp. 146. ISBN 978-1-4215-1060-6.
  9. ^ "[鳥山明ほぼ全仕事] 毎日更新24時間限定公開! 2021/04/01". Dragon Ball Official Site (in Japanese). Shueisha. Archived from the original on 2021-04-01.
  10. ^ Toriyama, Akira (2007) [1983]. Dr. Slump. 11. Viz Media. p. 110. ISBN 978-14215-0635-7.
  11. ^ "Fist of the North Star's Raoh Voice Actor Kenji Utsumi Passes Away". Anime News Network. 2013-06-13. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  12. ^ a b c "12/4(日)放送回にいよいよアラレちゃん登場!キャラクター設定公開!" (in Japanese). Toei Animation. Retrieved 2016-12-07.
  13. ^ a b "青二プロダクション 杉山佳寿子" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  14. ^ "Anime Expo Hosts Toshio Furukawa". Anime News Network. 2011-06-17. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  15. ^ "青二プロダクション 太田真一郎" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  16. ^ "青二プロダクション 浦和めぐみ" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  17. ^ "Works". Chie Sawaguchi Official Website (in Japanese). Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  18. ^ "向井真理子:所属俳優:81produce" (in Japanese). 81 Produce. Archived from the original on 2012-05-13. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  19. ^ "青二プロダクション 皆口裕子" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  20. ^ a b "青二プロダクション 置鮎龍太郎" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  21. ^ "青二プロダクション 三田ゆう子" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  22. ^ "青二プロダクション 桑島法子" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  23. ^ "青二プロダクション 堀江美都子" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
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  25. ^ "青二プロダクション 戸谷公次" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  26. ^ "玄田哲章:所属俳優:81produce" (in Japanese). 81 Produce. Archived from the original on 2012-05-13. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  27. ^ "青二プロダクション 古谷徹" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  28. ^ "青二プロダクション 島田敏" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  29. ^ "Gegege no Kitarō Voice Actor Isamu Tanonaka Passes Away". Anime News Network. 2010-01-15. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  30. ^ "青二プロダクション 佐藤正治" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  31. ^ "青二プロダクション 風間信彦" (in Japanese). Aoni Production. Retrieved 2015-03-08.
  32. ^ Toriyama, Akira (2003) [1986]. Dragon Ball. 2. Viz Media. p. 192. ISBN 978-1-56931-921-5.