Список запусков Falcon 9 и Falcon Heavy

С июня 2010 года ракеты семейства Falcon 9 были запущены 121 раз, из них 119 полных успешных миссий, одна частичная неудача и одна полная потеря космического корабля. Кроме того, одна ракета и ее полезный груз были уничтожены на стартовой площадке в процессе заправки топливом перед статическим огневым испытанием.

Слева направо: Falcon 9 v1.0 , v1.1 , v1.2 "Full Thrust" , Falcon 9 Block 5 , Falcon Heavy и Falcon Heavy Block 5.

Семейство ракет Falcon 9, разработанное и эксплуатируемое частным производителем SpaceX , включает в себя устаревшие версии Falcon 9 v1.0 , v1.1 и v1.2 «Full Thrust» Block 1–4, а также активную в настоящее время эволюцию Block 5 . Falcon Heavy - это тяжеловесная производная Falcon 9, в которой усиленное центральное ядро ​​сочетается с двумя первыми ступенями Falcon 9 в качестве боковых ускорителей. [1]

Конструкция Falcon включает многоразовые ускорители первой ступени, которые приземляются либо на наземную площадку возле стартовой площадки, либо на корабль-дрон в море. [2] В декабре 2015 года Falcon 9 стала первой ракетой, которая приземлилась с силовым приводом после доставки полезной нагрузки на орбиту. [3] Ожидается, что это достижение значительно снизит затраты на запуск . [4] Базовые ускорители семейства Falcon успешно приземлились 84 раза в 95 попытках. В общей сложности 26 ракет-носителей выполнили несколько миссий, при этом рекордное количество миссий было выполнено одним и тем же ускорителем.

Falcon 9 в типичных миссиях включают доставку грузов и член экипажа полеты к Международной космической станции (МКС) с Dragon и Dragon 2 капсулой , запуск спутников связи и спутников наблюдения Земли до орбиты геостационарных передачи (GTO) и низка орбит (LEO), некоторые из них при полярных наклонах. Самая тяжелая полезная нагрузка, запущенная на НОО, - это партия из 60 спутников Starlink общим весом 15 600 кг (34 400 фунтов), которые SpaceX регулярно летает на орбиту примерно 290 км (180 миль). [5] Самым тяжелым грузом, запущенным на геостационарную переходную орбиту (GTO), был Intelsat 35e с массой 6761 кг (14 905 фунтов). [а] Катера на более высокие орбиты включили Deep Space Климатическая обсерватория (DSCOVR) зонд на Солнце-Земля точки Лагранжа L 1 , то Транзитный Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Космический телескоп на лунную траекторию облета и испытание Falcon Heavy полета который вывел Tesla Roadster Илона Маска на гелиоцентрическую орбиту, выходящую за пределы орбиты Марса .

Ракеты семейства Falcon 9 были запущены 121 раз за 11 лет, в результате чего было выполнено 119 полных миссий (98%), один частичный успех ( SpaceX CRS-1 доставил свой груз на Международную космическую станцию (МКС), но дополнительная полезная нагрузка оказалась на орбите ниже запланированной) и один отказ ( космический корабль SpaceX CRS-7 потерялся в полете). Кроме того, перед запуском была уничтожена одна ракета и ее боевая нагрузка « Амос-6 » в рамках подготовки к статическим огневым испытаниям на площадке .

Первая версия ракеты Falcon 9 v1.0 запускалась пять раз с июня 2010 года по март 2013 года, ее преемник Falcon 9 v1.1 - 15 раз с сентября 2013 года по январь 2016 года, а последнее обновление Falcon 9 Full Thrust - 98 раз с декабря 2015 года до присутствует, 41 из которых с использованием повторно пролетевшего ускорителя первой ступени . Falcon Heavy был запущен один раз в феврале 2018 года, включив в себя две отремонтированные первые ступени в качестве боковых ускорителей, а затем снова в апреле и июне 2019 года, в ходе полета в июне 2019 года повторно использовался боковой ускоритель из предыдущего полета. Последний бустер «Блок 4», который должен был быть произведен, был запущен в апреле 2018 года, а первая версия блока 5 - в мае 2018 года. В то время как ракеты-носители блока 4 были запущены только дважды и потребовали ремонта в течение нескольких месяцев, версии блока 5 рассчитаны на 10 полетов. с помощью только проверок. [6]

Ракета-носители первой ступени успешно приземлились в 84 из 95 попыток (88%), при этом 60 из 65 (92%) для версии Block 5.

Прошлые запуски

2010 к 2013

2014 г.

Проведя шесть запусков, SpaceX стала второй по результативности американской компанией по количеству запусков в 2014 году после ракет Atlas V. [40]

2015 г.

С 7 запусков в 2015 году Фалькон 9 был вторым самым запущен американский ракетный за Atlas V . [66]

2016 г.

Проведя 8 успешных запусков в 2016 году, SpaceX сравнялась с Atlas V по большинству запусков американских ракет за год. [103]

2017 г.

В 2017 году у SpaceX было 18 запусков, и у SpaceX был самый плодотворный годовой запуск из всех семейств ракет. [150]

2018 г.

В ноябре 2017 года Гвинн Шотвелл ожидала увеличить частоту запусков в 2018 году примерно на 50% по сравнению с 2017 годом, выровнявшись со скоростью примерно от 30 до 40 в год, не считая запусков планируемой спутниковой группировки SpaceX Starlink . [235] Фактическая частота запусков увеличилась на 17% с 18 в 2017 году до 21 в 2018 году, что сделало SpaceX вторым по количеству запусков в году для семейства ракет после китайского Long March . [236] Falcon Heavy совершил свой первый полет.

2019 г.

В мае 2019 года Шотвелл заявил, что SpaceX может провести до 21 запуска в 2019 году, не считая миссий Starlink. [394] С спад в мире коммерческих контрактов запуска на 2019 год , SpaceX в конечном итоге запуск только 13 ракет в течение 2019 года (12 без Starlink), значительно меньше , чем в 2017 году и 2018 году, и третий большинство запусков класса автомобиля позади Китая Лонг марта и России Ракеты Р-7 . [395]

2020 г.

В конце 2019 года Гвинн Шотвелл заявила, что SpaceX надеется на 24 запуска спутников Starlink в 2020 году [490] в дополнение к 14 или 15 запускам без использования Starlink. При 26 запусках, 13 из которых для спутников Starlink, Falcon 9 был самым плодотворным годом, а ракеты Falcon были вторым по количеству запусков ракетным семейством 2020 года, уступая только китайскому семейству ракет Long March . [491]


Future launches are listed chronologically when firm plans are in place. The order of the later launches is much less certain, as the official SpaceX manifest does not include a schedule.[657] Tentative launch dates are cited from various sources for each launch.[658][659][660] Launches are expected to take place "no earlier than" (NET) the listed date.


SpaceX has allowed for up to 54 launches for Falcon 9 and another 10 for Falcon Heavy for 2021 from Florida according to its February 2020 environmental assessment.[661] In October 2020, Musk indicated he wanted to be able to increase launches to 48 in 2021.[662]


SpaceX has allowed for up to 60 launches every year from Florida alone according to its February 2020 environmental assessment.[661]


2024 and beyond

First flight of Falcon 9

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Launch of Falcon 9 Flight 1 with a boilerplate Dragon

On 4 June 2010, the first Falcon 9 launch successfully placed a test payload into the intended orbit.[11] Starting at the moment of liftoff, the booster experienced roll.[787] The roll stopped before the craft reached the top of the tower, but the second stage began to roll near the end of its burn,[11] tumbling out of control during the passivation process and creating a gaseous halo of vented propellant that could be seen from all of Eastern Australia, raising UFO concerns.[788][789]

COTS demonstration flights

COTS-1 Dragon after return from orbit

Second launch of Falcon 9 was COTS Demo Flight 1, which placed an operational Dragon capsule in a roughly 300 km (190 mi) orbit on 8 December 2010,[790] The capsule re-entered the atmosphere after two orbits, allowing testing for the pressure vessel integrity, attitude control using the Draco thrusters, telemetry, guidance, navigation, control systems, and the PICA-X heat shield, and intended to test the parachutes at speed. The capsule was recovered off the coast of Mexico[791] and then placed on display at SpaceX headquarters.[792]

The remaining objectives of the NASA COTS qualification program were combined into a single Dragon C2+ mission,[793] on the condition that all milestones would be validated in space before berthing Dragon to the ISS. The Dragon capsule was propelled to orbit on 22 May, and for the next days tested its positioning system, solar panels, grapple fixture, proximity navigation sensors, and its rendezvous capabilities at safe distances. After a final hold position a 9 m (30 ft) away from the Harmony docking port on 25 May, it was grabbed with the station's robotic arm (Canadarm2), and eventually, the hatch was opened on 26 May. It was released on 31 May and successfully completed all the return procedures,[794] and the recovered Dragon C2+ capsule is now on display at Kennedy Space Center.[795] Falcon 9 and Dragon thus became the first fully commercially developed launcher to deliver a payload to the International Space Station, paving the way for SpaceX and NASA to sign the first Commercial Resupply Services agreement for 12 cargo deliveries.[796]


Dragon CRS-1 berthed to the International Space Station (ISS) on 14 October 2012, photographed from the Cupola.

First operational cargo resupply mission to ISS, the fourth flight of Falcon 9, was launched on 7 October 2012. At 76 seconds after liftoff, engine 1 of the first stage suffered a loss of pressure which caused an automatic shutdown of that engine, but the remaining eight first-stage engines continued to burn and the Dragon capsule reached orbit successfully and thus demonstrated the rocket's "engine out" capability in flight.[797][798] Due to ISS visiting vehicle safety rules, at NASA's request, the secondary payload Orbcomm-2 was released into a lower-than-intended orbit.[26] The mission continued to rendezvous and berth the Dragon capsule with the ISS where the ISS crew unloaded its payload and reloaded the spacecraft with cargo for return to Earth.[799] Despite the incident, Orbcomm said they gathered useful test data from the mission and planned to send more satellites via SpaceX,[25] which happened in July 2014 and December 2015.

Maiden flight of v1.1

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SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.1 launch from Vandenberg with CASSIOPE

Following unsuccessful attempts at recovering the first stage with parachutes, SpaceX upgraded to much larger first stage booster and with greater thrust, termed Falcon 9 v1.1 (also termed Block 2[800]). SpaceX performed its first, demonstration flight of this version on 29 September 2013,[801] with CASSIOPE as a primary payload. This had a payload mass that is very small relative to the rocket's capability, and was launched at a discounted rate, approximately 20% of the normal published price.[802][803][30] After the second stage separation, SpaceX conducted a novel high-altitude, high-velocity flight test, wherein the booster attempted to reenter the lower atmosphere in a controlled manner and decelerate to a simulated over-water landing.[30]

Loss of CRS-7 mission

SpaceX CRS-7 disintegrating two minutes after liftoff, as seen from a NASA tracking camera.

On 28 June 2015, Falcon 9 Flight 19 carried a Dragon capsule on the seventh Commercial Resupply Services mission to the ISS. The second stage disintegrated due to an internal helium tank failure while the first stage was still burning normally. This was the first (and only as of May 2021) primary mission loss for any Falcon 9 rocket.[93] In addition to ISS consumables and experiments, this mission carried the first International Docking Adapter (IDA-1), whose loss delayed preparedness of the station's US Orbital Segment (USOS) for future crewed missions.[804]

Performance was nominal until T+140 seconds into launch when a cloud of white vapor appeared, followed by rapid loss of second-stage LOX tank pressure. The booster continued on its trajectory until complete vehicle breakup at T+150 seconds. The Dragon capsule was ejected from the disintegrating rocket and continued transmitting data until impact with the ocean. SpaceX officials stated that the capsule could have been recovered if the parachutes had deployed; however, the Dragon software did not include any provisions for parachute deployment in this situation.[95] Subsequent investigations traced the cause of the accident to the failure of a strut that secured a helium bottle inside the second-stage LOX tank. With the helium pressurization system integrity breached, excess helium quickly flooded the tank, eventually causing it to burst from overpressure.[805][806] NASA's independent accident investigation into the loss of SpaceX CRS-7 found that the failure of the strut which led to the breakup of the Falcon-9 represented a design error. Specifically, that industrial grade stainless steel had been used in a critical load path under cryogenic conditions and flight conditions, without additional part screening, and without regard to manufacturer recommendations.[807]

Full-thrust version and first booster landings

Falcon 9 Flight 20 historic first-stage landing at CCAFS Landing Zone 1, 22 December 2015

After pausing launches for months, SpaceX launched on 22 December 2015, the highly anticipated return-to-flight mission after the loss of CRS-7. This launch inaugurated a new Falcon 9 Full Thrust version (also initially termed Block 3[800]) of its flagship rocket featuring increased performance, notably thanks to subcooling of the propellants. After launching a constellation of 11 Orbcomm-OG2 second-generation satellites,[808] the first stage performed a controlled-descent and landing test for the eighth time, SpaceX attempted to land the booster on land for the first time. It managed to return the first stage successfully to the Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral, marking the first successful recovery of a rocket first stage that launched a payload to orbit.[809] After recovery, the first stage booster performed further ground tests and then was put on permanent display outside SpaceX's headquarters in Hawthorne, California.[98]

On 8 April 2016, SpaceX delivered its commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station marking the return-to-flight of the Dragon capsule, after the loss of CRS-7. After separation, the first-stage booster slowed itself with a boostback maneuver, re-entered the atmosphere, executed an automated controlled descent and landed vertically onto the drone ship Of Course I Still Love You, marking the first successful landing of a rocket on a ship at sea.[810] This was the fourth attempt to land on a drone ship, as part of the company's experimental controlled-descent and landing tests.[811]

Loss of Amos-6 on the launch pad

On 1 September 2016, the 29th Falcon 9 rocket exploded on the launchpad while propellant was being loaded for a routine pre-launch static fire test. The payload, Israeli satellite Amos-6, partly commissioned by Facebook, was destroyed with the launcher.[812] On 2 January 2017, SpaceX released an official statement indicating that the cause of the failure was a buckled liner in several of the COPV tanks, causing perforations that allowed liquid and/or solid oxygen to accumulate underneath the COPVs carbon strands, which were subsequently ignited possibly due to friction of breaking strands.[149]

Inaugural reuse of the first stage

On March 30, 2017, Flight 32 launched the SES-10 satellite with the first-stage booster B1021, which had been previously used for the CRS-8 mission a year earlier. The stage was successfully recovered a second time and was retired and put on display at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.[813]

Zuma launch controversy

Zuma was a classified United States government satellite and was developed and built by Northrop Grumman at an estimated cost of US$3.5 billion.[814] Its launch, originally planned for mid-November 2017, was postponed to 8 January 2018 as fairing tests for another SpaceX customer were assessed. Following a successful Falcon 9 launch, the first-stage booster landed at LZ-1.[242] Unconfirmed reports suggested that the Zuma spacecraft was lost,[243] with claims that either the payload failed following orbital release, or that the customer-provided adapter failed to release the satellite from the upper stage, while other claims argued that Zuma was in orbit and operating covertly.[243] SpaceX's COO Gwynne Shotwell stated that their Falcon 9 "did everything correctly" and that "Information published that is contrary to this statement is categorically false".[243] A preliminary report indicated that the payload adapter, modified by Northrop Grumman after purchasing it from a subcontractor, failed to separate the satellite from the second stage under the zero gravity conditions.[815][814] Due to the classified nature of the mission, no further official information is expected.[243]

Falcon Heavy test flight

Liftoff of Falcon Heavy on its maiden flight (left) and its two side-boosters landing at LZ-1 and LZ-2 a few minutes later (right)

The maiden launch of the Falcon Heavy occurred on February 6, 2018, marking the launch of the most powerful rocket since the Space Shuttle, with a theoretical payload capacity to low Earth orbit more than double the Delta IV Heavy.[816][817] Both side boosters landed nearly simultaneously after a ten-minute flight. The central core failed to land on a floating platform at sea.[261] The rocket carried a car and a mannequin to an eccentric heliocentric orbit that reaches further than aphelion of Mars.[818]

Maiden flight Crew Dragon and first crewed flight

On March 2, 2019, SpaceX launched its first orbital flight of Dragon 2 (Crew Dragon). It was an uncrewed mission to the International Space Station. The Dragon contained a mannequin named Ripley which was equipped with multiple sensors to gather data about how a human would feel during the flight. Along with the mannequin was 300 pounds of cargo of food and other supplies.[819] Also on board was Earth plush toy referred to as a 'Super high tech zero-g indicator'.[820] The toy became a hit with astronaut Anne McClain who showed the plushy on the ISS each day[821] and also deciding to keep it on board to experience the crewed SpX-DM2.

The Dragon spent six days in space including five docked to the International Space Station. During the time, various systems were tested to make sure the vehicle was ready for US astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken to fly in it in 2020. The Dragon undocked and performed a re-entry burn before splashing down on March 8, 2019 at 08:45 EST, 320 km (200 mi) off the coast of Florida.[822]

SpaceX held a successful launch of the first commercial orbital human space flight on May 30, 2020, crewed with NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken. Both astronauts focused on conducting tests on the Crew Dragon capsule. Crew Dragon successfully returned to Earth, splashing down in the Gulf of Mexico on August 2, 2020.[823]

Booster reflight records

Most records were set during launches of Starlink satellites.

On 3 December 2018, Spaceflight SSO-A launched on B1046. It was the first commercial mission to use a booster flying for the third time.

B1048 made the first fourth flight of a booster in November 2019, and the fifth flight in March 2020, but the booster was lost during re-entry.

B1049 was the first booster to be recovered five times on 4 June 2020, six times on 18 August 2020, and seven times on 25 November 2020.

B1051 was the first booster to be recovered eight times on 20 January 2021. It was recovered for the ninth time on 14 March 2021.[824][825]

On 9 May 2021, B1051 launched and landed for the tenth time, achieving one of SpaceX's milestone goals for reuse.[826]

Booster B1060 holds the record for fastest turnaround at 27 days. It launched on 7 January and again on 4 February 2021. [827][828]

  • List of Falcon 1 launches
  • List of Falcon 9 first-stage boosters
  • List of SpaceX Dragon 1 missions
  • List of SpaceX Dragon 2 missions
  • List of Starlink flights
  • List of Starship flights

  1. ^ The Telstar 18V and Telstar 19V satellites were heavier, but were launched into a lower-energy transfer orbit achieving an apogee well below the geostationary altitude.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Falcon 9 first-stage boosters are designated with a construction serial number and an optional flight number when reused, e.g. B1021.1 and B1021.2 represent the two flights of booster B1021. Launches using reused boosters are denoted with a recycled symbol ♺.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Dragon 1 or 2 are designated with a construction serial number or name and an optional flight number when reused, e.g. Dragon C106.1 and Dragon C106.2 represent the two flights of Dragon C106. Dragon Spacecrafts that are reused are denoted with a recycled symbol ♺.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g A controlled "ocean landing" denotes a controlled atmospheric entry, descent and vertical splashdown on the ocean's surface at near zero velocity, for the sole purpose of gathering test data; such boosters were destroyed at sea.
  5. ^ Since it was a pre-flight test, SpaceX does not count this scheduled attempt in their launch totals. Some sources do consider this planned flight into the counting schemes, and as a result, some sources might list launch totals after 2016 with one additional launch.
  6. ^ Unspecified U.S. government agency
  7. ^ Payload comprises five Iridium satellites weighing 860 kg each,[325] two GRACE-FO satellites weighing 580 kg each,[326] plus a 1000 kg dispenser.[159]
  8. ^ Total payload mass includes the Crew Dragon capsule, fuel, suited mannequin, instrumentation and 204 kg of cargo.
  9. ^ Despite making a successful landing, de-tanking and heading back home, the stage tipped over at sea. This is still considered a successful landing as the stage damage occurred while in transport.[424]

  1. ^ "Falcon 9 Overview". SpaceX. 8 May 2010. Archived from the original on 5 August 2014.
  2. ^ Simberg, Rand (8 February 2012). "Elon Musk on SpaceX's Reusable Rocket Plans". Popular Mechanics. Retrieved 2 November 2017.
  3. ^ Wall, Mike (21 December 2015). "Wow! SpaceX Lands Orbital Rocket Successfully in Historic First". Space.com. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  4. ^ Grush, Laren (21 December 2015). "SpaceX successfully landed its Falcon 9 rocket after launching it to space". The Verge. Retrieved 16 August 2017.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n "SpaceX and Cape Canaveral Return to Action with First Operational Starlink Mission". NASASpaceFlight.com. 11 November 2019. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  6. ^ Baylor, Michael (17 May 2018). "With Block 5, SpaceX to increase launch cadence and lower prices". NASASpaceFlight.com. Retrieved 5 July 2018.
  7. ^ a b c d e f Clark, Stephen (18 May 2012). "Q&A with SpaceX founder and chief designer Elon Musk". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved 29 June 2012. The next version of Falcon 9 will be used for everything. The last flight of version 1.0 will be Flight 5. All future missions after Flight 5 will be v1.1.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r "Space Launch Report: SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.2 Data Sheet". Space Launch Report. 14 August 2017. Retrieved 13 August 2017.
  9. ^ a b c Spencer, Henry (30 September 2011). "Falcon rockets to land on their toes". New Scientist. Archived from the original on 16 December 2017. Retrieved 13 July 2016.
  10. ^ Clark, Stephen (3 June 2010). "Falcon 9 demo launch will test more than a new rocket". SpaceFlight Now. Retrieved 13 July 2016.
  11. ^ a b c Clark, Stephen (4 June 2010). "Falcon 9 booster rockets into orbit on dramatic first launch". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved 4 June 2010.
  12. ^ a b Graham, William (30 March 2017). "SpaceX conducts historic Falcon 9 re-flight with SES-10 - Lands booster again". nasaspaceflight.com.
  13. ^ Clark, Stephen (9 December 2010). "Mission Status Center". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved 10 November 2017.
  14. ^ Matt (7 May 2010). "Preparations for first Falcon 9 launch". Space Fellowship. Retrieved 13 July 2016.
  15. ^ Clark, Stephen (7 December 2010). "SpaceX on the verge of unleashing Dragon in the sky". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved 10 November 2017.
  16. ^ Brinton, Turner (8 April 2010). "NRO Taps Boeing for Next Batch of Cubesats". SpaceNews. Retrieved 2 November 2017.
  17. ^ a b Amos, Jonathan (22 May 2012). "Nasa chief hails new era in space". BBC News. Retrieved 25 May 2012.
  18. ^ Carreau, Mark (20 July 2011). "SpaceX Station Cargo Mission Eyes November Launch". Aviation Week & Space Technology. Retrieved 6 March 2016.
  19. ^ Hartman, Dan (23 July 2012). "International Space Station Program Status" (PDF). NASA. Retrieved 25 September 2017. This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  20. ^ Clark, Stephen (22 May 2012). "Dragon circling Earth after flawless predawn blastoff". Spaceflight Now. Archived from the original on 25 May 2012. Retrieved 22 May 2012.
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Launch Log". Spaceflight Now. 1 February 2016. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016. Retrieved 9 February 2016.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "SpaceX Launch Manifest". SpaceX. Archived from the original on 4 October 2012. Retrieved 25 September 2012.
  23. ^
    (secondary payload) de Selding, Peter B. (25 May 2012). "Orbcomm Eagerly Awaits Launch of New Satellite on Next Falcon 9". SpaceNews. Retrieved 28 May 2012.
  24. ^ a b c Krebs, Gunter. "Orbcomm FM101, ..., FM119 (OG2)". Gunter's Space Page. Retrieved 16 April 2017.
  25. ^ a b Editorial (30 October 2012). "First Outing for SpaceX". The New York Times. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  26. ^ a b Clark, Stephen (11 October 2012). "Orbcomm craft falls to Earth, company claims total loss". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved 11 October 2012.
  27. ^ de Selding, Peter B. (11 October 2012). "Orbcomm Craft Launched by Falcon 9 Falls out of Orbit". SpaceNews. Retrieved 12 October 2012. Orbcomm requested that SpaceX carry one of their small satellites (weighing a few hundred pounds, versus Dragon at over 12,000 pounds)... The higher the orbit, the more test data [Orbcomm] can gather, so they requested that we attempt to restart and raise altitude. NASA agreed to allow that, but only on condition that there be substantial propellant reserves, since the orbit would be close to the space station. It is important to appreciate that Orbcomm understood from the beginning that the orbit-raising maneuver was tentative. They accepted that there was a high risk of their satellite remaining at the Dragon insertion orbit. SpaceX would not have agreed to fly their satellite otherwise, since this was not part of the core mission and there was a known, material risk of no altitude raise.
  28. ^ Clark, Stephen (14 November 2012). "Dragon Mission Report". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved 10 November 2017.
  29. ^ a b "Falcon 9 Overview". SpaceX. 27 May 2012. Archived from the original on 18 January 2012. Retrieved 28 May 2012.
  30. ^ a b c d e Messier, Doug (29 September 2013). "Falcon 9 Launches Payloads into Orbit From Vandenberg". Parabolic Arc. Retrieved 30 September 2013.
  31. ^ Clark, Stephen (18 May 2012). "Dragon Mission Report | Q&A with SpaceX founder and chief designer Elon Musk". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved 25 May 2012.
  32. ^ "SES-8 Mission Press Kit" (PDF). spaceflightnow.com. SpaceX. November 2013. Retrieved 1 September 2019.
  33. ^ Braun, Robert D.; Sforzo, Brandon; Campbell, Charles (2017). "Advancing Supersonic Retropropulsion Using Mars-Relevant Flight Data: An Overview". AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition. doi:10.2514/6.2017-5292. hdl:2060/20170008535. ISBN 978-1-62410-483-1.
  34. ^ "SpaceX Successfully Completes First Mission to Geostationary Transfer Orbit". SpaceX. 3 December 2013. Archived from the original on 29 December 2019. Retrieved 25 November 2013.
  35. ^ a b Brost, Kirstin; Feltes, Yves (14 March 2011). "SpaceX and SES Announce Satellite Launch Agreement" (Press release). SpaceX. Archived from the original on 10 September 2019. Retrieved 6 March 2016.
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