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Magpet , официально муниципалитет Magpet ( Хилигайнон : Банва пели Magpet ; Кебуано : Lungsod са Magpet ; филиппинский : Баян нг Magpet ), является первым классом муниципалитет в провинции в Котабато , Филиппины . Согласно переписи 2015 года, его население составляет 49 201 человек. [3]

География [ править ]

Муниципалитет Магпет расположен в восточной части провинции Котабато, у подножия горы. Апо с уклоном в гористую местность. Кроме того, это муниципалитет, не имеющий выхода к морю, расположенный на границе провинций Котабато и Давао-дель-Сур. Он ограничен на севере муниципалитетом Аракан; на востоке у города Давао, на западе у президента Рохаса и Антипы и 9,0 км на юге у города Кидапаван провинции Котабато. Муниципалитет находится между 7 ° 6,178 'северной широты и 125 ° 7,461' восточной долготы.

Физико-геофизические особенности [ править ]

Магпет имеет общую площадь 75 536 га сельскохозяйственных и лесных угодий. В нем 32 барангая, из которых только Барангай-Побласьон считается городским барангаем. Барангаи с самой большой площадью суши - Либертад (8% от общей площади), Манобо (7,3%), Махонгконг (6,7%) и Имамалинг (6,1%). С другой стороны, наименьшей площадью суши являются барангаи Багумбаян (0,5% от общей площади суши), Алибайон (0,36%), Дель Пилар (0,25%) и Каусваган (0,17%).

Топография [ править ]

Примерно 34,76% или 26 256 га считаются территориями с очень крутыми или сильно холмистыми склонами. Около 6 381 га склонов 0 - 3% являются очень хорошими землями для интенсивного сельскохозяйственного производства.

Почвы в Магпете представляют собой супеси quilada (9846 га); ароматный суглинок (24 345 га) и суглинок болинао (41 345 га). Как правило, эти земли относятся к категории 45 или горных. Почва Magpet подходит для выращивания таких культур, как каучук, кокос, кофе, какао, черный перец, банан, фруктовые деревья и овощи. Земля в муниципалитете дополнительно оценивает почву в соответствии с классификацией CE и U. Почвы глинисто-суглинистые. Однако встречаются и в различных барангаях.

Преобладающие типы почв в этом районе обладают высокой и средней водоудерживающей способностью. Около 22% площади земель не имеют явных проблем с эрозией, в то время как 30 194,70 га, или 31%, считаются слегка эродированными. Общая площадь участков с умеренным потенциалом эрозии составляет 10 382,20 га, в то время как 24%, или 18 382,20 га, уже подвержены сильной эрозии.

Климат [ править ]

Земельный участок [ править ]

Территория муниципалитета составляет примерно 75 536 га, из которых 0,98% (744 га) приходится на городскую территорию, а 99,02% (74 792 га) земли приходится на сельскую местность. Согласно социально-экономическому профилю муниципалитета, в муниципалитете 35 барангаев, которые подразделяются на 1 городскую территорию; Побласьон и отдых (34) - сельская местность.

Барангаи [ править ]

Магпет политически подразделяется на 32 барангая . [2]

  • Алибайон
  • Багумбаян
  • Бангкал
  • Bantac
  • Basak
  • Бинай
  • Бонголанон
  • Дату Село
  • Дель Пилар
  • Доулс
  • Губатан
  • Илиан
  • Inac
  • Камада
  • Каусваган
  • Кисандал
  • Магчаалам
  • Mahongcog
  • Манобо
  • Ноа
  • Овас
  • Пангао-ан
  • Побласьон
  • Саллаб
  • Tagbac
  • Temporan
  • Амабель
  • Балете
  • Дон Панака
  • Имамалинг
  • Кинарум
  • Манобиса

История [ править ]

Магпет получил свое название от слова малотпот , что означает «место, где люди собираются вместе, чтобы съесть свой упакованный ланч, завернутый в банановые листья». [6] Магпет был создан в соответствии с Законом Республики 3721 , который был подписан тогдашним президентом Диосдадо Макапагалом 22 июня 1963 года. Первые местные должностные лица были приведены к присяге 13 августа 1963 года с Фройландом Матасом в качестве первого мэра. [6]

Муниципальные мэры (с 1963 г. по настоящее время) [ править ]


Экономика [ править ]

The municipality has a huge area for agricultural and mostly the people are farmers and their income derived from farming activities. The average annual family income is Php 83,053 or an average monthly income of Php 6,921.

Wages and salaries as well as entrepreneurial is also as their main income for workers, individual or self-employed income earners has been noted also in the municipality like skylab or single motorcycle driver, tricycle drivers, market and ambulant vendors and among others. The data of poverty incidence of the municipality from the Philippine Statistic Authority, 2012 show that poverty incidence of Magpet is 43.9% in 2006, 36.7% in 2009 and 48.9% in 2012.

Magpet's primary income is coming from agriculture, this is because of huge potential area for agriculture development, and the major agricultural product produce are rubber, banana both lacatan and cardava, coconuts, coffee and frits. While the minor products, rice and corn, root crops,Tahiti and vegetables, etc. The municipality is not so much a meat and poultry producing municipality, but mostly a small or a backyard poultry and hog raising only.

Rice production in Magpet is only 1.16% or 1,028 hectares of the total land area with another 1.50% or 1,115 hectares as potential area due to its land topography, which is mostly hilly or mountainous.

Magpet is the No. 1 Banana producing municipality in the Province of North Cotabato. Knowing Magpet has a cool climate and high elevation, favourable in growing large and sweet variety of highland lacatan banana.

Of all the commodity crops planted, Lacatan banana is the no. 1 income generating in the municipality. It covers the entire barangays in Magpet, while some areas identified as rice and corn commodity were subsequently converted into banana plantation areas. About 25% or a total of 171 hectares were converted into banana production.

Banana covers the largest plantation area in the municipality with a total of 2,123.30 hectares and has a total of 940,531,500.00 metric tons per year as of December 31, 2013 data. This Lacatan banana variety is being sold to the local market and transported to Cities like Manila, Cebu, Iloilo and Cagayan de Oro via Davao City.

For now, only DOLE Stanfilco grow Cavendish bananas in the southwest portion of the municipality. This banana variety is exported to Middle East countries and Central Asia countries like China, Singapore and others. It provides employment to local farmers who do not have a farm of their own to till.

Businesses in the municipality are dominated by small to medium-scale establishments engaged mostly in the distribution of finished products. As of 2018, number of registered business establishments totaled to 326 (new – 93; renewal – 233).

Tourism industry is also a very potential entrepreneur in the municipality, this give income to the LGU. Mostly tourist spot was developed by the LGU like in Tausuvan water falls and Kirongdong water falls in Kinarum. There are also private operated resort in the municipality, like Sitio Maupot Family Resort in Pangao-an, Lighthouse Resort and Kalaw Resort both located in barangay Bantac.

Roads and bridges[edit]

Magpet has a total road length of 310.91 kilometers of which 38.30 kilometers National Road, 25.30 kilometers Provincial Road, 8.073 kilometers Municipal Road and 239.237 Barangay road.

These roads are categorized into: Concrete (84.37 km), Asphalt (1.05 km), Gravel (116.17 km), and Earth/ unpaved (109.30 km).

There are 6 bridges and 2 double barrel box culvert along the national highway of Kidapawan-Magpet-Pangao-an Road (KMP) which include 2 FVR type steel bridge and 4 RCDG bridge and 3 bridges and 2 double barrel box culvert along Magpet- Binay- Basak-Temporan Road which include 3 RCDG bridges, in the provincial road along Kisandal-Bongolanon-Magcaalam-Bangkal-Manobo there are 3 bridges, 1 double barrel box culvert and 1 overflow bridge, these 2 bridges are RCDG type of bridges and 1 bailey bridge in Manobo that need immediate repair. Generally the bridges along these national and provincial roads are in good condition but it need maintenance and rehabilitation to make it sure to sustain durability of the structure. It needs to construct new RCDG bridge in Tagibaka river, Bongolanon.

On the other hand, in the barangay roads almost all rivers and creeks have existing bridges and overflow bridges, like the 21 lm bailey bridge in Barangay Ilian, 18 lm bailey bridge in Bangkal, and RCDG bridge in Sitio Namuwaran in Manobisa, RCDG bridge in Tagibaka, Magcaalam. So far all these existing bridges and overflow bridges are in good condition.

People who would like to travel to Cagayan de Oro City may take the route Magpet- Binay- Basak-Temporan - Arakan - Bukidnon highway.


Most areas in the municipality can be reached by any type of transportation especially in the major road networks, but the people prefer to used skylab or single motorcycle type of transportation for the fast transportation especially in the rural barangays. Tricycle is the mode of transportation in going to nearby city of Kidapawan. There are also jeepneys plying in the northern part of the municipality.


Almost all of the barangays in the municipality has power energy service by Cotabato Electric Cooperative (COTELCO) but this can be found near the electric transmission line and the center of the barangay, but in the sitio power services still needs to be implemented.


In the 2015 census, the population of Magpet, Cotabato, was 49,201 people, [3] with a density of 65 inhabitants per square kilometre or 170 inhabitants per square mile.

Poblacion is the densest barangay with a density of 921.


Annual population growth rate is at 1.64%. According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Magpet is 5 to 9, with 6,076 individuals. The age group with the lowest population is 80 and over, with 330 individuals.

Natural resources[edit]


Several rivers located in Magpet are being tapped for irrigation development and potential for hydro power plants. Others are the major tributaries to Kabacan River, which flows to many barangays of Magpet, to the Municipalities of Pres. Roxas, Matalam, Kabacan, Carmen and connects with Pulangi River. As a major source of water supply, it served for irrigation purposes, servicing thousands of hectares of rice fields not only in the Municipality of Magpet, but also in the various areas of the Province as well. Magpet is serviced by two public water system (Level III) by the Metro Kidapawan Water District(MKWD) servicing to barangays Bongolanon, Kisandal, Tagbak, Poblacion and Gubatan. While Magpet Water Works Services (MWWS), a water system owned an managed by the Local Government Unit extend its services to barangyas Magkaalam, Tagbak, Poblacion, Owas, Kamada, Gubatan, Kauswagan, Alibayon, Del Pilar, Inac, Doles, Binay, Bantac and Pangao-an . Other barangays have their own system, the Barangay Water Sanitation (BAWASA), a level III and level II water system.


Mineral products found in the municipality of Magpet include non-metallic like limestone, sand and gravel which are the basic good materials for constructions while the red and white clay, considered as among the best in the country, are good materials for ceramic production. These can be found particularly in the barangays of Doles, Inca and Noa. Metallic minerals include gold, nickel and silver.

Tourist attractions[edit]

  • Towsuvan Falls located at the foothills of Mount Apo in the town of Magpet. Crystal-clear water that offer a cool respite to a trek through lush forests, with a 20–30 metres (66–98 ft) drop of water with a natural pool. Its temperature may drop to 6 °C (43 °F) at night.
  • Kirongdong Falls and Rainforests located at Kinarum, Magpet, with a drop of water between 70 to 80 metres (230 to 260 ft) surrounded by mountain ranges and cliffs.
  • Mabu Falls and Rainforest located at Manobo, Magpet. About 120 metres (390 ft) high waterfalls and blessed with bed of flowers and century Cinnamon and Almaciga trees in the surroundings.
  • Lighthouse Resort located in barangay Bantac. A garden and swimming pool resort.
  • Kalaw Resort located in barangay Bantac.
  • Manobo Tribal Village located at Manobo, Magpet. It is one of the entry point to Mt. Apo via Lake Venado.
  • Sitio Dallag Tribal Village located at Manobo, Magpet. It has an area of 400 hectares (990 acres) and nestled at about 400 metres (1,300 ft) above sea level and it is inhabited with indigenous Obo Manobo tribes.It has 7 large Bunk houses built by Barangay Manobo leader Rolando P. Pelonio together with the people of this area.
  • Sitio Maupot Family Resort located at Crossing Kamatis, barangay Pangao-an, Magpet. The scenic venue for all occasions. A Bali inspired resort facing the Majestic Mt. Apo. https://www.facebook.com/sitiomaupotfamilyresort/


Magpet Red Orchid Award 2018
  • 2011 Seal of Good Housekeeping (Department of the Interior and Local Government)
  • 2015 Seal of Good Local Governance (Department of the Interior and Local Government)
  • 2018 Seal of Good Local Governance (Department of the Interior and Local Government)
  • 2018 Red Orchid Award (Department of Health)
  • 2018 National Anti-Drug Abuse Council Performance Award (Department of the Interior and Local Government)
  • 2019 Red Orchid Award (Department of Health)


Magpet is a major water resource provider and the eco-tourism capital of the Province of Cotabato in an agri-industrial town of well-managed natural resources in an ecologically balanced environment inhabited by productive, healthy and empowered cultural sensitive people enjoying accessible facilities and services governed by transparent, accountable leadership working towards a dynamic economy and sustainable development.


  1. ^ Municipality of Magpet | (DILG)
  2. ^ a b "Province: North Cotabato". PSGC Interactive. Quezon City, Philippines: Philippine Statistics Authority. Retrieved 12 November 2016.
  3. ^ a b c d Census of Population (2015). "Region XII (Soccsksargen)". Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay. PSA. Retrieved 20 June 2016.
  4. ^ https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/City%20and%20Municipal-level%20Small%20Area%20Poverty%20Estimates_%202009%2C%202012%20and%202015_0.xlsx; publication date: 10 July 2019; publisher: Philippine Statistics Authority.
  5. ^ "Magpet: Average Temperatures and Rainfall". Meteoblue. Retrieved 30 January 2020.
  6. ^ a b "Our History". Cotabatoprov.gov.ph. Retrieved 16 July 2020. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  7. ^ "Our History – Magpet, Cotabato". Retrieved 2019-06-22.
  8. ^ "Poverty incidence (PI):". Philippine Statistics Authority. Retrieved 28 December 2020. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  9. ^ https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/NSCB_LocalPovertyPhilippines_0.pdf; publication date: 29 November 2005; publisher: Philippine Statistics Authority.
  10. ^ https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/2003%20SAE%20of%20poverty%20%28Full%20Report%29_1.pdf; publication date: 23 March 2009; publisher: Philippine Statistics Authority.
  11. ^ https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/2006%20and%202009%20City%20and%20Municipal%20Level%20Poverty%20Estimates_0_1.pdf; publication date: 3 August 2012; publisher: Philippine Statistics Authority.
  12. ^ https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/2012%20Municipal%20and%20City%20Level%20Poverty%20Estima7tes%20Publication%20%281%29.pdf; publication date: 31 May 2016; publisher: Philippine Statistics Authority.
  13. ^ https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/files/City%20and%20Municipal-level%20Small%20Area%20Poverty%20Estimates_%202009%2C%202012%20and%202015_0.xlsx; publication date: 10 July 2019; publisher: Philippine Statistics Authority.
  14. ^ Census of Population and Housing (2010). "Region XII (Soccsksargen)". Total Population by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay. NSO. Retrieved 29 June 2016.
  15. ^ Censuses of Population (1903–2007). "Region XII (Soccsksargen)". Table 1. Population Enumerated in Various Censuses by Province/Highly Urbanized City: 1903 to 2007. NSO.
  16. ^ "Province of North Cotabato". Municipality Population Data. Local Water Utilities Administration Research Division. Retrieved 17 December 2016. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  17. ^ [source: https://www.philatlas.com/mindanao/r12/cotabato/magpet.html "Magpet Province of Cotabato"] Check |url= value (help). PhilAtlas.

External links[edit]

  • Magpet Profile at PhilAtlas.com
  • Philippine Standard Geographic Code
  • Philippine Census Information
  • Local Governance Performance Management System
  • Official website