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Университет Стирлинга ( шотландцы : Университет O Stirlin , шотландский гэльский : Oilthigh Shruighlea (сокращенно Перемешать или Shruiglea , в пост-номиналов ) является государственным университетом в Стерлинг , Шотландия, основанная Королевской хартии в 1967 г. Он расположен в Центральной Пояс Шотландии, построенный в замке Эйртрей, обнесенном стеной.имущество. С момента своего основания он расширился до четырех факультетов, Школы менеджмента и ряда институтов и центров, охватывающих широкий спектр предметов в академических областях искусства и гуманитарных наук, естественных и социальных наук, а также наук о здоровье и спорте.

Кампус университета занимает площадь около 360 акров (1,5 км 2 ), включая инновационный парк Университета Стерлинга и Центр деменции. Кампус с его дикой природой, озерами и смесью местной и экзотической флоры расположен у подножия холмов Очил и часто считается одним из самых красивых в Великобритании. [5] В 2002 году Университет Стерлинга и ландшафт поместья Эйртри были названы Международным советом по памятникам и достопримечательностям одним из 20 лучших объектов культурного наследия Великобритании 20-го века. [6] Учреждение также занимает здания в городе Стерлинг.

Университет привлекает студентов из самых разных слоев общества: в 2020/21 учебном году зачислено более 14000 студентов-заочников и очных отделений. [7] Стирлинг имеет партнерские отношения по международной программе получения дипломов в Китае с Хэбэйским педагогическим университетом , Сингапуром с Сингапурским институтом менеджмента и Оманом. Университет предлагает степень магистра в области прав человека и дипломатии, это единственная в мире программа по правам человека и дипломатии, преподаваемая в партнерстве с ведущим учебным органом Организации Объединенных Наций: Учебным и исследовательским институтом Организации Объединенных Наций (ЮНИТАР).

История [ править ]

Стерлинг был первым новым университетом, основанным в Шотландии за почти 400 лет. [8] Первоначальный сайт кампуса был выбран из короткого списка конкурирующих сайтов, который включает Фолкерк, Перт и Инвернесс. Автор «Обзора Роббинса», который рекомендовал расширить число университетов в Великобритании в течение 1960-х годов, лорд Роббинс , был назначен первым ректором университета в 1968 году. В 1967 году был построен дом для директора университета Тома Коттрелла , спроектированный по проекту архитекторами Моррисом и Стидманом . Он был внесен в категорию А в 2009 году. [9]

Здание Pathfoot открылось в 1967 году.

Здание Pathfoot, которое представляло собой первую фазу развития кампуса, было завершено в 1968 году и первоначально в нем размещались лекционные залы, офисы и классы в дополнение к культовому «залу давки», где университет демонстрировал свою новую коллекцию современного шотландского искусства. Здание было расширено в 1979 году, чтобы включить в него Тропический аквариум, а в 1987 году снова включить вирусологическое отделение, связанное с университетским институтом аквакультуры. В 1993 году Pathfoot здания был выбран международной организацией по сохранению DOCOMOMO в качестве одного из шестидесяти ключевых шотландских памятников в послевоенной эпохи. Он также был признан одним из 100 лучших современных шотландских зданий Prospect.. В 1970 году началось строительство здания, которое впоследствии было названо Коттрелл-билдинг, в память о первом директоре университета Коттрелле. Он состоит из двух параллельных зданий с поперечными коридорами и перемежающимися садами во дворе. В здании сегодня находится большая часть администрации университета, лекционные залы, ведомственные кабинеты, аудитории и компьютерные лаборатории. Университетская библиотека, Атриум и Центр Мак-Роберта расположены в соседнем здании Эндрю Миллера, строительство которого было завершено в 1971 году. [10]

13 октября 1972 года, во время визита Ее Величества Королевы в новый кампус, она подверглась шумному приему со стороны студентов, о чем широко сообщалось в средствах массовой информации. Студенты протестовали против отсутствия социальных пространств в относительно недавно построенном университете. 24 участвовавшим студентам были предъявлены обвинения в сборе, но позже обвинения были сняты. [11] Королевских визитов не было до 2011 года, когда принц Эдуард официально открыл обновленную библиотеку. [12]

Отдел бизнес-исследований был создан в 1982 году. [13] В том же году открылся Институт аквакультуры, научно-исследовательский институт, специализирующийся на рыбоводстве и генетике. В 1983 году компания продала компании Wang Laboratories 300 акров земли. [14] Здание Р.Г. Бомонта (названное в честь второго секретаря университета), в котором находится факультет социальных наук, было завершено в 1998 году. Здание Айрис Мердок было открыто в 2002 году для размещения Центра развития служб деменции и здания Колина Белла. был завершен в 2003 году.

Кампус [ править ]

Замок Эйртри

Кампус университета расположен на территории 330 акров (1,3 км 2 ) под холмами Очил , в 2 милях (3,2 км) от центра Стерлинга , недалеко от города Бридж-оф-Аллан . Он регулярно описывается как один из самых красивых университетских городков в мире [15] и занял 1-е место в Великобритании по условиям студенческого городка в Международном студенческом барометре 2016 года. [16] Он расположен на территории исторического поместья Эйртри, которое находится на территории включает спроектированный Робертом Адамом замок Эйртри 18-го века, а также лес Эрмитажа, озеро Эйртри, [17] поле для гольфа Airthrey. [18]Здание Эндрю Миллера включает в себя Атриум , в котором расположены несколько точек розничной торговли и продуктов питания, включая книжный магазин, банк и универсальный магазин . Это здание связывает библиотеку и студенческий союз Центра Роббинса и соединяет мосты с зданием Коттрелла, студенческими общежитиями на территории кампуса и Центром искусств Мак-Роберта .

Эйртри Лох, здание университета Коттрелл и памятник Уоллесу.

В библиотеке хранится более 500 000 томов и более 9 000 журналов. Главная к архивам как романист Патрик МакГрат [19] и режиссер Норман Макларен , [20] Библиотека вновь открыт в августе 2010 года после масштабной программы реконструкции. MacRobert Arts Center - это небольшой театр и кинотеатр, открытый для членов университетского сообщества и широкой публики. В здании университета находится значительная коллекция изобразительного искусства , включающая более 300 произведений, включая картины, гобелены и скульптуру. [21]

Ранее университет располагал кампусами в Инвернессе и Сторновее , специализирующимися на сестринском и акушерском деле. Участок Хайленда находился на окраине Инвернесса на территории больницы Рейгмор . Кампус Western Isles находился в Stornoway, а учебные помещения были частью больницы Western Isles . В 2016 году было объявлено, что Университет Стерлинга передаст выполнение своих программ в этих кампусах Университету Хайлендса и островов . [22]

Размещение [ править ]

Willow Court, общежития

The University of Stirling student accommodation can cater for almost 3,000 students in over 20 properties located on and off campus.[23] Most accommodation is in university halls and located on campus. There are town houses at Alexander Court for families and groups of students. Of the 2,000 rooms located on-campus, 800 were built since 2013 as part of a £40m investment programme in student accommodation which was completed in September 2015.[24]

Halls of Residence located on campus include:

  • Andrew Stewart Hall
  • Willow Court Flats & Studios
  • Beech Court Flats & Studios
  • Juniper Court Flats & Studios
  • Fraser of Allander House
  • H H Donnelly House
  • Muirhead House
  • Polwarth House
  • Penderich Way
  • Spittal Hill

Residential buildings located off-campus, within Stirling city centre, include Union Street, Bayne Street, Lyon Crescent and John Forty's Court, as well as Centro House and Alangrange.

Sport facilities[edit]

National Swimming Academy

Stirling was designated as Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence by the Scottish Government in 2008.[25] Scholarships are available in five core sports: football, golf, swimming, tennis and triathlon, which allow student athletes to prepare for international competition.[26]

The University has a comprehensive range of sports facilities including a 9-hole Airthrey Golf Course[18] and a 50-metre swimming pool[27] completed in 2001 as part of the National Swimming Academy – a partnership between the University, Scottish Swimming and British Swimming. The sports centre also holds the Gannochy National Tennis Centre, badminton and squash courts, a fitness centre, strength and conditioning centre, sports halls and all-weather playing fields available for students, University staff and the public. The campus is the headquarters for a number of sports agencies including the sportscotland institute of sport, Commonwealth Games Scotland, Scottish Swimming and triathlonscotland.

At Rio 2016, a number of students and alumni from the university competed for Great Britain. Swimmers included Duncan Scott and Robbie Renwick, who both earned silver medals,[28] as well as Commonwealth gold medalist Ross Murdoch.[29]

Top seed tennis player Andy Murray and his brother Jamie Murray trained on the university courts when they were young.[30] Gordon Reid, wheelchair Olympic gold medalist in 2016, was a tennis scholar at the university.[31] The university men's and women's golf teams are consistently ranked among the best in Europe.[32]

The university's most senior football teams compete in the main Scottish league pyramid; the men's team in the regional fifth tier, and the women's team in the second tier. Lower teams compete in the BUCS Football Leagues.

In 2018, the University announced a £20 million transformation of its sports facilities.[33] The project included construction of a new sports centre, which opened in November 2020. The University's new sports centre includes a fitness suite with more than 100 stations, wireless connectivity, three Outrace functional rigs across the new spaces, and new public strength and conditioning area. The University of Stirling is one of the first universities in the UK to install Technogym's new Excite Live range of equipment.[34]

International degree partnerships[edit]

The University has international degree programme partnerships in Singapore,[35] Oman[36] and Vietnam.[37]

Ras al-Khaimah[edit]

In 2018, the university opened a branch in Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.[38]

Organisation and governance[edit]

In August 2016, the University reorganised into four faculties, the Stirling Management School and the Stirling Graduate School.[39]

  • Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Applied Social Sciences
    • Education
  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities
    • Communications, Media and Culture
    • History and Politics
    • Law and Philosophy
    • Literature and Languages
    • London Academy of Diplomacy
  • Stirling Management School
    • Accounting & Finance
    • Economics
    • Management, Work and Organisation
    • Marketing and Retail
    • Centre for Advanced Management Education
    • Centre for Graduate Research in Management
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences
    • Aquaculture
    • Biological and Environmental Sciences
    • Computing Science and Mathematics
    • Psychology
  • Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport
    • Sport
    • Health Sciences


The statutes of the University are laid out in its Royal Charter. University Court is the governing body of the University and the Academic Council looks after academic affairs[40] Day-to-day management of the University is undertaken by Gerry McCormac University Principal (who is also Vice-Chancellor).[41]

In June 2020, it was announced that Professor McCormac had also been elected to serve as Convener of Universities Scotland by his fellow principals. His two-year term commenced on 1 August 2020, and will last until 31 July 2022.[42]

The University's Chancellor is Lord Jack McConnell. [43] The University's constitution, academic regulations, and appointments are outlined in the University calendar.[44]


  1. Lord Robbins −1967 to 1978
  2. Sir Harold Montague Finniston − 1978 to 1988
  3. 8th Lord Balfour of Burleigh, Robert Bruce − 1988 to 1998
  4. Dame Diana Rigg − 1998 to 2008
  5. James Naughtie − 2008 to 2018
  6. Lord Jack McConnell − 2018 to present


  1. Tom Cottrell – 1967 to 1973 (d. 1973 in office)
  2. Sir Frederick Holliday[45] (Acting Principal) – 1973 to 1975 (d. 2016)
  3. Sir William Alexander Cramond[46] – 1975 to 1981 (d. 2004)
  4. Sir Kenneth (Ken) John Wilson Alexander[47] – 1981 to 1986 (d. 2001)
  5. Arthur (John) Forty – 1986 to 1994
  6. Andrew Miller[48] − 1994 to 2001
  7. Colin Bell − 2001 to 2003 (d. 2003 in office)
  8. Christine Hallett − 2005 to 2010
  9. Gerry McCormac − 2010 to present

University Court[edit]

The University's governing body is the University Court. It has overall responsibility for the management of the University's resources, the ongoing strategic direction of the University and the approval of major developments. The Court meets four times over the course of the academic year. In May 2015 the University appointed Fiona Sandford as Chair of Court, taking up the post on 1 August 2015, for a period of four years.[49] She succeeded Alan Simpson who was Chair from 2007 to 2015.

Academic Council[edit]

Academic Council is the body responsible for the management of academic affairs, awarding of all degrees, and for the regulation and superintendence of the education, discipline and welfare of the students of the University. The Council consists of various academics and is chaired by the Principal of the university.

Academic profile[edit]


Most Scottish degree programmes are designed to include four years of study with the intention of providing a broad and flexible education. Stirling has offered four-year, modular degree programmes since the university was first founded. In the 1960s and 1970s Credit Accumulation and Transfer Schemes, which create flexible pathways for students to acquire qualifications, were predominantly used in the US with the UK system operating on a disciplinary progression model. Initially, Stirling's modular approach, and its inherent flexibility, was seen as novel in the UK, but through time, more institutions moved to a semester basis and today almost all universities operate in this way.

Teaching at Stirling is delivered on a two-semester basis with the academic year beginning in mid-September and the first semester ending in mid-December. The second semester runs from the beginning of January to the end of May each year. At undergraduate level, three modules are taken in the first semester and three in the second. The basic module of study at Stirling is assigned 20 Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework[50] (SCQF) credit points. Ordinary degrees have a minimum credit total of 360 points.

The University offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses covering the liberal arts, natural science, management school and health science.[51] Stirling achieved a 5 Star Excellence Award for Teaching by QS Stars in 2016.[52]


Stirling is an interdisciplinary research-intensive University with a range of research activity focused on Health and Wellbeing; Culture and Society; Environment; Enterprise and the Economy; and Sport. The Research Excellence Framework also rated almost three-quarters of research activity either world-leading or internationally excellent.

The University is home to some specialist research centres:[53]

  • Centre for Environment, Heritage and Policy
  • Stirling Media Research Institute (SMRI)
  • Stirling Centre for Scottish Studies.
  • Dementia Services Development Centre
  • Centre for Gender and Feminist Studies
  • Centre for Transnational Legal Methods
  • Stirling Environment and Energy Network
  • Centre of Postcolonial Studies
  • Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication
  • Contemporary Portuguese Political History Research Centre
  • Stirling Centre for Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies
  • Centre for Policy, Conflict and Co-Operation

Stirling has a research publications database, STORRE, which is a source of free, full-text access research outputs.[54]

Business links[edit]

The University has major industrial research links through Stirling University Innovation Park. This large science park was founded in 1993 and is located adjacent to the main university campus. It is home to around 50 companies engaging in various forms of research and development.[55] During the 1990s the University built a stand-alone Management Centre on the campus. This developed over time into a Conference Centre with residential accommodation. In 2015, the Management Centre was rebranded the Stirling Court Hotel.

Reputation and rankings[edit]

Stirling is a mid-ranked,[62] pre-1992 UK university with a reputation for high teaching quality[62] and socially relevant research. It is among the top 50 universities in the world that are under 50 years old – 2nd in the UK and 46th in the world,[63] according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and among the top 40 in the UK in the Complete University Guide.[64]

The University is ranked 1st in Scotland and 3rd in the UK for graduate employability according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, with more than 96% of graduates in employment, or further study, within six months of graduating.[65]

In 2016 the University of Stirling achieved 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings in five categories – "Teaching", "Employability", "Facilities", "Inclusiveness" and "Internationalisation".[66] In The Complete University Guide 2017, Stirling was ranked 1st in the UK for Social Work, 2nd in Scotland for Communication and Media Studies, and 2nd in Scotland for Marketing.[62]

The University of Stirling was ranked 5th in Scotland and 40th in the UK for research intensity in the 2014 assessment of research in the UK, the Research Excellence Framework.[67] The University was one of the twenty institutions to be awarded a Queen's Anniversary prize in 2014 – the prize for Higher and Further Education for ground-breaking research, recognising work led by the Institute of Social Marketing into the effects of tobacco, alcohol and food marketing on the health of young people.[68] In March 2016, the University of Stirling Management School was accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) for its MBA and MBM programmes.[69]

Student life[edit]

Students' Union[edit]

The University of Stirling Students' Union is based in the University's Robbins Centre Students' Union on campus and is affiliated to the National Union of Students. The Union provides students with entertainment, welfare and information services and represents students interests to a range of organisations, including the University. Senior members of the Union are entitled to seats on the University Court.[70] The Union supports more than 90 clubs and societies.[71] The Sports Union supports 53 sports clubs. The University has student-run media services. Brig has been the campus newspaper since 1969. Air3 Radio was the first campus radio station in Scotland (previously URA – University Radio Airthrey), and AirTV (formerly Videoworks) is a television station for students, set up in 2002.

The Students' Union is governed by a Board of Trustees as well as a Chief Executive. The 4 Sabbatical Officers of the SU are the Union President, Sports President, Vice-President Education and Vice-President Communities. Alongside these full-time, paid officers are numerous part-time volunteer Executive Officers.[72]

Notable academics and alumni[edit]


  • David Bebbington, Professor of History
  • David Blanchflower, Professor of Economics, former Monetary Policy Committee Member
  • Thomas Leadbetter Cottrell, chemist, first Principal of the University
  • Norman Jeffares, Emeritus Professor of English
  • Norman Longworth, honorary Professor of Lifelong Learning
  • Norman MacCaig, reader in poetry
  • Ivana Markova, Emeritus Professor of Psychology
  • Gerry McCormac, Principal and Professor of Physics
  • Jean Redpath, (honorary staff) folk singer
  • Steward Sutherland, former lecturer, later Baron Sutherland of Houndwood
  • Herbert Wilson, Emeritus Professor of Physics


Academia and Science:
  • Joseph Bristow, university professor, literary scholar
  • Muffy Calder, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Scottish Government
  • Jonathon Fletcher,[73] father of the Search engine, developer of JumpStation
  • Dario Floreano, Italian scientist
  • Chris Lilley, W3C internet architect
  • Kathleen Taylor, biologist

Arts and Media

  • Iain Banks, author
  • Alan Bissett, writer
  • Jonathan Clements, author
  • Mark Cousins, film critic
  • Grace Dent, journalist, reporter, author and television critic
  • Matt Dyson, radio presenter Absolute Radio
  • Hamish Hamilton (director), music and events director
  • Jackie Kay, poet and writer
  • Nick Keir, musician
  • Derek Lambie, journalist, editor Scottish Sunday Express
  • Paul Lewis, presenter, BBC Radio 4 Money Box
  • Michael McCulley, arts education expert and headteacher
  • Ally McCrae, radio presenter
  • Greg McHugh, actor, writer
  • Rhona McLeod, Scottish broadcaster
  • Fiona Ritchie, radio presenter


  • Set Aung, Myanmar politician
  • Gordon Banks, former Labour MP
  • Hannah Bardell, SNP MP for Livingston
  • Scott Barrie, former Labour MSP
  • Bill Butler, former Labour MSP
  • Michael Connarty, former MP for Falkirk East
  • Angela Constance, SNP politician
  • Angela Crawley, SNP politician
  • Kenneth Gibson, SNP MSP
  • Neil Gray, SNP MP for Airdrie and Shotts
  • Paul Grice, Clerk and chief executive, Scottish Parliament
  • Eric Joyce, former Labour MP for Falkirk
  • Daniel Kawczynski, Conservative MP
  • Khoo Kheng-Hor, Malaysian politician
  • Richard Lochhead, SNP MSP
  • Árni Mathiesen, Icelandic politician
  • Paul Monaghan, SNP politician
  • Jack McConnell, former First Minister of Scotland
  • Steven Paterson, former SNP MP for Stirling
  • John Reid, MP, former Home Secretary
  • Mark Ruskell, Green Party MSP
  • Winston Set Aung, politician, economist and management consultant, incumbent Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar
  • Tommy Sheridan, Leader of Solidarity, former MSP
  • Shirley-Anne Somerville, SNP MSP
  • Paul Sweeney, Labour and Co-operative MP
  • Stephen Kerr, Conservative MP for Stirling


  • Craig Benson, swimmer, double Olympian
  • Frankie Brown, female Scottish footballer
  • Todd Cooper, swimmer, Double Olympian
  • Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United
  • Colin Fleming, professional tennis player, winner of a Mixed Doubles gold medal at the 2010 Commonwealth Games
  • Sir Bill Gammell, Scotland rugby international and businessman
  • Charlotte Henshaw, Paralympic swimmer
  • Andrew Hunter, Olympic and Commonwealth swimmer
  • Shelley Kerr, first female manager in British men's football and appointed Scotland national women's football team coach[74]
  • Catriona Matthew, professional golfer, winner of the 2009 British Women's Open
  • Catriona Morrison, triathlete and winner of the 2010 World Duathlon
  • Angela Mudge, former world champion hill runner
  • Ross Murdoch, swimmer, World, European and Commonwealth Champion
  • David O'Brien, swimmer, Olympic Finalist
  • Richie Ramsay, professional golfer, winner of the 2006 U.S. Amateur
  • Jane Ross, Scottish Internationalist footballer
  • Duncan Scott, swimmer, Double Olympic Medallist, World and European Champion
  • Gordon Sherry, professional golfer


  • Neil Brailsford QC, Senator of the College of Justice
  • Alison Brittain, chief executive of Whitbread
  • Neil Davidson, Baron Davidson of Glen Clova, QC, Solicitor General for Scotland 2000–01, Advocate General for Scotland 2006–2010, Life Peer
  • Bill Gammell, Scottish businessman
  • Neal Hazel, criminologist, former Deputy Chief Inspector of Probation for England and Wales
  • Julian Roberts, chief executive of Old Mutual

See also[edit]

  • Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre
  • Scottish Political Archive


  1. ^ a b "Financial Statements 2015–2016" (PDF). Stirling University. Retrieved 4 March 2017.[permanent dead link]
  2. ^ "Gerry McCormac".
  3. ^ Scottish funding council (September 2004). "Scottish Funding Council – Description of Human Resources Management Modernisation in the University Sector" (PDF). Stirling University. Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 February 2009. Retrieved 4 December 2007.
  4. ^ a b "Where do HE students study?". Higher Education Statistics Agency. Retrieved 1 March 2020.
  5. ^ "University of Stirling most beautiful campus in the UK". Business Insider. Retrieved 14 September 2016.
  6. ^ "Daily Record". 2010. Retrieved 30 March 2017.
  7. ^ "Facts and figures – University of Stirling". www.stir.ac.uk. Archived from the original on 31 March 2017. Retrieved 30 March 2017.
  8. ^ Finlay, Anthony (23 October 1971). "From country estate to academic community". The Glasgow Herald. p. 7. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
  9. ^ Historic Environment Scotland. "Stirling University Campus, 1 Airthrey Castle Yard, Principal's House  (Category A Listed Building) (LB51322)". Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  10. ^ "History of the Estate – Cottrell and Pathfoot Development". Stirling University. Archived from the original on 9 April 2008. Retrieved 5 April 2007.
  11. ^ Buchanan, Raymond (12 October 2012). "Day Queen booed at Stirling university remembered". BBC News.
  12. ^ "People-watching Prince opens £11.5m library". The Scotsman. 2 March 2011. Retrieved 6 October 2016.
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External links[edit]

  • University of Stirling official website