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" The Water Is Wide " (также называемая " O Waly, Waly " или просто " Waly, Waly ") - народная песня шотландского происхождения. Он остается популярным и в 21 веке. Сесил Шарп опубликовал песню в Народных песнях Сомерсета (1906). Это связано с « Детской балладой 204» ( номер 87) Джейми Дугласа , которая, в свою очередь, относится к якобы несчастливому первому браку Джеймса Дугласа, 2-го маркиза Дугласа, с леди Барбарой Эрскин.

Темы и конструкции [ править ]

Образы лирики описывают проблемы любви: «Любовь прекрасна, любовь добра» во время романтической фазы медового месяца любых отношений. Однако с течением времени «любовь стареет и остывает». В текстах говорится, что даже настоящая любовь может «исчезнуть, как утренняя роса».

Современная лирика для "The Water Is Wide" была объединена и названа Сесилом Шарпом в 1906 году из нескольких старых источников в южной Англии, следуя английским текстам с очень разными сюжетами и стилями, но с тем же размером . Ранее источники часто публиковались в виде листовок без музыки. Исполнители или издатели вставляли, удаляли и переделывали стихи из одного произведения в другое: плавающие стихи также характерны для гимнов и блюзовых стихов . Тексты из разных источников можно использовать с разными мелодиями одного размера. Следовательно, каждый стих в современной песне, возможно, изначально не был составлен в контексте окружающих его стихов и не соответствовал теме.

Варианты [ править ]

The Water is Wide можно рассматривать как семейство текстов с определенной гимноподобной мелодией .

O Waly Waly (Wail, Wail) может быть иногда конкретным текстом, иногда родословной лирики, иногда Джейми Дугласом , иногда той или иной мелодией с правильным размером, а иногда версиями современной компиляции The Water is Wide (обычно с добавление стиха, начинающегося O Waly, Waly ). Бенджамин Бриттен использовал в своей аранжировке мелодию и стихи из The Water is Wide, в которой нет стиха O Waly, Waly , но он называется Waly, Waly . В песне When Cockleshells turn Silver Bells используется другая мелодия , также с субтитрами Waly, Waly . Еще одна мелодия дляО Вали, Вали ассоциируется с лирикой лорда Джейми Дугласа .

Предки [ править ]

Ключевым предком является лирический Waly, Waly, Gin Love Be Bonny из сборника « Чайный столик» Рамзи (1724 г.), приведенный ниже. Это смесь стихов из других текстов, в том числе «Место Артура должно быть моей кроватью» (1701), «Беспокойная девственница» (1633) и шотландская скандальная баллада « Джейми Дуглас» (1776).

Использование ракушек и серебряных колокольчиков в версии Томсона (1725 г.) предшествует самой ранней опубликованной « Мэри, Мэри, совершенно противоположно» (1744 г.) и может иметь отношение к пыткам. [1]

В некоторых, хотя и не во всех версиях Джейми Дугласа, есть первый куплет, начинающийся с «O, Waly, Waly». Эндрю Лэнг нашел в сборнике « Чайный столик» Рамзи вариант стиха из песни шестнадцатого века. [2]

Кузинс [ править ]

Предшественники The Water is Wide также оказали влияние на тексты других народных и популярных песен, таких как современная версия ирландского Carrickfergus (1960-е) и американской Sweet Peggy Gordan (1880). Ирландская народная песня Carrickfergus разделяет строки, но море широкое / Я не могу переплыть / И у меня нет крыльев, чтобы летать . Этой песне может предшествовать песня на ирландском языке , первая строка которой A Bhí Bean Uasal («Это была благородная женщина») близко соответствует начальной строке одного известного варианта лорда Джейми Дугласа: « Я была известной леди» . Однако содержание англоязычного Carrickfergusвключает явно материал из шотландских / английских песен, не вошедший ни в одну из известных копий A Bhí Bean Uasal, что предполагает значительную взаимосвязь между всеми известными традициями. Валлийская версия называется Mae'r môr yn верой. [3]

Потомки [ править ]

Современная The Water Is Wide была популяризирована Питом Сигером в рамках народного возрождения . Было несколько последующих вариаций песни и несколько названий, в том числе Waly, Waly , There is a Ship и Cockleshells , в которых использовались и повторно использовались разные подборки текстов. Песня Van Diemen's Land из альбома « Rattle and Hum» группы U2 использует вариацию мелодии The Water Is Wide . [4] В песне «When the Pipers Play», исполненной Ислой Сент-Клер на одноименном видео, используется мелодия «The Water is Wide». В 1991 году французский певец Рено записалLa balade nord-irlandaise (Баллада о Северной Ирландии), знакомящая с мелодией франкоязычный мир. А на карнавале в Дюнкерке поют "Putain d'Islande" на ту же мелодию.

Тексты [ править ]

Waly, Waly, Gin Love Be Bonny [ править ]

Текст песни «Waly, Waly, Gin Love Be Bonny» из « Сборника чайных столиков» Рамзи (1724).

O Waly, waly (плач - "горе мне") на берегу,
И waly, waly doun the brae (холм),
И waly, waly, yon горящая сторона (берег реки),
Где я и моя любовь обычно гуляли .
Я прислонился спиной к айку (дубу),
я подумал, что это верное дерево;
Но сначала он поклонился, а затем (скоро) он сломался (сломался),
Сае моя настоящая любовь слегка меня

O waly, waly, но любите быть bonnie (красивой),
Немного времени, пока он новый,
Но когда он старый (старый), он набухает (холодный),
И тускнеет, как утренняя роса.
О, почему я должен украсить мою голову?
Или зачем мне расчесывать волосы?
Потому что моя настоящая любовь оставила меня,
И говорит, что никогда не полюбит меня, мэр (подробнее).

Теперь Артур Сит будет моей кроватью,
Простыни никогда не будут заполнены мной, Колодец
Святого Антона будет моим напитком,
Поскольку моя настоящая любовь оставила меня. Ветер
Мартинмас , когда ты будешь вздыхать (дуть)
И стряхнуть зеленые листья с дерева?
О нежная смерть, когда ты придешь?
За свою жизнь я устал.

«Это не мороз, который упал замораживанием,
Ни трепыхания лап (снега)
холода», Это не sic cauld (такой холод), что заставляет меня плакать,
Но сердце моей любви выросло для меня.
Когда мы приехали в город Глазго ,
Мы были красивым зрелищем;
Моя любовь была облачена в черный бархат,
А я мою продаю в пудре (малиновой).

Но если бы я знал (знал), прежде чем я поцеловал,
Эту любовь было бы плохо для победы,
Я бы
запер свое сердце в ящике с золотом И приколол его серебряной булавкой
Ох ох! Если бы мой младенец родился,
И поставил на колени няньки,
И я, мой продавец, был мертв и мертв,
Для горничной снова я никогда не буду. [5]

Вода широка [ править ]

Некоторые популярные тексты песен для "The Water is Wide" находятся в книге " Народные песни для сольных певцов" , хотя многие версии были напечатаны и спеты.

Вода широкая, я не могу перебраться
У меня нет крыльев, чтобы летать
Дайте мне лодку на двоих
И оба будут грести, моя любовь и я
A ship there is and she sails the sea
She's loaded deep as deep can be
But not so deep as the love I'm in
I know not if I sink or swim
I leaned my back against an oak
Thinking it was a trusty tree
But first it bent and then it broke
So did my love prove false to me
I reached my finger into some soft bush
Thinking the fairest flower to find
I pricked my finger to the bone
And left the fairest flower behind
Oh love be handsome and love be kind
Gay as a jewel when first it is new
But love grows old and waxes cold
And fades away like the morning dew
Must I go bound while you go free
Must I love a man who doesn't love me
Must I be born with so little art
As to love a man who'll break my heart
When cockle shells turn silver bells
Then will my love come back to me
When roses bloom in winter's gloom
Then will my love return to me

Jürgen Klos traces the first verse to "I'm Often Drunk And Seldom Sober" (c. 1780), the second to "The Seamans leave taken of his sweetest Margery" (c. 1660), the third to "Oh Waly, Waly, Gin Love Be Bonny" (already 'old' when published in c. 1724), and the fourth to "Hey trollie lollie, love is jolly" (c. 1620.) He could not trace the melody before 1905.[6]


The Water is Wide
I Cannot get over
Nor have I Wings
With which to-o-o fly
O-o-h give me a boat
That can carry Two
We both shall Row
My friend and I-i-I

(repeat twice in parts with one part higher than the other and then sing in round with group two beginning to sing at the word 'Nor')

Another version

The water is wide
I cannot get o'er
No wings have I
No wings have I to-o fly
Give me a boat
That will carry two
We both shall row,
my friend and I.

Verse 2:
As I look out
across the sea
a Bright horizon beckons me
And I am called to do my best
and be the most
that I can be.[citation needed]

Another version, from Australia

The Voyage Home

The water is wide, I cannot get o'er
And neither have I wings to fly,
Build me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row, my love and I.

I leaned my back up against an oak,
To find it was a trusty tree,
I found you true, love, when first you spoke,
'tis true you are, and ever shall be.

Our love shines clearly against the storm,
Turns darkest night to brightest day,
Turns turbulent waters to perfect calm,
A blazing lamp to light our way.

Love is the centre of all we see,
Love is the jewel that guides us true,
No matter what, love, you'll stay with me,
No matter what, my love, I'll stay with you.

The water is wide, I cannot get o'er
And neither have I wings to fly,
Build me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row, my love and I.

Another version, from Canada

The water is wide, I cannot cross o'er,
And neither have I the wings to fly.
Build me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row, my true love and I.

A ship there is and she sails the sea
She's laden deep, as deep can be.
But not so deep as the love I'm in,
And I know not if I sink or swim.

I leaned my back against a young oak,
Thinking 'twere a trusty tree.
But first it bent and then it broke,
Thus did my love prove false to me.

O love is handsome and love is kind,
Bright as a jewel when first it's new
But love grows old and waxes cold,
And fades away like the morning dew,
And fades away like the morning dew.

Recent renditions[edit]


"O Waly, Waly" has been a popular choice for arrangements by classical composers, in particular Benjamin Britten, whose arrangement for voice and piano was published in 1948. John Rutter uses it for the Third Movement in his "Suite for Strings" (1973).[7]

The tune is often used for the hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" by Isaac Watts.[8][9] It is also the tune for John Bell's "When God Almighty came to Earth" (1987)[10] and F. Pratt Green's "An Upper Room did our Lord Prepare" (1974).[11] Additionally, Hal H. Hopson used the tune for his work "The Gift of Love". Hopson also wrote Christian lyrics to "The Water is Wide", which are often performed by church choirs.

Mack Wilberg has arranged the tune to "Thou Gracious God" by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., which the Mormon Tabernacle Choir performs in the album Peace Like a River.

Because the melody is consistent with the words of Adon Olam, a prayer closing most modern Jewish services, Susan Colin performed a version with an also-revised prayer.[12] One congregation's choir performed it with the standard Hebrew prayer.[13] One instrumental version is consistent with the stanzas of the prayer.[14]

Oregon has a jazz version of this on their 30th studio album, Lantern.


Classical singers who have recorded "O Waly, Waly" include Maura O'Connell (Irish Alto), Sir Thomas Allen (English baritone), Janet Baker (English mezzo-soprano), Ian Bostridge (English tenor), Sarah Brightman (English soprano), Alfred Deller (English counter-tenor), Anthony Rolfe Johnson (English tenor), John Langstaff,[15] Richard Lewis (English tenor), Felicity Lott (English soprano), Benjamin Luxon (English bass-baritone), Derek Lee Ragin (American countertenor), Aksel Schiotz (Danish tenor), Daniel Taylor (Canadian counter-tenor), Robert Tear (Welsh tenor), Frederica von Stade (American mezzo-soprano), Carolyn Watkinson (English mezzo-soprano), and Kathleen Ferrier (English contralto). The King's Singers have a setting combined with the cello solo from J. S. Bach's Suite no. 1 on their British Isles folk song album, Watching the White Wheat.

The Library of Congress audio archives contain a recording of the American composer Samuel Barber singing this tune and accompanying himself on piano in a recital broadcast from the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia on 26 December 1938.

"The Water is Wide" has also been recorded countless times, with popular renditions by Maura O'Connell (Irish Alto folk singer), June Tabor (1976 solo album, Airs and Graces), Angie Aparo, The Highwaymen, The Seekers, Peter, Paul and Mary (titled "There is a Ship"), Sheila Jordan (Lost and Found, 1989), Cowboy Junkies, Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Rangers, Joan Baez, Fred Neil, Enya, Steeleye Span, Linda Ronstadt, Karla Bonoff, James Taylor, John Gorka, Daniel Rodriguez, Luka Bloom, Steve Goodman, Eva Cassidy, Rory Block, Tom Chapin, Kathy Hampson's Free Elastic Band, and Ed Gerhard.

Mark Knopfler recorded an instrumental version of "The Water is Wide" following the death of musician Chet Atkins, who had collaborated with Knopfler in several musical projects.

The lyrics vary from period to period and from singer to singer.

Carolyn Hester recorded the song twice, first on her self-titled LP for Tradition Records in 1960, then on her Live At Town Hall in 1965, but not released until 1990.

The Kingston Trio released a version under the title "The River is Wide" in 1961. The New Christy Minstrels recorded this same melody in 1963 with entirely different lyrics, arranged by Randy Sparks and retitled "Last Farewell".

Esther & Abi Ofarim recorded "Oh Waly Waly" in 1963 for their album Songs Der Welt, and for their live concert album in 1969. Esther re-released the song on box-set CD Mein Weg zu mir in 1999.[16]

Roger McGuinn of the Byrds recorded the song on his first solo album (1973).

Cliff Richard recorded a version on his 1982 album Now You See Me, Now You Don't.

Neil Young wrote new, environmentally themed lyrics to the tune, and recorded it as "Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)" on his 1990 album Ragged Glory.

Karla Bonoff recorded a version that is included on the 1991 soundtrack for the US television program thirtysomething, and was used to conclude the 2006 airing of episode 94 ("Solo") of the fifth season of the TV show Alias.

French singer Renaud helped make the tune famous among French-speaking countries. He wrote pacifist lyrics to the song "La ballade nord-irlandaise" (the Northern-Irish Ballad) for his 1991 album Marchand de cailloux, evoking the troubles of Northern Ireland. The Breton group Tri Yann also recorded a French version "La Mer est sans fin" (the Sea Is Endless), in addition to a Breton version "Divent an dour". The first French version is "La mer est immense" (The sea is Wide) by the New Zealand singer Graeme Allwright on his 1966 album Joue, joue, joue.

The American-born Taiwanese artist Leehom Wang included a rendition of this song on his 1995 debut album, Love Rival Beethoven.

In the late 1990s Jewel, Sarah McLachlan, and the Indigo Girls collaborated on a version of the song in concert on the Lilith Fair tour.

Barbra Streisand included "The Water is Wide" paired with "Deep River" on her 1997 Higher Ground album.

Cam Clarke included it on his 1999 album Inside Out.

The Two Worlds album released by jazz musicians Lee Ritenour and Dave Grusin in 2000 included a performance of "The Water is Wide" combined with "Shenandoah" sung by the soprano Renée Fleming.

American jazz artist Charles Lloyd recorded The Water Is Wide, a CD released in 2000 on ECM Records with Lloyd (tenor saxophone) John Abercrombie (guitar), Brad Mehldau (piano), Larry Grenadier (double-bass), and Billy Higgins (drums). The Charles Lloyd Quartet released another version of the song on the Mirror CD (2010), with Lloyd (tenor saxophone), Jason Moran (piano), Reuben Rogers (bass), and Eric Harland (drums).

Charlotte Church, the Welsh child soprano, recorded a popularised rendition of this song on her 2001 album Enchantment.

Eva Cassidy's version was released posthumously on her 2003 album American Tune as well as on the 1994 bootleg album Live at Pearl's.

American jazz pianist Eyran Katsenelenbogen recorded this song on his album It's Reigning Kats & Dogs & Bogen, released in 2003.

Chloë Agnew, the youngest member of Celtic Woman, recorded this song for her album Chloë (2002) with the help of composer David Downes.

Runrig, the Scottish Gaelic rock band, recorded this song for the first in their series of Access All Areas fanclub-only live albums in 2001.

In 2006, Triniti released the song on their self-titled debut album, as did Órla Fallon on the album of the same name.

Hayley Westenra's album Treasure, released in 2007, contained another version. This is not in the made in the EU version of Treasure 2007, but is the second track in Haley Westenra's album Odyssey made in the EU 2005 / 2006.

Masaaki Kishibe's 2008 album My Favorites includes a fingerstyle acoustic guitar rendition, instead incorporating the vocal melodies into the guitar melodies. American pianist, John Laing features this song on his debut album Awakened and it features Brittany Benish on guitar.

Alexander Armstrong recorded the song on his 2015 solo album, A Year of Songs, with an orchestral accompaniment.

John Gorka sang the song on the 1998 album "Where Have All The Flowers Gone", a two-CD celebration of Pete Seeger songs by numerous artists.[17]

Schoonerfare sang "The Water is Wide" on their 2005 album, titled And Both Shall Row.

The second Christmas album from Christian rock band, Mercyme, used the tune for their arrangement of "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" on their 2015 album, Mercyme, It's Christmas!.

The thirtieth album of the band Oregon called Lantern, released in 2017 on CAM Jazz, contains a version of the song as arranged by Paul McCandless.

David Sanborn recorded the song, with Linda Ronstadt on vocals, in 1985. Arrangement was by Don Grolnick. It is included on Sanborn's compilation album, Love Songs, and was previously unreleased.

In popular culture[edit]


The CBS TV series The Unit featured an episode in season 2 titled "The Water is Wide", in which Unit members must disarm a bomb in the office of the Secretary-General of the UN, while their wives seek an alleged POW/MIA soldier in Vietnam.[18]


  • It played in the opening and closing credits of the 1964 film, Nobody Waved Good-bye.
  • Bob Dylan and Joan Baez rendered a version of the song for Bob Dylan's 1978 film, Renaldo and Clara.
  • It was performed by Susanna Hoffs in the film Red Roses and Petrol directed by Tamar Simon Hoffs, as part of the soundtrack.
  • It was used over the final scenes in Terence Davies' 1988 film Distant Voices, Still Lives as the characters disappear into the darkness.
  • The song was played repeatedly as part of the soundtrack to the film The River Wild (Universal Pictures, 1994). A version recorded by Cowboy Junkies was used during the end credits.
  • The lyrics of the song are spoken, just before the assassination scene, by Jesse James' daughter in the 2007 film The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
  • It was used as a musical motif throughout the 2001 film The Simian Line.
  • It was performed by a blind fiddle player in the 1984 film The Bounty, starring Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson.
  • It was performed by Yukawa Shione as part of the festival in the 2005 Japanese film Linda Linda Linda.
  • It was used during end credits of the 1996 TV film Homecoming starring Anne Bancroft.
  • It was used in TV drama Boardwalk Empire, first season.
  • Gerard Way is confirmed to have recorded the song for Kevin Smith's film Tusk.[19]
  • PJ Harvey recorded this song in 2014 for the second season of BBC Two's Peaky Blinders.[20]
  • In the episode "The Magdalen Martyrs" of the Jack Taylor TV series the character Kate Noonan played by Nora-Jane Noone sings this song in a pub.
  • Performed by John Rutter and the Cambridge Singers, the song features in Isobel Waller-Bridge's score for Emma (2020 film).
  • South Korea's movie Pure Love uses this song, singing by Soo-uk played by Kim So-hyun.
  • The 2020 movie Emma uses this song, performed by the Cambridge Singers, directed by John Rutter, courtesy of Collegium Records.[21]


  1. ^ Mary Mary Quite Contrary
  2. ^ The Water Is Wide (song) at Project Gutenberg
  3. ^ https://sainwales.com/store/sheet-music/cs102
  4. ^ Van Diemen's Land on songfacts.com
  5. ^ Ramsay, Allan (1788). The Tea-table Miscellany, Or, A Collection of Choice Songs, Scots and English (Twelfth ed.). Wilson. p. 170.
  6. ^ "The Water Is Wide The History of a Folksong".
  7. ^ See British Classical Music: The Land of Lost Content.
  8. ^ "When I survey the wondrous Cross". Oremus. Archived from the original on 23 March 2011. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  9. ^ Common Praise. Canterbury Press. 2000.
  10. ^ When God Almighty came to Earth.
  11. ^ An upper room did our Lord prepare Archived 3 July 2010 at the Wayback Machine.
  12. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIspEvW81qU
  13. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QjvV_lGZxA
  14. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obT95YEcoto&list=PLUcyRWIhIdqBGvRxvZMsu7FqDk0exBc2j&index=4&t=0s
  15. ^ His performance is available on YouTube.
  16. ^ http://www.esther-ofarim.de/Disco.htm
  17. ^ allmusic.com
  18. ^ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0956034/
  19. ^ http://kroq.cbslocal.com/2014/04/09/gerard-way-records-new-song-for-kevin-smith-horror-film-tusk/
  20. ^ http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p028p6b0
  21. ^ "Emma". IMDb. Retrieved 9 May 2020. CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)

External links[edit]

  • Recording by May Ip (in oggvorbis format) from a session in Wales in 1993, made available in the free downloads of May Ip's personal website.
  • Sample lyrics and MIDI
  • Recording of "The Water Is Wide" by the Beers Family at the 1963 Florida Folk Festival (made available for public by the State Archives of Florida)
  • Lyrics and some information
  • The Water is Wide (traditional, UK/USA; circa 1724) (video) – about history of the song
  • Mirror (2010) sample
  • Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics