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В разрезе Nissan Leaf показана часть аккумулятора в 2009 году

Батареи электрического транспортного средства (EVB) (также известный как тяговой батареи ) является батарея используется для питания электродвигателей в электрическом транспортном средстве аккумулятора (BEV) или гибридного электрического транспортного средства (HEV). Эти батареи обычно представляют собой перезаряжаемые (вторичные) батареи и, как правило, литий-ионные батареи . Эти батареи специально разработаны для большой емкости в ампер- часах (или киловатт-часах).

Аккумуляторы электромобилей отличаются от аккумуляторов запуска, освещения и зажигания (SLI), поскольку они предназначены для обеспечения питания в течение продолжительных периодов времени и являются аккумуляторами глубокого цикла . Аккумуляторы для электромобилей характеризуются относительно высоким удельным весом , удельной энергией и плотностью энергии ; Желательны более компактные и легкие батареи, поскольку они уменьшают вес транспортного средства и, следовательно, улучшают его характеристики. По сравнению с жидким топливом, большинство современных аккумуляторных технологий имеют гораздо более низкую удельную энергию , и это часто влияет на максимальный запас хода транспортных средств с полностью электрическим приводом.

Наиболее распространенными типами аккумуляторов в современных электромобилях являются литий-ионные и литий-полимерные из-за их высокой плотности энергии по сравнению с их весом. Другие типы аккумуляторных батарей, используемых в электромобилях, включают свинцово-кислотные («затопленные», глубокого цикла и свинцово-кислотные с регулируемым клапаном ), никель-кадмиевые , никель-металлогидридные и, реже, цинково-воздушные и никель-натриевые. хлорные («зебра») батареи. [1] Количество электричества (т. Е. Электрического заряда), хранящегося в батареях, измеряется в ампер-часах или кулонах., при этом общая энергия часто измеряется в киловатт-часах .

С конца 1990-х годов прогресс в технологии литий-ионных аккумуляторов был обусловлен спросом на портативную электронику, портативные компьютеры, мобильные телефоны и электроинструменты. Рынки BEV и HEV извлекли выгоду из этих достижений как в производительности, так и в плотности энергии. В отличие от аккумуляторов более раннего химического состава, особенно никель-кадмиевых , литий-ионные аккумуляторы можно разряжать и заряжать ежедневно и при любом уровне заряда.

Аккумуляторная батарея составляет значительную часть стоимости BEV или HEV. По состоянию на декабрь 2019 года стоимость аккумуляторов для электромобилей упала на 87% с 2010 года в расчете на киловатт-час. [2] По состоянию на 2018 год автомобили с запасом хода более 250 миль (400 км), полностью электрические, такие как Tesla Model S , были коммерциализированы и теперь доступны во многих сегментах транспортных средств. [3]

Что касается эксплуатационных расходов, цена на электроэнергию для работы BEV составляет небольшую часть стоимости топлива для эквивалентных двигателей внутреннего сгорания, что отражает более высокую энергоэффективность .

Типы аккумуляторов электромобилей [ править ]

Старый: банки обычных свинцово-кислотных автомобильных аккумуляторов все еще используются для приведения в движение некоторых BEV.
Цилиндрическая ячейка (18650) перед сборкой.
Электроника контроля литий-ионных батарей (защита от перегрузки и разрядки)

Свинцово-кислотный [ править ]

Залитые свинцово-кислотные аккумуляторные батареи являются самыми дешевыми и в прошлом наиболее распространенными автомобильными аккумуляторными батареями. Есть два основных типа свинцово-кислотных аккумуляторов: стартерные аккумуляторы автомобильного двигателя и аккумуляторы глубокого разряда. Стартерные батареи автомобильного двигателя рассчитаны на использование небольшого процента своей емкости для обеспечения высокой скорости заряда для запуска двигателя, в то время как батареи глубокого цикла используются для обеспечения непрерывной подачи электроэнергии для работы электромобилей, таких как вилочные погрузчики или тележки для гольфа. [4] Аккумуляторы глубокого разряда также используются в качестве вспомогательных аккумуляторов в транспортных средствах для отдыха, но они требуют другой, многоступенчатой ​​зарядки. [5] Свинцово-кислотные аккумуляторы не должны разряжаться ниже 50% своей емкости, так как это сокращает срок их службы. [5] Залитые батареи требуют проверки уровня электролита и периодической замены воды, которая выделяется во время нормального цикла зарядки.

Раньше в большинстве электромобилей использовались свинцово-кислотные батареи из-за их отработанной технологии, высокой доступности и низкой стоимости, за заметным исключением некоторых ранних BEV, таких как Detroit Electric, в которых использовалась никель-железная батарея . Свинцовые аккумуляторные батареи глубокого цикла дороги и имеют меньший срок службы, чем сам автомобиль, и обычно требуют замены каждые 3 года.

Свинцово-кислотные батареи в электромобилях составляют значительную (25–50%) часть конечной массы автомобиля. Как и все батареи, они имеют значительно более низкую удельную энергию, чем нефтяное топливо - в данном случае 30–50 Втч / кг. [6] Хотя разница не так велика, как может показаться на первый взгляд, из-за более легкой трансмиссии электромобиля, даже лучшие батареи имеют тенденцию к увеличению массы при использовании в автомобилях с нормальным запасом хода. Эффективность (70–75%) и накопительная емкость обычных свинцово-кислотных аккумуляторов глубокого цикла нынешнего поколения снижается с понижением температуры, а переключение мощности на работу нагревательного змеевика снижает эффективность и запас хода до 40%. [ необходима цитата ]

Зарядка и работа аккумуляторов обычно приводит к выделению водорода , кислорода и серы , которые возникают в природе и обычно безвредны при надлежащей вентиляции. Первые владельцы Citicar обнаружили, что, если не вентилировать должным образом, неприятный запах серы будет проникать в кабину сразу после зарядки.

Свинцово-кислотные батареи питали такие ранние современные электромобили, как оригинальные версии EV1 .

Металлогидрид никеля [ править ]

Батарейный модуль GM Ovonic NiMH

Никель-металлогидридные батареи в настоящее время считаются относительно зрелой технологией . [7] Хотя они менее эффективны (60–70%) при зарядке и разрядке, чем даже свинцово-кислотные, они имеют удельную энергию 30–80 Втч / кг, что намного выше, чем у свинцово-кислотных. [6] При правильном использовании никель-металлогидридные батареи могут иметь исключительно долгий срок службы, что было продемонстрировано при их использовании в гибридных автомобилях и уцелевших никель-металлгидридных электромобилях Toyota RAV4 первого поколения, которые по-прежнему хорошо работают после 100 000 миль (160 000 км). и более десяти лет службы. [8] К недостаткам можно отнести низкую эффективность, высокий уровень саморазряда, очень сложные циклы зарядки и низкую производительность в холодную погоду.

GM Ovonic produced the NiMH battery used in the second generation EV-1,[9] and Cobasys makes a nearly identical battery (ten 1.2 V 85 Ah NiMH cells in series in contrast with eleven cells for Ovonic battery).[10] This worked very well in the EV-1.[11] Patent encumbrance has limited the use of these batteries in recent years.[12]


The sodium nickel chloride or "Zebra" battery uses a molten sodium chloroaluminate (NaAlCl4) salt as the electrolyte. A relatively mature technology, the Zebra battery has a specific energy of 120 Wh/kg. Since the battery must be heated for use, cold weather does not strongly affect its operation except for increasing heating costs. They have been used in several EVs such as the Modec commercial vehicle.[13] Zebra batteries can last for a few thousand charge cycles and are nontoxic. The downsides to the Zebra battery include poor specific power (<300 W/kg) and the requirement of having to heat the electrolyte to about 270 °C (518 °F), which wastes some energy, presents difficulties in long-term storage of charge, and is potentially a hazard.[14]


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A man cutting open a lithium-ion battery for use in an Electric Vehicle

lithium-ion (and the mechanistically similar lithium polymer) batteries, were initially developed and commercialized for use in laptops and consumer electronics. With their high energy density and long cycle life they have become the leading battery type for use in EVs. The first commercialized lithium-ion chemistry was a lithium cobalt oxide cathode and a graphite anode first demonstrated by N. Godshall in 1979, and by John Goodenough, and Akira Yoshino shortly thereafter.[15][16][17][18] The downside of traditional lithium-ion batteries include sensitivity to temperature, low temperature power performance, and performance degradation with age.[19] Due to the volatility of organic electrolytes, the presence of highly oxidized metal oxides, and the thermal instability of the anode SEI layer, traditional lithium-ion batteries pose a fire safety risk if punctured or charged improperly.[20] These early cells did not accept or supply charge when extremely cold, and so heaters can be necessary in some climates to warm them. The maturity of this technology is moderate. The Tesla Roadster (2008) and other cars produced by the company used a modified form of traditional lithium-ion "laptop battery" cells.

В последних электромобилях используются новые вариации литий-ионной химии, которые приносят в жертву удельную энергию и удельную мощность, чтобы обеспечить огнестойкость, экологичность, быструю зарядку (всего за несколько минут) и более длительный срок службы. Было показано, что эти варианты (фосфаты, титанаты, шпинели и т. Д.) Имеют гораздо более длительный срок службы, при этом типы A123, использующие фосфат лития-железа, служат не менее 10 лет и более 7000 циклов заряда / разряда [21] и LG. Chem ожидает, что их литий-марганцевые шпинелевые батареи прослужат до 40 лет. [ необходима цитата ]

В лаборатории ведется большая работа с ионно-литиевыми батареями. [22] Оксид лития-ванадия уже появился в прототипе Subaru G4e , удвоив плотность энергии [ необходима цитата ] . Кремниевые нанопроволоки, [23] [24] наночастицы кремния [25] и наночастицы олова [26] [27] обещают в несколько раз большую плотность энергии [ требуется уточнение ] в аноде, в то время как композит [28] [29] и сверхрешетка [30 ] катоды также обещают значительное улучшение плотности.

New data has shown that exposure to heat and the use of fast charging promote the degradation of Li-ion batteries more than age and actual use, and that the average electric vehicle battery will retain 90% of its initial capacity after 6 years and 6 months of service. For example, the battery in a Nissan LEAF, will degrade twice as fast as the battery in a Tesla, because the LEAF does not have an active cooling system for its battery.[31]

Battery capacity[edit]

Non–plug-in hybrid cars have battery capacities between 0.65 kWh (2012 Honda Civic Hybrid) and 1.8 kWh (2001 Toyota Prius).

Подключаемые гибридные автомобили имеют емкость аккумулятора от 4,4 кВтч ( Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid 2012 года ) до 34 кВтч ( Polestar 1 ).

Емкость аккумулятора полностью электрических автомобилей составляет от 6,0 кВтч ( Renault Twizy 2012 года ) до 100 кВтч ( Tesla Model S 2012 года и Tesla Model X 2015 года ).

Стоимость батареи [ править ]

Опытные образцы литий-ионно-полимерного аккумулятора 50 Вт⋅ч / кг . Новые литий-ионные элементы могут обеспечивать до 265 Вт⋅ч / кг и выдерживать тысячи циклов зарядки.

In 2010, scientists at the Technical University of Denmark paid US$10,000 for a certified EV battery with 25 kWh capacity (i.e. US$400/kWh), with no rebates or surcharges.[32] Two out of 15 battery producers could supply the necessary technical documents about quality and fire safety.[33] In 2010 it was estimated that at most 10 years would pass before the battery price would come down to one-third.[32]

According to a 2010 study, by the United States National Research Council, the cost of a lithium-ion battery pack was about US$1,700/kWh of usable energy, and considering that a PHEV-10 requires about 2.0 kWh and a PHEV-40 about 8 kWh, the manufacturer cost of the battery pack for a PHEV-10 is around US$3,000 and it goes up to US$14,000 for a PHEV-40.[34][35] The MIT Technology Review estimated the cost of automotive battery packs to be between US$225 to US$500 per kilowatt hour by 2020.[36] A 2013 study by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy reported that battery costs came down from US$1,300/kWh in 2007 to US$500/kWh in 2012. The U.S. Department of Energy has set cost targets for its sponsored battery research of US$300/kWh in 2015 and US$125/kWh by 2022. Cost reductions through advances in battery technology and higher production volumes will allow plug-in electric vehicles to be more competitive with conventional internal combustion engine vehicles.[37] In 2016, the world had a Li-ion production capacity of 41.57 GW⋅h.[38]

The actual costs for cells are subject to much debate and speculation as most EV manufacturers refuse to discuss this topic in detail. However, in October 2015, car maker GM revealed at their annual Global Business Conference that they expected a price of US$145/kWh for Li-ion cells entering 2016, substantially lower than other analysts' cost estimates. GM also expects a cost of US$100/kWh by the end of 2021.[39]

According to a study published in February 2016 by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), battery prices fell 65% since 2010, and 35% just in 2015, reaching US$350/kWh. The study concludes that battery costs are on a trajectory to make electric vehicles without government subsidies as affordable as internal combustion engine cars in most countries by 2022. BNEF projects that by 2040, long-range electric cars will cost less than US$22,000 expressed in 2016 dollars. BNEF expects electric car battery costs to be well below US$120/kWh by 2030, and to fall further thereafter as new chemistries become available.[40][41]

Battery cost estimate comparison


Battery longevity estimate comparison

EV parity[edit]

In 2010, battery professor Poul Norby stated that he believed that lithium batteries will need to double their specific energy and bring down the price from US$500 (2010) to US$100 per kWh capacity in order to make an impact on petrol cars.[61] Citigroup indicates US$230/kWh.

Toyota Prius 2012 plug-in's official page declare 21 kilometres (13 mi) of range and a battery capacity of 5.2 kWh with a ratio of 4 kilometres (2.5 mi)/kWh, while the Addax (2015 model) utility vehicle already reaches 110 kilometres (68.5 mi) or a ratio of 7.5 kilometers (4.6 mi)/kWh.[62]

Battery electric cars achieve about 5 miles (8.0 km)/kWh. The Chevrolet Volt is expected[by whom?] to achieve 50 MPGe when running on the auxiliary power unit (a small onboard generator) – at 33% thermodynamic efficiency that would mean 12 kWh for 50 miles (80 km), or about 240 watt-hours per mile.

United States Secretary of Energy Steven Chu predicted costs for a 40-mile range battery will drop from a price in 2008 of US$12,000 to US$3,600 in 2015 and further to US$1,500 by 2020.[63][64] lithium-ion, Li-poly, Aluminium-air batteries and zinc-air batteries have demonstrated specific energies high enough to deliver range and recharge times comparable to conventional fossil fueled vehicles.

Cost parity[edit]

Different costs are important. One issue is purchase price, the other issue is total cost of ownership. As of 2015, electric cars are more expensive to initially purchase, but cheaper to run, and in at least some cases, total cost of ownership may be lower.

According to Kammen et al., 2008, new PEVs would become cost efficient to consumers if battery prices would decrease from US$1300/kWh to about US$500/kWh (so that the battery may pay for itself).[65]

In 2010, the Nissan Leaf battery pack was reportedly produced at a cost of US$18,000.[66] Nissan's initial production costs at the launch of the Leaf were therefore about US$750 per kilowatt hour (for the 24 kWh battery).[66]

In 2012, McKinsey Quarterly linked battery prices to gasoline prices on a basis of 5-year total cost of ownership for a car, estimating that US$3.50/gallon equates to US$250/kWh.[67] In 2017 McKinsey estimated that electric cars will be competitive at a battery pack cost of US$100/kWh (expected around 2030), and expects pack costs to be US$190/kWh by 2020.[68]

In October 2015, car maker GM revealed at their annual Global Business Conference that they expected a price of US$145 per kilowatt hour for Li-ion cells entering 2016.[39]

Range parity[edit]

Driving range parity means that the electric vehicle has the same range as an average all-combustion vehicle (500 kilometres or 310 miles), with batteries of specific energy greater than 1 kWh/kg.[69] Higher range means that the electric vehicles would run more kilometers without recharge.

Japanese and European Union officials are in talks to jointly develop advanced rechargeable batteries for electric cars to help nations reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Developing a battery that can power an electric vehicle 500 kilometres (310 mi) on a single charging is feasible, said Japanese battery maker GS Yuasa Corp. Sharp Corp and GS Yuasa are among Japanese solar-power cell and battery makers that may benefit from cooperation.[70]

  • The lithium-ion battery in the AC Propulsion tzero provides 400 to 500 km (200 to 300 mi) of range per charge (single charge range).[71] The list price of this vehicle when it was released in 2003 was US$220,000.[72]
  • Driving in a Daihatsu Mira equipped with 74 kWh lithium ion batteries, the Japan EV Club has achieved a world record for an electric car: 1,003 kilometres (623 mi) without recharging.
  • Zonda Bus, in Jiangsu, China offers the Zonda Bus New Energy with a 500-kilometre (310 mi) only-electric range.[73][clarification needed]
  • The supercar Rimac Concept One with 82 kWh battery has a range of 500 km. The car is built since 2013.
  • The pure electric car BYD e6 with 60 kWh battery has a range of 300 km.[74]


Internal components[edit]

Battery pack on the roof of a battery electric bus
Electric truck e-Force One. Battery pack between the axles.

Battery pack designs for Electric Vehicles (EVs) are complex and vary widely by manufacturer and specific application. However, they all incorporate a combination of several simple mechanical and electrical component systems which perform the basic required functions of the pack.

The actual battery cells can have different chemistry, physical shapes, and sizes as preferred by various pack manufacturers. Battery packs will always incorporate many discrete cells connected in series and parallel to achieve the total voltage and current requirements of the pack. Battery packs for all electric drive EVs can contain several hundred individual cells. Each cell has a nominal voltage of 3-4 volts, depending on its chemical composition.

To assist in manufacturing and assembly, the large stack of cells is typically grouped into smaller stacks called modules. Several of these modules will be placed into a single pack. Within each module the cells are welded together to complete the electrical path for current flow. Modules can also incorporate cooling mechanisms, temperature monitors, and other devices. In most cases, modules also allow for monitoring the voltage produced by each battery cell in the stack by using a Battery Management System (BMS).[75]

The battery cell stack has a main fuse which limits the current of the pack under a short circuit condition. A "service plug" or "service disconnect" can be removed to split the battery stack into two electrically isolated halves. With the service plug removed, the exposed main terminals of the battery present no high potential electrical danger to service technicians.[75][76]

The battery pack also contains relays, or contactors, which control the distribution of the battery pack's electrical power to the output terminals. In most cases there will be a minimum of two main relays which connect the battery cell stack to the main positive and negative output terminals of the pack, which then supply high current to the electrical drive motor. Some pack designs will include alternate current paths for pre-charging the drive system through a pre-charge resistor or for powering an auxiliary buss which will also have their own associated control relays. For safety reasons these relays are all normally open.[75][76]

The battery pack also contains a variety of temperature, voltage, and current sensors. Collection of data from the pack sensors and activation of the pack relays are accomplished by the pack's Battery Monitoring Unit (BMU) or Battery Management System (BMS). The BMS is also responsible for communications with the vehicle outside the battery pack.[75]


Batteries in BEVs must be periodically recharged. BEVs most commonly charge from the power grid (at home or using a street or shop recharging point), which is in turn generated from a variety of domestic resources, such as coal, hydroelectricity, nuclear, natural gas, and others. Home or grid power, such as photovoltaic solar cell panels, wind, or microhydro may also be used and are promoted because of concerns regarding global warming.

With suitable power supplies, good battery lifespan is usually achieved at charging rates not exceeding half of the capacity of the battery per hour ("0.5C"),[77] thereby taking two or more hours for a full charge, but faster charging is available even for large capacity batteries.[78]

Charging time at home is limited by the capacity of the household electrical outlet, unless specialized electrical wiring work is done. In the US, Canada, Japan, and other countries with 110 volt electricity, a normal household outlet delivers 1.5 kilowatts. In European countries with 230 volt electricity between 7 and 14 kilowatts can be delivered (single phase and three-phase 230 V/400 V (400 V between phases), respectively). In Europe, a 400 V (three-phase 230 V) grid connection is increasingly popular since newer houses don't have natural gas connection due to the European Union's safety regulations.

Recharging time[edit]

Electric cars like Tesla Model S, Renault Zoe, BMW i3, etc., can recharge their batteries to 80 percent at quick charging stations within 30 minutes.[79][80][81][82] For example, a Tesla Model 3 Long Range charging on a 250 kW Tesla Version 3 Supercharger went from 2% state of charge with 6 miles (9.7 km) of range to 80% state of charge with 240 miles (390 km) of range in 27 minutes, which equates to 520 miles (840 km) per hour.[83]


The charging power can be connected to the car in two ways. The first is a direct electrical connection known as conductive coupling. This might be as simple as a mains lead into a weatherproof socket through special high capacity cables with connectors to protect the user from high voltages. The modern standard for plug-in vehicle charging is the SAE 1772 conductive connector (IEC 62196 Type 1) in the US. The ACEA has chosen the VDE-AR-E 2623-2-2 (IEC 62196 Type 2) for deployment in Europe, which, without a latch, means unnecessary extra power requirements for the locking mechanism.[citation needed]

The second approach is known as inductive charging. A special 'paddle' is inserted into a slot on the car. The paddle is one winding of a transformer, while the other is built into the car. When the paddle is inserted it completes a magnetic circuit which provides power to the battery pack. In one inductive charging system,[84] one winding is attached to the underside of the car, and the other stays on the floor of the garage. The advantage of the inductive approach is that there is no possibility of electrocution as there are no exposed conductors, although interlocks, special connectors and ground fault detectors can make conductive coupling nearly as safe. Inductive charging can also reduce vehicle weight, by moving more charging componentry offboard.[85] An inductive charging advocate from Toyota contended in 1998, that overall cost differences were minimal, while a conductive charging advocate from Ford contended that conductive charging was more cost efficient.[85]

Recharging spots[edit]

As of April 2020, there are 93,439 locations and 178,381 EV charging stations worldwide.[86]

Travel range before recharging[edit]

The range of a BEV depends on the number and type of batteries used. The weight and type of vehicle as well as terrain, weather, and the performance of the driver also have an impact, just as they do on the mileage of traditional vehicles. Electric vehicle conversion performance depends on a number of factors including the battery chemistry:

  • Lead-acid batteries are the most available and inexpensive. Such conversions generally have a range of 30 to 80 km (20 to 50 mi). Production EVs with lead-acid batteries are capable of up to 130 km (80 mi) per charge.
  • NiMH batteries have higher specific energy than lead-acid; prototype EVs deliver up to 200 km (120 mi) of range.
  • New lithium-ion battery-equipped EVs provide 320–480 km (200–300 mi) of range per charge.[87] Lithium is also less expensive than nickel.[88]
  • Nickel-zinc battery are cheaper and lighter than Nickel-cadmium batteries. They are also cheaper than (but not as light as) lithium-ion batteries.[89]

The internal resistance of some batteries may be significantly increased at low temperature[90] which can cause noticeable reduction in the range of the vehicle and on the lifetime of the battery.

Finding the economic balance of range versus performance, battery capacity versus weight, and battery type versus cost challenges every EV manufacturer.

With an AC system or advanced DC system, regenerative braking can extend range by up to 50% under extreme traffic conditions without complete stopping. Otherwise, the range is extended by about 10 to 15% in city driving, and only negligibly in highway driving, depending upon terrain.

BEVs (including buses and trucks) can also use genset trailers and pusher trailers in order to extend their range when desired without the additional weight during normal short range use. Discharged basket trailers can be replaced by recharged ones en route. If rented then maintenance costs can be deferred to the agency.

Some BEVs can become Hybrid vehicles depending on the trailer and car types of energy and powertrain.


Auxiliary battery capacity carried in trailers can increase the overall vehicle range, but also increases the loss of power arising from aerodynamic drag, increases weight transfer effects and reduces traction capacity.

Swapping and removing[edit]

An alternative to recharging is to exchange drained or nearly drained batteries (or battery range extender modules) with fully charged batteries. This is called battery swapping and is done in exchange stations.[91]

Features of swap stations include:[92]

  1. The consumer is no longer concerned with battery capital cost, life cycle, technology, maintenance, or warranty issues;
  2. Swapping is far faster than charging: battery swap equipment built by the firm Better Place has demonstrated automated swaps in less than 60 seconds;[93]
  3. Swap stations increase the feasibility of distributed energy storage via the electric grid;

Concerns about swap stations include:

  1. Potential for fraud (battery quality can only be measured over a full discharge cycle; battery lifetime can only be measured over repeated discharge cycles; those in the swap transaction cannot know if they are getting a worn or reduced effectiveness battery; battery quality degrades slowly over time, so worn batteries will be gradually forced into the system)
  2. Manufacturers' unwillingness to standardize battery access / implementation details[94]
  3. Safety concerns[94]


Zinc-bromine flow batteries can be re-filled using a liquid, instead of recharged by connectors, saving time.

Lifecycle of EV batteries[edit]

Down-cycling of end-of-life EV batteries[edit]

Electric vehicle batteries which are in the end-of-life stage (having reduced power capacity and no longer being suitable for powering electric vehicles) can be reused for second-life applications such as use in e-bus power packs, backups for large buildings, use in home energy storage, supply stabilization for solar and wind power generators, backup power for telecom base stations and data centers, the powering of fork lifts, electric scooters and bikes, etc.[95][96][97][98][99][100] Reuse of automotive batteries in second life applications requires special expertise in reverse logistics. Alexander Kupfer, responsible for sustainable product development/circular economy at Audi, states that “a common connection interface through which these automotive batteries can be controlled by a stationary storage management system" would need to be developed. This kind of interface would provide a mechanism for communication with the storage control system independent of the battery manufacturer. The interface would need to be developed together with storage suppliers.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has suggested that utilities could purchase used batteries for backup and load levelling purposes. They state that while these used batteries may be no longer usable in vehicles, their residual capacity still has significant value.[citation needed]


Location and relative size of electric vehicle battery packs

Individual batteries are usually arranged into large battery packs of various voltage and ampere hour capacity products to give the required energy capacity. Battery service life should be considered when calculating the extended cost of ownership, as all batteries eventually wear out and must be replaced. The rate at which they expire depends on a number of factors.

The depth of discharge (DOD) is the recommended proportion of the total available energy storage for which that battery will achieve its rated cycles. Deep cycle lead-acid batteries generally should not be discharged to below 20% of total capacity. More modern formulations can survive deeper cycles.

In real world use, some fleet Toyota RAV4 EVs, using Nickel–metal hydride batteries, have exceeded 100,000 miles (160,000 km) with little degradation in their daily range.[101] From a Southern California Edison (SCE) assessment:

"The five-vehicle test is demonstrating the long-term durability of Nickel Metal Hydride batteries and electric drive trains. Only slight performance degradation has been observed to-date on four out of five vehicles.... EVTC test data provide strong evidence that all five vehicles will exceed the 100,000-mile (160,000 km) mark. SCE’s positive experience points to the very strong likelihood of a 130,000 to 150,000-mile (240,000 km) Nickel Metal Hydride battery and drive-train operational life. EVs can therefore match or exceed the lifecycle miles of comparable internal combustion engine vehicles.
"In June 2003 the 320 RAV4 EVs of the SCE fleet were used primarily by meter readers, service managers, field representatives, service planners and mail handlers, and for security patrols and carpools. In five years of operation, the RAV4 EV fleet had logged more than 6.9 million miles, eliminating about 830 tons of air pollutants, and preventing more than 3,700 tons of tailpipe carbon dioxide emissions. Given the successful operation of its EVs to-date, SCE plans to continue using them well after they all log 100,000 miles."

Lithium ion batteries are perishable to some degree; they lose some of their maximum storage capacity per year even if they are not used. Nickel metal hydride batteries lose much less capacity and are cheaper for the storage capacity they give, but have a lower total capacity initially for the same weight.

Jay Leno's 1909 Baker Electric still operates on its original Edison cells. Battery replacement costs of BEVs may be partially or fully offset by the lack of regular maintenance such as oil and filter changes required for internal combustion engine vehicles, and by the greater reliability of BEVs due to their fewer moving parts. They also do away with many other parts that normally require servicing and maintenance in a regular car, such as on the gearbox, cooling system, and engine tuning. And by the time batteries do finally need replacement, they can be replaced with later generation ones which may offer better performance characteristics.

Lithium iron phosphate batteries reach, according to the manufacturer, more than 5000 cycles at respective depth of discharge of 70%.[102] BYD, the world's largest manufacturer of lithium iron phosphate batteries, has developed a wide range of cells for deep cycle applications. Such batteries are in use in stationary storage systems. After 7500 cycles, with discharge of 85%, they still have a spare capacity of at least 80% at a rate of 1 C; which corresponds with a full cycle per day to a lifetime of min. 20.5 years. The lithium iron phosphate battery developed by Sony Fortelion has a residual capacity of 71% after 10,000 cycles at 100% discharge level. This battery has been on the market since 2009.[103]

Used in conjunction with solar panels, lithium-ion batteries have partly a very high cycle resistance of more than 10,000 charge and discharge cycles and a long service life of up to 20 years.[104][105]

Plug-in America conducted a survey of Tesla Roadster (2008) drivers regarding the service life of their batteries. It was found that after 100 mi (160 km), the battery still had a remaining capacity of 80 to 85 percent, regardless of which climate zone the car was driven in.[106][107] Tesla warranties the Model S with a 85-kWh battery for unlimited mileage within a period of 8 years.[108]

Varta Storage offers a guarantee of 14,000 full cycles and a service life of 10 years.[109][110]

As of December 2016, the world's all-time best-selling electric car is the Nissan Leaf, with more than 250,000 units sold since its inception in 2010.[111] Nissan stated in 2015 that until then only 0.01 percent of batteries had to be replaced because of failures or problems and then only because of externally inflicted damage. There are a few vehicles that have already covered more than 200,000 km; none of these had any problems with the battery.[112]

Li-ion batteries generally lose 2.3% capacity per year. Liquid-cooled Li-ion battery packs lose less capacity per year than air-cooled packs.[113]


At the end of their useful life batteries can be reused or recycled. With significant international growth in EV sales, the US Department of Energy has established a research program to investigate methodologies for recycling used EV lithium-ion batteries. Methods currently under investigation include pyrometallurgical (reduction to elements), hydrometallurgical (reduction to constituent metals), and direct recycling (re-establishment of electrochemical properties with maintenance of the structure of the original materials).[114]

Bloomberg BNEF has projected that the electric car battery industry will be worth over $500 billion by 2050 as adoption of electric vehicles accelerates in the intervening years[115]


Smart grid allows BEVs to provide power to the grid at any time, especially:

  • During peak load periods (When the selling price of electricity can be very high. Vehicles can then be recharged during off-peak hours at cheaper rates which helps absorb excess night time generation. The vehicles serve as a distributed battery storage system to buffer power.)
  • During blackouts, as backup power sources.


The safety issues of battery electric vehicles are largely dealt with by the international standard ISO 6469. This standard is divided into three parts:

  • On-board electrical energy storage, i.e. the battery
  • Functional safety means and protection against failures
  • Protection of persons against electrical hazards.

Firefighters and rescue personnel receive special training to deal with the higher voltages and chemicals encountered in electric and hybrid electric vehicle accidents. While BEV accidents may present unusual problems, such as fires and fumes resulting from rapid battery discharge, many experts agree that BEV batteries are safe in commercially available vehicles and in rear-end collisions, and are safer than gasoline-propelled cars with rear gasoline tanks.[116]

Usually, battery performance testing includes the determination of:

  • State Of Charge (SOC)
  • State of Health (SOH)
  • Energy Efficiency

Performance testing simulates the drive cycles for the drive trains of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) as per the required specifications of car manufacturers (OEMs). During these drive cycles, controlled cooling of the battery can be performed, simulating the thermal conditions in the car.

In addition, climatic chambers control environmental conditions during testing and allow simulation of the full automotive temperature range and climatic conditions.[citation needed]


Patents may be used to suppress development or deployment of battery technology. For example, patents relevant to the use of Nickel metal hydride cells in cars were held by an offshoot of Chevron Corporation, a petroleum company, who maintained veto power over any sale or licensing of NiMH technology.[117][118]

Research, development and innovation[edit]

As of December 2019, billions of euro in research are planned to be invested around the world for improving batteries.[119][120]

Europe has plans for heavy investment in electric vehicle battery development and production, and Indonesia also aims to produce electric vehicle batteries in 2023, inviting Chinese battery firm GEM and Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd to invest in Indonesia.[121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128]


Electric double-layer capacitors (or "ultracapacitors") are used in some electric vehicles, such as AFS Trinity's concept prototype, to store rapidly available energy with their high specific power, in order to keep batteries within safe resistive heating limits and extend battery life.[129][130]

Since commercially available ultracapacitors have a low specific energy, no production electric cars use ultracapacitors exclusively.

In January 2020, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, stated that the advancements in Li-ion battery technology have made ultra-capacitors unnecessary for electric vehicles.[131]

Promotion in the United States[edit]

In 2009, President Barack Obama announced 48 new advanced battery and electric drive projects that would receive US$2.4 billion in funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The government claimed that these projects would accelerate the development of U.S. manufacturing capacity for batteries and electric drive components as well as the deployment of electric drive vehicles, helping to establish American leadership in creating the next generation of advanced vehicles.[132]

The announcement marked the single largest investment in advanced battery technology for hybrid and electric-drive vehicles ever made. Industry officials expected that this US$2.4 billion investment, coupled with another US$2.4 billion in cost share from the award winners, would result directly in the creation tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs in the U.S. battery and auto industries.

The awards cover US$1.5 billion in grants to United States-based manufacturers to produce batteries and their components and to expand battery recycling capacity.

  • U.S. Vice President Joe Biden announced in Detroit over US$1 billion in grants to companies and universities based in Michigan. Reflecting the state's leadership in clean energy manufacturing, Michigan companies and institutions received the largest share of grant funding of any state. Two companies, A123 Systems and Johnson Controls, would receive a total of approximately US$550 million to establish a manufacturing base in the state for advanced batteries, and two others, Compact Power and Dow Kokam,[133] would receive a total of over US$300 million for manufacturing battery cells and materials. Large automakers based in Michigan, including GM, Chrysler, and Ford, would receive a total of more than US$400 million to manufacture batteries and electric drive components. Three educational institutions in Michigan — the University of Michigan, Wayne State University in Detroit, and Michigan Technological University in Houghton, in the Upper Peninsula — would receive a total of more than US$10 million for education and workforce training programs to train researchers, technicians, and service providers, and to conduct consumer research to accelerate the transition towards advanced vehicles and batteries.
  • U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu visited Celgard,[134] in Charlotte, North Carolina, to announce a US$49 million grant for the company to expand its separator production capacity to serve the expected increased demand for lithium-ion batteries from manufacturing facilities in the United States. Celgard was planning to expand its manufacturing capacity in Charlotte, North Carolina, and nearby Concord, North Carolina,[135] and the company expected the new separator production to come online in 2010. Celgard expected that approximately hundreds of jobs could be created, with the first of those jobs beginning as early as fall 2009.
  • EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson was in St. Petersburg, Florida, to announce a US$95.5 million grant for Saft America, Inc.[136][137] to construct a new plant in Jacksonville on the site of the former Cecil Field military base, to manufacture lithium-ion cells, modules and battery packs for military, industrial, and agricultural vehicles.
  • Deputy Secretary of the Department of Transportation John Porcari visited East Penn Manufacturing Co,[138] in Lyon Station, Pennsylvania, to award the company a US$32.5 million grant to increase production capacity for their valve regulated lead-acid batteries and the UltraBattery, a lead-acid battery combined with a carbon supercapacitor, for micro and mild hybrid applications.[139]

See also[edit]

  • List of hybrid vehicles
  • List of production battery electric vehicles
  • List of electric vehicle battery manufacturers
  • Battery charging
  • Battery electric multiple unit
  • Battery locomotive
  • Dual-mode transit
  • Electric car energy efficiency
  • Flywheel energy storage
  • List of battery types
  • Salt water battery
  • Traction motor
  • Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)


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External links[edit]

  • Testing EV Battery Packs in a Manufacturing Environment
  • Car Traction Batteries – the New Gold Rush 2010–2020 (IDTechEx)
  • Glossary of Battery Terms and Definitions
  • 2011 NACS Annual Fuels Report
  • Asian Manufacturers Will Lead the US$8 Billion Market for Electric Vehicle Batteries (Pike Research)
  • Factors crucial to the success of rechargeable batteries in vehicles, Former Grail Research Analyst, April 2012
  • Traction batteries construction
  • Pictures of car battery construction