Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
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Авария с участием автомобиля и мотоцикла

Дорожно-транспортное происшествие , также называется столкновением автомашины , автомобильная авария или ДТП , происходит , когда автомобиль сталкивается с другим транспортным средством, пешеходом , животными , дорожный мусором или другими стационарными препятствиями, такими как дерево, полюс или зданием. Дорожные столкновения часто приводят к травмам, инвалидности, смерти и материальному ущербу, а также к финансовым затратам как для общества, так и для вовлеченных лиц. Автомобильный транспорт - самая опасная ситуация, с которой люди сталкиваются ежедневно, но данные о потерях в результате таких инцидентов привлекают меньше внимания средств массовой информации, чем другие, менее частые виды трагедий.[1]

На риск столкновений влияет ряд факторов, включая конструкцию транспортного средства , скорость движения, конструкцию дороги , погоду , дорожную обстановку, навыки вождения, ухудшение состояния из-за алкоголя или наркотиков и поведение, особенно агрессивное вождение , отвлеченное вождение, превышение скорости и уличное движение. гонки .

В 2013 году 54 миллиона человек во всем мире получили травмы в результате дорожно-транспортных происшествий. [2] Это привело к 1,4 миллиона смертей в 2013 году по сравнению с 1,1 миллиона смертей в 1990 году. [3] Около 68 000 из них произошли у детей в возрасте до пяти лет. [3] Почти во всех странах с высоким уровнем доходов наблюдается снижение уровня смертности, в то время как в большинстве стран с низким уровнем доходов уровень смертности из-за дорожно-транспортных происшествий растет. В странах со средним уровнем дохода самый высокий показатель: 20 смертей на 100 000 жителей , что составляет 80% всех дорожно-транспортных происшествий со смертельным исходом и 52% всех транспортных средств. В то время как уровень смертности в Африке самый высокий (24,1 на 100 000 жителей), самый низкий - в Европе (10,3 на 100 000 жителей).[4] [5]

Терминология [ править ]

Автомобиль врезался в бок рядом с другим автомобилем. Левая сторона полностью разрушена.

Дорожные происшествия можно классифицировать по общим типам. Типы столкновения включают в лоб , дорожный выезд , сзади , боковые столкновения и опрокидывание .

Для описания столкновений транспортных средств обычно используется множество различных терминов. Всемирная организация здравоохранения использует термин дорожно - транспортный травматизм , [6] в то время как Бюро переписи населения США используют термин дорожно - транспортные происшествия ( MVA ), [7] и транспорт Канада использует термин «столкновение автомобильного движения» (MVTC). [8] Другие общие термины включают автомобильную аварию , автомобильную аварию , автокатастрофу , автомобиль разбивает , Автокатастрофу , столкновения автомашины ( MVC ), личные столкновения травмы( PIC ), дорожно-транспортное происшествие , дорожно-транспортное происшествие ( RTA ), дорожно-транспортное происшествие ( RTC ) и дорожно-транспортное происшествие ( RTI ), а также более неофициальные термины, включая разбивание , нагромождение и изгиб крыльев .

Некоторые организации начали избегать термина «авария», вместо этого предпочитая такие термины, как «столкновение», «авария» или «инцидент». [9] [10] Это связано с тем, что термин «авария» подразумевает, что никто не виноват, в то время как большинство дорожно-транспортных происшествий являются результатом вождения в нетрезвом виде , чрезмерной скорости , отвлекающих факторов, таких как мобильные телефоны, или другого опасного поведения. [11] [12] [13]

Исторически сложилось так, что в Соединенных Штатах использование терминов, отличных от «несчастных случаев», подвергалось критике за сдерживание улучшений безопасности, основанное на идее, что культура обвинения может оттолкнуть вовлеченные стороны от полного раскрытия фактов и, таким образом, сорвать попытки устраните настоящие первопричины . [14]

Воздействие на здоровье [ править ]

Физический [ править ]

Мужчина с видимыми шрамами на лице в результате автомобильной аварии

В результате травмы от удара тупым предметом, вызванной столкновением, обычно может возникнуть ряд физических травм , от ушибов и ушибов до катастрофических физических травм (например, паралич) или смерти.

Психологический [ править ]

После столкновений может возникнуть длительная психологическая травма . [15] Эти проблемы могут заставить тех, кто попал в аварию, снова бояться водить машину. В некоторых случаях психологическая травма может повлиять на жизнь людей, может вызвать трудности с работой, посещением школы или выполнением семейных обязанностей. [16]

Причины [ править ]

Исследование, проведенное К. Румаром 1985 года с использованием британских и американских отчетов о ДТП в качестве данных, показало, что 57% ДТП были вызваны исключительно факторами водителя, 27% - комбинированными факторами дороги и водителя, 6% - комбинированными факторами транспортного средства и водителя, 3% исключительно факторами. к факторам проезжей части, 3% к совокупным факторам проезжей части, водителя и транспортного средства, 2% только к факторам транспортного средства и 1% к совокупным факторам проезжей части и транспортного средства. [17] Снижение тяжести травм в ДТП более важно, чем снижение заболеваемости, и ранжирование заболеваемости по широким категориям причин вводит в заблуждение относительно снижения серьезного травматизма. Модификации транспортных средств и дорог обычно более эффективны, чем меры по изменению поведения, за исключением некоторых законов, таких как обязательное использование ремней безопасности, мотоциклетных шлемов и постепенное лицензирование подростков. [18]

Человеческий фактор [ править ]

Сторона столкновения после того, как водитель недооценил свое время , чтобы сделать левый поворот

Человеческий фактор при столкновении транспортных средств включает все, что связано с водителями и другими участниками дорожного движения, что может способствовать столкновению. Примеры включают поведение водителя, остроту зрения и слух, способность принимать решения и скорость реакции.

Отчет 1985 года, основанный на британских и американских данных о ДТП, показал, что ошибка водителя, опьянение и другие человеческие факторы полностью или частично являются причиной примерно 93% аварий. [17]

Водители, которые отвлекались на мобильные устройства, имели почти в четыре раза больший риск разбиться, чем те, кто этого не делал. Исследования Технологического института транспорта Вирджинии показали, что водители, которые пишут текстовые сообщения во время вождения, в 23 раза чаще попадают в аварию, чем водители, не пишущие текстовые сообщения. [19] Набор номера телефона - самое опасное отвлечение, поскольку вероятность аварии для водителей увеличивается в 12 раз, после чего следует чтение или письмо, что увеличивает риск в 10 раз. [20]

RAC опрос британских водителей найден 78% водителей думали , что они высоко квалифицированы при вождении, и многие думали , что они были лучше , чем у других водителей, в результате предлагая самоуверенность в своих силах. Почти все водители, попавшие в аварию, не считали себя виноватыми. [21] Один опрос водителей показал, что, по их мнению, основными элементами хорошего вождения являются: [22]

  • управление автомобилем, включая хорошее понимание его размеров и возможностей
  • чтение и реакция на дорожные условия, погоду, дорожные знаки и окружающую среду
  • бдительность, чтение и предвидение поведения других водителей.

Несмотря на то, что владение этими навыками изучается и проверяется в рамках экзамена по вождению, «хороший» водитель все еще может подвергаться высокому риску аварии, потому что:

чувство уверенности во все более сложных ситуациях воспринимается как свидетельство способностей к вождению, и эта «доказанная» способность усиливает чувство уверенности. Уверенность подпитывается сама собой и бесконтрольно растет, пока что-то не произойдет - почти промах или несчастный случай. [22]

Исследование Axa показало, что ирландские водители очень заботятся о безопасности по сравнению с другими европейскими водителями. Однако это не приводит к значительному снижению количества аварий в Ирландии. [23]

Изменения в дорожном дизайне сопровождались широкомасштабным принятием правил дорожного движения наряду с политикой правоохранительных органов, которая включала законы об управлении транспортным средством в нетрезвом виде, установление ограничений скорости и системы контроля скорости, такие как камеры контроля скорости . В некоторых странах экзамены по вождению были расширены, чтобы проверить поведение нового водителя во время аварийной ситуации и его восприятие опасности.

Есть демографические различия в уровне аварийности. Например, хотя у молодых людей, как правило, хорошее время реакции, непропорционально больше молодых мужчин-водителей участвуют в дорожно-транспортных происшествиях [24], при этом исследователи отмечают, что многие из них проявляют поведение и отношение к риску, которые могут поставить их в более опасные ситуации, чем другие участники дорожного движения. [22] Это отражается актуариями, когда они устанавливают страховые ставки для разных возрастных групп, частично исходя из их возраста, пола и выбора транспортного средства. Можно ожидать, что более старые водители с более медленной реакцией будут участвовать в большем количестве столкновений, но этого не произошло, поскольку они, как правило, меньше и, по-видимому, более осторожны. [25]Попытки ввести политики трафика могут осложняться местными обстоятельствами и поведением водителя. В 1969 году Лиминг предупредил, что необходимо соблюдать баланс при «повышении» безопасности дороги. [26]

И наоборот, место, которое не выглядит опасным, может иметь высокую частоту аварий. Отчасти это связано с тем, что, если водители воспринимают место как опасное, они проявляют большую осторожность. Вероятность столкновения может быть выше, когда опасная дорога или дорожные условия не очевидны с первого взгляда, или когда условия слишком сложны для того, чтобы ограниченный человеческий аппарат не мог воспринять и отреагировать в доступное время и расстояние. Высокая частота ДТП не свидетельствует о высоком риске травм. Аварии обычны в районах с высокой загруженностью транспортных средств, но аварии со смертельным исходом непропорционально часто происходят на сельских дорогах в ночное время, когда движение относительно невелико.

Это явление наблюдалось в исследованиях компенсации риска , когда прогнозируемое снижение частоты столкновений не произошло после законодательных или технических изменений. Одно исследование показало, что внедрение улучшенных тормозов привело к более агрессивному вождению [27], а другое утверждало, что законы об обязательных ремнях безопасности не сопровождались явным сокращением общего числа смертельных случаев. [28] Большинство требований о компенсации риска, компенсирующей влияние законов о регулировании транспортных средств и использования ремней, были дискредитированы исследованиями с использованием более точных данных. [18]

В 1990 -х годах исследования поведения водителей Ханса Мондермана привели его к осознанию того, что знаки и правила отрицательно влияют на способность водителя безопасно взаимодействовать с другими участниками дорожного движения. Мондерман разработал принципы совместного использования пространства , основанные на принципах шерсти 1970-х годов. Он пришел к выводу, что устранение беспорядка на шоссе, позволяя водителям и другим участникам дорожного движения общаться с равным приоритетом, может помочь водителям распознать экологические подсказки. Они полагались только на свои когнитивные навыки, радикально снижая скорость движения и приводя к более низкому уровню дорожно-транспортных происшествий и более низким уровням заторов. [29]

Предусмотрены некоторые сбои; Например, в постановочных авариях участвует по крайней мере одна сторона, которая надеется разбить транспортное средство, чтобы подать в страховую компанию иски о прибылях и убытках. [30] В 1990-е годы в Соединенных Штатах преступники вербовали иммигрантов из Латинской Америки, чтобы они преднамеренно разбивали автомобили, обычно за счет того, что они подрезали другую машину и нажали на тормоза. Это была незаконная и рискованная работа, и обычно им платили всего 100 долларов. Хосе Луис Лопес Перес, водитель постановочной аварии, скончался после одного такого маневра, что привело к расследованию, которое выявило растущую частоту подобных аварий. [31]

Скорость автомобиля [ править ]

Авария на кольце I в Хельсинки , Финляндия, 25 августа 2006 года, около 13:00 по местному времени. Инцидент вызывает заторы на дорогах .

Федеральное управление шоссейных дорог Министерства транспорта США проводит обзор исследований скорости движения в 1998 году [32]. В резюме говорится:

  • Данные показывают, что риск аварии увеличивается как для транспортных средств, движущихся со скоростью ниже средней, так и для тех, кто движется со скоростью выше средней.
  • Риск получения травмы увеличивается экспоненциально со скоростью, намного превышающей среднюю скорость.
  • Тяжесть / летальность аварии зависит от изменения скорости транспортного средства при ударе.
  • Имеются ограниченные свидетельства того, что более низкие ограничения скорости приводят к более низким скоростям в масштабах всей системы.
  • Большинство аварий, связанных со скоростью, связаны со слишком высокой скоростью для данных условий.
  • Необходимы дополнительные исследования, чтобы определить эффективность успокоения дорожного движения.

В США в 2018 году 9378 человек погибли в автокатастрофах с участием как минимум одного водителя, превысившего скорость, что составило 26% всех смертей в результате дорожно-транспортных происшествий за год. [33]

В Мичигане в 2019 году превышение скорости стало причиной 18,8% смертельных случаев в результате дорожно-транспортных происшествий со смертельным исходом и 15,6% предполагаемых серьезных травм в результате аварий. [34]

Управление дорожного движения (RTA) австралийского штата Новый Южный Уэльс (NSW) утверждает, что превышение скорости (слишком быстрое движение для преобладающих условий или превышение установленного ограничения скорости [35] ) является причиной примерно 40 процентов смертей на дорогах. [36] RTA также утверждает, что превышение скорости увеличивает риск аварии и ее серьезность. [36] На другой веб-странице RTA квалифицирует свои утверждения, ссылаясь на одно конкретное исследование 1997 года, и пишет: «Исследование показало, что риск аварии, приводящей к смерти или травме, быстро увеличивается, даже при небольшом увеличении, превышающем соответствующий установить ограничение скорости ". [37]

The contributory factor report in the official British road casualty statistics show for 2006, that "exceeding speed limit" was a contributory factor in 5% of all casualty crashes (14% of all fatal crashes), and "traveling too fast for conditions" was a contributory factor in 11% of all casualty crashes (18% of all fatal crashes).[38]

In France, in 2018, the speed limit was reduced from 90 km/h to 80 km/h on a large part of the local outside built-up area road network in the sole aim to reduce the number of road fatalities.

Assured clear distance ahead[edit]

A common cause of collisions is driving faster than one can stop within their field of vision.[39] Such practice is illegal[40][41] and is particularly responsible for an increase of fatalities at night – when it occurs most.[42][43]

Driver impairment[edit]

Relative risk of collisions based on blood alcohol levels[44]
A graph outlining the relationship between number of hours driven and the percent of commercial truck crashes related to driver fatigue.[45]

Driver impairment describes factors that prevent the driver from driving at their normal level of skill. Common impairments include:

According to the Government of Canada, coroner reports from 2008 suggested almost 40% of fatally injured drivers consumed some quantity of alcohol before the collision.[46]
Physical impairment
Poor eyesight and/or physical impairment, with many jurisdictions setting simple sight tests and/or requiring appropriate vehicle modifications before being allowed to drive.
Insurance statistics demonstrate a notably higher incidence of collisions and fatalities among drivers aged in their teens or early twenties, with insurance rates reflecting this data. These drivers have the highest incidence of both collisions and fatalities among all driver age groups, a fact that was observed well before the advent of mobile phones.

Females in this age group exhibit somewhat lower collision and fatality rates than males but still register well above the median for drivers of all ages. Also within this group, the highest collision incidence rate occurs within the first year of licensed driving. For this reason, many US states have enacted a zero-tolerance policy wherein receiving a moving violation within the first six months to one year of obtaining a license results in automatic license suspension. No US state allows fourteen year-olds to obtain drivers’ licenses any longer.

Old age
Old age, with some jurisdictions requiring driver retesting for reaction speed and eyesight after a certain age.
Sleep deprivation

Various factors such as fatigue or :sleep deprivation might increase the risk, or numbers of hours driving might increase the risk of an accident.[47]

Drug use
Including some prescription drugs, over the counter drugs (notably antihistamines, opioids and muscarinic antagonists), and illegal drugs.
Research suggests that the driver's attention is affected by distracting sounds such as conversations and operating a mobile phone while driving. Many jurisdictions now restrict or outlaw the use of some types of phone within the car. Recent research conducted by British scientists suggests that music can also have an effect; classical music is considered to be calming, yet too much could relax the driver to a condition of distraction. On the other hand, hard rock may encourage the driver to step on the acceleration pedal, thus creating a potentially dangerous situation on the road.[48]

Cell phone use is an increasingly significant problem on the roads and as the U.S. National Safety Council compiled more than 30 studies postulating that hands-free is not a safer option, because the brain remains distracted by the conversation and cannot focus solely on the task of driving.[49]


Some traffic collisions are caused intentionally by a driver. For example, a collision may be caused by a driver who intends to commit vehicular suicide.[50] Collisions may also be intentionally caused by people who hope to make an insurance claim against the other driver, or may be staged for such purposes as insurance fraud.[51][52] Motor vehicles may also be involved in collisions as part of a deliberate effort to hurt other people, such as in a vehicle-ramming attack.[53]

Combinations of factors[edit]

Several conditions can combine to create a much worse situation, for example:

  • Combining low doses of alcohol and cannabis has a more severe effect on driving performance than either cannabis or alcohol in isolation.[54]
  • Taking recommended doses of several drugs together, which individually do not cause impairment, may combine to bring on drowsiness or other impairment. This could be more pronounced in an elderly person whose renal function is less efficient than a younger person's.[55]

Thus, there are situations when a person may be impaired, but still legally allowed to drive, and becomes a potential hazard to themselves and other road users. Pedestrians or cyclists are affected in the same way and can similarly jeopardize themselves or others when on the road.

Road design[edit]

A potential long fall stopped by an early guardrail, ca. 1920. Guardrails, median barriers, or other physical objects can help reduce the consequences of a collision or minimize damage.

A 1985 US study showed that about 34% of serious crashes had contributing factors related to the roadway or its environment. Most of these crashes also involved a human factor.[17] The road or environmental factor was either noted as making a significant contribution to the circumstances of the crash, or did not allow room to recover. In these circumstances, it is frequently the driver who is blamed rather than the road; those reporting the collisions have a tendency to overlook the human factors involved, such as the subtleties of design and maintenance that a driver could fail to observe or inadequately compensate for.[56]

Research has shown that careful design and maintenance, with well-designed intersections, road surfaces, visibility and traffic control devices, can result in significant improvements in collision rates.

Electric scooter Crash in New York City

Individual roads also have widely differing performance in the event of an impact. In Europe, there are now EuroRAP tests that indicate how "self-explaining" and forgiving a particular road and its roadside would be in the event of a major incident.

In the UK, research has shown that investment in a safe road infrastructure program could yield a 13 reduction in road deaths, saving as much as £6 billion per year.[57] A consortium of 13 major road safety stakeholders have formed the Campaign for Safe Road Design, which is calling on the UK Government to make safe road design a national transport priority.

Vehicle design and maintenance[edit]

A 2005 Chevrolet Malibu involved in a rollover crash
Seat belts

Research has shown that, across all collision types, it is less likely that seat belts were worn in collisions involving death or serious injury, rather than light injury; wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of death by about 45 percent.[58] Seat belt use is controversial, with notable critics such as Professor John Adams suggesting that their use may lead to a net increase in road casualties due to a phenomenon known as risk compensation.[59] However, actual observation of driver behaviors before and after seat belt laws does not support the risk compensation hypothesis. Several important driving behaviors were observed on the road before and after the belt use law was enforced in Newfoundland, and in Nova Scotia during the same period without a law. Belt use increased from 16 percent to 77 percent in Newfoundland and remained virtually unchanged in Nova Scotia. Four driver behaviors (speed, stopping at intersections when the control light was amber, turning left in front of oncoming traffic, and gaps in following distance) were measured at various sites before and after the law. Changes in these behaviors in Newfoundland were similar to those in Nova Scotia, except that drivers in Newfoundland drove slower on expressways after the law, contrary to the risk compensation theory.[60]


A well-designed and well-maintained vehicle, with good brakes, tires and well-adjusted suspension will be more controllable in an emergency and thus be better equipped to avoid collisions. Some mandatory vehicle inspection schemes include tests for some aspects of roadworthiness, such as the UK's MOT test or German TÜV conformance inspection.

The design of vehicles has also evolved to improve protection after collision, both for vehicle occupants and for those outside of the vehicle. Much of this work was led by automotive industry competition and technological innovation, leading to measures such as Saab's safety cage and reinforced roof pillars of 1946, Ford's 1956 Lifeguard safety package, and Saab and Volvo's introduction of standard fit seatbelts in 1959. Other initiatives were accelerated as a reaction to consumer pressure, after publications such as Ralph Nader's 1965 book Unsafe at Any Speed accused motor manufacturers of indifference towards safety.

In the early 1970s, British Leyland started an intensive programme of vehicle safety research, producing a number of prototype experimental safety vehicles demonstrating various innovations for occupant and pedestrian protection such as air bags, anti-lock brakes, impact-absorbing side-panels, front and rear head restraints, run-flat tires, smooth and deformable front-ends, impact-absorbing bumpers, and retractable headlamps.[61] Design has also been influenced by government legislation, such as the Euro NCAP impact test.

Common features designed to improve safety include thicker pillars, safety glass, interiors with no sharp edges, stronger bodies, other active or passive safety features, and smooth exteriors to reduce the consequences of an impact with pedestrians.

The UK Department for Transport publish road casualty statistics for each type of collision and vehicle through its Road Casualties Great Britain report.[62]These statistics show a ten to one ratio of in-vehicle fatalities between types of car. In most cars, occupants have a 2–8% chance of death in a two-car collision.

Center of gravity

Some crash types tend to have more serious consequences. Rollovers have become more common in recent years, perhaps due to increased popularity of taller SUVs, people carriers, and minivans, which have a higher center of gravity than standard passenger cars. Rollovers can be fatal, especially if the occupants are ejected because they were not wearing seat belts (83% of ejections during rollovers were fatal when the driver did not wear a seat belt, compared to 25% when they did).[58]After a new design of Mercedes Benz notoriously failed a 'moose test' (sudden swerving to avoid an obstacle), some manufacturers enhanced suspension using stability control linked to an anti-lock braking system to reduce the likelihood of rollover. After retrofitting these systems to its models in 1999–2000, Mercedes saw its models involved in fewer crashes.[63]

Now, about 40% of new US vehicles, mainly the SUVs, vans and pickup trucks that are more susceptible to rollover, are being produced with a lower center of gravity and enhanced suspension with stability control linked to its anti-lock braking system to reduce the risk of rollover and meet US federal requirements that mandate anti-rollover technology by September 2011.[64]


Motorcyclists have little protection other than their clothing and helmets. This difference is reflected in the casualty statistics, where they are more than twice as likely to suffer severely after a collision. In 2005, there were 198,735 road crashes with 271,017 reported casualties on roads in Great Britain. This included 3,201 deaths (1.1%) and 28,954 serious injuries (10.7%) overall. Of these casualties 178,302 (66%) were car users and 24,824 (9%) were motorcyclists, of whom 569 were killed (2.3%) and 5,939 seriously injured (24%).[65]

Sociological factors[edit]

Studies in United States have shown that poor people have a greater risk of dying in a car crash than people who are well-off.[66] Car deaths are also higher in poorer states.[67]

Similar studies in France or Israel have shown the same results.[68][69][70] This may be due to working-class people having less access to secure equipment in cars, having older cars which are less protected against crash, and needing to cover more distance to go to work each day.


Other possibly hazardous factors that may alter a driver's soundness on the road includes:

  • Irritability[71]
  • Following specifically distinct rules too bureaucratically, inflexibly or rigidly when unique circumstances might suggest otherwise[72]
  • Sudden swerving into somebody's blind spot without first clearly making oneself visible through the wing mirror[73]
  • Unfamiliarity with one's dashboard features, center console or other interior handling devices after a recent car purchase[74]
  • Lack of visibility due to windshield design, dense fog or sun glare[75]
  • People-watching.
  • Traffic safety culture, a variety of aspects of safety culture could impact on the number of crashes.[76]


A large body of knowledge has been amassed on how to prevent car crashes, and reduce the severity of those that do occur.

United Nations[edit]

Owing to the global and massive scale of the issue, with predictions that by 2020 road traffic deaths and injuries will exceed HIV/AIDS as a burden of death and disability,[77] the United Nations and its subsidiary bodies have passed resolutions and held conferences on the issue. The first United Nations General Assembly resolution and debate was in 2003[78] The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was declared in 2005. In 2009 the first high level ministerial conference on road safety was held in Moscow.

The World Health Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization, in its Global Status Report on Road Safety 2009, estimates that over 90% of the world's fatalities on the roads occur in low-income and middle-income countries, which have only 48% of the world's registered vehicles, and predicts road traffic injuries will rise to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030.[79]

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 3, target 3.6 is directed at reducing road injuries and deaths. February 2020 saw a global ministerial conference which brought the Stockholm Declaration, setting a target to reduce global traffic deaths and injuries by 50% within ten years. The decade of 2021-2030 was declared the second decade of road safety.

Collision migration[edit]

Collisions migration refers to a situation where action to reduce road traffic collisions in one place may result in those collisions resurfacing elsewhere.[80] For example, an accident blackspot may occur at a dangerous bend.[81] The treatment for this may be to increase signage, post an advisory speed limit, apply a high-friction road surface, add crash barriers or any one of a number of other visible interventions. The immediate result may be to reduce collisions at the bend, but the subconscious relaxation on leaving the "dangerous" bend may cause drivers to act with fractionally less care on the rest of the road, resulting in an increase in collisions elsewhere on the road, and no overall improvement over the area. In the same way, increasing familiarity with the treated area will often result in a reduction over time to the previous level of care (regression to the mean) and may result in faster speeds around the bend due to perceived increased safety (risk compensation).


Death rate from road accidents, in 2017.[82]
Road fatalities per vehicle-km (fatalities per 1 billion km)
  no data
  < 5.0
  > 20.0

In 2004 50 million more were injured in motor vehicle collisions. In 2013, between 1.25 million and 1.4 million people were killed in traffic collisions,[3][83] up from 1.1 million deaths in 1990.[3] That number represents about 2.5% of all deaths.[3] Approximately 50 million additional people were injured in traffic collisions,[83] a number unchanged from 2004.[6][84]

India recorded 105,000 traffic deaths in a year, followed by China with over 96,000 deaths.[85] This makes motor vehicle collisions the leading cause of injury and death among children worldwide 10–19 years old (260,000 children die a year, 10 million are injured)[86] and the sixth leading preventable cause of death in the United States.[87] In 2019, there were 36,096 people killed and 2.74 million people injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes on roadways in the United States. [88] In the state of Texas alone, there were a total of 415,892 traffic collisions, including 3,005 fatal crashes in 2012. In Canada, they are the cause of 48% of severe injuries.[89]

Crash rates[edit]

The safety performance of roadways is almost always reported as a rate. That is, some measure of harm (deaths, injuries, or number of crashes) divided by some measure of exposure to the risk of this harm. Rates are used so the safety performance of different locations can be compared, and to prioritize safety improvements.

Common rates related to road traffic fatalities include the number of deaths per capita, per registered vehicle, per licensed driver, or per vehicle mile or kilometer traveled. Simple counts are almost never used. The annual count of fatalities is a rate, namely, the number of fatalities per year.

There is no one rate that is superior to others in any general sense. The rate to be selected depends on the question being asked – and often also on what data are available. What is important is to specify exactly what rate is measured and how it relates to the problem being addressed. Some agencies concentrate on crashes per total vehicle distance traveled. Others combine rates. The U.S. state of Iowa, for example, selects high collision locations based on a combination of crashes per million miles traveled, crashes per mile per year, and value loss (crash severity).[90]


The definition of a road-traffic fatality varies from country to country. In the United States, the definition used in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)[91] run by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is a person who dies within 30 days of a crash on a US public road involving a vehicle with an engine, the death being the result of the crash. In the U.S., therefore, if a driver has a non-fatal heart attack that leads to a road-traffic crash that causes death, that is a road-traffic fatality. However, if the heart attack causes death prior to the crash, then that is not a road-traffic fatality.

The definition of a road-traffic fatality can change with time in the same country. For example, fatality was defined in France as a person who dies in the six days (pre 2005) after the collision and was subsequently changed to the 30 days (post 2005) after the collision.[92]


The fardier à vapeur of Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot allegedly crashed into a wall in 1771.[93]

The world's first recorded road traffic death involving a motor vehicle occurred on 31 August 1869.[94] Irish scientist Mary Ward died when she fell out of her cousins' steam car and was run over by it.[note 1]

The British road engineer J. J. Leeming, compared the statistics for fatality rates in Great Britain, for transport-related incidents both before and after the introduction of the motor vehicle, for journeys, including those once by water that now are undertaken by motor vehicle:[26] For the period 1863–1870 there were: 470 fatalities per million of population (76 on railways, 143 on roads, 251 on water); for the period 1891–1900 the corresponding figures were: 348 (63, 107, 178); for the period 1931–1938: 403 (22, 311, 70) and for the year 1963: 325 (10, 278, 37).[26] Leeming concluded that the data showed that "travel accidents may even have been more frequent a century ago than they are now, at least for men".[26]

Truck collision with house in Compstall, United Kingdom (1914)
A traffic collision from 1952

In 1969, a British road engineer compared the circumstances around road deaths as reported in various American states before the widespread introduction of 55 mph (89 km/h) speed limits and drunk-driving laws.[26]

They took into account thirty factors which it was thought might affect the death rate. Among these were included the annual consumption of wine, of spirits and of malt beverages—taken individually—the amount spent on road maintenance, the minimum temperature, certain of the legal measures such as the amount spent on police, the number of police per 100,000 inhabitants, the follow-up programme on dangerous drivers, the quality of driver testing, and so on. The thirty factors were finally reduced to six by eliminating those found to have small or negligible effect. The final six were:

  • (a) The percentage of the total state highway mileage that is rural
  • (b) The percent increase in motor vehicle registration
  • (c) The extent of motor vehicle inspection
  • (d) The percentage of state-administered highway that is surfaced
  • (e) The average yearly minimum temperature
  • (f) The income per capita

These are placed in descending order of importance. These six accounted for 70% of the variations in the rate.

The world's first autonomous car incident resulting in the death of a pedestrian occurred on 18 March 2018 in Arizona.[95] The pedestrian was walking her bicycle outside of the crosswalk,[96] and died in hospital after she was struck by a self-driving car being tested by Uber.

Society and culture[edit]

Economic costs[edit]

The global economic cost of MVCs was estimated at $518 billion per year in 2003, and $100 billion in developing countries.[84] The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated the U.S. cost in 2000 at $230 billion.[97] A 2010 US report estimated costs of $277 billion, which included lost productivity, medical costs, legal and court costs, emergency service costs (EMS), insurance administration costs, congestion costs, property damage, and workplace losses. "The value of societal harm from motor vehicle crashes, which includes both economic impacts and valuation for lost quality-of-life, was $870.8 billion in 2010. Sixty-eight percent of this value represents lost quality-of-life, while 32 percent are economic impacts."[98]

Traffic collision affect the national economy as the cost of road injuries are estimated to account for 1.0% to 2.0% of the gross national product (GNP) of every country each year.[99] A recent study from Nepal showed that the total economic costs of road injuries were approximately $122.88 million, equivalent to 1.52% of the total Nepal GNP for 2017, indicating the growing national financial burden associate with preventable road injuries and deaths.[100]

Legal consequences[edit]

There are a number of possible legal consequences for causing a traffic collision, including:

  • Traffic citations: drivers who are involved in a collision may receive one or more traffic citations for improper driving conduct such as speeding, failure to obey a traffic control device, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.[101] Convictions for traffic violations are usually penalized with fines, and for more severe offenses, the suspension or revocation of driving privileges.[102]
  • Civil lawsuits: a driver who causes a traffic collision may be sued for damages resulting from the accident, including damages to property and injuries to other persons.[103]
  • Criminal prosecution: More severe driving misconduct, including impaired driving, may result in criminal charges against the driver. In the event of a fatality, a charge of vehicular homicide is occasionally prosecuted, especially in cases involving alcohol.[104] Convictions for alcohol offenses may result in the revocation or long term suspension of the driver's license, and sometimes jail time, mandatory drug or alcohol rehabilitation, or both.[105]


Sometimes, people may make false insurance claims or commit insurance fraud by staging collisions or jumping in front of moving cars.[106]

United States[edit]

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in the workplace in the United States accounting for 35 percent of all workplace fatalities.[107] In the United States, individuals involved in motor vehicle collisions may be held financially liable for the consequences of a collision, including property damage, and injuries to passengers and drivers.[103] Where another driver's vehicle is damaged as the result of an accident, some states allow the owner of the vehicle to recover both the cost of repair for the diminished value of the vehicle from the at-fault driver.[108] Because the financial liability that results from causing an accident is so high, most U.S. states require drivers to carry liability insurance to cover these potential costs. In the event of serious injuries or fatalities, it is possible for injured persons to seek compensation in excess of the at-fault driver's insurance coverage.[109]

In some cases, involving a defect in the design or manufacture of motor vehicles, such as where defective design results in SUV rollovers[110] or sudden unintended acceleration,[111] accidents caused by defective tires,[112] or where injuries are caused or worsened as a result of defective airbags,[113] it is possible that the manufacturer will face a class action lawsuit.


American Landscape by Jan A. Nelson (graphite on Strathmore rag, 1974)

Cars have come to represent a part of the American Dream of ownership coupled with the freedom of the road. The violence of a car wreck provides a counterpoint to that promise and is the subject of artwork by a number of artists, such as John Salt and Li Yan. Though English, John Salt was drawn to American landscapes of wrecked vehicles like Desert Wreck (airbrushed oil on linen, 1972).[114] Similarly, Jan Anders Nelson works with the wreck in its resting state in junkyards or forests, or as elements in his paintings and drawings. American Landscape [115] is one example of Nelson's focus on the violence of the wreck with cars and trucks piled into a heap, left to the forces of nature and time. This recurring theme of violence is echoed in the work of Li Yan. His painting Accident Nº 6 looks at the energy released during a crash.[116][117][118]

Andy Warhol used newspaper pictures of car wrecks with dead occupants in a number of his Disaster series of silkscreened canvases.[119] John Chamberlain used components of wrecked cars (such as bumpers and crumpled sheet metal fenders) in his welded sculptures.[120]

See also[edit]

  • Accident management
  • Assured Clear Distance Ahead
  • Black ice
  • Crash test
  • Crashworthiness
  • Defensive driving
  • Forensic engineering
  • Global road safety for workers
  • Hill jumping
  • List of countries by traffic-related death rate
  • List of traffic collisions
  • Multiple-vehicle collision
  • Roadkill
  • Roadside memorial
  • Skid mark
  • Solomon curve
  • Totaled
  • Transportation safety in the United States
  • Tree squirrel (as traffic hazard)
  • Underride collision
  • Unsafe at Any Speed
  • Vehicular accident reconstruction
  • Vehicle extrication
  • Whiplash
  • Work-related road safety in the United States


  1. ^ Although some sources assert Mary Rose to be the first person killed by a motor vehicle, a steam carriage fatal collision in July 1834 preceded Rose's demise. In the 1834 event, a steam carriage constructed by John Scott Russell and operating a public transport service between Glasgow and Paisley overturned, causing a boiler explosion which killed four or five passengers and injured others. Russell's carriage comprised a steam engine pulling an combined passenger and fuel tender; Mary Rose's collision may be characterized as the first fatality involving a vehicle in the form of a contemporary motorcar, in which the engine is mounted and passengers ride on the same frame.


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  41. ^ Lawyers Cooperative Publishing. New York Jurisprudence. Automobiles and Other Vehicles. Miamisburg, OH: LEXIS Publishing. p. § 720. OCLC 321177421. It is negligence as a matter of law to drive a motor vehicle at such a rate of speed that it cannot be stopped in time to avoid an obstruction discernible within the driver's length of vision ahead of him. This rule is known generally as the `assured clear distance ahead' rule * * * In application, the rule constantly changes as the motorist proceeds, and is measured at any moment by the distance between the motorist's vehicle and the limit of his vision ahead, or by the distance between the vehicle and any intermediate discernible static or forward-moving object in the street or highway ahead constituting an obstruction in his path. Such rule requires a motorist in the exercise of due care at all times to see, or to know from having seen, that the road is clear or apparently clear and safe for travel, a sufficient distance ahead to make it apparently safe to advance at the speed employed.
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External links[edit]

  • WHO road traffic injuries
  • NHTSA Accident Statistics
  • U.S. DOT Fatality Analysis Reporting System FARS