Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии
  (Перенаправлен с фермы на рыночную дорогу 54 )
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Дороги от фермы до рынка в Техасе принадлежат и обслуживаются Министерством транспорта Техаса (TxDOT).

FM 1 [ править ]

Дорога от фермы к рынку 1 ( FM 1 ) была первой дорогой от фермы к рынку, которая была обозначена в Техасе по просьбе местной промышленности для строительства дороги с твердым покрытием. Дорога протяженностью 18,6 миль (29,9 км) обеспечивает доступ к сельским районам Восточного Техаса из США 96 .

FM 2 [ править ]

Farm to Market Road 2 ( FM 2 ) - это дорога от фермы к рынку в сельской местности на юго-востоке округа Граймс . FM 2 был назначен 29 июля 1941 года. [2]

FM 3 [ править ]

Farm to Market Road 3 ( FM 3 ) - это дорога от фермы до рынка в юго-западном округе Леон . [3] FM 3 был обозначен в марте 1942 года.

Южный конечный пункт FM 3 находится на FM 39 в Нормандже . FM 3 проходит через город Нормандж, пересекаясь с FM Spur 3 и другими дорогами. Маршрут ненадолго проходит на запад, через сельские поля, обеспечивая доступ к городскому парку Нормандж. [4] Затем он поворачивает на север, проезжая некорпоративный район Hilltop Lakes , прежде чем пересечь FM 977 . FM 3 проходит через длинный участок сельскохозяйственных угодий, прежде чем достичь своей северной конечной точки на 79 США . [3]

Ответвление соединяет FM 3 в центре Норманджа с SH OSR на юге. [3] Хотя он обозначен как Spur 3 с использованием стандартного государственного щита "Spur", он не имеет отношения к маршруту, официально обозначенному Spur 3 , расположенному в округе Нуэсес . [5]

FM 3 был назначен 26 марта 1942 года от Норманджи на запад до городского парка Норманджи в качестве замены SH 265 . Маршрут был удлинен на северо-запад, сначала 25 августа 1949 г. до FM 977, а затем 1 августа 1970 г. до его нынешней западной конечной остановки на US 79; это расширение заменило часть FM 977. Подъездная ветка длиной всего 0,4 мили была назначена 26 ноября 1969 года [3].

Список соединений

Весь маршрут проходит в округе Леон .

FM 4 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 4 ( FM 4 ) - дорога штата Техас, которая проходит от Грандвью на севере и западе до Джексборо . FM 4 был назначен 26 марта 1942 года. FM 4 был в 2012 году одним из самых длинных дорог от фермы до рынка в штате Техас.

FM 5 [ править ]

От фермы до рыночной дороги 5 ( FM 5 ) - дорога от фермы к рынку в округе Паркер . FM 5 был обозначен в марте 1942 года. [8]

FM 5 начинается на FM 1187 в Аледо . Он ненадолго едет на юг, прежде чем повернуть на запад и войти в Аннетту Юг . Затем маршрут поворачивает на север и проходит через Аннетту и Аннетту Норт . FM 5 проходит через Аннетта Саут и Аннетта через жилые районы. [9] FM - 5 заканчивается на восточном FRONTAGE дороге из IH 20 на выходе из # 415 в Willow Park . [8]

FM 5 был назначен 26 марта 1942 года из Аледо на север до США 80 , заменив Spur 131 . [10] 10 декабря 1946 года он был продлен на юг и запад на 6,0 миль (9,7 км) до перекрестка дорог в Аннетте . 26 июля 1963 года он был продлен на север до Willow Park, заменив FM 1545 и, по сути, создав кольцевой маршрут. 20 декабря 1984 года участок к северу от того, что тогда было FM 2376, был переведен в FM 1187 вместе с самим FM 2376. [8]

Список соединений

Весь маршрут проходит в округе Паркер .

FM 6 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 6 ( FM 6 ) находится в графствах Коллин и Хант . Длина дороги составляет 11,5 миль (18,5 км).

Дорога начинается на перекрестке с SH 78 к северу от Лавона . Оттуда он идет на восток, проходя через Неваду и Жозефину . Восточная конечная остановка находится на SH 66 в Каддо-Миллс .

FM 6 был обозначен 26 марта 1942 года как 4,2 мили (6,8 км) от Каддо Миллс до Жозефины в качестве замены State Spur 115. [13] 19 июля 1945 года он был продлен на запад до 1,3 мили (2,1 км). к востоку от Невады, и еще один сегмент был добавлен от Невады до Лавона. 26 сентября 1945 года FM 6 был расширен от 1,3 мили (2,1 км) к востоку от Невады до Невады, соединив две секции.

Список соединений

FM 7 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 7 ( FM 7 ) было обозначение, применяемое к двум отдельным шоссе. В настоящее время ни одно шоссе не использует обозначение FM 7.

FM 7 (1942-1949) [ править ]

Дорога от фермы к рынку 7 ( FM 7 ) была обозначена 26 марта 1942 года как шоссе от Липана до США 281 в качестве замены отвода 108. [15] 5 июня 1945 года дорога была продлена на юго-восток до Гранбери . [16] FM 7 был отменен 23 октября 1949 года и стал частью FM 4.

FM 7 (1951-1961) [ править ]

Следующее использование обозначения FM 7 было в округах Даллас и Рокволл, от Гарленда до Рокволла по бывшей трассе US 67. 16 июня 1957 года дорога была продлена на восток через старый US 67 до Royse City . FM 7 был отменен 30 ноября 1961 года и переименован в состав SH 66 , который также заменил более старый US 67. [17]

FM 8 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 8 ( FM 8 ) находится в графствах Истленд и Эрат . Длина дороги составляет 34,8 мили (56,0 км).

Маршрут был назначен 26 марта 1942 года от Линглевилля на восток до Стивенвилля, заменив SH 68 . 19 июля 1945 года маршрут был продлен на запад до границы округа Истленд. 21 декабря 1945 года FM 8 был продлен дальше на запад до конца FM 96 в Дездемоне . 17 мая 1948 года маршрут был продлен дальше на запад, до Гормана , который был первоначальной конечной точкой SH 68, заменив FM 96. 26 мая 1957 года шоссе было продлено на запад на 2,8 мили (4,5 км). на восток 6 мая 1964 г. с SH 108 до US 281 . 26 октября 1983 г. шоссе было продлено на запад до его нынешней конечной остановки по предыдущему маршруту SH 6..

Список соединений

FM 9 [ править ]

Дорога от фермы к рынку 9 ( FM 9 ) - это дорога от фермы к рынку в графствах Панола и Харрисон, расстояние между которыми составляет 40,129 км.

FM 9 начинается на пересечении с US 79 в некорпоративном сообществе Панола . [21] Маршрут ведет на север в Васком , где пересекает IH 20 ; доступ с IH 20 обеспечивается через выходы № 633 (восточное направление) и № 635 (западное). [22] Маршрут имеет кратковременное совпадение с US 80, прежде чем повернуть обратно на север. FM 9 находится на восточной стороне завода по производству боеприпасов Longhorn, а затем заканчивается у южного берега озера Каддо . [23]

Текущий FM 9 был назначен 23 мая 1951 года. Первоначальным маршрутом был отрезок от US 79 до FM 451 возле Елисейских полей . Шоссе было продлено до US 80 в Waskom 18 ноября 1953 г., заменив участок FM 451 , [20] и далее на север до 4,8 миль (7,7 км) к северу от US 80 5 мая 1966 г. и до 1,9 миль ( 3,1 км) к югу от FM 1999 2 июня 1967 года. 11 июля 1968 года шоссе было продлено на север до FM 1999 и FM 2457. 5 августа 1968 года FM 2457 был объединен, расширив FM 9 до его нынешней конечной остановки. [24]

Список соединений

FM 9 (1942) [ править ]

Предыдущий FM 9 был сформирован из Мидленда на юг в 12 милях (19,3 км) 26 марта 1942 года, когда маршрут был обозначен от части SH 137 . 3 августа 1943 года этот маршрут был переименован в состав SH 349 . Это было первое отмененное мероприятие от Farm to Market Road. Этот маршрут не имеет отношения к текущему назначению. [20]

FM 10 [ править ]

От Farm to Market Road 10 ( FM 10 ) находится в округе Панола . Длина дороги составляет 10,0 миль (16,1 км).

Дорога начинается на перекрестке с FM 999 в Гэри-Сити . Оттуда он идет на север к Дэниелсу . К северу от Дэниэлса есть кратковременное совпадение с FM 2517 . После этого он продолжает движение на север к северной конечной остановке на шоссе 79 Business в Карфагене .

FM 10 был обозначен 23 мая 1951 года на текущем маршруте.

Список соединений

Весь маршрут проходит в округе Панола .

FM 10 (1942) [ править ]

Оригинальный FM 10 был назначен 26 марта 1942 года от Сан-Августина до точки на SH 63 около Заваллы в качестве замены SH 147 . FM 10 был отменен 9 сентября 1947 года и снова заменен на SH 147. [26]

FM 11 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 11 ( FM 11 ) находится в графствах Уорд , Крейн и Пекос . Дорога протяженностью 51,6 мили (83,0 км) начинается на State Highway 18 в Грандфоллсе и проходит через Империал и Гирвин, а затем заканчивается на межштатной автомагистрали 10 в Бейкерсфилде .

Дорога была обозначена в 1942 году между Грандфоллс и Империал, и с годами ее постепенно удлиняли, включая прежний маршрут FM 847 до того, как дорога была завершена в 1975 году. Дорога пересекает американские маршруты 67 и 385 в Гирвине.

RM 12 [ править ]

Ранчо-Маркет-роуд 12 ( RM 12 ) - это шоссе протяженностью 37,9 миль (61,0 км), расположенное в округах Хейс и Трэвис в Техасе. [29]

Южный конечный пункт RM 12 находится в Сан-Маркосе, на съезде №202 с межштатной автомагистрали 35 . Оттуда он продолжается по Wonder World Drive вдоль дальнего западного края Сан-Маркоса. RM 12 продолжает движение на запад от Сан-Маркоса до пересечения с RM 32 (в «Джанкшен»), а затем направляется на север в Уимберли . Затем RM 12 продолжает путь через Вудкрик до Дрипп- Спрингс , где пересекает 290 долларов США . Оттуда он продолжается на север через поселок Фитцхью до конечной точки на RM 3238 (Гамильтон-Пул-роуд), примерно в шести милях к западу от Пчелиной пещеры .

RM 12 был сформирован из сегмента SH 80 от Сан-Маркос до Уимберли 26 марта 1942 года. 31 мая 1945 года он был продлен на север до Дриппинг-Спрингс. 19 декабря 1963 года его снова продлили с кольцевой 82 до IH 35. 2 июня 1967 года его продлили на север на 5,0 миль (8,0 км) до перекрестка дорог. 30 мая 1987 года он был продлен на север до 3238 ринггитов и окружной дороги. [29]

Запланированное расширение RM 12 между Дриппинг-Спрингс и Уимберли до четырех- и пятиполосного шоссе было отклонено в ходе выборов в 2007 году в округе. [30]

После открытия проекта расширения Wonder World Drive в Сан-Маркосе , государственные и местные власти изменили обозначение Wonder World Drive, ранее обозначавшегося как Farm to Market Road 3407 , как часть RM 12, переместив южную конечную станцию ​​на SH 123 . Первоначальный участок RM 12 через Сан-Маркос был повторно обозначен как продолжение SH 80 на государственной системе шоссе 24 июня 2010 г. [31] [32]

Список соединений

FM 13 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 13 ( FM 13 ) - дорога протяженностью 20,5 миль (33 км), расположенная в городе Смит , штат Чероки . и округа Раск , который начинается на SH 135 в Трупе и идет на восток с главным перекрестком на SH 42 в Прайсе, а затем заканчивается у автобуса. США 79-F и автобус. SH 64 в Хендерсоне . Дорога также проходит через городок Часовня Генриха . Дорога была обозначена в 1942 году и раньше была государственной автомагистралью .

FM 13 начинается в Трупе на высоте 135 метров в округе Смит. Дорога идет по улице Э. Дюваль и затем поворачивает на юг по улице С. Прайс. Затем дорога поворачивает на юго-восток вдоль окраины города, а затем FM 1089 разветвляется на запад рядом с линией округа Чероки. [35] [36] Маршрут продолжается на юго-восток к часовне Генриха, где FM 856 разветвляется на юг. Затем дорога идет на северо-восток и входит в округ Раск, а затем пересекает SH 42 в Прайсе. Затем дорога идет на восток в сторону Хендерсона и пересекает петлю 571 к западу от города. Дорога въезжает в Хендерсон вслед за W. Main St. до остановки у автобуса. США 79-F и автобус. SH 64-E. [36] [37]

Дорога на всем протяжении натыкается на местность с пологим рельефом. [38] [39]

FM 13 был обозначен как государственное шоссе 324 между Хендерсоном и Карлайлом 30 октября 1939 года. [40] В следующем году город Карлайл был переименован в Прайс. [41] 26 марта 1942 г. шоссе было переименовано в FM 13. [34] [40] Второй прерывистый участок дороги был обозначен 11 июня 1945 г. между Трупом и линией графства Чероки-Раск к западу от Прайса. , и соединительный сегмент от этой линии графства до Прайса был обозначен 20 февраля 1946 года. [34]

Список соединений

FM 14 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-роуд 14 ( FM 14 ) - дорога протяженностью 39,7 миль (63,9 км), расположенная в графствах Смит и Вуд . Он начинается на кольце 323 в Тайлере и идет на север с главным перекрестком на I-20 возле Шейди-Гроув, а затем заканчивается на SH 154 к югу от Виннсборо . Дорога также проходит через городок Хокинс . Дорога была обозначена в 1942 году и является государственной .

FM 14 начинается в Тайлере на State Loop 323 в округе Смит. Дорога идет по шоссе State Park Highway через Shady Grove (где она пересекает межштатную автомагистраль 20) и Red Springs, где она поворачивает на северо-восток. Затем дорога поворачивает на север, пересекая округ Вуд и проходя через Хокинс, где она пересекается с шоссе US 80. Она продолжается на север через города Пайн-Миллс и Оук-Гроув до северной конечной остановки на SH 154.

FM 14 был обозначен как State Highway 270 между Tyler и Sand Flat 21 июня 1938 года. [44] 26 марта 1942 года шоссе было переименовано в FM 14. [43] [44] Дорога была продлена до SH 154 на 11 июня 1945 года и до нынешней северной конечной остановки 14 июля 1949 года. [43] 31 мая 1966 года участок от Spur 147 до US 271 стал продолжением Spur 147. Дорога была изменена на восток до US 271 в сентябре. 27 июня 1971 года. Участок от кольцевой дороги 323 до US 271 был переименован в городскую дорогу 14 27 июня 1995 года. Обозначение вернулось к FM 14 с ликвидацией системы городских дорог 15 ноября 2018 года. [45]

Список соединений

FM 15 [ править ]

Дорога от фермы к рынку 15 ( FM 15 ) - это дорога длиной 10,3 мили (16,6 км), расположенная в округе Смит , которая начинается на SH 135 в Трупе и идет на восток до конечной остановки на SH 64 в Райт-Сити . Дорога также проходит через поселок Салем . Дорога была обозначена 26 марта 1942 года и раньше называлась Государственной трассой 269.

FM 15 начинается в Трупе на шоссе 135. Дорога идет по улице Э. Брайант до городской черты Труп. Дорога проходит пять миль на запад, прежде чем повернуть на север. Рядом с Салемом он поворачивает на запад к конечной остановке на State Highway 64 в Райт-Сити.

FM 15 был обозначен как State Highway 269 между Troup и Wright City 21 июня 1938 года. [48] Автострада была переименована в FM 15 26 марта 1942 года. [47] [48]

Список соединений

Весь маршрут проходит в округе Смит .

FM 16 [ править ]

FM 16 как Hubbard Street на пересечении с US 69 в Линдейле

От Farm to Market Road 16 ( FM 16 ) находится в графствах Ван Зандт и Смит . Длина дороги составляет 42 мили (68 км). [50]

Дорога начинается на перекрестке с SH 64 к западу от Колфакса . Оттуда он идет на восток через Колфакс и Ван , пересекая межштатную автомагистраль 20 на развязке. Из Вана дорога продолжается на восток по SH 110, проходя через города Гарден-Вэлли , Хайдэуэй , Линдейл , Ред-Спрингс и Вайнона , где она кратковременно пересекается с SH 155 . От Вайноны дорога продолжается на восток до восточной конечной станции на US 271 . [50] [51]

FM 16 был сформирован 26 марта 1942 года из Колфакса в Ван, заменив часть SH 243 . Дорога была продлена до нынешней западной конечной остановки к западу от Колфакса и на восток до Линдейла 11 июня 1945 года, создавая параллелизм с SH 110. Дорога была продлена на восток до Вайноны 14 февраля 1947 года и продлена до нынешней длины на 29 октября 1948 г.

Список соединений

FM 17 [ править ]

От Farm to Market Road 17 ( FM 17 ) находится в графствах Ван Зандт и Вуд . Длина дороги составляет 34,6 мили (55,7 км). [52]

Дорога начинается на перекрестке с SH 64 возле Кантона . Оттуда он идет на северо-восток, пересекая межштатную автомагистраль 20 на развязке. Дорога продолжается до SH 110 в Гранд-Салин, штат Техас . Затем дорога следует по шоссе SH 110 до US 80 . Дорога идет по шоссе US 80, а затем направляется на северо-восток и север к FM 515 . Дорога следует по FM 515 на восток, а затем направляется на север и восток к SH 154 в Янтисе . [52]

FM 17 был сформирован 26 марта 1942 года от Гранд Салина до Альбы, заменив часть SH 110 . Дорога была продлена на юго-запад на 7,0 миль (11,3 км) 11 января 1945 года. 11 июня того же года дорога была продлена на юго-запад до Кантона, его нынешней южной конечной остановки. Дорога была продлена до Янтиса 17 декабря 1947 года. Дорога была продлена вдоль старого шоссе US 69 в Альбе 26 октября 1954 года. 31 октября 1957 года дорога была продлена на восток на 4,0 мили (6,4 км) от Янтиса. 11 октября 1961 года участок от Янтиса на восток 4,0 мили (6,4 км) был переведен на FM 2225 . Этот участок FM 2225 стал частью FM 2966 6 октября 1980 г. в связи со строительством водохранилища Lake Fork., что вызвало затопление некоторых частей FM 2225, а также привело к перемещению FM 17 вдоль FM 515 над водохранилищем Лейк-Форк , так как старый маршрут был затоплен (часть теперь является частью ответвлений FM 514 и FM 514).

Список соединений

FM 18 [ править ]

Дорога от фермы к рынку 18 ( FM 18 ) была назначена 19 сентября 1951 года. Длина дороги составляет примерно 18,6 миль.

FM 18 начинается на пересечении с SH 36 в Абилине недалеко от регионального аэропорта Абилина . Шоссе выходит за пределы города и входит в округ Каллахан на Элмдейл-роуд. Шоссе идет на восток и входит в Клайд около FM 1707. FM 18 имеет развязку с FM 604 перед тем, как проехать через город по Южной 1-й улице, а затем повернуть под углом почти 90 градусов на улицу Стивенс. Перед выездом из города шоссе делает еще один поворот на FM 258. FM 18 идет на восток до Baird, где заканчивается на пересечении с BL I-20 .

Текущий маршрут был обозначен 19 сентября 1951 года из участка 80 США . [53] Участок от SH 36 до поселка Элмдейл был городской дорогой (UR 18) с 27 июня 1995 г. по 15 ноября 2018 г. [54]

Список соединений

RM 18 (1942) [ править ]

RM 18 был сформирован 26 марта 1942 года из части SH 208 из Колорадо-Сити, штат Техас, к югу от 6,0 миль (9,7 км). [53] 29 апреля 1942 года был добавлен еще один участок от Роберта Ли, штат Техас, на север 6,0 миль (9,7 км) к дороге округа в Санко . [53] 18 ноября 1944 года разрыв между 6,0 милями (9,7 км) к северу от Роберта Ли и 6,0 милями (9,7 км) к югу от Колорадо-Сити был заполнен. [53] Этот маршрут был отменен 23 апреля 1947 года, когда он стал продолжением SH 208 . [53]

FM 19 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 19 ( FM 19 ) находится в округе Андерсон . Длина дороги составляет 13,4 мили (21,5 км).

Дорога начинается на перекрестке с SH 155 во Франкстоне . Оттуда он идет на юг в Нечес через Тодд-Сити. [56] Южный вокзал находится на FM 2574 .

FM 19 был обозначен 29 апреля 1942 года как маршрут между Нечесом и Тодд-Сити . 19 мая того же года он был продлен на север до Франкстона . 24 октября 1944 года участок от Тодд-Сити до Франкстона был отменен. 17 декабря 1952 года FM 19 был продлен обратно из Тодд-Сити во Франкстон, завершив свой текущий маршрут. Первоначальная секция была обозначена как SH 272 21 июня 1938 года, когда она строилась. Когда маршрут был построен спустя некоторое время после 26 сентября 1939 года, SH 272 был отменен, то есть дорога уже была построена на момент обозначения FM 19.

FM 20 [ править ]

От Farm to Market Road 20 ( FM 20 ) находится в графствах Бастроп , Колдуэлл и Гуадалупе . Длина дороги составляет 54,2 мили (87,2 км).

Дорога начинается на перекрестке с SH 71 к западу от Бастропа . Оттуда он идет на юго-запад, проходя через Red Rock . В Локхарте он становится одновременно с US 183 на отрезок длиной 0,1 мили, затем сворачивает на запад на State Park Road. Он продолжается на юго-запад, проходя через Фентресс , до своей южной конечной точки на SH 123 к северу от Сегена .

FM 20 был назначен 29 апреля 1942 года от Бастропа на юго-запад до Локкарта ( до 1939 года он входил в состав SH 21 ). [57] 18 апреля 1958 года он расширился на юго-запад до FM 621 , заменив FM 964 . Шесть дней спустя он простирался на юго-запад к северу от Сегена, заменив участок FM 621 . Однако знаки не менялись до тех пор, пока публике не была выпущена карта путешествий по Техасу 1959 года; 1 октября 1958 года, примерно в то время, когда были изменены знаки, был назначен нынешний FM 964. [57]

Список соединений

FM 21 [ править ]

Дорога от фермы до рынка 21 ( FM 21 ) была обозначена в 1942 году, и по состоянию на 2012 год ее длина составляет примерно 15,9 миль (25,6 км).

FM 21 начинается на пересечении с шоссе 11 (SH 11). Затем он проходит через относительно пустой фермерский район Кэмп-Каунти. [51] Примерно через 5,8 км FM 21 пересекает озеро Боб Сандлин . Мост через озеро Боб Сандлин имеет длину около 0,8 км. После пересечения озера FM 21 проезжает парк штата Лейк Боб Сэндлин . [60] Дорога затем проходит через некорпорированное сообщество в Блоджетте . После этого FM 21 проходит через длинный участок открытых сельскохозяйственных угодий, затем проходит через Хопуэлл и продолжает свой северный конец SH 37 . [51]

FM 21 был обозначен 29 апреля 1942 года как дорога длиной 5,5 миль (8,9 км), идущая от SH 11 до государственного парка озера Боб Сандлин. Позже в тот же день был создан еще один сегмент от SH 37 через Хоупвелл до Мейкона (ошибочно обозначенный как FM 28 в одном из распоряжений администрации), создав разрыв в маршруте. Пробел был восполнен 11 июня 1945 г. [59]

Список соединений

FM 22 [ править ]

От фермы до рыночной дороги 22 ( FM 22 ) - это 14.597 км от фермы до рыночной дороги в северно-центральном округе Чероки . [62]

Западная конечная станция FM 22 находится на пересечении с US 69 в Craft . Маршрут идет на восток через Терни и Галлатин , где он кратковременно совпадает с FM 768 . [63] FM 22 продолжается на восток и заканчивается на пересечении с SH 110 к югу от сообщества Понта . [62] [64]

У FM 22 нет местных названий улиц, за исключением Галлатина, где он назван 1st Avenue. FM 22 на всем протяжении преимущественно сельский, проходит мимо холмов с деревьями и сельхозугодьями. Маршрут представляет собой двухполосную дорогу без обочин на всем протяжении.

FM 22 введен в эксплуатацию 29 апреля 1942 года; его длина была идентична его нынешнему маршруту. 7 мая 1970 года был добавлен участок к западу от US 69 в Craft, соединяющийся с FM 347 к югу от Джексонвилля , увеличив длину на 1,2 мили (1,9 км). Это дополнение было удалено из государственной системы шоссе 1 марта 1972 года, и FM 22 вернулся к своей прежней длине. [62] [63] Фактические даты строительства маршрута неясны.

FM 23 [ править ]

FM 23 в графстве Чероки.

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 23 ( FM 23 ) находится в графстве Чероки. FM 23 получил обозначение в апреле 1942 года.

FM 23 начинается на пересечении с SH 294 . Затем FM 23 проезжает через очень пустой сельскохозяйственный район округа Чероки, пересекаясь с несколькими другими фермерскими дорогами и несколькими дорогами графства. FM 23 проезжает кладбище Рассел за пределами Раск. Затем он достигает своей северной конечной станции с FM 343 , на окраине Раск . [66]

FM 23 был назначен Министерством транспорта Техаса 29 апреля 1942 года. Он еще не был продлен или изменен. [65]

FM 24 [ править ]

Дорога от фермы до рынка 24 ( FM 24 ) расположена в графстве Нуэсес и проходит мимо жилых и коммерческих районов в общинах Вайолет , Аннавиль и Корпус-Кристи. FM 24 в местном масштабе известен как Вайолет-роуд. Трасса была обозначена в мае 1951 г. [67]

FM 24 начинается на южной конечной станции с шоссе 44 (SH 44) в Фиолетовом . Затем шоссе проходит через несколько ферм и входит в жилой район Корпус-Кристи . [51] [68] Он проходит несколько окрестных церквей, [69] и небольшой Вайолет-парк, прежде чем пересечься со шпором 407 . Шоссе проходит через несколько кварталов и несколько ресторанов, прежде чем добраться до северной конечной остановки на выходе 11B на межштатной автомагистрали 37 (I-37). Шоссе известно как Вайолет-роуд на всем протяжении своего пути. [68] [70]Шоссе использовалось в среднем 1300 автомобилей в день возле Вайолет; В районе развязки I-37 посещаемость составляла 13 400 автомобилей в сутки. [71] Нет секция FM 24 была перечислена на национальной системе шоссе , [72] сеть дорог , важные для экономики, обороны и мобильности страны. [73]

FM 24 был назначен 23 мая 1951 года, но был подписан только с SH 44 на Spur 407 (тогда SH 9). Затем 5 сентября 1973 года шоссе было продлено до его нынешней северной конечной остановки Interstate 37 [67].

Список соединений

Весь маршрут проходит в графстве Нуэсес .

FM 24 (1942) [ править ]

FM 24 был обозначен 29 апреля 1942 года как маршрут от Колемана на запад до Новой Центральной школы. Его длина составляла 9,5 миль (15,3 км). 22 июня 1944 года весь маршрут был отменен и переименован в FM 53 (теперь SH 153). [67]

FM 25 [ править ]

Маркет-роуд 25 ( FM 25 ) - обозначение шоссе в графствах Комал и Гуадалупе. В настоящее время ни одна автомагистраль не использует обозначение FM 25.

FM 25 был обозначен 29 апреля 1942 года из US 81 (ныне Business IH 35-H) возле Нью-Браунфелса до US 90 возле Сегуина. 9 июня 1966 года участок от US 90 на север до I-10 был переименован в Spur 351 . 26 февраля 1968 года участок от I-35 к северо-западу 0,26 мили (0,42 км) мили был переведен на SH 46 и Loop 337. Остальная часть FM 25 была отменена 28 сентября 1988 года и переведена на SH 46 . Отрезок 351 (который к тому времени простирался на юг до SH 123) стал частью SH 46 14 мая 1990 г. [76]

FM 26 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 26 ( FM 26 ) находятся графства Доусон и Мартин . FM 26 получил обозначение в апреле 1942 года.

FM 26 начинается на пересечении с FM 846 . Оттуда FM 26 направляется на северо-запад на несколько миль, затем поворачивает и направляется в западном направлении. Оттуда FM 26 снова поворачивает на северо-запад и сливается с FM 3263 . FM 26 пересекается с несколькими другими сельскохозяйственными дорогами и дорогами графства, прежде чем достигнет своей северной конечной остановки на шоссе 87 США (США 87). FM 26 не проходит ни одной общины на всем протяжении. [51]

FM 26 был обозначен 29 апреля 1942 года как маршрут от US 87 к югу от Ламеса до Спаренберга. Это было всего 5,3 мили (8,5 км), полностью расположенное в округе Доусон . FM 26 был расширен на юг на 4,0 мили (6,4 км) 20 ноября 1951 года. FM 26 был расширен до FM 1742 26 марта 1953 года, добавив еще 2 мили (3,2 км) к FM 26. 9 апреля 1953 года FM 26 был расширен до FM 846, заменив недавно отмененный 11,8 миль (19,0 км) FM 1742. [77]

FM 27 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 27 ( FM 27 ) находится в графствах Фристоун и Лаймстоун . FM 27 получил обозначение 29 апреля 1942 года.

FM 27 начинается на его западной конечной станции с шоссе 171 (SH 171). Отсюда FM 27 проходит через низменные холмистые травянистые поля и проходит мимо нескольких ферм. Шоссе несколько раз пересекается с другими фермерскими и уездными дорогами. Въезжая в город Уортэм , FM 27 минует среднюю школу Уортама и вскоре проходит через центр города. Затем проезжая часть проходит через холмы, деревья и луга, снова пересекая иногда окружную дорогу, а затем проходит одновременно с FM 80 к югу от Кирвина . Затем FM 27 продолжает движение через лесную зону, затем въезжает в Фэрфилд и достигает своей восточной конечной точки, шоссе 84 США (США 84). [51]

Когда он был назначен 29 апреля 1942 года, FM 27 простирался от Фэрфилда до Уортама примерно на 18,5 миль (29,8 км). Это был SH 210 до 1939 года. 15 февраля 1950 года шоссе было продлено от Уортама до линии округа Лаймстоун, добавив примерно 1,6 мили (2,6 км) к маршруту, в общей сложности 20,1 мили (32,3 км), заменив FM 1450 . FM 27 был снова продлен 27 сентября 1960 года, добавив к маршруту 7,4 мили (11,9 км) и доведя FM 27 до его современной западной конечной остановки, SH 171. [78]

FM 28 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 28 ( FM 28 ) находится в графствах Кросби и Флойд . Трасса была обозначена 23 июня 1942 года.

FM 28 начинается на южной конечной станции, на пересечении с шоссе 82 США / шоссе 114 (США 82 / SH 114). Оттуда FM 28 направляется в северном направлении, минуя пустые холмистые травянистые поля, а иногда и дома или фермы. Шоссе продолжается в северном направлении почти 10 миль (16 км), затем поворачивает и направляется прямо на восток. Проехав примерно две мили (3,2 км) на восток, FM 28 снова поворачивает и направляется на север. Дорога продолжает двигаться на север, в условиях почти тех же, что и раньше, когда она поворачивает на северо-запад и проходит через некорпоративную общину Догерти . FM 28 затем снова поворачивает на север и проезжает около 2 миль (3,2 км) до пересечения с US 62 / US 70.. FM 28 проходит одновременно с этими другими автомагистралями примерно на одну милю (1,6 км), а затем снова направляется на север, достигая своей северной конечной остановки с дорогами округа 200 и 303 (CR 200, CR 303). [51]

23 июня 1942 года FM 28 был назначен на маршрут в округе Флойд, простирающийся от 70 до Догерти. 21 июля 1949 года FM 28 был продлен до линии округа Кросби, добавив примерно 8,2 мили (13,2 км) к предыдущему маршруту. 26 октября 1954 года FM 28 был продлен на юг до FM 1472 (на нынешнем стыке с FM 193). 1 ноября 1954 года FM 28 был снова продлен до своей современной южной конечной остановки, США 82, а FM 1472 был отменен. В тот же день FM 1441 (который позже стал частью FM 193) был продлен на запад до этой точки. 24 марта 1958 года FM 28 был продлен на 8,5 км на север, потому что FM 2265 был отменен. Два шоссе были объединены, и FM 28 достиг своей современной северной конечной остановки с CR 200 / CR 303.[79]

FM 28 (ошибочное обозначение в апреле 1942 г.) [ править ]

FM 28 был ошибочно обозначен 29 апреля 1942 года в округе Франклин на перекрестке с SH 37 , к югу от горы. Вернон , до поселения Мейкон, примерно в 8,5 миль (13,7 км). Позже в тот же день FM 28 был отменен, поскольку в протоколе указана дорога как часть FM 21 . [79]

FM 29 [ править ]

От Фермы до Маркет-Роуд 29 ( FM 29 ) было обозначение, применявшееся к двум отдельным шоссе. В настоящее время ни одно шоссе не использует обозначение FM 29.

FM 29 (1942–1949) [ править ]

FM 29 был назначен 29 апреля 1942 года на дороге в округе Граймс от SH 90 возле Синглтона до Иолы . Дорога была 11,0 миль (17,7 км) в длину. 20 мая 1949 года обозначение было отменено, и дорога стала продолжением FM 39 . [80]

FM 29 (1951–1967) [ править ]

Обозначение FM 29 было позже применено к дороге в округе Валь-Верде , начиная с US 90 (позже Loop 406, теперь Spur 406) к северо-западу от реки Девилс и направляясь на северо-восток к Lake Walk . Когда это было обозначено, дорога была 2,12 мили (3,41 км) в длину; к 1965 году шоссе было сокращено до 3,1 км. FM 29 был отменен 27 октября 1967 года, поскольку проезжая часть должна была быть затоплена водохранилищем Амистад . В результате дорога была закрыта навсегда. [80]

FM 30 [ править ]

От фермы до рыночной дороги 30 ( FM 30 ) находится в округе Увальде . Дорога начинается на SH 127 в 3,0 милях (4,8 км) к северо-западу от Сабиналя и продолжается на север, заканчиваясь у дороги графства .

FM 30 (1942) [ править ]

The original Farm to Market Road 30, designated on April 29, 1942, ran from Memphis east to a connection with US 83 in Childress County. FM 30 was cancelled on January 7, 1948 and became part of SH 256.[81]

FM 31[edit]

Farm to Market Road 31 (FM 31) is located in Harrison and Panola counties. The highway begins at US 59 (Future I-369) in Marshall, turning southeast while intersecting I-20 outside the city limits. In the community of Crossroads, FM 2625 passes through while FM 2199 ends completely, all while FM 31 continues southeastward. In the town of Elysian Fields, FM 451 ends as FM 31 heads into Panola County. The highway intersects US 79 in De Berry. The road has a small concurrency with FM 123 in Carthage. Further south, FM 2517 makes a four-way intersection there, where a few miles to the east FM 3359 is formed. The highway ends at the Texas-Louisiana state line, where it becomes LA 765.

FM 31 was designated on April 29, 1942 from US 59 in Marshall to Elysian Fields. On June 11, 1945, it was extended southward to the Panola County Line. Seven days later, it was extended south to De Berry. On November 20, 1951, it was extended south to what was then FM 998. On January 7, 1952, FM 31 was extended southward to the Louisiana State Line, replacing a section of FM 123 (which was rerouted over FM 998 instead).

RM 32[edit]

Ranch to Market Road 32 (RM 32) is located in Blanco, Comal, and Hays counties. The road begins at US 281 south of Blanco, and continues east as it enters Comal County. In Fischer, FM 3424 ends there, and upon entering Hays County, the highway ends at an intersection with RM 12 in Wimberley.

RM 32 was designated as State Highway 232 between SH 80 in Wimberley and US 281 on August 1, 1936. SH 80 was truncated and the western terminus became RM 12 on March 26, 1942; at the same time, SH 232 was to be redesignated as an RM road once the counties agreed to do so, which happened by April 29, 1942, when RM 32 was designated, replacing SH 232.[84]

Junction list

RM 33[edit]

Ranch to Market Road 33 (RM 33) is located in Howard, Glasscock, and Reagan counties. It runs from US 87, 4 miles south of Big Spring, south to SH 137.

RM 33 was designated on April 29, 1942 from US 87 south of Big Spring south 6.4 miles (10.3 km) to the Glasscock County Line. On February 11, 1944 the road was extended south to Garden City. On June 11, 1945 the road was extended south to the Reagan County line, and then to Big Lake later that day. On October 29, 1948, the road was extended south and east to SH 163. On July 14, 1949 the road was extended east to Eldorado, replacing FM 865, making it the longest Farm or Ranch to Market Road at 141.0 miles (226.9 km) miles.[87] However, FM 865 was reassigned to a nearby road to the southwest on May 23, 1951; this became RM 865 on November 13, 1959 and became part of SH 137 on May 16, 1984, and FM 865 was reassigned to its current route in Houston on September 13, 1984. In 1969, the section from SH 137 south to US 190 was signed, but not designated, as SH 137. On June 30, 1977, the section from Eldorado west to RM 1980 (along with RM 1980) was transferred to US 190. On May 16, 1984, the section of RM 33 from SH 137 south to US 190 was transferred to SH 137 as the SH 137 designation became official.

Junction list

FM 34[edit]

Farm to Market Road 34 (FM 34) is located entirely in Hudspeth County.

The southern terminus of FM 34 is in unincorporated Hudspeth County at FM 192. From here, the road proceeds northward for 2.6 miles (4.2 km) before ending at exit 87 on I-10, approximately 15 miles east of Fort Hancock[89][90][91]

On April 29, 1942, FM 34 was assigned to a route from a junction with US 80 (present-day I-10) southward approximately 3.0 miles (4.8 km).[89]

FM 35[edit]

Farm to Market Road 35 (FM 35) is located in Rockwall and Hunt counties. The road begins at I-30 in Royse City and runs to SH 276.

FM 35 was designated on April 29, 1942 from Quinlan to Mexico. On November 23, 1948 the section from Union Valley to Quinlan was added, creating a concurrency with SH 34. On November 30, 1949 the road was extended east 4.0 miles (6.4 km) to Sabine River Bottom. On December 17, 1952 the road was extended west 4.9 miles (7.9 km) to the Rockwall County line. On February 26, 1953 the road was extended west to the new location of US 67 (now I-30), replacing FM 1396. On October 26, 1954, the road was extended east to US 69 (now FM 2795) at Emory, replacing FM 2102 and creating a concurrency with FM 47. On April 1, 1959 the Union Valley-Quinlan section was revised to end at Loop 264 instead of SH 34 (a 0.5 miles (0.80 km) section of FM 35 was transferred to Loop 264). On December 15, 1959 the concurrency with FM 47 was removed. On October 15, 1970 the section of FM 35 from Loop 264 west 5.8 miles (9.3 km) miles was transferred to SH 276. On October 25, 1990 a 21.3 miles (34.3 km) section of FM 35 from SH 34 east to US 69 was also transferred to SH 276.

Junction list

FM 36[edit]

Farm to Market Road 36 (FM 36) is located entirely within Hunt County. The road begins at SH 276 west of Quinlan and ends at FM 1562. There are concurrencies with US 380 and SH 66.

FM 36 was designated on April 29, 1942 from SH 24 (now US 380) west of Floyd to Merit. On September 12, 1946 the section from SH 24 at Floyd south to US 67 (now SH 66) at or near Caddo Mills was added, creating a concurrency with SH 24. On November 30, 1949 the road was extended southeast 4.0 miles (6.4 km) from Caddo Mills. On October 28, 1953 the road was extended north to FM 1562. On October 26, 1954 the road was extended south to FM 35 (now SH 276). On June 24, 2010, the section of FM 36 from US 380 to BU 380-J was removed from the state highway system. FM 36 was instead realigned over the new US 380.

Junction list

The entire route is in Hunt County.

FM 37[edit]

Farm to Market Road 37 (FM 37) is located in Bailey, Lamb, Hale, and Floyd counties. The road begins at TX 214 south of Enochs, and heads eastward to FM 54. Later, on a different end of FM 54, it meets the Bailey County line, and heads northeast to Amherst with FM 1072. At another point with FM 1072, it heads eastward to FM 168 at Hart Camp. It then crosses US 87 in Cotton Center, and performs an analogous operation (being concurrent to a highway and then ending the concurrency) on its way to FM 400, and from there to FM 789, and from there to FM 378, and finally eastward to US 62 in Floydada, where the highway ends.[96]

When the highway was created on April 29, 1942, it ran from a junction with US 84 to Amherst. On March 18, 1944, the highway was expanded to include a strip from Amherst to SH 51. On December 16, 1948, it extended east 5.8 miles (9.3 km) to what is now FM 1072. On September 19, 1968, the highway was expanded to its present length, replacing several routes: FM 2189 from SH 214 to FM 54; FM 1928 from FM 54 to US 84; a section of FM 1072 from FM 1072 to FM 168 (FM 1072 was rerouted to the north, replacing part of FM 1842); FM 1315 from FM 168 to FM 400; and FM 579 from FM 400 to US 62. Part of the road numbered FM 1315 had been designated as FM 2063.

FM 38[edit]

Farm to Market Road 38 (FM 38) is located in Lamar and Delta counties. The road begins at US 82 west of Petty and turns north and east to Maxey, then southeast through Brookston and Roxton to Ben Franklin.

FM 38 was designated on April 29, 1942 from US 82 west of Brookston through Roxton to Noble, with the section from US 82 to Roxton replacing State Highway 188. On April 30, 1945, the Roxton-Noble section was cancelled and became part of FM 137. FM 38 was expanded to include a section from the Lamar County line to FM 128 at Ben Franklin on June 9, 1947, creating a gap in the highway. This gap was closed on February 27, 1948, when FM 38 was extended from Roxton to Ben Franklin. On August 23, 1948, FM 38 was again extended north over the old location of US 82 to the new location of US 82. On February 1, 1949 the road was extended northwest to Maxey, replacing FM 907. The final change came on August 25, 1949 when FM 38 was extended to US 82 west of Petty, bringing the highway to its final length.

FM 39[edit]

Farm to Market Road 39 (FM 39) is located in Limestone, Leon, Madison, and Grimes counties. The road begins at TX 14 south of Mexia, and turns south, intersecting TX 164 before FM 80 ends directly parallel to the Freestone County line. However, no part of the road's mileage is in Freestone County, as the road turns south to Leon County shortly afterward. The highway then intersects with US 79 in Jewett and then intersects with TX 7 in the community of Concord. As the highway turns directly south, it makes an intersection with FM 977 in Flynn. In Normangee, it makes an intersection with the Old San Antonio Road, where it enters Madison County, and has a concurrency with FM 1452 in the community of George. The highway subsequently makes an intersection with a concurrent TX 21/US 190 in North Zulch. As it enters Grimes County, the road bypasses Iola, and ends at TX 90 north of Singleton.

When it was designated on April 29, 1942, the road considered of the section from Normangee to Flynn. On August 3, 1943, the road was expanded to include a segment from Mexia to Personville, creating a gap in the highway. The road's southern portion was expanded on February 28, 1945 to include US 190 at North Zulch, and the northern strip received a segment from Personville to Jewett. On April 18, 1947, the southern strip was expanded again to Robbins. The highway was extended from Jewett to Robbins on December 16, 1948, closing the gap.[99] On January 27, 1949, FM 39 was extended south to Iola. On May 20, 1949, FM 39 was extended south to Singleton, replacing FM 29. On June 21, 1982, the highway was slightly modified to go via Tyler Street instead of McKinney Street in Mexia, giving it its present-day length.

FM 40[edit]

Farm to Market Road 40 (FM 40) is located in Lubbock and Crosby counties. It runs from FM 1729 to FM 651. There are concurrencies with FM 378 and SH 207.

FM 40 was designated on April 29, 1942 from US 62 and US 82 at Lubbock to Acuff. On December 29, 1949 the road was extended east to FM 378, replacing FM 1526. On March 24, 1958, the road was extended to FM 651, replacing FM 1309 and FM 1308 and creating concurrencies with FM 122 (now SH 207) and FM 378. The section from US 62 to FM 1729 was transferred to UR 40 on June 27, 1995, but was changed back to FM 40 on November 15, 2018.

Junction list

FM 41[edit]

Farm to Market Road 41 (FM 41) is located in Hockley and Lubbock counties. The road begins from FM 303 southeast of Sundown and turns about 48 miles eastward bypassing Ropesville and Slide before eventually returning to Bus. US 84 in Slaton. Originally, the route went from a junction of US 87 south of Lubbock to Slide. On June 25, 1945, the highway extended east to 5.0 miles (8.0 km) miles west of Slaton and west from Slide to the Hockley County line. On December 17, 1952, FM 41 was extended west to FM 300 (now FM 303), replacing FM 1174. On October 28, 1953, 4.8 miles (7.7 km) east to US 84 (later Loop 251, now Bus. US 84) were added, and the highway reached its present length.

Junction list

RM 42[edit]

Farm to Market Road 42/Ranch to Market Road 42 (FM 42/RM 42) was a designation applied to a highway in Menard and McCulloch counties. No highway currently uses the RM 42 or FM 42 designations.

FM 42 was designated on April 29, 1942 from Brady southwest 8.0 miles (12.9 km) to a point 1 mile north of Calf Creek. On January 18, 1946, the road was shortened 1.8 miles (2.9 km) to end at Davis School. On November 23, 1948, FM 42 was extended west 5.2 miles (8.4 km) to a point 2.5 miles (4.0 km) miles north of Calf Creek. On July 21, 1949, the road was extended west to US 83, replacing FM 379. On October 1, 1956, FM 42 was changed to RM 42. RM 42 was cancelled on June 30, 1977 and redesignated US 190.

FM 43[edit]

Farm to Market Road 43 (FM 43) is located in Nueces County. The highway runs from SH 358 southwest and west to FM 665.

FM 43 was designated on May 23, 1951 from SH 286 through London School to FM 665. On June 1, 1965 the road was extended east and northeast to SH 357. On July 11, 1968, FM 43 was extended northeast to SH 358. The section from SH 358 to SH 357 was transferred to UR 43 on June 27, 1995, but was changed back to FM 43 on November 15, 2018.[105]

Junction list

The entire route is in Nueces County.

FM 43/RM 43 (1942)[edit]

The original FM 43 was formed on April 29, 1942 from US 83 near Menard through Mission San Saba to an existing roadway north of the San Saba River as a replacement of a portion of SH 151. On June 11, 1945 FM 43 was changed to RM 43 and a section from Eldorado to the Menard County Line was designated, creating a gap. On June 20, 1945 the gap was closed. RM 43 was cancelled on March 17, 1948 and reassigned back to SH 151 (now SH 29).

FM 44[edit]

Farm to Market Road 44 (FM 44) is located in Red River and Bowie counties. The highway runs from FM 114 south, east, and southeast to FM 561.

FM 44 was designated on April 29, 1942 from US 82 near Annona south 8.3 miles (13.4 km) to Boxelder, On May 19, 1942, it replaced Spur 23 from US 82 to Annona (this section was formerly SH 180 and later SH 5 Spur).[108] On December 18, 1951, it extended 4.3 miles (6.9 km) southeastward to a road intersection. On November 21, 1956, it extended to FM 561 and FM 911 in Lydia. On February 13, 1958, it extended east over a section of FM 561 to what was then FM 1996 (which became part of FM 561 that day) west of Siloam. On October 31, 1958, FM 44 was extended north to FM 114. There have been no changes since.

FM 45[edit]

Farm to Market Road 45 (FM 45) runs from US 190 in Richland Springs north to US 377 about 5 miles south of Brownwood. FM 45 forms a portion of the partial beltway that goes around the southeast side of Brownwood (the rest is formed by FM 2126).

FM 45 starts at US 190 about 14.7 miles west of San Saba and heads northbound through Richland Springs to Main Ave. where the road briefly turns east for one block before continuing northbound. After exiting Richland Springs, FM 45 traverses the rural landscape with a daytime speed limit of 70 MPH. Halfway to Brownwood, FM 45 crosses the Colorado River from San Saba County into Brown County. At its junction with FM 2126, FM 45 continues west to US 377 with a speed limit of 65 MPH.

FM 45 provides Brownwood with a direct link to Richland Springs and San Saba (and vice versa). The highway shortens the trip between Brownwood and Richland Springs from 54 miles (going through Brady) to 34 miles.

Before Farm to Market Roads were built, one of the first bridges across the Colorado River in this area is the Regency Bridge. A historical marker was erected by the Texas Department of Transportation at the junction of FM 45 and FM 574 that describes the bridge.

FM 45 was designated on April 29, 1942 from US 190 north 7.0 miles (11.3 km) to the Locker Road. On July 13, 1945, it was extended north 2.3 miles (3.7 km) to a road intersection. On November 23, 1948, it was extended north 2.4 miles (3.9 km) to near the Colorado River. On January 22, 1953, FM 45 was extended north to the Mills County Line. On February 6, 1953, FM 45 was extended north and west to US 377, replacing FM 1474. On October 29, 1954, it was extended south from the old location of US 190 to the new location of US 190.

Junction list

FM 46[edit]

Farm to Market Road 46 (FM 46) is located in Falls and Robertson Counties. It runs from SH 6 west of Bremond to SH OSR in Wheelock.

FM 46 was designated on April 29, 1942, from SH OSR northward 3.2 miles (5.1 km) to 1 mile north of Wheelock, replacing part of SH 255. On November 20, 1951, FM 46 was extended north to US 79 in Franklin. On May 15, 1954, FM 46 was extended to SH 14 in Bremond (the original endpoint of SH 255), replacing FM 392. On September 26, 1967, FM 46 was extended north to new location SH 6 over old location SH 6. On August 31, 1971, FM 46 was rerouted over part of FM 2293, removing the break at SH 14 and completing its current route.

FM 47[edit]

Farm to Market Road 47 (FM 47) is located in Rains and Van Zandt counties. It runs from SH 198 to US 69 in Point.

FM 47 was designated on April 29, 1942, from US 80 in Wills Point north 5.0 miles (8.0 km) to Clifton. On January 11, 1945, FM 47 was extended south to Scott. On June 11, 1945, FM 47 was extended south to SH 243. On October 29, 1948, FM 47 was extended south to SH 198. On May 23, 1951, FM 47 was extended northeast 3.6 miles (5.8 km). On October 29, 1953, FM 47 was extended north to US 69, replacing a portion of FM 514. In 1975, FM 47 was realigned (the old route is now Rains County Road 1430)

FM 48[edit]

Farm to Market Road 48 (FM 48) is located in Hemphill and Wheeler counties. It runs from SH 152 in Mobeetie (also called Old Mobeetie) to FM 1268.

FM 48 was designated on April 29, 1942, from SH 152 north 1.3 miles (2.1 km) to New Mobeetie. On May 19, 1942, it extended south 0.4 miles (0.64 km) to Mobeetie, replacing Spur 41.[113] On November 23, 1948, FM 48 was extended eastward 0.6 miles (0.97 km). On May 26, 1949, FM 48 was extended north and west 2.3 miles (3.7 km) to a road intersection, and the old route was changed to a spur connection. On August 7, 1951, the spur connection was transferred to FM 1046. On December 17, 1952, FM 48 was extended north to FM 1268.

FM 49[edit]

Farm to Market Road 49 (FM 49) runs from US 69 in Mineola east to SH 154 on the western edge of Gilmer. Cutting through farmland and the Piney Woods of East Texas, it makes for a very pleasant drive.

This highway was originally designated on April 29, 1942, and only extended from US 69 about 5.0 miles (8.0 km) northeast to somewhere near Lake Fork Creek. Three years later on June 11, 1945, it was extended to Hainesville, presumably to its current junction with FM 778. On December 17, 1947, the route was extended again to intersect with FM 14 in Pine Mills, the same day FM 778 was created. It would take only eight more years for FM 49 to get across the Upshur County line: to a road intersection at roughly Big Sandy Creek 3.6 miles (5.8 km) east of FM 14 on November 20, 1951, and to FM 1002 on August 24, 1955. It took just over four years to extend it to what used to be FM 554 on November 14, 1959, roughly its present-day western intersection with FM 1795. On August 3, 1971, FM 554 was cancelled, so the section from FM 49 to SH 154 was transferred to FM 49, while the section west of FM 49 was transferred to FM 1795. FM 2793 north of FM 554 was also transferred to FM 1795; however, FM 554 and FM 2793 have both been since designated elsewhere.

Junction list

FM 50[edit]

Farm to Market Road 50 (FM 50) is a 52.9-mile (85.1 km) route, beginning at State Highway 105 near Brenham and passing to the north through Independence to U.S. Route 79 and U.S. Route 190 near Hearne. The road has a brief concurrency with SH 21 along a bridge crossing the Brazos River. The road is in Washington, Burleson, Brazos, and Robertson counties.

The road was designated on April 29, 1942 along the portion of the present route north of SH 21. On May 20, 1942, the road was extended through Snook to SH 36 at Lyons, replacing a portion of SH 230 (of which the remainder became part of the then-new FM 60). On August 24, 1943, FM 50 was extended south to SH 211 in Independence. On October 6, 1943, FM 50 was extended south to SH 90, replacing most of SH 211. The remainder of SH 211 became Spur 197, and is now FM 390 and FM 390 Spur. The section of FM 50 from east of Snook to SH 36 was transferred to FM 60.

FM 51[edit]

FM 51, as East California Street, in Gainesville

Farm to Market Road 51 (FM 51) runs from US 67 in Somervell County north and east to I-35 in Gainesville. Skirting the northwestern fringes of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, it is available as a more scenic and less-congested shortcut between I-20 west of Weatherford and I-35 north of Gainesville.

This route north of Decatur was designated as SH 169 in 1932, but extended to Weatherford and became part of an extended SH 89 until 1939. FM 51 was designated on April 29, 1942 from Gainesville to Era. On May 19 of that year, three more sections were added: one from Decatur northeast 4.8 miles (7.7 km) to the Slidell Road, one from SH 114 to Springtown, and one from Weatherford north 4.0 miles (6.4 km). On August 22, 1944, it was extended from 4.0 miles (6.4 km) north of Weatherford to Springtown and from 4.8 miles (7.7 km) northeast of Decatur to the Denton/Wise county line, closing one gap and partially closing another. On June 5, 1945, another section was added from the Parker-Hood county line to Granbury. Seven days later, FM 51 was extended from Weatherford to the Parker-Hood county line, connecting the sections. On February 14, 1947, it was extended from SH 114 to Decatur, closing another gap. On April 28, 1949, it extended from the Denton/Wise county line to Era, closing the last gap. On September 28 in that year, it was extended east from the old location of US 77 to the new location of US 77; two other sections of old US 77 was replaced by FM 1306 and FM 1307. On February 6, 1953, it was extended southwest to a road intersection 4.7 miles (7.6 km) southwest of Granbury, replacing FM 1657 on that route. On August 24, 1955, it was extended southwest to FM 201 (now FM 56). On November 23, 1959, it was extended east from US 77 along the old location of US 82 to US 82. On December 20, 1984, when the district combined several farm to market roads with others, FM 51 was extended southwest to US 67, replacing FM 204.[117] In the same order, FM 56 replaced FM 201. Part of the road designated FM 204 was designated as FM 2223.

Junction list

FM 52[edit]

Farm to Market Road 52 (FM 52) is located in Parker and Palo Pinto counties. It runs from SH 254 north to Oran, east to Whitt, and south to FM 1885.

FM 52 was designated on May 20, 1942, from Oran east across US 281 to Whitt. On December 2, 1953, FM 52 was extended south from Oran to SH 254. On August 24, 1955, FM 52 was extended southeast from Whitt to FM 1885.

FM 53[edit]

Farm to Market Road 53 (FM 53) was a designation applied to a highway in Coleman, Runnels, Taylor, and Nolan counties. No highway currently uses the FM 53 designation.

FM 53 was designated on May 20, 1942 from SH 70, 13.0 miles (20.9 km) miles south of Sweetwater, southeast to SH 158 (now US 277). On June 22, 1944, FM 53 was extended east to Crews, replacing FM 70. Another section of FM 53 was added from Coleman to the New Central School, replacing FM 24. This created a gap in the route. On October 29, 1948, the western section was extended east to the Runnels/Coleman County Line.[120] On November 2, 1948, the eastern section was extended northwest to Glen Cove.[121] On January 15, 1949, the eastern section extended west to 1.8 miles (2.9 km) northwest of Glen Cove. On July 25, 1950, it was extended from the Coleman County Line to 1.8 miles (2.9 km) northwest of Glen Cove, closing the gap. On September 21, 1965, it was relocated in Winters, removing a concurrency with US 83. The old route became Loop 438. On December 1, 1969, it was extended east over the old location of US 84 to the new location of US 84, creating a concurrency with SH 206. FM 53 was cancelled on May 16, 1988 and transferred to SH 153.[119]

FM 54[edit]

Farm to Market Road 54 (FM 54) is located in Bailey, Lamb, Hale, and Floyd counties. The road begins at the Texas-New Mexico state line where NM 321 ends, and continues east to Enochs whilst making an intersection with SH 214. The highway turns north and for a short stretch is merged with FM 37. After leaving Bula and entering the Lamb County line, the highway makes an intersection with US 84 in Littlefield. While the highway is still in the city limits, it also makes intersections with US 385 and Boulevard 430. After exiting the city limits, the highway makes an intersection with FM 1072, and performs this same action again when it intersects FM 168 in Spade. Soon after it passes the Hale County line, FM 179 becomes conterminous with FM 54, but exits the highway shortly afterward. The highway then crosses I-27 and US 87, which are both conterminous. The highway then intersects FM 400 and turns northeast in Petersburg due to FM 789 slanting there shortly before entering Floyd County. Shortly thereafter, the highway ends at a conterminous stretch of TX 207 and US 62 south of Floydada.

FM 54 was formed on May 20, 1942 from a junction with US 87 north of Abernathy to Petersburg as a restoration of part of SH 278. On May 18, 1944, the highway was expanded to include a section from Spade via Littlefield to the Bailey county line. This created a gap. On June 4, 1945, another section was added from SH 207 to the Floyd-Hale county line. This created another gap. On June 16 of that year, one section extended west from the Lamb-Bailey county line to SH 214. On July 9 of that year, one section was extended west from US 87 to the Hale-Lamb county line. On June 4, 1946, it was extended from the Floyd-Hale county line to Petersburg, closing one gap. On January 22, 1947 a spur connection was added in Petersburg. On November 18, 1947, it was extended from the Hale-Lamb county line to Spade, closing the last gap. The route now matched the entire route of SH 278. On December 16, 1948, it extended west 8.0 miles (12.9 km) miles from SH 214. On July 14, 1949, it was extended west to the New Mexico State Line, completing its current route.

Junction list

FM 55[edit]

Farm to Market Road 55 (FM 55) is located in Ellis and Navarro counties. It runs from US 77 near Waxahachie and runs to FM 709 south of Purdon.

FM 55 was designated on May 19, 1942, from SH 31 to Purdon. On July 27, 1948, FM 55 was extended to SH 22, replacing FM 634. On November 28, 1958, FM 55 was extended to the Navarro-Ellis County Line, replacing FM 1782. On May 2, 1962, FM 55 was extended north to SH 34. On June 1, 1962, FM 55 was extended north to US 77, replacing FM 1492. On May 7, 1974, FM 55 was extended south to FM 709, completing its current route.

FM 56[edit]

Farm to Market Road 56 (FM 56) is located in Bosque, Somervell, and Hood counties.

FM 56 was designated on May 19, 1942, from SH 317 & US 84 in McGregor north to Crawford. Soon after that, FM 56 was extended north to SH 67 (this section became part of SH 6 on September 26, 1945) Valley Mills. On June 11, 1945, FM 56 was extended north to Cayote (also called Coyote). On October 29, 1947, the section of FM 56 from Valley Mills to McGregor was transferred to SH 317, shortening FM 56 to be a route from Valley Mills to Cayote. On July 14, 1949, FM 56 was extended north to SH 22. On October 26, 1954, FM 56 was extended north to FM 1859 in Kopperl, and a section of FM 1859 from Kopperl to SH 174 was transferred to FM 56. On October 31, 1957, FM 56 was extended northward to the end of FM 1992 at Brazos Point. On January 15, 1960, FM 56 was extended to SH 144, replacing all of FM 1992 and part of FM 202 north of what was then FM 1992. On December 20, 1984, FM 56 was extended to a county road northwest of US 377, replacing FM 201.

FM 57[edit]

Farm to Market Road 57 (FM 57) is located in Jones and Fisher counties. It runs from Hamlin to FM 419.

FM 57 was designated on May 19, 1942 from Hamlin southwest to the Fisher County line. On May 18, 1944 the road was extended to Sylvester. On December 16, 1948 a section from Sylvester to Longworth was added, and the road was extended to SH 70, replacing FM 609. On September 20, 1961 the road was extended to FM 419, bringing the highway to its final length.

FM 58[edit]

Farm to Market Road 58 (FM 58) is located in Angelina County. It runs from US 69 southeast of Lufkin to FM 1818.

FM 58 was designated on May 19, 1942 from US 59 and Harmony Hill Drive south of Lufkin to US 69 southeast of Lufkin, and from Harmony Hill Drive to a point 10.2 miles (16.4 km) south as a replacement for State Highway 299. On March 20, 1946 the road was extended south to a county road (current FM 1818). On May 23, 1951 FM 58 was extended west to US 59 at Diboll. The same day a 1.1 mile section of FM 58 was renumbered FM 1877. On August 11, 1966 the section from FM 1818 to US 59 was transferred to FM 1818, bringing the highway to its final length.

FM 59[edit]

Farm to Market Road 59 (FM 59) is located in Henderson and Anderson counties. The road is 18.6 miles long.

The road begins at an intersection with SH 19 in Athens. From there, it goes southwest, passing through Cross Roads. The southern terminus is at US 287 in Cayuga. FM 59 was designated on May 19, 1942 from SH 19 in Athens to Cross Roads. On June 11, 1945, it was extended to Cayuga. This was part of SH 212 before 1939.

Junction list

FM 60[edit]

Farm to Market Road 60 (FM 60) runs from SH 21, 6 miles (9.7 km) southwest of Caldwell, southeastward to SH 36 at Lyons; and from another point on SH 36 at Lyons, northeastward to FM 158 at Bryan. In Brazos County, it is also known as Raymond Stotzer Pkwy west of FM 2154 and University Drive east of FM 2154.

FM 60 was designated on May 20, 1942 from SH 6 (now a business route) to a point near the eastern bank of the Brazos River, replacing a portion of SH 230. On August 24, 1943, a second section was created from FM 50 4 miles east of Snook east to the State Experimental Sub Station, creating a gap. On October 6 in that year, the western section was extended to SH 36 near Lyons, replacing a section of FM 50. On August 1, 1944, FM 60 was extended from a point near the eastern bank of the Brazos River to the State Experimental Sub Station, closing the gap. On October 31, 1957, it was extended east to FM 158. On December 15, 1960, the section from SH 6 (now a business route) to FM 158 was transferred to SH 30. On June 2, 1967, FM 60 was extended southwest 4.0 miles (6.4 km) from SH 36. On February 29, 1968, FM 60 was extended from the old location of SH 6 to the new location of SH 6. On November 26, 1969, FM 60 was extended northwest 3.3 miles (5.3 km) to FM 111. On December 19, 1969, FM 60 was extended northwest to SH 21, replacing FM 111. FM 111 was instead reassigned to an extension of its former spur connection, then numbered FM 2618. On May 23, 1978, it was extended northeast from SH 6 to FM 158. On June 27, 1995, the section from SH 47 to FM 158 became an urban road, but this section was changed back to FM 60 on November 15, 2018.[129]

Junction list

FM 61[edit]

Farm to Market Road 61 (FM 61) runs from US 380 just south of Newcastle southeastward through Fort Belknap to State Highway 67 (SH 67) in Graham.

FM 61 was designated on June 23, 1942 from SH 24 (now US 380) in Graham, northward to Loving. On June 18, 1945, it was extended north to the Archer County Line. Seven days later, it was extended north to US 281. On November 21, 1956, FM 61 was extended west 4.5 miles (7.2 km) from SH 24. On November 24, 1959, it extended west to SH 251 in Fort Belknap. On January 31, 1969, the section of FM 61 from US 380 in Graham northward to US 281 was transferred to SH 16. On May 6, 1974, one section in Graham was transferred to relocated SH 67. On February 23, 1993, it was extended north to US 380 south of Newcastle, replacing a section of SH 251 and completing its current route.

FM 62[edit]

Farm to Market Road 62 (FM 62) is located in Polk County. It runs from US 59 in Camden to US 287.

FM 62 was designated on June 23, 1942, from US 59 to Camden. On May 23, 1951, it was extended to Hortense. On July 27, 1951, the road from Camden to Hortense was redesignated as FM 646 (FM 646 was short-lived, as it became part of FM 942 on January 14, 1952), truncating FM 62 back to its previous terminus at Camden. On May 2, 1962, FM 62 was extended east to US 287.

FM 63[edit]

Farm to Market Road 63 (FM 63) is a retired farm-to-market road designation. At its greatest length, the highway stretched for approximately 38.2 miles (61.5 km) across Live Oak and McMullen counties.

FM 63 was formed from a section of SH 72 on June 23, 1942, beginning at Three Rivers and ending near Calliham. On July 9, 1945, it was extended to Tilden. On May 22, 1947, it was extended to Fowlerton. FM 63 was cancelled on December 15, 1960 and transferred back to SH 72.[132]

FM 64[edit]

Farm to Market Road 64 (FM 64) is a 18.3-mile (29.5 km) road, located in Fannin and Delta counties, that begins at SH 34 in Ladonia and passes through Pecan Gap and Antioch before ending at Bus. SH 24 in Cooper. The road also has major intersections with SH 24 in Cooper and several other Farm to Market Roads. FM 64 was designated in 1942, replacing SH 247.

FM 64 begins at SH 34 on the northern edge of Ladonia in Fannin County. The road proceeds to the east away from town and is joined from the north by FM 904 before the combined route enters Pecan Gap and Delta County. On the west side of Pecan Gap, FM 904 separates turning to the south. On the east side of town at the intersection with FM 128, FM 64 turns to the south and continues away from town.[134]

At the intersection with FM 1532, FM 64 turns to the east. The road intersects FM 1528 from the south, then FM 3388 and FM 1530 to the north before entering Cooper from the northwest. The road then intersects SH 24 which bypasses central Cooper on the northwest, and ends at the state highway's business route through town.[135]

The road encounters terrain of gentle relief for its entire length.[136]

FM 64 was designated as an extension of SH 154 on February 8, 1933. This section of SH 154 was decommissioned on July 15, 1935, but was restored on December 22, 1936. On August 4, 1937, SH 154 was rerouted over old SH 247, and this section was redesignated as new SH 247. The highway was described until June 23, 1942 as a route from Ladonia through Cooper to a point on SH 154 near the South Sulphur River.[137] That year, SH 247 was removed from the highway system, and FM 64 was created over the former SH 247 from a point approximately 4.5 miles (7.2 km) west of Cooper to SH 154.[133] The road was extended westward to FM 128 at Pecan Gap On February 28, 1945,[133] and on February 21, 1946, the section from 4.5 miles (7.2 km) west of Cooper to Pecan Gap was designated as a state highway, SH 247, to be marked for information and guidance of the traveling public as a Farm to Market Road. On November 23, 1948, the portion of the current road between SH 34 in Ladonia and Pecan Gap was added to FM 128 as an extension.[138] The portion of FM 128 between Ladonia and Pecan Gap was reassigned as an extension to FM 64 on February 26, 1949.[133][138] This extended FM 64 along the entire length of the former SH 247.[133][137] On May 18, 1953, the section from 4.5 miles (7.2 km) west of Cooper to Pecan Gap was no longer designated as SH 247.

SH 154 north of Sulphur Springs was reassigned as part of SH 19 on August 24, 1960,[139][140] but was extended over SH 19 and FM 64 to SH 24 in Cooper on August 28 of the following year[140] terminating FM 64 at SH 24.[133] In 1968, SH 24 in Cooper was relocated over its present bypass, and its original route through town where FM 64 ends was signed as its business route.[141] From 1971 to 2003, SH 34 where FM 64 begins was also part of SH 50.[142]

FM 65[edit]

Farm to Market Road 65 (FM 65) is located in Zavala and Dimmit counties. It runs from US 83 south of Crystal City to I-35.

FM 65 was designated on June 23, 1942, from US 83 south of Crystal City to SH 85 west of Big Wells. On September 14, 1944, FM 65 was modified to end at US 83 north of Crystal City. On February 25, 2010, FM 65 was extended concurrent with SH 85 to I-35.

FM 66[edit]

Farm to Market Road 66 (FM 66) is located in Ellis and Hill counties. It runs from Mayfield to Waxahachie.

FM 66 was designated on June 23, 1942 from Itasca to Files Valley. This was designated as SH 325 from December 7, 1939 to February 20, 1940. On August 2, 1943 the road was extended to FM 74 at Maypearl. On August 23 of that year, the road was extended to Waxahachie, replacing FM 74. The final change was on June 18, 1945 when the road was extended to Mayfield.

Junction list

FM 67[edit]

Farm to Market Road 67 (FM 67) is located in Hill County. It runs from FM 933 in Blum to FM 66 at Elm Street in Itasca.

FM 67 was designated on June 23, 1942, from SH 171 at Covington to Blum. On March 26, 1953, FM 67 was extended east 0.2 mile to new location SH 171. On October 27, 1956, FM 67 was extended north to SH 174, replacing Spur 248. On October 31, 1958, FM 67 was extended to FM 712 and US 81. On November 26, 1958, FM 67 was extended to FM 66 in Itasca, replacing FM 712. On July 21, 1961, the section north of FM 933 was transferred to FM 933. On March 26, 1991, the section of FM 67 along Files Street and Wilkerson Street was given to the city of Itasca.

FM 68[edit]

Farm to Market Road 68 (FM 68) is located within Fannin County. The road was designated on August 1, 1942 from a point on SH 78 north of Bailey through Gomer to a point on SH 34 at or near Whatley School as a replacement for SH 337.

FM 69[edit]

Farm to Market Road 69 (FM 69) is located in Hopkins and Wood counties. It runs from 2 miles north of FM 71 south to SH 37.

FM 69 was designated on September 22, 1942, from SH 37 south of Winnsboro west to Coke. On June 11, 1945, FM 69 was extended south back to SH 37. On November 21, 1956, FM 69 was extended east to SH 11. On December 21, 1959, the section of FM 69 east of what was then part of FM 1483 became part of FM 515 (along with part of FM 1483), and FM 69 was rerouted north to 2.0 miles (3.2 km) north of FM 71, replacing FM 2476 and part of FM 270 (the section of FM 270 east and north of FM 2476 became part of FM 269).

FM 70[edit]

Farm to Market Road 70 (FM 70) is located in Jim Wells and Nueces counties. It runs from US 59 to SH 286 in Chapman Ranch.

FM 70 was designated on May 23, 1951, from SH 286 in Chapman Ranch to SH 44 in Agua Dulce. On November 20, 1951, FM 70 was extended north to the Nueces-Jim Wells county line. On December 18, 1951, FM 70 was extended northeast to FM 739 and County Road 103. On January 14, 1952, FM 70 was extended northwest to US 59, replacing FM 739.

FM 70 (1942)[edit]

The original FM 70 was designated on September 22, 1942 from Crews via Winters to Wingate. FM 70 was cancelled on June 22, 1944 and became a portion of FM 53 (now SH 153).

FM 71[edit]

Farm to Market Road 71 (FM 71) is located in Hunt, Delta, Hopkins, Franklin, Titus, and Morris counties. It runs from SH 11 in Commerce to US 259. FM 71 was designated on November 24, 1942, from SH 154 (now SH 19) east to Sulphur Bluff. This was formerly SH 260 before 1939. On June 11, 1945, FM 71 was extended east via Hagansport and Talco to Wilkinson. On November 23, 1948, FM 71 was extended west to Emblem with a spur connection to Peerless added, replacing FM 276 (which went from SH 154 to Peerless). On May 23, 1951, FM 71 was extended south to SH 11 at Ridgeway. On October 13, 1954, FM 71 was extended east to the Titus-Morris county line. On August 24, 1955, FM 71 was extended east to SH 26 (now US 259). On October 31, 1958, FM 71 was extended south from SH 11 to US 67 at Brashear. On September 27, 1960, the section south of Emblem was renumbered FM 2653, and FM 71 was rerouted west on a new alignment to FM 1531, and replaced a section of FM 1531 west to SH 11 in Commerce (later Loop 216, later Business SH 24-B, now Business SH 224-B).

FM 72[edit]

Farm to Market Road 72 (FM 72) runs from a point 1.8 miles north of Mertzon, runs east and ends at Sherwood. It was designated on February 12, 1943 on its current route.

FM 73[edit]

Farm to Market Road 73 (FM 73) is located in Limestone County. It runs from 3.1 miles northeast of SH 171 to US 84.

FM 73 was designated on February 12, 1943, from US 84 west of Prairie Hill to SH 171 in Coolidge. On May 5, 1966, FM 73 was extended northeast 3.1 miles (5.0 km). On October 3, 1966, FM 73 had a slight rerouting because of the relocation of SH 171 in Coolidge.

FM 74[edit]

Farm to Market Road 74 (FM 74) is located within Cass County. It was designated on May 23, 1951 from Loop 236 at Queen City east to FM 251, and from another point on FM 251 to FM 249 in Bloomburg.

FM 74 (1943)[edit]

The original FM 74 was designated on March 8, 1943 from Waxahachie to Maypearl. The road was cancelled on August 23, 1943 and became part of FM 66.

FM 75[edit]

Farm to Market Road 75 (FM 75) is located within Collin County. The road begins at Monte Carlo Road in Princeton and runs north to FM 1827.

FM 75 was formed on April 15, 1943 from SH 24 (now US 380) along the former route of SH 145 to an intersection with former SH 24 as a replacement for State Spur 73. On November 24, 1959 the road was extended to FM 1827. On November 15, 1977, the southern terminus was redesignated as US 380. On February 28, 2019, the section of FM 75 from Monte Carlo Road to US 380 via Longneck Road, College Avenue, 2nd Street, McKinney Avenue, 3rd Street, Main Street, and 4th Street was given to the city of Princeton.[155]

FM 76[edit]

Farm to Market Road 76 (FM 76) is located within El Paso County. The road begins at TX 20 in the Ascarate district of El Paso and heads southeastward to Clint, passing Loop 375 in the process. The highway then intersects with FM 1281, and remains parallel to I-10. Once it reaches Fabens, the highway turns southwest and then southeast and ends at FM 3380 (former FM 1109) near the Mexican border. At designation on April 14, 1943, the road went from US 80 in Ascarate to a point near Ysleta. The highway was expanded on May 18, 1944 from Ysleta to Clint, and then again on July 9, 1945 from Clint to Fabens. On December 16, 1948, the road was expanded to a junction of FM 1109. On April 2, 1969, the highway was slightly modified due to the portion of US 80 being modified into TX 20. On June 27, 1995, the section of the highway from FM 1110 to SH 20 became an urban road, but this section was changed back to FM 76 on November 15, 2018.[157]

Junction list

The entire route is in El Paso County.

FM 77[edit]

Farm to Market Road 77 (FM 77) is located within Gonzales County. The road begins at US 87 east of Nixon, then runs northeast to Schoolland and then southeast to FM 108.

FM 77 was designated on August 2, 1943 from US 87 east of Nixon northeast to Schoolland. On July 14, 1949, the road was extended to FM 108.

FM 78[edit]

Farm to Market Road 78 (FM 78) is a 30.205 mi (48.610 km) farm-to-market road connecting San Antonio and Seguin. The western terminus of FM 78 is in Bexar County, near Fort Sam Houston. The eastern terminus is in Seguin. FM 78 provides a connection (in conjunction with I-35) between central San Antonio and Randolph Air Force Base. It also provides an alternate route (versus I-10 and Loop 1604) between Seguin and portions of the northeastern San Antonio metropolitan area. Between San Antonio and Cibolo, FM 78 is a four-lane road, dropping to a two-lane road until McQueeney, before becoming a four-lane divided route to I-10/SH 46.

FM 78 was designated on August 3, 1943.[159]

FM 79[edit]

Farm to Market Road 79 (FM 79) is located in Fannin and Lamar counties. It runs from FM 100 to US 82.

FM 79 was designated on August 3, 1943 from US 82 northwest to Unity. On August 25, 1949, FM 79 was extended 8.0 miles (12.9 km) to the Fannin County Line. On December 18, 1951, FM 79 was extended to FM 100, completing its current route.

FM 80[edit]

Farm to Market Road 80 (FM 80) is located in Freestone and Limestone counties. It runs from FM 39 to SH 75 in Streetman.

FM 80 was designated on August 3, 1943, from US 84 (later Loop 255, now Business US 84) in Teague to SH 164 in Donie. On June 11, 1945, FM 80 was extended north to Kirvin. On July 15, 1948, Spur 156, connecting FM 80 to the Woodland Memorial Cemetery, became part of FM 80, and the old route became a spur connection. On July 21, 1949, FM 80 was extended south 3.0 miles (4.8 km) from Donie. That same day, the spur became part of FM 1449. On July 25, 1950, FM 80 was extended south to FM 39. On November 16, 1956, the section from Kirvin to the Woodland Memorial Cemetery became part of new FM 1449, while old FM 1449 from Kirvin to US 75 (now SH 75) in Streetman became part of FM 80.

FM 81[edit]

Farm to Market Road 81 (FM 81) is located in Karnes and Goliad counties. It runs from FM 1144 north, east, and south to SH 239 at Charco.

FM 81 was designated on August 23, 1943, from SH 239 at Charco to SH 72 at Runge. On July 9, 1945, FM 81 was extended to SH 80 at Helena. On January 6, 1950, FM 81 was extended to 5.0 miles (8.0 km) south of Hobson at what would later be FM 1144, replacing FM 886 and FM 744.

FM 82[edit]

Farm to Market Road 82 (FM 82) is located in Newton and Jasper counties. It runs from FM 1004 west of US 87 to 4.5 miles west of US 96.

FM 82 was designated on May 23, 1951, from FM 1004 near SH 87 northwest 4.0 miles (6.4 km) to a road intersection. On November 20, 1951, FM 82 was extended west to US 96. On June 1, 1965, FM 82 was extended west 4.5 miles (7.2 km) to its current end.

FM 82 (1943)[edit]

The original FM 82 was designated on September 6, 1943 from Bonham via Randolph to Trenton. The section from Randolph to Bonham was formerly SH 263. This designation was short-lived, as FM 82 became a portion of SH 121 just three months later.

FM 83[edit]

Farm to Market Road 83 (FM 83) is located in San Augustine and Sabine counties. It connects SH 147 to Lows Creek Marina west of the Louisiana border.

FM 83 was designated on September 7, 1943 from Hemphill to East Mayfield. On June 11, 1945, it extended west to US 96 near Pineland. On May 3, 1961, FM 83 was extended west to SH 147 and east to a road intersection, replacing FM 2379 and FM 1965. On July 1, 1964, FM 83 was rerouted to use Flag Pole Road instead of Maple Street from US 96 to FM 1. On June 2, 1967, FM 83 was extended east 2.5 miles (4.0 km). On September 26, 1979, FM 83 was extended east 0.1 miles (0.16 km) to Lows Creek Marina.

FM 84[edit]

Farm to Market Road 84 connects US 75 to Lake Texoma. The 8.861-mile (14.260 km) route lies entirely within Grayson County.

FM 84 was designated on October 6, 1943, replacing a portion of SH 91. On June 27, 1995, it was redesignated as UR 84, but the designation was changed back to FM 84 on November 15, 2018.[166]

Junction list

The entire route is in Grayson County.

FM 85[edit]

Farm to Market Road 85 (FM 85) is located in Ellis, Navarro, and Henderson counties. It runs from I-45 and US 287 in Ennis to SH 274.

FM 85 was designated on October 6, 1943 from Mabank to SH 274. On June 28, 1945 a section from SH 198 to Prairieville was added, creating a concurrency with SH 198. On July 14, 1949 a section from FM 47 to Prairieville and a second section from SH 274 west 3.3 miles (5.3 km) to west of Aley were added. On November 20, 1951 the road was extended westward and northward to the Kaufman/Henderson County line. On October 31, 1957 the road was extended northward to FM 988 at Lively. On October 30, 1961, the road was rerouted to run from US 75 (now I-45) to US 175: the section of FM 85 from FM 47 south to SH 198 was transferred to FM 90, the section of FM 85 from US 175 at Mabank south to then-FM 1250 was also transferred to FM 90, the section from then-FM 1129 north to then-FM 988 (which became part of FM 148 that day) was transferred to FM 2613, FM 662 was combined, the section of FM 1129 from then-FM 662 to then-FM 85 was transferred to FM 85, and FM 1250 was combined. On January 1, 1978, the section from I-45 south of Ennis northeast 0.3 miles (0.48 km) was redesignated FM 3413, while FM 85 was rerouted over the old route of FM 3413. On December 14, 1989 the section from SH 274 to US 175 was transferred to SH 334, bringing the highway to its final length.

FM 86[edit]

Farm to Market Road 86 (FM 86) is located in Caldwell and Bastrop counties.[169]

FM 86 begins at the intersection of US 183 and FM 2984 in northern Luling.[170] The route travels primarily to the northeast through unincorporated Caldwell County. It ends just north of the Bastrop County line, at an intersection with FM 20 near Red Rock, in the community of Bateman.[169][171]

FM 86 was designated on August 24, 1943, replacing the entirety of State Highway 311. At the time SH 311 was designated, the section of FM 20 north of Lockhart was part of Texas State Highway 21.[169][172]

KML is from Wikidata

FM 87[edit]

Farm to Market Road 87 (FM 87) is located in Fannin County. It runs from US 82 near Bonham to SH 56.

FM 87 was designated on March 24, 1993 from US 82 west of Bonham north 1.2 miles (1.9 km) to a county road intersection. On August 25, 1994 the road was extended north 0.3 miles (0.48 km) to a prison facility and a second proposed prison facility (the TDC Choice Moore Unit and Buster Cole State Jail). On June 26, 2008 the road was extended north to US 82.

FM 87 (1943)[edit]

FM 87 was designated on October 6, 1943 as RM 87 (or Ranch to Market Road 87) from Andrews west 16.0 miles (25.7 km). On July 16, 1945 the road was extended east from Andrews to the Martin County line. The same day the road was extended east to SH 137 near Lenorah, and also on the same day the road was extended east to the Howard County line. On August 22, 1945 the road was extended west to the Texas/New Mexico state line. On May 25, 1946, RM 87 was redesignated as FM 87.[174] On January 22, 1947 the road was extended east to Big Spring. Parts were SH 262 before 1939. On September 23, 1953, RM 87 was signed (but not designated) as SH 176. FM 87 was cancelled on August 29, 1990 as the SH 176 designation became official.

FM 88[edit]

Farm to Market Road 88 (FM 88) is located in Willacy and Hidalgo counties. It runs from SH 186 south to US 281 west of Progresso.

FM 88 was designated on November 15, 1943, from SH 186 south to SH 107 in Elsa. On May 18, 1944, FM 88 was extended south via Weslaco (where it intersects US 83) to US 281 in Progresso. On September 22, 1953, FM 88 was extended south to the Rio Grande, replacing FM 2067. On October 24, 1963, the section of FM 88 south of US 281 was transferred to FM 1015. On June 27, 1995, the section from US 83 to US 281 was redesignated as UR 88, but this section was changed back to FM 88 on November 15, 2018.[176]

FM 89[edit]

Farm to Market Road 89 starts at FM 126 near Nolan and continues east to US 83 and US 84 in Abilene.

FM 89 starts just east of the Nolan–Taylor county line. The highway straddles the Callahan Divide, surrounded by wind turbines. At Abilene State Park, the terrain becomes flatter, as the road comes into Buffalo Gap. When coming into Buffalo Gap, FM 89 winds through town then continues northward toward Abilene. Upon entering the Wylie portion of Abilene, FM 89 becomes locally known as Buffalo Gap Road, and continues with this designation past the Mall of Abilene to the Winters Freeway, where FM 89 ends. Buffalo Gap Road continues northward.

FM 89 was designated on December 16, 1943 from US 83/84 to Lake Abilene State Park. On November 10, 1947, the section from Abilene to Buffalo Gap was transferred to FM 613. On June 17, 1965, FM 89 regained its lost section, replacing a section of FM 613, but signage was not changed until January 1, 1966. On May 5, 1966, FM 89 was extended west 3.3 miles (5.3 km). On June 2, 1967, it extended northwestward 2.0 miles (3.2 km). On July 11, 1968, it was extended west to US 277 and FM 2928. On August 2, 1968, it was extended west to FM 126, replacing FM 2928. On June 27, 1995, the section from FM 707 to US 83/US 84 was transferred to UR 89, but this section became part of FM 89 again on November 15, 2018.[178]

Junction list

The entire route is in Taylor County.

FM 90[edit]

Farm to Market Road 90 (FM 90) is a 13.209 miles (21.258 km) long farm to market road located in Kaufman and Van Zandt counties.

The road begins at an intersection with SH 198 in Mabank, and heads north towards Prairieville. North of there, the road turns northeast to its northern terminus, an intersection with FM 47/FM 3227 near Whitton.[181]

FM 90 was formed on March 30, 1944 from SH 31 in Malakoff to Cross Roads. On October 30, 1961, FM 90 replaced a section of FM 316 from SH 31 to its current southern terminus. FM 90 also replaced FM 1617 from FM 316 to FM 85 (now SH 334). It also replaced a section of FM 85 from FM 47 to what was then FM 1617. On May 19, 1983, the section from Mabank to Malakoff was transferred to SH 198 and the section from Malakoff to Cross Roads was renumbered as FM 3441.

FM 91[edit]

Farm to Market Road 91 (FM 91) is located in Hardeman and Wilbarger counties. It runs from FM 1167 near Medicine Mound to US 283.

FM 91 was designated on February 11, 1944, from US 287 in Chillicothe via Odell to US 283. On July 15, 1949, the highway extended south 6.0 miles (9.7 km) with a spur connection west 1.0 mile (1.6 km) added. On October 26, 1954, FM 91 was rerouted over the spur connection and was extended to FM 1167 at Medicine Mound, while the old route south was renumbered FM 392. On April 29, 1959, a spur connection in Medicine Mound was added.

FM 92[edit]

Farm to Market Road 92 (FM 92) is located in Tyler and Hardin counties. It runs from US 96 at Silsbee to 2.2 miles north of US 190.

FM 92 was designated on February 11, 1944, from US 96 (this section became Loop 498 on November 30, 1978, and it is now Business US 96-F) in Silsbee northward to US 190. On May 7, 1970, FM 92 was extended north 2.2 miles (3.5 km) from US 190. On August 28, 1991, FM 92 was extended north to RE 255, completing its current route. However, this extension is not yet constructed.

The road is mentioned in the ZZ Top song "Avalon Hideway" on the album Tejas.

FM 93[edit]

Farm to Market Road 93 (FM 93) is located in Bell County. It runs from FM 439 to US 190 at Heidenheimer.

FM 93 was designated on July 2, 1967 from FM 817 east to IH 35. On January 31, 1974 the road was extended east to US 190 at Heidenheimer and west to FM 439, replacing all of FM 2748 west of SH 317, a section of FM 817, a section of FM 1741 (new road built; old road is now Taylors Valley Road), and all of FM 2618, but signing of FM 2618 as FM 93 did not start until the construction of FM 2618 was completed. On June 27, 1995 the FM 439-FM 1741 section was transferred to UR 93, but this section was changed back to FM 93 on November 15, 2018.[185]

Junction list

The entire route is in Bell County.

RM 93 (1944)[edit]

RM 93 was designated on February 11, 1944 from US 290 at or near Austin to US 281 south of Marble Falls. On September 28, 1949, RM 93 was extended northwest to SH 16. On October 24, 1955, RM 93 was signed, but not designated, as an extension of SH 71. RM 93 was cancelled on September 1, 1965 and officially transferred to SH 71, as SH 71 officially extended further west to Brady.

FM 94[edit]

Farm to Market Road 94 (FM 94) is located in the Texas Panhandle. It runs from US 62/US 83 south of Childress to SH 70 in Matador with a spur connection to US 62/US 70 in Matador.

FM 94 was designated on February 11, 1944 from Childress west to Tell.[188] On March 18, 1947 a section of War Highway 16 (which was already part of FM 94) from US 83 west 1.75 miles was added to FM 94, and FM 94 was extended to US 287 in Childress, replacing Loop 146. On November 20, 1951 the road was extended 17.8 miles (28.6 km) south to Northfield. On October 28, 1953 the road was extended southwest 6.5 miles (10.5 km), and another 9.5 miles (15.3 km) southwest on October 26, 1954. On November 21, 1956 the road was extended southwest 11.5 miles (18.5 km) to US 70 in Matador. On December 14, 1959, the section of FM 94 north of FM 2042 was transferred to FM 2042, and FM 94 was rerouted over the old route of FM 2042. One section of FM 2042 was transferred to FM 164 on September 5, 1973, and another section north to FM 164 was transferred to FM 3468 on August 4, 1988. On January 2, 1962 a spur connection to SH 70 in Matador was added. On September 24, 2007, by district request, FM 94 was routed over FM Spur 94 to SH 70 while FM Spur 94 was rerouted over the former route of FM 94 to US 62/US 70. On October 25, 2012 the road was realigned on a new route west of FM 2042; the former route was turned over to Childress County.

FM 95[edit]

Farm to Market Road 95 (FM 95) is located in Rusk and Nacogdoches counties. It runs from FM 1798 in Minden south to SH 103.

FM 95 was designated on May 18, 1944, from US 59 in Garrison to the Nacogdoches-Rusk county line. On May 7, 1948, FM 95 was extended northwest to SH 26 (now US 259) west of Minden. On November 20, 1951, FM 95 was extended southwest to FM 225. On December 10, 1951, FM 95 was extended northwest to FM 839, replacing FM 1716. On January 27, 1953, the section west of FM 1798 was transferred to FM 1798. On June 18, 1964, FM 95 was extended south to SH 103, replacing FM 1274. Part of what was FM 1274 was originally numbered FM 1863.

FM 96[edit]

Farm to Market Road 96 (FM 96) is located in Cass County. It runs from SH 77 north and southeast to US 59.

FM 96 was designated on May 23, 1951, from SH 77 northward 3.3 miles (5.3 km) to Antioch. On January 23, 1953, FM 96 was extended north and southeast to US 59.

FM 96 (1944)[edit]

The original FM 96 was designated on April 19, 1944 from Gorman to Desdemona in Eastland County. FM 96 was cancelled on May 17, 1948 and became a portion of FM 8.

FM 97[edit]

Farm to Market Road 97 (FM 97) is located in Floyd and Motley Counties. It runs from SH 70 west to US 70 in Lockney.

FM 97 was designated on May 18, 1944, from SH 18 (now SH 70) westward to Flomot. On June 11, 1945, FM 97 was extended west to the Motley-Floyd County Line. On December 2, 1953, FM 97 was extended west to SH 207, replacing FM 785. On March 24, 1958, FM 97 was extended west and south to Loop 75 in Lockney, replacing FM 135 (although it remained signed as FM 135 until the 1959 travel map was released). Later, FM 97 was rerouted west to US 70, with the old route to Loop 75 being redesignated as a spur connection. On January 20, 1964, the spur connection to Lockney was cancelled because it was already part of FM 378 (which had extended north from what is FM 37 on December 21, 1959).

FM 98[edit]

Farm to Market Road 98 (FM 98) is located in Foard and Wilbarger Counties. It runs from SH 6 near Crowell northeast to US 70

FM 98 was designated on May 18, 1944, from US 70 in Crowell northeast to Margaret. On October 28, 1953, FM 98 was extended east 4.0 miles (6.4 km) from Margaret. On September 21, 1955, FM 98 was extended east to FM 2183. On November 1, 1955, FM 98 was extended east to US 70, replacing FM 2183. On September 29, 1977, FM 98 was extended south and west to SH 6.

FM 99[edit]

Farm to Market Road 99 (FM 99) is located in Karnes, Atascosa, Live Oak, and McMullen counties. It runs from FM 1144 in Karnes City to a road intersection 4 miles south of SH 72.

FM 99 was designated on April 19, 1944, from Karnes City to the Karnes-Atascosa county line. On May 15, 1946, FM 99 was extended west to Fashing. On October 23, 1948, another section from US 281 (now Business US 281) at Whitsett north to the Live Oak-Atascosa County Line was added, creating a gap. On September 19, 1951, the sections were connected, closing the gap. On October 28, 1953, FM 99 was extended southwest to the Live Oak-McMullen County Line. On October 27, 1954, FM 99 was extended south to FM 63 (which became part of SH 72 on December 15, 1960) in Calliham, replacing FM 2153. On March 27, 1981, a section of FM 99 was closed as it would be inundated by Choke Canyon Reservoir, so FM 99 was rerouted on a new alignment west and extended south to a road intersection 4.0 miles (6.4 km) miles south of SH 72, replacing FM 1106. SH 72 was also rerouted around the reservoir.


  1. ^ The certified length given is shorter than the actual mileage, as the Texas Department of Transportation description of FM 9 considers it to be discontinuous at rather than concurrent with US 80 in Waskom.
  2. ^ The certified length given is shorter than the actual mileage, as the Texas Department of Transportation description of FM 16 considers it to be discontinuous at rather than concurrent with SH 110 in Van.
  3. ^ The certified length given is shorter than the actual mileage, as the Texas Department of Transportation description of FM 36 considers it to be discontinuous at rather than concurrent with SH 66 and US 380.
  4. ^ The certified length given is shorter than the actual mileage, as the Texas Department of Transportation description of FM 40 considers it to be discontinuous at rather than concurrent with SH 207.
  5. ^ RM 42 was originally designated as FM 42 from 1948 to 1959.
  6. ^ RM 43 was originally designated as FM 43 from 1942 to 1945.
  7. ^ The certified length given is shorter than the actual mileage, as the Texas Department of Transportation description of FM 93 considers it to be discontinuous at rather than concurrent with SH 317.


  1. ^ a b Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 1". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved October 3, 2010.
  2. ^ a b c Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 2". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved October 3, 2010.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 3". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved October 3, 2010.
  4. ^ Google (January 5, 2011). "Overview map of Farm to Market Road 3 Distances Between Interchanges" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
  5. ^ Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "State Highway Spur No. 3". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
  6. ^ "Map of FM 3". Google Maps. Retrieved August 1, 2016.
  7. ^ a b Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 4". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved August 25, 2008.
  8. ^ a b c d e Transportation Planning and Programming Division (n.d.). "Farm to Market Road No. 5". Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
  9. ^ Google (January 5, 2011). "Overview map of Farm to Market Road 5 Distances Between Interchanges" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
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