Annoying Orange

Annoying Orange is an American live-action/animated comedy web series created by Dane Boedigheimer (known online as DaneBoe). The series follows an anthropomorphic orange who annoys fruits, vegetables, and various other objects by telling crude jokes and puns until their demise. In addition, the show satirizes and parodies pop culture with a touch of off-color, surreal and gross-out humor.

The show became popular with viewers, leading to three video games, a range of adult toys, backpacks, couches, pillows, blankets, lunch boxes, drink bottles, mattresses, towels, plushies and a T-shirt line. Other accessories, such as costumes of the series characters, have also appeared on the market. Despite the popularity of the series, the show received negative review by critics due to the main character as well as its humor.

The original web series has also expanded to multiple separate series, such as The Adventures of Liam The Leprechaun, The Misfortune of Being Ned, The Marshmallow Show, Shocktober, the television series The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange, and various secondary YouTube channels featuring the rest of the main characters, as well as a gaming channel where they upload Let's Play videos. The channels frequently upload videos that belong to a variety of mini-series, each dedicated to covering different themes of typical YouTube genre tropes such as Ask Orange, How2, Storytime, Annoying Orange vs, and Annoying Orange Challenges. The channel also frequently re-uploads older videos as parts of larger compilations, as seen with their compilation mini-series The Juice, Foodsplosion, and Saturday Supercut.

The show is centered on Orange (voiced by Dane Boedigheimer), who lives in a kitchen with other foods and objects such as his best friend, Pear, an irritable, geeky Bartlett pear (also voiced by Boedigheimer). Other fruits include Passion, a sensible passion fruit and Orange's love interest (voiced by Justine Ezarik), an arrogant Grapefruit (voiced by Bob Jennings; later Jon Bailey), a tiny but hot-blooded Red Delicious apple known as Midget Apple (though he prefers the name Little Apple), a happy-go-lucky and slightly eccentric Marshmallow who always sees everything filled with enthusiasm, and an elderly lemon named Grandpa Lemon, all joining the show over the years. Other characters include Dr. Bananas (a banana who is a mad scientist), Squash (a large squash that has the habit of landing on objects and squashing them), Corey (a Golden Delicious apple that is cut in half. There is a running joke that Corey tries to find another butt to replace his old one, but with no success), Sis (Orange's sister), and Baby Orange (an infant orange).

The formula for most episodes consists of Orange heckling other characters until they meet a sudden, gruesome end, usually being killed or mutilated by a chef's knife (although implements used to maim them range from a blender to a toy pinwheel). Orange usually tries to warn them by crying out the weapon-in-use, such as "Knife!".[1]

Orange has recurring mannerisms. He often begins an episode by repeatedly calling for a character's attention until the character responds. Orange also often refers to the character as something playing on the object's name or appearance (such as calling Grapefruit "Apefruit"). If an object behaves in a way that Orange dislikes, he will often call that object an "apple" (the food equivalent to "asshole"), even if the object is not an apple. Otherwise, Orange tells jokes, burps, breaks wind or makes noises with his tongue to get attention.