List of minor Hebrew Bible figures, A–K

This article contains persons named in the Bible, specifically in the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament, of minor notability, about whom little or nothing is known, aside from some family connections.

Aalar, in the King James Version, appears in 1 Esdras 5:36, as one of those who came up from "Thermeleth and Thelersas" who could not show their genealogical records. Instead of Aalar, the NRSV reads Immer.

Abdeel (Ab'dē el) (Hebrew עַבְדְּאֵל "servant of God"; akin to Arabic عبد الله Abdullah[1]) is mentioned in Jeremiah 36:26 as the father of Shelemiah, one of three men who were commanded by King Jehoiakim to seize the prophet Jeremiah and his secretary Baruch.[2] The Septuagint omits the phrase "and Shelemiah son of Abdeel", probably a scribal error due to homoioteleuton.[3]

The name Abdi (Hebrew עַבְדִּי) is probably an abbreviation of Obediah, meaning "servant of YHWH", according to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.[4] Easton's Bible Encyclopedia, on the other hand, holds that it means "my servant". The name "Abdi" appears three times in forms of the Bible that are in use among Jews, Protestants, and Roman Catholics. There is also one additional appearance in 1 Esdras, considered canonical in Eastern Orthodox Churches.

According to Cheyne and Black (1899), the two occurrences in the Books of Chronicles refer to a single individual, and the references in Ezra and 1 Esdras are to a second individual.[8]

Abdon (Hebrew עַבְדּוֹן from עָבַד "to serve") is the name of four biblical individuals. It is a diminutive form of the name Ebed.[9]