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Комиссар по вопросам окружающей среды является членом Европейской Комиссии , ответственной за экологическую политику ЕС . Нынешний комиссар - Виргиниюс Синкявичюс .

Европейский Союз предпринял ряд экологических шагов, частично в связи с изменением климата. В частности, он подписал Киотский протокол в 1998 году, создал свою схему торговли выбросами в 2005 году и в настоящее время соглашается в одностороннем порядке сократить свои чистые выбросы парниковых газов как минимум на 55% к 2030 году по сравнению с уровнями 1990-х годов. (См .: Энергетическая политика Европейского Союза )

Другие стратегии включают Natura 2000 , широко распространенную и успешную сеть природоохранных объектов, Директиву о регистрации, оценке и разрешении химических веществ (REACH), требующую проведения испытаний на безопасность широко используемых химикатов, и Рамочную директиву по воде, обеспечивающую достижение более высоких стандартов качества воды.

Текущий комиссар [ править ]

Нынешний комиссар - Виргиниюс Синкявичюс из Литвы.

Бывшие комиссары [ править ]

Кармену Велла [ править ]

2014-2019 Комиссаром была Кармену Велла из Мальты. Во время слушаний в Комитете по окружающей среде, общественному здравоохранению и безопасности пищевых продуктов и в Комитете по рыболовству [1] и в своем вступительном заявлении к Европейскому парламенту [2] Велла перечислил в качестве своих приоритетов зеленый рост, защиту природного капитала , и защита граждан Союза от давления, связанного с окружающей средой, и рисков для здоровья.

Stavros Dimas[edit]

During his hearing with the European Parliament, Stavros Dimas announced four main priorities for his term in office: climate change, biodiversity, public health and sustainability; Highlighting the importance of the Kyoto Protocol, the Natura 2000 project, the REACH directive, and the need to better enforce existing EU environmental legislation. On Dimas' website he lists the following key policy areas; Air, Biotechnology, Chemicals, Civil Protection and Environmental Accidents, Climate Change, Environmental Technologies, Health, International Issues and Enlargement, Nature and Biodiversity, Noise, Soil, Sustainable Development, Urban Environment, Waste and Water.

At the UN's Buenos Aires talks on climate change in December 2004 he attempted to negotiate mandatory emissions reductions to follow the expiration of Kyoto in 2012. This met with opposition from the USA, whose representatives refused to discuss it.

Dimas oversaw the introduction of the EU's emissions trading scheme that took effect on 1 January 2005, despite emissions reduction plans from Poland, Italy, the Czech Republic and Greece not having been approved on time. He also sought to include companies operating aircraft under the emissions trading regime.

In February 2007 the Commissioner put forward his plans to increase fuel efficiency standards of cars so that emissions are no more than 130g of CO2 per km, down from 162g/km in 2005. This caused anger from the European car industry[3] which was stoked by the Commissioner requesting a Japanese car, a Toyota Prius, instead of a European make due to the Toyota's better environmental standards. [4]

In response to the refusal of countries to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, such as the United States and Australia (the latter of which exchanged viewpoints with the EU on the matter[4]), the EU has been looking to tax products imported from those countries not taking low-carbon policies on board (Border Tax Adjustments).[5] (Australia has since ratified the Kyoto Protocol, at the Bali COP in December 2007).

Carlo Ripa di Meana[edit]

Carlo Ripa di Meana was appointed Environment Commissioner in 1990 which coincided with increased public interest and awareness in environmental issues. Ripa di Meana's appointment took place at the same time as that of a new Directorate-General, Brinkhorst. They both tried to change the image of DG XI (now DG Environment) in charge of environmental issues and make it a more mainstream actor.[6] According to Schön-Quinlivan [7] the then President of the Commission, Jacques Delors, did not appreciate Ripa di Meana’s political style and their relationship became strained. Ripa di Meana was eventually replaced by Karel Van Miert for a period of six months until a full-time replacement could be found. Yet Van Miert supported what had been done before him and described environmental policy as ‘one of our most successful policies, and one of the best understood’.[8]

List of commissioners[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Directorate-General for the Environment
  • EU environmental policy
  • European Environment Agency
  • Coordination of Information on the Environment
  • Global warming and Kyoto Protocol:
    • European Climate Change Programme
    • European Union Emission Trading Scheme
    • Renewable energy in the European Union
    • Transport in the European Union
  • Water supply and sanitation in the European Union
    • Water Framework Directive
  • REACH directive
  • Geography of the European Union
    • Natura 2000
    • Common Agricultural Policy
    • Common Fisheries Policy

External links[edit]

  • Commissioner Dimas' website
  • Commission's Environment website
  • Eurostat – Statistics Explained – all articles on environment
  • Celebrating the Environmental Union (Stavros Dimas)


  1. ^ "Hearing: Karmenu Vella". European Parliament. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
  2. ^ "Introductory Statement Of Commissioner Designate" (PDF). European Parliament. 29 September 2014. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
  3. ^ [1]
  4. ^ [2]
  5. ^ [3]
  6. ^ Schön-Quinlivan (2012)The European Commission, In: Jordan, A.J. and Adelle, C. (eds) Environmental Policy in the European Union: Contexts, Actors and Policy Dynamics (3e). Earthscan: London and Sterling, VA.
  7. ^ Schön-Quinlivan (2012)The European Commission, In: Jordan, A.J. and Adelle, C. (eds) Environmental Policy in the European Union: Contexts, Actors and Policy Dynamics (3e). Earthscan: London and Sterling, VA.
  8. ^ Cini, M. (2003) ‘Actors and Institutions in Environmental Governance’, in A. Weale et al. Environmental Governance in Europe, OUP, Oxford. p88.