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Шиитский ислам

Modèle Chiisme

Шиитский ислам или шиизм является одним из двух основных ветвей в исламе . Он утверждает, что исламский пророк Мухаммед назначил Али ибн Аби Талиба своим преемником и имамом (духовным и политическим лидером) после него, особенно на мероприятии Гадир Хумм , но ему помешали сменить Мухаммеда в качестве лидера всех мусульман в качестве результат выбора, сделанного другими товарищами Мухаммеда в Сакифе . Эта точка зрения в первую очередь контрастирует с точкой зрения суннитского ислама , приверженцы которого считают, что Мухаммед не назначал преемника перед своей смертью и считаютАбу Бакр , который был назначен халифом группой высокопоставленных мусульман в Сакифе, чтобы стать первым законным халифом после Мухаммеда. Человек наблюдения шиитского ислама называется шиитским или шиитами .

Шиитский ислам основан на хадисе Мухаммеда (Гадир Хумм). Шииты считают, что Али был божественно назначен преемником Мухаммеда и первым имамом. Шииты также распространяют эту имамму на семью Мухаммада, Ахль аль-Байт («люди / семья Дома»), и некоторых лиц из его потомков, известных как имамы , которые, по их мнению, обладают особой духовной и политической властью над сообществом. , непогрешимость и другие божественно установленные черты. Несмотря на то, что существует множество шиитских групп , современный шиитский ислам разделен на две основные группы: двунадесятников и исмаилитов., причем шииты-двунадесятники являются самой большой и влиятельной группой среди шиитов.

Шиитский ислам - вторая по величине ветвь ислама: по состоянию на конец первого десятилетия двадцать первого века мусульмане-шииты составляли 10–15% всех мусульман. Шииты- двунадесятники - самая крупная ветвь шиитского ислама: по оценкам 2012 года, 85% шиитов были двунадесятниками. ( Полная статья ... )

Избранные картинки

  • Tazieh сцена , которая является своего рода Страстей о трагической судьбе Хусайна ибн Али в битве при Кербеле

    Фотография: Payam Moein

  • Мечеть Насир ол Молк , также известная как Розовая мечеть, - это традиционная мечеть в Ширазе , Иран . Он расположен в районе Говад-э-Арабан, недалеко от мечети Шах Чераг.

    Фотография: Ayyoubsabawiki

  • Мечеть шейха Лотфоллы ( персидский : مسجد شیخ لطف الله ) - один из архитектурных шедевров иранской архитектуры Сефевидов , стоящий на восточной стороне площади Нагш-и Джахан , Исфахан , Иран.

    Фотография: مانفی

  • Каллиграфия хадиса пророка Мухаммеда о помощи бедным

    Автор: Али Раиф Эфенди

  • Место отдыха и мавзолей из Хусейну ибн Али , третий имам шиитов , в городе Кербела , Ирак . Имам Хусейн, который был внуком Мухаммеда , был похоронен недалеко от того места, где он был замучен во время битвы при Кербеле в 680 году нашей эры.

    Фотография: Амир Хесаминеджад

  • Али ибн Аби Талиб , первый шиитский имам был убит на хариджитских назвал Ибн Мулджам 26 января 661 в Большой мечети Куфы , в современном Ираке

    Фотография: Юсеф Абдинежад

  • Мечеть Имама Али в Марнеули в Грузии

    Фотография: Звиад Авалиани.

  • Пример зеркального письма в исламской каллиграфии . Османская левха 18-го века или каллиграфическая панель, на которой изображена шиитская фраза « Али - наместник Бога» ( арабский : علي ولي الله ) на лицевой и оборотной сторонах, создавая точное зеркальное отображение. Каллиграф использовал центральный вертикальный сгиб на толстой бумаге кремового цвета, чтобы отследить точное каллиграфическое дублирование перед тем, как закрепить его на картоне и наклеить прямоугольные розовые рамки по краям.

    Автор: Махмуд Ибрагим

  • Храм Имама Резы в Мешхеде

    Фотография: Mohebin14

  • Два листа из в начале коранических рукописи в Mingana коллекции ближневосточных рукописей Университета Бирмингема «ы Cadbury Научной библиотеке были открыты в 2015 годукак помечено между 568 и 645,делает его одним из старейших Корана рукописей уцелевших.

Избранные святые фигуры

  • Каллиграфическое изображение имени Али в форме Рашидун

    Али ибн Аби Талиб ( арабский : عَلِيّ ٱبْن أَبِي طَالِب , Alī ибн ʾАби Талиб ; 13 сентября 601-29 января 661) был двоюродным братом и зятем исламского пророка Мухаммеда , который правил как четвертый халиф с 656 по его убийство в 661 году. Он является одной из центральных фигур в шиитском исламе и считается законным непосредственным преемником Мухаммеда в качестве имама мусульман-шиитов.

    Али родился в Каабе в Мекке , самом священном месте в исламе , в семье Абу Талиба и Фатимы бинт Асад.. Он был первым мужчиной, принявшим ислам под присмотром Мухаммеда. Али защищал Мухаммеда с раннего возраста и принимал участие практически во всех битвах зарождающейся мусульманской общины. После миграции в Медину он женился на младшей дочери Мухаммеда Фатиме , а после ее смерти у него были другие жены, в том числе внучка Мухаммеда Умама бинт Зайнаб . Он был назначен халифом на компаньонов Мухаммеда в 656 году , после того, как халиф Усман ибн Affan был убит. Царствование Али видел гражданские войны и на 27 января 661, он подвергся нападению и был убит на хариджитских во время молитвы вВеликая мечеть Куфы , скончавшаяся два дня спустя 29 января. ( Полная статья ... )
  • Fatimah's name in Islamic calligraphy

    Fatimah bint Muhammad (Arabic: فَاطِمَة ٱبْنَت مُحَمَّد‎, Fāṭimah bint Muḥammad, IPA: faː.tˤi.mah ib.nat mu.ħam.mad; 615 AD/5 BH – died 28 August 632 [disputed]), commonly known as Fāṭimah al-Zahrāʾ (فَاطِمَة ٱلزَّهْرَاء), was the youngest daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and Khadijah, according to Sunni Muslims, but according to Shia Muslims, their only child who lived to adulthood, and therefore part of Muhammad's household. Her husband was Ali, the last of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and the first Shia Imam, and her children include Hasan and Husayn, the second and third Imams, respectively. She is respected and venerated by Muslims, as she was the child closest to her father and supported him in his difficulties, was the supporter and caretaker of her own husband and children, and was the only child of Muhammad to have male children live beyond childhood, whose descendants are spread throughout the Islamic world and are known as Sayyids.

    Fatimah is a vital character in Islam and her name is one of the most popular for girls throughout the Muslim world. However, there is controversy between different sects regarding her political role. (Full article...)
  • Calligraphic representation of Husayn's name in Rashidun form

    Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: ٱلْحُسَيْن ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱبْن أَبِي طَالِب‎, romanized: Al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlīy ibn ʾAbī Ṭālib‎; 10 January AD 626 – 10 October 680) was a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a son of Ali ibn Abi Talib (the fourth caliph of Sunni Muslims and the first imam of Shia Muslims) and Muhammad's daughter Fatimah. He is an important figure in Islam as he was a member of the Household of Muhammad (Ahl al-Bayt) and the People of the Cloak (Ahl al-Kisā'), as well as the third Shia Imam.

    Prior to his death, the Umayyad ruler Mu'awiya appointed his son Yazid as his successor, contrary to the Hasan-Muawiya treaty. When Muawiya died in 680, Yazid demanded that Husayn pledge allegiance to him. Husayn refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid, even though it meant sacrificing his life. As a consequence, he left Medina, his hometown, to take refuge in Mecca in AH 60. There, the people of Kufa sent letters to him, asking his help and pledging their allegiance to him. So he traveled towards Kufa, after getting some favorable indications along with a small caravan of his relatives and followers but near Karbala his caravan was intercepted by Yazid's army. He was killed and beheaded in the Battle of Karbala on 10 October 680 (10 Muharram 61 AH) by Yazid, along with most of his family and companions, including Husayn's six-month old son, Ali al-Asghar, with the women and children taken as prisoners. Anger at Husayn's death was turned into a rallying cry that helped undermine the Umayyad caliphate's legitimacy, and ultimately its overthrow by the Abbasid Revolution. (Full article...)
  • Calligraphic representation of Hasan's name in Rashidun form

    Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: ٱلْحَسَن ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱبْن أَبِي طَالِب‎, romanized: Al-Ḥasan ibn Alīy ibn Abī Ṭālib; 1 December 624 – 1 April 670 CE), also spelled Hasan or Hassan, was the older son of Ali and Muhammad's daughter Fatimah, and was the older brother of Husain, as well as the fifth of Rashidun, or "Rightly Guided Caliphs". Muslims respect him as a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Among Shia Muslims, Hasan is revered as the second Imam. Hasan was elected for the caliphate after his father's death, but abdicated after six or seven months to Muawiyah I, the founder of the Umayyad dynasty to end the First Fitna. After Hasan's abdication, the caliphate turned into kingship. Al-Hasan was known for donating to the poor, his kindness to the poor and bondsmen, and for his knowledge, tolerance and bravery. For the rest of his life, Hasan lived in Medina, until he died at the age of 45 and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Medina. His wife, Ja'da bint al-Ash'at, is commonly accused of having poisoned him. (Full article...)
  • "Muhammad the Messenger of God"
    inscribed on the gates of the Prophet's Mosque in Medina

    Muhammad (Arabic: مُحَمَّد‎, pronounced [muħamːad]; c. 570 CE – 8 June 632 CE) was an Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of Islam. According to Islamic doctrine, he was a prophet, sent to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. He is believed to be the final prophet of God in all the main branches of Islam, though some modern denominations diverge from this belief. Muhammad united Arabia into a single Muslim polity, with the Quran as well as his teachings and practices forming the basis of Islamic religious belief.

    Born approximately 570 CE (Year of the Elephant) in the Arabian city of Mecca, Muhammad was orphaned at the age of six. He was raised under the care of his paternal grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, and upon his death, by his uncle Abu Talib. In later years, he would periodically seclude himself in a mountain cave named Hira for several nights of prayer. When he was 40, Muhammad reported being visited by Gabriel in the cave and receiving his first revelation from God. In 613, Muhammad started preaching these revelations publicly, proclaiming that "God is One", that complete "submission" (islām) to God is the right way of life (dīn), and that he was a prophet and messenger of God, similar to the other prophets in Islam. (Full article...)


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Шиитские исламские ветви
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Связанные порталы

  • Религия
  • Иудаизм
  • христианство
  • ислам

Избранные статьи

  • Мученичество Имама Али

    Али ибн Аби Талиб , четвертый Rashidun калиф и первый шиитский имам был убит хариджитских назвал Абд аль-Рахман ибн «Амр ибн аль-Мулджам Muradi 26 января 661, в Большой мечети в Куфе в современном Ираке . Али, которому тогда было 62 или 63 года, умер из-за полученных травм через два дня после того, как Абд аль-Рахман ибн Амр ибн Мулджам аль-Муради ударил его по голове мечом с отравленным покрытием 21 (или 19 января). ) Рамазан 40 AH (28 января 661 CE ). Он был третьим халифом после Умара и Усмана., чтобы быть убитым.

    Али стал халифом после убийства Усмана в 656. Однако он сталкивается с противодействием со стороны некоторых фракций , включая Левант губернатор, Muawiyah я . Гражданская война, названная Первой Фитной , произошла в раннем исламском государстве, что привело к свержению халифов Рашидун и установлению династии Омейядов . Это началось с убийства халифа Усмана ибн Аффана в 656 году и продолжалось в течение четырехлетнего правления Али. После того, как Али согласился на арбитраж с Муавией I после битвы при Сиффине
    (657), против него произошло восстание некоторых членов его армии, позже известных как хариджиты («те, кто уходит»). Они убили некоторых сторонников Али, но были разгромлены войсками Али в битве при Нахраване в июле 658 года. ( Полная статья ... )
  • Calligraphic representation of the Twelve Imams along with that of the Prophet Muhammad.

    The Twelve Imams (Arabic: ٱلَأَئِمَّة ٱلْٱثْنَا عَشَر‎, al-ʾAʾimmah al-ʾIthnā ʿAšar; Persian: دوازده امام‎, Davâzdah Emâm) are the spiritual and political successors to the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the Twelver branch of Shia Islam, including that of the Alawite and Alevi sects.
    According to the theology of Twelvers, the Twelve Imams are exemplary human individuals who not only rule over the community with justice, but also are able to keep and interpret sharia and the esoteric meaning of the Quran. Muhammad and Imams' words and deeds are a guide and model for the community to follow; as a result, they must be free from error and sin (known as ismah, or infallibility) and must be chosen by divine decree through the Prophet. (Full article...)
  • Sahifah of al-Ridha (Arabic: صَّحِيفَة ٱلرِّضَا‎, Ṣaḥīfah ar-Riḍā, lit. "Pages of al-Ridha"), also known as Sahifat of al-Reza and Sahifat al-Imam al-Ridha ("Book of Imam al-Ridha"), is a collection of 240 hadiths attributed to Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha, the eighth Shia Imam.

    The Sahifah is one of the major sources of Shia belief and has attracted the attention of Shia scholars such as Ibn Babawayh and Sheikh Tabarsi. It contains hadiths on various topics including the invocation of Allah; the importance of praying five times a day and of saying the prayer for the dead; the excellence of the household of Muhammad, of the believer, of good manners, of the names Muhammad and Ahmad, of various foods, fruits, and ointments, of obeying parents, of strengthening the bonds of kinship, and of jihad; a warning against cheating, backbiting, or tattling; and other miscellaneous traditions. The section on Muhammad's household discusses each of its fourteen members separately. (Full article...)
  • Hezbollah (/ˌhɛzbəˈlɑː/; Arabic: حزب اللهḤizbu 'llāh, literally "Party of Allah" or "Party of God", also transliterated Hizbullah or Hizballah, among others) is a Shia Islamist political party and militant group based in Lebanon. Hezbollah's paramilitary wing is the Jihad Council, and its political wing is the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc party in the Lebanese parliament. Since the death of Abbas al-Musawi in 1992, the group has been headed by Hassan Nasrallah, its Secretary-General. Either the entire organization or only its military wing has been designated a terrorist organization by several countries including the European Union and since 2017 by most member states of the Arab League, with the exception of Iraq and Lebanon, where Hezbollah is the most powerful political party. Russia does not view Hezbollah as a "terrorist organization" but as a "legitimate socio-political force.”

    After the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the idea of Hezbollah arose among Lebanese clerics who had studied in Najaf, and who adopted the model set out by Ayatollah Khomeini after the Iranian Revolution in 1979. The organization was established as part of an Iranian effort, through funding and the dispatch of a core group of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (pasdaran) instructors, to aggregate a variety of Lebanese Shia groups into a unified organization to resist the Israeli occupation and improve the standing and status of the long marginalised and underrepresented Shia community in that country. A contingent of 1,500 pasdaran instructors arrived after the Syrian government, which occupied Lebanon's eastern highlands, permitted their transit to a base in the Bekaa valley. (Full article...)
  • Arabic calligraphy of Ali's name with names of 13 other infallibles embedded within.

    The Fourteen Infallibles (Arabic: ٱلْمَعْصُومُون ٱلْأَرْبَعَة عَشَر‎, al-Maʿṣūmūn al-ʾArbaʿah ʿAšar; Persian: چهارده معصومین‎, Čahârdah Ma'sūmīn) in Twelver Shia Islam are the Islamic prophet Muhammad, his daughter Fatima Zahra, and the Twelve Imams. All are considered to be infallible under the theological concept of Ismah. Accordingly, they have the power to commit sin but by their nature are able to avoid doing so, which is regarded as a miraculous gift from God. The Infallibles are believed to follow only God's desire in their actions because of their supreme righteousness, consciousness, and love for God. They are also regarded as being immune to error in practical matters, in calling people to religion, and in the perception of divine knowledge. Shias believe the Fourteen Infallibles are superior to the rest of creation and to the other major prophets. (Full article...)
  • Al-Risalah al-Dhahabiah (Arabic: ٱلرِّسَالَة ٱلذَّهَبِيَّة‎, Arabic pronunciation: ['rɪsælætæ 'ðæhæ'biæ]; "The Golden Treatise") is a medical dissertation on health and remedies attributed to Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (765–818), the eighth Imam of Shia. He wrote this dissertation in accordance with the demand of Ma'mun, the caliph of the time. It is revered as the most precious Islamic literature in the science of medicine, and was entitled "the golden treatise" as Ma'mun had ordered it written in gold ink. The chain of narrators is said to reach Muhammad ibn Jumhoor or al-Hassan ibn Muhammad al-Nawfali who is described as "highly esteemed and trustworthy" by al-Najjashi.

    The treatise of Ali al-Ridha includes scientific branches such as Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry and Pathology when medical science was still primitive. According to the treatise, one's health is determined by four humors of blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm, the suitable proportion of which maintains the health. The liver plays an important role in producing and maintaining the required proportions in the body. Ali al-Ridha describes the body as a kingdom whose king is the heart while the (blood) vessels, the limbs, and the brain are the laborers. (Full article...)

Избранные биографии

  • Насралла в 2019 году

    Хасан Насралла ( арабский :حسن نصرالله[ħasan nasˤrɑɫɫɑh] ; родился 31 августа 1960) является третьим и нынешний Генеральный секретарь в ливанской политической и полувоенной партии Хезболла , так как его предшественник, Аббас аль-Мусави был убит израильскими силами обороны в феврале 1992 года Насралла часто упоминается как " аль- Сейид Хасан »( السيّد حسن ), почетный « Сайид », обозначающий заявление о происхождении от исламского пророка Мухаммеда через его внука Хусейна ибн Али . Под его руководством Хезболлабыла признана террористической организацией , полностью или частично, Соединенными Штатами и другими странами, а также Европейским Союзом . Россия отвергает утверждения о том, что "Хезболла" является террористической организацией, и считает "Хезболлу" законной социально-политической организацией. Китайская Народная Республика остается нейтральным, и поддерживает контакты с Хизбаллой. [ нужен лучший источник ] ( Полная статья ... )
  • Sayyid Morteza Avini (Persian: سید مرتضی آوینی‎; also spelled Aviny; 23 September 1947 – 9 April 1993) was an Iranian documentary filmmaker, author, and theoretician of "Islamic Cinema." He studied Architecture at Tehran University in 1965.
    During the Iranian Revolution, Avini started his artistic career as a director of documentary films, and is considered a prominent war filmmaker. He made over 80 films on the Iran–Iraq War. According to Agnes Devictor, Avini invented original cinematography methods, depicting the esoteric side of the Iran–Iraq War in terms of Shia mystical thought. Most of his work was devoted to reflecting how bassijis perceived the war and their role in it. His most famous work is the documentary series Ravayat-e Fath (Narration of Victory), which was filmed during the Iran–Iraq War. He was killed by a landmine explosion in 1993, while filming. He was described as a Shahid (martyr) after his death, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared him "the master of martyred literati" (Persian: سید شهیدان اهل قلم‎). The 20th day of Farvardin is entitled the day of "Islamic Revolution art" in his honor. (Full article...)

  • Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Mohammad-Kazem Khorasani (Persian: محمد کاظم خراسانی‎; 1839 – 12 December 1911), commonly known as Akhund Khorasani was an Iranian Shia marja' and philosopher. He is regarded as one of the most important Shia Mujtahid at the time. He was a lecturer at Najaf seminary for years and significant number of students from "different regions of the Muslim world" used to participate his lectures. His most famous work is The Sufficiency (Arabic: کفایه‎), where he gathered the jurispurdential ideas such as "continuity" and "presented them in a yet more rigorous fashion as a unified theory of jurisprudence".

    He is known for using his position as a marja for a poignant political leadership in the Persian Constitutional Revolution (1905–1911), where he was one of the main clerical supporters of the revolution. He believed that "constitutional form of government" would be the best possible choice in the absence of Imam and regarded the “constitutional revolution" a Jihad ("holy war") in which all Muslims had to participate. (Full article...)
  • Khamenei in 2021

    Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei (Persian: سید علی حسینی خامنه‌ای‎, pronounced [ʔæˈliː hosejˈniː xɒːmeneˈʔiː] (listen); born 19 April 1939) is a Twelver Shia Marja' and the second and current supreme leader of Iran, in office since 1989. He was previously President of Iran from 1981 to 1989. Khamenei is the longest serving head of state in the Middle East, as well as the second-longest serving Iranian leader of the last century, after Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

    According to his official website, Khamenei was arrested six times before being sent into exile for three years during Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's reign. After the Iranian revolution overthrowing the shah, he was the target of an attempted assassination in June 1981 that paralysed his right arm. Khamenei was one of Iran's leaders during the Iran–Iraq War in the 1980s, and developed close ties with the now powerful Revolutionary Guards which he controls, and whose commanders are elected and dismissed by him. The Revolutionary Guards have been deployed to suppress opposition to him. Khamenei served as the third President of Iran from 1981 to 1989, while becoming a close ally of the first Supreme Leader, Ruhollah Khomeini. Shortly before his death, Khomeini had a disagreement with the heir he had chosen — Hussein Ali Montazeri — so there was no agreed on successor when Khomeini died. The Assembly of Experts elected Khamenei as the next Supreme Leader on 4 June 1989, at the age of 49. According to Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Khamenei was the man Khomeini had chosen as his successor before dying. Khamenei has been head of the servants of Astan Quds Razavi since 14 April 1979. (Full article...)

  • Sheikh Abdul Amir al-Jamri (/ˈɑːbdəl əˈmɪər æl ˈdʒɑːmri/ (listen) AHB-dəl ə-MEER al JAHM-ree; Arabic: شيخ عبدالأمير الجمري‎; 1 March 1938 – 18 December 2006) was one of the most prominent Shia clerics and opposition leaders in Bahrain. He was also a writer and a poet.

    Born in the village of Bani Jamra, al-Jamri became a Hussaini khatib (Shia preacher) after finishing primary school. At the age of 21, he began his Islamic studies, first in Bahrain and later in the religious institute of Al Najaf, Iraq, where he remained for 11 years. He returned to Bahrain in 1973 and was elected to the newly formed parliament. The parliament was dissolved two years later by the Emir, Isa bin Salman al-Khalifa, after it had rejected the State Security Law. In 1977, al-Jamri was appointed as a judge at the High Religious Court of Bahrain. He held the position until 1988, when he was briefly arrested due to his criticism of the government. (Full article...)

  • Musa al-Sadr (Arabic: الإمام موسى الصدر‎‎; Persian: سید موسى صدر‎‎; 4 June 1928 – disappeared in Libya on 31 August 1978) was a Lebanese-Iranian philosopher and Shi'a religious leader from a long line of distinguished clerics tracing their ancestry back to Jabal Amel.

    Born in the Chaharmardan neighborhood of Qom, Iran, he underwent both seminary and secular studies in Iran. He belongs to the Sadr family from Jabal Amel in Lebanon, a branch of the Musawi family tracing to Musa Ibn Jaafar, the seventh Shia Imam and ultimately to the Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima. Therefore, Musa al-Sadr is often styled with the honorific title Sayyid. He left Qom for Najaf to study theology and returned to Iran after the 1958 Iraqi coup d'état. (Full article...)
  • Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Nu'man al-'Ukbari al-Baghdadi, known as al-Shaykh al-Mufid (Arabic: الشیخ المفید) and Ibn al-Mu'allim (c. 948–1022 CE), was a prominent Twelver Shia theologian. His father was a teacher (mu'allim), hence the name Ibn al-Mu'allim. The title "al-Mufid" was given to him either by Muhammad al-Mahdi, the twelfth Shia Imam, or by al-Rummani, a Sunni scholar, after a conversation with him. The leader of the Shia community, he was a mutakallim, theologian, and Shia jurist.

    He was taught by Al-Shaykh al-Saduq, Ibn Qulawayh, Abu Abdallah al-Basri and al-Rummani, and Sharif al-Murtaza and Shaykh Tusi were among his students. Only 10 of his 200 works have survived, among which are Amali, Al-Irshad, Al-Muqni'ah, and Tashih al-Itiqadat. (Full article...)
  • Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr (Arabic: نمر باقر النمر‎, translit. Nimr Bāqir an-Nimr; 21 June 1959 – 2 January 2016; also Romanized Bakir al-Nimr, al-Nemr, al-Namr, al-Nimer, al-Nemer, al-Namer), commonly referred to as Sheikh Nimr, was a Shia Sheikh in al-Awamiyah in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province whose arrest and execution was widely condemned, including by governments and human rights organizations.

    He was popular among youth and critical of the Saudi Arabian government, calling for free elections in Saudi Arabia. He was arrested by Saudi authorities in 2006, at which time al-Nimr said he was beaten by the Mabahith. In 2009, he criticised Saudi authorities and suggested that if Saudi Shia rights were not respected, the Eastern Province should secede. Saudi authorities responded by arresting al-Nimr and 35 others. During the 2011–12 Saudi Arabian protests, al-Nimr called for protestors to resist police bullets using "the roar of the word" rather than violence, and predicted the collapse of the government if repression continued. The Guardian described al-Nimr as having "taken the lead in [the] uprising." (Full article...)

Вы знали...

  • ... что из - за большое количество паломников , которые посещают Бахрейн во время Мухаррам ( Мухаррам процессии на фото) , страна была передана как « Кербел в Персидском заливе »?
  • ... что «Пятнадцать прошептанных молитв » имама Зайна аль-Абидина содержат разные молитвы, которые нужно читать в соответствии с текущим настроением?
  • ... что шиитский священнослужитель Абдул Амир аль-Джамри сумел объединить шиитские, светские и либеральные силы во время восстания 1990-х годов в Бахрейне ?
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  • Бихарул Анвар, том 2, стр. 18.

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