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Вихревые токи (также называемые токами Фуко ) представляют собой петли электрического тока, индуцируемые внутри проводников изменяющимся магнитным полем в проводнике в соответствии с законом индукции Фарадея . Вихревые токи протекают в замкнутых контурах внутри проводников в плоскостях, перпендикулярных магнитному полю. Они могут быть индуцированы в соседних неподвижных проводниках изменяющимся во времени магнитным полем, создаваемым , например, электромагнитом переменного тока или трансформатором , или относительным движением между магнитами.и ближайший проводник. Величина тока в данной петле пропорциональна силе магнитного поля, площади петли и скорости изменения магнитного потока и обратно пропорциональна удельному сопротивлению материала. На графике эти круговые токи внутри куска металла отдаленно напоминают водовороты или водовороты в жидкости.

По закону Ленца вихревой ток создает магнитное поле, которое противодействует изменению магнитного поля, которое его создало, и, таким образом, вихревые токи реагируют на источник магнитного поля. Например, соседняя проводящая поверхность будет оказывать сопротивление движущемуся магниту, которое препятствует его движению, из-за вихревых токов, индуцируемых на поверхности движущимся магнитным полем. Этот эффект используется в вихретоковых тормозах, которые используются для быстрой остановки вращения электроинструментов при их выключении. Ток, протекающий через сопротивление проводника, также рассеивает энергию в виде тепла в материале. Таким образом, вихревые токи являются причиной потерь энергии в индукторах переменного тока (AC) , трансформаторах ,электродвигатели и генераторы , а также другое оборудование переменного тока, требующее специальной конструкции, такой как многослойные магнитные сердечники или ферритовые сердечники, чтобы минимизировать их. Вихревые токи также используются для нагрева объектов в индукционных нагревательных печах и оборудовании, а также для обнаружения трещин и дефектов в металлических деталях с помощью приборов для вихретокового контроля .

Происхождение термина [ править ]

Термин вихревой ток происходит от аналогичных течений, наблюдаемых в воде в гидродинамике , вызывающих локализованные области турбулентности, известные как водовороты, вызывающие постоянные вихри. В некоторой степени аналогично вихревым токам может потребоваться время для нарастания и они могут сохраняться очень короткое время в проводниках из-за их индуктивности.

История [ править ]

Первым, кто наблюдал вихревые токи, был Франсуа Араго (1786–1853), 25-й премьер-министр Франции, который также был математиком, физиком и астрономом. В 1824 году он наблюдал то, что было названо вращательным магнетизмом, и что большинство проводящих тел можно было намагничивать; эти открытия были завершены и объяснены Майклом Фарадеем (1791–1867).

В 1834 году Генрих Ленц сформулировал закон Ленца , который гласит, что направление индуцированного потока тока в объекте будет таким, что его магнитное поле будет противодействовать изменению магнитного потока, вызвавшему протекание тока. Вихревые токи создают вторичное поле, которое нейтрализует часть внешнего поля и заставляет часть внешнего потока избегать проводника.

Французскому физику Леону Фуко (1819–1868) приписывают открытие вихревых токов. В сентябре 1855 года он обнаружил, что сила, необходимая для вращения медного диска, становится больше, когда его заставляют вращаться своим ободком между полюсами магнита, при этом диск нагревается вихревым током, индуцированным в металл. Первое использование вихревых токов для неразрушающего контроля произошло в 1879 году, когда Дэвид Э. Хьюз применил эти принципы для проведения металлургических сортировочных испытаний.

Объяснение [ править ]

Вихревые токи ( I, красный ) индуцируются в проводящей металлической пластине (C), когда она движется прямо под магнитом (N) . Магнитное поле ( B, зеленый ) направлено вниз через пластину. Сила Лоренца магнитного поля на электроны в металле индуцирует боковой ток под магнитом. Магнитное поле, действующее на движущиеся вбок электроны, создает силу Лоренца, противоположную скорости листа, которая действует как сила сопротивления на листе. В ( синие стрелки ) противопоказаны магнитные поля , создаваемые кругового движения зарядов.
Силы, действующие на электрон в металлическом листе под магнитом, объясняющие, откуда берется сила сопротивления на листе. Красная точка показывает электрон проводимости в листе сразу после того, как он столкнулся с атомом, и показывает тот же электрон после того, как он был ускорен магнитным полем. В среднем электрон имеет ту же скорость, что и лист ( , черная стрелка ) в направлении. Магнитное поле ( , зеленая стрелка ) от магнита северного полюса N направлена вниз в направлении. Магнитное поле оказывает силу Лоренца на электрон (розовая стрелка) из , где е- заряд электрона. Поскольку электрон имеет отрицательный заряд, согласно правилу правой руки, он направлен в направлении. При этом сила дает электрону составляющую скорости в боковом направлении ( . Черная стрелка ) Магнитное поле , действующее на этой боковой скорости, то прикладывает силу Лоренца на частице . Согласно правилу правой руки, это направлено в направлении, противоположном скорости металлического листа. Эта сила ускоряет электрон, придавая ему составляющую скорости, противоположную листу. Столкновения этих электронов с атомами листа вызывают силу сопротивления на листе.
Вихретоковый тормоз. Северный магнитный полюс (вверху) на этом чертеже показан дальше от диска, чем южный; это просто чтобы оставить место, чтобы показать токи. В реальном вихретоковом тормозе полюсные наконечники расположены как можно ближе к диску.

Магнит индуцирует круговые электрические токи в металлическом листе, движущемся через его магнитное поле. См. Диаграмму справа. На нем показан металлический лист (C), движущийся вправо под неподвижным магнитом. Магнитное поле ( B, зеленые стрелки ) северного полюса N магнита проходит вниз через лист. Поскольку металл движется, магнитный поток через заданный участок листа изменяется. В той части листа , движущегося по передней кромке магнита (левая сторона) магнитного поля через заданную точку на листе возрастает , поскольку она становится ближе к магниту, . Из закона индукции Фарадея, это создает круговое электрическое поле в листе против часовой стрелки вокруг силовых линий магнитного поля. Это поле индуцирует в листе электрический ток ( I, красный ) против часовой стрелки . Это вихревой ток. В части листа под задней кромкой магнита (правая сторона) магнитное поле, проходящее через данную точку на листе, уменьшается по мере того, как он удаляется от магнита , вызывая второй вихревой ток по часовой стрелке в Лист.

Another equivalent way to understand the current is to see that the free charge carriers (electrons) in the metal sheet are moving with the sheet to the right, so the magnetic field exerts a sideways force on them due to the Lorentz force. Since the velocity v of the charges is to the right and the magnetic field B is directed down, from the right hand rule the Lorentz force on positive charges F = q(v × B) is toward the rear of the diagram (to the left when facing in the direction of motion v). This causes a current I toward the rear under the magnet, which circles around through parts of the sheet outside the magnetic field, clockwise to the right and counterclockwise to the left, to the front of the magnet again. The mobile charge carriers in the metal, the electrons, actually have a negative charge (q < 0) so their motion is opposite in direction to the conventional current shown.

The magnetic field of the magnet, acting on the electrons moving sideways under the magnet, then exerts a Lorentz force directed to the rear, opposite to the velocity of the metal sheet. The electrons, in collisions with the metal lattice atoms, transfer this force to the sheet, exerting a drag force on the sheet proportional to its velocity. The kinetic energy which is consumed overcoming this drag force is dissipated as heat by the currents flowing through the resistance of the metal, so the metal gets warm under the magnet.

Due to Ampere's circuital law each of the circular currents in the sheet creates a counter magnetic field (blue arrows). Another way to understand the drag force is to see that due to Lenz's law the counterfields oppose the change in magnetic field through the sheet. At the leading edge of the magnet (left side) by the right hand rule the counterclockwise current creates a magnetic field pointed up, opposing the magnet's field, causing a repulsive force between the sheet and the leading edge of the magnet. In contrast, at the trailing edge (right side), the clockwise current causes a magnetic field pointed down, in the same direction as the magnet's field, creating an attractive force between the sheet and the trailing edge of the magnet. Both of these forces oppose the motion of the sheet.


Eddy currents in conductors of non-zero resistivity generate heat as well as electromagnetic forces. The heat can be used for induction heating. The electromagnetic forces can be used for levitation, creating movement, or to give a strong braking effect. Eddy currents can also have undesirable effects, for instance power loss in transformers. In this application, they are minimized with thin plates, by lamination of conductors or other details of conductor shape.

Self-induced eddy currents are responsible for the skin effect in conductors.[1] The latter can be used for non-destructive testing of materials for geometry features, like micro-cracks.[2] A similar effect is the proximity effect, which is caused by externally induced eddy currents.[3]

An object or part of an object experiences steady field intensity and direction where there is still relative motion of the field and the object (for example in the center of the field in the diagram), or unsteady fields where the currents cannot circulate due to the geometry of the conductor. In these situations charges collect on or within the object and these charges then produce static electric potentials that oppose any further current. Currents may be initially associated with the creation of static potentials, but these may be transitory and small.

(left) Eddy currents (I, red) within a solid iron transformer core. (right) Making the core out of thin laminations parallel to the field (B, green) with insulation (C) between them reduces the eddy currents. Although the field and currents are shown in one direction, they actually reverse direction with the alternating current in the transformer winding.

Eddy currents generate resistive losses that transform some forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, into heat. This Joule heating reduces efficiency of iron-core transformers and electric motors and other devices that use changing magnetic fields. Eddy currents are minimized in these devices by selecting magnetic core materials that have low electrical conductivity (e.g., ferrites) or by using thin sheets of magnetic material, known as laminations. Electrons cannot cross the insulating gap between the laminations and so are unable to circulate on wide arcs. Charges gather at the lamination boundaries, in a process analogous to the Hall effect, producing electric fields that oppose any further accumulation of charge and hence suppressing the eddy currents. The shorter the distance between adjacent laminations (i.e., the greater the number of laminations per unit area, perpendicular to the applied field), the greater the suppression of eddy currents.

The conversion of input energy to heat is not always undesirable, however, as there are some practical applications. One is in the brakes of some trains known as eddy current brakes. During braking, the metal wheels are exposed to a magnetic field from an electromagnet, generating eddy currents in the wheels. This eddy current is formed by the movement of the wheels. So, by Lenz's law, the magnetic field formed by the eddy current will oppose its cause. Thus the wheel will face a force opposing the initial movement of the wheel. The faster the wheels are spinning, the stronger the effect, meaning that as the train slows the braking force is reduced, producing a smooth stopping motion.

Induction heating makes use of eddy currents to provide heating of metal objects.

Power dissipation of eddy currents[edit]

Under certain assumptions (uniform material, uniform magnetic field, no skin effect, etc.) the power lost due to eddy currents per unit mass for a thin sheet or wire can be calculated from the following equation:[4]


P is the power lost per unit mass (W/kg),
Bp is the peak magnetic field (T),
d is the thickness of the sheet or diameter of the wire (m),
f is the frequency (Hz),
k is a constant equal to 1 for a thin sheet and 2 for a thin wire,
ρ is the resistivity of the material (Ω m), and
D is the density of the material (kg/m3).

This equation is valid only under the so-called quasi-static conditions, where the frequency of magnetisation does not result in the skin effect; that is, the electromagnetic wave fully penetrates the material.

Skin effect[edit]

In very fast-changing fields, the magnetic field does not penetrate completely into the interior of the material. This skin effect renders the above equation invalid. However, in any case increased frequency of the same value of field will always increase eddy currents, even with non-uniform field penetration.[citation needed]

The penetration depth for a good conductor can be calculated from the following equation:[5]

where δ is the penetration depth (m), f is the frequency (Hz), μ is the magnetic permeability of the material (H/m), and σ is the electrical conductivity of the material (S/m).

Diffusion equation[edit]

The derivation of a useful equation for modelling the effect of eddy currents in a material starts with the differential, magnetostatic form of Ampère's Law,[6] providing an expression for the magnetizing field H surrounding a current density J:

Taking the curl on both sides of this equation and then using a common vector calculus identity for the curl of the curl results in

From Gauss's law for magnetism, ∇ · H = 0, so

Using Ohm's law, J = σE, which relates current density J to electric field E in terms of a material's conductivity σ, and assuming isotropic homogeneous conductivity, the equation can be written as

Using the differential form of Faraday's law, ∇ × E = −∂B/∂t, this gives

By definition, B = μ0(H + M), where M is the magnetization of the material and μ0 is the vacuum permeability. The diffusion equation therefore is


Electromagnetic braking[edit]

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Demonstration of Waltenhofen's pendulum, precursor of eddy current brakes. The formation and suppression of eddy currents is here demonstrated by means of this pendulum, a metal plate oscillating between the pole pieces of a strong electromagnet. As soon as a sufficiently strong magnetic field has been switched on, the pendulum is stopped on entering the field.

Eddy current brakes use the drag force created by eddy currents as a brake to slow or stop moving objects. Since there is no contact with a brake shoe or drum, there is no mechanical wear. However, an eddy current brake cannot provide a "holding" torque and so may be used in combination with mechanical brakes, for example, on overhead cranes. Another application is on some roller coasters, where heavy copper plates extending from the car are moved between pairs of very strong permanent magnets. Electrical resistance within the plates causes a dragging effect analogous to friction, which dissipates the kinetic energy of the car. The same technique is used in electromagnetic brakes in railroad cars and to quickly stop the blades in power tools such as circular saws. Using electromagnets, as opposed to permanent magnets, the strength of the magnetic field can be adjusted and so the magnitude of braking effect changed.

Repulsive effects and levitation[edit]

A cross section through a linear motor placed above a thick aluminium slab. As the linear induction motor's field pattern sweeps to the left, eddy currents are left behind in the metal and this causes the field lines to lean.

In a varying magnetic field, the induced currents exhibit diamagnetic-like repulsion effects. A conductive object will experience a repulsion force. This can lift objects against gravity, though with continual power input to replace the energy dissipated by the eddy currents. An example application is separation of aluminum cans from other metals in an eddy current separator. Ferrous metals cling to the magnet, and aluminum (and other non-ferrous conductors) are forced away from the magnet; this can separate a waste stream into ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal.

With a very strong handheld magnet, such as those made from neodymium, one can easily observe a very similar effect by rapidly sweeping the magnet over a coin with only a small separation. Depending on the strength of the magnet, identity of the coin, and separation between the magnet and coin, one may induce the coin to be pushed slightly ahead of the magnet – even if the coin contains no magnetic elements, such as the US penny. Another example involves dropping a strong magnet down a tube of copper[7] – the magnet falls at a dramatically slow pace.

In a perfect conductor with no resistance (a superconductor), surface eddy currents exactly cancel the field inside the conductor, so no magnetic field penetrates the conductor. Since no energy is lost in resistance, eddy currents created when a magnet is brought near the conductor persist even after the magnet is stationary, and can exactly balance the force of gravity, allowing magnetic levitation. Superconductors also exhibit a separate inherently quantum mechanical phenomenon called the Meissner effect in which any magnetic field lines present in the material when it becomes superconducting are expelled, thus the magnetic field in a superconductor is always zero.

Using electromagnets with electronic switching comparable to electronic speed control it is possible to generate electromagnetic fields moving in an arbitrary direction. As described in the section above about eddy current brakes, a non-ferromagnetic conductor surface tends to rest within this moving field. When however this field is moving, a vehicle can be levitated and propelled. This is comparable to a maglev but is not bound to a rail.[8]

Identification of metals[edit]

In some coin-operated vending machines, eddy currents are used to detect counterfeit coins, or slugs. The coin rolls past a stationary magnet, and eddy currents slow its speed. The strength of the eddy currents, and thus the retardation, depends on the conductivity of the coin's metal. Slugs are slowed to a different degree than genuine coins, and this is used to send them into the rejection slot.

Vibration and position sensing[edit]

Eddy currents are used in certain types of proximity sensors to observe the vibration and position of rotating shafts within their bearings. This technology was originally pioneered in the 1930s by researchers at General Electric using vacuum tube circuitry. In the late 1950s, solid-state versions were developed by Donald E. Bently at Bently Nevada Corporation. These sensors are extremely sensitive to very small displacements making them well suited to observe the minute vibrations (on the order of several thousandths of an inch) in modern turbomachinery. A typical proximity sensor used for vibration monitoring has a scale factor of 200 mV/mil. Widespread use of such sensors in turbomachinery has led to development of industry standards that prescribe their use and application. Examples of such standards are American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 670 and ISO 7919.

A Ferraris acceleration sensor, also called a Ferraris sensor, is a contactless sensor that uses eddy currents to measure relative acceleration.[9][10][11]

Structural testing[edit]

Eddy current techniques are commonly used for the nondestructive examination (NDE) and condition monitoring of a large variety of metallic structures, including heat exchanger tubes, aircraft fuselage, and aircraft structural components.

Skin effects[edit]

Eddy currents are the root cause of the skin effect in conductors carrying AC current.

Lamination of magnetic cores in transformers greatly improves the efficiency by minimising eddy currents

Similarly, in magnetic materials of finite conductivity, eddy currents cause the confinement of the majority of the magnetic fields to only a couple skin depths of the surface of the material. This effect limits the flux linkage in inductors and transformers having magnetic cores.

E-I transformer laminations showing flux paths. The effect of the gap where the laminations are butted together can be mitigated by alternating pairs of E laminations with pairs of I laminations, providing a path for the magnetic flux around the gap.

Other applications[edit]

  • Rock climbing auto belays[12]
  • Zip line brakes[13]
  • Free fall devices[14]
  • Metal detectors
  • Conductivity meters for non-magnetic metals[15][16]
  • Eddy current adjustable-speed drives
  • Eddy-current testing
  • Electric meters (electromechanical induction meters)
  • Induction heating
  • Proximity sensor (displacement sensors)
  • Vending machines (detection of coins)
  • Coating thickness measurements[17]
  • Sheet resistance measurement[18]
  • Eddy current separator for metal separation[19]
  • Mechanical speedometers
  • Safety hazard and defect detection applications


Online citations
  1. ^ Israel D. Vagner; B.I. Lembrikov; Peter Rudolf Wyder (17 November 2003). Electrodynamics of Magnetoactive Media. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 73–. ISBN 978-3-540-43694-2.
  2. ^ Walt Boyes (25 November 2009). Instrumentation Reference Book. Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 570–. ISBN 978-0-08-094188-2.
  3. ^ Howard Johnson; Howard W. Johnson; Martin Graham (2003). High-speed Signal Propagation: Advanced Black Magic. Prentice Hall Professional. pp. 80–. ISBN 978-0-13-084408-8.
  4. ^ F. Fiorillo, Measurement and Characterization of Magnetic Materials, Elsevier Academic Press, 2004, ISBN 0-12-257251-3, page. 31
  5. ^ Wangsness, Roald. Electromagnetic Fields (2nd ed.). pp. 387–8.
  6. ^ G. Hysteresis in Magnetism: For Physicists, Materials Scientists, and Engineers, San Diego: Academic Press, 1998.
  7. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrw-i5Ku0mI
  8. ^ Hendo Hoverboards - World's first REAL hoverboard
  9. ^ Bernhard Hiller. "Ferraris Acceleration Sensor - Principle and Field of Application in Servo Drives".
  10. ^ Jian Wang, Paul Vanherck, Jan Swevers, Hendrik Van Brussel. "Speed Observer Based on Sensor Fusion Combining Ferraris Sensor and Linear Position Encoder Signals".
  11. ^ J. Fassnacht and P. Mutschler. "Benefits and limits of using an acceleration sensor in actively damping high frequent mechanical oscillations". 2001. doi: 10.1109/IAS.2001.955949 .
  12. ^ "TRUBLUE Auto Belay". Head Rush Technologies. Head Rush Technologies. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  13. ^ "zipSTOP Zip Line Brake System". Head Rush Technologies. Head Rush Technologies. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  14. ^ "Our Patented Technology". Head Rush Technologies. Head Rush Technologies. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  15. ^ "Zappi - Eddy Current Conductivity Meter - Products". zappitec.com. Retrieved 8 May 2016.
  16. ^ "Institut Dr. Foerster: SIGMATEST". www.foerstergroup.de. Retrieved 28 June 2018.
  17. ^ Coating Thickness Measurement with Electromagnetic Methods
  18. ^ "Ohm/sq & OD". www.nagy-instruments.de. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 8 May 2016.
  19. ^ "Eddy Current Separator for metal separation". www.cogelme.com. Retrieved 8 May 2016.
General references
  • Fitzgerald, A. E.; Kingsley, Charles Jr.; Umans, Stephen D. (1983). Electric Machinery (4th ed.). Mc-Graw-Hill, Inc. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-07-021145-2.
  • Sears, Francis Weston; Zemansky, Mark W. (1955). University Physics (2nd ed.). Addison-Wesley. pp. 616–618.

Further reading[edit]

  • Stoll, R. L. (1974). The Analysis of Eddy Currents. Oxford University Press.
  • Krawczyk, Andrzej; J. A. Tegopoulos. Numerical Modelling of Eddy Currents.

External links[edit]

  • Eddy Current Separator Cogelme for non-ferrous metals separation – Information and video in Cogelme site