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BioShock Infinite - шутер от первого лица, разработанный Irrational Games и изданный 2K Games . Он был выпущен во всем мире для Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 и OS X платформ в 2013 году, и Linux порт был выпущен в 2015 году Infinite является третьим взносом в BioShock серии , и хотя это не сразу частью Сюжетная линия предыдущихигр BioShock , в ней представлены схожие концепции и темы игрового процесса. Irrational Games и креативный директор Кен ЛевинСеттинг игры основан на исторических событиях на рубеже 20-го века, таких как Всемирная Колумбийская выставка 1893 года , и основан на концепции американской исключительности , а также с учетом влияния более недавних событий того времени, таких как Occupy 2011 года. движение .

Действие игры разворачивается в 1912 году и следует за главным героем, бывшим агентом Пинкертона Букером ДеВиттом , которого отправляют в летающий город Колумбия, чтобы найти молодую женщину по имени Элизабет , которая провела там в плену большую часть своей жизни. Хотя Букер спасает Элизабет, эти двое становятся участниками враждующих группировок города: нативистов и элитных основателей, которые правят Колумбией и стремятся сохранить ее привилегии для белых американцев , и Vox Populi, подпольных повстанцев, представляющих низшие слои общества.города. Во время этого конфликта Букер узнает, что Элизабет обладает странными способностями управлять «Слезами» в пространственно-временном континууме , опустошающем Колумбию, и вскоре обнаруживает, что она занимает центральное место в темных секретах города.

Игрок управляет Букером Девиттом на протяжении всей игры, в конечном итоге работая с Элизабет , управляемой ИИ . Как и в предыдущих играх BioShock , игрок использует комбинацию оружия, одежды под названием Gear, предлагающей уникальные атрибуты, и психокинетических способностей, дарованных через Vigors. Силы Елизаветы также можно использовать для борьбы с враждебными силами. В отличие от ограниченного пространства подводного города Восторг , открытость Колумбии обеспечивает более динамичный бой, в том числе сражение, которое происходит на борту городской железнодорожной системы Sky-Line, похожей на американские горки . Загружаемый контент для игры включает сюжетную миссию Burial at Sea , которая связывает Infiniteэто история оригинальной игры BioShock .

Игра получила более 85 предварительных наград за показ на E3 2011 , в том числе Best of Show от Game Critics Awards . При выпуске BioShock Infinite получила признание критиков, особенно в отношении сюжета, сеттинга и визуального искусства, и часто считается одной из лучших видеоигр седьмого поколения консолей . По данным агрегатора обзоров Metacritic , это была третья по рейтингу видеоигра 2013 года. За два месяца после выпуска было продано более 3,7 миллиона копий в розницу, а с тех пор было продано более 11 миллионов копий в целом. В конце года он получил награды , в том числе « Игра года» от несколькихигровые издания . Он был переиздан на PlayStation 4 и Xbox One 13 сентября 2016 года как часть BioShock: The Collection вместе со своими ремастированными предшественниками. И отдельная версия, и The Collection были позже выпущены на Nintendo Switch 29 мая 2020 года.

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Действие BioShock Infinite происходит в летающем стимпанк- городе Колумбия. [4]

Действие BioShock Infinite происходит в 1912 году в вымышленном городе-государстве в стиле стимпанк под названием « Колумбия », названном в честь женского олицетворения Соединенных Штатов [5], который парит в воздухе посредством комбинации гигантских дирижаблей и воздушных шаров , реакторы, пропеллеры и «квантовая левитация». [6] Город Колумбия был основан самопровозглашенным пророком Захари Хейлом Комстоком, который использовал свои связи в Конгрессе, чтобы заставить американское правительство построить плавучий город. [7] [8] Правительство планировало, что Колумбия станет ярмаркой плавучего мира.и как демонстрация всему остальному миру успеха американской исключительности . [9] Город был запущен с большой помпой и оглаской на Всемирной Колумбийской выставке в 1893 году [10], а позже был отправлен к дальним берегам, путешествуя с континента на континент. [9]

Первоначально считавшиеся гордостью Соединенных Штатов , в конечном итоге между Колумбией и американским правительством выросла напряженность. В 1901 году, вопреки желанию правительства, Колумбия жестоко и жестоко подавила восстание боксеров в Пекине . [10] Это событие показало, что парящий город представляет собой хорошо вооруженный воздушный линкор , способный сеять разрушения по всему миру. [9] Американское правительство впоследствии потребовало возвращения Колумбии на суверенную землю, и в ответ Колумбия отделилась от Соединенных Штатов и растворилась в облаках, ее местонахождение вскоре было потеряно для всех остальных. [10]Свободный от внешнего влияния, Комсток теперь полностью контролировал город, превратив его из ярмарки в плавучем мире в теократическое полицейское государство .

В соответствии с правилом Комсток, в Колумбии стал воинствующим псевдо - христианский утопическое общество, поклонялись ему , как божественный пророческой фигурой и отцов - основателей Соединенных Штатов , как религиозные иконы. [11] Несмотря на кажущуюся утопическую внешность Колумбии, вскоре выясняется, что это скрытая антиутопия . [12] Институциональный расизм и элитарность широко распространены в городе, при этом верховенство белых в верхних и средних классах строго закреплено правительством в качестве закона. [13] Несмотря на стремление к расовой чистотев Колумбии людей, принадлежащих к национальным меньшинствам , специально привозят в город для использования в качестве источника дешевой рабочей силы. Они относятся к низшему классу Колумбии и обычно служат наемными слугами. В результате этого порабощения меньшинства в значительной степени низведены до черных и каторжных работ без очевидной возможности для продвижения по службе. [14] Расовая сегрегация также широко распространена в городе, до такой степени, что межрасовые пары сталкиваются с риском публичного побивания камнями . [15]

Ко времени событий игры расовая напряженность возросла до такой степени, что Колумбия оказалась на грани революции , спровоцированной повстанцами «Vox Populi» против правительственных учреждений и контрреволюционных «Основателей». [16] Основатели, возглавляемые Комстоком, представляют собой преобладающую политическую фракцию в городе и являются правителями Колумбии. Города правящий класс являются расистскими ультра-националистами , которые стремятся сохранить льготы Колумбии исключительно для граждан Уайт американских отрицая же право иностранцев. [17] Vox Populi (по-латыни « Голос народа »), возглавляемые Дейзи Фицрой, являются анархистами-коммунистами-тряпками. группа сопротивления, которая борется за предоставление права колумбийского гражданства людям всех рас и религий. Однако годы упорной борьбы заставили их бороться с оппозицией больше из-за слепой ненависти, что привело к более жестоким и жестоким методам. [18]

Помимо внутренних распрей, Колумбию разоряют «Слезы» в ткани пространства-времени . [19] Будучи результатом прошлых научных экспериментов, эти Слезы открывают альтернативные вселенные и позволяют взаимодействовать с ними. [20] В то время как большинство колумбийских граждан рассматривают эти Слезы как простое любопытство, некоторые люди использовали предлагаемые ими идеи для создания радикально нового оружия и технологий [21], в то время как некоторые другие воспроизвели футуристическую музыку и песни, услышанные из Слез, [22] ] привнесение анахронических элементов в Колумбию 1912 года. [23]

Как и в случае с BioShock и BioShock 2 , игрок может найти аудиозаписи - воксофоны - и кинопроекторы - кинетоскопы - которые расширят историю и природу Колумбии за пределами тех событий, которые происходят в игре. [24] Хотя действие игры происходит до событий двух предыдущих игр BioShock (произошедших в 1960 году для BioShock и в 1968 году для BioShock 2 ), вопрос о том, происходит ли Infinite в той же временной шкале, остается без ответа. [25]

Персонажи [ править ]

Элизабет открывает слезу в Париже 80-х

Игрок управляет главным героем Букером ДеВиттом ( Трой Бейкер ), опальным членом Национального детективного агентства Пинкертона, эмоционально травмированным в результате актов насилия, которые он совершил в битве при Вундед-Ни . [26] Столкнувшись с растущими долгами за азартные игры, его отправляют в Колумбию, чтобы спасти Элизабет ( Кортни Дрейпер ), молодую женщину, заключенную там с детства, у которой есть способность открывать слезы. [9] [27] Ее заточение поддерживается Певчей птицей, большим роботоподобным птицеподобным существом, которое было ее другом и надзирателем, и которое было запрограммировано на предательство, если Элизабет попытается сбежать.[27]

«Отец» Захари Хейл Комсток ( Кифф ВанденХёвел ), главный антагонист, является основателем Колумбии и лидером элитных Основателей, правящих городом. [7] Почитаемый в Колумбии как «Пророк», Комсток сохранил свою власть в городе благодаря мощному культу личности, основанному на христианстве и отцах-основателях Соединенных Штатов. [11] [28] Основателям противостоит Vox Populi во главе с Дейзи Фицрой ( Кимберли Брукс ). Первоначально служанка-горничная в доме Комстока, Фицрой сбежала после того, как Комсток обвинил ее в убийстве его жены. [29]Вскоре после побега она сформировала Vox Populi и стала его лидером из-за своей ненависти к путям Основателей. [30]

Роберт (Оливер Вакер) и Розалинда Лютес ( Дженнифер Хейл ) - две загадочные личности, которые направляют Букера в Колумбию и появляются во время его путешествий. Хотя они выглядят как близнецы, выясняется, что они один и тот же человек, но из двух разных реальностей, сумев выяснить, как общаться и впоследствии пересекать реальности. Показано, что Розалинда стоит за технологическими чудесами, которые удерживают Колумбию на плаву. [31] [32]

Сюжет [ править ]

В июле 1912 года Роберт и Розалинд Лютес забирают Букера ДеВитта на островной маяк у побережья штата Мэн . Получив приказ «привести нам девушку и списать долги», Букер входит в маяк, который служит ракетной шахтой и транспортирует его в Колумбию. [33]

Вскоре городские власти преследуют Букера, когда его находят со шрамом из букв «AD», совпадающим с описанием предсказанного «Ложного пастыря», который развратит Елизавету и свергнет Колумбию. [34] [35] Освобождая Элизабет из ее башни, Букер чудом уклоняется от ее похитителя, Певчей птицы. Достигнув дирижабля , Букер обещает отвезти Элизабет в Париж ; когда она понимает, что они едут в Нью-Йорк, чтобы списать долг Букера, плачущая Элизабет нокаутирует его. Букер просыпается и обнаруживает, что дирижабль находится под управлением Дейзи Фицрой, которая предлагает вернуть корабль, если Букер поможет ей вооружить Vox Populi.

Букер и Элизабет объединяют усилия, чтобы забрать оружие у местного оружейника. Однако несколько поворотов судьбы приводят к тому, что Элизабет приходится накладывать содержимое различных Слез на настоящую реальность. В конце концов, они попадают в мир, где Букер - мученик. of the Vox Populi whose "sacrifice" sparked open warfare between the two factions. Fitzroy, convinced that the non-dead Booker is "either an impostor, or a ghost," turns her forces against him. With Booker's help, Elizabeth kills Fitzroy to prevent her from executing a Founder boy. As they attempt to leave by airship, the Songbird attacks the duo and they crash back to Columbia. Continuing onwards, they unravel a conspiracy behind the city's founding: Zachary Hale Comstock had the Lutece twins construct a "Siphon" device to inhibit Elizabeth's powers; Elizabeth is Comstock's adopted daughter, whom he plans to groom into taking over after his death; and Comstock plotted to kill his wife and the Luteces to hide the truth.

Elizabeth is again captured by the Songbird, and as Booker pursues, he ends up brought forward in time to 1984 by an elderly Elizabeth, showing him the devastation that Columbia is causing while attacking New York City. The older Elizabeth prepares to return Booker to 1912 and gives him information on controlling the Songbird, in hopes he can recover her younger self and erase the years of torture and brainwashing she had suffered in becoming Comstock's tool.[36] Once returned, Booker rescues Elizabeth, and the pair pursue Comstock to his airship. Comstock demands that Booker explain Elizabeth's past to her and the two begin to argue; an enraged Booker smashes the back of Comstock's skull on a baptismal font before drowning him. Booker denies knowledge about Elizabeth's missing little finger, but she asserts that he has simply forgotten. Controlling the Songbird, the pair fend off a massive Vox Populi attack, before ordering the Songbird to destroy the Siphon.

As the Songbird turns on Booker again, Elizabeth's powers fully awaken, allowing her to open a Tear and transport them to the underwater city of Rapture.[b] Booker and Elizabeth materialize inside the city, from where they see the Songbird crushed outside by the water pressure.[37] Elizabeth takes Booker to the surface lighthouse, explaining there are countless alternate lighthouses and versions of Booker and Elizabeth; they are within one of infinite possible realities dependent on their choices.[38] She shows that on October 8, 1893, Robert Lutece approached Booker on behalf of Comstock, requesting that he "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt," referring to Booker's infant daughter, Anna DeWitt – Booker's "AD" branding. Booker reluctantly agreed, but, having changed his mind, soon gives chase; Comstock barely escaped through a Tear, and its closing severed Anna's finger. Comstock then raised Anna as his own daughter, Elizabeth; her severed finger, which caused her to exist in two realities simultaneously, is the source of her ability to create Tears.[39] Robert Lutece, angry at Comstock's actions, convinced Rosalind to help him bring Booker to the reality where Columbia exists to rescue Elizabeth.[32][39] It is also revealed that Booker in fact willingly agreed to come to Columbia to save his daughter, but the mental strain of crossing dimensions caused him to rewrite his own memories such that he combined giving Anna away with his attempt to secure Elizabeth.

Elizabeth explains that Comstock will always remain alive in alternate universes, as the Luteces have enlisted the Bookers of numerous different universes to try to end the cycle.[36] As stopping Comstock requires intervening in his birth, Elizabeth takes Booker back in time to a baptism he attended, in the hope of atoning for the sins he committed at Wounded Knee; she explains that, while Booker changed his mind, some Bookers in alternate universes accepted the baptism and were reborn as "Zachary Comstock."[36] Comstock, later aware of his connection to Booker and sterility from overusing the Lutece Tear machine, abducted Anna to provide a biological heir for Columbia. Booker, now joined by other universes' Elizabeths at the baptism, allows them to drown him at the moment of his baptismal choice, thus preventing Comstock's existence. One by one, the Elizabeths begin to disappear, the screen cutting to black on the last.[39]

In a post-credits scene, a Booker[c] awakens in his apartment on October 8, 1893. He calls out for Anna and opens the door to her room before the screen cuts to black.[39]


Like BioShock and BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter with role-playing elements. In contrast to the limited spaces of Rapture in previous BioShock games, the expanded environment of Columbia provides for more dynamic combat challenges in Infinite.[40] As Booker, the player must fight their way through Columbia using weapons and a variety of tools in order to complete objectives. The player may carry only two weapons at a time,[41] and can collect other weapons and ammunition either from defeated enemies or from random locations around the city.[42] In addition to his health, Booker is also equipped with a shield. When damaged, the shield regenerates after a few seconds, while health can be replenished with medical kits or food.[43] Should Booker die, the player revives in a safe area but loses a slight amount of money; Booker regains partial health and is granted additional ammunition, while local enemies are also partially healed. Players can still recover from death should they lose all their money.[44]

Booker gains powers and abilities through Vigors, Gears, and Infusions, all scattered around Columbia. Vigors, the equivalent of BioShock's Plasmids,[45] grant activated powers such as creating shockwaves, releasing bolts of electricity, and machine/human possession.[46] Vigors require Salt, the equivalent of magic points or BioShock's EVE, for powering their abilities.[47] Salts can be found throughout Columbia,[42] and are also granted upon death.[44] Wearing Gears grant passive abilities that can improve the player's strength or damage resistance, similar in function to BioShock's Tonics.[45] Each piece of Gear attaches to one of four specific slots: Hats, Shirts, Boots, and Pants. Only one piece of Gear can be affixed to a slot at a time; any extra Gear is stored in the player's inventory.[42] Infusions grant the ability to permanently boost the player's health, Salts or shield meter by one stat; they also fully restore whatever is being boosted.[42]

At certain points throughout the story, the player will be forced to make a choice in order to continue, each choice making minor changes on the story. For example, at a raffle at the start of the game, Booker wins and the raffle is revealed to be a front for a public stoning of an interracial couple. As a reward for winning the raffle, Booker is given the very first throw, and the player is given a choice to throw at the couple or at the announcer. If the player chooses the latter option, the couple appears later to thank him for sparing them, but if the player chooses the former option, the announcer congratulates him later in the game.[48]

Booker wielding a gun as he rides the Sky-Line in combat

Booker can traverse Columbia both on foot and by riding the "Sky-Line." The Sky-Line is a roller coaster-like rail-based system — originally designed for moving cargo around Columbia but later used for personal transport — whereupon the player activates a wrist-mounted tool — called the Sky-Hook — that Booker and enemies wear to jump and hang onto the self-powered tracks. The player can jump onto, off of, and between Sky-Line tracks at any time, and may face enemies that use the system to attack; the player can use one-handed weapons in Booker's free hand while using the Sky-Line. Freedom of movement along the Sky-Line allows for several varieties of combat, including flanking, cover, and area-of-effect attacks through creative uses of the system.[49][50][51] Booker can also dive off from the Sky-Line to strike enemies with his Sky-Hook; while on the ground, he can melee and execute enemies with it.[52]

Once reunited with Elizabeth, the player must work with her to escape Columbia. The player does not directly control Elizabeth, but instead she reacts to the player and the current situation in a manner similar to the AI Director in Left 4 Dead.[49] Unlike BioShock, where the player is tasked with protecting a Little Sister while escorting her,[53] Elizabeth requires no protection and can take care of herself in combat.[50] While the player is in battle, Elizabeth scavenges the area for supplies such as ammunition, medical kits, Salts, and other items, and tosses them to Booker as needed. She can also use her Tear-opening powers to aid the player, bringing in weapons, health, Salts, environmental features such as cover or a ledge for higher ground, and automated defense units. Only one Tear can be opened at a time, making the player decide between the available options to suit the battle.[27][54] Elizabeth also has the ability to pick locks using her hairpin. However, she requires "one-use" lockpicks, found all over Columbia, to open doors or safes storing valuable or hidden items.[55]

While exploring Columbia, the player and Elizabeth can find various useful items such as cash, food, medical kits, ammunition and Salts.[56] Vending machines, present throughout Columbia, can be used to buy supplies, and powerful upgrades for weapons and Vigors.[57] Optional side-missions are also available, where the player must unlock safes or decode hidden ciphers; completing them rewards Booker with a handful of supplies, Voxophones and Infusion upgrades.[58]

As the player progresses through the city, he is opposed by various enemies, classified into three types: Standard Enemies, Heavy Hitters and Basic Security Automata. Standard Enemies are regular foes consisting of several different human forces representing the Founders and the Vox Populi.[59] Heavy Hitters are more formidable enemies, aligned with the Founders, who act as mini-bosses throughout the game, demanding new tactics from the player.[60] They consist of: the Vigor-powered Fireman and Zealot of the Lady, the heavily armored Beast, the powerful robotic-like monster Handyman, the crank gun-wielding automaton Motorized Patriot, and the enemy-detecting Boys of Silence. The Vox Populi also possess their own versions of the Fireman, Beast and Motorized Patriot. Basic Security Automata are armed machines scattered throughout Columbia that act as a security defense system for the city, consisting of the fixed Gun and Rocket Automatons, and the flying Mosquito.[59]

After completing the story mode on Easy, Normal, or Hard difficulties, a "1999 Mode" is unlocked, where the challenge of the game is significantly increased. Enemies are much tougher, the player's navigational aid and aim assist is removed, and resource management is much more crucial to survival; also, the difficulty of the game cannot be changed while playing. Additionally, in this mode, reviving after dying uses up more money; should Booker die with less than $100, the game ends, and the player is sent back to the main menu and has to resume from their last autosave prior to the section where they died.[61][62] Alternatively, 1999 Mode can simply be unlocked by inputting a secret code — the Konami Code — in the main menu.[63] The mode is a callback to System Shock 2, a video game developed by Irrational Games, released in 1999.[64]


Ken Levine was the creative director and lead writer for BioShock Infinite. Levine had previously worked in the same roles for BioShock.

BioShock Infinite was developed by Irrational Games and published by 2K Games, with Ken Levine working on the game as the creative director and lead writer.[65] Irrational and Levine, who had previously developed the original BioShock, passed on the opportunity to work on the sequel BioShock 2 in favor of a new BioShock game with a different setting,[66] with Take-Two Interactive allowing them the freedom to develop it.[67] Work on Infinite began in February 2008,[68] with the game's concept being formed six months after the original BioShock's release.[69] Under the moniker "Project Icarus,"[70] Irrational worked in secrecy on Infinite for two-and-a-half years prior to its announcement on August 12, 2010.[71] The game's development took about five years, with it finally announced as going gold on February 19, 2013.[72] Irrational's work on the game required a team of about 200 people,[73] while also receiving substantial assistance from developer company 2K Australia, which was formerly part of Irrational Games.[74]

During the initial stages of development, Irrational originally considered several settings for the game, including reusing Rapture or setting the story in the Renaissance period, before finally deciding on the floating city of Columbia.[75][76] The decision to set the game in Columbia originated after the developers and Levine read Erik Larson's 2003 non-fiction book The Devil in the White City, which prominently featured the World's Columbian Exposition set in Chicago during 1893.[77] The time period at the turn of the 20th century and the historical events surrounding it, such as the World's Columbian Exposition, inspired the game's setting as a city in the sky,[78] while the concept of American exceptionalism, which the World's Columbian Exposition was considered to have symbolized, later inspired the game's story and setup.[79] The game also incorporated influences from more recent events at the time such as the Occupy movement in 2011,[80] and several films such as David Lynch's Blue Velvet and Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.[81]

Central to the game was the relationship between the player character Booker and the AI companion Elizabeth.[82] Unlike BioShock's Jack and BioShock 2's Subject Delta, both of whom were silent protagonists, BioShock Infinite's protagonist Booker was given his own voice and identity.[83] Elizabeth, a crucial element of the game, was designed as a character which could not only be a useful AI companion to the player but a real partner with a significant emotional bond as well.[84] Elizabeth's development was inspired by the character Alyx Vance, who was described by Levine as a central element and an "emotional driver" of Half-Life 2.[85] For the story, Levine took a novel approach by bringing the voice actors for Booker and Elizabeth, Troy Baker and Courtnee Draper, respectively, into the studio to develop their characters and help refine the story.[86] Levine, however, did not provide the actors with full knowledge of the story in order to help them develop their characters' relationship in a much more natural manner.[87]

BioShock Infinite runs on a heavily modified Unreal Engine 3, with additions and replacements on the core engine.[88] Irrational had initially considered using the heavily modified Unreal Engine 2.5 used for the original BioShock, but it was deemed inadequate for their vision.[89] According to Levine, Infinite was designed and developed from scratch, with none of its assets taken from previous BioShock games.[90] In terms of gameplay, Irrational designed the vertical and open-air spaces of Columbia to provide more opportunities to include various types of combat compared to the close-ranged limits of Rapture within the original BioShock.[40] As the game neared publication, numerous materials such as Vigors, Tear mechanics, weapons, locations, characters, and other enemies, were cut from it, with claims that enough material for five or six games had been scrapped during this process.[76] Several members of the Irrational staff also departed near the end of the game's development, with their roles filled by replacements.[91][92]

Levine stated that the performance issues faced by the Windows version of previous BioShock games had been addressed by Irrational in Infinite. He further added that the Windows version, enabled by Steamworks, would not use additional digital rights management software such as Games for Windows – Live or SecuRom.[93] The retail Windows version would ship on three DVD discs to accommodate higher-resolution textures beyond the consoles versions, and would support video cards capable of running DirectX 11 in addition to DirectX 10, allowing for further graphical improvements to the game.[94] Irrational also addressed another issue faced by the original BioShock, in that the PlayStation 3 version of Infinite would not be a port and was being developed in-house simultaneously with the Windows and Xbox 360 versions.[95] In addition, the PlayStation 3 version would support stereoscopic 3D and the PlayStation Move motion controller, and would also include a free copy of the original BioShock in North America.[96][97]

BioShock Infinite was released worldwide for the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 platforms on March 26, 2013.[98] Aspyr later published and ported Infinite to the OS X platform which was released on August 29, 2013.[3][99] Two major pieces of downloadable content have since been released by Irrational for the game. The first piece is Clash in the Clouds, a non-story arena-based combat mode where the player is faced with increasingly difficult waves of enemies on various maps based on in-game settings. It was released on July 30, 2013.[100] The second piece is Burial at Sea, a story-based expansion set in Rapture that links Infinite's story to that of the original BioShock game. It consists of two episodes, with the first one released on November 12, 2013, and the second one on March 25, 2014.[101][102] BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition, bundling BioShock Infinite with Clash in the Clouds and Burial at Sea, was released on November 4, 2014.[103]

BioShock Infinite along with Burial At Sea was remastered and released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as part of BioShock: The Collection in September 2016; the Windows version of Infinite, at this time, was considered already at par with the console version and did not receive any additional updates.[104] A standalone version of BioShock Infinite (including Burial at Sea) as well as The Collection was released on the Nintendo Switch on May 29, 2020.[105]


The original score for BioShock Infinite was composed by Garry Schyman, who had previously composed both the scores for BioShock and BioShock 2.[106] Ken Levine stated that Infinite's score was different compared to those of the previous games in the series, in that it was "sparer" in "instrumentation and the style." He felt that the game had a "much more of an American feel to it," and added that team wanted "a bit more of a frontier feel to it, slightly." Levine went on to comment that the score was partly inspired by Jonny Greenwood's score for There Will Be Blood, which served as a "good" starting point, and Paul Buckmaster's score for 12 Monkeys.[107]

From the very beginning during development, Schyman opted for a completely fresh approach to the score for Infinite due to its differences with previous BioShock games.[108] He said that compared to the previous games, Infinite's world and time period were "completely different and unique in nearly every respect," and that it was "much more fleshed out in terms of the characters" with story being driven by the two main protagonists.[107] Schyman noted that he worked on the score over an extended period of time, and due to the game's long and evolving development cycle, it took longer to find the right approach to the score.[109] After much experimentation, Schyman found that using a simpler musical score was best for the game as he felt that it was consistent with the simpler time of 1912.[107] However, Schyman stated that he did not limit himself to the music of the period,[107] and added that while the game's setting of 1912 was very influential, it was not determinative. He said, "I did not wish to imitate the popular music of 1912 which is not particularly emotional to our ears in 2013."[109] Originally working with a more orchestral approach, Schyman later used very intimate small string ensembles with anywhere from three to ten players to compose the game's relatively simpler score.[107] Schyman also called Elizabeth a critical element to the music, explaining that "a lot of the music relates to her and some of the emotional things that she's going through." He went on to describe Infinite's music as "more of an emotional score" as it was about the relationship between the two key characters in the game, Booker and Elizabeth.[108]

Levine stated that choosing the licensed music for Infinite was much more challenging compared to the original BioShock.[110][111] He commented that with the original BioShock, set in 1960 in the mid 20th century, it was easy to acquire musical pieces representative of the era, with him saying that the team "had this huge slate of great music to choose from."[110][111] Levine stated that with Infinite, however, it was set in 1912 in the early 20th century, which had music he described to be "awful" and "not very listenable" to the "modern ear." Consequently, the development team had to "dig really deep" and research extensively for more satisfactory music in Infinite's time period.[110][111] Levine noted that he was not strict with selecting the music and songs that was accurate to the game's time period, as he felt that the most important thing with regards to the music was "that you get people to feel things." He added that the game's fictional nature justified him and the team "play[ing] a little fast and loose" and "[doing] things a little differently" with the music.[110] Levine also stated that Infinite's music would play a "strange role" in the game; he explained that the music would "tie into the macro story, to some degree," and that the team had "a lot of little stories" to tell about it.[110][111]

BioShock Infinite's soundtrack, original music, and songs received numerous accolades. The game won for Best Song in a Game ("Will the Circle Be Unbroken?" performed by Courtnee Draper & Troy Baker) and was nominated for Best Soundtrack at the VGX 2013.[112] It later won for Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition at the 17th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards,[113] and won for Best Music in a Game at the 3rd Annual New York Videogame Critics Circle Awards.[114] The game also won for Song Collection at the 2013 National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers Awards,[115] and won for Original Music at the 10th British Academy Video Games Awards.[116] The game won three awards at the 12th Annual Game Audio Network Guild Awards for Music of the Year, Best Original Instrumental ("Lighter Than Air"), and Best use of Licensed Music.[117]



One week after its announcement BioShock Infinite was exhibited at Gamescom 2010, where it received its first awards, winning IGN's Game of the Show and Best Xbox 360 Game awards.[118] It was nominated for Most Anticipated Game at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards,[119] though it did not win.[120] Infinite was on display for the general video game audience at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 (E3 2011), where it was heavily awarded, winning over 85 editorial awards,[9] 39 of which were Game of Show.[121] Most notably at E3 2011, the game won all four nominations it received from the Game Critics Awards for Best of Show, Best Original Game, Best PC Game, and Best Action/Adventure Game.[122] For the second and third consecutive times, Infinite was again nominated for Most Anticipated Game by the Spike Video Game Awards in 2011 and 2012.[123][124] The game also received two consecutive Golden Joystick Award nominations for One to Watch in 2011 and 2012.[125][126]

Critical reception[edit]

BioShock Infinite received critical acclaim upon release, with reviewers particularly praising the story, setting and visual art design. Aggregating review website Metacritic gave the game a score of 94/100 from 27 critics for the PlayStation 3 version,[128] 94/100 from 68 critics for the PC version,[127] and 93/100 from 33 critics for the Xbox 360 version,[129] with all three platform versions of the game considered to be of "universal acclaim." According to Metacritic, BioShock Infinite was the third-highest rated video game of 2013 across all platforms, behind Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us.[142]

Consensus among several critics was that BioShock Infinite was one of the best games of the seventh generation era of video game consoles,[133][143] with IGN's Ryan McCaffery praising the game as "a brilliant shooter that nudges the entire genre forward with innovations in both storytelling and gameplay."[135] Joe Juba of Game Informer stated that Infinite was among the best games he had ever played,[132] while PlayStation Universe's Adam Dolge called it "one of the best first-person shooters ever made."[144] Identifying it as a "masterpiece that will be discussed for years to come," Joel Gregory of PlayStation Official Magazine concluded that Infinite was the latest game to join the hallowed ranks of Half-Life, Deus Ex and BioShock as "the apotheosis of the narrative-driven shooter."[137] Even the usually acerbic Zero Punctuation critic Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw named it the best game of 2013, saying that he was still thinking about the game's ending months after having played it.[145]

Many critics favorably compared BioShock Infinite to the original BioShock,[131][132][135][138][146] with some even believing that Infinite had surpassed it.[136][147][148] Entertainment Weekly's Darren Franich stated that "if BioShock was The Godfather, then BioShock Infinite is Apocalypse Now,"[149] with Adam Kovic of Machinima.com calling them "two similar-yet-separate games that can co-exist and remain equal in quality."[150]

Wide acclaim was directed to the story, with several critics calling it among the best in video gaming.[136][151][152] The story's exploration of mature themes was well received,[134][153] with Time's Jared Newman praising its ability to prompt commentary and critiques from players as the game's true value.[154] Several critics, including Adam Sessler of Rev3Games, also praised BioShock Infinite's storytelling, noting that its ability to finesse player agency and interaction resulted in a narrative that could only work in a game.[155][156] The story's twist ending was mostly praised,[132][136][155] with several critics predicting that it would provoke debate, and that it would leave a deep impression on players, prompting them to replay the game.[61][134][140][151] It was also generally agreed that Infinite's ending was an improvement over the original BioShock's,[135][146] with Gregory explaining that, unlike its predecessor, Infinite never lost momentum after revealing its twist.[137] Some critics who overall praised the ending did concede that it suffered from plot holes and leaps in logic,[144][157] with Edge calling it "a finality that doesn't make sense within the universe the game has created."[130] Several articles have since been released attempting to explain the game's ending.[31][36][39][158]

Critics particularly acclaimed the city of Columbia as the setting of the game, with Arthur Gies of Polygon stating that it was "one of BioShock Infinite's greatest assets."[159] Columbia was praised by some critics as one of video games' best settings,[131][135][153] with Destructoid's Jim Sterling explaining that, unlike BioShock 2, Infinite made a wise decision in abandoning Rapture "for an all new story in an all new setting, introducing us to the cloud city of Columbia."[146] The setting's visual art design drew praise, with Columbia being described as beautiful and gorgeous.[135][146] Lucas Sullivan of GamesRadar went on to describe Infinite as "one of the most visually captivating games ever made."[133] The setting's attention to detail was also well received,[147][155] with critics impressed at how diverse the game's environments were, and how no two of Columbia's many different areas ever felt alike.[133][135] Critics also enjoyed how the game encouraged them to explore more of Columbia,[144][160] with Juba explaining "whether you’re looking at a piece of propaganda, listening to an audio log, or participating in a horrifying raffle, almost everything you encounter contributes to your understanding of the floating world."[132]

Elizabeth's role in the gameplay and narrative received wide praise.[135][157] Her implementation as an AI partner for the player-controlled Booker was described by Sullivan to be "downright ingenious,"[133] and was stated by some critics to be the main aspect that separated Infinite from its predecessors.[131][135] Special praise was given not only to Elizabeth's ability to take care of herself in combat, but also for actively assisting the player by finding ammo and health, and opening Tears.[132][133] Critics also acknowledged Elizabeth as not just a combat partner, but a companion that invoked an emotional response from the player.[131] Eurogamer's Tom Bramwell felt that the game "creates a familial bond" between Elizabeth and the player,[61] with Sullivan stating that she felt like "a friend."[133] McCaffrey explained that Elizabeth's presence in the game provided motivation and emotional depth, something he believed the original BioShock lacked.[135] Edge called Elizabeth "a technical triumph, the most human-seeming AI companion since Half-Life 2's Alyx Vance,"[130] with Sullivan stating that her "behavior makes you forget she's a video game character."[133] Several critics also praised Elizabeth's relationship and interactions with Booker, believing that they formed the core of the game's story.[146][156] Mikel Reparaz of Official Xbox Magazine explained that "the evolving interplay between [Elizabeth] and Booker is the heart and soul of what makes BioShock Infinite such an involving, memorable experience."[138]

The voice cast was well received,[136][147] with Troy Baker and Courtnee Draper being particularly praised for their performances as Booker and Elizabeth, respectively.[161][162] The audio and soundtrack also received positive responses,[132][147] with Cheat Code Central's Josh Wirtanen stating, "from the absurdly talented voice actors to the so-happy-it's-actually-creepy music selection to set the mood, this game sounds fantastic from start to finish."[163]

Although the gameplay's combat was mostly well received and praised,[132][134][155] it was the most polarizing aspect of the game, with The Daily Telegraph's Tom Hoggins noting "the gunplay is far from Infinite's most satisfying component."[156] Nevertheless, critics opined that the game's gunplay and shooting was an improvement over its predecessors.[153][163] The game's expanded environments were well received,[137] with Edge noting they encouraged the player to think more tactically and improvise.[130] Tom Francis of PC Gamer and Hoggins felt that Infinite's overall combat was an improvement over the previous BioShock games largely due to the dynamism of the expanded environments.[139][156] The addition of the Sky-Line received special praise from critics.[135][155] Sullivan felt that the Sky-Line "delivers a new FPS experience entirely,"[133] while Gregory hailed it as a "real game-changer."[137] Critics also enjoyed the Vigors, weapons, and upgrades,[132][134] with McCaffrey praising the game's "myriad combat options."[135]

In contrast, the gameplay was criticized by some as monotonous and repetitive,[157] with VideoGamer.com's Steven Burns explaining the game's lack of real sense of escalation in either abilities or enemies made combat very tiresome and grating.[140] Some also noted that Infinite had regressed into a simple shooter compared to the role-playing System Shock games,[153] with Newman stating that "combat feels too constrained as a result."[154] There were also complaints that the middle portion of the game was padded by gameplay flaws.[135][156] Critics expressed disappointment that the game limited the player to only two weapons,[140] with Reparaz feeling that this, along with the lack of outlandish upgrades, made Infinite's "less inventive" combat "not quite up to BioShock's high standards."[138] Criticism was also directed at the combat's "meager" death penalty,[132][138] with complaints that this resulted in a less challenging game.[153]


In its first week of release, BioShock Infinite was the best-selling game on Steam's digital Top 10 PC Charts.[164] In the United States, BioShock Infinite was the top-selling console game for March 2013, with more than 878,000 units sold; these figures do not include digital sales such as through Steam.[165] Take-Two Interactive reported that the game had shipped 3.7 million copies to retail by their May 2013 financial report,[166] and surpassed 4 million in late July.[167] According to Take-Two Interactive, the game has sold more than 6 million copies as of May 2014,[168] and 11 million a year later.[169]

During the first week of sales in the United Kingdom, BioShock Infinite debuted as the number one selling PC game, and the best-selling game on all available formats, topping the UK PC Retail Sales and the UK All Formats video games charts.[164][170][171] In the game's opening week in the UK, its Xbox 360 version ranked No. 1, PlayStation 3 version ranked No. 2, and the PC version ranked No. 9 in the UK Individual Formats video games charts, due to 64 percent of its sales being on the Xbox 360, 31 percent on the PlayStation 3, and 5 percent on PC.[171] As of April 2, 2013, it is currently the second biggest launch of 2013 in the UK after Tomb Raider, and is the biggest UK game launch in the BioShock franchise's history with approximately 9000 more sales than BioShock 2.[170][171][172] During the game's second week in the UK, despite a 75 percent drop in sales, BioShock Infinite maintained its lead in the UK All Formats charts.[173] In its third week, Infinite became the first 2013 game to top the UK charts for three weeks in a row.[174]


BioShock Infinite received numerous year-end awards and nominations after its release in 2013. It won the Game of the Year award from 42 publications,[175] including the Associated Press,[176] CNN,[177] Electronic Gaming Monthly,[178] Entertainment Weekly,[179] Forbes,[180] and Games.[181] The game also won Best Shooter of the Year awards from several publications, including The Escapist,[182] Game Informer,[183] GameTrailers,[184] Hardcore Gamer,[185] IGN,[186] Official Xbox Magazine,[187] and PlayStation Universe.[188]

In 2013, BioShock Infinite won the award for Best Visual Design at the 31st Golden Joystick Awards,[189] while also receiving further nominations for Game of the Year, Best Storytelling, Studio of the Year (Irrational Games), and Best Gaming Moment (Hallelujah);[190] Ken Levine also received the inaugural Golden Joystick Lifetime Achievement Award for his accomplishments in video gaming.[191] The 5th Annual Inside Gaming Awards saw the game receive two awards for Best Art and Best Story,[192] while also being nominated for Game of the Year, Most Immersive, Best Voice Acting, Best Additional Content (Burial at Sea - Episode One), and Gamers' Choice.[193] At the VGX 2013, Infinite won three awards for Best Shooter, Best Song in a Game ("Will the Circle Be Unbroken?"), and Character of the Year (The Lutece Twins); it received six additional nominations for Game of the Year, Studio of the Year (Irrational Games), Best Xbox Game, Best Voice Actor (Troy Baker), Best Voice Actress (Courtnee Draper), and Best Soundtrack.[112]

In 2014, BioShock Infinite won two awards at the 17th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards for Action Game of the Year and Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition, while also receiving four more nominations for Game of the Year, Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction, Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design, and Outstanding Achievement in Story.[113] It won for Best Music in a Game at the 3rd Annual New York Videogame Critics Circle Awards,[114] while receiving four more nominations including Best Game.[194] The game won six awards at the 2013 National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers Awards, and was nominated for six more including Game of the Year.[115] It was also nominated for Outstanding Action / Adventure Video Game at the 18th Satellite Awards.[195] Infinite won for Original Music at the 10th British Academy Video Games Awards, while also receiving three further nominations for Artistic Achievement, Audio Achievement, and Performer (Courtnee Draper).[116] It won both nominations it received at the 14th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards for Best Audio and Best Visual Art.[196] The game won three awards at the 12th Annual Game Audio Network Guild Awards including Music of the Year,[117] and was nominated for four more including Audio of the Year.[197]

BioShock Infinite has appeared on several "Top Games" lists by various publications. In July 2013, GamesRadar ranked the game's story number eleven on its list of "The Best Videogame Stories Ever."[198] In September 2013, Official Xbox Magazine included the game on its list of the "Best Xbox Games."[199] That same month, IGN placed Infinite at number thirty-one on its "Top 100 First-Person Shooters" list,[200] and at number twelve on its list of "The Top 25 Xbox 360 Games."[201] In November 2013, Eurogamer ranked Infinite number twenty-five on its "Games of the Generation: The Top 50" list,[202] while Hardcore Gamer ranked it number twelve on its list of the "Top 100 Games of the Generation."[203] That same month, Complex placed Infinite at number twenty on its "The Greatest Xbox 360 Video Games of the Last Generation" list,[204] while PlayStation Universe placed it at number eight on its "The Top 100 Games Of The PS3 Generation" list.[205] In December 2013, PlayStation Official Magazine ranked Infinite number five on its "Greatest PS3 Games – The Best of the Generation" list, and praised its story as "perhaps the best narrative of the entire generation."[206]


Shawn Robertson, the game's lead artist, stated that, despite the several themes the game would explore, the story in the end was not about them. Robertson explained that the themes were there to serve as a backdrop and to frame a "more human-sized" and emotionally resonant story about individuals. He went on to say that, while the "opera-sized story" and "the political turmoil" would serve as the background, the story was ultimately about Booker and Elizabeth.[217]

Ken Levine, the creative lead of the game, stated that players are supposed to draw their own conclusions from the game, and ultimately decide "what is good and bad." He explained that "there are many parts of Infinite that are open to interpretation, and the purpose is that you draw your own theories from them." To this end, Levine avoided providing an authoritative final answer regarding the game's ending, replying "What actually matters is what people think. Why does my interpretation matter more than yours?"[218] Acknowledging that Infinite's themes left fans debating and frustrated, Levine was nevertheless satisfied by the game's opacity, stating that it was his intent, and compared the game's interpretation of quantum mechanics to some of his favorite films: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Fight Club, The Master, Miller's Crossing, and There Will Be Blood.[218] Rob Crossley of CVG stated that "To [Levine], the [game's] Many Worlds Theory is a storytelling device; one that gives his narrative something unique in games yet celebrated in film: interpretability.[218]

Levine claimed that the core messages in Infinite were neither personal nor political, insisting instead that they were historical. In response to people discussing Columbia "as a particularly racist society," he said that the game was making no particular point about the theme of racism and that the game's depiction of it was merely "more a factor of the time."[218] The racism portrayed in Columbia was seen by Levine "more as a reflection of what race relations in the U.S. were like in 1912;" Levine explained that the game was "less about exploring the good and bad sides of racism and more just a reflection of the time and how it impacted that era."[219] He noted that several historic American figures such as the Founding Fathers, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt were "men of their times," great men who were nevertheless racist because of the times they lived in. Consequently, Levine reasoned that the depictions of nationalism and racism were warranted in the game, saying that to not do so would be "dishonest" and "strange" to the time period.[219][220] Many reviewers praised the game for its treatment of race.[221][222]

In addition to racism, the game was interpreted as tackling political and social problems,[223] as well as exploring several themes such as constants and variables, American exceptionalism,[224] extremism,[224] fundamentalism,[225] nationalism,[226] fanaticism,[227] cultism,[227] populism,[228] religion,[228] dichotomy,[229] sameness,[229] multiple realities,[229] fatalism,[230] choice,[230] consequences,[230] free will,[231] hope,[231] self-loathing,[218] denial,[218] rebirth,[232] and redemption.[232]

The concept of "constants and variables" illustrated by Robert and Rosalind Lutece; here in an early scene they are asking Booker to flip a coin, which they have observed coming up heads 122 times prior (every time tested), revealing this to be a constant.

The game's theme of "constants and variables" received attention, primarily drawn towards the characters of Robert and Rosalind Lutece, who are shown to be key figures behind Columbia and the drivers for the game's events. In an early scene, they ask Booker to flip a coin, which has come up heads 122 times out of 122 flips (evidenced by tally marks on both sides of the sandwich board worn by Robert) indicating that the Luteces have recruited a different Booker from a similar number of alternate realities, in order to accomplish their aims. The coin-flip is a "constant" present in every universe and is thus destined to always have the same result.[36] This scene has been compared to works like The Garden of Forking Paths and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, which have similar themes about the subject of choice versus fate.[230][233] The story's theme of multiple realities in particular was also commented as drawing parallels with the fact that, in contrast to previous BioShock games, Infinite only had a single ending despite the in-game morality decisions it offered. Wired's Chris Kohler explained that, similar to how the alternate universes within the story all had their similar "constants" and different "variables", the game could be played through in an infinite number of ways, but that certain things would always be the same.[234] Tom Phillips of Eurogamer agreed, interpreting Elizabeth's line ("We swim in different oceans, but land on the same shore") as meaning that, just like Booker's journey in different worlds, different players would have different experiences throughout the game but would nevertheless all reach the same ending.[36] This has led some to identify BioShock Infinite as a metagame and meta-commentary on the whole process of players making different choices in games.[235][236][237][238]

Some have also inferred Infinite to be an alternate version of previous BioShock games, with comparisons being made between elements of the games such as the protagonists, antagonists, setting, and story. The story's theme of alternate universes and Elizabeth's explanation that "There's always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a city" has been cited as reinforcement to this.[239][240]


A Columbian propaganda poster showing George Washington standing tall with the Ten Commandments above a throng of racist caricatures of Irish, Chinese, Native Americans, Mexicans, and Indians. This Columbia propaganda poster, showing the xenophobia of the Founders, was briefly used by the National Liberty Federation.[241]

Infinite's themes of racism, religion and an ideological society caused controversy. In the various reveals of the Founders and Vox Populi before release, Levine and Irrational Games were criticized by various groups; upon demonstrating the Founders, people that favored the ideals of the Tea Party including Levine's relatives felt the game was attacking that movement; on the announcement of the Vox Populi, Levine found some websites claiming the game was an attack on the labor movement, and one white supremacist website claimed that "The Jew Ken Levine is making a white-person-killing simulator."[220] Levine considered that Infinite, like BioShock before it, was a Rorschach test for most people, though it would be taken negatively in nature and upset them, as his vision in crafting the stories was "about not buying into a single point of view".[220] Some of the game's imagery has been used by conservative groups. In 2013, the National Liberty Federation, a group in the Tea Party movement used a propaganda mural from the game espousing the Founders' racism and xenophobia on their Facebook page before its source was recognized and later taken down.[242] Fox News created a logo extremely similar to the BioShock Infinite logo for a segment titled "Defending the Homeland" relating to immigration control.[243]

Zachary Comstock's portrayal as a zealot was also deemed offensive to "gamers with strong religious backgrounds," as a member of the BioShock Infinite development team even threatened to resign over the game's ending,[244] believing the game was saying "Being religious causes you to be evil."[245] Comstock was altered after Levine spoke with this developer, who helped Levine to reconsider the notion of forgiveness in the New Testament and set to figure out why people came to follow Comstock and to understand the ecstatic religious experience they would be seeking. Levine did not consider this reinvention of the character to be censorship, instead a means to present the story better to a broad audience.[246][247][248] In another case, a player that considered himself a "devout believer" of Christianity was offended by the forced baptism that Booker receives prior to entering Columbia proper, prompting him to request a refund due to being unaware of this content in the game.[249] Patricia Hernandez of Kotaku considered that the baptism scene was "admirable" in the context of video games as an art form, and the scene elicited numerous responses on social media.[249] The baptism scenes throughout the game were also interpreted by some not as a critique of Christianity or religion, but as a representation of themes such as free will, evil, rebirth and redemption.[229][231][232][250][251]

Graphic violence[edit]

Infinite's graphic depiction of violence generated substantial discussion. Polygon's Chris Plante considered that the degree of violence in the game could detract it to players who are more interested in the game's themes and narrative. He believed that unlike films that are based on violence as part of their themes, Infinite does not attempt to rationalize its violence, claiming the "magnitude of lives taken" and the "cold efficiency in doing so" was "unfamiliar to even the most exploitative films."[252] Kotaku's Kirk Hamilton agreed, stating that while violence is a common theme across video games, "[the] ridiculous violence stands out in such sharp relief when placed against the game's thoughtful story and lovely world." Hamilton acknowledged that Infinite likely would have been difficult to sell at the mass market if it lacked the first-person shooter elements, but still said that the violent kills felt "indulgent and leering" and unnecessary for the game. Cliff Bleszinski, the creative lead of Gears of War, a series Bleszinski acknowledges as being purposely violent, agreed with these sentiments, saying he "felt the violence actually detracted from the experience".[253] Dean Takahashi of VentureBeat felt that the game's nature as a first-person shooter limited its audience appeal due to the extreme violence inherent in the genre.[235]

Rus McLaughlin of VentureBeat stated that the sudden onset of violence at the carnival at the start of the game was a necessary element to show that "Columbia is not perfect. It's ugly, xenophobic, and ready to explode." McLaughlin also considered the message carried by Infinite about the extreme nature of the violent acts Booker commits to be tied to his redemption by the end of the game, that "there can be no morality in an extreme".[254] Jim Sterling from Destructoid said that the violence in the game is justified because "BioShock Infinite is a game about violence." They claimed that "Though [Booker] feels guilt for what he did, he's a violent man at heart, who inescapably resorts to butchery to solve his problems" and "His entire story is one of denial." Similarly, Sterling also pointed out that "Columbia is a fake, a sham, with an atmosphere of horror under its manufactured surface." They believed that having a non-violent option would go against everything natural to the game itself and "Those asking for a non-violent BioShock Infinite are asking for a different game entirely." They claimed that those asking for a non-violent BioShock were asking for "yet more homogenization in games" and "BioShock Infinite is not your game if you want a non-violent exploration of its themes, because Infinite's themes revolve around violence as a core concept".[255]

Levine defended the game's depiction of violence, stating that using violence as a narrative device was as old as storytelling itself and that it was "a part of the storyteller's toolkit."[256] He went on to say that art had a responsibility to authentically replicate and depict violence.[257] He later explained that he felt "the reaction to the violence [in BioShock Infinite] is more an expression of people building confidence in the industry's ability to express itself in more diverse fashions".[258]


In February 2014, while promoting Burial at Sea: Episode Two, series director Ken Levine revealed that BioShock Infinite would be Irrational Games' last game in the BioShock series, leaving the intellectual property in the hands of 2K Games, should they like to continue the franchise with another developer.[259] That same month, 2K Games stated that the BioShock series will continue, telling Game Informer they "look forward to exploring the next BioShock".[260] In May 2014, 2K Games stated that work on the BioShock series is continuing with 2K Marin at the helm.[261] In a 2016 interview, Levine explained that the pressure and stress of managing a large team as he had to for Infinite had impacted his health and personal relationships, and rather than stay on to build a larger game, decided to leave the BioShock franchise.[262]

In an April 2018 Kotaku feature on the state of Hangar 13, another development studio within 2K Games (which had undergone significant restructuring after the release of Mafia III), several employees stated that some Hangar 13 developers had joined a new studio in the Bay Area and were working on a project known under the working title Parkside, which they stated was the next game in the BioShock franchise.[263]

2K formally announced in December 2019 that a new BioShock title was under development but was still some years from release. The game is being developed by a new internal studio, Cloud Chamber, with offices based in San Francisco (2K Marin's old offices) and a newly established location in Montreal. The studio is led by Kelley Gilmore, who had previously worked at Firaxis.[264] The lead staff include lead art director Scott Sinclair, who had worked on the first BioShock, Jonathan Pelling as design director having previously done level work for BioShock and Infinite, and Hoagy de la Plante as creative director after having worked on the other BioShock games in numerous roles.[265]


  1. ^ Additional work by 2K Australia[1] and Human Head Studios.[2] The OS X port was developed by Aspyr.[3]
  2. ^ It is not clear if this is the same Rapture from either of the previous two BioShock games. Dialog within the downloadable episode Burial At Sea suggests that the Rapture in BioShock, BioShock Infinite, and Burial At Sea may be from the same universe.
  3. ^ The game does not clarify if this is the same version of Booker that the player has played as, or a Booker from a different alternate reality.
  1. ^ Pitcher, Jenna (February 12, 2013). "2K Australia's role in BioShock Infinite's development". Polygon. Vox Media. Archived from the original on June 14, 2014. Retrieved September 17, 2014.
  2. ^ R. Conklin, Aaron (July 24, 2014). "Inside the minds of Human Head Studios". Isthmus. Archived from the original on April 14, 2017. Retrieved July 24, 2014.
  3. ^ a b Jackson, Mike (August 3, 2013). "News: BioShock Infinite coming to Mac on August 29". Computer and Video Games. Archived from the original on March 16, 2014. Retrieved March 16, 2014.
  4. ^ Williams, Nakisha (April 9, 2013). "'BioShock Infinite': The steampunk style floating city, the 'virtual actress,' and more design notes". Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on February 22, 2014. Retrieved February 8, 2014.
  5. ^ Narcisse, Evan (March 6, 2013). "Even in BioShock Infinite's Alternate History, America Was a Woman. But Not a Nice One". Kotaku. Archived from the original on November 8, 2013. Retrieved November 1, 2013.
  6. ^ Irrational Games (March 26, 2013). BioShock Infinite. 2K Games. Level/area: Downtown Emporia. Rosalind Lutece (via Voxophone): "I had trapped the atom in the mid-air. Colleagues called my Lutece Field quantum levitation, but in fact, it was nothing of the sort. Magicians levitate—my atom simply failed to fall. If an atom could be suspended indefinitely, well—why not an apple? If an apple, why not a city?"
  7. ^ a b Irrational Games (March 26, 2013). BioShock Infinite. 2K Games. Level/area: Welcome Center. Zachary Hale Comstock (via Voxophone): And then, the archangel showed a vision: a city, lighter than air. I asked her, 'Why do you show this to me, archangel? I'm not a strong man. I'm not a righteous man. I am not a holy man.' And she told me the most remarkable thing: "You're right, Prophet. But if grace is within the grasp of one such as you, how can anyone else not see it in themselves?"
  8. ^ Irrational Games (March 26, 2013). BioShock Infinite. 2K Games. Level/area: Battleship Bay. Zachary Hale Comstock (via Voxophone): "As the months and years turned to memories, so did the men of Congress turn to righteousness. And through the technology of men, the dollars of Washington, the Lord worked his will upon Columbia and raised her high above the Sodom below."
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  14. ^ Irrational Games (March 26, 2013). BioShock Infinite. 2K Games. Level/area: Raffle Square. Jeremiah Fink (via Voxophone): "I told you, Comstock – you sell ‘em paradise, and the customers expect cherubs for every chore! No menials in God’s kingdom! Well, I’ve a man in Georgia who’ll lease us as many Negro convicts as you can board! Why, you can say they’re simple souls, in penance for rising above their station. Whatever eases your conscience, I suppose."
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  21. ^ Irrational Games (March 26, 2013). BioShock Infinite. 2K Games. Level/area: The Factory. Jeremiah Fink (via Voxophone): "These holes have shown me yet another wonder, though I've yet to see the application for it. They illuminate a merger of machine and man that is somehow the lesser, yet the greater, of both parties. The process seems to be irreversible. Perhaps, though, Comstock will have some need of this kind of thing to keep watch in that tower of his."
  22. ^ Irrational Games (March 26, 2013). BioShock Infinite. 2K Games. Level/area: Downtown Emporia. Jeremiah Fink (via Voxophone): "Dear brother, these holes in the thin air continue to pay dividends. I know not which musician you borrow your notes from, but if he has half the genius of the biologist I now observe, well...then you are to be the Mozart of Columbia."
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  265. ^ Robinson, Andy (December 9, 2019). "BioShock's original art director has returned for the new game". Video Games Chronicle. Retrieved December 9, 2019.

External links[edit]

  • Official website