
Дзэн ( китайский :; пиньинь : чан ; японский :, романизированныйдзен ; корейский : , романизированныйСеон ; вьетнамский : Тхён ) - это школа буддизма Махаяны , возникшая в Китае во времена династии Тан , известная как школа Чань. ( Chánzong禪宗), а позже превратились в различные школы. Школа Чаньнаходился под сильным влиянием даосской философии , особенно нео-даосской мысли, и развился как отдельная школа китайского буддизма . [1] Из Китая Чан распространился на юг до Вьетнама и стал вьетнамским Тхён , на северо-востоке в Корею, чтобы стать буддизмом сеон , и на восток в Японию , став японским дзэн . [2]

Термин дзэн происходит от японского произношения среднекитайского слова 禪 ( chán ), сокращения от 禪 那 ( chánnà ), которое является китайской транслитерацией санскритского слова dhyānaмедитация »). [примечание 1] Дзен подчеркивает строгое самоограничение , медитация практика , понимание в природе ума (見性, гл. Цзяньсин, Jp. кэнсё , «воспринимая истинную природу») и природу вещей , и личное выражение это понимание в повседневной жизни, особенно на благо других . [4] [5] Таким образом, он принижает значение только знания сутр и доктрин, [6] [7] и способствует прямому пониманию через духовную практику и взаимодействие с опытным учителем [8] или Учителем.

Учения Дзэн включают в себя различные источники мысли Махаяны , особенно Йогачару , сутры Татхагатагарбхи , Ланкаватара-сутру и школу Хуаян , с их акцентом на природе будды , тотальности и идеале Бодхисаттвы . [9] [10] Праджняпарамите литературу [11] , а также Мадхьямак думал также был влиятельными в формировании апофатических , а иногда и иконоборческих природы Zen риторики. [12]

Слово Дзэн происходит от японского произношения ( kana : ぜ ん) среднекитайского слова 禪 ( среднекитайский : [dʑjen]; пиньинь : Chán ), которое, в свою очередь, происходит от санскритского слова dhyāna (ध्यान), [3] что приблизительно можно перевести как «поглощенность» или « медитативное состояние ». [13]

Фактический китайский термин для обозначения «школы дзэн» - 禪宗 ( пиньинь : Chánzōng ), в то время как «чань» просто относится к самой практике медитации ( китайский :習禪; пиньинь : xíchán ) или изучению медитации ( китайский :禪學; пиньинь : chánxué ), хотя он часто используется как сокращенная форма от Chánzong . [14]

«Дзен» - это традиционно имя собственное, так как оно обычно описывает конкретную буддийскую секту. В последнее время строчная «дзен» используется при обсуждении философии и была официально добавлена ​​в словарь Мерриама-Вебстера в 2018 году [15].


Практика дхьяны или медитации , особенно сидячей медитации (坐禪, китайский : zuòchán , японский : дзадзэн /ざぜん) является центральной частью дзен - буддизма.

Китайский буддизм

Практика буддийской медитации впервые вошла в Китай через переводы Ан Шигао (ок. 148–180 гг. Н. Э.) И Кумарадживы (334–413 гг . Н. Э.), Которые оба переводили сутры Дхьяны , которые были влиятельными ранними текстами для медитации, в основном основанными на Йогачара ( практика йоги ) учения кашмирской сарвастивады около I – IV веков нашей эры. [16] Среди наиболее влиятельных ранних китайских текстов о медитации можно назвать Анбан Шуйи Цзин (安 般 守 意 經, Сутра об анапанасмрити ), Цзочан Санмей Цзин (坐禪 三昧經 , Сутра сидячей дхьяна самадхи ) и Дамодуолуо Чан Цзин (般 守 意多 羅 禪 經, [17] Дхарматрата дхьяна сутра) . [18] Эти ранние китайские работы по медитации продолжали оказывать влияние на практику дзэн и в современную эпоху. Например, мастер Риндзай Дзэн 18-го века Турей Эндзи написал комментарий к Дамодуолуо Чан Цзин и использовал Цзочань Санмэй Цзин в качестве источника при написании этого комментария. Турей считал, что Дамодуолуо Чан Цзин был автором Бодхидхармы . [19]

В то время как дхьян в строгом смысле этого слова относится к четыре dhyānas , в китайском буддизме , дхьян может относиться к различным видам техники медитации и их подготовительных практики, которые необходимы на практику дхьянов . [20] Пять основных типов медитации в сутрах Дхьяны - это анапанасмрити (внимательность к дыханию); паникуламанасикара медитация (внимательность к нечистотам тела); медитация майтри (любящая доброта); созерцание двенадцати звеньев пратисамутпады ; и созерцание Будды . [21] Согласно современному чаньскому мастеру Шэн Йену , эти практики называются «пятью методами успокоения или умиротворения ума» и служат для сосредоточения и очищения ума, а также для поддержки развития стадий дхьяны . [22] Чан также разделяет практику четырех основ осознанности и Трех Врат Освобождения ( пустота или шуньята , отсутствие знаков или анимитта и отсутствие желаний или апрашихита ) с ранним буддизмом и классической махаяной . [23]

Указывая на природу ума

Согласно Чарльзу Луку, в самых ранних традициях Чана не было фиксированного метода или формулы для обучения медитации, и все инструкции были просто эвристическими методами, указывающими на истинную природу ума , также известную как природа будды . [24] Согласно Луку, этот метод упоминается как «Дхарма Разума» и проиллюстрирован в истории (в Цветочной проповеди ) о Будде Шакьямуни, молча держащем цветок, и Махакашьяпе, улыбающемся, как он понимал. [24] Традиционная формула этого такова: «Чан указывает прямо на человеческий разум, чтобы люди могли увидеть свою истинную природу и стать буддами». [25]

Наблюдая за разумом

По словам Джона Р. Макрея, «первое явное заявление о внезапном и прямом приближении, которое должно было стать отличительной чертой религиозной практики Чань» связано со школой Ист-Маунтин . [26] Это метод под названием «Поддержание один без колебаний» ( Shou-я пу я,守一不移), [26] тот , являющийся природа ума , который приравнивается к природе Будды. [27] Согласно Шарфу, в этой практике человек переключает внимание с объектов опыта на природу ума , сам воспринимающий субъект, который приравнивается к природе будды . [28] По словам МакРэя, этот тип медитации напоминает методы «практически всех школ буддизма Махаяны», но отличается тем, что «не даются никаких подготовительных требований, никаких моральных предпосылок или предварительных упражнений», и «без шагов или градаций». «Человек концентрируется, понимает и становится просветленным - все в одной недифференцированной практике». [26] [примечание 2] Шарф отмечает, что понятие «Разум» подверглось критике со стороны радикальных субитистов и было заменено «Без разума», чтобы избежать каких-либо овеществлений. [30] [примечание 3]

Руководства по медитации

Ранние тексты чань также учат формам медитации, которые уникальны для буддизма Махаяны , например, « Трактат об основах развития ума» , в котором изображены учения школы Восточных гор 7-го века, учит визуализации солнечного диска, похожего на который учил в Сутре Созерцания Будды Амитаюса . [32]

Позже китайские буддисты разработали свои собственные руководства по медитации и тексты, один из самых влиятельных будучи произведений Тяньтая патриарха, Zhiyi . Его работы, по-видимому, оказали некоторое влияние на самые ранние руководства по медитации собственно школы Чан, ранняя работа была широко подражаемой и влиятельной Tso-chan-i (Принципы сидячей медитации, ок. 11 века). [33]

Распространенные современные формы медитации

Внимательность к дыханию

Достопочтенный Сюань Хуа медитирует в позе лотоса, Гонконг , 1953 год.
«Зал для медитации» ( ип . Zendō , гл. Chántáng ) Дай Босацу Зендо Конго-Джи

Во время сидячей медитации (坐禅, Ch. Zuòchán, Jp. Дзадзэно , Ко. Jwaseon ), практикующие обычно занимает положение , такие как поза лотоса , половина лотос , бирманские, или сэйдз , часто используя ДХЬЯН Мудра . Часто для сидения используется квадратная или круглая подушка, помещенная на мягкий коврик; в некоторых других случаях можно использовать стул.

Чтобы регулировать ум, учеников дзэн часто рекомендуют считать дыхания. Учитываются либо выдохи и вдохи, либо только один из них. Счет может доходить до десяти, а затем этот процесс повторяется до тех пор, пока ум не успокоится. [34] Учителя дзэн, такие как Омори Соген, обучают серии долгих и глубоких выдохов и вдохов, чтобы подготовиться к регулярной медитации на дыхание. [35] Обычно внимание уделяется энергетическому центру ( даньтян ) ниже пупка. [36] Учителя дзэн часто пропагандируют диафрагмальное дыхание , утверждая, что дыхание должно исходить из нижней части живота (известного как хара или танден по-японски), и что эта часть тела должна слегка расширяться вперед при дыхании. [37] Со временем дыхание станет более плавным, глубоким и медленным. [38] Когда счет становится помехой, рекомендуется просто следовать естественному ритму дыхания с сосредоточенным вниманием. [39] [40]

Бесшумное освещение и сикантаза

Распространенная форма сидячей медитации называется «Безмолвное озарение» (гл. Mòzhào, Jp . Mokushō ). Эта практика традиционно поддерживалась школой Цаодун китайского чань и связана с Хунчжи Чжэнцзюэ (1091–1157), написавшим различные работы по этой практике. [41] Этот метод происходит от индийской буддийской практики союза ( санскр. Юганаддха ) шаматхи и випашьяны . [42]

В практике Хунчжи «недвойственной безобъектной медитации» посредник стремится осознавать совокупность явлений вместо того, чтобы сосредотачиваться на одном объекте, без какого-либо вмешательства, концептуализации , цепляния , поиска цели или двойственности субъекта и объекта . [43]

Эта практика также популярна в основных школах японского дзэн , но особенно в Сото , где она более широко известна как сикантаза (ч. Zhǐguǎn dǎzuò, «просто сидеть») . Значительное текстовое, философское и феноменологическое обоснование практики можно найти в трудах японского мыслителя Сото Дзэн Догэна , особенно в его Сёбогэндзо , например, в «Принципах дзадзэн» [44] и «Универсально рекомендуемых наставлениях для дзадзэн». ". [45] Хотя японская и китайская формы похожи, это разные подходы. [46]

Созерцание Хуа То и Коана

Каллиграфия « Му » ( Hanyu Pinyin : ) Тореи Эндзи. Он фигурирует в знаменитой собаке Чжаочжоу Коане.

Во время династии Тан , gōng'àn ( Jp. Коан ) литература стала популярной. Буквально означая «публичный случай», это были истории или диалоги, описывающие учения и взаимодействия между мастерами дзэн и их учениками. Эти анекдоты демонстрируют проницательность мастера. Кханы предназначены для иллюстрации неконцептуального прозрения ( праджня ), на которое указывают буддийские учения. Во времена династии Сон новый метод медитации был популяризирован такими фигурами, как Дахуи , который назывался канхуа чан («соблюдение фразы« медитация »), которая относилась к созерцанию одного слова или фразы (называемой хуатоу ,« критическая фраза »). ) гонгана . [47] В китайском чане и корейском сеоне эта практика «соблюдения хуатоу » ( хваду по-корейски) является широко применяемым методом. [48] Этому преподавали влиятельный мастер Сеон Чинул (1158–1210) и современные китайские мастера, такие как Шэн Йен и Сююнь . Тем не менее, хотя Дахуи широко критиковал «тихое освещение» [49] [50], он, тем не менее, «не осуждал полностью тихое сидение; на самом деле, он, кажется, рекомендовал его, по крайней мере, своим монашеским ученикам». [49]

В японском Риндзай школы, коан самоанализ разработал свой собственный формализованный стиль, с стандартизированной учебной программой Коана , которые должны быть изучены и «прошли» в последовательности. Этот процесс включает стандартные «проверочные вопросы» ( сасё ) и общие наборы «закрывающих фраз» ( дзакуго ) или цитат из стихов, которые ученики запоминают в качестве ответов. [51] Мастерство ученика Дзэн в данном коане демонстрируется учителю в частном собеседовании (на японском языке это называется докусан , дайсан или сандзэн ). Хотя однозначного ответа на коан не существует, ожидается, что практикующие продемонстрируют свое духовное понимание через свои ответы. Учитель может одобрить или не одобрить ответ и направить ученика в правильном направлении. Взаимодействие с учителем занимает центральное место в дзэн, но делает практику дзэн уязвимой для недопонимания и эксплуатации. [52] Кан-исследование можно практиковать во время дзадзэн (сидячая медитация) , кинхин (медитация при ходьбе) и во время всех видов повседневной жизни. Цель практики часто называется кэнсё (видение своей истинной природы), и за ней должна следовать дальнейшая практика для достижения естественного, непринужденного, приземленного состояния бытия, «окончательного освобождения», «познания без всяких усилий». вид осквернения ». [53]

Практика коана особенно подчеркивается в Риндзай , но она также встречается в других школах или ветвях Дзэн, в зависимости от линии обучения. [54]

Нианфо Чан

Нианфо ( яп . Нембуцу, от санскр. Buddhānusmti "воспоминание о Будде") относится к повторению имени Будды, в большинстве случаев Будды Амитабхи . В китайском чаньпрактика чистой земли ньянфо, основанная на фразе « Намо mítuófó» («Посвящение Амитабхе»), является широко применяемой формой дзэн-медитации. Эта практика была принята из чистой земли буддизма и syncretized с Чаном медитацией китайскими фигурамитакими как Yongming Yanshou , Zhongfen Mingben и Tianru Weize . Во время позднего Минга гармонизация практик Чистой земли с медитацией Чань была продолжена такими фигурами, как Юньци Чжухун и Ханьшань Дэцин . [55]

Эта практика, а также ее адаптация к « нэмбуцу коан » также использовалась японской школой дзэн Обаку .

Добродетели и обеты бодхисаттвы

Церемония Дзен Центра Виктории в Джукаи, январь 2009 г.

Поскольку дзэн является формой буддизма махаяны , он основан на схеме пути бодхисаттвы , который основан на практике «трансцендентных добродетелей» или «совершенств» ( санскр . Парамита , гл. Блуоми , ип . Барамитсу ) как. а также принятие обетов бодхисаттвы . [56] [57] Наиболее широко используемый список из шести добродетелей: щедрость , нравственное воспитание (включая пять заповедей ), терпение, выносливость , энергия или усилие , медитация ( дхьяна ), мудрость . Важным источником этих учений является сутра Аватамсака , которая также описывает основы ( бхуми ) или уровни пути бодхисаттвы. [58] В Парамит упоминаются в начале Chan работ , такие , как Бодхидхарм «s два входа и четыре практики и рассматриваются как важная часть постепенного выращивания ( jianxiu ) на более поздних рисунках Чана как Zongmi . [59] [60]

Важным элементом этой практики является формальное и церемониальное принятие прибежища в трех драгоценностях , обетах и заповедях бодхисаттвы . В дзэн принимаются различные наборы заповедей, включая пять заповедей , «десять основных заповедей» и шестнадцать заповедей бодхисаттвы . [61] [62] [63] [64] Это обычно делается в ритуале инициации ( Ch . Shòu jiè , Jp . Jukai , Ko . Sugye, «получение предписаний» ) , который также проводится мирскими последователями и знаками. мирянин как формальный буддист. [65]

Китайская буддийская практика поста ( Чжайте ), особенно в течение Упосатха дней (Ch. Zhairi, «дни поста») также может быть элементом подготовки Чана. [66] Мастера Чань могут соблюдать длительные абсолютные посты, как это показано в 35-дневном посте мастера Сюань Хуа , который он предпринял во время кубинского ракетного кризиса для создания заслуг. [67]

Физическое культивирование

Два гроссмейстеры в Храме Шаолинь из Китая Чан Ши Deru и Ши Дэян

Традиционные боевые искусства, такие как японская стрельба из лука , другие формы японского будо и китайские боевые искусства ( гунфу ), также рассматривались как формы дзэн-практики. Эта традиция восходит к влиятельному монастырю Шаолинь в провинции Хэнань , который разработал первую институциональную форму гунфу. [68] К концу периода династии Мин шаолиньский гунфу был очень популярен и широко распространен, о чем свидетельствуют упоминания в различных формах литературы династии Мин (с участием посохов, вооруженных боевыми монахами, такими как Сунь Укун ) и исторических источниках, которые также говорят о впечатляющей монашеской армии Шаолиня, которая оказывала военная служба государству взамен патронажа. [69] Эти практики Шаолиня , которые начали развиваться примерно в 12 веке, также традиционно рассматривались как форма внутреннего самосовершенствования чань-буддизма (сегодня это называется учан , «боевой тян»). В искусстве Шаолиня также использовались даосские физические упражнения ( таоинь ), дыхательные практики и практики развития энергии ( цигун ). [70] [71] Они рассматривались как терапевтические практики, которые улучшали «внутреннюю силу» ( нэйли ), здоровье и долголетие (букв. « Питательная жизнь» яншэн ), а также как средство к духовному освобождению. [72]

Влияние этих даосских практик можно увидеть в работах Ван Цзуюаня (ок. 1820 - после 1882 г.), ученого и мелкого бюрократа, который учился в Шаолинь. В « Иллюстрированном описании внутренних техник» ВанаНэйгун тушуо» ) показано, как упражнения Шаолиня были взяты из даосских методов, таких как Ицзинь-цзин и Восемь частей парчи , возможно, под влиянием духа религиозного синкретизма династии Мин . [73] Согласно современному чаньскому мастеру Шэн Йену, китайский буддизм перенял упражнения внутреннего совершенствования из традиции Шаолинь как способ «гармонизировать тело и развить концентрацию посреди деятельности». Это потому, что «техники гармонизации жизненной энергии - мощные помощники в развитии самадхи и духовной проницательности ». [74] Корейский Сон также разработал аналогичную форму активной физической подготовки, называемую Сунмудо .

Луки и колчаны в храме Энгаку-дзи , в храме также есть Додзё для практики Кюдо, и жрецы Дзэн практикуют здесь это искусство. [75]

В Японии классические боевые искусства ( будо ) и практика дзэн находились в контакте с момента принятия Риндзай Дзэн кланом Ходзё в 13 веке, который применил дисциплину дзэн в своей боевой практике. [76] Одной из влиятельных фигур в этих отношениях был священник Риндзай Такуан Сохо, который был хорошо известен своими сочинениями о дзен и будо, адресованными классу самураев (особенно его «Свободный разум» ). [77] Школа Риндзай также приняла некоторые даосские энергетические практики. Их представил Хакуин (1686–1769), который изучил различные техники у отшельника по имени Хакую, который помог Хакуину вылечить его «болезнь дзэн» (состояние физического и умственного истощения). [78] Эти энергетические практики, известные как Найкан , основаны на фокусировании ума и своей жизненной энергии ( ки ) на танден (точка немного ниже пупка). [79] [80]


Хакуин Экаку , Хотей в лодке , Художественная галерея Йельского университета
Каре-SANSUI (сухой пейзаж) Дзен сад в Ryoan-дзи

Некоторые виды искусства, такие как живопись , каллиграфия , поэзия , садоводство , композиция из цветов , чайная церемония и другие, также использовались как часть обучения и практики дзен. Классические китайские искусства, такие как рисование кистью и каллиграфия, использовались художниками-монахами Чань, такими как Гуансю и Муци Фачан, для передачи своего духовного понимания своим ученикам уникальными способами. [81] Картины дзэн в японском иногда называют дзенга . [82] Хакуин - один из японских мастеров дзэн, который, как известно, создал большой корпус уникальных суми-э (рисунков тушью и тушью) и японской каллиграфии для визуальной передачи дзен. Его работы и работы его учеников оказали большое влияние на японский дзен . [83] Другой пример искусства дзэн можно увидеть в недолгой секте японского дзэн Фукэ , которая практиковала уникальную форму «дуть дзэн» ( суйдзэн ), играя на бамбуковой флейте сякухати .

Интенсивная групповая практика

Серьезные практики дзэн могут практиковать интенсивную групповую медитацию. В японском языке эта практика называется сэссин . В то время как распорядок дня может требовать от монахов медитировать по несколько часов каждый день, в интенсивный период они посвящают себя почти исключительно практике дзэн. Многочисленные периоды медитации ( дзадзэн ) продолжительностью 30–50 минут чередуются с перерывами на отдых, ритуализированными формальными приемами пищи ( яп . Oryoki ) и короткими периодами работы ( яп . Саму ), которые должны выполняться с таким же состоянием внимательности. В современной буддийской практике в Японии, Тайване и на Западе миряне часто посещают эти интенсивные практические занятия или ретриты. Они проводятся во многих дзен-центрах или храмах.

Пение и ритуалы

Воспевание буддийских писаний , тайваньский художник Ли Мэй-шу
Гифу Дайбуцу и алтарь в Сёхо-дзи
"> Воспроизвести медиа
Монахи поют «Сутру сердца» в храме Содзи-дзи в Иокогаме , Япония.

Большинство монастырей, храмов и центров дзэн проводят различные ритуалы , службы и церемонии (например, церемонии посвящения и похороны ), которые всегда сопровождаются пением стихов, стихов или сутр . [84] Существуют также церемонии, специально предназначенные для чтения самой сутры (Ch. Niansong , Jp. Nenju ). [85] В школах дзэн может быть официальная книга сутр, в которой собраны эти сочинения (на японском они называются кёхон ). [84] Практикующие могут повторять основные сутры Махаяны, такие как Сутра Сердца и 25-я глава Лотосовой Сутры (часто называемая « Сутрой Авалокитешвары »). Дхарани и стихи дзэн также могут быть частью литургии в храме дзэн , включая такие тексты, как « Песня о драгоценном зеркале самадхи» , « Сандокай» , « Нилакатха-дхарани» и « Ушина-виджая-дхарани-сутра» .

Буцудан является алтарь в монастыре, храме или дома мирянин, где предложения сделаны к изображениям Будды, бодхисаттвы и умерших членов семьи и предков. Ритуалы обычно сосредоточены на главных буддах или бодхисаттвах, таких как Авалокитешвара (см. Гуаньинь ), Кшитигарбха и Манджушри .

Важным элементом ритуальной практики дзэн является выполнение ритуальных простираний ( ип . Райхай ) или поклонов. [86]

Одна из популярных форм ритуала в японском дзен - это церемонии Мизуко куйо (ребенка воды), которые проводятся для тех, кто перенес выкидыш , мертворождение или аборт . Эти церемонии также проводятся в американском дзен-буддизме. [87] Широко практикуемый в китайском чань ритуал по- разному называется «Ритуал освобождения голодных призраков » или «Освобождение пылающих ртов». Ритуал, возможно, восходит к династии Тан и был очень популярен во времена династий Мин и Цин, когда китайские эзотерические буддийские практики распространились по всему китайскому буддизму . [88] Китайский праздник Фестиваля Призраков также может отмечаться с подобными ритуалами для мертвых. Эти призрачные ритуалы являются источником разногласий в современном китайском чане, и такие мастера, как Шэн Йен, критикуют эту практику за отсутствие «какой-либо основы в буддийских учениях». [89]

Другой важный тип ритуалов, практикуемых в Дзэн, - это различные ритуалы покаяния или исповеди ( ип . Zange ), которые широко практиковались во всех формах китайского буддизма Махаяны. Один из популярных чаньских текстов по этому поводу известен как «Ритуал покаяния императора Ляна», составленный чаньским мастером Баочжи. [90] Догэн также написал трактат о покаянии Шушоги. [91] Другие ритуалы могут включать обряды с местными божествами ( ками в Японии) и церемонии в буддийские праздники, такие как День Рождения Будды . [92]

Похороны также являются важным ритуалом и часто встречаются между монахами дзэн и мирянами. Статистика, опубликованная школой Сото, утверждает, что 80 процентов мирян Сото посещают свой храм только по причинам, связанным с похоронами и смертью. Семнадцать процентов посещают по духовным причинам и 3 процента посещают дзен-священника во время личных проблем или кризисов. [93]

Эзотерические практики

В зависимости от традиции, эзотерические методы, такие как мантра и дхарани , также используются для различных целей, включая практику медитации, защиту от зла, призыв великого сострадания, призывание силы определенных бодхисаттв и повторяются во время церемоний и ритуалов. [94] [95] В Kwan Um школе Дзэн, например, мантра Гуаньинь ( « Kwanseum Bosal ») используется во время сидячей медитации. [96] Сутра сердца Мантра также другая мантра, которая используется в Zen во время различных ритуалов. [97] Другой пример - Мантра Света ( kmyō shingon ), распространенная в японском Сото Дзэн и пришедшая из секты Сингон . [98]

The usage of esoteric mantras in Zen goes back to the Tang dynasty. There is evidence that Chan Buddhists adopted practices from Esoteric Buddhism in findings from Dunhuang.[99] According to Henrik Sørensen, several successors of Shenxiu (such as Jingxian and Yixing) were also students of the Zhenyan (Mantra) school.[100] Influential esoteric dhāraṇī, such as the Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī Sūtra, also begin to be cited in the literature of the Baotang school during the Tang dynasty.[101]

There is also documentation that monks living at Shaolin temple during the eighth century performed esoteric practices there such as mantra and dharani, and that these also influenced Korean Seon Buddhism.[102] During the Joseon dynasty, the Seon school was not only the dominant tradition in Korea, but it was also highly inclusive and ecumenical in its doctrine and practices, and this included Esoteric Buddhist lore and rituals (that appear in Seon literature from the 15th century onwards). According to Sørensen, the writings of several Seon masters (such as Hyujeong) reveal they were esoteric adepts.[103]

In Japanese Zen, the use of esoteric practices within Zen is sometimes termed "mixed Zen" (kenshū zen 兼修禪), and the figure of Keizan Jōkin (1264–1325) is seen as introducing this into the Soto school.[104][105] The Japanese founder of the Rinzai school, Myōan Eisai (1141–1215) was also a well known practitioner of esoteric Buddhism and wrote various works on the subject.[106]

According to William Bodiford, a very common dhāraṇī in Japanese Zen is the Śūraṅgama spell (Ryōgon shu 楞嚴呪; T. 944A), which is repeatedly chanted during summer training retreats as well as at "every important monastic ceremony throughout the year" in Zen monasteries.[107] Some Zen temples also perform esoteric rituals, such as the homa ritual, which is performed at the Soto temple of Eigen-ji (in Saitama prefecture). As Bodiford writes, "perhaps the most notable examples of this phenomenon is the ambrosia gate (kanro mon 甘露門) ritual performed at every Sōtō Zen temple", which is associated feeding hungry ghosts, ancestor memorial rites and the ghost festival.[108] Bodiford also notes that formal Zen rituals of Dharma transmission often involve esoteric initiations.

A Dharma talk by Seon nun Daehaeng Kun Sunim, Hanmaum Seon Center, South Korea

Zen teachings can be likened to "the finger pointing at the moon".[109] Zen teachings point to the moon, awakening, "a realization of the unimpeded interpenetration of the dharmadhatu".[110] But the Zen-tradition also warns against taking its teachings, the pointing finger, to be this insight itself.[111][112][113][114]

Buddhist Mahayana influences

Though Zen-narrative states that it is a "special transmission outside scriptures", which "did not stand upon words",[115] Zen does have a rich doctrinal background that is firmly grounded in the Buddhist tradition.[116] It was thoroughly influenced by Mahayana teachings on the bodhisattva path, Chinese Madhyamaka (Sānlùn), Yogacara (Wéishí), Prajñaparamita, the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, and other Buddha nature texts.[117][118][119] The influence of Madhyamaka and Prajñaparamita can be discerned in the stress on non-conceptual wisdom (prajña) and the apophatic language of Zen literature.[117][120][121][note 4]

The philosophy of the Huayan school also had an influence on Chinese Chan. One example is the Huayan doctrine of the interpenetration of phenomena, which also makes use of native Chinese philosophical concepts such as principle (li) and phenomena (shi).[122] The Huayan theory of the Fourfold Dharmadhatu also influenced the Five Ranks of Dongshan Liangjie (806–869), the founder of the Caodong Chan lineage.[123]

Buddha-nature and subitism

Central in the doctrinal development of Chan Buddhism was the notion of Buddha-nature, the idea that the awakened mind of a Buddha is already present in each sentient being[124] (pen chueh in Chinese Buddhism, hongaku in Japanese Zen).[125] This Buddha-nature was initially equated with the nature of mind, while later Chan-teachings evaded any reification by rejecting any positivist terminology.[126][note 3] The idea of the immanent character of the Buddha-nature took shape in a characteristic emphasis on direct insight into, and expression of this Buddha-nature.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-0" class="reference">[127][128] It led to a reinterpretation and Sinification of Indian meditation terminology, and an emphasis on subitism, the idea that the Buddhist teachings and practices are comprehended and expressed "sudden,"[129] c.q. "in one glance," "uncovered all together," or "together, completely, simultaneously," in contrast to gradualism, "successively or being uncovered one after the other."[130] The emphasis on subitism led to the idea that "enlightenment occurs in a single transformation that is both total and instantaneous"[131] (Ch. shih-chueh).[132]

While the attribution of gradualism, attributed by Shenhui to a concurring faction, was a rhetoric device, it led to a conceptual dominance in the Chan-tradition of subitism, in which any charge of gradualism was to be avoided.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-1" class="reference">[127][note 5] This "rhetorical purity" was hard to reconcile conceptually with the actual practice of meditation,[134][[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-2" class="reference">[127] and left little place in Zen texts for the description of actual meditation practices, apparently rejecting any form of practice.[135][[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-3" class="reference">[127][126][note 6] Instead, those texts directly pointed to and expressed this awakened nature, giving way to the paradoxically nature of encounter dialogue and koans.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-4" class="reference">[127][126]

Caodong/Sōtō/Tào Động

Japanese Buddhist monk from the Sōtō Zen sect

Sōtō is the Japanese line of the Chinese Caodong school, which was founded during the Tang Dynasty by Dongshan Liangjie. The Sōtō-school has de-emphasized kōans since Gentō Sokuchū (circa 1800), and instead emphasized on shikantaza.[137] Dogen, the founder of Soto in Japan, emphasized that practice and awakening cannot be separated. By practicing shikantaza, attainment and Buddhahood are already being expressed.[138] For Dogen, zazen, or shikantaza, is the essence of Buddhist practice.[139] Gradual cultivation was also recognized by Dongshan Liangjie.[140]

A lineage also exists in Vietnam, founded by 17th-century Chan master Thông Giác Đạo Nam. In Vietnamese, the school is known as "Tào Động."[141]


The Rinzai school is the Japanese lineage of the Chinese Linji school, which was founded during the Tang dynasty by Linji Yixuan. The Rinzai school emphasizes kensho, insight into one's true nature.[142] This is followed by so-called post-satori practice, further practice to attain Buddhahood.[143][144][145]

Other Zen-teachers have also expressed sudden insight followed by gradual cultivation. Jinul, a 12th-century Korean Seon master, followed Zongmi, and also emphasized that insight into our true nature is sudden, but is to be followed by practice to ripen the insight and attain full buddhahood. This is also the standpoint of the contemporary Sanbo Kyodan, according to whom kenshō is at the start of the path to full enlightenment.[146]

To attain this primary insight and to deepen it, zazen and kōan-study is deemed essential. This trajectory of initial insight followed by a gradual deepening and ripening is expressed by Linji in his Three Mysterious Gates and Hakuin Ekaku's Four Ways of Knowing.[147] Another example of depiction of stages on the path are the Ten Bulls, which detail the steps on the path.

Archaeologist Aurel Stein's 1907 view of Mogao Cave 16, with altar and sutra scrolls
Tablets of the Tripiṭaka Koreana, an early edition of the Chinese Buddhist canon, in Haeinsa Temple, South Korea

The role of the scripture

Contrary to the popular image, literature does play a role in the Zen training. Zen is deeply rooted in the teachings and doctrines of Mahāyāna Buddhism.[148] Classic Zen texts, such as the Platform sutra, contain numerous references to Buddhist canonical sutras.[149] Unsui (Zen-monks), "are expected to become familiar with the classics of the Zen canon".[150] A review of the early historical documents and literature of early Zen masters clearly reveals that they were well versed in numerous Mahāyāna sūtras,[6][note 7][note 8][6][note 9] as well as Mahayana Buddhist philosophy such as Madhyamaka.[117]

Nevertheless, Zen is often pictured as anti-intellectual.[148] This picture of Zen emerged during the Song Dynasty (960–1297), when Chán became the dominant form of Buddhism in China, and gained great popularity among the educated and literary classes of Chinese society. The use of koans, which are highly stylized literary texts, reflects this popularity among the higher classes.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-5" class="reference">[127] The famous saying "do not establish words and letters", attributed in this period to Bodhidharma,[153]

...was taken not as a denial of the recorded words of the Buddha or the doctrinal elaborations by learned monks, but as a warning to those who had become confused about the relationship between Buddhist teaching as a guide to the truth and mistook it for the truth itself.[154]

What the Zen tradition emphasizes is that the enlightenment of the Buddha came not through conceptualization but rather through direct insight.[155] But direct insight has to be supported by study and understanding (hori[156]) of the Buddhist teachings and texts.[157][note 10] Intellectual understanding without practice is called yako-zen, "wild fox Zen", but "one who has only experience without intellectual understanding is a zen temma, 'Zen devil'".[159]

Grounding Chán in scripture

The early Buddhist schools in China were each based on a specific sutra. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, by the time of the Fifth Patriarch Hongren (601–674), the Zen school became established as a separate school of Buddhism.[160] It had to develop a doctrinal tradition of its own to ascertain its position[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-6" class="reference">[127] and to ground its teachings in a specific sutra. Various sutras were used for this even before the time of Hongren: the Śrīmālādevī Sūtra (Huike),[161] Awakening of Faith (Daoxin),[161] the Lankavatara Sutra (East Mountain School),[161][6] the Diamond Sutra[162] (Shenhui),[161] and the Platform Sutra.[6][162] None of these sutras were decisive though, since the school drew inspiration from a variety of sources.[163] Subsequently, the Zen tradition produced a rich corpus of written literature, which has become a part of its practice and teaching. Other influential sutras are the Vimalakirti Sutra,[164][165][166] Avatamsaka Sutra,[167] the Shurangama Sutra,[168] and the Mahaparinirvana Sutra.[169]


The Zen-tradition developed a rich textual tradition, based on the interpretation of the Buddhist teachings and the recorded sayings of Zen-masters. Important texts are the Platform Sutra (8th century), attributed to Huineng ;[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-7" class="reference">[127] the Chán transmission records, teng-lu,[170] such as The Records of the Transmission of the Lamp (Ching-te ch'uan-teng lu), compiled by Tao-yün and published in 1004;[171] the "yü-lü" genre[172] consisting of the recorded sayings of the masters, and the encounter dialogues; the koan-collections, such as the "Gateless Gate" and the "Blue Cliff Record".

Religion is not only an individual matter, but "also a collective endeavour".[173] Though individual experience[174] and the iconoclastic picture of Zen[175] are emphasised in the Western world, the Zen-tradition is maintained and transferred by a high degree of institutionalisation and hierarchy.[176][177] In Japan, modernity has led to criticism of the formal system and the commencement of lay-oriented Zen-schools such as the Sanbo Kyodan[178] and the Ningen Zen Kyodan.[179] How to organize the continuity of the Zen-tradition in the West, constraining charismatic authority and the derailment it may bring on the one hand,[180][181][52] and maintaining the legitimacy and authority by limiting the number of authorized teachers on the other hand,[173] is a challenge for the developing Zen-communities in the West.

The Chán of the Tang Dynasty, especially that of Mazu and Linji with its emphasis on "shock techniques", in retrospect was seen as a golden age of Chán.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-8" class="reference">[127] It became dominant during the Song Dynasty, when Chán was the dominant form of Buddhism in China, due to support from the Imperial Court.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-9" class="reference">[127] This picture has gained great popularity in the West in the 20th century, especially due to the influence of D.T. Suzuki,[182] and further popularized by Hakuun Yasutani and the Sanbo Kyodan.[174] This picture has been challenged, and complemented, since the 1970s by modern scientific research on Zen.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-10" class="reference">[127][183][184][185][186][187]

Modern scientific research on the history of Zen discerns three main narratives concerning Zen, its history and its teachings: Traditional Zen Narrative (TZN),[188][189] Buddhist Modernism (BM),[182] Historical and Cultural Criticism (HCC).[188] An external narrative is Nondualism, which claims Zen to be a token of a universal nondualist essence of religions.[190][191]

Chinese Chán

Huike Offering His Arm to Bodhidharma, Sesshū Tōyō (1496).

Zen (Chinese: Chán 禪) Buddhism, as we know it today, is the result of a long history, with many changes and contingent factors. Each period had different types of Zen, some of which remained influential, while others vanished.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-11" class="reference">[127] The history of Chán in China is divided into various periods by different scholars, who generally distinguish a classical phase and a post-classical period.

Ferguson distinguishes three periods from the 5th century into the 13th century:

  1. The Legendary period, from Bodhidharma in the late 5th century to the An Lushan Rebellion around 765 CE, in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. Little written information is left from this period.[192] It is the time of the Six Patriarchs, including Bodhidharma and Huineng, and the legendary "split" between the Northern and the Southern School of Chán.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-12" class="reference">[127]
  2. The Classical period, from the end of the An Lushan Rebellion around 765 CE to the beginning of the Song Dynasty around 950 CE.[192] This is the time of the great masters of Chán, such as Mazu Daoyi and Linji Yixuan, and the creation of the yü-lü genre, the recordings of the sayings and teachings of these great masters.
  3. The Literary period, from around 950 to 1250,[192] which spans the era of the Song Dynasty (960–1279). In this time the gongan-collections were compiled, collections of sayings and deeds by the famous masters, appended with poetry and commentary. This genre reflects the influence of literati on the development of Chán. This period idealized the previous period as the "golden age" of Chán, producing the literature in which the spontaneity of the celebrated masters was portrayed.

Although McRae has reservations about the division of Chán-history in phases or periods,[193] he nevertheless distinguishes four phases in the history of Chán:[194]

  1. Proto-Chán (c. 500–600) (Southern and Northern Dynasties (420 to 589) and Sui Dynasty (589–618 CE)). In this phase, Chán developed in multiple locations in northern China. It was based on the practice of dhyana and is connected to the figures of Bodhidharma and Huike. Its principal text is the Two Entrances and Four Practices, attributed to Bodhidharma.[195]
  2. Early Chán (c. 600–900) (Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE)). In this phase Chán took its first clear contours. Prime figures are the fifth patriarch Daman Hongren (601–674), his dharma-heir Yuquan Shenxiu (606?–706), the sixth patriarch Huineng (638–713), protagonist of the quintessential Platform Sutra, and Shenhui (670–762), whose propaganda elevated Huineng to the status of sixth patriarch. Prime factions are the Northern School, Southern School and Oxhead school.[196]
  3. Middle Chán (c. 750–1000) (from An Lushan Rebellion (755–763) till Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (907–960/979)). In this phase developed the well-known Chán of the iconoclastic zen-masters. Prime figures are Mazu Daoyi (709–788), Shitou Xiqian (710–790), Linji Yixuan (died 867), and Xuefeng Yicun (822–908). Prime factions are the Hongzhou school and the Hubei faction[note 11] An important text is the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall (952), which gives a great amount of "encounter-stories", and the well-known genealogy of the Chán-school.[199]
  4. Song Dynasty Chán (c. 950–1300). In this phase Chán took its definitive shape including the picture of the "golden age" of the Chán of the Tang-Dynasty, and the use of koans for individual study and meditation. Prime figures are Dahui Zonggao (1089–1163) who introduced the Hua Tou practice and Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091–1157) who emphasized Shikantaza. Prime factions are the Linji school and the Caodong school. The classic koan-collections, such as the Blue Cliff Record were assembled in this period,[200] which reflect the influence of the "literati" on the development of Chán.[201][153] In this phase Chán is transported to Japan, and exerts a great influence on Korean Seon via Jinul.

Neither Ferguson nor McRae give a periodisation for Chinese Chán following the Song-dynasty, though McRae mentions

[5.] "at least a postclassical phase or perhaps multiple phases". [202][note 12]

Origins and Taoist influences (c. 200 – c. 500)

When Buddhism came to China from Gandhara (now Afghanistan) and India, it was initially adapted to the Chinese culture and understanding. Buddhism was exposed to Confucianist[203] and Taoist[204][205][206][207] influences.[note 13] Goddard quotes D.T. Suzuki,[note 14] calling Chán a "natural evolution of Buddhism under Taoist conditions."[208] Buddhism was first identified to be "a barbarian variant of Taoism":[206]

Judging from the reception by the Han of the Hinayana works and from the early commentaries, it appears that Buddhism was being perceived and digested through the medium of religious Daoism (Taoism). Buddha was seen as a foreign immortal who had achieved some form of Daoist nondeath. The Buddhists' mindfulness of the breath was regarded as an extension of Daoist breathing exercises.[169]

Taoist terminology was used to express Buddhist doctrines in the oldest translations of Buddhist texts,[206] a practice termed ko-i, "matching the concepts",[209] while the emerging Chinese Buddhism had to compete with Taoism and Confucianism.[203]

The first Buddhist recruits in China were Taoists.[206] They developed high esteem for the newly introduced Buddhist meditational techniques,[210] and blended them with Taoist meditation.[211] Representatives of early Chinese Buddhism like Sengzhao and Tao Sheng were deeply influenced by the Taoist keystone works of Laozi and Zhuangzi.[212] Against this background, especially the Taoist concept of naturalness was inherited by the early Chán disciples:[213] they equated – to some extent – the ineffable Tao and Buddha-nature,[214] and thus, rather than feeling bound to the abstract "wisdom of the sūtras", emphasized Buddha-nature to be found in "everyday" human life, just like the Tao.[214]

In addition to Taoist ideas, also Neo-Taoist concepts were taken over in Chinese Buddhism.[209] Concepts such as "T'i -yung" (Essence and Function) and "Li-shih" (Noumenon and Phenomenon) were first taken over by Hua-yen Buddhism,[209] which consequently influenced Chán deeply.[167]

One point of confusion for Chinese Buddhism was the two truths doctrine. Chinese thinking took this to refer to two ontological truths: reality exists on two levels, a relative level and an absolute level.[215] Taoists at first misunderstood sunyata to be akin to the Taoist non-being.[216] In Madhyamaka the two truths are two epistemological truths: two different ways to look at reality. Based on their understanding of the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra the Chinese supposed that the teaching of the Buddha-nature was, as stated by that sutra, the final Buddhist teaching, and that there is an essential truth above sunyata and the two truths.[169]


Proto-Chán (c. 500–600) encompasses the Southern and Northern Dynasties period (420 to 589) and Sui Dynasty (589–618 CE). In this phase, Chán developed in multiple locations in northern China. It was based on the practice of dhyana and is connected to the figures of Bodhidharma and Huike, though there is little actual historical information about these early figures and most legendary stories about their life come from later, mostly Tang sources.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-13" class="reference">[127] An important text from this period is the Two Entrances and Four Practices, found in Dunhuang, and attributed to Bodhidharma.[195] Later sources mention that these figures taught using the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra though there is no direct evidence of this from the earliest sources.[217][218]

Early Chán

Early Chán refers to early Tang Dynasty (618–750) Chán. The fifth patriarch Daman Hongren (601–674), and his dharma-heir Yuquan Shenxiu (606?–706) were influential in founding the first Chan institution in Chinese history, known as the "East Mountain school" (Dongshan famen).[219] Hongren taught the practice of shou-hsin, "maintaining (guarding) the mind," in which "an awareness of True Mind or Buddha-nature within" is maintained, "[exhorting] the practitioners to unremittingly apply themselves to the practice of meditation."[220] Shenxiu was the most influential and charismatic student of Hongren, he was even invited to the Imperial Court by Empress Wu.[221] Shenxiu also became the target of much criticism by Shenhui (670–762), for his "gradualist" teachings. Shenhui instead promoted the "sudden" teachings of his teacher Huineng (638–713) as well as what later became a very influential Chán classic called the Platform Sutra.[222] Shenhui's propaganda campaign eventually succeeded in elevating Huineng to the status of sixth patriarch of Chinese Chán.[223][[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]_131-14" class="reference">[127] The sudden vs. gradual debate that developed in this era came to define later forms of Chan Buddhism.[224]

Middle Chán

The Middle Chán (c. 750–1000) period runs from the An Lushan Rebellion (755–763) to the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (907–960/979). This phase saw the development new schools of Chan. The most important of these schools is the Hongzhou school of Mazu Daoyi (709–788), to which also belong Shitou, Baizhang, and Huangbo. This school is sometimes seen as the archetypal expression of Chán, with its emphasis on the personal expression of insight, and its rejection of positive statements, as well as the importance it placed on spontaneous and unconventional "questions and answers during an encounter" (linji wenda) between master and disciple.[118][225] However, modern scholars have seen much of the literature that presents these "iconoclastic" encounters as being later revisions during the Song era, and instead see the Hongzhou masters as not being very radical, instead promoting pretty conservative ideas, such as keeping precepts, accumulating good karma and practicing meditation.[225] However, the school did produce innovative teachings and perspectives such as Mazu's views that "this mind is Buddha" and that "ordinary mind is the way", which were also critiqued by later figures, such as the influential Guifeng Zongmi (780–841), for failing to differentiate between ignorance and enlightenment.[226]

By the end of the late Tang, the Hongzhou school was gradually superseded by various regional traditions, which became known as the Five Houses of Chán. Shitou Xiqian (710–790) is regarded as the Patriarch of Cáodòng (Jp. Sōtō) school, while Linji Yixuan (died 867) is regarded as the founder of Línjì (Jp. Rinzai) school. Both of these traditions were quite influential both in and outside of China. Another influential Chán master of the late Tang was Xuefeng Yicun. During the later Tang, the practice of the "encounter dialogue" reached its full maturity. These formal dialogues between master and disciple used absurd, illogical and iconoclastic language as well as non-verbal forms of communication such as the drawing of circles and physical gestures like shouting and hitting.[227] It was also common to write fictional encounter dialogues and attribute them to previous Chán figures.[227] An important text from this period is the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall (952), which gives many "encounter-stories", as well as establishing a genealogy of the Chán school.[199]

The Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution in 845 was devastating for metropolitan Chan, but the Chan school of Mazu survived, and took a leading role in the Chan of the later Tang.[228]

Song Dynasty Chán

Dahui introduced the method of kan huatou, or "inspecting the critical phrase", of a kōan story. This method was called the "Chan of kōan introspection" ( Kanhua Chan). [229]

During Song Dynasty Chán (c. 950–1300), Chán Buddhism took its definitive shape, developed the use of koans for individual study and meditation and formalized its own idealized history with the legend of the Tang "golden age".[230] During the Song, Chán became the largest sect of Chinese Buddhism and had strong ties to the imperial government, which led to the development of a highly organized system of temple rank and administration.[231] The dominant form of Song Chán was the Linji school due to support from the scholar-official class and the imperial court.[232] This school developed the study of gong'an ("public case") literature, which depicted stories of master-student encounters that were seen as demonstrations of the awakened mind.[233]

During the 12th century, a rivalry emerged between the Linji and the Caodong schools for the support of the scholar-official class. Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091–1157) of the Caodong school emphasized silent illumination or serene reflection (mòzhào) as a means for solitary practice, which could be undertaken by lay-followers. The Linji school's Dahui Zonggao (1089–1163) meanwhile, introduced k'an-hua chan ("observing the word-head" chan), which involved meditation on the crucial phrase or "punch line" (hua-tou) of a gong'an.[234][235]

The Song also saw the syncretism of Chán and Pure Land Buddhism by Yongming Yanshou (904–975), which would later become extremely influential.[236] Yongming also echoed Zongmi's work in indicating that the values of Taoism and Confucianism could also be embraced and integrated into Buddhism. Chán also influenced Neo-Confucianism as well as certain forms of Taoism, such as the Quanzhen school.[237][238]

The classic Chan koan collections, such as the Blue Cliff Record and the Gateless barrier were assembled in this period,[200] which reflect the learned influence of the highly intellectual scholar-official class or "literati" on the development of Chán.[201][153] In this phase, Chán is transported to Japan and exerts a great influence on Korean Seon via Jinul.

Post-Classical Chán

During the Ming Dynasty, the Chán school was so dominant that all Chinese monks were affiliated with either the Linji school or the Caodong school.[239]

Some scholars see the post-classical phase as being an "age of syncretism."[240] The post-classical period saw the increasing popularity of the dual practice of Chán and Pure Land Buddhism (known as nianfo Chan), as seen in the teachings of Zhongfeng Mingben (1263–1323) and the great reformer Hanshan Deqing (1546–1623). This became a widespread phenomenon and in time much of the distinction between them was lost, with many monasteries teaching both Chán meditation and the Pure Land practice of nianfo.[241][242][55] The Ming dynasty saw increasing efforts by figures such as Yunqi Zhuhong (1535–1615) and Daguan Zhenke (1543–1603) to revive and reconcile Chan Buddhism with the practice of scriptural study and writing.[240]

In the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Chán was "reinvented", by the "revival of beating and shouting practices" by Miyun Yuanwu (1566–1642), and the publication of the Wudeng yantong ("The strict transmission of the five Chan schools") by Feiyin Tongrong's (1593–1662), a dharma heir of Miyun Yuanwu. The book placed self-proclaimed Chan monks without proper Dharma transmission in the category of "lineage unknown" (sifa weixiang), thereby excluding several prominent Caodong-monks.[243]

Modern era

Xuyun was one of the most influential Chán Buddhists of the 19th and 20th centuries. [244]

After further centuries of decline during the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912), Chán activity was revived again in the 19th and 20th centuries by a flurry of modernist activity. This period saw the rise of worldly Chan activism, what is sometimes called Humanistic Buddhism (or more literally "Buddhism for human life", rensheng fojiao), promoted by figures like Jing'an (1851–1912), Yuanying (1878–1953), Taixu (1890–1947), Xuyun (1840–1959) and Yinshun (1906–2005). These figures promoted social activism to address issues such as poverty and social injustice, as well as participation in political movements. They also promoted modern science and scholarship, including the use of the methods of modern critical scholarship to study the history of Chan.[245]

Many Chán teachers today trace their lineage back to Xuyun, including Sheng-yen and Hsuan Hua, who have propagated Chán in the West where it has grown steadily through the 20th and 21st centuries. Chán Buddhism was repressed in China during the 1960s in the Cultural Revolution, but in the subsequent reform and opening up period in the 1970s, a revival of Chinese Buddhism has been taking place on the mainland, while Buddhism has a significant following in Taiwan and Hong Kong as well as among Overseas Chinese.

Spread outside of China

Vietnamese Thiền

Thích Nhất Hạnh leading a namo avalokiteshvaraya chanting session with monastics from his Order of Interbeing, Germany 2010

Chan was introduced to Vietnam during the early Chinese occupation periods (111 BCE to 939 CE) as Thiền. During the Lý (1009–1225) and Trần (1225 to 1400) dynasties, Thiền rose to prominence among the elites and the royal court and a new native tradition was founded, the Trúc Lâm ("Bamboo Grove") school, which also contained Confucian and Taoist influences. In the 17th century, the Linji school was brought to Vietnam as the Lâm Tế, which also mixed Chan and Pure land. Lâm Tế remains the largest monastic order in the country today.[246]

Modern Vietnamese Thiền is influenced by Buddhist modernism.[247] Important figures include Thiền master Thích Thanh Từ (1924–), the activist and popularizer Thích Nhất Hạnh (1926–) and the philosopher Thích Thiên-Ân. Vietnamese Thiền is eclectic and inclusive, bringing in many practices such as breath meditation, nianfo, mantra, Theravada influences, chanting, sutra recitation and engaged Buddhism activism.

Korean Seon

Jogyesa is the headquarters of the Jogye Order. The temple was first established in 1395, at the dawn of the Joseon Dynasty.

Seon (선) was gradually transmitted into Korea during the late Silla period (7th through 9th centuries) as Korean monks began to travel to China to learn the newly developing Chan tradition of Mazu Daoyi and returned home to establish the Chan school. They established the initial Seon schools of Korea, which were known as the "nine mountain schools" (九山, gusan).

Seon received its most significant impetus and consolidation from the Goryeo monk Jinul (1158–1210), who is considered the most influential figure in the formation of the mature Seon school. He founded the Jogye Order, which remains the largest Seon tradition in Korea today. Jinul founded the Songgwangsa temple as a new center of Seon study and practice. Jinul also wrote extensive works on Seon, developing a comprehensive system of thought and practice. From Dahui Zonggao, Jinul adopted the hwadu method, which remains the main meditation form taught in Seon today.

Buddhism was mostly suppressed during the strictly Confucian Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), and the number of monasteries and clergy sharply declined. The period of Japanese occupation also brought numerous modernist ideas and changes to Korean Seon. Some monks began to adopt the Japanese practice of marrying and having families, while others such as Yongseong, worked to resist the Japanese occupation. Today, the largest Seon school, the Jogye, enforces celibacy, while the second largest, the Taego Order, allows for married priests. Important modernist figures that influenced contemporary Seon include Seongcheol and Gyeongheo. Seon has also been transmitted to West, with new traditions such as the Kwan Um School of Zen.

Japanese Zen

Sojiji Temple, of the Soto Zen school, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Japan

Zen was not introduced as a separate school until the 12th century, when Myōan Eisai traveled to China and returned to establish a Linji lineage, which eventually perished.[248] Decades later, Nanpo Shōmyō (南浦紹明) (1235–1308) also studied Linji teachings in China before founding the Japanese Otokan lineage, the most influential and only surviving lineage of Rinzai in Japan.[248] In 1215, Dōgen, a younger contemporary of Eisai's, journeyed to China himself, where he became a disciple of the Caodong master Tiantong Rujing. After his return, Dōgen established the Sōtō school, the Japanese branch of Caodong.

The three traditional schools of Zen in contemporary Japan are the Sōtō (曹洞), Rinzai (臨済), and Ōbaku (黃檗). Of these, Sōtō is the largest, and Ōbaku the smallest, with Rinzai in the middle. These schools are further divided into subschools by head temple, with two head temples for Sōtō (Sōji-ji and Eihei-ji, with Sōji-ji having a much larger network), fourteen head temples for Rinzai, and one head temple (Manpuku-ji) for Ōbaku, for a total of 17 head temples. The Rinzai head temples, which are most numerous, have substantial overlap with the traditional Five Mountain System, and include Myoshin-ji, Nanzen-ji, Tenryū-ji, Daitoku-ji, and Tofuku-ji, among others.

Besides these traditional organizations, there are modern Zen organizations that have especially attracted Western lay followers, namely the Sanbo Kyodan and the FAS Society.

Zen in the West

Although it is difficult to trace the precise moment when the West first became aware of Zen as a distinct form of Buddhism, the visit of Soyen Shaku, a Japanese Zen monk, to Chicago during the World Parliament of Religions in 1893 is often pointed to as an event that enhanced the profile of Zen in the Western world. It was during the late 1950s and the early 1960s that the number of Westerners other than the descendants of Asian immigrants who were pursuing a serious interest in Zen began to reach a significant level. Japanese Zen has gained the greatest popularity in the West. The various books on Zen by Reginald Horace Blyth, Alan Watts, Philip Kapleau and D. T. Suzuki[citation needed] published between 1950 and 1975, contributed to this growing interest in Zen in the West, as did the interest on the part of beat poets such as Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder.[249] In 1958, the literary magazine Chicago Review played a significant role in introducing Zen to the American literary community[250] when it published a special issue[251] on Zen featuring the aforementioned beat poets and works in translation. Erich Fromm quotes D. T. Suzuki in his 1960 book Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism.[252]

  • List of Buddhists
  • Outline of Buddhism
  • Timeline of Buddhism
  • Chinese Chán
  • 101 Zen Stories
  • Chinso
  • Shussan Shaka

  1. ^ Dumoulin writes in his preface to Zen. A History. Part One: India and China: "Zen (Chin. Ch'an, an abbreviation of ch'an-na, which transliterates the Sanskrit Dhyāna (Devanagari: ध्यान) or its Pali cognate Jhāna (Sanskrit; Pāli झान) , terms meaning "meditation") is the name of a Mahāyāna Buddhist school of meditation originating in China. It is characterized by the practice of meditation in the lotus position (Jpn., zazen; Chin., tso-ch'an and the use of the koan (Chin., kung-an) as well as by the enlightenment experience of satori[3]
  2. ^ It first appears in a Chinese text named the Ju-tao an-hsin yao-fang-pien fa-men (JTFM, Instructions on essential expedients for calming the mind and accessing the path), itself a part of the Leng Ch'ieh Shih TZu Chi (Records of the Masters of the Lankavatara).[26] The Records of the Masters of the Lankavatara is associated with the early Chan tradition known as the "East Mountain School" and has been dated to around 713.[29]
  3. ^ a b Compare Mazu's "Mind is Buddha" versus "No mind, no Buddha": "When Ch'an Master Fa-ch'ang of Ta-mei Mountain went to see the Patriarch for the first time, he asked, "What is Buddha?"
    The Patriarch replied, "Mind is Buddha." [On hearing this] Fa-ch'ang had great awakening.
    Later he went to live on Ta-mei mountain. When the Patriarch heard that he was residing on the mountain, he sent one of his monks to go there and ask Fa-ch'ang, "What did the Venerable obtain when he saw Ma-tsu, so that he has come to live on this mountain?"
    Fach'ang said, "Ma-tsu told me that mind is Buddha; so I came to live here."
    The monk said, "Ma-tsu's teaching has changed recently."
    Fa-ch'ang asked, "What is the difference?"
    The monk said, "Nowadays he also says, 'Neither mind nor Buddha."'
    Fa-ch'ang said, "That old man still hasn't stopped confusing people. You can have 'neither mind nor Buddha,' I only care for 'mind is Buddha."'
    The monk returned to the Patriarch and reported what has happened. "The plum is ripe." said the Patriarch."[31]
  4. ^ According to Kalupahana, the influence of Yofacara is stronger in the ts'ao-tung school and the tradition of silent meditation, while the influence of Madhyamaka is clear in the koan-tradition and its stress on insight and the use of paradoxical language.[121]
  5. ^ Nevertheless, the Platform Sutra attempts to reconcile Shenhui's rhetorics with the actual Zen practices, just like later Chan writers like Zong-mi did.[133]
  6. ^ Nevertheless, the classical texts of Chan which seem to reject practice, also contain references to practice.[126] Chieng Cheng: "...in the writings that are associated with [Ma-tsu's] school there is a marked tendency towards elocutionary purity, where all forms of verbal formulation are eschewed, including any instructions about practice. However,the fact that practical advice about day-to-day cultivation is something that is usually lacking in the records of the masters of this tradition does not necessary means that it was not given by them. In the records of Ma-tsu's Hung-chou school there are instances with very clear "gradual" ting [...] In looking for possible reasons for the apparent lack of expedient means in the extant records of the teachings of the Hung-chou school, it might be useful to remind ourselves of the audience to whom the teaching was directed. As the records make it clear, most of the teachings were received by monks who were familiar with the basic Buddhist practices and (ideally) had good command of the doctrinal teachings [...] It seems that the basic practices of worship, study, precepts, and meditation were all too familiar to be regarded as somethingthat was necessary to be recorded."[136]
  7. ^ Sasaki's translation of the Linji yulu contains an extensive biography of 62 pages, listing influential Chinese Buddhist texts that played a role in Song dynasty Chán.[151]
  8. ^ Albert Low: "It is evident that the masters were well versed in the sutras. Zen master Tokusan, for example, knew the Diamond Sutra well and, before meeting with his own Zen master, lectured upon it extensively; the founder of the Zen sect, Bodhidharma, the very one who preached selfrealization outside the scriptures, nevertheless advocated the Lankavatara Sutra; Zen master Hogen knew the Avatamsaka Sutra well, and koan twenty-six in the Mumonkan, in which Hogen is involved, comes out of the teaching of that sutra. Other koans, too, make reference directly or indirectly to the sutras. The autobiography of yet another Zen master, Hui Neng, subsequently became the Platform Sutra, one of those sutras so condemned by those who reject intellectual and sutra studies"[152]
  9. ^ Poceski: "Direct references to specific scriptures are relatively rare in the records of Mazu and his disciples, but that does not mean that they rejected the canon or repudiated its authority. On the contrary, one of the striking features of their records is that they are filled with scriptural quotations and allusions, even though the full extent of their usage of canonical sources is not immediately obvious and its discernment requires familiarity with Buddhist literature." See source for a full-length example from "one of Mazu's sermons", in which can be found references to the Vimalakīrti Scripture, the Huayan Scripture, the Mahāsamnipata-sūtra, the Foshuo Foming Scripture 佛說佛名經, the Lankāvatāra scripture and the Faju jing.[6]
  10. ^ Hakuin goes as far as to state that the buddhat path even starts with study: "[A] person [...] must first gain wide-ranging knowledge, accumulate a treasure-store of wisdom by studying all the Buddhist sutras and commentaries, reading through all the classic works Buddhist and nonBuddhist and perusing the writings of the wise men of other traditions. It is for that reason the vow states "the Dharma teachings are infinite, I vow to study them all.""[158]
  11. ^ McRae gives no further information on this "Hubei faction". It may be the continuation of Shenxiu's "Northern School". See Nadeau 2012 p.89.[197] Hebei was also the place where the Linji branch of chán arose.[198]
  12. ^ During the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912) Chán was part of a larger, syncretic Buddhist culture. A final phase can be distinguished from the 19th century onward, when western imperialism had a growing influence in South-East Asia, including China. A side effect of this imperial influence was the modernisation of Asian religions, adapting them to western ideas and rhetorical strategies.[182]
  13. ^ See also The Tao of Zen which argues that Zen is almost entirely grounded in Taoist philosophy, though this fact is well covered by Mahayana Buddhism.[207]
  14. ^ Godard did not provide a source for this quote.

  1. ^ Wang 2017, p. 79.
  2. ^ Harvey 1995, p. 159–169.
  3. ^ a b Dumoulin 2005a, p. xvii.
  4. ^ Yoshizawa 2009, p. 41.
  5. ^ Sekida 1989.
  6. ^ a b c d e f Poceski n.d.
  7. ^ Borup 2008, p. 8.
  8. ^ Yampolski 2003a, p. 3.
  9. ^ Dumoulin 2005a, p. 48.
  10. ^ Lievens 1981, p. 52–53.
  11. ^ Dumoulin 2005a, p. 41–45.
  12. ^ Andre van der Braak (2011), Self Overcoming Without a Self, p.117
  13. ^ Kasulis 2003, p. 24.
  14. ^ Wang 2017, p. 58.
  15. ^ https://www.wsj.com/articles/zen-and-the-art-of-scrabble-dictionary-maintenance-1538144910
  16. ^ Deleanu, Florin (1992); Mindfulness of Breathing in the Dhyāna Sūtras. Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan (TICOJ) 37, 42–57.
  17. ^ Jr, Robert E. Buswell; Jr, Donald S. Lopez (2013-11-24). The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691157863.
  18. ^ Wang 2017, p. 59.
  19. ^ Mohr, Michel. 2006. Imagining Indian Zen: Tōrei's Commentary on the Ta-Mo-to-Lo Ch'an Ching and the Rediscovery of Early Meditation Techniques During the Tokugawa Era. In Zen Classics: Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, edited by Steven Heine, and Dale S. Wright. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 215–246.
  20. ^ Fischer-Schreiber, Ehrhard & Diener 2008, p. 103.
  21. ^ Ven. Dr. Yuanci, A Study of the Meditation Methods in the DESM and Other Early Chinese Texts, The Buddhist Academy of China.
  22. ^ Zhang, Shengyen; Dan Stevenson (2002). Hoofprint of the Ox: Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master. Oxford University Press, pp. 27–28.
  23. ^ Zhang, Shengyen; Dan Stevenson (2002). Hoofprint of the Ox: Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master. Oxford University Press, pp. 29–30.
  24. ^ a b Luk, Charles. The Secrets of Chinese Meditation. 1964. p. 44
  25. ^ Nan, Huai-Chin. Basic Buddhism: Exploring Buddhism and Zen. 1997. p. 92
  26. ^ a b c d McRae 1986, p. 143.
  27. ^ Sharf 2014, p. 939, 951.
  28. ^ Sharf 2014, p. 939.
  29. ^ Robert E. Buswell Jr. (2017). The Formation of Ch'an Ideology in China and Korea: The Vajrasamadhi-Sutra, a Buddhist Apocryphon. Princeton University Press, p. 141.
  30. ^ Sharf 2014, p. 945-950.
  31. ^ Cheng Chien Bhikshu 1992.
  32. ^ McRae 2004, p. 39.
  33. ^ Gregory, Peter N; Ch 'ang-lu Tsung-tse and Zen Meditation in 'Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism'.
  34. ^ Katsuki Sekida, Zen Training: Methods and Philosophy, Shambhala Publications, 2005, p. 60.
  35. ^ Omori Sogen, Introduction To Zen Training, Routledge, 2012, p. 49.
  36. ^ Sheng, Yen. "Fundamentals of Meditation".
  37. ^ Katsuki Sekida, Zen Training: Methods and Philosophy, Shambhala Publications, 2005, p. 61.
  38. ^ Taizan Maezumi, Bernie Glassman (editors) On Zen Practice: Body, Breath, and Mind, pp. 41–42.
  39. ^ Katsuki Sekida, Zen Training: Methods and Philosophy, Shambhala Publications, 2005, p. 64.
  40. ^ Kapleau, P. The Three Pillars of Zen, 2013, p. 12.
  41. ^ Taigen Dan Leighton. Cultivating the Empty Field: The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi, Tuttle, 2000, p. 17
  42. ^ Sheng Yen, John Hurrell Crook, Shengyan, Illuminating Silence: The Practice of Chinese Zen, Watkins Publishing,, 2002, p. 93.
  43. ^ Taigen Dan Leighton. Cultivating the Empty Field: The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi, Tuttle, 2000, pp. 1–2.
  44. ^ Sōtō Zen Text Project. "Zazengi translation". Stanford University. Archived from the original on 17 November 2015. Retrieved 15 November 2015.
  45. ^ Sōtō Zen Text Project. "Fukan Zazengi". Stanford University. Archived from the original on 2008-04-29. Retrieved 2008-03-26.
  46. ^ Zhang, Shengyen; Dan Stevenson (2002). Hoofprint of the Ox: Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master. Oxford University Press, p. 152.
  47. ^ Blyth 1966.
  48. ^ Buswell, Robert E. (1991). Tracing Back the Radiance: Chinul's Korean Way of Zen (Classics in East Asian Buddhism). University of Hawaii Press. pp. 68–69. ISBN 0824814274.
  49. ^ a b Schlütter 2008, p. 116.
  50. ^ McRae 2003, p. 125.
  51. ^ Bodiford, William M. (2006). Koan practice. In: "Sitting with Koans". Ed. John Daido Loori. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, p. 94.
  52. ^ a b Lachs 2006.
  53. ^ Low 2006, p. 37-39.
  54. ^ Loori 2006.
  55. ^ a b Wang 2017, p. 35.
  56. ^ Aitken, Robert, The Practice of Perfection: The Paramitas from a Zen Buddhist Perspective, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2012.
  57. ^ Shohaku Okumura, Living by Vow: A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts, Simon and Schuster, 2012, p. 15.
  58. ^ Sheng Yen, Shengyan, Dharma Drum: The Life and Heart of Chan Practice, Shambhala Publications, 2006.
  59. ^ McRae 2004, p. 32.
  60. ^ Jeffrey Lyle Broughton, Zongmi on Chan, p. 171.
  61. ^ "The ten essential precepts". San Francisco Zen Center.
  62. ^ Kenji Matsuo, A History of Japanese Buddhism, Global Oriental, 2007, p. 32.
  63. ^ Baroni, Helen J. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Zen Buddhism, p. 93.
  64. ^ Borup, Jorn, Japanese Rinzai Zen Buddhism, BRILL, 2008, p. 247.
  65. ^ Ling, Haicheng (2004). Buddhism in China. Chinese Intercontinental Press, p. 184.
  66. ^ Zhang, Shengyen; Dan Stevenson (2002). Hoofprint of the Ox: Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master. Oxford University Press, p. 56.
  67. ^ Asian American Religious Cultures [2 volumes], edited by Jonathan H. X. Lee, Fumitaka Matsuoka, Edmond Yee, Ronald Y. Nakasone, ABC-CLIO, 2015, p. 470.
  68. ^ Christensen, Matthew B. A Geek in China: Discovering the Land of Alibaba, Bullet Trains and Dim Sum. Tuttle Publishing. p. 40. ISBN 1462918360.
  69. ^ Shahar, Meir, The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts, University of Hawaii Press, 2008, p. 55, 80.
  70. ^ Shahar, Meir, The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts, University of Hawaii Press, 2008, p. 2.
  71. ^ Shahar, Meir, The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts, University of Hawaii Press, 2008, pp. 80, 144.
  72. ^ Shahar, Meir, The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts, University of Hawaii Press, 2008, pp. 147.
  73. ^ Shahar, Meir, The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts, University of Hawaii Press, 2008, p. 138, 173.
  74. ^ Zhang, Shengyen; Dan Stevenson (2002). Hoofprint of the Ox: Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master. Oxford University Press, pp. 34–35.
  75. ^ Hideharu Onuma, Dan DeProspero, Jackie DeProspero (1993) "Kyudo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery," p. ix, Kodansha International.
  76. ^ Mann, Jeffrey, When Buddhists Attack: The Curious Relationship Between Zen and the Martial Arts, p. 61.
  77. ^ Takuan Soho, The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman, p. xv.
  78. ^ Waddell, Norman (ed. & trans.), Hakuin's Precious Mirror Cave: A Zen Miscellany, 2009, p. 83.
  79. ^ Julian Daizan Skinner (2017), "Practical Zen: Meditation and Beyond," pp. 203-204. Singing Dragon
  80. ^ Hakuin Ekaku (2010), "Wild Ivy: The Spiritual Autobiography of Zen Master Hakuin", p. 150. Shambhala Publications
  81. ^ Stephen Addiss, John Daido Loori, The Zen Art Book: The Art of Enlightenment, p. 1.
  82. ^ Stephen Addiss, John Daido Loori, The Zen Art Book: The Art of Enlightenment, p. 4.
  83. ^ Stephen Addiss, John Daido Loori, The Zen Art Book: The Art of Enlightenment, p. 15.
  84. ^ a b Shohaku Okumura, Living by Vow: A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts, Simon and Schuster, 2012, p. 1.
  85. ^ Steven Heine, Dale S. Wright (editors), Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Buddhist Theory in Practice, Oxford University Press, USA, 2008, p. 127.
  86. ^ Kapleau, Phillip (1989a). The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice and Enlightenment. NY: Anchor Books, p. 21.
  87. ^ Wilson, Jeff, Mourning the Unborn Dead: A Buddhist Ritual Comes to America
  88. ^ Jiang Wu, Enlightenment in Dispute: The Reinvention of Chan Buddhism in Seventeenth-Century China, Oxford University Press, USA, 2011, pp. 145–147.
  89. ^ Sheng Yen, Shengyan, Orthodox Chinese Buddhism: A Contemporary Chan Master's Answers to Common Questions, North Atlantic Books, 2007, p. 76.
  90. ^ Repentance Ritual of the Emperor of Liang: A complete translation of Repentance Dharma of Kindness and Compassion in the Bodhimanda, Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2017.
  91. ^ Dumoulin, Heinrich , Zen Enlightenment: Origins and Meaning, Shambhala Publications, 2007, p. 136.
  92. ^ Steven Heine, Dale S. Wright (editors), Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Buddhist Theory in Practice, Oxford University Press, USA, 2008, p. 124-25.
  93. ^ Bodiford 1992.
  94. ^ Baroni, Helen J. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Zen Buddhism, The Rosen Publishing Group, 2002, p. 215.
  95. ^ Orzech, Sørensen & Payne 2011, p. 926.
  96. ^ "kwanumzen.org How to practice sitting meditation".
  97. ^ Borup, Jørn, Japanese Rinzai Zen Buddhism: Myōshinji, a living religion, BRILL, 2008, p. 218, 241.
  98. ^ Unno, Mark, Shingon Refractions: Myoe and the Mantra of Light, Ch. 1.
  99. ^ Meinert 2015, pp. 277–278.
  100. ^ Orzech, Sørensen & Payne 2011, pp. 298–299.
  101. ^ Meinert 2015, p. 300.
  102. ^ Orzech, Sørensen & Payne 2011, p. 589.
  103. ^ Orzech, Sørensen & Payne 2011, pp. 617, 635–639.
  104. ^ Orzech, Sørensen & Payne 2011, pp. 924–925.
  105. ^ DT Suzuki discusses what he calls "the Shingon elements of Chinese Zen" in his Manual of Zen Buddhism (1960, 21) and "the Chinese Shingon element" in The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk (1965, 80).
  106. ^ Orzech, Sørensen & Payne 2011, pp. 827–829.
  107. ^ Orzech, Sørensen & Payne 2011, p. 927.
  108. ^ Orzech, Sørensen & Payne 2011, p. 931.
  109. ^ Suzuki 1997, p. 154.
  110. ^ Buswell 1993, p. 245.
  111. ^ Abe & Heine 1996, p. 19.
  112. ^ "Pointing at the moon". Khandro.net. Retrieved 2013-02-04.
  113. ^ "Lankavatara Sutra, chapter LXXXII, p.192 Suzuki-translation, p.223/224 in brackets". Lirs.ru. 2008-06-16. Retrieved 2013-02-04.
  114. ^ Luk n.d., pp. 59-60.
  115. ^ Dumoulin 2005a, p. 85-94.
  116. ^ Lai 1985, p. 17-18.
  117. ^ a b c Cheng 1981.
  118. ^ a b Lai 1985.
  119. ^ Newland 2001, p. 137.
  120. ^ Dan Arnold, Madhyamaka Buddhist Philosophy, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  121. ^ a b Kalupahana 1994, p. 228-236.
  122. ^ Gregory, Peter N. Tsung-Mi and the Sinification of Buddhism, University of Hawaii Press, 2002, p. 7.
  123. ^ Payne, Richard Karl; Leighton, Taigen Dan, eds. (2006). Discourse and Ideology in Medieval Japanese Buddhism. Critical Studies in Buddhism. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415359177.
  124. ^ Buswell 1991, p. 324.
  125. ^ Schlütter 2008, p. 3.
  126. ^ a b c d Sharf 2014.
  127. [[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]="this_citation_requires_a_reference_to_the_specific_page_or_range_of_pages_in_which_the_material_appears. (may_2020)">]-131">^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o McRae 2003, p. [page needed].
  128. ^ Buswell 1991.
  129. ^ McRae 1991.
  130. ^ Stein 1991, p. 43.
  131. ^ McRae 2004, pp. 57, 63.
  132. ^ Lachs 2012, p. 4.
  133. ^ McRae 2004, p. 60.
  134. ^ Buswell 1991, p. 328-330.
  135. ^ Buswell 1991, p. 335-336.
  136. ^ Cheng Chien Bhikshu 1992, p. 24-25.
  137. ^ Heine & Wright 2000, p. 245.
  138. ^ Tomoaki 2003, p. 280.
  139. ^ Tomoaki 2003, p. 284.
  140. ^ "Soto Zen". The Soto Zen Buddhist Association. Retrieved February 19, 2013.
  141. ^ "Thiền Sư THỦY NGUYỆT hiệu THÔNG GIÁC". Thiền Viện Thường Chiếu (in Vietnamese). Retrieved 2019-08-17.
  142. ^ Dumoulin 2005b, p. 380.
  143. ^ Sekida 1996.
  144. ^ Cleary 2010, p. xii–xiii, quoting Hakuin.
  145. ^ Yen 1996, p. 54).
  146. ^ Kapleau 1989.
  147. ^ Low 2006.
  148. ^ a b Low 2000.
  149. ^ Yampolski 1967, p. 112–114.
  150. ^ Sharf 1995c, p. 427.
  151. ^ Sasaki 2009.
  152. ^ Low 2000, p. 4.
  153. ^ a b c Welter 2000.
  154. ^ Welter 2000, p. 94.
  155. ^ Yanagida 2009, p. 62.
  156. ^ Hori 2000, p. 296.
  157. ^ Hori 2000, p. 295-297.
  158. ^ Yoshizawa 2009, p. 42.
  159. ^ Hori 2000, p. 297.
  160. ^ Ferguson 2000, p. 17.
  161. ^ a b c d Lai 2003, p. 17.
  162. ^ a b McRae 2003, p. 62.
  163. ^ Lai 2003, p. 18.
  164. ^ Dumoulin 2005a, p. 49-51.
  165. ^ Snelling 1987, p. 157-158.
  166. ^ Low 2000, p. 83-112.
  167. ^ a b Dumoulin 2005a, p. 45-49.
  168. ^ Low 2000, p. 135-154.
  169. ^ a b c Lai 2003.
  170. ^ Welter 2000, p. 82-86.
  171. ^ Welter 2000, p. 83.
  172. ^ Chappell 1993, p. 192.
  173. ^ a b Koné 2000.
  174. ^ a b Sharf 1995b.
  175. ^ McRae 2002.
  176. ^ Borup 2008.
  177. ^ Hori 1994.
  178. ^ Sharf 1995c.
  179. ^ "Start your Zen meditation practice with an authentic Zen Master of Ningen Zen Kyodan". Ningen Zen Meditation Center. Archived from the original on 2013-03-16. Retrieved 2013-02-04.
  180. ^ Bell 2002.
  181. ^ Lachs 1999.
  182. ^ a b c McMahan 2008.
  183. ^ Sharf 1993.
  184. ^ Sharf 1995a.
  185. ^ McRae 2005.
  186. ^ Heine 2007.
  187. ^ Jorgensen 1991.
  188. ^ a b Heine 2008, p. 6.
  189. ^ "Andre van de Braak, ZEN SPIRITUALITY IN A SECULAR AGE. Charles Taylor and Zen Buddhism in the West". Retrieved 2013-02-04.
  190. ^ Wolfe 2009, p. iii.
  191. ^ Katz 2007.
  192. ^ a b c Ferguson 2000, p. 3.
  193. ^ McRae 2003, p. 11-15.
  194. ^ McRae 2003, p. 11-21.
  195. ^ a b McRae 2003, p. 13, 15–17.
  196. ^ McRae 2003, p. 13, 17–18.
  197. ^ Nadeau 2012, p. 89.
  198. ^ Yanagida 2009, p. 63.
  199. ^ a b McRae 2003, p. 13, 18–19.
  200. ^ a b McRae 2003, p. 13, 19–21.
  201. ^ a b Gimello 1994.
  202. ^ McRae 2003, p. 13.
  203. ^ a b Brown Holt 1995.
  204. ^ Goddard 2007, p. 10.
  205. ^ Verstappen 2004, p. 5.
  206. ^ a b c d Fowler 2005, p. 79.
  207. ^ a b Grigg 1994.
  208. ^ Goddard 2007, p. 11.
  209. ^ a b c Oh 2000.
  210. ^ Dumoulin 2005a, p. 65.
  211. ^ Dumoulin 2005a, p. 64.
  212. ^ Dumoulin 2005a, pp. 70&74.
  213. ^ Dumoulin 2005a, p. 167.
  214. ^ a b Dumoulin 2005a, p. 168.
  215. ^ Lai 2003, p. 11.
  216. ^ Lai 2003, p. 8.
  217. ^ Yampolski 1967, p. 29, note 87.
  218. ^ Wang 2017, p. 4.
  219. ^ Wang 2017, p. 5.
  220. ^ Cheng Chien Bhikshu 1992, p. 9.
  221. ^ Wang 2017, p. 6.
  222. ^ Wang 2017, p. 7-9.
  223. ^ Dumoulin 2005a.
  224. ^ Ray, Gary L. The Northern Ch'an School And Sudden Versus Gradual Enlightenment Debates In China And Tibet, Institute Of Buddhist Studies Berkeley.
  225. ^ a b Wang 2017, p. 13.
  226. ^ Wang 2017, p. 14.
  227. ^ a b Wang 2017, p. 20.
  228. ^ Yampolski 2003a, p. 15.
  229. ^ Yu, Chun-Fang, 1979, Ta-hui Tsung-kao and Kung-an Ch'an, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, v. 6, p. 211-235
  230. ^ McRae 2003, pp. 119–120.
  231. ^ Yampolski 2003b, p. 266.
  232. ^ Welter 2006.
  233. ^ Wang 2017, p. 23, 27.
  234. ^ Schlütter 2008.
  235. ^ Wang 2017, p. 29.
  236. ^ Heng-Ching Shih (1987). Yung-Ming's Syncretism of Pure Land and Chan, The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 10 (1), p. 117
  237. ^ Wang 2017, p. 31.
  238. ^ Littlejohn, Ronnie. "Daoist Philosophy". The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. ISSN 2161-0002.
  239. ^ Stanley Weinstein, "The Schools of Chinese Buddhism," in Kitagawa & Cummings (eds.), Buddhism and Asian History (New York: Macmillan 1987) pp. 257–265, 264.
  240. ^ a b Wang 2017, p. 34.
  241. ^ Sharf 2002.
  242. ^ Keown, Damien. A Dictionary of Buddhism. 2003. p. 104
  243. ^ Meng-Tat Chia 2011.
  244. ^ Buswell, Robert Jr; Lopez, Donald S. Jr., eds. (2013). "Xuyun", in Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. p. 1017. ISBN 9780691157863.
  245. ^ Wang 2017, p. 38-39.
  246. ^ Powers, John, A Concise Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Oneworld Publications, 2013 , p.238
  247. ^ Borup, Jørn; Qvortrup Fibiger, Marianne; Eastspirit: Transnational Spirituality and Religious Circulation in East and West, BRILL, 2017, p. 168.
  248. ^ a b "Rinzai-Obaku Zen – What is Zen? – History". Zen.rinnou.net. Retrieved 2013-02-04.
  249. ^ Aitken 1994.
  250. ^ Josephine Nock-Hee Park, Apparitions of Asia: modernist form and Asian American poetics, p. 63
  251. ^ Watts, Alan W. (1958). "Beat Zen, Square Zen, and Zen". Chicago Review. Vol. 12 no. 2. pp. 3–11. JSTOR 25293448.
  252. ^ Fromm, Erich (1960). Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism. George Allen & Unwin. ISBN 0-04-616029-9.

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Modern popular works
  • D.T. Suzuki, Essays in Zen Buddhism, First Series (1927), Second Series (1933), Third Series (1934)
  • R. H. Blyth, Zen and Zen Classics, 5 volumes (1960–1970; reprints of works from 1942 into the 1960s)
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  • Paul Reps & Nyogen Senzaki, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones (1957)
  • Philip Kapleau, The Three Pillars of Zen (1966)
  • Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (1970)
  • Katsuki Sekida, Zen Training: Methods & Philosophy (1975)
Classic historiography
  • Dumoulin, Heinrich (2005), Zen Buddhism: A History. Volume 1: India and China. World Wisdom Books. ISBN 978-0-941532-89-1
  • Dumoulin, Heinrich (2005), Zen Buddhism: A History. Volume 2: Japan. World Wisdom Books. ISBN 978-0-941532-90-7
Critical historiography


  • Heine, Steven (2007), "A Critical Survey of Works on Zen since Yampolsky" (PDF), Philosophy East & West, 57 (4): 577–592, doi:10.1353/pew.2007.0047, S2CID 170450246

Formation of Chán in Tang & Song China

  • McRae, John (2004), The Sutra of Queen Śrīmālā of the Lion's Roar and the Vimalakīrti Sutra (PDF), Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, ISBN 1886439311, archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-09-12
  • Welter, Albert (2000), Mahakasyapa's smile. Silent Transmission and the Kung-an (Koan) Tradition. In: Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright (eds)(2000): "The Koan. Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Schlütter, Morten (2008), How Zen became Zen. The Dispute over Enlightenment and the Formation of Chan Buddhism in Song-Dynasty China, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, ISBN 978-0-8248-3508-8


  • Bodiford, William M. (1993), Sōtō Zen in Medieval Japan, University of Hawaii Press, ISBN 0-8248-1482-7

Modern times

  • Victoria, Brian Daizen (2006), Zen at war (Second ed.), Lanham e.a.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Orientalism and East-West interchange

  • Borup, Jorn (n.d.), Zen and the Art of inverting Orientalism: religious studies and genealogical networks
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  • McMahan, David L. (2008), The Making of Buddhist Modernism. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-518327-6
Contemporary practice
  • Borup, Jørn (2008), Japanese Rinzai Zen Buddhism: Myōshinji, a Living Religion, Brill
  • Hori, Victor Sogen (1994), "Teaching and Learning in the Zen Rinzai Monastery" (PDF), Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol (1): 5–35, doi:10.2307/132782, JSTOR 132782 |volume= has extra text (help)
  • Buswell, Robert E. (1993a), The Zen Monastic Experience: Buddhist Practice in Contemporary Korea, Princeton University Press

  • thezensite
  • Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library
  • Chart of (Asian) Zen schools
  • Glossary of Japanese Zen terms
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: entry on Japanese Zen Buddhism
  • What is Zen Buddhism?