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Десять Этапы Сутра ( санскритское : Daśabhūmika Сутра ; упрощенный китайский :十地经, традиционный китайский :十地經; пиньинь : shí dì Jing ; тибетский : འཕགས་ པ་ ས་ བཅུ་ པའི་ མདོ ་. Уайли : Phags ра са BCU pa'i mdo ), также известная как Дашабхумика-сутра , является одним из первых влиятельных писаний буддизма Махаяны . Сутра также появляется как 26-я глава Аватамсака-сутры .

Содержание [ править ]

В Daśabhūmika Сутре , то Будда описывает десять стадии развития , что Бодхисаттва должны прогрессировать через того , чтобы достичь полного просветления и будды, а также предмет природы Будды и пробуждения стремления к Просветлению.

Комментарий [ править ]

A commentary on the Daśabhūmika Sūtra, the Dasabhūmikabhāsya, was written by Vasubandhu in Sanskrit and translated into Chinese by Bodhiruci and others during the 6th century CE.

The Madhyamakāvatāra is a commentary on the meaning of Nagarjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā and the Daśabhūmikasūtra-śāstra.[1]

Chinese Daśabhūmikā school[edit]

A Daśabhūmikā school said to have existed in China at one time, which centered on this sutra, but was later absorbed by the Huayan school, as the Huayan school's principal sutra, the Avataṃsaka Sūtra, already contains the Daśabhūmika Sūtra. The Daśabhūmika Sūtra can also be found in modified form in the thirty-ninth chapter as part of the journey of the bodhisattva Sudhana. The Huayan school declined in China after the death of its fifth and best known patriarch, Zongmi (780–841), but they provided major foundational teachings for the Mahayana schools which exist today, such as Zen. The last vestige of the Huayan school today exists as the Kegon school in Japan, and its last temple is the great Tōdai-ji, perhaps the largest wooden building in the world.

See also[edit]

  • Chinese Buddhism


  1. ^ Rigpa Shedra (January 2009). 'Introduction to the Middle Way'. Source: [1] (accessed: April 10, 2009)

External links[edit]

  • List of Mahayana Sutras
  • The Phenomenal Flower Garland
  • Yin-Shun (1998). The Way to Buddhahood: Instructions from a Modern Chinese Master. Wisdom Publications. ISBN 0-86171-133-5.